Notes On Speed

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Notes on Speed

A) 2 Objects moving in the same directions (Eg Race, Overtaking)

Overtaking is one of the most common scenarios for speed. Here are some
common strategies when you see this type of question.
For an object to overtake another object, the first object must travel at a faster
(Very Important) If 2 objects start out from the same point but at different times,
the instant when the faster object overtakes the slower object, the distance traveled
by both objects are the SAME.
Example: Car A started off first. After 30 minutes, car B started to chase after car
A. When car B catches with with car A, the distance traveled by both cars are the
If a slower object started at a distance ahead of a faster object but at the same
time, and the faster object overtakes the slower object, the distance between them
when they started is the same as the difference in their speed multiplied by the time
they meet.

Formula: Time taken =

Example: Car A started off 100 metres ahead of Car B and they started at the
same time. Car B is 20 m/s faster than Car A.
Time taken =

5 seconds

Keynote: If both objects move in the same direction, we usually take note of
the difference in their distances travelled and the difference in their speed.

B) 2 Objects moving in opposite directions

(Eg Start at same point, move off in opposite direction)
or (Eg John is at A moving towards B. Candy is at B moving towards A)
When two objects/persons are moving towards each other, we can use the
following formula if they have not bypass each other.
Formula: Time taken =

Example: Car A travels towards Car B 150 m away at 20 m/s. At the same time, Car B travels towards Car A
at 10 m/s. The time for them to meet each other is 30 seconds.

Time taken =

5 seconds

Example: Car A travels towards Car B 700 m away at 20 m/s. After 5 seconds, Car B travels towards Car A at
10 m/s. What was the time taken by Car B to meet Car A?

When Car B started, Car A has already traveled 100 metres. (20 * 5)

The time for them to meet is 20 seconds.

Time taken =

20 seconds

C) (i) Ratio of speed is equivalent to Ratio of distance. (Start at same time)


50 km/h

20 km/h

Distance travelled
(Assume start at same

5 units

2 units

(ii) Ratio of speed is inversely proportional to Ratio of time taken to

complete the same distance.
Eg Let's say the total distance is 200 km.


50 km/h

20 km/h

Ratio of Speed

5 units

2 units

Time taken
Ratio of Time taken

2 parts

5 parts

Final Tip: Always draw a line to represent the distance between 2 points. It
always helps!

Notes on Circle
A) There are only two formula in the topic on Circle.
Area of Circle =
Perimeter/Circumference of Circle =
That's it. So just make sure you do not apply the wrong formula or use
radius/diameter wrongly!
B) Commonly tested figures usually involve full circle, Semi Circle and QuarterCircle (Quadrants) so look out for them. PSLE does not test students to find area
of ovals so worry less and start conquering!
For Semi Circles and Quadrants, remember to use and respectively.

for Area of Semi Circles.

Common Mistakes in Algebra

1. Adding unlike terms together
Letters and numbers are unlike terms. When students see 5a + 10, they simply
add 5 to 10 and write the answer as 15a. This is wrong. You cannot add the 10
to 5a because they are considered unlike terms.
You can only add like terms together. For instance, 5a and 2a are like terms
because they both carry the letter a. So 5a + 2a = 7a.
But 5a + 10 cannot be simplified anymore and you can only leave it in this form.
Question: How do we simplify 5a + 2 + 2a + 3?

In this case, you group the like terms together.

So, you rearrange and group the a together, followed by the numbers together.
You will get 5a + 2a + 2 + 3.
And this can be simplified further to 7a + 5. And this will be the final answer.

2. Failure to Put Brackets

Take a look at these 2 expressions : a + 2 x 3 vs (a + 2) x 3.
What is the difference?
For the first one, you do the multiplication first due to the order of operations
which states that multiply comes before plus.
For the second one, you do the bracket first because bracket comes before
So, when you read the question, you must be very careful on when to use
Eg Mary has 2a oranges. She brought 3 more oranges. Jane has twice as many
oranges as her. How many oranges does Jane has?
In this example, you take 2a + 3 first. Then Janes oranges will be (2a + 3) x 2
which can be simplified to 4a + 6. This will be the final answer. The bracket in
the working is essential.

3. Failure to put as Fraction

Example: The first number is b. The second number is 3. What is the average of
these 2 numbers?
Many students write b + 3 2 as the final answer. This is wrong
The correct answer should be

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