Engleski I Kolokvijum Zadaci

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Decembar 2008
1. The children played quietly ______ disturb us. a) not so b) so not c) so as not to d) so as not
2. The book must cost _______ pounds. a) the least b) at least c) in the least d) least
3. It was _______ exciting book I could hardly put it down. a) so b) such c) such a d) such an
4. They are not _______ interested in this scenario. a) in the least b) least c) at least d) to the least
5. She wanted to be at work right _____ time. a) by b) for c) at d) on
6. They were walking hand _______ hand. a) under b) by c) on d) in
7. There is a theater _______ my friends house. a) in front b) before c) opposite d) across
8. Finally, the fog lifted, ______ made the drive more pleasant. a) which b) what
9. ________ glasses you are looking for are on the desk. a) a b) an c) the d) /
10. This is really too heavy ________ bag for you to carry. a) a b) an c) the d) /
11. Did you go to church ______ last Easter? a) a b) an c) the d) /
12. What were you doing all ________ day yesterday? a) a b) an c) the d) /
13. I cant see ________ as an athlete, but who knows? a) me b) myself c) me being d) my being
14. Youll find the information on page _______. a) ten b) tenth c) the tenth d) the ten
15. We have a ______-old baby. a) two weeks b) two weeks c) two-week d) two-weeks
16. He asked me over to meet a friend of _____. a) his b) him c) he d) himself
17. I really dont understand what John is getting _____. a) to b) at c) on d) by
18. There was a lecture at the faculty, but he forgot all _____ it. a) for b) over c) on d) about
19. People should really tell the truth and not lie _____ their friends. a) at b) / c) on d) to
20. Will my dress be ready _____ Tuesday? a) to b) on c) at d) in
21. May I leave this package _____ you? a) at b) by c) with d) on
22. The Prime Minister arrived _____ Belgrade yesterday. a) to b) in c) over d) into
23. I dont think I can do it _____. I need help. a) by me b) on my c) myself d) on me
24. They agreed _____ a date for the wedding. a) on b) of c) at d) with
25. John didnt see us and I had to shout _____ him. a) on b) at c) out d) by
26. If you want a good place, you must be there ____ time. a) at b) of c) on d) to
27. They first met _____ 2003. a) on b) at c) in d) out of
28. Why dont you sit _____ your brother? a) besides b) beside
29. There are _____ eggs on the shelf. Could you give me one? a) few b) a few c) fewer d) less
30. Who is from ______ Northern Ireland? a) a b) an c) the d) /
31. If you dont keep your promise, Ill be _____ disappointed. a) the most b) more c) most d) the more
32. I havent ______ idea. I really couldnt say. a) in the least b) least c) at least d) the least
33. If he makes one more rude remark, shell be _____ offended. a) the most b) more c) most d) the more
34. He works ________. He really needs rest. a) that much b) as much c) too much d) so much
35. ______ playing very good tennis, she looks good. a) besides b) beside
36. Did she win _____ race she entered? a) a b) an c) the d) /
37. Most small towns in _____ Britain have one main street. a) a b) an c) the d) /
38. Driving to Edinburgh, they had _____ accident. a) a b) an c) the d) /
39. Although he lives in Podgorica, hes never seen ______ Adriatic. a) a b) an c) the d) /
40. Several _____ went on that call. a) policemen b) policemans c) policemens d) policemans
41. Australia exports wool, so there are a lot of ______. a) sheeps b) ships c) sheep d) ships
42. Somebody broke into our _____ apartment. a) neighbor b) neighbors c) neighborss d) neighborses
43. Are these _____ books? a) yours b) yours c) your d) yourself
44. Jill says that _____ is not very fond of math. a) she herself b) herself c) her d) her self
45. Mary, _______ parents are from Montreal, is bilingual. a) what b) whom c) whose d) which
46. I saw a cousin of _____ in the street yesterday. a) me b) myself c) my d) mine
47. I gave him all my money, ______ was a mistake. a) which b) what c) that d) whose
48. George and Jill introduced _____ to a famous pop star. a) ourselves b) themselves c) myself d) themself
49. Excuse me, are all _______ chairs free? a) thoses b) that c) these d) this
50. She took some meet and _____ bottles of wine. a) to b) two c) too
51. He did his work without ____ any difficulty. a) some b) any c) many d) plenty
52. The lion is ____ than the tiger. a) most dangerous b) dangerous c) less dangerous d) as dangerous a
53. _____ house of all is three miles away. a) farther b) further c) farthest d) the farthest
54. _____ students can understand this theory. a) few b) little c) not much d) fewest

55. They live in ______ street in the village. a) the narrow b) the narrowest c) narrower d) narrowest
56. The customer had _____ money than he needed. a) littler b) not many c) less d) the least
57. Beer is _____ wine. a) not so strong as b) not as strong as c) the strongest d) strong
58. The green suitcase was _____ of all the baggage. a) the heavyest b) heaviest c) the heaviest d) the most
59. The job you are doing is ____ the one you did last week. a) as difficult as b) more difficult c) less
difficult d) difficult
60. The shops in ___ Regent Street are very expensive. a) a b) an c) the d) /
61. ____ Thompsons have a house in the country. a) a b) an c) the d) /
62. He is ____ intelligent man. a) a b) an c) the d) /
63. We used to meet at least four times _____ week. a) a b) an c) the d) /
64. My son joined the rest of the ______ in the schoolyard. a) child b) childs c) children d) childrens
65. Seems like my _____ are too big for these shoes. a) foot b) foots c) feets d) feet
66. His father and ____ were school friends. a) my b) mine c) himself d) him
67. I am perfectly capable of looking after ______. a) me b) my c) myself d) mine
68. The man ____ I always forget is coming to tea. a) who b) which c) whom d) whose
69. The old woman ____ lives next door has just died. a) who b) which c) whom d) whose
70. There are _____ beautiful flowers in the park. a) much b) any c) some d) plenty
71. Lets sit under _____ trees, shall we. a) this b) that c) these d) those
72. _____ of my friends will be at the party. a) none b) any c) no d) everybody
73. We cannot go out. Its raining ______. a) heavy b) heavily c) heavier d) heaviest
74. Silk is _____ than velvet. a) thiner b) more thin c) thinner d) thinnest
75. This is _____ cake I have ever tasted. a) most delicious b) delicious c) the most delicious d) deliciousest
76. I cannot go to the party. I havent got ____ to wear. a) something b) everything c) anything d) nothing
77. They are interested ____ geography. a) in b) for c) at d) to
78. Are you good ____ history? a) in b) for c) at d) to
79. The baby was born ____ May 10th. a) in b) at c) by d) on
80. I dont like when they talk _____ me behind my back. a) after b) at c) about d) behind
81. We live near ____ Metropolis Hotel. a) / b) a c) an d) the
82. What time do you usually go to ____ bed? a) / b) a c) an d) the
83. Unfortunately, the town lost _____ only cinema. a) it b) its c) its d) their
84. Is ZETCO the company _____ was taken over last year? a) which b) who c) whom d) whose
85. He is one of those people _____ are never satisfied. a) whom b) whose c) which d) who
86. We've brought some food with _____. a) me b) ourselves c) us d) we
87. Some friends of _____ will drop by later on. a) us b) our c) ourselves d) ours
88. Jonathan behaved _______ of all people in the room. a) the most stupidly b) the most stupid c) most
stupidly d) stupidly
89. This cheese smells ______. a) well b) badly c) awful d) nicely
90. Betty is ______ than her younger sister. a) more attractive b) as attractive as c) attractive d) most
91. There are _____ birds in spring than in winter. a) fewer b) little c) much d) fewest
92. He graduated _____ the University of Oxford. a) at b) in c) from d) to
93. _____ Hyde Park is a very large park in central London. a) / b) a c) an d) the
94. I can remember the accident very ______. a) clearly b) clear c) the clearest d) clearer
95. ____ is much smaller than the wolf. a) wolfess b) she-wolf c) lady-wolf
96. In many countries, a waiter is better paid than a _____. a) woman waiter b) she-waiter c) waitress
97. English Language I is a __________ course. a) two-semester b) two-semesters c) two semesters d) two
98. I only have a _________ note and some change. a) five pounds b) five-pound c) five-pounds d) fivepounds
99. We have three ___________ lessons every week. a) two-hour b) two-hours c) two-hours d) two hours
100. You must slow down, youre driving _____________. a) more dangerous b) dangerously c) most
dangerous D) dangerous
101. If you listen ___________, you might learn something. a) careful b) carefully c) the carefullest d)
more careful
102. He pushed the door as ___________ as he could. a) hardly b) harder c) the hardest d) hard

103. Dont think so much, you need to act much _________ than this. a) fastly b) the fastest c) fastest d)
104. We need more _________ than this to understand this lesson. a) information b) informations c)
105. Our baby cries a lot because its ___________ are growing. a) tooth b) tooths c) teeth d) theeths
106. We need three _________ and five spoons. a) knife b) knifes c) knives d) knifes
107. You should visit ____ Lake Michigan, its magnificent. a) a b) an c) the d)/
108. It never snows in his country, not even in _____ December. a) a b) an c) the d)/
109. I always have a cup of tea and read ____ Times in the morning. a) a b) an c) the d)/
110. Tom has always been fascinated with ____ Japanese. a) a b) an c) the d)/
111. I really want to go and see _____ Sahara desert. a) a b) an c) the d)/
112. Journeys across ______ Atlantic are very tiresome. a) a b) an c) the d)/
113. criterion a) criterion b) criterions c) criteria
114. prognosis a) prognosis b) prognoses c) prognosiss
115. phenomenon a) phenomena b) phenomenons c) phenomenon
116. oasis a) oasis b) oases c) oasises
117. hypothesis a) hypothesis b) hypotheses c) hypotheses
118. 17,554 a) seven thousand, five hundred and fifty-four b) seventeen thousand, five hundred and fiftyfour
c) seventeen thousand, five hundreds, fifty-four d) seven thousand, fifty hundred and fifty-four
119. 87,350 a) eighteen thousand and seventy, three hundred and fifty b) eight-seven thousand, three
hundreds fifty
c) eighty-seven thousand, three hundred and fifty d) eighty-seven thousands, three hundreds and fifty
120. 98,440 a) nineteen-eight thousand, four hundred and forty b) ninety-eight thousands, five hundred
b) nineteen-eight thousands, four hundreds and forty d) ninety-eight thousand, four hundred and forty

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