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Data Elements

UHDDS (Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set )

Personal Identifier

A unique number identifying the patient, applicable to the individual regardless of health care source
or third-party arrangement.

Date of Birth

4 digits for year of birth but 3 digits are adequate to capture the century




Race: American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut

Asian or Pacific Islander
Black White Other Race Unknown
Ethnicity: Spanish/Hispanic Origin
Not of Spanish/Hispanic Origin


Usual residence, full address and zip code (nine digit zip code, if available)

Hospital Identification

A unique institutional number across data systems, to allow for tracking and linkage of multiple
records; preferably the Medicare provider number

Admission Date

Month, day, and year. Clarification is added to this data item to note that for emergency and
observation type patients, the time of admission is guided by the time that the physician gives the
order to admit the patient as an inpatient.

Type of Admission

Scheduled: defined as an arrangement with the admissions office at least 24 hours prior to admission.
Unscheduled: all other admissions

Discharge Date

Month, day and year.

Physician Identification:

Each physician should have a unique identification number across all hospitals and data systems. The
Medicare Unique Physician Identification (UPIN) is recommended.

Physician Identification:

As above

Principal Diagnosis

The condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for occasioning the admission of the
patient to the hospital for care.
Qualifier: All substantiated diagnoses that affect the current hospital stay. Code to the highest degree
of certainty.

Other Diagnoses

All conditions that coexist at the time of admission, or develop subsequently, which affect the
treatment received and/or the length of stay. Diagnoses that relate to an earlier episode which have no
bearing on the current hospital stay are to be excluded.
Qualifier: All substantiated diagnoses that affect the current hospital stay. Code to the highest degree
of certainty.

Qualifier for other


A qualifier is given for each diagnosis coded under other diagnoses to indicate whether the onset of
the diagnosis preceded or followed admission to the hospital. The option uncertain is permitted

External Cause of Injury


The ICD-9-CM code for the external cause of injury, poisoning, or adverse effect. Hospitals should
complete this item whenever there is a diagnosis of an injury, poisoning or adverse effect.

Birth Weight of Neonate

The specific birth weight of the newborn, preferably recorded in grams.

Procedures and Dates

All significant procedures are to be reported. A significant procedure is one that is: surgical in
nature; carries a procedural risk; carries an aesthetic risk; or requires specialized training. The date of
each significant procedure must be reported.
When multiple procedures are reported, the principal procedure is designated. The principal
procedure is one that was performed for definitive treatment rather than one performed for diagnostic
or exploratory purposes or was necessary to take care of a complication. If two procedures appear to
be principal, than the one most related to the principal diagnosis is selected as the principal
The UPIN of the person performing the principal procedure must be reported

Disposition of Patient

Discharged to home or self care

Discharged to acute care hospital
Discharged to a nursing facility
Discharged home to be under the care of a home health service agency
Discharged to other health care facility
Left against medical advice
Alive, other, or alive, not stated

Expected Source of

Primary source: the primary source that is expected to be responsible for the largest percentage of the
patient's current bill
Other source(s): other sources, if any, that are expected to be responsible for a portion of the patient's
current bill. More than one can be identified.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Other health insurance company
Other liability insurance
Workers' Compensation
Self-insured employer plan
Health Maintenance Organization
Other government payers
Self pay
No charge (free, charity, special research or teaching)

Total Charges

All charges billed by the hospital for this hospitalization. Professional charges for individual patient
care by physicians are excluded.

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