Notes and Reminders For Week of October 10, 2016: Monday

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Notes and Reminders

Week of October 10, 2016





Have you read your library books yet?

Our field trip is tomorrow! Remember to wear your
CCLS t-shirt and long pants. We are outside for the
entire trip. So keep that in mind as you dress.
Layers are good! Please be sure your childs name is
on jackets, sweaters, flashlights, etc. We dont always
recognize our things. J
Tomorrow is chapel day. Put an offering in the white
envelope (it is in the Daily Folder).
Remember to put your library books in your
Do you know your sight words can, I, we, the.
Practice them if you dont know them.
Take time to snuggle and read one of your library
books this weekend! J
Bring your $1 for Catherine and Berna (our CCLS-U
friends) tomorrow. There is a special decorated
envelope in your folder.
Enjoy your weekend! J
Dont forget to worship on Sunday!

Character Formation Think of a time you were mistreated. What happened? How did you
feel? Matthew 6:14-15 says, For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will
not forgive your sins. This week we will review the virtue of integrity as we continue to
study Joseph. Integrity is Gods power for you to be true to Him and yourself. Joseph had been
treated wrongfully by his brothers, but he was not bitter. Instead, he recognized that God was
ultimately in command of his life. God created good from the evil done to Joseph, and Joseph
forgave. As you discuss this with your child, ask yourselves... How can you forgive with a
forgiveness that lasts?
Thank you for your contributions of medicines and money for CCLS-U! We collected 84 medicines
and $21!
Please watch for a note from the school office in regards to your preferences for your parent
teacher conference on Thursday and Friday, October 27th and 28th.

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