IBA Math Revision Handout

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If 𝑚 + 𝑝 + 𝑘 = 70, 𝑝 = 2𝑚, and 𝑘=2𝑝, then 𝑚 = 5 32

A) 2 B) 5 13. √(243)-2
C) 7 D) 10 A) 3/2 B) 4/9
C) 9/4 D) 36
2. If d = 𝑎−𝑏 , then b =
𝑐−𝑑 𝑐+𝑑
B) 𝑎 + 𝑑 14. If 𝑥 is a positive integer such that 𝑥 4 = 𝑐, then
𝑐𝑎 − 𝑑 𝑐 − 𝑎𝑑 √𝑥 =
C) D) 1 1
𝑐𝑎+ 𝑑 1−𝑑
A) 𝑐 3 B) 𝑐 4
1 2
𝑎 𝑎
3. If 𝑦 = 𝑎+𝑏 and 𝑥= 𝑏 , what is 𝑦 in terms of 𝑥? C) 𝑐 2 D) 𝑐 3
A) – 𝑥 B) 1 + 𝑥 15. 415+830
1 𝑥
C) 1 + D) A) 1245 B) 230(1+260)
𝑥 1+𝑥
C) 445 D) 2120
4. If (a + b) = 6 and ab = 4, find a2+ b2.
A) 32 B) 40 16. 9n+9n+9n=32019, n=?
C) 28 D) 44 A) 2019/2 B) 2018
C) 1009 D) None of these
5. How many distinct factors are there for the
expression (𝑥 2 – 2) (𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 + 4)? 17. √28 − 6√3 =
A) 1 B) 2 A) 1 - 3√3 B) 1 + 4√3
C) 3 D) 4 C) 3 - 2√3 D) None of these
6. If (x + 1/x) = 4, then the value of (x4 + 1/x4) will 18. If x = 1 + √2, then the value of x + will be
be equal to :
A) 196 B) 192 A) 2√2 B) -2√2
C) 194 D) 190 C) 1− 2 D) None of these

7. If 7x + y = 23, and x+7y = 47, find the value of 19. If -3 < 2𝑥 + 5 < 9, which of the following
x–y CANNOT be a possible value of 𝑥?
A) 4 B) -4 A) -2 B) -1
C) 24 D) -24 C) 0 D) 2
1 1 1
8. Suppose 𝑎2 - 𝑏2 = 𝑐 , 𝑎𝑏 = √𝑐, 𝑐> 0, and 𝑎<𝑏. Then 20. What is the smallest integer that satisfies the
average value of 𝑎 and 𝑏 is inequality 𝑥 2 −6𝑥−40> 0?
1 1
A) B) A) 0 B) -1
2 2(𝑏−𝑎)
𝑏−𝑎 C) -3 D) -5
C) 2
D) None of these
21. If x2 – 36 > 0, what are the possible value of 𝑥?
3𝑥 3 𝑦−9𝑥 2 A) 𝑥> 6 B) 𝑥< 6
9. Simplify: 𝑥𝑦 2
−6𝑥𝑦 3𝑥(𝑥𝑦−3)
C) 𝑥> -6 D) 𝑥< -6 or 𝑥> 6
A) 𝑥𝑦2 B) 𝑦2
3𝑥 3 −9𝑥 22. 33 - 𝑥 2 ≤ 8𝑥.
C) 𝑦 D) 3𝑥 2 – 9𝑥 A) x ≤ -11, x ≥ 3 B) -11 ≤ x ≤ 3
C) -11 ≤ x ≤ -3 D) 11 ≥ x ≥ 3
10. The square root of 24336 is exactly
A) 152 B) 153 23. 3|x|+2<17, how many integer values of x are
C) 155 D) 156 there?
A) 9 B) 10
11. √𝑥 5 . √𝑥 2
C) 11 D) 12
A) 𝑥 10/20 B) 𝑥 7/9
C) 𝑥 20/10 D) 𝑥 33/20 24. Solve for x: | 3 |< 9
A) 13 <𝑥< 14 B) -14 <𝑥< -13
12. If 2n = 128, then (2n – 1)(5n – 1) = C) -14 <𝑥< 13 D) -13 <𝑥< 14
A) 107 B) 5(106)
C) 106 D) 5(105)
25. The value obtained by increasing 𝑎 by 5 of its 32. If prices are reduced 25% and sales
increase 20%, what is the net effect on
value is numerically equal to the value
1 gross receipts?
obtained by decreasing 𝑏 by 2 of its value. A) They increase by 5%
Which equation expresses this fact? B) They decrease by 10%
A) 1.2𝑎 = 0.5𝑏 B) 0.2𝑎 = 0.5𝑏 C) They remain the same
C) 1.2𝑎 = 1.5𝑏 D) 𝑎+0.2 = 𝑏–0.5 D) They increase by 10%

26. When the gasoline gauge of an automobile 33. Two students appeared at an examination.
shows 1/8 full, 14 gallons are needed to One of them secured 9 marks more than
completely fill the tank. What is the capacity the other and his marks was 56% of the
in gallons of the gasoline tank? sum of their marks. The marks obtained
A) 15 B) 16 by them are:
C) 18 D) 20 A) 39, 30 B) 41, 32
C) 42, 33 D) 43, 34
27. I have to spend of my income on house
1 34. A candidate who gets 30% of the marks
rent, of the remainder on conveyance 3 of
10 fails by 20 marks, and the other
the further remainder on children’s education candidate who gets 32% of the marks gets
after which I have Rs. 648 left over. My 10 marks more than passing marks. Find
income is? the maximum marks?
A) 12,000 B) 1,200 A. 200 B. 1500
C) 1,250 D) 2,400 C. 150 D. 2500

28. To convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit, the 35. The % of water in 20 liters of adulterated
formulas used in F= C + 32. If the milk is 10. The amount of water to be
5 added to it to increase the % of water to
temperature in Fahrenheit were to increase by
25% is:
27 degrees, by how much will the temp in
A. 4 B. 5
Centigrade increase?
C. 7 D. 8
A. 105 B. 56
C. 15 D. 90
36. A bag contains mangoes that are either
green or yellow. The ratio of green mangoes
29. In a business Akram invests half as much as
to yellow mangoes in the bag is 3 to 5.
Sohail and Sohail invests twice as much as
When two green mangoes are removed and
Jawaid. If Jawaid invested Rs. 563, then
ten yellow mangoes are added, the ratio
Akram’s investment is?
becomes 2 to 5. How many green mangoes
A. 563 B. 10000
were originally in the bag?
C. 1689 D. 1300
A) 32 B) 48
C) 18 D) 30
30. Ten merchants agreed to purchase uniforms
for a local baseball team at a total cost of M
37. How many ounces of pure acid must be
dollars. After a disagreement two merchants
added to 20 ounces of a solution that is 5%
dropped out of the project. By how many
acid to strengthen it to a solution that is
dollars was the cost to each merchant
24% acid?
remaining increased? 1
A) (M-20)/2 B) M/40 A) 22 B) 5
C) M/9 D) M/2 C) 6 D) 72

31. A series of discounts of 10%, 20% and 40% is 38. The length and width of a rectangle are in
equal to a single discount of: the ratio of 3 : 5. If the rectangle has an area
A) 50% B) 56.8% of 375 square centimeters, what is the
C) 70% D) 70.28%
perimeter, in centimeters of the rectangle?
A) 32 B) 16
C) 80 D) 64
39. In 5 years, a father will be twice as old as his 48. The average weight of 5 books is 4 kilograms.
son will be. Four years ago, he was three times If the heaviest one is substituted with another,
as old as his son was. Find their present ages. the average drops to 3.6 kilograms. What is
A) 13,31 B) 23,37 the weight difference between the two books?
C) 13,26 D) 31,26 A. 2 kgs. B. 6 kgs.
C. 3 kgs. D. 1.5 kgs
40. The rent of a taxi after 10 pm is a fixed $3 with
an additional $0.3 for every half of a mile. If the 49. The sum of 5 consecutive integers is 35. How
total distance covered is b miles. What is the many of the 5 consecutive integers are prime
total charge? numbers?
A) 3+0.3b B) 3+b A. 0 B. 1
C) 3+0.6b D) None of these C. 2 D. 3
41. Two trains moving in same direction with a 50. Find the no of all the consecutive even integers
speed of 40 km/hr and 96 km/hr respectively. from − 14 to x, inclusive, if the sum of these
What will be the distance between them after 2 numbers is 34.
hours? A) 17 B) 18
A. 144 B. 135 C) 19 D) 20
C. 112 D. none of these
51. Find the mean, median and mode respectively.
42. If John gives Allen $5 and Allen gives Frank
$2, the 3 boys will have the same amount of Marks 1 2 3 4 5
money. How much more money does John Frequency 8 7 7 5 3
have than Allen? A. 2.6, 3, 1 B. 3, 2, 2.5
A. 3 B. 7 C. 2.6, 2, 1 D. 2.6, 2.5, 1
C. 5 D. 8
52. Eleventh term of an arithmetic progression is
43. A man walks a certain distance and rides back 243 and the twenty ninth is 27. The thirty first
in 3 hrs and 45 min. He could ride both ways term of the progression is :
in 2.5 hrs. How long will he take to walk both A) 3 B) -12
ways? C) 363 D) 0
A. 9 hrs B. 4 hr 30min
C. 7 hrs 20min D. 5 hrs 53. Find the sum of all the numbers divisible by 6
in between 100 to 400.
44. If the population of a certain country A) 12550 B) 12450
increases at the rate of one person every 15 C) 11450 D) 11550
seconds, by how many persons does the
population increase in 20 minutes? 54. The sum of the first 20 terms in an arithmetic
A) 80 B) 100 progression is 200 and the sum of the next 10
C) 150 D) 240 terms is 400. Find the fortieth term.
A) 49 B) 59
45. Of three numbers whose average is 60, the C) 69 D) 79
first is 1/4th of the sum of the others. What is
the first number: 55. The sum of sixth and fourteenth term of an
A) 30 B) 42 arithmetic sequence is 40. What is the sum of
C) 36 D) 45 first 19 terms of the arithmetic progression?
A) 360 B) 380
46. Ataur Rehman has a batting average of 80 C) 400 D) 420
runs after nine innings. How many runs
should he score in the 10th innings to have an 56. If the ball is at a height of 891 ft, and when it
average of 102 runs? is dropped it bounces at a constant rate. After
A. 300 B. 290 the 4th bounce, the ball only goes to the
C. 298 D. 102 height of 11 ft. What is r?
A) 1/3 B) 1/9
47. There are three numbers of which first is thrice C) 1/27 D) 1/81
the second and second is double the third. The
average of all three numbers is 21. Find the 2nd
A) 18 B) 29
C) 14 D) 24
57. A virus reproduces by dividing into two, and 66. If the sequence below continues according to
after a certain growth period, it divides into the pattern shown, what is the sum of the first
two again. As the virus continues to reproduce, 305 terms of the sequence?
it will continue to divide in two. How many -3, 0, 6, -3, 0, 6, …
viruses will be in a system starting with a single A) -305 B) 300
virus after 5 divisions? C) -610 D) 610
A) 16 B) 32
C) 64 D) 128 67. Let the operations ⟹ and ⟸ be defined for all
the real numbers 𝑥 and 𝑦 as follows;
58. A ball is dropped from a height of 32 feet and 𝑥 ⟹ 𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 3𝑦
the ball bounces one half every time it falls. 𝑥 ⟸ 𝑦 = 3𝑥 + 2𝑦
Find the total distance travelled by the ball on If 4 ⟹ (3𝑎) = 4 ⟸ (3𝑎), what is the value of
the fourth bounce. a?
A) 28 B) 60 A) 4
B) 5
C) 88 D) None of these
C) 1.5 D) 1.33
59. What is the 6th term of a geometric sequence if
the difference between its 4th and 2nd is 120 and 68. 70 people at a cinema watch either a horror or
between its 5th and 3rd is 480? an action movie or both. If 40 watch horror and
A) 2048 B) 1024 17 watch both, how many more watch only
C) 512 D) 128 action than those who watch only horror?
A) 7 B) 23
60. When a positive integer k is divided by 6, the C) 47 D) 64
remainder is 1. What is the remainder when 69. The equation 2𝑥 2 - 3𝑥 - (𝑘 + 1) = 0, has no real
5k is divided by 3? roots. Find the set of possible values of 𝑘.
A) 1 B) 2 A) k < 17/8 B) k > -17/8
C) 3 D) 4 C) k < -17/8 D) k > 17/8

61. How many 3 digit positive integers exist that 70. What is the product of all values of 𝑘 that
when divided by 3 leave a remainder of 2? satisfy 5k2 – 29k + 31 = 0?
A) 150 B) 200 A) 31/5 B) 29
C) 250 D) 300 C) -29 D) 5.8

62. For how many different positive integers p is 71. Find the value of k if the sum of the reciprocal
105/p also an integer? of the roots of the equation 25x2 – kx + 9 =0 is
A) Five B) Six 10.
C) Seven D) Eight A) 44 B) 90
C) 12 D) None of these
63. If x and y are integers, |𝑥| < 15, and xy = 100,
4 α 𝛽
how many possible values are there for y? 72. Find the value of if and are the roots
α𝛽 2 2
A) Five B) Six
of the equation 16𝑥 2–5𝑥 + 3 =0
C) Eight D) Ten
A) 16/3 B) 3/16
C) 16 D)None of the above
64. At a basketball tournament involving 8 teams,
each team played 4 games with each of the
73. The quadratic equation with roots 4 and – 7 is
other teams. How many games were played at
A) 𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 − 28 = 0 B) 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 − 28 = 0
this tournament? 2
A) 64 B) 98 C) 𝑥 − 3𝑥 + 28 = 0 D) 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 28 = 0
C) 112 D) 128
74. The function 𝑓 is defined by 𝑓(x) = x2 + 𝛼𝑥+ 𝛽,
65. Find the unit digit of 777 where 𝛼 and 𝛽 are constants. In the xy-plane,
A) 7 B) 9 the graph of 𝑓 intersects the x-axis at two
C) 3 D) 1 points (1, 0) and (3, 0). What is the value of
𝛽– 𝛼?
A) 5 B) 6
C) 7 D) 8
75. If f(x) = x3 + 5x2 – 6 and g(x) = 2x2 – 5x – 31. 85. If the integer lengths of the three sides of a
Which of the following is divisible by x– 2? triangle are 4, 𝑥, and 9, what is the least
A) 2f(x) + 3g(x) B) 2f(x) – 3g(x) possible perimeter of the triangle?
C) 3f(x) – 4g(x) D) 3f(x) + 2g(x) A) 19 B) 17
C) 15 D) 25
76. 𝑖27+𝑖13+𝑖51=?
A) 1 B) 0 86. The length of each side of an equilateral
C) 𝑖 D) –𝑖 triangle is increased by 20%, resulting in
triangle ABC. If the length of each side of the
=? original equilateral is decreased by 20%,
2−𝑖 resulting in triangle DEF, how much greater is
A) 2−5𝑖 B) 2+5𝑖 the area of triangle ABC than the area of
C) 1+4𝑖 D) 1−4𝑖 triangle DEF?
A) 44% B) 80%
78. If 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 125 + 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 8 = x, then 𝑥 is equal to: C) 125% D) 144%
A) 3 B) .064
C) – 3 D) 3 87. If the radius of a circle is doubled, its area is
increased by:
79. The area of the triangle shown is 50√3 square A) 100% B) 200%
units. Find the perimeter. C) 300% D) 400%

88. What is the area of a triangle whose vertices

are (−4,0), (2,4), and (4,0)?
A) 8 B) 12
A) 10(3 - √3) B) 10(3 + √3) C) 16 D) 32
C) 30√3 D) None of these 89. Which of these equations can be an equation
of a line perpendicular to the line y = x.
80. In a 30-60-90 triangle, the length of the side
A) 𝑦 = 0 B) 𝑥 = 0
opposite the 60o angle is 9. What is the length
C) 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 0 D) 𝑥 – 𝑦 = 0
of the hypotenuse?
A) 18 B) 6√3 90. If first multiple of 3 is x, then 40th multiple of
C) 9/2 D) 12√3 3 will be?
A) x + 120 B) x + 30
81. If the circumference of one circle is 44 cms, C) x + 117 D) None of these
and that of another is 22 cms, what is the ratio
of their areas? 91. The graph of a line in the xy-plane has slope 2
A) 4 : 1 B) 1 : 2 and contains the point (0, 5). The graph of a
C) 2 : 1 D) 2 : 3 second line passes through the points (2, 4)
and (4, 2). If the two lines intersect at the
82. The radius of the circle is 6 and the angle of point (a, b), what is the value of a + b?
the sector is 54o. Calculate the area of the A) 6 B) 0
sector. C) -1 D) -3
27 27
A) 5 𝜋 B) 20 𝜋
C) 36 𝜋 D) None of these 92. What is the range of (5𝑥 - 𝑦) if 6 <𝑥 < 10 and -
5<𝑦 < -2?
83. What is the measure in degrees of the angle A A) 26 < 5𝑥 - 𝑦 < 21 B) 32 < 5𝑥–𝑦 <55
= 21𝜋/5? C) 18 < 5𝑥–𝑦< 29 D) None of these
A) 756o B) 710o
C) 36 o D) 420o 93. The line L passes through the points (10, 20)
and (20, 10). Which of the following is the
84. If the diagonal of a rectangle is 26 cm long and equation of a line perpendicular to L?
its perimeter is 68 cm, find the area of the I. x + y = 1
rectangle. II. x – y =1
A) 120 B) 240 III. y – x = 1
C) 360 D) None of these A) I only B) II only
C) I and II only D) II and III only
94. When 2x is subtracted from 48 and the 102. If a man can perform a journey of 275 miles in
difference is divided by x + 3, the result is 4, 4 days of 11 hours each, then how man days of
what is the value of x? 8 hours each will he take to perform a 450
A) 2 B) 5 mile journey?
C) 6 D) 8 A. 9 days B. 10 days
C. 15 days D. 12 days
95. The least integer of a set of consecutive even
integer is 103. Out of 12 boys and 4 girls, how many ways are
-30. If the sum of these integers is 66, how there to choose 3 boys
many integers are in the set? A. 200 B. 220!
A) 12 B) 14 C. 12C3*4C0 D. None of these
C) 30 D) 33
104. n is a multiple of 5 and an odd integer greater
96. How many three-digits integers less than 400 than 5, find the remainder when n is divided
are there such that the sum of the hundred by 5.
and units digits is equal to the square of the A. 1 B. 2
tens digit? C. 3 D. 0
A) 4 B) 5
C) 6 D) 7 105. In a class, 20% of the students are greater
than 200 pounds while 25% of the remaining
97. If x and y are positive integers and 32x ∙32y =81, are less than 100 pounds. Find the fraction of
What is the value of x + y? people who are 100 < x < 200 pounds.
B) 2 A. 3/5 B. 2/5
81 C. 5/11 D. None of these
C) 4 D) 2
3𝑥 2 +
98. The sum of eleven different integers is zero. 106. 𝑓(𝑥) = , find 𝑓(10001000 )
What is the one least number of these integers A. 3/2 B. 0
that must be positive? C. 3 D. ∞
A) None B) One
C) Five D) Ten 107. 3 dice are rolled, how many total outcomes
are possible?
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, … A. 36 B. 63
99. All positive integers appear in the sequence C. 36 D. None of these
above, and each positive integer k appears in 108. 32 years from now, Bob will be 5 times as he
the sequence k times. In the sequence, each was 8 years ago. Find the present age of Bob.
term after the first is greater than or equal to A. 12 B. 18
each of the terms before it. If the integer 12 C. 40 D. None of these
first appears in the sequence as the nth term,
what is the value of n? 109. Abid Asad and Ali ran a race of 1000m. If Abid
A) 23 B) 45 gives the start to Asad of 50 m while Abid gives
C) 67 D) 54 the start to Ali of 69 m. What is the start given
by Asad to Ali?
100. If 𝑏 > 𝑎 > 0, which of the following is less than A. 119 B. 219
? C. 19 D. None of these
2𝑎 𝑏
A) 𝑏
B) 𝑎 110. If A and B together can do a work in 30 days
𝑎 and they worked for 20 days. Find the time of
2𝑏 A alone if A did the remaining work in 20 days.
A. 60 B. 40
C. 20 D. 10

101. √20 + √20 + √20 + √20 + √20 111. Photocopy shop A charges at fixed price of $3
plus 5 cents per page while Photocopy shop B
A. √20 B. 5 charges at fixed price of $2 plus 7 cents per
C. 10 D. 4√2 page. For how many no. of pages is photocopy
shop B cheaper than photocopy shop A?
A. 50 B. 49
C. 100 D. None of these
112. a0= 0.4 and an+1=2|an|-1. Find a5 120. y= 50% of 50% of x and y% of x =100. Find x
A. -3/5 B. 3/5 A. 40000 B. 200
C. 1/5 D. -1/5 C.50 D. None of these

113. A+B=32, B+C=40 and A+C=42. Find C.

A. 17 B. 15
C. 25 D. None of these

114. A train consists of 18 carriages. There are 700

passengers travelling on the train. In any
block of five adjacent carriages, there are 199
passengers in total. How many passengers are
there in the middle two carriages?
A) 70 B) 77
C) 78 D) 96

115. Average of two numbers is 85 while the sum

of all five numbers is 600. If the third number
is 125, find the average of last two numbers.
A. 305 B. 152.5
C. 555 D. 277.5
116. x Ω y= 𝑦+𝑥, find 18 Ω 9
A. 3 B. 6
C. 9 D. None of these

117. If no of boys is increased by 20% and no of

girls are decreased by 20%, the total no of
students is increase by 1. Find the new total.
A) 22 B) 26
C) 29 D) 31

118. In the figure on the right, ABC is a right

triangle. ABDE is a square of area 64 square
inches and BCGF is a square of 36 square
inches. What is the length, in inches, of AC?
A. 48 B. 10
C. 12. D. None of these

119. A cargo carries water, air and dry fruit. If

water is 3rd part of weight of plane and it is
600. The ratio of air to dry fruit is 2:3. Find
the value of air.
A. 480 B. 600
C. 720 D. None of these
1 D 31 B 61 D 91 A
2 D 32 B 62 D 92 B
3 D 33 C 63 D 93 D
4 C 34 B 64 C 94 C
5 C 35 A 65 A 95 D
6 C 36 C 66 B 96 D
7 B 37 B 67 D 97 B
8 B 38 C 68 A 98 B
9 B 39 A 69 C 99 C
10 D 40 C 70 A 100 D
11 D 41 C 71 B 101 B
12 C 42 D 72 A 102 A
13 C 43 D 73 B 103 C
14 D 44 A 74 C 104 D
15 B 45 C 75 D 105 A
16 C 46 A 76 D 106 C
17 A 47 C 77 C 107 B
18 A 48 A 78 D 108 B
19 D 49 C 79 B 109 C
20 C 50 A 80 B 110 A
21 D 51 D 81 A 111 B
22 A 52 A 82 A 112 C
23 A 53 B 83 A 113 C
24 D 54 C 84 B 114 D
25 A 55 B 85 A 115 B
26 B 56 A 86 C 116 B
27 B 57 B 87 C 117 B
28 C 58 C 88 C 118 B
29 A 59 A 89 C 119 A
30 B 60 B 90 C 120 B

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