Physics - 01

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Physics Practice Problems Module 1

1. The driver of a car traveling at 25 m/s needs to quickly reduce the cars
speed to 16 m/s to round a curve in a highway. If the deceleration has a
magnitude of 6 m/s, how far does it travel while reducing the speed?
a. 25.25 m

b. 25.75 m

c. 29.25 m

d. 30.75 m

2. A high jumper leap into the air with an initial speed of 5.8 m/s. how high
will she be at the top of her flight ?
a. 1.7 m

1.9 m

c. 2.1 m

2.3 m

3. An airplane traveling horizontally at 78m/s at an elevation of 210 m drops

bales of hay to cows stranded in a snowstorm. At what horizontal distance
from the cow should the bales of hay be dropped?
a. 510 m

b. 560 m

c. 610 m

d. 660 m

4. A skier wishes to build a rope tow to pull her self up a ski hill that is
inclined at 150 with the horizontal. Calculate the tension need the rope to
the skiers 54 kg body a 1.2 m/s2 acceleration. Ignore the friction.
a. 202 N

b. 222 N

c. 242 N

d. 262 N

5. Police investigator observes skid marks 30 m long left by a 1200 kg car.

The car skidded to stop on a concrete highway having a coefficient a
kinetic friction with the tires of 0.80. Estimate the cars speed at the
beginning of the skid.
a. 17.7 m/s

b. 19.7 m/s

c. 21.7 m/ s

d. 23.7 m/ s

6. A cement truck full of cement has a mass of 42,000 kg. It travels at the
speed of 40 miles per hour. Calculate the trucks momentum in kg-m/s.
a. 3.9 x 105

b. 4.8 x 105

c. 6.6 105

d. 7.5 105

7. A golf club strikes a golf ball the club and the ball remains in the contact
for 0.6 ms. The 45 gram ball leaves the club with a speed of 75 m/s.
calculate the average force of the club to the ball.
a. 5.25 N

b. 6.25 N

c. 7.25 N

d. 8.25 N

8. A 1000 kg. Car traveling west at the speed of 15 m/s has a head on
collision with a 4000 kg truck traveling east at 10 m/s. If the vehicles are
locked together after the collision, what is their final velocity?

a. 5 m/s toward east

toward west

b. 5 m/s toward east

c. 5 toward west

d. 7.5

9. A skater traveling at 4 m/s overtakes a 60-kg skater traveling at 2 m/s in

the same direction and collides with him. If the two remains in the contact
after the collision, how much kinetic energy is lost?
a. 48 J

b. 124 J

c. 392 J

d. 432 J

10. A 1- kg ball moving at 5 m/s collides with a 2-kg ball moving in the
opposite direction at 4 m/s. if the coefficient of restitution is 0.7, find the
velocity of the 1-kg ball after the impact?
a. 1.1 m/s

b. 2.8 m/s

c. 3.5m/s

d. 5.2 m/s

11. A 400 kg roller coaster car starts 48 m above the ground and is 3 m above
the ground at the end of the ride. Calculate the change in the potential
energy of the car.
a. 127000 J

b. 150,000 J

c. 176,000 J

d. 210,000 J

12. A ball dropped on a floor from a height of 1.5m bounces back to a height
of 0.85m.What is the coefficient of restitution?
a. 0.5

b. 0.6

c. 0.75

d. 0.8

13. A man weights 180 lb on the earth surface. What would he weigh at the
distance from the center of the earth of 3 times the radius of the earth?
a. 20 lb

b. 60 lb

c. 90 lb

d. 180 lb

14. A 50 kg mass hangs at the end of the spring. When 20 g more are added
to the end of the spring, it stretches 7 cm more. Find the spring constant in
a. 2.5

b. 2.8

c. 3.5

d. 4.3

15. 100 g of water is mixed to a 150 g of alcohol whose density is 790 kg/m 3.
Calculate the specific gravity of the total mixture?
a. 1.862

b. 0.963

c. 0.286

d. 0.862

16. How much oil at 200oC must be added to 50 g of the same oil at 20 oC to
heat it to 70oC?

a. 12.39 g

b. 19.23 g

c. 23.91 g

d. 29.12 g

17. How much heat is required to convert 100 g of ice at 10 oC to steam at

130oC under standard atmospheric pressure?
a. 69 kcal

b. 74 kcal

c. 79 kcal

d. 84 kcal

18. A man standing 3360 ft from a high cliff hits a tree stump with an axe, and
hears the faint echo 6.4 later. What is the velocity of sound in the air that
a. 1050 fps

b. 1100 fps

c. 1150 fps

d. 1200 fps

19. A man standing somewhere between two walls of a wide canyon shout
hello. If the first echo arrived after an interval of 1.2s while the second
arrived 0.6 s later. How wide is the canyon?
a. 127.5 m

b. 255 m

c. 510 m

d. 1020 m

20. What is the velocity of a jet plane traveling at Mach number 2?

a. 600 m/s

b. 680 m/s

c. 760 m/s

d. 840 m/s

21. Two point charges are placed on the axis as follows: Charge Q 1 =4.0C is
located at x = 0.2 m and charge Q2 = 5.0C is located at x = -0.3 m. What
are the magnitude and direction of the total force exerted by these two
charges on a negative point charge Q3=6.0C that is located at the origin?
a. 2.4N to the right
N to the left

b. 2.4 N to the left

c. 8.4 N to the right

d. 8.4

22. Four identical charges Q = 5 C are placed at the corners of a square of

side 0.2 m. find the magnitude of the total force exerted on one charge by
the other three charges.
a. 2.81 N

b. 5.62 N

c. 7.95 N

d. 10.76 N

23. Two resistors have a resistance of 25 when connected in series and 6

when connected in parallel. What is the resistance of the smaller resistor?
a. 5

b. 7

c. 8

d. 10

24. How fast does light travel in glass of refractive index 1.5?
a. 2x108m/s

b. 3x108m/s

c. 3.75x108m/s

d. 4.5x108m/s

25. A beam light enters a lake an angle of incidence of 40 0. find angle of

refraction if the index of refraction of water is 1.33.
a. 27 o

b. 29 o

c. 31 o

d. 33o

26. A flat bottom swimming pool is 8ft. deep how deep does it appear to be
when filled with water whose index of redraction is 4/3?
a. 4 ft

b. 5 ft

c. 6 ft

d. 8 ft

27. Light incident from water (n=1.33) an angle of Incident of 30 o on to the

glass (n=1.52). after traveling thru the glass to the opposite parallel side,
the light emerge onto the air (n=1.00). What is the angle of refraction with
which light is transmitted onto the air at the second surface?
a. 26 o

b. 34 o

c. 42 o

d. 48o

28. A small object lies 4 cm to the left of the vertex of a concave mirror of
radius 12 cm. Find the magnification of the image.
a. 6

b. -6

c. 3

d. -3

29. An object is 4 cm from a diverging lens whose focal length is 12 cm.

Where will be the image?
a. 3cm

b. 6 cm

c. 3 cm

d. 6 cm

30. Find the focal length of a magnifying glass that produces an erect image
magnified 3 times of an object 1.5 cm away.
a. 2.25cm

b. 4.5 cm

c. 2.25 cm

d. 4.5 cm

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