Homeopathy and Menopause

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Menopause - Homeopathy
Menopause, commonly known as the "change of life", is the period during which me
nstruation comes to an end in a woman between the age of forty-five and fifty-fi
ve. It is produced when the ovaries gradually reduce their ovulation and hormone
secretion of estrogen and progesterone.
In some women, menopause may occur with only minor disturbances, but with others
, the reduction of the supply of estrogen causes physiological and psychological
symptoms. These symptoms usually vanish once the missing hormones are artificia
lly supplied.
The periods before, during, and after are called premenopausal, menopause, and p
Premenopausal symptoms include skipped periods, and decrease flow. During menopa
use the menstrual flow becomes irregular, less frequent, and then ceases. The po
st-menopausal period is when hormone balance is established.
The symptoms associated with menopause are hot flashes, chills, dizziness, insom
nia, heart palpitation, nervousness, depression, mood swings, vaginal dryness, l
oss of libido, vaginal itching, irritable bladder, and an urgency to urinate.
The most common symptom is hot flashes limited to the face, neck, or to the uppe
r chest. The flushes come suddenly and may cause sleep disturbances. They are ac
companied by perspiration. " A woman is awaken at night by hot spells, she throw
s off her cover, and as she falls asleep again, she is awakened by sweat and chi

Certain diseases and surgical procedures can cause premature menopause. Artifici
al menopause may result from surgical removal of the ovaries.
The possible complications involved with menopause are osteoporosis, heart disea
se, and urinary tract infection.
Homeopathy in Practice
Conventional medicine treats menopause with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Q
uestions concerning HRT are being raised. The side effects caused by them are wo
rse than the symptoms. HRT increases the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart attac
The homeopathic treatment goal is to address hormonal imbalance. Since, homeopat
hic remedies are diluted to the infinitesimal dose, they stimulate hormone balan
ce and relieve menopausal symptoms without causing any side effects. Once, the r
ight remedy and dose is administered balance is established, and treatment is no
longer required.
Menopause Diet
Eat a well-balanced diet based on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whol
e grains, fish, chicken, and turkey.
Avoid trans fatty acids and saturated fat.
Increase soluble fiber intake.
Eat canned salmon and sardines with bone to help prevent osteoporosis.
Add soy to your diet.
Engage in 30 minutes of physical activities, per day.
Stop smoking.
Reduce stress.

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