Collected Context Clues

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A context clue is a source of information about a word that helps readers

understand the word. This word or phrase offers insight, either directly or
indirectly, into the words meaning.

Synonyms as Context Clues

It was an idyllic day; sunny, warm and perfect for a walk in the park.
She hums continuously, or all the time, and it annoys me.
The dates are listed in chronological order. They start at the beginning
and end with the last event.
Her animosity, or hatred, of her sister had divided the family.
Bill felt remorse, or shame, for his harsh words.
This situation is a conundrum - a puzzle.

Antonyms as Context Clues

Emma had a lot of anxiety about the exam but I had no worries about
Marty is gregarious, not like his brother who is quiet and shy.
She is a famous singing star in her country but unknown to the rest of
the world.
I am willing to hike in the mountains, but he is reluctant because it gets
so cold walking up and down the trails.
Avoiding the accident was futile. Both cars did not have time to stop
before crashing.

Definitions as Context Clues

There is great prosperity in the country but many citizens are living in
Some celestial bodies, such as the planets and stars, can be seen with
the naked eye.

The manager wanted a weekly inspection, which is a methodical

examination of all the equipment.
There was a lot of tangible evidence, including fingerprints and DNA, to
prove them guilty.
There is a 30 percent chance of precipitation, such as snow or sleet.

Explanations as Context Clues

The team was elated when they won the trophy.

During the demonstration, a skirmish broke out and the police were
called to restore order.
The cat has a kind disposition and would never bite or claw anyone.
His constant questioning of my remarks made him a nuisance.
Something in the refrigerator has a putrid odor; the smell was rotten
when we opened the door.
He winced in pain when he hit his thumb with the hammer.

Comparisons as Context Clues

Diane was lethargic and didnt have the energy to get out of bed.
The greatest trip I ever took was my expedition to Africa.
Eating nutritious food is just as important as regular exercise.
I am determined to graduate with honor and my friend is just as
Sometimes he is perplexed by Sudoku puzzles, but others find them
much easier to solve than a crossword puzzle.

Contrasts as Context Clues

The picture of the landscape is picturesque but the one of the old
house is ugly.
The feral cat would not let us pet him, unlike our tame cat.
Cold weather soon replaced the sweltering heat of summer.
The hero was virtuous, not like the evil villain.
The winner of the gold medal was omnipotent against his weaker

Grade 5Context Clues

Animals live in diverse and varied communities.
In the sentence above, what is the antonym of DIVERSE?
a. different
b. multiple
c. alike
d. hostile
Grade 5Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.5.4
Which is NOT a type of context clue an author uses?



Grade 5Context Clues

What does the word provisions mean in the sentence below?
The cowboys took all their provisions with them when they were on a cattle
a. Coins
b. Friends
c. Supplies
d. Remarks
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word bondage mean in the sentence below?
The prisoner was held in bondage for seven years.
a. with his friends
b. in a hotel
c. in chains
d. while standing on one foot
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word persuade mean in the sentence below?
Dolores wanted to persuade her parents to let her grow a vegetable garden.
a. Burden
b. Instruct
c. Entertain
d. Convince
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word apprentice mean in the sentence below?

became a carpenter's apprentice.

One who refuses to learn new things
One who studies different kinds of plants
One who keeps track of a business's money
One who learns by watching an experienced worker

Grade 5Context Clues

What does the word influential mean in the sentence below?
She was born into an influential family.
a. Poor
b. Interesting
c. Powerful
d. Forgetful

Grade 5Context Clues

What does the word authorities mean in the sentence below?
Ralph called the authorities when he saw someone breaking into his
neighbor's house.
a. The dog catcher
b. The police
c. The Queen of England
d. His wife
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word tentative mean in the sentence below?
Wanda and her family made tentative plans to go on a picnic.
a. With little food
b. Without preparation
c. Not fully worked out
d. Never done ahead of time
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word aspects mean in the sentence below?
Lee solved all aspects of the problem.
a. Angles
b. Pledges
c. Entrances
d. Corrections
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word MENTAL mean in the sentence below?
Caleb had a mental picture of himself giving his speech.
a. colorful
b. detailed
c. in a frame
d. in the mind
Grade 5Context Clues
What does ARCHITECT mean in the following sentence?
The architect gave the plans to the mayor of the city for his approval.
a. safety inspector
b. medical technician
c. building designer
d. food critic
Grade 5Context Clues
The movie star's blue evening gown is made from:
a. corduroy

b. rubber
c. silk
d. flannel
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the term EXAGGERATE mean in the following question:
I would not exaggerate and call it a large museum, because it is not.
a. to represent someting as being larger, smaller, etc
b. to be expensive
c. to be closed
Grade 5Context Clues
Petra has so many friends because she is a GREGARIOUS person.
What type of context clue can you use to determine the meaning of
a. definition
b. antonym
c. comparison
d. inference
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word feature mean in the sentence below?
Today's talent show will feature the fifth-grade students.
a. educate
b. focus on
c. appreciate
d. consult with
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word developed mean in the sentence below?
Marta developed the schedule for her soccer team.
a. condensed
b. destroyed
c. planned
d. released
Grade 5Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.5.4
This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
Based on the passage, what is the meaning of the word bristle?
a. an animal hair used to make a brush
b. the stem of a toothbrush
c. a part of a hog
d. a special toothbrush
Grade 5Context Clues

My cousin and I have the same taste in clothes and wear the same size.
Sometimes, we swap clothes. Ill give her my blue dress, and shell let me
wear her pink sweater. Our mothers dont mind that we share clothes. When
they were young, they would wear each others clothes, too.
In the paragraph above, what does the word SWAP mean?
a. wear
b. make
c. trade
d. give
Grade 5Context Clues
What does the word episodes mean in the sentence below?
My grandparents used to listen to episodes of a story that was told on the
a. discussions
b. legends
c. parts
d. questions

Grade 6Context Clues

Some people hunt for lost coins on beaches using an apparatus called a
metal detector. It has a long stem that ends in a circular part called a search
head, which hovers just over the ground. When it passes over metal, it makes
a sound.

context clues, what does the word APPARATUS mean?


Grade 6Context Clues

Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an intruder
gets in the house.
An intruder is someone who intrudes. To INTRUDE is to
a. paint or repair old building.
b. wear your shoes on the wrong feet.
c. go where you are not wanted or don't belong
d. make a lot of noise to disrupt the quiet in an area
Grade 6Context Clues
When they heard the good news about the court's decision, the angry crowd
cheered and then began to disperse.
"It looks like everyone is going home," one reporter stated.

Which would be the opposite of "disperse"?

a. come together
b. grow apart
c. protest
d. laugh
Grade 6Context Clues
Many MARSUPIALS can be found in Australia, including kangaroos, koalas and
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym
Grade 6Context Clues
When walking in the desert a person could get bitten by a venomous snake if
they don't watch where they are walking. In this sentence, what does the
word VENOMOUS mean?
a. desert
b. slippery
c. gigantic
d. poisonous
Grade 6Context Clues
If a person today finds valuable items that were buried long ago, he may be
entitled to keep them. The person who buried the items is dead and it may
not be possible to find relatives of that person. There is truth in the saying
"finders, keepers."
The word ENTITLED most likely means
a. asked
b. allowed
c. afraid
d. accustomed
Grade 6Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.6.4
This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
What does the phrase SALLY FORTH mean in the passage?
a. head out bravely
b. stop and eat
c. sneak away quietly
d. hide out in crevices
Grade 6Context Clues

Biologists use an elaborate TAXONOMY (classification system) to categorize

animals and plants.
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym
Grade 6Context Clues
Phil started the long-distance race full of strength, but after about eight miles
he was ENERVATED by the hot sun and had to drop out
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym
Grade 6Context Clues
She was admired for her IMPECCABLE manners as well as her faultless taste
in clothing.
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym
Grade 6Context Clues
He was given an award for his BENEVOLENT act of saving a child from harm.
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym
Grade 6Context Clues
Choose the word that best replaces the phrase in parentheses.
Sarah's room in the boarding house was a (gloomy and cheerless) box.
a. ruddy
b. dismal
c. cordial
d. veneration
Grade 6Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.6.4, L.6.4a
Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word.
There is a
work hours.
a. income
b. policy

at work saying that Facebook usage is not allowed during

c. trend
d. influence
Grade 6Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.6.4, L.6.4a
Meredith just bought an expensive car, the new iPhone 6, a diamond-crusted
collar for her pet chihuahua, and a gold necklace.
Which of the following vocabulary words would accurately describe Meredith?
a. Immigrant
b. Trend
c. Affluent
d. Income
Grade 6Context Clues
Your ideas do not make any sense. They are absolutely LUDICROUS.

is the meaning of the word LUDICROUS?


Grade 6Context Clues

The Verillo family was driving to a theme park when a storm surprised them.
Even with the windshield wipers on top speed, the rain obscured Mr. Verillo's
view of the road. He had to slow down until the rain let up.

context clues what does the word obscured mean?


Grade 6Context Clues

Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only
men could vote in the United states until 1920.

is "suffrage"?
something that caused physical pain
an early flag
skirts that did not cover the ankles
the right to vote

Grade 6Context Clues

If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all!
Which word is a synonym of "curtail"?
a. reduce
b. follow
c. behind
d. buy

Grade 6Context Clues

Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at
work. It would be so much simpler if they both like the same kind of music.
A dispute is a....
a. musical instrument
b. choice of music
c. discovery
d. disagreement
Grade 6Context Clues
Molly was in a hurry to get to the playground. She pulled up the zipper on her
coat so fast that her sweater got stuck in it. She struggled to unzip but
couldn't do it. Luckily, her mom was able to extricate the sweater.

context clues what does extricate mean?


No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a
clandestine operation in order to succeed.
Which word is a synonym of CLANDESTINE?
a. family
b. useful
c. dangerous
d. secret
Grade 9Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.9-10.4
Memorial Day starts the summer and Labor Day ends the summer. Many
people confuse the two holidays, but remembering the meaning of the word
"labor," can help them distinguish between the two.

does the word LABOR mean?

the process of childbirth
hard work
make an effort
remember key people or events

Grade 9Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.9-10.4, L.9-10.4a

"The women were aware that, although they had been left behind to fend for
themselves, the people had done them a good deed by leaving them with all
their possessions. They suspected that the chief was responsible for this
small kindness. Other, less noble, members of the band would have decided
to that the two women soon would die and would have pilfered everything
except for the warm fur and skin clothing they wore."


does the term "pilfered" mean?

to pile on top
an elevation
to hide from others
to steal

Grade 9Context Clues

What does the word SUBSIDIZED mean in the sentence below?
The new zoo project will be subsidized by city, county, state, and federal
a. prevented
b. forgotten
c. replaced
d. financed
Grade 9Context Clues
The only
in nature is that all living things will die.
a. deliverance
b. solution
c. liberal
d. absolute
Grade 9Context Clues
Doing your vocabulary packet and scoring well on the Kahoot will provide
from failing.
a. solution
b. observant
c. deliverance
d. restriction
Grade 9Context Clues
This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
In "The Lotos-Eaters," the Lotos Eaters are described as melancholy.
The word MELANCHOLY most likely means
a. angry
b. annoyed
c. delighted
d. depressed
Grade 9Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.9-10.4
This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
"Excuse me," she said. "The train conductor told me what happened. You
were on the wrong train car." Then she pointed to the large board that had
previously mystified Patrick. "You will want to catch the next train to Milan,"
she said. "From there it is easy to get to Rome."
In the excerpt above, the word mystified most likely means...
a. mysterious

b. confused
c. frustrated
d. shocked
Grade 9Context Clues
Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen
shut. Even though I have my doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really
cold last night. I'll just have to take his word for it.
If a statement is plausible,
a. you must always believe it
b. you should never believe it
c. it's hard to understand because it makes no sense
d. it's believable enough to possibly be true
Grade 9Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.9-10.4
"The government first began recognizing the holiday through ordinances in
1885 and 1886."
The word ORDINANCES most likely means...
a. a religious rite
b. an authoritative order
c. a piece of legislation enacted by a city
d. a regular event
Grade 9Context Clues
Rather than staying together, the group dispersed, and many became lost.
"Dispersed" most nearly means:
a. sat down
b. laughed
c. scattered
d. arranged itself
Grade 9Context Clues
He was prone to taking a nap in the afternoon as he had done every day for
most of his life.
"Prone" most nearly means:
a. not going
b. trying
c. likely
d. anxious
Grade 9Context Clues
I explained to him that I would take care of his problem later, but he was not
"Appeased" most nearly means:
a. satisfied
b. angry

c. present
d. frightened
Grade 9Context Clues
He seemed quite free and easy with a few friends, but at large parties he was
quite inhibited.
The word, "inhibited", most nearly means:
a. occupied
b. controlled
c. breathless
d. expressive
Grade 9Context Clues
Admiral Wells called his fleet to retreat after learning just how
opposition force would be.
a. nurture
b. numerous
c. negligible
d. nonchalant


Grade 9Context Clues

"You do not normally
yourself by talking to someone as
lowly as I am," he replied, turning.
The mountain climbers tackled the
He does not
breaking laws, even if the laws are ones
that he disagrees with.
But as the German princes were either too busy or
to attack the duke, the agitation against him
soon died away.
It's annoying when people
on while they're on the cardio
If so, you might want to brush up on royal
when you're
attending to his majesty at court.
With luck and quick maneuvering he was able to
them, but
just barely.
They are sarcastic,
, ironic, goofy.
After a decades-long
, bed bugs have returned with a
vengeance, plaguing rich and poor alike.
Many guests never even
out to the rest of the
Nevertheless they tease and worry, poke and tickle the animal continually, so
that he is
and snappish
To be
on anything implies an abiding devotion to exacting
detail, and trusting in the details to deliver the goods.
Many of the rescued dogs that I have known have been slendertoemaciated
due to malnutrition before the rescue.
His muscles were still bulging from
of his visit to the
gym, and her gaze stayed on his biceps as he pulled on his boots.
Many times, seemingly
problems can be
dispelled with fun!

With a reputation for charging in to help people in distress, Jo gets herself

into some terrible
He loved her with all his heart, she simply felt they were friends. His love
He only had one eye now and was too
to do anything
other than greet me
is an authoritarian action worthy of a
dictatorship .
His patio features exotic furnishings,
and the colors of a lush lagoon.
Grade 9Context Clues
manner infuriated the judge, who felt she did not fully
understand the gravity of the charges against her.
a. negligent
b. naive
c. murture
d. nonchalant
Grade 9Context Clues
The Humane Society is empowered to seize animals from
a. negligent
b. numerous
c. nurture
d. naive


Grade 9Context Clues

Inserting a warm thermometer into a pool of cold water has only
effect on the water's temperature.
a. naive
b. nostalgia
c. nurture
d. negligible
Grade 9Context Clues
Their behavior is so
know what they are going to do next.

and unpredictable that I never

On October 30, 2012, Hurricane Sandy destroyed many homes in New York. At
the same time, a huge fire destroyed 80-100 houses in a flooded beachfront
neighborhood, forcing firefighters to undertake daring rescues and injuring three
In this story the word FORCING means
a. to do without a choice.
b. to push strongly.

c. to laugh.
d. to destroy.

Grade 8Context Clues

In a stagnant housing market, few people buy homes.
In the above sentence, the word STAGNANT means:
a. not impressionable
b. very popular
c. not active
d. very busy

Grade 8Context Clues

Tanner felt remorse after he stole the cookie from the jar.
Which definition best fits the word "remorse"?
a. happy
b. unphased
c. regret
d. anxious

Grade 8Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.8.4, RST.6-8.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
The author says that for a red moon to appear the Earth, sun, and moon must
align precisely. PRECISELY means:
a. connect in a circle
b. happens only twice a year
c. must happen exactly
d. on top of each other

Grade 8Context Clues

The student was apprehensive about the test.

Which definition best describes the word "apprehensive"?
a. anxious
b. upset
c. excited
d. depressed

Grade 8Context Clues

Kane was unabashed about his opinion of the school lunch.
Which definition best defines the word "unabashed"?
a. Ashamed
b. Angry
c. Happy
d. Unashamed

Grade 8Context Clues

"Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable
man and the butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of
parsimony that such close dealing implied."
What does PARSIMONY mean?
a. being careless with spending
b. embarrassment
c. the quality of being careful with money
d. being rude

Grade 8Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.8.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
In the next to last line, the speaker uses the word TEMPEST. The meaning of the
word tempest is most likely:
a. a play by Shakespeare

b. a Greek god
c. a calm ride on a ship
d. a violent, windy storm

Grade 8Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.8.4, RST.6-8.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
The author describes the sun as a dynamic structure. DYNAMIC means:
a. positive in energy and attitude.
b. full of constant change or activity.
c. a large range of sound.
d. very simple in shape.

Grade 8Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.8.1

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What does the word AMATEUR mean in the beginning of paragraph two?
a. someone who competes without getting paid
b. someone who loves participating in a sport
c. someone who is not very skilled in a sport
d. someone who competes as a child

Grade 8Context Clues

Dad has left some hamburger in the fridge. I take it out and find a can of
tomatoes in the cupboard. Mom used to make chili all the time, but I can't
remember what she did. I'll have to improvise. What word best describes what
the word "improvise" means?
a. improve on something
b. sing a song about it
c. produce or make from whatever is available

Grade 8Context Clues

Choose the best definition for the word derision in the sentence below:
The bully had derision for all of the students who wore glasses, so he teased
them and called them names.
a. love
b. compassion
c. contempt or hatred

Grade 8Context Clues

Choose the best definition for the word stealthily in the sentence below:
The child crept stealthily into the kitchen in order to get a snack before dinner.
a. quietly
b. loudly
c. happily

Grade 8Context Clues

The teacher said that her student understood everything she taught right away.
The student was just like a sponge.
The saying, "just like a sponge" means.......
a. intelligent, absorbs everything
b. looks like SpongeBob
c. not intelligent, sponges are just things
d. none of the above

Grade 8Context Clues

Choose the best definition for the word vexed in the sentence below:
The old man's eye vexed the narrator in the story.
a. disgusted
b. annoyed
c. scared

Grade 8Context Clues

Choose the best definition for the word audacity in the following sentence:
My brother had the audacity to take the last slice of pizza when he knew I did not
get one!
a. nerve
b. patience
c. caution

Grade 8Context Clues

Choose the best definition for the word cunningly in the following sentence:
The fox cunningly raided the hen house by squeezing through a small space
underneath it in order to gain access to the chickens and their eggs.
a. loudly
b. stealthily
c. quickly

Grade 8Context Clues

Choose the best definition for the word resolved in the sentence below.
Because the team lost the game, they resolved to play better in the next game.
a. determined
b. quit
c. disinterested

Grade 8Context Clues

What does scrounge mean as it is used in the following sentence?
We went to the attic to scrounge together costumes for the play.
a. to beg by asking
b. to give away
c. to find by hunting for
d. to clean up after

Grade 8Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.8.4, L.8.4d

A RECLUSE is the type of person who...
a. enjoys having people over for dinner
b. enjoys looking for clues over and over again
c. enjoys reading a book in a quiet corner of the library
d. enjoys watching TV all night long
The school president was a dependable leader. She was always there when you
needed her.
What does the word DEPENDABLE mean?
a. to not depend on
b. to depend on again
c. someone who depends on others
d. the ability to depend on

Grade 7Context Clues

"In 1935, Parker Brothers gave Mr. Darrow a contract with royalties. Monopoly
became one of Parker Brothers biggest sellers and Darrow became a millionaire.
Choose the definition below which best expresses the meaning of the word
ROYALTIES as it is used in the passage.
royalty n 1. a person or royal rank or lineage 2. royal quality 3.a right of the
crown 4. a share paid to a writer, creator, or performer out of the profits from
his/her work
a. definition 1
b. definition 2
c. definition 3
d. definition 4

Grade 7Context Clues

Read the following sentence: Many plants and animals in Florida depend on fire,
and they have adapted to the constant presence of fire.
What does the word ADAPTED mean in the sentence above?

a. burned to the ground

b. changed in order to live with
c. set carefully planned fires
d. surrounded by water on all sides

Grade 7Context Clues

What does PINNACLE mean in the following phrase?
As an Olympic track and field runner I feel I reached my career PINNACLE in my
early 30's, but my personal pinnacle after I had children at 35.
a. the fastest
b. the lowest point
c. the highest point
d. spiritual evolution

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.7.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
In paragraph five, the passage says the Bulls had retired Michael Jordan's
number. What does that mean?
a. ceased to use the number on the team
b. gave his number to someone else
c. ended his work agreement with them
d. canceled his debt with the team

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.7.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
Which choice best describes the meaning of the word ELECTRIFYING as it is used
in paragraph four?
a. pass an electric current through something
b. be very impressive
c. cause a lot of tension
d. stir up a lot of negative energy

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4a


him before seeing the evidence.

a. Arrogant
b. Condemn
c. Amorphous
d. Conform

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.6, L.7.6

A list or plan
a. Apathy
b. Condemn
c. Agenda
d. Convention

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4a

Engineers make a

before building missiles.

a. Comprehensive
b. Ambigous
c. Blueprint
d. Convention

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4a

A gathering of people for a common interest.
a. Amorphous
b. Agenda
c. Complete
d. Convention

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.6, L.7.6

Complete; All or nearly all
a. comprehensive
b. arrogant
c. blueprint
d. convention

Grade 7Context Clues

In the sentence below, what does the word industry mean?
The furniture industry is a significant employer for our town.
a. small business with one owner
b. businesses that make or sell things
c. person who hires workers

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4a

Sometimes I show

when its time to shop.

a. Apathy
b. Blueprint
c. Conform
d. Amorphous

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4a

A spirit is

, because it does not have a shape.

a. Arrogant
b. Ambiguous
c. Amorphous
d. Apathy

Grade 7Context Clues

In the sentence below, what does the word laborer mean?

The laborers arrived to work in the textile mill in the early morning hours.
a. a worker who sits at a desk all day
b. a person who does not have to work
c. a worker who uses their hands, feet, or legs for pay

Grade 7Context Clues

What does the word mine mean in the following sentence?
Local people were hired to work in the mine.
a. underground tunnels where workers dig for metal or minerals
b. that which belongs to me
c. a person who performs without speaking

Grade 7Context Clues

I was very

and when I got hit in the head with a basketball

a. jovial
b. incessant
c. shrewd
d. giddy

Grade 7Context Clues

What does the word slogan mean in the following sentence:
The strikers created a slogan that said, "We want a longer lunch break."
a. a cap used by miners on the job
b. a machine used to dig for gold
c. a saying used by a group of people to make their ideas known

Grade 7Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.7.1

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Which detail from the text provides the best clue to the meaning of the word?

a. a set of illicit instructions that passes itself on to other program

b. produce bizarre screen effects.
c. contaminating data or wiping out an entire hard drive
d. A virus can be dealt with using a vaccine, or antivirus,

Grade 7Context Clues

Answer true or false if the word "suspiciously" is used correctly in the sentence
The man was sneaking in through the back door and was viewed as
"suspiciously" entering by the store clerk.
a. True
b. False
Some people hunt for lost coins on beaches using an apparatus called a metal
detector. It has a long stem that ends in a circular part called a search head,
which hovers just over the ground. When it passes over metal, it makes a sound.
Using context clues, what does the word APPARATUS mean?
a. process
b. machine
c. service
d. shovel

Grade 6Context Clues

Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an intruder gets in
the house.
An intruder is someone who intrudes. To INTRUDE is to
a. paint or repair old building.
b. wear your shoes on the wrong feet.
c. go where you are not wanted or don't belong
d. make a lot of noise to disrupt the quiet in an area

Grade 6Context Clues

When they heard the good news about the court's decision, the angry crowd
cheered and then began to disperse.
"It looks like everyone is going home," one reporter stated.
Which would be the opposite of "disperse"?
a. come together
b. grow apart
c. protest
d. laugh

Grade 6Context Clues

Many MARSUPIALS can be found in Australia, including kangaroos, koalas and
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym

Grade 6Context Clues

When walking in the desert a person could get bitten by a venomous snake if
they don't watch where they are walking. In this sentence, what does the word
a. desert
b. slippery
c. gigantic
d. poisonous

Grade 6Context Clues

If a person today finds valuable items that were buried long ago, he may be
entitled to keep them. The person who buried the items is dead and it may not
be possible to find relatives of that person. There is truth in the saying "finders,

The word ENTITLED most likely means

a. asked
b. allowed
c. afraid
d. accustomed

Grade 6Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.6.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
What does the phrase SALLY FORTH mean in the passage?
a. head out bravely
b. stop and eat
c. sneak away quietly
d. hide out in crevices

Grade 6Context Clues

Biologists use an elaborate TAXONOMY (classification system) to categorize
animals and plants.
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym

Grade 6Context Clues

Phil started the long-distance race full of strength, but after about eight miles he
was ENERVATED by the hot sun and had to drop out
a. antonym
b. definition

c. example
d. root word
e. synonym

Grade 6Context Clues

She was admired for her IMPECCABLE manners as well as her faultless taste in
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym

Grade 6Context Clues

He was given an award for his BENEVOLENT act of saving a child from harm.
a. antonym
b. definition
c. example
d. root word
e. synonym

Grade 6Context Clues

Choose the word that best replaces the phrase in parentheses.
Sarah's room in the boarding house was a (gloomy and cheerless) box.
a. ruddy
b. dismal
c. cordial
d. veneration

Grade 6Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.6.4, L.6.4a

Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word.

There is a
work hours.

at work saying that Facebook usage is not allowed during

a. income
b. policy
c. trend
d. influence

Grade 6Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.6.4, L.6.4a

Meredith just bought an expensive car, the new iPhone 6, a diamond-crusted
collar for her pet chihuahua, and a gold necklace.
Which of the following vocabulary words would accurately describe Meredith?
a. Immigrant
b. Trend
c. Affluent
d. Income

Grade 6Context Clues

Your ideas do not make any sense. They are absolutely LUDICROUS.
What is the meaning of the word LUDICROUS?
a. calm
b. silly
c. passionate
d. same

Grade 6Context Clues

The Verillo family was driving to a theme park when a storm surprised them.
Even with the windshield wipers on top speed, the rain obscured Mr. Verillo's
view of the road. He had to slow down until the rain let up.
Using context clues what does the word obscured mean?
a. blocked

b. cleaned
c. improved

Grade 6Context Clues

Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only
men could vote in the United states until 1920.
What is "suffrage"?
a. something that caused physical pain
b. an early flag
c. skirts that did not cover the ankles
d. the right to vote

Grade 6Context Clues

If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all!
Which word is a synonym of "curtail"?
a. reduce
b. follow
c. behind
d. buy

Grade 6Context Clues

Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work.
It would be so much simpler if they both like the same kind of music.
A dispute is a....
a. musical instrument
b. choice of music
c. discovery
d. disagreement

Grade 6Context Clues

Molly was in a hurry to get to the playground. She pulled up the zipper on her
coat so fast that her sweater got stuck in it. She struggled to unzip but couldn't
do it. Luckily, her mom was able to extricate the sweater.
Using context clues what does extricate mean?
a. broken
b. notice
c. remove

In times of crisis, police officers must appear nonchalant while helping upset
In this sentence, nonchalant means:
a. calm
b. high strung
c. panic
d. unconcerned

Grade 10Context Clues

The defendant felt vindicated when the truth became known and all charges
were dropped against him.
In this sentence, vindicated means:
a. cleared from blame
b. cleared from obligation
c. cleared from peer pressure
d. cleared from expectations

Grade 10Context Clues

While Janice was on the cruise ship, she lived the life of a hedonist and spent
most of her days in search of pleasure.
In this sentence, hedonist DOES NOT mean:
a. person who seeks pleasure
b. person who seeks joy
c. person who seeks boredom

d. person who seeks happiness

Grade 10Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.9-10.4, RST.9-10.4

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The author says many modern-day fish evolved from earlier types of fish. Based
on the information in the passage, EVOLVED means
a. gradually developed into a more complex form.
b. moved from one habitat to another.
c. closely resembled in shape and appearance.
d. shared the same biological parents.

Grade 10Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.9-10.4, RST.9-10.4

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The author says annelids have segmented bodies. Based on the information in
the passage, SEGMENTED means
a. contains a backbone
b. lack of a backbone
c. kept as a whole
d. divided into parts

Grade 10Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.9-10.4, RST.9-10.4

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ACTIVE TRANSPORT, as used in the passage, can best be defined as:
a. the process of moving molecules up concentration gradients
b. the movement of molecules down concentration gradients
c. the tiny holes found within concentration gradients
d. the ability of water to pass through concentration gradients

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.

After much work, Dan had the kite ALOFT.
a. high up in the air
b. on the ground
c. in mid air

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
The prince LACED golden ribbons into her braided hair.
a. loosened
b. signed
c. intertwined

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
Even flies did not move on that SULTRY day.
a. cool
b. wet and warm
c. hot and moist

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
The orange sweater does not SUIT Melissa because she has red hair.
a. to make appropriate or acceptable
b. to meet the requirements; fit
c. to please or satisfy

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.

Snow FLURRIES are forecast for this evening.
a. rain
b. sudden, light snowfall
c. heavy snowfall

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
Mom's decision SUITS us all.
a. to make appropriate or acceptable
b. to meet the requirements; fit
c. to please or satisfy

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
The girls disliked handling the SLIMY worms when they went fishing
a. brown
b. cool and clean
c. slippery and sticky

Grade 10Context Clues

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Later in the speech, Michelle Obama says...
"And today, as First Lady, whenever the term "authentic" is used to describe me,
I take it as a tremendous compliment, because I know that I am following in the
footsteps of great women like Maya Angelou. But really, I'm just a beginner -- I
am baby-authentic. (Laughter.) Maya Angelou, now she was the original, she was
the master."
The word authentic most likely means...
a. True
b. Honest

c. Emotionally appropriate
d. Genuine

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
The FUSSY child cried all night long.
a. easily upset, as if to complain or whine
b. needing much attention to details
c. hard to please

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
Editing is a FUSSY job because you must pay attention to details.
a. easily upset, as if to complain or whine
b. needing much attention to details
c. hard to please

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
The jump off the 800-foot bridge was a FOOLISH venture
a. intelligent
b. wise
c. unwise

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
The merchant dickered over the price of the VALUABLE antique.
a. inexpensive
b. cheap
c. worth a great deal

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
We had to change the play to SUIT the audience.
a. to make appropriate or acceptable
b. to meet the requirements; fit
c. to please or satisfy

Grade 10Context Clues

Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.
The crowd gave the EXCELLENT musician several curtain calls.
a. very good
b. mediocre
c. poor
Daniel is a
traveler and understands many different cultures; therefore,
he never feels out of place, no matter where he goes.
a. cache
b. cliche
c. contort
d. cosmopolitan

Grade 11Context Clues

Read the following sentence:
As the world fills with electronic cameras and sensors, we may be able to learn
more about smaller meteors, such as the one at Chelyabinsk, before once more
facing the destructive power of a mammoth meteor like the one at Tunguska.
What does MAMMOTH mean in this context?
a. very, very large
b. a hairy mammal from the ice age
c. something frightening
d. lacking in force

Grade 11Context Clues

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As used in line 4, "irrevocable" most nearly means:
a. verified
b. unable to be changed
c. lacking in wisdom
d. petrified

Grade 11Context Clues

Choose the phrase that best fills in the blank.
Suzanne's response to her job loss was

; she didn't like working there

a. mazel tov
b. haute couture
c. c'est la vie
d. nom de plume

Grade 11Context Clues

a. platitude
b. reverie
c. rhetoric
d. dogma

Grade 11Context Clues

a. animation
b. emulation
c. exasperation

d. ostentation

Grade 11Context Clues

knew the HABITUALLY IDLE rogue
a. infinitestimal
b. benevolent
c. indolent
d. proficiant

Grade 11Context Clues

suggested A STOPPING until we decided
a. emulation
b. cessation
c. contrivance
d. premonition

Grade 11Context Clues

became VERY ANGRY waiting in line
a. indicative
b. incensed
c. inscrutable
d. infallible

Grade 11Context Clues

which looks UTTERLY DISORDERED after the storm
a. rampant
b. inscrutable
c. infirm
d. chaotic

Grade 11Context Clues

An allegory is a complex form of what?
a. personification
b. simile
c. extended metaphor
d. metonymy

Grade 11Context Clues

a friendly and APPROACHABLE manner
a. cavalier
b. benevolent
c. adorit
d. affable

Grade 11Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.11-12.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
The narrator says "had you realized the pathos of it allyou, too, would believe."
The word PATHOS most likely means...
a. An appeal to ethics and character
b. An appeal to logic or reason
c. An appeal to emotion, particularly pity or sadness
d. An appeal to time

Grade 11Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.11-12.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
"Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury."
The word PETITIONS most likely means...
a. Applications for judicial action
b. Documents with multiple signatures

c. Formal appeals or requests

d. Protests

Grade 11Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.11-12.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be
changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath
shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than
to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
The word PRUDENCE most likely means...
a. cautiousness
b. recklessness
c. extravagance
d. history

Grade 11Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.11-12.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
Poor little Faith! thought he, for his heart smote him.
The word SMOTE most likely means...
a. Hurt
b. Hit hard
c. Filled with love and longing
d. Smoked

Grade 11Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.11-12.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their
right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards
for their future security."
Which choice best demonstrates the meaning of the word USURPATIONS as used
in this passage...

a. A group of students locking their teacher out of the classroom.

b. A principal denying students the freedom to leave campus for lunch.
c. A farmer keeping his workers from leaving the farm and restricting their
access to their belongings.
d. A CEO continuing to run a company despite being voted out by the
shareholders and making decisions to hurt those shareholders.

Grade 11Context Clues

a. hersey
b. blasphemy
c. diffidence
d. dogma

Grade 11Context CluesCCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.11-12.4

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group
"In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most
humble terms..."
The word REDRESS most likely means...
a. Change clothes
b. Remedy
c. Compensation
d. Address an envelope

Grade 11Context Clues

appetite that is NEVER SATISFIED
a. infallible
b. rampant
c. innocous
d. insatiate

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