Why Environmental Education Is Important: Breaking The Indoor Habit

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Why Environmental Education is Important

Tomorrows leaders need to be equipped for tomorrows challenges, and we must adequately
prepare our children for the future they will inherit. That requires a commitment to providing
children with environmental education that helps them become the educated thought leaders of

Breaking the Indoor Habit

America is in the midst of one of the most profound and rapid societal shifts in history. Todays
generation of children is the first to grow up indoors. Their plugged-in lives are often devoid of
exploring the natural world. Consider these facts:

American children ages 3 -12 spend 27 percent of their time each week watching
television, and only 1 percent outdoors (Hofferth & Sadberg, 2001)

Children ages 8 18 engaged in over seven hours of media time (e.g., watching TV,
listening to music, using the Internet/computer, playing video games) each day (Rideout,
Foehr & Roberts, 2010)

Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of U.S. children and adolescents aged 219 years
were obese in 2008 (Ogden & Carroll, 2010)

In 2000 two-thirds of the public failed a basic environmental quiz and 88 percent failed a
basic energy quiz (Coyle, 2005)

This movement indoors is not benign; there are costs to the health of our children: attention
difficulties, hyperactivity, childhood obesity, diminished use of senses, disconnect from things
that are real. Additionally, if children are detached from nature, how will they learn about,
understand, and value nature? How will the next generation care about the land and be stewards
of its resources?
Raising an environmentally literate generation of problem solvers will help ensure that
tomorrows decision-makers are prepared for the challenges they will likely face. Studies have
shown environmental education engages students in learning, raises test scores, and encourages
youth to pursue career in environmental and natural resources.

Benefits of Environmental Education

Research suggests that environmental education (EE) brings a slew of benefits to students. A
few key findings include:

Studying EE Creates Enthusiastic Students, Innovative Teacher-Leaders EE offers

opportunities for rich, hands-on, real world and relevant learning across the curriculum
(Archie, 2003).

EE Helps Build Critical Thinking, and Relationship Skills Environment-based

education emphasizes specific critical thinking skills central to good science
questioning, investigating, forming hypotheses, interpreting data, analyzing, developing
conclusions, and solving problems (Archie, 2003).

EE Instructional Strategies Help Foster Leadership Qualities Environmental

education emphasizes cooperative learning (i.e., working in teams or with partners),
critical thinking and discussion, hands-on activities, and a focus on action strategies with
real-world applications (NAAEE & NEETF, 2001).

Self Control/Self Discipline Benefits for Children with ADD Taylor and her
colleagues found that children with attention-deficit disorder (ADD) benefited from more
exposure to nature the greener a childs everyday environment, the more manageable are
the symptoms of ADD (Taylor, 2001).

Increased Focus/Improved Cognition Wells observed that proximity to nature, access

to views of nature, and daily exposure to natural settings increases the ability of children
to focus and improves cognitive abilities. (Wells, 2000).

Health Benefits At the school environment level Bell and Dyment observed that
children who experience school grounds or play areas with diverse natural settings are
more physically active, more aware of good nutrition, more creative, and more civil to
one another. (Bell, 2006).

Growing the Next Generation of Environmental Stewards

The future of the environment, natural resources, and our quality of life begins with the
education of todays youth.
Project Learning Tree helps educators teach the next generation what our environment provides
and what it requires to remain healthy and sustainable for the future. Students develop
awareness, knowledge, and an appreciation for the environment. Through the community action
components of many PLT activities, plus PLTs service-learning programs GreenSchools and
GreenWorks!, PLT encourages students to improve their school, home, and neighborhood based
on what they learn in the classroom.

How Project Learning Tree Makes a Difference

PLT provides educators with peer-reviewed, award-winning curriculum materials to engage
students in learning about the environment. We show teachers how easy it is to incorporate
environmental education into their everyday lesson plans using our hands-on, multi-disciplinary

materials that are aligned to state and national academic standards. Our trainings also focus on
developing teachers confidence and skills for taking students outdoors to learn.
More than 675,000 teachers have received training in Project Learning Tree since the program
began in 1976 making PLT one of the most widely-used environmental education programs in
the United States.
By teaching students how to think, not what to think, about complex environmental issues, PLT
is helping young people learn the problem-solving skills they need to make informed choices
about the environment. We are also helping to prepare a 21st century workforce faced with
devising solutions to increasingly complex environmental issues, like climate change and energy.
Learn more about Project Learning Tree.


Get our educational materials and professional development by participating in an in-person
workshop or an online course.


Get information relevant to your state, plus local assistance and connections to resources and
professionals in your community.


Get funding to help your students complete an action project to improve their environment.
Deadline to apply is Sept. 30.

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