2 AFIS in Australia and PH

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PNP launches Automated

Fingerprint Identification System


Newly-procured equipment of PNP Crime Laboratory that could store up to five million criminal and noncriminal records nationwide. JULLIANE LOVE DE JESUS
THE Crime Laboratory of the Philippine National Police has acquired a high-tech equipment
expanding the database of criminals that could help speed up the solution of crimes nationwide.
The Automated Fingerprint Identification System was launched on Wednesday in a ceremony at Camp
Crame. This is the second phase of the system improvement that will include the upgrading of the
capacity of crime laboratorys equipment and installation of additional workstation.
For the first phase, the government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
donated P500 million to the PNP for the installation of equipment that will be upgraded in the second
phase. The new AFIS will be operational starting on Monday next week.
Chief Superintendent Augusto Marquez, deputy director of the Directorate for Investigation and
Detection Management, said in an interview at Camp Crame that the newly-procured equipment will
increase the PNPs efficiency in crime solution and clearance.

As of June, the Crime Laboratory has more than 761,000 records in its system for the last five years.
But before the system reaches its one-million record capacity, it will be increased to five million.

The P250-million worth project, according to Marquez, will expand the storage capacity of their
equipment, from holding one million to five million criminal and non-criminal records.
Unlike before, it takes at least a week to establish the identity suspects or victims through crossmatching, now identification process can be finished within a few minutes.
With AFIS, we can now search data from three million records in 60 seconds, meaning, well be able
to identify three million records in just one minute, Superintendent Ariel Ayusip, chief of the
Fingerprint Identification Division of PNP Crime Laboratory, told reporters.
Once the criminal is identified through AFIS, the crime laboratory will furnish the DIDM a copy of his
records then the police station, which handles the case, will file charges against the suspect.
Biometrics scanner
Marquez said the PNP hopes to have all 1,766 police stations across the country equipped with a
biometrics scanner, scrapping the old process of taking finger prints.
This way, fingerprinting will not be done on a carton or paper. Fingers would be scanned in a device
the size of a smartphone, Marquez explained.
When police make arrests, suspects undergo a booking process including the taking of fingerprints.
Collected fingerprints of suspects who have been identified by police are called ten-prints, which
shows ten fingerprint impressions. As for the invisible fingerprints taken in crime scenes, these are
called latent prints.
Once the person undergoes scanning, his or her fingerprints will immediately be saved in the
database, allowing the Crime Laboratory headquarters to access the data.
Lets say if the police will retrieve a suspects ten-print in Basilan, instantly, the data can be
accessed here in Camp Crame. Unlike before that fingerprints on papers, which sometimes have
smudges, will have to be transported here, he said.
So when we request for another copy of the fingerprints, the suspect is already released on bail,
which means that case is unsolved because of the lack of evidence, he added.

Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/699166/pnp-launches-automatedfingerprint-identification-system#ixzz4FO18GoQ1

Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
An Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is effectively a storage, search and retrieval system for finger and palm print
electronic images and demographic data. AFIS is a high speed, high capacity image processing system that enhances the ability of the
latent fingerprint examiners to search and identify crime scene evidence against ever increasing pools of fingerprint records.
AFIS systems have and continue to replace outdated manual methods of fingerprint classification employed by law enforcement
agencies over the past century.
AFIS systems utilise specialised software and powerful computer hardware configurations to create unique mathematicalmaps
(algorithms) based upon relationships between the characteristics present within the finger or palm friction ridge skin structures. Modern
AFIS systems rapidly extract information from the fingerprint to establish the pattern type, minutiae points and the axis of the image.
The use of mathematical algorithms enables a fingerprint to be compared with millions of file prints within a matter of seconds.
The latest AFIS systems may also incorporate palm print matching capabilities. In the majority of operating systems palm print images
are divided up into a number of small segments so that the software can effectively and efficiently code, store and search the palm data
within a reasonable time frame (similar size to a rolled fingerprint impression).
AFIS software utilise the impressions obtained from the rolled index fingers or thumbs to search and match against existing tenprint
records within the database. This matching process is used in proving identity in the recording of criminal convictions (criminal history).
The AFIS system may use the rolled impressions or a combination of the rolled and flat impressions of all fingers to compare against
the unsolved crime latent database. This process is used when comparing new arrest finger and palm images against the unsolved
crime latent database or when comparing new crime scene latent evidence against the existing arrest records within the tenprint
Different systems offer binary or grey-scale images. Pure black and white images depicted as binary images frequently allow
important data to drop out of the image, i.e. the scanner or reader recognised black and white but not the shades of grey. Modern
systems offer grey scale images and, depending on the system, these images may be captured using up to 256 grey levels which gives
the examiner more detailed data to compare and identify.
Latent images can be scanned from physical lifts, negatives, photographs or uploaded from digital cameras, all in high quality detail
(up to 1000Dpi). Tenprint images can also be captured using Livescan technology (see CrimTrac page).
When searching an unknown print against the AFIS database, the system provides a candidate list of the closest matching fingerprint
images from the tenprint database. The fingerprint examiner verifies the results and indicates whether an identification has been made
against any one of the nominated candidates.
While the list provided by the AFIS is given in order of decreasing match value (as calculated by the search algorithm), the final
identification, as established by the fingerprint expert, may not necessarily be among the first few candidates on the list. Despite the
progress made in computer hardware and software, AFIS technology has not yet eliminated the need for human verification of AFIS
match results.

The AFIS database contains several separate databases, each with its own specific purpose and storage scheme, to facilitate efficient
overall system performance. These include the tenprint, palm print and unsolved crime case image databases (finger and palm).

Australian NAFIS
The current Australian National Automated Fingerprint Identification System was commissioned on April 31st 2001. The new AFIS
utilises the SAGEM Morpho operating system incorporating the use of 256 grey scale and 500 Dpi images.
The Australian AFIS database currently contains 2,600,000 tenprint records that are uploaded by the individual State and Territory
Police Agencies. The database contains tenprint records from all arrested persons (since 1941) and other tenprint records including
police applicants and other occupations as required by State and Territory legislation (probity checks).
The new AFIS can be accessed from any State or Territory in Australia from 39 metropolitan and remote locations. Each site can upload
both tenprint and latent data and review AFIS search results at a local level. The new NAFIS supports Livescan technology and will
eventually integrate over 150 Livescan devices directly with the AFIS search system.
All image comparisons (tenprint and latent) can now be completed on screen, using high quality images from the database. Latent
examiners are able to enhance crime scene latent evidence using a variety of digital tools available within operating system software.
These tools include fast Fourier transformation and 3 dimensional imaging that can be applied to the image prior to searching against
the tenprint record database.
The SAGEM AFIS system replaced its predecessor the NEC AFIS system that had operated as the National AFIS in Australia since the
early 1980s. The NEC operating system was based upon the use of binary images. It was one of the first automated fingerprint
systems in the world utilised on a national level by law enforcement agencies


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CrimTrac is an Executive Agency responsible for developing and maintaining national information-sharing services
between state, territory and federal law enforcement agencies. It was established to deliver on the vision of sharing
national policing information to achieve local, national and international policing outcomes.
CrimTrac works in partnership with Australias police agencies to provide services that allow police to easily share
information with each other across state and territory borders. CrimTracs information-sharing capabilities are
specifically designed to equip police with the information needed to make decisions to assist in investigating and
preventing crime. CrimTrac ensures that vital information is shared across Australias nine police agencies to
provide a national view of policing.
Under the Australian Constitution, each state and territory is responsible for maintaining law and order within its
borders, with the Australian Federal Police serving the Commonwealth. Criminals have exploited borders to avoid
detection, but when police have a national view of policing information, this minimises opportunities for offenders to
evade the law by crossing borders.
It is essential to have effective and efficient information sharing systems to support law enforcement and the
operational officers who protect our community. Through its services, CrimTrac contributes directly to the
effectiveness and efficiency of police and law enforcement agencies in Australia.



2.1National Automated Fingerprint Identification System

2.2National Criminal Investigation DNA Database

3Child Protection

3.1National Child Offender System

3.2Child Exploitation Tracking System

4Police Reference Services


4.1National Police Reference System

4.2National Firearms Licensing and Registration System

4.3National Vehicles of Interest

5National Police Checking Service


7External links

CrimTrac was established to modernise the IT systems created by the National Exchange of Policing Information
(NEPI) formed in 1990 and to add new systems required by Australian police to meet changing national law
enforcement needs. These include biometric identification of persons of interest via fingerprints and DNA, and other
policing information. Fifty million dollars was provided by the Federal government following the 1998 election, and
procedural and administrative work commenced to create CrimTrac and transition the NEPI systems over. An InterGovernmental Agreement (IGA) signed by Federal, State and Territory law enforcement ministers in July 2000 has
underpinned the agency's endeavours.
CrimTrac commenced as a small national agency located in the national capital - Canberra, and staffed by
Australian Public Servants. Police specialists and contractors assist where necessary. It has required strong
cooperation from all police services, particularly on Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Even with
the advantage of an IGA, CrimTrac's startup, growth and management in the first five years was challenging as it
addressed its NEPI legacy whilst scoping new IT systems to deliver better shared policing information. Those years
required sustained effort by the staff of CrimTrac and by its Board of Management, drawn from the IGA parties, at
Police Commissioner level. CrimTrac continues to face challenges as a result of Australia's federational style of
government, which has produced nine different sets of criminal legislation and nine individual police systems that
must communicate to allow the centralisation of policing information. The national DNA database took eight years to
become fully functional because of minor differences in Commonwealth, state and territory legislation.
While Australian police services and law enforcement agencies need and want better information systems to
support officers on the beat, they do not wish these systems to necessarily replace their existing systems. Their
systems are at differing levels of sophistication and evolution on different computing platforms, architectures and
types and formats of information stored. They have been built and had evolved to suit jurisdictional, not national

To achieve optimal outcomes from its new or improved national IT systems, CrimTrac has worked hard for a new
and better culture of information sharing between police services. Regular and informative liaison characterises
CrimTrac's modus operandi with police and strong arguments accompany all CrimTrac business cases where police
services may be asked to contribute or share information. The impact of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 is
also taken into account through the requirement for all new projects that involve the national sharing of sometimes
sensitive and usually confidential personal information to prepare a privacy impact assessment.
Improving legacy IT systems or building new ones understandably has involved controversy as existing state and
territory-based policing information systems were scrutinised by CrimTrac in order to establish "best of breed"
designs, to analyse better information-sharing practices for national adoption and to persuade police jurisdictions to
use new CrimTrac systems. In the almost eight years since CrimTrac was established, distrust and controversy has
been replaced by support and cooperation from all the partner police services.

CrimTrac's NCIDD and NAFIS systems provide police agencies with biometric matching capabilities that assist the
police with identity management and to resolve crime.

National Automated Fingerprint Identification System[edit]

The National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS) is a fingerprint and palm print database and
matching system, which is available to Australian police and immigration authorities.
The NAFIS assists Australian police to solve crime by quickly and reliably establishing a persons identity from
fingerprint and palm impressions. The NAFIS enables near real time upload of prints from crime scenes which
makes it possible for police to identify a suspect in minutes.
The NAFIS contains finger and palm print images collected from individuals by Australian police and immigration
authorities. It also contains unsolved fingerprint and palm print crime scene images, which Australian police can
search against.
The NAFIS contains fingerprint or palm print records for more than 3.3 million people, with a total of 5.6 millions sets
if prints. In the 2011-12 financial year users conducted 428,831 searches on prints from individuals. During this
period, there was 367,751 searches conducted on finger and palm prints from latent fingerprints, which are collected
at crime scenes.

National Criminal Investigation DNA Database[edit]

The National Criminal Investigation DNA Database (NCIDD) provides Australian police with the ability to match DNA
profiles across state and territory borders.
The NCIDD contains DNA profiles from samples collected by Australian police. These profiles are derived from
samples collected at crime scenes, or from convicted offenders, suspects, items belonging to missing persons and
unknown deceased persons.
The NCIDD enables police agencies to compare DNA profiles from a crime scene with convicted offenders
throughout Australia. Additionally, the database allows police to match profiles from two or more unsolved crime
scenes, linking seemingly unrelated police investigations.

By 30 June 2012, the NCIDD had linked 69,606 individuals to crime scenes, and had made 12,216 crime scene to
crime scene links. At 31 December 2012, there were 713,200 profiles recorded on the NCIDD.
As well as their ongoing day to day value to Australian police, the international value of these systems was proven
following the Bali bombings in 2002 and the Australian response to the Thailand tsunami of 2004.

Child Protection[edit]
National Child Offender System[edit]
The National Child Offender System (NCOS) provides operational police with tools to achieve nationally consistent
registration and management of child offenders. The NCOS consists of the Australian National Child Offender
Register (ANCOR) and the Managed Person System (MPS). The ANCOR supports online crime prevention and
allows authorised police officers to register, case manage and share information about registered persons. It assists
police to uphold child protection legislation in their state or territory. The MPS holds information on offenders who
are charged but not convicted, or after an offenders reporting obligations have been completed.

Child Exploitation Tracking System[edit]

The Child Exploitation Tracking System (CETS) is a joint initiative between CrimTrac, police agencies and Microsoft.
The primary objective of the CETS is to improve police efforts to identify children exposed to significant risk of
sexual abuse, and reduce police exposure to child exploitation material. The CETS automatically matches seized
child exploitation material with previously identified material. This makes it easier for police to identify material
created by an offender, and increases police capacity to identify victims.

Police Reference Services[edit]

National Police Reference System[edit]
The National Police Reference System (NPRS) enables Australian police agencies to integrate their data with data
from other police agencies. The NPRS supports police and other law enforcement agencies by providing key
reference data to support first responders, investigators and analysts.
In the 2011-12 financial year, more than 53,000 police users conducted 35 million transactions using the NPRS.
During this period, 10 million person records with 5.7 million photographs were available for law enforcement
purposes. On average, there are 96,000 daily transactions made on the NPRS.
Some of the information included about a person of interest on the NPRS includes: name; identity information
(including photographs); information on warnings, warrants and whether an individual is wanted by police; offence
history; protection and violence orders; firearms involvements; and information relating to the child protection
The NPRS also contains information on missing persons, unidentified persons and bodies, and escapees.
In May 2012 the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) was the first authorised non-police agency to gain access to
NPRS for law-enforcement purposes.

National Firearms Licensing and Registration System [edit]

The National Firearms Licensing and Registration System (NFLRS) holds information on:

past and current firearm license holders

licensed firearms dealers
registered, lost or stolen firearms.
CrimTrac collects and shares firearm license and registration information between all police agencies and approved
external agencies. Police officers responding to an incident can be advised if a person is the registered owner of a
firearm. There are more than 4.5 million firearms recorded on the NFLRS.

National Vehicles of Interest[edit]

The National Vehicle of Interest (NVOI) system records stolen, recovered and suspect vehicle details. This service
enables Australian police agencies to share information on vehicle registration, driver license and vehicle owner
In the 2011-12 financial year, more than 188,000 incidents were registered on the system.

National Police Checking Service[edit]

CrimTrac works together with Australias police agencies to deliver the National Police Checking Service (NPCS).
The NPCS enhances the safety and security of the community by ensuring the integrity of individuals placed in a
position of trust.
The NPCS provides Australian police agencies, and other agencies accredited with CrimTrac, with a national view of
police history information. A National Police History Check involves checking and releasing police information about
an individual, subject to relevant legislation and policies. This is used to assess an individuals suitability for
employment, Australian citizenship, or appointment to positions of trust.
CrimTrac delivers the NPCS to more than 120 organisations across the country. These include police agencies,
public and private sector organisations and not-for-profit organisations.
The NPCS processed approximately 3 million checks in the 2011-12 financial year. Approximately 29 per cent of all
checks require further investigation by police.
CrimTrac is working with New Zealand Police in a trial of sharing police history information.



Items on this Page:

What is an AFIS?
AZAFIS Site Overview
Central Site
FAST Sites
RT Sites
ALI Sites
Image Scanner Sites
Mug Photo Sites

What is an AFIS?
An Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is effectively a storage, search and retrieval system for
finger and palm print electronic images and demographic data. AFIS is a high speed, high capacity image
processing system that enhances the ability of the latent fingerprint examiners to search and identify crime scene
evidence and tenprint technicians to search arrest prints against ever increasing pool of fingerprint records.
AFIS systems have and continue to replace outdated manual methods of fingerprint classification employed by law
enforcement agencies over the past century.
AFIS systems utilize specialized software and powerful computer hardware configurations to create unique
mathematical maps (algorithms) based upon relationships between the characteristics present within the finger or
palm friction ridge skin structures. Modern AFIS systems rapidly extract information from the fingerprint to
establish the pattern type, minutiae points and the axis of the image. The use of mathematical algorithms enables
a fingerprint to be compared with millions of file prints within a matter of seconds.
AFIS software utilize the impressions obtained from the rolled index fingers or thumbs to search and match
against existing tenprint records within the database. This matching process is used in proving identity in the
recording of criminal convictions (criminal history).
The AFIS system may use the rolled impressions or a combination of the rolled and flat impressions of all fingers to
compare against the unsolved crime latent database. This process is used when comparing new arrest finger and
palm images against the unsolved crime latent database or when comparing new crime scene latent evidence
against the existing arrest records within the tenprint database.
Different systems offer "binary" or "grey-scale" images. Pure black and white images depicted as binary images
frequently allow important data to "drop out" of the image, i.e. the scanner or reader recognized black and white
but not the shades of grey. Modern systems offer grey scale images and, depending on the system, these images
may be captured using up to 256 grey levels which gives the examiner more detailed data to compare and identify.
When searching an unknown print against the AFIS database, the system provides a "candidate list" of the closest
matching fingerprint images from the tenprint database. The fingerprint examiner verifies the results and indicates
whether an identification has been made against any one of the nominated candidates.

While the list provided by the AFIS is given in order of decreasing match value (as calculated by the search
algorithm), the final identification, as established by the fingerprint expert, may not necessarily be among the first
few candidates on the list. Despite the progress made in computer hardware and software, AFIS technology has
not yet eliminated the need for human verification of AFIS match results.
The AFIS database contains several separate databases, each with its own specific purpose and storage scheme, to
facilitate efficient overall system performance. These include the tenprint, palm print and unsolved crime case
image databases (finger and palm).
Top of Page

AZAFIS Site Overview

The Arizona Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AZAFIS) is comprised of a central fingerprint and mug
photo repository within the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), Full Access System Terminal (FAST) sites,
Remote Terminal (RT) sites, AZAFIS Livescan Interface (ALI) Sites, AZAFIS Image Scanner Interface (AISI) Sites,
and Mug Photo Interface (MPI) sites. AFIS, livescan, card scanner, and mug photo equipment connected to the
AZAFIS frame relay network allows authorized users throughout the State to remotely launch fingerprint searches
and mug photo lineup requests against the centralized statewide databases. Once fingerprints have been searched
against the AZAFIS database they are automatically submitted electronically to the Federal Bureau of
Investigations Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) to be searched against the national
fingerprint database. The Arizona Computerized Criminal History (ACCH) database is also automatically updated
via the AZAFIS-ACCH interface. There are approximately 3 million fingerprint cards in the database.
Top of Page

Central Site AFIS Operations (Arizona Department of Public Safety)

The Records and Identification Bureau of the Arizona Department of Public Safety is responsible for overall
management of AZAFIS. The AZAFIS Fingerprint Unit of the Records and Identification Bureau provides AFIS
tenprint processing for criminal justice agencies throughout the state that are not designated as FAST sites or RT
sites. AFIS latent print processing is provided by the DPS Crime Laboratory Latent Print Unit for these same
agencies. The AZAFIS Fingerprint Section is also charged with providing quality control monitoring of FAST site and
RT site AZAFIS processing.
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Full Access System Terminal (FAST) Sites

A FAST site is a law enforcement agency designated by the AZAFIS Advisory Board that, in addition to being
responsible for entering and searching its own agency's tenprints and latent prints against the centralized AZAFIS
databases at the Arizona Department of Public Safety, is also required to process tenprints and latents for all other

law enforcement agencies (except RT site agencies) within the county in which the FAST site agency is located.
FAST sites have been designated at the sheriffs offices in the two most populous counties: Maricopa and Pima.
Necessary hardware and software capable of performing both tenprint and latent print functions is provided to the
two FAST site agencies by the State of Arizona.
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Remote Terminal (RT) Sites

An RT site is an approved law enforcement agency in any of the 15 counties that acquires its own fully-compatible
AFIS equipment that is directly interconnected to the central site AZAFIS computers at the Arizona Department of
Public Safety. An RT site has the same tenprint and latent print processing capabilities as a FAST site, but is
required to pay all costs associated with AFIS processing at the Remote Terminal site. An RT site is responsible for
entering and searching only its own agency's tenprints and latent prints through the centralized AZAFIS databases
at the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The 10 RT sites are located at: Chandler Police Department, Glendale
Police Department, Mesa Police Department, , Peoria Police Department, Phoenix Police Department, Scottsdale
Police Department, Tempe Police Department, Tucson Police Department, Yuma Police Department, and the
Avondale Police Department.
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AZAFIS Livescan Interface (ALI) Sites

The State of Arizona provides livescan equipment for the primary arrest booking facility in each of the 15 counties
in the State of Arizona to allow participating agencies to capture arrestees' fingerprints with the installed devices
and then transmit them electronically to an AFIS workstation at the Central Site, a FAST site, or an RT site for
automated searching and subsequent electronic filing; eliminating the need to mail arrest fingerprint cards.
Electronic mug photo capture capability was also provided for each county sheriffs office. Livescan equipment was
also provided by AZAFIS to two juvenile court centers in Maricopa County and Pima County to be used to capture
fingerprints of juveniles who are adjudicated as delinquent for committing offenses that would be classified as
felonies if committed by adults. Many police agencies have also since acquired livescan capability, bringing the total
number of livescans in the State to about 120.
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AZAFIS Image Scanner Interface (AISI) Sites

AZAFIS Image Scanner Interface (AISI) equipment was acquired by the State and by several law enforcement
agencies as a less-expensive alternative for the electronic submission of fingerprints for low-volume sites. To
submit a set of fingerprints from an AISI site the operator first manually captures an arrestees fingerprints using
the traditional ink-and-roll method. The inked prints are then scanned and digitized using the AISI equipment. The
operator then enters the demographic data needed to complete a fingerprint card. The images and the
demographic data are merged and transmitted electronically to the designated AFIS workstation site to be
searched and added to the AZAFIS database. Crime scene fingerprints (latents) may also be scanned and
transmitted using an AISI workstation.
Top of Page

AZAFIS Mug Photo Interface (MPI) Sites

The AZAFIS Mug Photo Interface (MPI) subsystem is comprised of a centralized statewide image database operated
and maintained by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The MPI input/retrieval (capture) workstations are
interfaced to the AZAFIS livescan equipment at sheriffs offices and police departments around the state, and are
used to acquire mug photos and images of scars, marks, and tattoos of arrestees when they are booked and
fingerprinted. The MPI images are transmitted electronically along with the fingerprint images to the central
database. Sites with MPI investigative workstations have the capability of retrieving standardized mug photo
lineups and other electronic images (including driver license photos) via the AZAFIS network. There are currently
61 MPI capture sites and 76 investigative sites in the State. There are approximately 8 million photos in the
Top of Page


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