Trees Poster
Trees Poster
Trees Poster
(Populu" balHon7lfi'ml
A l t.orn ate" sim ple, bro ndly cwnl , Rhoq)oj)Olfl.tcd, linc-round ed leoth,
4.0-7.5 cl1ls long, borne on long, slund er Htulkth du rk b'Tcon abov e ,
pale bolow ; pCLlol!)B nnu,UTIcd eU'I,18inl( fluttering in wind,
inCOIlRpicuOUK, /ilmol1 II), d 'nc cuL kim; , pist il luLO and staminate
I1nwf'rR on diIT(lI'Nlt trl"'". rrtlcd befure leuvctf develop in spring.
A greenish capRulc, cont.olnlng m ony
livcly low In .trcngth. Jt iall.d m ill ly ror pllip P"OdllCt., ""eh ""
blink, tl('wloIpririL und fine pri nt ingpupe-r. Aspen iM c'RPC'CiI1I1y J,Cuod
fC)r' l)utl,, 1 prod ucls such Hil Qritmtl'd Rtr andboR r'd and wllflrhourd,
Lumber' 18 li hL in wuight. Dnd if' ued for fu rnit u rr, boxC's (and
erflt.('. Core 8 lock in p wo od Mnd wall panlIR.
" m ull .
RlIghlly h a i ry boncu th .
irrcgull.lrly loo th ed , 2,5-19 ems long. dark greerl obovc, pule r nnd
' hiny
hai ry seeds.
Alte rnate, Elimp le , ovnJ or honri-shaped. tih urp poi nlcd . ro unded
... . .
.. .
--- -----
Occ urs th ro ugho ut. ccnl.rol (Inti northl'rn Alborta. Rare ly Itlund in
pu re RinndR. In frlllj;ikt'g Or' li wu mp hubiLut it typic u l ly urR in
mixtul'e wit.h blnck RPI'UCC, Or) I)dtt1r ",iLc H it clin form n compo
nOI1L of v irtu ally any tYPI' uf Mtunci.
Woud ifC Illn(itlr'lIll"iy hurd und heavy. 80mfwhnt lIilv, df'ruy r'C'I>\IM
tont Ilnd ycl low iRh hl'own I.u roddl6h brow n in colour. It iH uRed ror
lum ber for l'ouJih contr'u(;Linn, fence POHts, pol os , rnilwny tieR nnd
pul pwood
stalkleRR, if.=' (n"I If I"U, durk h row n at mat.urit.y; cone scaleR nTf>
covel 'ed with whni Ah hoirM ol1d h uvc 3oolhcd bracts; seedR nrf'
smull tlnd wing(ld
Wood iF! h env y, hnrd OtH' I'i'dd)(h bruwn In colour, Although it iF!
,",uit ubI' for hot h Il1mhr'l' lIi"lc1 rni1pl hl"'JIlIlo<,' nr rl1mntp llnrt lnnrrJ>oIl
iblu locutions where it i J.{nl rnlJy fOUlld. ul pi nu lurch is of very
little commercial impol'tnnc(', ftow{'vcr, it is of importonco in
run-oil and fH'oAloll In htgh mOUl'ltuili8,
cunLrol .
Pollon conCH (male) smull, oblon g and yolluw; Rel)e! r(Jtlt'M (rulllnlu)
2.5-<1,0 ems l ong when maturtJ, wit.h RhorLCut'Yf'd f\t.fllk; COIl(' sculc
bent downwards on mnt. urc open eoneA, with I(nlg po int ed
bractH: seeds small with long Rf'{;d wing.
Pub, No, S/16
HnnAing in
snmll Rel 'ubby Lree up to abeut 25 ""'lOl'R
depending upon gruwlT'IH rOfl(lltionH; bork thin, rcddiJojh .rrfy on
young trecs bceomin l/ dorkcr groy, rough und sc n ly on old tr,lIlkR.
A characteristic alpino trcll 011 high rnr)Ur1LOln Rln pPR where it. is
usually much stunted nnd freqllently derorm('d by .trong wind .
Pollen cones (male) borno in smull tllrminul C ll lMt l' n4; !oIt:ed Cunf'
(female) stout. tough, oval-shllp"d lind purpliHh, 4.0.7.r. em" 1011g.
RcaleH much t.hickcned, shurppuilllcd, woody, r'cfoIinous perma
nontly closed.
a n d
rutXI 'J;'utl'ly ort uno petie b rt)wni h in
jack pinel
lodgepole pine
(Pscudocsuga mllnziesii)
(Until recently - P. ta:x;i(otia)
Provincial Tree
Long before the white
man came to North
America, tb W stern
Plains Indians began utiliz
Poll 'n coneR (male) small, bl uis h : 8(;'d (oneS (female) 6-10 cms
lOng, dork purple, borno at tho top of the tree; cone RcaleB fan
shop 'd, slight ly lonser than broad with short SllOon-Bhaped bractB.
Pollen cones (male) bright red; seod cones (femulo) drooping, rod
dish brown, 5-9 cmR long, the 3-forked bracts projecting lKtyond
the broad-rounded, stiff 8coles; Hceds broudly winged,
Along the east slopes orthu Rocky Mountoin from ,I no per Park to
W nto rton and widespreud in the POfGupinc Hills.
P()IIn coneR (malo) borne in smull t.crminul clu Lo l' if ; fW; d conc s
The ,>'Io.t Qmmon and abundant tree in the Rocky MOuntain. and
foothill rel(ionR.
ccurring on tho eastern .I opes of th o Ro<:ky
Mounluifl8 where it frequenlly rorm8 donBo uvcnucd IIlurldS (Hl
the re, u lt or firc. In areaR ac\iacont te jack pine, tho two "l>ceieR
(Picca marialla)
Wood iR moderately light, soft to modoru tely IIl1l' <1 nnd white to
Pollen con ca (male) dark purpJ', 1.21.6 emR long; ""ed conea
(remalol brown to yellowishbrown tit maturity, 2.G-7.6 ems long:
cono HcuicH broudcHt. It'ur lhe: midrl le , irreol1ularly loathed on oulor
edge with prominont oroet,; ,ced;; Rmoll with wedgo-shaped
Wood ifJ light, soft, resilient, atrght-grlllncd und whik' iII colour.
Pollen cones (malo) small, durk red: .ccd coneo (femAlel purplioh
!:! ,eon. 1-4 cms long at mutlLrity, browII to purplish gl'een and
almost sphrical. ro muin in lot On ih) iree for H vc)rnl years, scalos
stilI and roundcd; seed. smull, wi n l/ed ,
und pulp ,