Diction Accuracy and Correct Usage

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7. It is the state of being a king.

8. It is the act or state of not being selfish.

9. It is the quality of being obliged.
10. It is full of words.
11. It is full of troubles.
12. It is the state or quality of being slave or a servant.
13. It is in the direction of home.
14. It is of the quality of continuing.
Diction Accuracy and Correct Usage
The following words are usually misused in oral or written expressions. Review their usage and
fill in the blanks with the correct expressions or revised the sentences that contain faulty usage.
Observe subject-verb agreement and tense usage as you write your answers.
Accept, except, expect
Accept is a verb meaning to receive; except is a preposition meaning not including; Expect,
on the other hand , is a verb which means to anticipate.
1. She ___________to graduate next school year.
2. All the students had to take nine units of regular Filipino subjects,___________ the
foreign students who have to enroll in special courses in Filipino.
3. The crown princess __________ the gift of Thailands royal family.


Adapt, adopt
Adapt means to accommodate and to adjust to certain conditions; Adopt, on the other
hand, means to take into a family or to take up and follow.
Plants and animals __________ to the drastic changes of temperature.
Filipinos who migrate to English-speaking countries do not find it difficult to _________
to their new environment.
The couple plans to _________ the five-month-old baby found at the doorstep of the
To survive in the era of globalization, parochial institutions need to _________ new
advise, advice

Advise is a verb which means to give advice. Advice is a noun form.

8. Follow my _________ and youll surely pass the subject.
9. The dentist ____________ his patient to brush his teeth using an interdental toothbrush
each night.
Affect, effect

Affect means to influence, or to create an effect on something. Effect is a noun meaning the
result or consequence of something.
10. Family disorganization usually ________ a childs attitude towards others.
11. The _________ of media on behavior of children still remains a blackbox. Only a few
researchers have attempted to prove the relationship of media violence to violent
All ready, already
All ready, a two-word expression, means everybody is ready or totally prepared;
already is an adverb meaning previously or by this time.
12. The presenters were___________ to discuss their research topics.
13. The contestants appear tense and worried; however, they are__________ to play he
14. They have________ distributed the hand-outs. Yould better as for a copy from the
All right, alright
All right is an expression which means everything is fine; alright is non-standard.
15. You dont need to panic; the event will be_________.
16. The children are doing great! Everyone seems ________.
All together, altogether, together
Altogether is an adverb which means entirely or totally; all together, a two-words
expression , refers to a action or activity simultaneously accomplished by a group.
Together is use to refer to two persons or things doing the same activity.
17. This exam is ________ difficult; even if I studied the lesson, I wouldnt e able to pass it.
18. The children ate the pie their father bought them. They enjoyed it ____________.
19. Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. They took care of baby Jesus ______________.
20. As soon as the teacher left the room, the student chattered ______________.
21. Your essay was ______________ confusing; you need to revise certain paragraphs and
improve your diction.
Allude, elude
To allude is to refer to; to elude is to avoid.
22. The best way to _____________ sarcastic criticisms is to pretend that the criticism
doesnt affect you in any way, or to leave the room as a gesture of protest.
23. The speaker elevated the memory of Jose Rizal because he ___________ to the heroic
acts of our national hero.
Allusion, illusion

Allusion means reference to or an indirect reference to something; illusion is a

false concept.
24. The speakers ______________ of the heroic acts of our national hero received a
favorable approval from the Filipino audience.
25. Maria had some _____________ about being a student of Harvard University; shes just
building castles in the air.
Ambiguous, ambivalent
Ambiguous is an adjective describing a word or phrase which has more than one meaning;
ambivalent refers to lack of certainty.
26. Many students could not comprehend the poem. The nuances and symbolisms seemed
27. The dean was _______________ about the facultys development for the next academic
year. The plan requires much of the college fund.
Among, between
Among is used for three or more items; for two items, between is used.
28. She had to choose ______________ staying here in the Philippines to study or leaving
the country to work abroad.
29. Lena was ___________ the candidate chosen to represent the country in the Asia-pacific
youth summit.
Amount, number
Amount is used with non-count nous; number is used with countable plural nouns.
30. The _____________ of money wasted for the construction of the subway was
overwhelming; it could have fed one thousand families in weeks.
31. The ____________ of victims reported was negligible; no wonder, the president did not
declare the calamity of a National concern.
Anyone, any one
Anyone is a singular indefinite pronoun; any one refers to single person, or thing.
32. ___________should help.
33. The employees were allowed to choose ______________ of the proposed schedules of
work : day shift or night duty.
Apart, a part
Apart is an adverb; a part is noun phrase.
34. When the crown prince left the crown princess without acknowledging her authority, her
heart was torn_______________.

35. Who says that you are no longer needed in the project? You will always be
_______________ of the team.
Awful, awfully
These expressions are non-standard (awful for bad; awfully for very); therefore, you
should avoid using them.
36. The food tastes _______________.
37. It was _____________ difficult.
While, a while, awhile
While is a noun as in for a while, in a while; awhile is an adverb meaning shortly or
for some.
38. The guests stayed ______________ in the reception lounge.
39. The game was delayed for ____________.
40. The program will begin in a short ______________.
Bad, badly
Bad is used after a linking verb or before a noun in a noun phrase; badly is an adverb used to
modify a verb. Bad as an adjective is imprecise.
41. She looked ___________ after receiving her test paper.
42. Our team lost because we had played ____________.
Because, because of
Because is followed by a subject and verb of an adverbial clause; because of is fallowed by a
noun or pronoun as object of the preposition of.
43. The arrival honors for the U.S president has been delayed _________ the police dispersed
the mob of people protesting the VFA agreement.
44. The verdict was delayed _________ the jurys confusion and ambivalence.

Being as, being as that

These expressions are non-standard. They must be avoided. The word because must be used
1. Being that we have already settled the problem, it is better for everybody to return to
2. The ambassador is planning to return to the country being as some ticklish issues still
remain to be settled.
Revised: _____________________________________________________________

Besides, besides
Beside is a preposition which means next to: besides is a preposition which refers to except
for and an adverb which means in addition to.
1. The protocol mandates that the president be seated __________ the vice president.
2. Burrow had nobody to believe him __________ his brother scofield.
3. Trott had all it takes to persuade the jury; __________ he had the best litigators to help
him prove that innocence of his rich client.
Breath, breath
Breath is a noun; breath is a verb.
1. The instructor told us to __________ slowly.
2. We had to take three deep __________ before we decided to come out of the stage and
Cant hardly, cant barely, barely not
These expressions are non-standard. Do not use barely, and hardly with not.
1. I couldnt hardly decide whether to take a sabbatical leave or avail myself of the
Revised: ____________________________________________________________
2. The nurse could not barely feel the patients heartbeat; fortunately, the paramedics came
to administer first aid which brought the person back to his consciousness and led him
to survive the heart attack.
Revised: ____________________________________________________________

Cite, sight, site

Cite means to name, quote or mention; sight means vies; site means location.
1. The architect and the city planning officer visited the __________ where a modern
housing project will be put up for urban poor.
2. You said that CEO dropped by my office; but, thats impossible! I stayed in my office the
whole day, but I didnt have a __________ of him.
3. My classmate plans to __________ some personal experiences to make his speech
persuasive; if he clutters his speech with some personal experiences, he will surely lose

Complement, compliment
Complement, from the word complete, is a noun or verb which means to complete or enhance
something; complimentmeans to express praise as a verb, and praise as a noun.
1. The author received __________ from book critics.
2. The precious stone on her necklace __________ the white satin dress she wore.
3. To conclude his research , he considered the results of his observations as a __________
for literature review.
4. The tourists __________ the Filipinos for their generous reception, warm hospitality, and
unforgettable smile.
Course, coarse
Course is a noun which means a path, or a field of study; coarseis an adjective meaning
1. Her tattered clothes, and her ___________ fingers tell the storyshe is a beggar.
2. I am taking three __________ this semestera foreign language, biochemistry, and
quantum physics.
Compose, comprise
Compose means to make up; comprise means to include.
1. The hall is __________ of the university library, the cafeteria, and the activity fitness
2. The hall __________ the university library, the cafeteria, and the activity fitness center.
Continual, continuous
Continual means repeatedly frequently; it implies reception. Continuous means without
interruption; it implies lack of pause.
1. The __________interruptions by the prosecutor irked the defense lawyer during his
examination of the witness.
2. The __________ two-hour cross examination by the prosecutor bored the spectators.
Could care less
This expression should be used with the negative; otherwise, it is not standard.
Parents could care less about their children; they would do everything to give them quality
Revised: _________________________________________________________________

Council, counsel
Council is a noun that refers to an assembly of people; counsel is a verb which means to give
advice and a noun which means legal adviser.
1. The __________ had adjourned when the guest arrived.
2. The social worker __________ the child.
3. The child had to see a __________.
Custom, customs
Customrefers to habitual practice or tradition; customs means government unit for collecting
1. The immigrant had to pay two thousand dollars to the __________ at the airport.
2. She had to orient her fianc of the family __________.
Desert, dessert
Desert with the stress on the first syllable is noun meaning dry, arid environment; desert with
the stress on the second syllable is a verb meaning to leave or abandon; dessert is a noun
which means sweet course at the end of a meal.
1. After his father __________ their family, the child locked himself in his room, and
wouldnt talk to anyone.
2. The voyagers visited the Gobi __________.
3. The _________ was served shortly after the meal.
Devise, devise
Deviceis a noun which means an instrument; deviseis a verb which means to invent.
1. His ingenuity enabled him to ___________ a plan.
2. The ___________ he invented won for him a Nobel Prize.
Direction, directions
Directions refers to an order or command; directions refers to an instruction or series of
instructions for doing something.
1. The deputy officer gave the __________; therefore, everybody had to be on post.
2. The student did not read the __________ before he answered the test; consequently, his
answers were nullifield.
Discreet, discrete
Discreet means tactful; discrete is a synonym for separate.

1. Effective public relations officers are usually _________ when they answer questions,
even the most sarcastic ones.
2. Two members of the powerful presidential management staff expressed _________
Disinterested, uninterested
Disinterested means impartial or unbiased;uninterestedmeans not interested.
1. Although the judge was a __________ party, some people still wanted to challenge his
2. The dean noticed that some of her faculty members were so __________ in attending
the conference that she didnt know whether to force them to attend the event or just let
them participate in other conferences.
Due to
This expression should be used after a be-verb; otherwise, use because or becauseof.
1. The triumph of the team was ___________ the coachs excellent training program and
the athletes desire for victory.
2. The team triumphed __________ the coachs excellent training program and the
athletes desire for victory.
3. The team triumphed __________ the coach implemented an excellent training program
for his athletes and motivate them to win.
Due to the fact that, owing to the fact that
These expressions are verbose; use because instead.
Due to the fact the city mayor announced that all classes in all levels are suspended, many
students decided to stay home and wait for announcements regarding the resumption of classes
and the rescheduling of the examinations.
Revised: ________________________________________________________________
Each other, one another
Useeach other with two, and one another with three or more.
The couple love __________; their five children love __________.

Elicit, illicit
Elicit is a verb which means to draw; illicitis an adjective which means illegal.

1. The NBI agents tried in vain to __________ information from their suspect.
2. Their __________ affair has created a scandal.
Emigrate, immigrate
Emigrate from means to leave one country; immigrate to is to move to another country.

6.The sewers had __________ the cloth flat on a surface before they carefully traced the pattern
on it.
7.A song goes, __________ your troubles on my shoulders, put your worries in my pocket.
Like, as, as if
Like is a preposition followed by a noun or pronoun; asand as if followed by a dependent clause.
1. This painting looks __________ the original; a person without an eye for classical art will
not be able to tell the diffenrence.
2. The child answered the details of the event __________ he was only recalling a
memorized speech; no wonders, she did not win sympathy for her accused friend.
3. The child answered the questions __________ she was told by the teacher.
Loose, lose
Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight;lose is a verb with the past and past participle
forms lost.
1. Your jacket doesnt fit ; its __________.
2. If you dont accumulate a grade point average 90%, you will definitely __________ your
Most, almost
Most is a noun marker which means more than half. Almostis an adverb which means nearly.

__________ of the panelists have answered the participants queries.

The students have already completed __________ all of the requirements.
__________ fifty percent of the board members voted against the policy.
The scientist has tested _________ of the samples.

Nowadays, now a day, nowadays

Nowadays is the acceptable standard expression; now a day and nowadays are both
1. Now a day, many multi-national factories consider subcontracting in manufacturing their
Revised: _______________________________________________________________
2. Nowadays, many childrens toys and television programs are not suitable for young
Revised: _____________________________________________________________
A number, the number

A number followed by an of phrase takes a plural verb; the number is followed by a singular
1. _________ of non-governmental organization have agreed to support the economic policy of the
government to arrest the downturn of the Philippine economy.

2._________ of non-governmental organizations present during the convention was

Owing to the fact, due to the fact that
These expressions are deadwood. Use because instead.
1. Owing to the fact that the countrys economy and its international reputation have improved,
many of the Filipinos give the President a satisfactory approval rating.
Revised: ___________________________________________________________
Passed, past
Passed, the past tense andpast participle of pass, refers to movement or successful completion; past refers
to a former time.
1. All of the examinees have _______ the licensure exam.
2. The speaker didnt mention anything about what happened in the _________
Precede, proceed
Precede means to go or occur before; proceed means to go ahead.

1. Necessity or motive _________ invention.

2. Once you have the application form,________ to the secretariat for registration.
3. That the student was reprimanded for bullying a classmate _______ that he was sent to
the principals office.
4. Although the reporters of the class were irked by their classmates unfriendly remarks,
they decided to ________ with their presentation and got remarkable comments from
their teacher.
Personal, personnel
Personal means private; Personnel is a non-count noun which means workers or
1. A taxi driver returned the ambassadors _____ journal to the reception area of the
2. The directors have approved the new policies which should be followed by all _____
Quite, quiet
Quite is an adverb which means totally, or very; quiet is and adjective which means silent.

1. I need something to eat; I am ________ hungry.

2. The room was rather ___________when we entered, because the children were already

Quote, quotation
Quote is a verb; quotation is the noun form of this verb.
1. He ______ a clich in his introduction.
2. 2. The ______ was totally irrelevant; the teacher suggested that it had better be deleted
from the paragraph.
Real, really
Real is an adjective; really is an intensifier.
1. The numismatist easily recognized the _________ coin collections.
2. The management was _______ impressed with the structural design drafted by the
decision of the majority to suppress the opening of the envelope.
Respectable, respectful,respective
Respectable means worthy of respect; respectful means polite; respective means
particular or individual.
1. The student leaders attending the international summit were eager to attend their _______
Parallel sessions.
2. The dignitaries were ushered to their _________ seats in the gallery.
3. The television host enjoyed his interview with the _____________ children of popular
4. The ___________ lawyer entered the cutthroat career of politics.
5. The ___________ guest of honor received a warm welcome from the organizers.
Rise, raise
Rise is an intransitive verb; raise is an transitive verb-therefore, it requires an object.

Elementary students have to _________ early to attend their 7:00 a.m. classes.
We __________ a canary last summer.
The flag_______________ in the morning.
if you know the answer, you have to ___________ your hand.
The sales have __________ as a result of effective marketing strategies.

Sale, sell
Sale is noun; sell is a verb.
1. Theres a __________ in the mall this week.
2. The bookstore will ____________ classics on discount.
Sometimes, sometimes, some time
Sometimes, means occasionally; sometimes means at an indefinite time; some time is an
expression of an amount of time.
1. The lawyer needed __________ to organize the defense case.
2. She __________ goes to the gym to burn some calories.
3. Our athletes will complete for qualifying matches ___________ next month.
Stationary, stationery
Stationary means immobile; stationery is used for writing letters.
1. The vehicles became __________
2. Official communications must be-printed on official ____________.
Their, there, theyre
Their is a possessive pronoun; there indicates a place or is used as a subject filler in an inverted
sentences; there is a contraction of they are.
1. ____________are several hypotheses that must be tested.
2. ____________hoping to get the approval of the commission on appointments.
3. The congressmen supporting the convention to amend the constitution suffered a setback;
____________ proposal was denied legitimacy by the supreme court.
Used to, become (get) used to, accustomed to
Used torefers to a past habit. Become or get used tois the same as accustomed to. Following
do/does/did not, the expression used to becomes use to.
1. My friend_________ wear her hair long and curly
2. He didnt __________ have a moustache.
3. He cant ___________ talking without his native accent.
While, whereas
While is used as a conjunction meaning during that time. Do not use while for statements with
an unspecified period of time; use whereas or but.

1. _________ the board members were trying to resolve the deadlock, the staff assistant was
busy recording the minutes of the meeting.
2. Lincoln claimed that he was the brute,_________ his younger brother scofield was the
Whose, whos
Whose is a relative possessive pronoun.Whos is an contraction of who is.
1. The doctor,_______ experimenting on alternative fuel source, will talk on biodiversity
and the threats of global warming.
2. The writer ______________ book on gender sensitivity made him a nobel prize laureate
will teach in the university.
Your, youre
Your is a possessive pronoun; youre is a contraction of you are.
1. ___________ review of related literature requires further library research.
2. The topic that ______________ working on is complex; it may not fit your allowable
time frame.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is the public speech delivered on the steps of the Lincoln memorial in Washington, D.C. on
august 28, 1963 by civil rights activist Martin Luther king, Jr. who desired the harmonious coexistence of blacks and whites and the enjoyment of equal rights under the U.S. constitution.
Five score years ago, a great American, in
whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the
emancipation proclamation. This momentous
decree came as a great beacon light of hope to
millions of negro slaves who had been seared in
the flames of withering injustice. It came as a
joyous daybreak to end the long nught of
but one hundred years later, we must face the
tragic fact that the negro is till not free. One
hundred years later, the life of the negro is still
deadly crippled by the manacles of segregation
and the midst of a vsat ocean of material
prosperity. One hundred years later, the negro is
till languishing in the corners of American
society and finds himself an exile in his own
land. So we have come here today to ramatize an
appalling condition.

In a sense we have come to our nations capital

to cash a check. When the architects of our
republic wrote the magnificent words of the
constitution and the declaration of
independence, they were signing a promissory
notye to which every American was to fall heir.
This note was a promise that all men would be
guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.
It is obvious today that America has defaulted on
this promissory note insofar as her citizens of
color are concerned. Instead of honoring this
scared obligation, America has given the negro
people a bad check which has come back
marked insufficient funds. But we refused to
believe that there are insufficient funds in the
great vaults of apportunity of this nation. So we

have come to cash this check a check that will

give us upon

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