106 Real Time Abap Interview Questions

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SAP ABAP/4 interview Questions and Answers :-

SAP ABAP interview Questions and Answers

SAP ABAP DATA DICTIONARY Interview Questions and Answers :

1. What are the layers of data descriptions in R/3?
The external layer

The ABAP/4 layer

The database layer

2. Define external layer.
The external layer is the plane at which the user sees and interactsWith the data, that is, the data format in the user interface. This data Format is independent of
the database system used.

3. Define ABAP/4 layer?

The ABAP/4 layer describes the data formats used by the ABAP/4 processor.
4. Define Database layer ?
The database layer describes the data formats used in the database.
5. What is a Data Class?
The Data class determines in which table space the table is stored when itis created in the database.
6. What is a Size Category?
The Size category describes the probable space requirement of the tablein the database.
7. How Many types of size categories and data classes are there?
There are five size categories (0-4) and 11 data classes, only three ofwhich are appropriate for application
APPL0 Master data (data frequently accessed but rarely updated)

APPL1 Transaction data (data that is changed frequently)

APPL2 Organizational data (customizing data that is entered when system is Configured and then rarely changed)
The other two types are
USR1 Intended for customers own developments
8. What are control tables?
The values specified for the size category and data class are mapped to database-specific values via control tables.
9. What is the function of the transport system and workbench organizer?
The function of the transport system and the Workbench Organizer is tomanage any changes made to objects of the ABAP/4 Development Workbench and to
transport these changes between different SAP systems.
10. What is a table pool?
A table pool (or pool) is used to combine several logical tables in the
ABAP/4 Dictionary. The definition of a pool consists of at least two keys
Fields and a long argument field (VARDATA).
11. What are pooled tables?
These are logical tables which must be assigned to a table pool when they are defined. Pooled tables can be used to store control data (such as Screen sequences or
program parameters).

12. What is a table cluster?

A table cluster combines several logical tables in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. Several logical rows from different cluster tables are brought together in a single physical
record. The records from the cluster tables assigned to a cluster are thus stored in a single common table in the database.
13. How can we access the correction and transport system?
Each time you create a new object or change an existing object in the ABAP/4 Dictionary, you branch automatically to the Workbench Organizer or correction and
transport system.

14. Which objects are independent transport objects?

Domains, Data elements, Tables, Technical settings for tables, Secondary indexes for transparent tables,Structures,Views, Match code objects, Match code IDs,Lock

15. How is conversion of data types done between ABAP/4 & DB layer?
Conversion between ABAP/4 data types and the database layer is done within the database interface.
16. How is conversion of data types done between ABAP/4 & external level?
Conversion between the external layer and the ABAP/4 layer is done in the SAP dialog manager DYNP.
17. What are the Data types of the external layer?
18. What are the Data types of the ABAP/4 layer?
Possible ABAP/4 data types:
C: Character.
D: Date, format YYYYMMDD.
F: Floating-point number in DOUBLE PRECISION (8 bytes).
I: Integer.
N: Numerical character string of arbitrary length.
P: Amount or counter field (packed; implementation depends on hardware platform).
T: Time of day HHMMSS.
V: Character string of variable length, length is given in the first two bytes.
X: Hexadecimal (binary) storage.
19.How can we set the tablespaces and extent sizes ?

You can specify the extent sizes and the tablespace (physical storage area in the database) in which a transparent table is to be stored by setting the size category
and data class.

20. What is the function of the correction system?

The correction system manages changes to internal system components,such as objects of the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
21. What are local objects?
Local objects (Dev class $TMP) are independent of correction and transport system.
22. What is a Development class?
Related objects from the ABAP/4 repository are assigned to the samedevelopment class.This enables you to correct and transport related objects as a unit.
23.What is a data dictionary ?
Data dictionary is a central source of data in a data management system. Its main function is to support the creation and management of data definitions. It has
details about

What data is contained ?

What are the attributes of the data ?
What is the relationship existing between the various data elements ?
23. What functions does a data dictionary perform ?
In a data management system, the principal functions performed by the data dictionary are
Management of data definitions

Provision of information for evaluation

Support for software developmen
Support form documentation

Ensuring that the data definitions are flexible and up-to-date.

24. What are the features of ABAP/4 Dictionary
The most important features are
Integrated to ABAP/4 Development Workbench
Active in the runtime environment
25. What are the uses of the information in the Data dictionary ?
The following information is directly taken from the Data dictionary :
Information on fields displayed with F1 help
Possible entries for fields displayed with F4 help
Matchcode and help views search utitlities.
26.What are the basic objects of the data dictionary ?
Data elements
Foreign keys
27. What are the aggregate objects in the data dictionary?
Lock objects
28.In the ABAP/4 Dictionary Tables can be defined independent of the underlying database (T/F)
29. ABAP/4 Dictionary contains the Logical _ (Logical/Physical) definition of the table.
30. A field containing currency amounts (data type CURR) must be assigned to a reference table and a reference field. Explain.
As a reference table, a system table containing all the valid currencies is assigned or any other table which
contains a field with the currency key format. This field is called as reference field. The assignment of the field

containing currency amounts to the reference field is made at runtime. The value in the reference field determines
the currency of the amount.
31. A field containing quantity amounts (data type QUAN) must be assigned to a reference table and a reference field. Explain.
As a reference table, a system table containing all the valid quantity units is assigned or any other table which
contains a field with the format for quantity units (data type UNIT). This field is called as reference field. The
assignment of the field containing quantity amounts to the reference field is made at runtime. The value in the
reference field determines the quantity unit of the amount.
32. What is the significance of Technical settings (specified while creating a table in the data dictionary) ?
By specifying technical settings we can control how database tables are created in the database. The technical
settings allows us to
optimize storage space requiremnets
table access behaviour
buffering required
changes to entries logged
33.What is a Table attribute ?
The table attributes determine who is responsible for maintaining a table and which types of access are allowed for
the table. The most important table attributes are:
a. Delivery class
b. Table maintenance allowed
c. Activation type.
34. What is the significance of Delivery Class ?
The delivery class controls the degree to which the SAP or the customer is responsible for table maintenance
whether SAP provides the table with or without contents.
determines the table type.
determines how the table behaves when it is first installed, at upgrade, when it is transported, and when a client
copy is performed.
35. What is the maximum number of structures that can be included in a table or structure
36. What are the two methods of modifying Sap standard tables ?
Append Structures and
Customizing Includes.
39. What is the difference between a Substructure and an Append Structure ?
In case of a substructure, the reference originates in the table itself, in the forma of a statement .include .
In case of an append structure, the table itself remains unchanged and the refrence originates in the append
40. To how many tables can an append structure be assigned ?
Typical SAP ABAP DATA DICTIONARY Interview Questions :
41. If a table that is to be extended contains a long field, we cannot use append structures. Why?
Long fields in a table must always be located in the end, as the last field of the table. If a table has an append
structure the append line must also be on the last field of the table.
42.Can we include customizing include or an append structure with Pooled or Cluster tables ?
43. What are the two ways for restricting the value range for a domain ?

By specifying fixed values.

By stipulating a value table.
44. Structures can contain data only during the run time of a program (T/F)
45. What are the aggregate objects in the Dictionary?
Match Code
Lock object
46.What are base tables of an aggregate object?
The tables making up an aggregate object (primary and secondary) are called aggregate object.
47.The data of a view is not physically stored, but derived from one or more tables. (T/F).
48. What are the 2 other types of Views, which are not allowed in Release 3.0?
Structure Views
Entity Views.
49. What is a Match Code?
Match Code is a tool to help us to search for data records in the system. Match codes are an efficient and
user-friendly search aid where key of a record is unknown.
50. What are the two levels in defining a Match Code?
Match Code object
Match Code Id.
51.What is the maximum number of match code Ids that can be defined for one Match code object ?
A match code Id is a one character ID that can be a letter or a number.
52.Can we define our own Match Code IDs for SAP Matchcodes ?
Yes, the numbers 0 to 9 are reserved for us to create our own Match Code IDs for a SAP defined Matchcode object.
53.What is an Update type with reference to a Match code ID?
If the data in one of the base tables of a matchcode ID changes, the matchcode data has to be updated. The update
type stipulates when the matchcode is to be updated and how it is to be done. The update type also specifies which
method is to be used for Building matchcodes . You must specify the update type when you define a matchcode ID.
54.Can matchcode object contain IDs with different update types ?
55.What are the update types possible ?
The following update types are possible:
Update type A: The matchcode data is updated asynchronously to database changes.
Update type S: The matchcode data is updated synchronously to database changes.
Update type P: The matchcode data is updated by the application program.
Update type I: Access to the matchcode data is managed using a database view.
Update type K: Access to the matchcode is achieved by calling a function module.
56.What are the two different ways of building a match code object ?
A match code can be built in two different ways :
Logical structure : The matchcode data is set up temporarily at the moment when the match code is accessed.
(Update type I, K)
Physical structure : The match code data is physically stored in a seperate table in the database. (Update type A,
S, P)

57.What are the differences between a Database index and a match code ?
Match Code can contain fields from severeal tables whereas an index can contain fields from only one table.
Match code objects can be built on transparent tables and pooled and cluster tables.
58.What is the function of a Domain?
A domian describes the technical settings of a table field.
A domain defines a value range, which sets the permissible data values for the fields, which refers to this
A single domain can be used as basis for any number of fields that are identical in structure.
59.Can you delete a domain which is being used by data elements ?
60.What are conversion routines ?
Non standard conversions from display format to sap internal format and vice-versa are implemented with so called conversion routines.
61.What is the function of a data element ?
A data element describes the role played by a domain in a technical context. A data element contains semantic
62.Can a domain, assigned to a data element be changed ?
Yes. We can do so by just overwriting the entry in the field domain).
63.Can you delete data element which is being used by table fields .
64.Can you define a field without a data element ?
Yes. If you want to specify no data element and therefore no domain for a field, you can enter data type and field
length and a ashort text directly in the table maintenance.
65.What are null values ?
If the value of a field in a table is undefined or unknown, it is called a null value.
66.What is the difference between a structure and a table ?
Structures are constructed the almost the same way as tables, the only difference using that no database table is
generated from them.
67.What is a View ?
A view is a logical view on one or more tables. A view on one or more tables i.e, the data from a view is not
actually physically stored instead being derived from one or more tables.
68.How many types of Views are there ?
-Database View
-Help View
-Projection View
-Maintenance View
69.What is Locking ?
When two users simultaneously attempt to access the same data record, this is synchronised by a lock mechanism.
70.What is database utility ?
Database utility is the interface betweenn the ABAP/4 Dictionary and the underlying the SAP system.
71.What are the basic fucntions of Database utility ?
The basic functions of database utility are :
-Create database objects
-Delete database objects
-Adjust database objects to changed ABAP/4 dictionary definition.

72.What is Repository Info. Systems ?

It is a tool with which you can make data stored in the ABAP/4 Dictionary available.
SAP ABAP ALE Interview Questions and Answers :
1. What are the strong features of ALE and how do we benefit from the?
ALE is good because it gives the companies the possibility to enhance the performance of their business and to get solutions for technical and management

problems. We can split businesses allowing operations at local level in an independent way. This splitting brings improved results to companies, better than the
results that they may get at a bigger scale when they are centralized.

This is because they are more flexible and this flexibility assures the adaptation of the information systems to the change speed that we find in the markets these

days. Through distribution we gain a high freedom state, some of the companies that already have a good local management can make connections with the ALE

Virtual connections can be made and partnerships between different companies in this way. Anyway, integration is not the best solution for all issues because many
of the programs that a company uses could not be compatible with a system when we talk about complementary software and legacy systems.

Companies can use a different SAP industry solution or a particular solution to a country that cant work on the same system. If these programs run on two or more
separate systems, they cant be connected with a central database but they will use ALE as an integration method.

ALE can connect SAP Core Systems to CRM, APO or Business Information Warehouse. Not only flexibility is an advantage but ALE has the great advantage of a low
upgrade cost, along with other reduced costs. When the entire system works on a single integrated system the entire system has to be upgraded even in the case
when just company component requires an upgrade.

The Upgrade has an impact on the whole company and for this to be a success the users must be instructed with the new version. A distributed software with

separate single interfaces like ALE we can concentrate to upgrade only the part of a company that is necessary to be updated while keeping the remaining parts the
same with no update or instructions; the advantages of this procedure are obvious- saving big amounts of money and protecting the current investments.

There is one more cost element that influences the communication cost, it is cheaper to have a 64k line connection to the central system than to have an overseas
type of connection.

2. What is the meaning of ALE?

ALE or Application Link Enabling is the totality of tools and business processes that can give the programs the possibility to connect from different computers. The
computer can be two or multiple SAP systems or they can be SAP and non SAP. In one SAP system, through one database multiple applications can be

As example: sales, production, finances, human resources etc. The business that ALE is providing can connect programs from various platforms. Some of the ALE

businesses are found in the SAP standard system, but with the aid of some utilities we can modify the current processes of ALE businesses or insert fresh processes.

Along with the normal business processes there are specific ALE services needed for configuring the distributed environment control, services that contain business
object synchronization, distribution model or utilities for error management and monitoring.

Being a component of the SAP Business Architecture, ALE allows the cooperation of the framework parts, it works like a glue for the Business Framework.
Interview Questions on BDC programs :
1.What should be the approach for writing a BDC program?
1. Analysis the Data.

2. Generate SAP structure.

3. Develop transfer program

4. Create sequential file.

5. Create batch input program.

6. Process batch input data

2.What is the alternative to batch input session?

Call transaction & call dialog
3.What are the problems in processing batch input sessions? How is batch input process different from processing on line?
Sessions cannot be run in parallel and not fast.
4.What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session?
Check no. of records already updated and delete them from input file and run BDC again.
5.What do you do with errors in BDC batch session?

Analysis and correct input file format and entries in internal table BDCDATA.
6.WHAT are the commands that allow you to process sequential file? And what is their syntax?
READ DATASET (reading) and TRANSFER (writing)


7.What is the process for transferring data from legacy system to SAP?

FTP file transfer, Manufacturer specific field transfer NFS(network file system)/BDC.
8.Explain the process to transfer a record to a dataset?

9.Why batch input?

To input a large amount of information at off peak times.

10.Can data be put directly into the database?

No, only after the data has been entered via transaction.
11.Explain at high level, the batch input process?
Ans :- Batch data is placed into queues called batch input sessions , then placed into the application programs for maintenance into the database.
12.What are the function modules associated with batch input?
13.What is the structure of the BDC table?
Ans :- Program/Dynpro/start/field name/ field content.
14.Write out a coding example for filling a BDC Table.





15.How do you find the transaction number, program number and field names?
Ans : Transaction no.,program no. System -> status
Field names F1, Technical help
16.What are the processing modes for Batch Input?
Ans :- Process on screen(foreground) , Display errors only and process in the background
17.What are the available OK Codes that can be utilized during batch input processing?
Ans : /n terminates current batch input transaction and marks as incorrect.
/bdel delete current batch input transaction from session.
/bend terminate batch input processing and mark session as incorrect.
/bda change display mode to process the session on screen instead of displaying only errors.
/bde change display mode to display only errors instead of processing the session on the screen.
18.What is the effect of the BDC_CURSOR field name in the BDC table?
Ans :- You can set the cursor and enter as a corresponding field value the name of the field on which the cursor is to be positioned .
19.Why you choose Call transaction and/or session method?
Call transaction is mainly used when you want to update the database using a single transaction , you can also update the database in asynchronous mode, where as
session is used to perform huge database updations using more than one transaction and which will last for a long time.
20.How you trap errors in call Transaction

Errors while updating the database using call transaction technique are trapped using a structure bdcmsgcall, whose field msgtyp become e when an error record

is encountered. Those records are formatted using format_message function call in the desired format and stored in an internal table for listing of all error records
in one shot.

21.What are different types of Update modes?

In BDCs we have two types of updation modes 1) Synchronous 2) Asynchronous
22.What is main difference between session method and LSMW
In the context of session method,
the method of updating is Batch Input ,
we require a program to be coded,
But in the context of LSMW method,
The methods of updating
using Batch Input/Direction Input
from an IDOC,
from a BAPI structure.
No source code is required, the complete operation is performed in 16 steps sequence
23.What is main difference between CATT and LSMW
Using LSMW you can update any kind of data but no changes to database are allowed, where as CATT tool can update only master data, which also allows changes
to the master data and also a significant testing of data is possible
24.What is BDC and How you use it?
BC Basis ComponentsABAP workbenchBC Basis Programming interfacesData transfer .
During data transfer, data is transferred from an external system into the SAP R/3 System. Transfer data from an external system into an R/3 System as it is
installed. Transfer data regularly from an external system into an R/3 System.

Example: If data for some departments in your company is input using a system other than the R/3 System, you can still integrate this data in the R/3 System. To
do this, you export the data from the external system and use a data transfer method to import it into the R/3 System.
Batch input with batch input sessions : Data consistency check with the help of screen logic.
With the batch input method, an ABAP program reads the external data that is to be entered in the R/3 System and stores the data in a batch input session. The
session records the actions that are required to transfer data into the system using normal SAP transactions.

When the program has generated the session, you can run the session to execute the SAP transactions in it. You can explicitly start and monitor a session with the
batch input management function (by choosing System Services Batch input), or have the session run in the background processing system.

Use the BDC_OPEN_GROUP function module to create a new session. Once you have created a session, then you can insert batch input data into it with

BDC_INSERT. Use the BDC_INSERT function module to add a transaction to a batch input session. Use the BDC_CLOSE_GROUP function module to close a
session after you have inserted all of your batch input data into it.
25.What are the steps in a BDC session ?
The first step in a BDC session is to identify the screens of the transaction that the program will process. Next step is to write a program to build the BDC table that
will be used to submit the data to SAP. The final step is to submit the BDC table to the system in the batch mode or as a single transaction by the CALL

Enhancements Interview Questions with Answers :

1. What are the different ways in which you can make changes to SAP standard software ?

Enhancements to the SAP Standard

Modifications to the SAP Standard
Customer Development
2. What is customizing?

Customizing is the setting of system parameters via SAPs own interface.

3. Why do you need enhancements?
The standard applications do not offer some of the functionality you need. The R/3 enhancement concept allows you to add your own functionality to SAPs
standard business applications.

4. What are the different types of enhancements?

Enhancements using customer exits Customers potential requirements which are not included in the standard software are incorporated in the standard as empty
modification shells. Customers can then fill these with their own coding. Enhancements can relate to programs, menus and screens. Upward compatibility is
assured. In other words, SAP guarantees that the jump from the standard software to the exit and the interface which call the exit will remain valid in future

Enhancements to ABAP/4 Dictionary elements

These are ABAP/4 Dictionary enhancements (creation of table appends), text enhancements (customer-specific key words and documentation for data elements)
and field exits (creation of additional coding for data elements).
5. What is customer development?
Creating customer-specific objects within the customer name range.
6. What is SSCR?
SSCR (SAP Software Change Registration) is a procedure, for registering all manual changes to SAP source coding and SAP Dictionary objects.
7. What is the difference between modifications and enhancements?
Modifications mean making changes to the SAP standard functionality.
Enhancements mean adding some functionality to SAP standard functionality.
8. What are the disadvantages of modification?
Modifying standard code can lead to errors
Modifications mean more work during software upgrades
9. What are the advantages of enhancements?
Do not affect standard SAP source code
Do not affect software upgrades
10. When do you opt for modification?
Customer exits are not available for all programs and screens within the R/3 standard applications. You can only
use exits if they already exist within the SAP R/3 System. Otherwise you have to opt for modifications.
11. What are the various types of customer exits?
Menu exits

Screen exits

Function module exits

Keyword exits

12. What is a menu exit?

Adding items to the pull-down menus in standard R/3 applications.
13. What is a screen exit ?
Adding fields to the screens within R/3 applications. SAP creates screen exits by placing special sub screen areas within a standard R/3 screen and calling a
customer sub screen from within the standard dynpros flow logic.
14. What is a function module exit?
Adding functionality to R/3 applications. Function module exits play a role in both menu and screen exits.
15. What is a keyword exit?
Add documentation to the data elements of key words defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. The system displays this documentation whenever a user presses F1 to get
online help for a screen field.

16. How does SAP organize its exits?

SAP organizes its exits in packages that are called SAP enhancements. Each SAP enhancement can contain many individual exits.
17. What is an add-on project?
To take advantage of the exits available within standard R/3 applications, you need to create an add-on project.This project lets you organize the enhancement
packages and exits you want to use. The add-on project also allows you to hang add-on functionality onto the exit hooks contained with SAP enhancements.
SAP ABAP internal Tables interview questions and Answers :
Q1: What is the meaning of Data Clusters?

A1: Data clusters are the way in which every type of complex internal data objects from an application in ABAP/4 are grouped. They are also deposited in the

memory of BAP/4 for a limited period of time or in databases for a longer time. The databases of this type have the name accordingly, they are named cluster

databases and their construction is predefined. This type of depositing data clusters is a particular feature of ABAP/4. With the aid of SQL statements it is possible
to enter cluster databases and the data clusters that have been deposited in ABAP/4 can be decoded only by ABAP/4.
Q2: What is the meaning of these terms in SAP: application server and presentation server?

A2: An application server manages the output /input of ABAP/4 programs and interprets them. Application servers are groups of executables. Presentation servers
are programs from the workstations of users that are called like this: Sapgui.exe.
Q3: In what way are Get and SET different?

A3: GET PARAMETER IF FIELD: The value deposited in ID is met in the variable by the statement, if a value is not found in SAP memory, the system configures
SY-SUBRC to 4, in a different case is 0. SET PARAMETER ID FIELD: The field contents from ID are stored in SAP memory in a code with up to 20 characters in
length. If a value is found there already it will be overwritten, if there is no ID we have to make a new parameter object by double-clicking the ABAP Editor.
Q4: What is the meaning of Field group, extract data set?

A4: Extract data sets are made of records sequences, we can have various structures for the records, record types are in fact a group of records that have the same

structure. Every record type that an extract dataset has can be defined as a field group with the statement FIELD GROUPS. The FIELD GROUPS statement brings
multiple fields together with providing one single name. Usually we should declare the field groups when the declaration part in a program is finished, this will

make everything clearer.Field groupsdontgenerate field space but they show the fields that already exist, they show us the records content if the records are met in
the extract dataset.

Q5:What is the way for accessing data that is found on an application server and on a presentation server in ABAP/4?

A5: We will have to make use of these modules: UPLOAD or WS_UPLOAD for the presentation server and OPEN DATASET, CLOSE DATASET, READ DATASET
for the application server.

Q7: For reading we use READ DATASET, for writing we use TRANSFER and for mode at POSITION MESSAGE, OPEN DATASET.


Q8: How do we separate these statements: assign and move?

A8: Assign: at data object assigning, the data projects technical attributes are verified by the system for compatibility with every type specifications of the field

symbol (ASSIGN TO). General attributes can be taken by the field symbol if they are not found in the field type specifications. If we go with the assignment it shows
in the memory. Move: the MOVE statement is used for giving data object values to variables. It can be found as text symbol, literal, constant but it is not necessary
to be found as a variable. No matter what the personal configurations the user has the decimal points always have to be stated with a period (,).
Q9: How do we make a separation between these terms: appending, input and output?

A9: Through appending we understand opening a file in order to write at its end. In the case the file is not found we have to make it. Through input we understand

the opening a file to read it and through output we mean opening a file for the purpose of writing. The file in which we write will be overwritten if it is already there
and made if it doesnt exist already.

Q10: How do we proceed for a row in a table when we want to run a report?

A10: In this case we will make use of the Graphics Multiplexer. We will have a procedure that resembles screen capture that allows us to capture just the data. With
this data graphs can be designed 2D or 3D, a feature that we can always access from the Menu-generate Graphics. In this way the required data can be dragged and
we can choose the data we need for making a graph. After selection we must hit Graphics and the Graphics Multiplexer will be opened.
Q11: At the creation of internal tables what is the criteria configuration of the value of an occurs?

A11: What we have to do for configuring the value of an occurs is to make optimizations and for this we have to keep in mind some things like:
a) The default declared size will be maintained in the roll area faster program access.
b) The whole data area of the application will be 64 kilobytes.

c) The data inserted that is bigger than the default size is deposited in the roll file- the program is accessed slow.
More, prior to deciding to do an optimization we have to analyze the rates of access and the volume .
Q12: What is the syntax and function used for command AUTHORITY CHECK?

IF SY-SUBRC NE 0. The verification for authorization from the user part for starting a specific action is made by AUTHORITY CHECK.
Q13: What are the details regarding the debugger screen functions?

A13: Single step or F5 is an option that can be used to go through a program by every statement, in the function modules and subroutines that will run also step by
step. After the processing of every function module or subroutine with the aid of the statements CALL FUNCTION and PERFORM the control can go back at the

statement. Execute or F6 is an option for running a program with every line, so in a single line the statements will be processed all at once. When we use Execute
and we are on a line invoking a subroutine , the entire subroutine will be processed and it will go to the line with the subroutine invoking, and we can go from
statement to statement inside the subroutine. Return or F7: When control is going back to the main program, also the debugger will go back there from the

subroutine. Return is an option that is good for going back to the invoking program from a subroutine , invoked program or function module. Continue or F8 is an

option good for processing the program up to the following dynamic or static breakpoint or the location of the cursor. When the breakpoints dont exist anymore
and there is no cursor, the remaining part of the program will be processed normally and the system will go out of the debugging mode.

Q14: What is the role of the following commands: IMPORT and EXPORT? When we use IMPORT what is the way for passing multiple data

A14: IMPORT: The statement used or reading the data objects from the memory into a program in ABAP/4 has this syntax: IMPORT FROM MEMORY ID. The

data objects that are read are found in a memory cluster in the form of a list. Without the option TO the same name will be found at assigning the data object from
the memory to the one from the application. In this case the data object will be read in the field from memory and the memory cluster will be seen by the name,
which can be of a maximum of 32 characters in length. We dont really have to read every object that was deposited on a specific name, the object count can be

restricted by the names of the objects. When on a specific name in the memory there are no objects then SYSUBRC will be four. In another case when the name
from memory has a data cluster then SY-SUBRC will be 0 no matter if there is nor not a data object contained.

EXPORT: The statement and syntax used for reading data objects from the program into memory in ABAP/4 is: EXPORT TO MEMORY ID. A cluster in the

memory is where the data objects are deposited in form of a list, when FROM is not used the data object will be stored in the name of the data object, when FORM
is used a name will be used for storage and it will represent the cluster from the memory, 32 maximum characters in length. If we have the same name already
EXPORT will overwrite what it finds in the current data cluster.
Q15: What types of Internal tables exist?
A15: The Internal table type are:

a) The standard table: for key access to this type of table linear search is used, so the duration needed for a search has a linear connection to how many table entries
we have. For accessing standard tables it is best to use index operations.

b) The hashed table: it is a table that will be handled using an internal hash procedure and it will only be available to access with the generic (key) operations like
LOOP, SORT and others, so implicit/explicit index operations are forbidden.

c) The sorted table: it is a table that is every time sorted in the right way and to access it we need to use binary keys. The index from the lower level is picked up by
the system if we dont have a unique key. The table count determines directly in a logarithmic way the needed runtime for key access.

d) The index table: is the table which is possible for us to access with the aid of an index. Its solely purpose if to say what kind of generic parameters we will have in
a function or form.

Q16: How do we describe the Check statements and what is their mechanism?

A16: The Check statement is used for finishing one loop pass conditionally, when the condition says true the rest of the statements from the actual statement
block will be ignored and will begin the next loop.

Q17: How can we describe the following commands: MODIFY LINE and READ LINE?

A17: The MODIFY LINE statement is meant for changing the lines of a full list from inside the program and the READ LINE statement is used for reading data
found on the lines from the current levels. READ LINE is the same as READ CURRENT LINE and they are both related to HIDE.
Q18: In what way is made the client specification regarding data processing?


Q19: How do we describe Activation?

A19: In the time of activation, the runtime object of aggregate object/tables is being made, it will be buffered for the purpose of faster access from the application
program; it contains details regarding the following objects of table: domain, data elements, field definition, table definition.

Q20: What is the best way for reading database table lines in an internal table in the form of packs of a known size?

A20: SELECT *FROM SPFLI INTO TABLE ITAB PACKAGE SIZE N (N being the variable). We must give a name to the WILDCARD characters that are meant to
be compared with numeric and character strings.

Q21: What do we mean by Lock Mechanism?

A21: The Lock Mechanism stops the beginning of a fresh database operation when another has been finished in the right way. At the end of a conversion the lock
will be made automatically if the conversion is correct.

Q22: What is the meaning of these terms: Switching changes, storing changes and cancelling changes?

A22: The switching changes are the switches from active to revised version, the storing changes mean that active version will be deposited for a limited period of
time in versions and cancelling changes will make a reset of the revised versions to be an active versions.
Q23: What is the significance of restart adjustment and cancel adjustment?

A23: With restart adjustment will continue the conversion when it is at the finish point and with cancel adjustment the lock entry will be erased from table.
Q24: What is the version catalog and what types of versions exist?

A24: The version catalog is the list that contains very version of an object in existence. The version types are:
a) The active version: is the version made at the program activation.

b) The revised version: is the version made at the editing of the current project.

c) The temporary version: is the version made at the temporary copying of the active version in the database that has store version functions.
d) The historical version: is the version made at the making of the correction and at the release of the correction.

Q25: How do we show the internal table contents and how does a program run in background?

A25: We can push F9 from the selection screen but not before we fill the screen, then the display will show a request for the user to print Background Parameters.
Then we write the output device, that can be for example HPLI/SAP2. Print has to be unchecked urgently from the spool options then we c also delete then new
spool request. After we hit enter a screen will be displayed showing the start time of the heading , we may pres start now and save. In this way we have a

background job started for the specific program, for displaying its status we will use this transaction code: SM37. Then from the screen that appears Job overview

then we select our program then Spool in the toolbar of the application the Output Controller and List of Spool Requests. After this-we select our Spool request and

we hit the Display icon that we see in the overview. The List should appear. We have to be careful because if the list exceeds 255 columns it will become truncated in

Q26: Which are the buffering types?

A26: Buffering can be full, generic or single record. In the first case the entire table or nothing will we found in the buffer while in the case of generic buffering the
generic locations from the buffer are buffered entirely. Single record buffering is the third case in which the currently accessed records will be loaded into buffers.
Q27: What is generic key and generic area?

A27: The generic key is the left part of the first table key. The generic area represents every record that correspond to generic key fields.
Q28: How do we separate these terms: invoking a program, transactions with or without return and what is the way to succeed?

A28: When using AND RETURN the data of the invoking executable will be deposited by the system and the system will go back to the invoking once the invoked

program was processed. The execution of the invoking program will be retaken when the statement is made. When we dont add AND RETURN the entire data and
the stages of the list that the invoking program has or we can say the whole internal session will be erased. Once the executable program is terminated the control

will go back to where that start of the invoking program was. When it comes to transaction we have: CALL TRANSACTION [AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN] [USING].

It is a statement that preserves the invoking program data and the transaction begins. When the transaction finishes , the system will go back to the statement from
the invoking report that is following the invoking. This statement: LEAVE TO TRANSACTION [AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN] finishes the invoking program and the
transaction begins. The invoking stack will be erased (or what we name internal sessions) for all the past programs. When the transaction finishes, the system will
go back to the area menu where the original program from the invoking stack begun.
ABAP SAP SCRIPTS Interview Questions and Answers :
Q1: What is the meaning of a SAP Script and what is the role of it?

A1: SAP Script is in fact the word processor of the SAP system, very similar to the most used text processors available for personal use on computers. Usually

companies print the documents in their own layout like invoices, delivery notes and others. There is a standard layout (or predefined) but sometimes the standard

layout has to be expanded according to the requirements with additional data like addresses or purchase orders. These details are inserted by employees or they are
extracted from database tables. Companies use a high amount of these documents, so printing them has become a big requirement. Larger documents are printed
like paychecks, reminders, order confirmations, payslips and others, for making this possible SAP Script is developed in such a way that it can make all the

document types mentioned above, it has the IT tool that is used for text insertion and the printing of forms in the R/3 programs. Usually SAP can give us these
document types in a standard form but each company can modify them or replace them at their desire and according to their needs.
Q2: Which are the variables that we can utilize for data output in SAP Script?
A2: &Tables name-fields&

Q3: What is the meaning of a Compare Tool in SAP Script?

A3: For object comparison between clients there are many utilities within SAP Script, for example for the comparison of these objects-Documents, Layout sets and

Styles we have a Compare Tool. With the Compare Tool we can make many things like: verifying if an object can be found in each of the two clients or showing why
multiple versions of an object are different. For the page layout management or to format the text in a document we can use Layout Sets. The Standard styles and
layout sets are found in Client 000 in the SAP system.

Q4: How can we describe better the SAP Script ?

A4: SAP Script is by definition the text handling system of SAP R/3, it has a high degree of integration in the SAP system, it is the standard and the most used tool
for several tasks that involve the processing of text in the entire SAP system.
Q5: What is the meaning of Layout Sets?

A5: In SAP Script Layout Sets are the tools that define the layout of pages (documents). A layout is constructed from many components, some of them even handle

the layout itself for single pages or some are filled with details about the text that is about to be printed on the pages. The Layout Set speaks about how a document
will look and how it will be constructed, it will contain text blocks with areas for variables that can be useful for other programs, each SAP Script document has a
Layout Set. When we want to modify our documents, for instance when we have to move text blocks, choose a different font, set a specific paragraph type, insert

tabs all these can be made from the Layout Set. For text formatting we have two possibilities: We insert the text and output it in normal text maintenance or we can
insert the text through the Layout Set.

The text can be formatted through the ABAP/4 application and the Layout Set, the application will output single text blocks, elements of a text or a whole

document. The formatting of our text is given by the use of Styles, they make the formatting by configuring the character formats and the paragraphs that we use in

the document. Styles can be useful for highlighting strings of characters and even entire paragraphs, they can be attributed to every type of text but mainly they will
be used in the basic windows of Layout Sets, where the text is inserted straight from the user in a document.

An important element is the header data, which can be used on Styles for show valuable details( in this way an end user can choose a style in the simplest way) and
Layout Sets as well, where it has the role of control and information.

The Layout Set maintenance also contains windows, which are places in a page where the text will output in the near future, every Layout Set contains one or
multiple windows, if the window is missing then text formatting will not be possible in SAP Script.
Window types that are used in Layout Sets:

a) MAIN-in this type of window the output of text is made continuously, it is a window type that is common to the dialog users, like the body text of letters.
b) VAR- this type of window contains variable text in every page where the window is found, these windows will be formatted for every page.
c) CONST-this type of window contains constant text so it will be formatted only one time.
We can classify the elements of a Layout Set like this:

a) The header data- it contains data about the construction and the Layout Set like who made the document, what elements were used etc. This is the start page.

b) The paragraph formats they are needed for text formatting exactly as in Styles but their usage extends to the processing of text like formatting the text elements
as well.

c) The character formats-these can be used for formatting paragraphs and text, they actually format the text from inside paragraphs
d) The windows- they are placed only after their assigning to pages and attributing measurement units.
e) The pages- They give us a beginning and a finish in the formatting of text.

f) The page windows- They bring the pages and the windows together and their measurements are stated.

The management commands in SAP Script are meant for handling the output formatting and they are not read by the SAP Script Editor but processed by the SAP
Script Composer which is an application that transforms the text from the editing form to the printing form.

Q6: Can we describe the way in which the Layout Sets are backed up, uploaded and downloaded in SAP Script?

A6: For the SAP Script backup we have go to transaction SE71to select Utilities then Copy from client then Give source from name then source client (000 default)
and Target from name. For downloading we must go to transaction SE71 the we must write the name of the form then we select Display, Utilities, form info, List

and we hit Save to PC file. Fro Upload we have to create form with page then window, pagewindow with the downloaded PC file. From the PC file we will have the
page window text elements.

Q7: What is the way to count pages the SAP Script outputs?
A7: &page&, &nextPage&.

Q8: How can we classify the SAP Script components?

A8: SAP Script can be classified in: SAP Script text, Layout Set, Symbols, ABAP print program and function modules such as read text, open/close form and others.
Q9: What is the way to deposit the text in SAP Script?

A9: For text storage SAO Script uses ITF or the Interchange Text Format but it also has the options to convert RTF or Rich Text Format and also ASCII which are
formats for other text processors.

Q10: How can we describe symbols and what are the main types with example?

A10: The constant that may be entered into a document has the name of symbol and has the role of keeping the supplementary work if phrases or portions of the
text get replaced, the symbol name is enclosed with &. Example: &variable name&, or system symbols like &Date&, &time& an others. Standard symbols are the
ones that the user has defined and they are kept in the table TTDTG. Examples of standard symbols: &SGDH& for :dear sir/madam and &MFG& for:yours

Faithfully. The program symbols show ABAP/4 program data that invoked a function for text processing, example: Itab-connid. The text symbols are good for
every block type of text to define but it becomes valid just where it has been defined, example: Define &Symbol&=value.
Q11: How can we implement the tab sets in Layout Sets?

A11: We can do this by defining the paragraphs using defined tabs.

Q12: What is the role of the composer?

A12: For getting a final look of our documents we will combine the Layout Set with the print program, the print program is being started by SAP Script so the

process of printing begins, each of the commands inserted with the aid of the SAP Script interface is given to the composer. The print program specifies a Layout
Set which contains the details that will be sent to the composer, and in this way the documents will be formatted base on the details provided. When there are

variables in a document they are they will be replaced with R/3 data, for example the actual date or with data from the print program. In the end the document is
finished with the use of the print program and the composer will put it in the spool.
Q13: What is the way to define the text symbols?

A13: We can define the text symbols with the aid of the control command DEFINE &x1&=56
Q14: What activity is the most time-consuming from all in SAP Script coding?
A14: The most time-consuming is when we define Layout Sets.

Q15: What commands are used in ABAP/4 for connecting a Layout Set?

A15: We can use the following: the call functions OPEN-form, WRITE-form or CLOSE-form.
Q16: How do we define the data tab space in SAP Script and where?
A16: We may define the tabs after we define the text element paragraphs.
Q17: Which are the commands mainly used for control?

A17: The main control commands are PROTECT, ENDPROTECT, DEFINE, NEW-PAGE, INCLUDE, IF, ENDIF.
Q18: How can we introduce a logo in our program and what is the name of the program for logo upload and also what syntax can be used for

this in SAP Script?

A18: We can use the RSTXLDMC report for uploading a logo and this statement: /:INCLUDEZHEX-MACRO-XXXOBJECTTEXTID ST LANGUAGEE. The
name of the object is represented by XXX.

Q19: What purpose has an ABAP application in SAP Script?

A19: The purpose of an ABAP application can include multiple parts like:

a) It makes the definition of the processing logic of the Layout Set, or so to speak-what order the elements of text have and when are they used again.
b) It takes the data from the R/3 program that is found in the database.
c) It selects a Layout Set to print.

d) Chooses printer, fax or monitor as the output device.

e) It makes print configurations regarding the counting of pages that will be printed.
Q20: What is the correct syntax used for a box command?

A20: The syntax looks like this one: BOX XPOS 2MM WIDTH 0 CM HEIGHT 9.5 CM FRAME 10 TW.
Q21: How do we define variables?
A21: DEFINE &CUST&=00000021.

Q22: How can we describe symbols more detailed?

A22: The values that are entered in the time of print formatting are stored in symbols and these symbols can be found under names between& and they are not
case sensitive.


VLINE. Standard symbols are the ones from table TTDG and are defined by the user. To show them or modify them we can use the transaction SM30. An example

of standard symbol: &MFG&. The standard text is a normal text that can be found in one or multiple forms and they can be written , modified or shown with the aid
of the transaction SO10. For text classification we have text ID. For putting standard texts in forms we can do this with the command INCLUDE like the following:

INCLUDEZ_BC460_EX4_HF OBJECTTEXT ID SDVD. We can use the PARAGRAPH parameter to format standard texts, in the next example we will see how we
can center the text:


Object: Text

Text id: SDVD(TEXT id from SO10)

Language EN

Paragraph: C (Centered0.

Program symbols are used for database content. For tables: kna1, in forms: &KNA1-NAME1&, for formatting: &SYMBOL& (it means there is no formatting),

&SYMBOL(5)&Length(the data and length), &SYMBOL(Z)&Suppress leading zeros, &SYMBOL+4&Offset(the start of the output), &SYMBOL(I)&Suppress initial
value, &SYMBOL(C)&Compress blank spaces(one space from the compression of consecutive spaces), &SYMBOL(S)&Operators are suppressed,

&SYMBOL(R)&Right align output, &SYMBOL(8.2)&Decimal format(length), &SYMBOL(*)&Dictionary length(the ABAP dictionary), &text1SYMBOLtext2&Text
entered prior to and after the symbol.

Q23: Can we give a detailed description on the Control commands?

A23: For the changing of text output we use control commands./: is the format key that can be used in the format column, there is the intensity (grey scale) in

percents, the frame thickness is given by frame parameters with zero as the initial value. Every parameter such as width and height, xpos and ypos or frame will

have a measurement unit like: CH-character, TW-twip, IN-inch, PT-point, MM-millimeter, LN-line, CM-centimeter; as an example we have: BOX XPOS 10.14 MM
YPOS 5.79 MM HEIGHT 9 MMWIDTH 14 MM INTENSITY 8 FRAME 0 TW. This is making 2 lines and 2 rectangles for building a 3 column table and a
highlighting heading section.

POSITION and SIZE are commands used for configuring the initial box parameters, a very good thing when we have many boxes with equal parameters. With
POSITION WINDOW we can configure the position in relation to the window (to the left or to the right), after that we can use POSITION for setting the
coordinates related to the window start. + and - can be used for position configuration in ORIGIN.

The Styles are utilized in forms for setting paragraphs or formats of characters and for this we have multiple standard Styles in SAP; we can also define personal

styles. For the creation, finding and keeping of styles there is the transaction SE72. With the aid of the Format menu and then Style we will give the text a style and
for non permanent modifications to the style we will use /: as a command.
Q24: How do we import or use graphics in Sap Script?

Q24: For importing graphics in SAP there is the transaction SE78. We may include using Edit, Graphic, Create in the form painter or we can use the statement
INCLUDE, case in which we will use the window script editor-Include, Graphic like in this example (with a bitmap):
Q25: How are the modifications made?

A25: Changes to the normal SAP program have to be made only in the case when this is compulsory. When we require supplementary data , we should use the

statement PERFORM and we dont have to modify the print program. He print program modification can take place due to reasons like these: modifications in

structure or the requirement for fresh text elements. The print program the will print supplementary forms will be crucial to deciding what are the print programs
and forms that we will use. They exist in the TNAPR table and they are specific for a particular output type; the programs used for output are: view V_TNAPR for

entry modification from transaction SE30, for importing or exporting a SAP Script form from a PC file we will use RSTXSCRP, for getting the print application
name we will use SD or the TNAPR table (for SD documents).
Q26: How can we define and enter a standard text?

A26: The default text type that can be implemented in multiple forms is called a standard text. With the aid of the transaction SO10 we can make, modify or display
a standard text. For classifying the texts we will use text ID. With the command INCLUDE we can introduce a standard texts in forms like in this example:

/:INCLUDEZ_BC460_EX4_HF OBJECT TEXT ID SDVD. With the aid of the parameter PARAGRAPH we can format standard texts and for centering texts we can
see the example: /:INCLUDEZ_BC460_EX4_HF OBJECT TEXT ID SVD LANGUAGE EN PARAGRAPH C. For address format we can use the command ADRESSENDADRESS which is determined by the country parameter from the postal standards that the country of the recipient has. Example:




For pagebreak avoiding in paragraphs :



The lines of text that are to be defended against pagebreaks will be met between the command IF and the command ENDIF, as in every ABAP program like this:
/:IF condition


/:IF condition


/:ENDIF. An exact expression would be: /: &SPFLI-CITYTO&=BERLIN text /:ENDIF.

Q27: What separates a Window from a Page Window?

A27: The Page Window is when we declare the parameters of a window that was declared before and the document look (width, height and the margins left and

right). Window is when we talk about the type window, about the initial paragraph or the text components (SAP Scripts) that have to be included. The windows are
those places stated from the start in the layout set , the text blocks that we find on a page are the windows.
Q28: How do we load graphics like logos in SAP Script?

A28: We can load graphics like files with the .tif extension in SAP Script in standard text with the aid of RSTXLDMC.
Q29: Which are the most used programs from SAP Script?

A29: For the transformation of the page format we have RSTXFCON, for downloading and uploading the layout sets we have RSTXSCRP, for the debugging of SAP
Script we have RSTXDBUG, for moving script files from system to system we can use RSTXSCRP, to modify development classes of different objects we will use
RSWBO052, for table contents comparison between clients we have to use RSTBSERV.
Q30: What are the steps and other details of debugging?

A30: We will use Tools then Word Processing then Layout Set and we will write the layout name the we go to Utilities and Activate Debugger. It doesnt matter

which layout set we choose we choose the debugger. The layout set will call the debugger. If we try to copy a form from client to client and we try to also modify the
copied form we will have these error messages:

a) Form not found. The solving of this problem is trying to copy again but with a language specification.

b) Text file is inconsistent. From SE38 we have to run RSTXCHKO, the form name will be required and checking all the checkboxes (and running the program)
fixes the problem.

Q31: How can we copy a table from client to client?

A31: We can do this with the aid of RSCLTCOP.

Q32: What is the way for making a script layout backup for future loading from the HDD?

A32: This can be done with the EXPORT MODE, a script with a similar name to the initial script will be made, if this is already made we will receive an error.
SAP ABAP SMARTFORMS Interview Questions and Answers :

1.Forcing a page break within table loop

Create a loop around the table. Put a Command node before the table in the loop that forces a NEWPAGE on whatever condition you want. Then only loop through
a subset of the internal table (based on the conditions in the Command node) of the elements in the Table node.
2.Font style and Font size

Goto Transaction SMARTSTYLES.

There you can create Paragraph formats etc just like in sapscript.

Then in your window under OUTPUT OPTIONS you include this SMARTSTYLE and use the Paragraph and character formats.
3.Line in Smartform

Either you can use a window that takes up the width of your page and only has a height of 1 mm.
Then you put a frame around it (in window output options).
Thus you have drawn a box but it looks like a line.

Or you can just draw __ accross the page and play with the fonts so that it joins each UNDER_SCORE.
4.Difference between forminterface and global definitions in global settings of smart forms
The Difference is as follows.
To put it very simply:

Form Interface is where you declare what must be passed in and out of the smartform (in from the print program to the smartform and out from the smartform to
the print program).

Global defs. is where you declare data to be used within the smartform on a global scope.
ie: anything you declare here can be used in any other node in the form.
5.Smartforms function module name

Once you have activated the smartform, go to the environment -> function module name. There you can get the name of funtion module name.
The key thing is the program that calls it. for instance, the invoice SMARTFORM LB_BIL_INVOICE is ran by the program RLB_INVOICE.

This program uses another FM to determine the name of the FM to use itself. The key thing is that when it calls this FM (using a variable to store the actual name),
that the parameters match the paramters in your smartform.

Another thing to note is that the FM name will change wherever the SF is transported to.
So you need to use the FM to determine the name of the SF.

Here is the code that can be use to determine the internal name of the function module:

if sf_label(1) <> /. need to resolve by name

move sf_label to externalname.



formname = externalname

fm_name = internalname

no_form = 1

no_function_module = 2
others = 3.

if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e427.

move internalname to sf_label.


It checks to see if the sf_label starts with a /, which is how the internal names start. if it does, the name has already been converted. If not, it calls the FM and
converts the name.

You would then CALL FUNCTION sf_label.

6.Smartforms output difference
Problem with Smartforms: in a certain form for two differently configured printers, there seem to be a difference in the output of characters per inch (the distance
between characters which gives a layout problem text in two lines instead of one.

It happens when the two printers having different Printer Controls if you go to SPAD Menu (Spool Administrator Menu) you can see the difference in the Printer
Control and if you make the Printer control setting for both the printers as same. then it will be ok. and also u have to check what is the device type used for both
the output devices.

7.SmartForms Output to PDF

There is a way to download smartform in PDF format.

Please do the following:

1. Print the smartform to the spool.

2. Note the spool number.

3. Download a PDF file (Acrobat Reader) version of the spool by running Program RSTXPDFT4 and entering the
noted spool number.

8. SmartForm Doublesided printing question

Your customer wants your PO SmartForm to be able to print Terms and Conditinos on the back side of each page. They dont want to purchase pre-printed forms
with the companys logo on the front and terms & conditions on the back. Now this presents an interesting problem.

Has anyone else ever had a request like this? If for example there was a 3 page PO to be printed, they want 3 pieces of paper, the front side of each to containe the
PO information (page 1, 2, and 3) and the back side of each piece of paper to containg the static Terms & Conditions information.
Anyone have a clue how to force this out?

Easy page FRONT lists page CONTACTS as next page and CONTACTS lists FRONT as next page. Since CONTACTS does not contain a MAIN window, it will print
the contacts info and then continue on to FRONT for the rest of the main items. Additionally, set print mode on FRONT to D (duplex) and set CONTACTS to blank
(for both resource name and print mode this is the only way to get to the back of the page).
Transport Smart Forms

9. How does one transport SMARTFORM? SE01?

How do you make sure that both, the SMARTFORM & its function module gets transported? Or does the FM with same name gets generated automatically in the
transported client?

A smartform is transported no differently than any other object. if it is assigned to a development class that is atteched to a transport layer, it will be transported.
The definition is transported, and when called, the function module is regenerated.

This leads to an interetsing situation. On the new machine, it is very likely the function module name will be different than the name on the source system. Make
sure, before you call the function module, you resolve the external name to the internal name using the SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME function module.
Typically, generate the SF, then use the pattern to being in the interface. Then change the call function to use the name you get back from the above function

Smartforms: protect lines in main window.

10. How to protect lines in the main window from splitting between pages?

It was easy with SAPscript, but how to do it with SFs. For 4.7 version if you are using tables, there are two options for protection against line break:
You can protect a line type against page break.

You can protect several table lines against page break for output in the main area.
11. Protection against page break for line types

Double-click on your table node and choose the Table tab page.
Switch to the detail view by choosing the Details pushbutton.

Set the Protection against page break checkbox in the table for the relevant line type. Table lines that use this line type are output on one page.
12.Protection against page break for several table lines

Expand the main area of your table node in the navigation tree.

Insert a file node for the table lines to be protected in the main area.

If you have already created table lines in the main area, you can put the lines that you want to protect again page break under the file using Drag&Drop.
Otherwise, create the table lines as subnodes of the file.

Choose the Output Options tab page of the file node and set the Page Protection option. All table lines that are in the file with the Page Protection option set are
output on one page.

SAP ABAP interview Questions and Answers pdf free download ::

March 18, 2014

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Sap ABAP Interview Questions (http://interviewquestionsanswerspdf.com/category/sap-abap-interview-questions/)


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