Beastmen Raiders Complete Reference With House Rules

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Beastmen Raiders

Complete Reference for Border Town Burning

Choice of Warriors
A Beastmen warband must include a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 Gold
Crowns which you can use to recruit your initial warband. The maximum number of
warriors in the warband is 15, though some buildings in the warbands encampment
may increase this.
Beastmen Chief: Each Beastmen warband must have one Chief: no more, no less!
Shaman: Your warband may include a single Beastmen Shaman.
Bestigors: Your warband may include up to two Bestigors.
Centigors: Your warband may include a single Centigor.
Gor: Your warband may include up to five Gor.
Ungor: Your warband may include any number of Ungor.
Minotaur: Your warband may include a single Minotaur.
Warhounds of Chaos: Your warband may include up to five Warhounds of Chaos.

Starting Experience

Centigors start with 8 Experience.

All Henchmen start with 0 experience.

Maximum Characteristics








*This includes all the non-Centigor Heroes and the Gor Henchmen


Beastman Chief starts with 20 Experience.

Beastman Shaman starts with 11 Experience.
Bestigors start with 8 Experience.

Beastmen are fearsome creatures of Chaos that do not interact with other races other
than in war. A Beastmen warband may never hire any Hired Swords unless specifically
stated with the Hired Sword.
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1st free/2 GC
Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC
Hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC
Battle Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC
Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC

Beastman Equipment Lists

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1st free/2 GC
Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC
Hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC
Battle Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC
Sword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC
Double-handed Weapon . . . . . . . . . 15 GC
Halberd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC

The Beastman may buy one mutation.

Immune to fear and terror and All Alone test.

Horned One

Missile Weapons

The Beastman has mighty horns, and can make an

additional Attack with its basic Strength on a turn it

Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC

Missile Weapons

Bellowing Roar
Only the Beastmen Chief may have this skill. He may reroll any failed Rout tests.

Beastmen Special Skills

Light Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 GC
Heavy Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 GC
Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC
Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC

Shaggy Hide

The Beastmans massively shaggy hide acts as armour, Manhater

deflecting sword strokes and protecting him from harm. Will be affected by the rules of hatred when fighting any
The model gains a 6+ Armour Save that can be combined Human warbands.
with other armour as normal.

1-1 Beastmen Chieftain

0-2 Bestigors

65 (+15*) Gold Crowns to hire




45 Gold Crowns to hire




4 4
1 4 1
Weapons/Armour: Beastmen Equipment list.
Available Skill Lists: Combat, Strength, Speed, Special
Leader: Any Warrior within 6" of the Beastman Chieftain may use his Leadership
when taking Ld tests.
*Eyes of the Dark Gods: for an extra 15 gold crowns, the Chieftan is subject to the
rules for Eyes of the Dark Gods.



4 4
1 3 1
Weapons/Armour: Beastmen Equipment list.
Available Skill Lists: Combat, Strength, Special


0-1 Centigors
80 Gold Crowns to hire




4 4
1 2 1(2)
Weapons/Armour: Beastmen Equipment list.
45 (+10*) Gold Crowns to hire
Available Skill Lists: Combat, Strength, Special
Drunken: Centigor are inclined to drink vast quantities of noxious beer and looted
3 4
1 3 1
wine and spirits before battle, working themselves up into a drunken frenzy. Roll 1D6
Weapons/Armour: Beastmen Equipment list except armour.
at the start of each turn. On a roll of 1, they must test for stupidity that turn. On a roll of
Available Skill Lists: Combat, Speed, Special
2-5 nothing happens and on the roll of a 6 they become subject to frenzy for that turn.
Whilst subject to both stupidity and frenzy they are immune to all other forms of
Wizard: A Beastmen Shaman is a Wizard and may use Chaos Rituals*, as detailed in psychology.
the Magic section.
Woodland Dwelling: Centigors are creatures of the deep, dark forests. They suffer no
*Marks of the Dark Gods: for an extra 10 gold crowns, the Chieftan is subject to the movement penalties for moving through wooded areas.
rules for Marks of the Dark Gods and may choose spells from the relevant spell list.
Trample: As well as their weapons, Centigors use their hooves and sheer size to crush
their enemies. This counts as an additional attack, which does not benefit from weapon
bonuses or penalties...

0-1 Beastmen Shaman

Henchmen (Bought in groups of 1-5)


0-5 Gor

25 Gold Crowns to hire



35 Gold Crowns to hire







3 3
1 3 1
3 4
1 3
Weapons/Armour: Ungor Equipment list.
Weapons/Armour: Beastmen Equipment list.
Lowest of the Low: Ungor are on the lowest rung of Beastmen society and regardless
of how much Experience they accrue they will never acquire a position of authority. If
an Ungor rolls That lads got talent it must be re-rolled.

0-5 Warhounds of Chaos


15 Gold Crowns to hire




3 3
1 4 1
Weapons/Armour: Marauders may be equipped with the following equipment:
4 3
1 3 1
Dagger, Hammer, Axe, Sword, Spear, Morning star, Flail; Throwing axes (treat as
Weapons/Armour: None! Apart from their fangs and nasty tempers the Chaos Hounds Throwing knives), Bows (Kurgans only); Light armour, Shield, Helmet.
dont have weapons and can fight without any penalties.
0-1 Spawn of Chaos
Animals: Chaos Hounds are animals and never gain Experience.
Cannot be hired
This Spawns of Chaos is the former Chaos Leader who has been too heavily gifted by
his gods and become terrifying mutants.
0-1 Minotaur
200 Gold Crowns to hire








4 4 3
4 3 8
Weapons/Armour: Beastmen Equipment list.
Fear: Minotaurs are huge, bellowing monsters and cause fear. See Psychology section
for details.
Bloodgreed: If a Minotaur puts all of its enemies out of action in hand-to-hand
combat, it becomes frenzied on a D6 roll of 4+.
Animal: A Minotaur is far more bestial than its Beastmen brethren and, although it
may gain Experience, it may never become a Hero.
Large Target: Minotaurs are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.

0-3 Chaos Marauders

(Mark of Chaos Undivided under Marks of the Gods rule only)
35 gold crowns to hire

4 5
3 2 D6+1 10
Weapons/Armour: None. They fight with claws, tentacles and other extremities.
Special Attacks: Roll at the beginning of each Close Combat phase to determine the
spawns number of Attacks for that phase.
Fear: Spawn are disgusting and revolting blasphemies against nature and cause fear.
Special Movement: The Spawn moves 2D6" straight ahead in each of its Movement
phases. Before it does so its player may turn it to give the direction. It does not double
its movement for charging, instead if its movement takes it into contact with a model it
counts as charging and engages that model in close combat.
Psychology: Spawns are mindless creatures, knowing no fear of pain or death. Spawns
automatically pass any Leadership based test they are required to make.
No Brain: Spawns of Chaos are crazed creatures and therefore gain no experience.
Large: Spawns of Chaos are huge tempting creatures and count as Large Targets as
defined in the shooting rules.

Beastmen and the Dark Gods

leader did not take part in the previous battle.

Marks of the Dark Gods

There is no reason why heretics (followers of Chaos) should not have access to the
Marks of the Dark Gods rule. For an additional +10 gold crowns to the Beastmen
Shamans hiring cost he gets the Mark of Chaos special rule.

Spawn of Chaos: If you lost the preceding battle add +1 to the roll for each of your
Heroes that was taken out of action during the battle. On a total of 12 or more the
warbands leader turns into a Chaos spawn. His experience, skills, injuries and
equipment are lost.
Eyes of the Dark Gods
If you choose to use the Marks of the Dark Gods you may also wish to use the Eyes of If the warband already includes a Spawn of Chaos the doomed leader is simply erased
the Dark Gods special rule. Add +15 gold crowns to the Beastmen Chieftains hiring from the roster. There may never be more than one Spawn of Chaos in a single
cost and apply the Eyes of the Dark Gods rule. If the Chieftain is ever transformed into warband.
a Spawn of Chaos, the warband may keep the Spawn even though it is not a choice
Mark of Chaos: If you won the battle add +1 for every enemy model the leader took
normally. Treat the Spawn as a henchman.
out of action. On a total of 12 or more you may choose a Mark of Chaos for the
Eye of the Gods: An aspiring chaos follower is always watched by the vigilant eyes of winning leader.
the dark gods, who reward the successful generously but punish failures harshly. Roll As soon as the leader receives a Mark of Chaos through the Eye of the Gods special
rule this test is no longer taken until the leader leaves the warband in which case the
2D6 after every battle. The Eye of the Dark Gods rule is not in effect if the warband
new leader must prove himself to the Dark Gods the same way his predecessor did.

Marks of the Dark Gods

The Eye of the Gods special rule may let the warbands leader choose a Mark of the Dark Gods. With exception to the Mark of Chaos Undivided there may never be two
models in the warband with different Marks. Upon being hired Shamans choose their Mark when in correspondence with the tribe, granting an audience with their god. A
Shaman that becomes leader at the same time has to choose the Mark for his associated patron when being rewarded through the Eye of the Gods.

Mark of Chaos Undivided

A Hero with this mark believes in Chaos in its purest form instead of the division into
four Chaos Gods.
Leader: All warband members within the leader rule's radius (6" normally and 12"
with Battle Tongue) may re-roll all failed Ld tests.
Shaman: With the Shaman of Chaos Undivided as the tribe's spiritual leader the
warband may include 0-3 Chaos Marauders that count towards the maximum of 15
members. Re-roll all results of The lads got talent for them. A Shaman of Chaos
Undivided uses the Chaos Rituals.

Mark of Tchar the Eagle

Shaman: A Shaman with the mark of Arkhar counts as a Bloodfather. A Bloodfather is

a war-priest and cannot cast spells. Instead he communes with daemons and his
almighty deity through visions. Take a Leadership test each time a Bloodfather takes an
enemy out of action in hand-to-hand combat. If the test is passed add +1 to the
Weapons Skill, Strength, Toughness or Initiative of the war-priest until the end of the
battle. Each characteristic can be increased only once in this way. A Bloodfather may
take Strength skills in addition to those normally available to a Shaman.

Mark of Onogal the Crow

Onogal the Crow is the Lord of Decay who unleashes pestilence upon the world.
Therefore his followers are almost completely immune to diseases and serious wounds.
Leader: The Hero gets +1 T and may re-roll on the Serious Injuries table once. In
addition, he is immune to poison.
Shaman: The Shaman uses the Onogal Rituals. A Shaman of Onogal is immune to

Tchar the Great Eagle is the Changer of the Ways. He is the Master of the evermutating energy known as magic and his followers are skilful practitioners of the
arcane arts.
Leader: The Hero is capable of casting spells and immediately learns one random
spell from the Tchar Rituals. However, he suffers 1 on all rolls for Difficulty unless he
Mark of Shornaal the Serpent
was a wizard before.
Shaman: A Shaman of Tchar has command of powerful sorcery. The sorcerer starts
Shornaal the Serpent is the Dark Prince of Chaos. The Lord of Pleasure is the patron
with two spells from the Tchar Rituals. One can be chosen freely, the second is
of all things beautiful and seductive.
randomly determined.
Leader: Enemy models that are not immune to psychology cannot attack the Hero in
close combat unless they pass a Ld test with 3D6, discarding the lowest D6 result. If
the roll is failed, these models are hit automatically in close combat. Once they pass,
Mark of Arkhar the Dog
Arkhar the Dog is the God of War. He is worshipped on the battlefield by his warriors they do not have to test again for the duration of the battle. Note that the Lizardmans
who shed blood in his name, charging their enemies with the battle-cry Blood for the Cold Blooded special rule cannot be applied to this effect.
Shaman: A Shaman of Shornaal uses the Shornaal Rituals. If the Shaman wasn't taken
Blood God!
Leader: The Hero is subject to frenzy from now on. In addition, any spell that targets out of action during the battle, instead of searching for rare items he may brew a strong
drink for the warband. The warband will be immune to fear for the whole of the next
the Hero fails on a roll of 4+.
battle. Note that this item cannot be sold.

Corrupted Characters
gift instead of a mutation. For instance, if a warrior in the warband has the Mark of
Mutation is treated as a sign of favour by the servants of Chaos. Heroes from Beastmen Tchar, then the Hero may choose a mutation from the Favours of Tchar.
Raiders and any Hired Swords are subject to the following rules.
If a double is rolled on an Advance roll that would result in the Hero or Hired Sword After every battle the warband has fought in the Northern Wastes territory, whenever
receiving a new skill, then the model has impressed his patron! Instead of choosing a an Advance roll results in one of the warbands Heroes or Hired Swords receiving a
new skill the Hero may buy one mutation instead. In addition to mutations, a dedicated new skill, then the warrior may buy one mutation instead (ie. no double is required). If
servant of darkness might be awarded a gift by one of the four prime Gods of Chaos. If a double is rolled however, then the model must purchase a mutation as soon as
any member of the warband has a mark of Chaos then the Hero may choose to buy a possible!

Gifted Servants

If the model loses a wound in close combat, anyone in base contact with the model
suffers a Strength 3 hit (no critical hits) from the spurting corrosive blood.
Cost: 30 gold crowns

Strength 2 if the target is immune to poison. If the mutant already possesses a bite
attack, it is simply upgraded to include the poisonous effect described here.
Cost: 50 gold crowns

prehensile tail

cloven hoofs
The warrior gains +1 Movement.
Cost: 40 gold crowns

The mutant grows a prehensile tail. Unless the mutant already has a tail attack, he gains
an additional attack with this tail in each hand-to-hand combat phase. The mutant may
hold and use any single-handed weapon in the tail, or alternatively he may carry and
use a shield or buckler with it. If a mutant with other tail attacks does use an equipped
prehensile tail in a hand-to-hand combat phase, he may not use any of his other tail
crystalline body
attacks during that phase. A single tail must be selected for use at the beginning of each
The mutants body becomes living crystal, which is tough, but easily shattered. The
mutants Toughness becomes 6, while its Wounds become 1. Neither of these attributes hand-tohand combat. If a warrior unable to use weaponry gains this mutation, they
simply gain an extra attack (unless they already possess a tail) and remain unable to
can subsequently be altered by experience or mutation. In an experience advance
use weapons.
indicates a change in one of these characteristics, reroll the advance until a different
Cost: 50 gold crowns
characteristic advance is obtained.
Cost: 60 gold crowns

scaly skin

daemon soul
A daemon lives within the mutants soul. This gives him a 4+ save against the effects
of spells or prayers.
Cost: 20 gold crowns

extra arm

A fine mesh of reptilian scales spreads across the flesh of the warrior. He receives a
natural save due to being warp-touched. The mutant has a 5+ save. This save cannot be
modified beyond 6 due to Strength modifiers but any result of no save on the injury
chart will negate this 6+ save. Light Armour adds +1 to the save, as does the addition
of other armours.
Cost: 60 gold crowns

The mutant may use any single-handed weapon in the extra arm, giving him +1 attack
scorpion tail
when fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Alternatively, he may carry a shield or a
The mutant has a long barbed tail with a venomed tip, allowing him to make an extra
buckler in the extra arm.
Strength 5 attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase. If the model hit by the tail is
Cost: 40 gold crowns
immune to poison, the Strength of the hit is reduced to 2.
Cost: 40 gold crowns
great claw
One of the mutants arms ends in a great, crab-like claw. He may carry no weapons in
this arm, but gains an extra attack in hand-to-hand combat with a +1 Strength bonus. spines
Any model in base contact with the mutant suffers an automatic Strength 1 hit at the
Cost: 50 gold crowns
beginning of each close combat phase. Spines will never cause critical hits.
Cost: 35 gold crowns
The mutant causes fear. See the Psychology section for details.
Cost: 40 gold crowns
One of the mutants arms ends in a tentacle. He may grapple his opponent in close
combat to reduce his attacks by -1, down to a minimum of 1. The mutant may decide
hulking brute
The power of Chaos has imbued this warrior with superhuman strength. Stretching skin which attack his opponent loses.
Cost: 35 gold crowns
with the doubling of muscle mass adds +2 Strength but it reduces wit. The warrior
suffers 4 Leadership.
Cost: 50 gold crowns
The mutant grows a pair of feathered bird-like or leathery bat-like wings. The wings
are not strong enough to allow the mutant to fly in the proper sense, but they do allow
poisonous bite
The mutant grows small fangs which can secrete a potent poison. Unless the warrior the mutant to glide down from an elevated position. If the mutant is on a raised
platform such as a roof, walkway or cliff it may glide down at a rate of 2" horizontally
already has a bite attack, it gains an extra attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase
for each 1" of downward vertical movement.
due to its deadly bite. The poisonous bite is a Strength 5 attack, but is reduced to
Cost: 45 gold crowns

Gifts of the Gods

The Dark Gods bestow rewards on those mortal servants most dedicated in serving their infernal masters. Gifted servants dedicated to the other prime Gods of Chaos may
refer to the Favours, Bounties and Graces respectively.

Chaos rituals

Vision of Torment

Difficulty 10

Lure of Chaos

Difficulty 9

The Chaos Mage summons horrible visions of the realm of Chaos, causing his enemy The Chaos Mage calls upon the taint of chaos which exists in the inner soul of all
to recoil in utter horror.
living beings.
This spell has a range of 6" and must be cast on the closest enemy model. If the Chaos The spell has a range of 12" and must be cast on the closest enemy model. Roll a D6
Mage is in hand-to-hand combat, he must choose his target from those in base contact and add the Chaos Mages Leadership to the score. Then roll a D6 and add the targets
with him. The affected model is immediately stunned. If the model cannot be stunned it Leadership to the score. If the Chaos Mage beats his opponents score he gains control
is knocked down instead.
of the model until the model passes a Leadership test in his own recovery phase. The
model may not commit suicide, but can attack models on his own side, and will not
fight warriors from the Chaos Mages warband. If he was engaged in hand-to-hand
Eye of God
Difficulty 7
combat with any warriors of the Chaos Mages warband, they will immediately move
The Chaos Mage implores the Dark gods to grant a boon to their servant.
1" apart.
You may use the Eye of God successfully only once per battle. Choose any single
Note: these are not Ld tests, so the Leader rule is not applicable.
model within 6", friend or foe. Roll a D6 to see what happens to the affected model.
D6 Result
Wings of Darkness
Difficulty 7
1 The wrath of the gods descends upon the target. The model is taken out of action 5
immediately. He does not have to roll on the Serious Injury chart after the battle The Chaos Mage is lifted from the ground by two shadowy Daemons and carried
wherever he wants to go.
2-5 The model gains +1 to any one of his characteristics during this battle (chosen The Chaos Mage may immediately move anywhere within 12", including into base
by the player who cast the spell).
contact with an enemy, in which case he counts as charging. If he engages a fleeing
6 The model gains +1 to all of its characteristics for the duration of the battle.
enemy, in the close combat phase he will score one automatic hit and then his opponent
will flee again (if he survives).

Dark Blood

Difficulty 8

The Chaos Mage cuts his palm and his blood spurts out, burning flesh and armour.
This attack has a range of 8" and causes D3 S5 hits. It hits the first model in its path.
After using this spell the Chaos Mage must roll on the Injury table for himself to see
how dangerous the wound is, though treat the out of action result as stunned instead.

Word of Pain

Difficulty 7

Speaking the forbidden name of his dark god, the Chaos Mage causes indescribable
pain to all who hear it.
All models within 3" of the Chaos Mage, friend or foe, suffer one S3 hit. No armour
saves are allowed.

Bounties of Arkhar

spiked tail

After dropping his guts all morning, the Hero experiences further excruciating
discomfort when his bowels begin to reform! As the warping intensifies his legs are
replaced by four limbs and the trunk of a beast. Mutating into a creature the size of a
small horse adds +2 to the warrior's Movement characteristic and +1 to Toughness.
Cost: 80 gold crowns

The warrior grows a flexible tail with a mace-like bony tip. Unless it already has a tail,
the mutant gains an extra tail attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase at the mutant's
Strength +1. If the mutant already has a tail, it will have to decide at the beginning of
each hand-to-hand combat which tail it wishes to use.
Cost: 50 gold crowns

iron-hard skin


By the virtue of Arkhar the Hero's skin is covered in a hard shell of steel or iron scales.
The warrior's armour save is improved by +1. If the warrior has no armour, their skin
alone gives them a 6+ save.
Cost: 45 gold crowns

The mutant can often heal itself from crippling wounds it suffers in battle. When the
mutant suffers one or more Wounds, it may try to regenerate the damage. On the roll of
a 4+ the mutant has instantly healed itself back to full Wounds. If less than a 4 is rolled,
the mutant's regenerative powers have been temporarily exhausted, and it may not
attempt further regenerations for the remainder of the battle.
Cost: 60 gold crowns


The mutant grows huge canine fangs, giving it a bite attack. Unless the warrior already
possesses a bite attack, the mutant may make an additional attack in each hand-to-hand spit acid
combat phase. This mauling uses the Hero's own Strength to wound and receives no The bounty of Arkhar is delivered in many forms, and in such a case as this it leaves an
penalty for not using a weapon. The bite attack always strikes last, regardless of who unpleasant taste in the mouth of his servant! The warp-touched Hero's mouth has
charged or which weapon is used. The bite even attacks after doublehanded weapons. grown special glands which secrete sticky blobs of acid. Aside from a gruesome
Cost: 35 gold crowns
aftertaste the warrior is immune to this flesh-eating discharge which he can spit in
globules during the shooting phase any distance up to 8". Acid attacks count as
Strength 4 and do not suffer penalties for range or moving.
Cost: 35 gold crowns

Favours of Tchar

eye of tchar

The flesh around the Hero's mouth contorts and hardens forming a long beak like that One or both of the Hero's eyes turn completely white, or black like a bird. Instead of
of a bird or octopus. Unless the warrior already possesses a bite attack, the mutant may attacking in close combat the warrior is able to hypnotise a victim. Tchar's gift may be
make an additional attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase. This pecking uses the used on any living model in base contact that is not immune to psychology. The victim
Hero's own Strength to wound and receives no penalty for not using a weapon. The bite must pass a Leadership test or be transfixed. A transfixed model may not attack in close
attack always strikes last, regardless of who charged or which weapon is used. The bite combat and is treated as being knocked down for the purpose of being attacked. A
even attacks after doublehanded weapons.
transfixed model must pass a Leadership test at the start of each subsequent combat
Cost: 35 gold crowns
phase or else remains transfixed by the Eye.
Cost: 45 gold crowns

burning body

The warrior's body is constantly burning with flickering tongues of hellish flame and mer-creature
burns with supernatural light. The Hero may not carry any weapons or armour unless Both of the warrior's legs and arms warp in such a way that fish-scaled webbed limbs
they are magical, or forged from Gromril or Ithilmar. The mutant does not suffer the replace them and gills develop allowing him to become aquatic. The warrior can be
usual penalties for fighting with his fists. The warrior always counts as having a
submerged in water and suffer no injury. Impassable obstacles such as deep rivers,
lantern. At the end of every turn roll a D6 for every model standing in base contact
lakes or open sea is treated as difficult terrain by this warrior, and he ignores the
with the mutant: on a 4+ the model is set on fire. Set on fire: Warriors set on fire must penalties for slow moving rivers and ponds normally classified as difficult terrain.
roll a D6 in the Recovery phase and score a 4+ to put themselves out or they will suffer When moving on land, the Hero limps in obvious discomfort with a shambling gait,
a Strength 4 hit and will be unable to do anything other than move for each turn they reducing the mutant's Movement by -1.
are on fire. Allies may also attempt to put the warrior out. They must be in base contact Cost: 25 gold crowns
and need a 4+ to be successful.
Cost: 40 gold crowns
Being most favoured of Tchar, the Hero develops the ability to manipulate static
electrical touch
objects with his mind. This favour can only be gained by a spell caster. During the
The skin of the Hero discharges sparks of raw electricity. The warrior can forfeit an
shooting phase, instead of casting a spell, the wizard can attempt to lift any loose
attack in close combat to jolt an enemy model instead. This special attack is resolved object within 6" on a successful Leadership test. If the object is taller than 1" then a 3
with +1 Initiative. The jolt deals an automatic Strength 3 hit that ignores all armour
modifier is applied to the roll. The object can be lifted and transported to anywhere
saves. If the enemy model is protected by any metal armour then the jolt counts as
within 6" of the wizard. If the object is a weapon, then it can be fired in the shooting
Strength 5. Once the mutant uses this ability it takes D3 turns to build another charge. phase or used to attack an enemy model in the hand-to-hand combat phase. Once the
Cost: 45 gold crowns
object is put down, another successful test is required to move it or any other object.
The object must be put down in order for the wizard to cast a spell. Using this ability
does not count as a spell.
Cost: 30 gold crowns

Tchar Rituals

Tchars Blessing

Difficulty: auto

The Shaman prays to his god to fill him with wisdom and thus triumph over his
This spell must be used before the game and may only be used once. The Shaman may
not cast spells in the following battle. After the game he gains D3 Experience points if
he wasnt taken out of action.

Dispel Magic

Difficulty 7

The winds of magic are bound to the will of Tchar and no so-called wizard may use
them against his favoured.
The Shaman ends all effects of currently active spells.


Difficulty 10

The Changer of the Ways pulls the strings of destiny to protect his servants.
This spell must be used before the game and may only be used once. Choose a
warband. One randomly determined Hero of that warband must miss the following
game. Models that are capable of casting spells or prayers are immune to this effect.

increased only once through this spell. The power of Tchars Reward lasts until the end
of the Shamans next shooting phase and can be re-cast in that phase.
Note: Be careful of doing this with Wounds.

Slave to Chaos

Difficulty 9

From the Shamans trembling fingers a blazing pink and blue ray streams towards an
enemy causing him to mutate terribly until a new recruit queues in the ranks of the
Great Eagles followers.
This spell has a range of 12 and causes one Strength 2 hit with no armour save. If the
model is taken out of action roll for Serious Injuries immediately. If they die replace
the killed warrior with a Horror of Tchar until the end of the game. If the Shaman is
stunned or taken out of action the Horror disappears into the Realm of Chaos.





3 3
1 3 1
Weapons/Armour: None.
Wrath of the Great Eagle
Difficulty 9
Fire of Tzeentch: Horrors can unleash the magical power of their creator. Roll 2D6 in
The Shaman calls Tchar to punish the ignorant and stupid for their delusion
their shooting phase: on a result of 6+ the nearest model within 12 is hit with a
Choose one enemy model within 12. The model is hit with a Strength equal to the
Strength of 1. If the Horror is engaged in close combat the Fire targets one random
difference of the Shamans Experience points and the models Experience (to a
maximum of 10). Armour saves are taken as normal. If the victim has more Experience opponent in base contact.
Immune to poison: Daemons are immune to all poisons.
points than the Shaman, the latter is hit instead.
Immune to psychology: Daemons are immune to psychology. They automatically pass
any Leadership tests they are required to take.
Tchars Reward
Difficulty 8
Cause fear: Daemons are monstrous creatures that cause fear.
The Shaman is rewarded for his great power.
The Shaman gets +1 on any one stat per 10 Experience points he has. Each stat may be Daemonic aura: Daemons have natural armour saves of 5+. This save is negated by
magic weapons and spells. Daemons attacks are considered as magical.

Blessings of Onogal
Those that worship at the fetid altar of the Lord of Decay suffer from terrible diseases and decay, which are known as Blessings of Onogal.

Stream of Corruption
The model can spew forth a grotesque stream of maggots, entrails and filth. This is
counted as a shooting attack with a range of 6" and is resolved at Strength 3 with no
saves for armour.
Cost: 25 Gold Crowns

Neiglish Rot

+1 Toughness but has its Movement reduced by -1.

Cost: 40 Gold Crowns

Cloud of Flies
The model is surrounded by a cloud of flies, which buzz around him and his combat
opponents. They do not affect the model but distract foes by buzzing into eyes, nostrils
and mouths. The model's close combat opponents suffer a -1 to hit modifier on all
Cost: 25 Gold Crowns

This warrior is infected with the deadly pestilence of its lord the Master of Plague. In
addition, the mutant is immune to all poisons. Neiglish Rot is a deadly contagion for
which there is no known cure. This virulent disease can be passed on in hand-to-hand
combat. If the model makes a successful to wound roll of a 6 with any of his hand-to- Suckers
hand attacks, the target model will contract the Rot. Neiglish Rot only affects the
The warrior's limbs are covered in adhesive suckers. The mutant automatically passes
living, so Undead, Daemons and the Possessed are unaffected. Once a warrior has
Initiative tests when climbing.
contracted the Rot, mark this on the warband roster. Rather than killing the victim
Cost: 25 Gold Crowns
immediately, the Rot can take some time to set in. From now on, before the start of
each battle, the warrior must pass a Toughness test. If successful, his constitution has Plague Carrier
managed to stave off the Rots effects. HR: If successful on a roll of 1, the warrior has The mutant carries one of the terrible poxes tainted by Chaos. The warrior's limbs are
been blessed by his/her deity. The warrior has been cleansed of the Rot but does not
covered in open sores and he is dramatically impeded by its condition. Reduce the
regain any lost Toughness. The warrior misses the next game in order to create a shrine mutant's Movement and Initiative by -1. Any time the mutant hits an enemy in hand-tofor their deity. If unsuccessful, the warrior loses one point of Toughness permanently hand combat, there is a chance they have infected their foe with this debilitating
(if he reaches zero, he has succumbed to the Rot and died, remove him from the
disease. The enemy model must roll equal to or less than its Toughness on a D6 to
roster). In addition, if a 6 is rolled for the Toughness test then he has unwittingly
avoid contracting the sickness. If the roll is higher than the model's Toughness, they
passed the Rot on to another member of the warband. Randomly allocate a warband
suffer the -1 to Movement and Initiative penalty for the rest of the battle. The carrier of
member and mark this on the roster.
the pox may not infect the same model more than once in a single battle. After the
Cost: 50 Gold Crowns
battle infected models receive immediate herbalremedies to keep the disease from
setting in permanently!
Bloated Foulness
Cost: 25 Gold Crowns
The model is a huge, disgusting mass of diseased, flabby folds. It gains +1 Wound and

Onogal Rituals
The rituals of Onogal are used to pervert and corrupt nature, inflicting hideous diseases for which there are no known cures.

Touch of Onogal

Difficulty 10

Difficulty 7
The Shamans body is covered with smallpox and blisters. His touch can transmit
devastating diseases.
The Master bestows the gift of pus-filled buboes upon his enemies.
This spell can be used against one of the Shamans close combat opponents. If he takes This spell has a range of 8" and affects a single enemy warrior. The warrior must pass a
the model out of action in the following hand-to-hand combat phase, that player rolls Toughness test or lose a Wound. No Armour saves are allowed.
for Serious Injuries immediately. If the model dies permanently, replace it with a
Plague Bearer under the Shamans control. If the Shaman is stunned or taken out of
Stench of Onogal
Difficulty 8
action the Plague Bearer disappears into the Realm of Chaos. Note that only one
The Master spews forth a foul, stinking mist that chokes his foes.
Plague Bearer can be created at a time.
This spell has a range of 6" and affects all living foes. Each enemy warrior in range
must pass a Toughness test or lose an Attack until their next turn.

Filthy, blight-ridden bodies of pus and mucus exist only to spread the plague fuelled 4
Difficulty 10
blessing of Onogal. Even to breathe the same air as one disease infested daemon is to The Master inflicts horrible diseases upon the unbelievers.
invite the most sickening malady.
All enemy models within 6" [HR] of the Master suffer a Strength 3 hit. No Armour
saves are allowed.
4 4
1 4 2 10
Scabrous Hide
Difficulty 8
Weapons/Armour: None.
The Masters skin becomes tough and leathery like that of his patron god.
The Master has an armour save of 2+ which replaces any normal Armour save. The
Cloud of Flies: A Plaguebearers close combat opponent suffers a 1 to hit modifier Scabrous Hide lasts until the beginning of his next Shooting phase.
caused by flies that buzz into mouth, eyes and nostrils.
Immune to poison: Daemons are immune to all poisons.
Neiglish Rot
Difficulty 9
Immune to psychology: Daemons are immune to psychology. They automatically pass The Master bestows the blessing of the Plague God upon his foe.
any Leadership tests they are required to take.
All enemy models in base contact with the Master must immediately test against their
Cause fear: Daemons are monstrous creatures that cause fear.
Toughness or contract Neiglish Rot.
Daemonic aura: Daemons have natural armour saves of 5+. This save is negated by
magic weapons and spells. Daemons attacks are considered as magical.

Graces of Shornaal
Those who set eyes on the warrior are captivated by the unrivalled natural beauty
which has been bestowed by the Prince of Pleasure. All enemy models except Undead
creatures will receive -1 to hit during the first round of combat as they gawk at such
radiance. Street vendors admire the charming Hero so he may add +1 to the roll that
determines his chances of finding rare items.
Cost: 50 gold crowns

metallic growths
The warriors skin sprouts countless metal studs. The metallic property of the nodules
forms a protective shell which deflects missiles and hand-to-hand combat hits on 6+.
The protection afforded by Metallic growths cannot be combined with other armours.
This special save can be taken whenever the Hero fails any other saving throws. This
save is not modified, and can be used if no saving throw is normally allowed.
Cost: 45 gold crowns

By the divine touch of Shornaal, the body of the warrior becomes sleek and capable of
moving with an almost liquid quality. The warriors receive +1 to Initiative tests and
may ignore Initiative tests normally required if a warrior is knocked down or stunned
within 1" of the edge of a roof or building or other
sheer surface.
Cost: 35 gold crowns

vestige. The cruel twin is conjoined to the warriors front, back, side or head ,heightens
the awareness of his other half and splits the identity of the warrior in two! Whenever
the mutant picks a new skill, an additional skill is learned by the vestigial twin. Pick
two skills from the Skill tables available or if he is a wizard he may choose to
randomly generate a new spell instead of a skill, before picking a skill for his twin.
When spotting hidden enemies the mutant's Initiative value is doubled and he ignores
the effects of fighting alone described in the Leadership & Psychology section. The
vestigial twin handicaps the warrior in such a way that movement is reduced by -2".
Cost: 60 gold crowns

elastic limbs
The mutant's arms can stretch out, allowing the mutant to attack from a distance. If the
mutant is not in base contact with an enemy model at the beginning of the hand-tohand combat phase, it may make one hand-to-hand attack against a single visible
enemy within 6" of the mutant. The enemy does not get a chance to fight back.
Cost: 40 gold crowns

piercing tongue

Like some homage to the Serpent himself, the warrior's tongue elongates into a sinuous
lethal weapon. The monstrous transformation permits the Hero to lash his enemies at
range. A Tongue attack can be made during the shooting phase against any model
within 2". Tongue attacks use the Strength of the warrior and do not suffer penalties for
range or moving. The warrior is so precise in the use of this tongue that he may attack
enemy models that are engaged in close combat. The Tongue attack cannot be used
when the mutant is engaged in close combat.
vestigial twin
In an unpredictable twist of fate, the Master delivers his grace in the form of a parasitic Cost: 30 gold crowns

Shornaal Rituals
The Shornaal Rituals are used by the Shamans who worship the Great Serpent.
They use their power to show unlucky victims the horrible pleasures of their patron.
always strike last in close combat, even if they charge an opponent or are armed with a
Delicious Suffering
Difficulty 8
spear or pike and are charged themselves. This spell lasts until the target passes a Ld
The Shaman summons great suffering to overwhelm his enemies.
All models (friend and foe, except for the Shaman) within 3 must pass a Ld test or are test during the recovery phase.
knocked down.

A Thousand Voices

Difficulty 8

A thousand voices manifest within the head of the unlucky victim driving him insane by
The Shamans sight is so incredibly fascinating that his opponents cannot help starring mocking at his secret desires and dreams.
Choose one enemy model within 12. For the duration of the spell the model reduces
stupidly while he draws his sword.
All enemy models that are not immune to psychology suffer a 1 to hit against him in its Ld by D3 +1 (to a minimum of 2) if it is not immune to psychology. The model
close combat. The Dance lasts until the beginning of the Shamans next shooting phase.must pass a Ld test at the beginning of its turn to end the spell. The spell breaks also
when the Shaman loses a wound. A thousand Voices can only enchant one model at a
Endless Torment
Difficulty 9
The Shaman falls into ecstasy torturing his helpless victim and watching it die slowly.
Shornaals Temptation
Difficulty 7
Choose one enemy model within 8. From now on the model must roll for injury 1 6
after its Recovery phase. For the duration of the Torment the Shaman can do nothing The Serpent has chosen to deliver a certain warrior from his miserable existence by
else but end the spell at the beginning of his turn and if attacked in close combat, he is promoting him to one of his Daemonic servants.
Choose one enemy model within 8 that is not immune to psychology. The model must
hit automatically and the spell breaks.
pass a Ld test. If the model fails, then the Shaman gains control over the model. The
player may attempt to regain control at the beginning of his turn by passing a Ld test.
Difficulty 8
Pain, beautiful Pain! last words of Snaghel, Exalted Seer of the Tribe of the Snake Shornaal's Temptation can only enchant one model at a time. If the Shaman is hit
whether by a missile or in close combat he must pass a Ld test or the spell ends.
Target enemy model within 8" will have their Initiative value reduced to 1 and will

Dance of the Serpent

Difficulty 8

The Scion of Chaos Border Town Burning Objective

The darkest of tribes are seeking four artefacts of Chaos. If one Chieftain proves the more skilful leader in finding their whereabouts, then followers of Chaos shall flock to his
banner. As the aspirants warband grows to become a horde he shall wreak destruction and spread Chaos across the world. The Chieftain may even ascend to become Chosen
of Chaos.
No Alliance with: The Scourge of the Realm, The Celestial Protectorate

Objective progress
+1 Playing a Scenario. Whenever the warband plays a scenario it gets +1 CP.
+1 Winning a Scenario. Whenever the warband wins a scenario it gets +1 CP.
+D6 Prophecy Fulfilled. The warband gets +D6 CP for every Chaos Artefact it can get hold of. Note that each bonus applies only once per artefact.
D3 Prophecy Foiled. The warband loses D3 CP for every Chaos Artefact which falls into the hands of an enemy warband. Note that each bonus applies only once per
+1 Rival Out Of Action. The warband gets +1 CP for taking the leader of a warband with the Scourge of the Realm objective or the leader of another warband with the
Scion of Chaos objective out of action.



I am the Scion: The warband's leader hates every other leader with the same objective. He must charge them when they are in reach, unless he is capable of casting
spells in which case he may choose to target them with a spell instead.


Growing Horde: The warbands maximum number of warriors is increased by +2.


Growing Horde: The warbands maximum number of warriors is increased by +2.


Portents of Doom: The Chieftain's Horde is sizeable enough to march on the border town! So long as the warband includes a Seer or Shaman to guide them they may
choose to play the "The Horde approaches" special scenario instead of a scenario from the scenario table.


Growing Horde: The warbands maximum number of warriors is increased by +3.


Daemon Prince: As soon as the warbands leader has gathered all four Chaos Artefacts he immediately turns into a mighty Daemon Prince who will serve his
masters for eternity.
The warrior counts as a Dramatis Persona from now on, healing all previously suffered permanent Serious Injuries (although he can suffer new ones like all special
characters!). In addition, he gets M 7, +1 W, and has the following special rules:
Immune to poison: The Daemon Prince is immune to all poisons.
Immune to psychology: The Daemon Prince is immune to psychology and automatically passes all Leadership tests. This includes all Rout tests his warband is
required to take.
Cause fear: The Daemon Prince is a monstrous creature that causes fear.
Daemonic aura: The Daemon Prince has a natural armour save of 5+. This save is negated by magic weapons and spells. The daemons attacks are considered as
Flying: The Daemon Prince triples his Movement when running and ignores terrain when moving.
Chosen Servant of Chaos: When taken out of action the Daemon Prince will not automatically drop the Chaos Artefacts. Instead roll for Serious Injuries
immediately. If the Prince dies, place markers for the artefacts.
If he does not have a Mark of the Dark Gods yet but could get one, he may choose one now (the Shaman's Mark does not count). He keeps the leader rule and
continues to lead the warband until he dies permanently.


Ascension! If the warband is led by the Daemon Prince it wins the campaign.

Chaos Artefacts
Chaos Artefact Special Rules
If a Beastman warband finds one of the following Chaos Artefacts they will always be
used by the warband's leader as they are the only warriors worthy of powerful Chaos
Note that an Artefact of Chaos is much too important and dangerous to be left in the
warband's camp or hideout. Therefore these artefacts must be carried by the leader.

Losing a Chaos Artefact

The Chaos Artefacts are protected by the Chaos Gods themselves and cannot be

Ghartoks Skull
Ghartok's Skull counts as a helmet. In addition, whenever its wearer is wounded by a
critical hit on a roll of 4+ on a D6 the hit is considered normal instead. The armour
does not hinder its wearer from casting spells or rituals of his own.

Dragon Scale Armour

The Dragon Scale Armour grants its wearer a 4+ armour save that cannot be negated
below 6+. In addition, any spell targeting the wearer fails on a roll of 4+ on a D6 (for
spells like Silver Arrows of Arha roll only once instead of for each arrow). The armour
does not hinder its wearer from casting spells or rituals of his own.

Broadsword of Damnation
The Broadsword counts as a double-handed weapon. Whenever a warrior is taken out
of action by a critical hit of the Broadsword, the warrior is transformed into a horrible
Spawn of Chaos, that is controlled by the Chaos player. The warrior dies permanently
after the battle.
Note that this weapon cannot be destroyed through the Sword Breaker's Trap blade
special rule or any other circumstances that would normally cause weapons/equipment
to break. The same applies to the Disarm rule from a Whip.

Liber Chaotica
This mighty tome of Chaos magic contains all the rituals of Tchar, Onogal, Shornaal
and Chaos Undivided (Chaos Rituals). A spellcaster in possession of this book is able
to use all spells from his dedicated list. Note that he must still learn a spell twice (i.e.

destroyed. If a model with one of these items is taken out of action place a marker. Any
model may pick the item up by moving in contact with the marker. If the marker is not
taken, the model out of action keeps the artefact and if it dies from its Serious Injuries
it is given to the nominated warband leader, who took it from his unlucky comrades
If the leader dies after the battle (e.g. in the Exploration phase) the artefact will be
given to the new leader.
In the unlikely case of a Chaos Artefact being lost when no new owner can be
determined, the next time a warband finds a Lesser Artefact it finds that Chaos Artefact
spend two skills) to permanently reduce its Difficulty.
A non-spellcaster may choose one random spell determined before the battle from the
Rituals of Chaos Undivided. The warrior may attempt to cast it as if he was a
A leader with the Mark of Arkhar increases his save against magic to 2+ and becomes
immune to the effects from all Chaos rituals (including Rituals of Hashut).

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