Module PT3

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The text discusses the use of articles in English grammar and provides examples of when to use definite, indefinite and no articles.

The text discusses the uses of the indefinite article A/AN, the definite article THE, and situations where no article is used such as with plural nouns, proper nouns, locations, and other specific cases.

Some examples of when no article is used given in the text are with general ideas, plural nouns, uncountable nouns, names of people and places, and other specific nouns like sports, meals, planets, etc.





NAME : _________________________________________

CLASS : _________________________________________

SCHOOL : _________________________________________



Error Identification



The Indefinite Article A / AN

We use A/AN with:
1. Singular nouns and the first time we refer to a person, animal or thing.

A child

2. We don't use A/AN with possessive pronouns, demonstratives or cardinal numbers.

My shirt is dirty.
This car is expensive.

What is the difference between A and AN?

A is used when the next word begins with a consonant sound (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k etc).

a book
a university (because the beginning of university sounds like YOU-university)

AN is used when the next word begins with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).

an apple
an hour (because the H is silent)

The Definite Article THE

We use THE with:

1. A singular or plural noun when it is clear/obvious which person or thing we are talking about.

There is a lamp in my bedroom. (we mention the lamp for the first time)

2. Anything which we identify immediately.

We watched the new Brad Pitt movie last night.

3. Musical instruments (the violin, the guitar, the drums, the flute, the piccolo).

She plays the piano.

4. Something that is unique or there is only one.

the sun

5. Names of rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges and deserts (always in capital
the west

No Article
We use no article with:
1. When we refer to general ideas, plurals or uncountable nouns we do not use THE.

Religion is an important issue. (NOT The religion is an important issue)

Mexican food is spicy. (NOT The Mexican food is spicy).

2. Names of people, books and plays (unless it is part of the title).

I have read Romeo and Juliet.

3. Towns, cities, states and countries.

Cape Town

(Exceptions The USA, The UK, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, The Philippines).

4. Lakes, single islands, continents or mountains.

Lake Victoria

5. Planets


6. Sports or games


7. Meals


Text 1 : Fill in the blanks with the correct article.

Mrs Charlie is from ______(1) Neptune. She landed her space ship in ________ United

States of America. She went to _____ (2) shopping mall yesterday. It was raining, so she used

_____ (3) umbrella. _____ (4) mall is located next to ______ (5) university. 15 minutes later,

____ (6) sun came out. At (7)______ shopping mall she bought _____ (8) lot of things because

there was a closing down sale. Before that she had _____(9) breakfast at her favourite diner.

By ____ (10) time she arrived at _____ (11) mall, there was already _____ (12) huge crowd

there. She really had _____ (13) tough time trying to push her way through _____ (14) crowd.

Then, when she went to pay for ______ (15) things she had bought ,she had to wait in

______(16 ) queue for more than _____ (17) hour.


Conjunctions are words that uses joiners.

Different kinds of conjunctions join different kinds of grammatical structures.


for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Coordinating conjunctions join equals to one another:

words to words, phrases to phrases, clauses to clauses.


Fill in the blanks with either, however, but , and, or,so, therefore, although, since, until

My friends (1) ____ I planned to go for a picnic last weekend (2) ___________,it was

raining heavily. We were already at the bus station. We had two choices, (3)________ to go up

on the bus (4) _____ to wait for the rain to stop. We decided to wait . (5)_____ felt very upset

at first (6)________ we met an interesting group of tourists.(7) however we spent our time chit-

chatting with them at the bus station.

We enjoyed the conversation (8)_________ the weather was clear (9 )_____ the tourist

came from different countries, they spoke English well. We (10 ) _____ had no problems

communicating with them at all. (11)________ then, I kept in touch with one of the tourists, of

course a young handsome one.


Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a
subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be

Usage Examples
1. Ali is a good boy.
A singular subject takes a singular verb 2. He rides a bicycle to work every

A plural subject takes a plural verb 1.They play the drums well.
2.The chefs cook delicious meal

I and you must be followed by a plural verb 1.I love going for holidays
2.You are not going out.

Uncountable nouns must be followed by 1.The sky is blue

singular verbs 2.Water is essential to man.

Collective nouns that refer to a group as a 1.The mob has dispersed.

whole must be followed by a singular verb. 2.A litter of puppies is under the bed.

Collective nouns that refer to individuals in 1.The police were at the scene of the
the group must be followed by a plural verb. accident.

Words like each, every, one of, much etc 1.Each of the children was given a free T-
must be followed by a singular verb shirt

Words like all several a few many etc must 1.Several houses were destroyed during the
be followed by plural verbs earthquake.

Either nor neither must be followed by a 1.Neither Jack nor Hari is going out
singular verb if they are a singular subject.

Either nor neither must be followed by plural 1.Either Mrs Jacob or the girls are going to
verbs when the second subject is in the visit Mary.
plural. 2.Neither the captain nor the players have
agreed to play in the game.


Fill in the blanks with do, does, are, has, or have.

1. These bags __________ not belong to us. They ________ Jeremys.

2. My maid _________ the washing up in the house but she ____________ not do the

3. The villagers _______ no money to buy food .However, the government ______ given
them loans.

4. The postman __________ his job well. He ________ to work rain or shine.

5. There ______nt any food left. The children ______ eaten it all.

6. My brother _________ just gone out. He _____ meeting his friends at the park.

7. My teacher _______ marked the test papers. We _________ to wait for the marks.

8. Each of us __________ two books but Jerry ____________ only one.

9. Puan Rosnah __________ our new headmistress. She __________ a lot of experience.

10. These rooms _________ not been painted .The painter ________ not bought the paint.


A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a word in the sentence and the
word that is the object of the preposition.

Some Common Prepositions

Prepositions of time: after, around, at, before, between, during, from, on, until,
at, in, from, since, for, during, within
Prepositions of place: above, across, against, along, among, around, at,
behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by,
down, in, inside, into, near, off, on, opposite, out, over,
past, through, to, toward, under, underneath
Prepositions of at, for, on, to, in, into, onto, between
Prepositions of manner: by, on, in, like, with
Other types of prepositions: by, with , of, for, by, like, as


Last night, I was doing my homework _____(1) my room when the lights suddenly went

______ (2).The whole house was ____(3) total darkness. I immediately reached ____(4)

my torch and switched it _____(5).Then , I made my way _____ (6) my sisters room to check

_____(7) her. She was fast asleep ____ (8) her bed .She did not seem to be bothered

_____(9) the mosquitoes that were flying ______(10) her.I could not get to sleep ____(11)

The lights came ____ (12) again.


Rahim is a fisherman .He lives _______(1) his wife _____ a little wooden house. His

wife ______(2)His house which he ______(3) stilts, is _____(4) the sea.He usually goes


The sea very early ______(6) the morning.He seldom returns ______(7) sunset._______(8)

The monsoon season,he doesnt go _____(9) sea.He remains ______ (10) land and attends

______ (11) all the chores that need to be done.It is a boring time _____(12) him because he

longs _______ (13) the sea!.



To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions

and wishes:
I smoke (habit); I work in London (unchanging situation); London is a large
city (general truth)
To give instructions or directions:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
To express fixed arrangements, present or future:
Your exam starts at 09.00
To express future time, after some conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as, until:
He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.


Fill in the blanks with simple present tense.

Sheila _______(1) for a large international company.She ___________(2)the secretary to the


Every day she and her colleagues _______(3 ) at the office on time.

She___________(4)the letters and _______(5) through the mail.


The simple past is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now. Duration is not
important. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past.


John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.

My father died last year.
He lived in Fiji in 1976.
We crossed the Channel yesterday.

Text 7

Write one word to correct the error.

Last Saturday ,I go (1) to Kuala Lumpur to see my cousin who complete(2) her studies in

last month. I take (3) the bus there and my older sister Shafinni accompany (4) me there.

Coincidentlly ,she is (5) on her semester break.

1.____ 2.__________ 3_______________ 4._______________ 5 ________________


Use the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is happening
now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.


You are learning English now.

You are not swimming now.
Are you sleeping?
I am sitting.
I am not standing.

Near Future

Sometimes, speakers use the Present Continuous to indicate that something will or will not
happen in the near future.


I am meeting some friends after work.

I am not going to the party tonight.


Identify the error,underline and write the correct answer.

1. Mary Anne is take a swimming lesson.

2. Mother does watching television while father is eat popcorn.

3. Do not disturb Louis as he is do his homework now.

4. Mother is busy baked a cake for my party tonight.

5. They are enjoyed themselves at the pool when it suddenly raining.

1 __________________ 2_______________ 3________________ 4____________




Write one word to correct the error in the space provided

e.g went
During the last school holidays, Kuhan and I go on camping trip to Port
Dickson. However it is only for the night, we was very excited about it.We got ____________________

all the item we needed for the trip, such as canned food ,blankets and fishing ____________________

rods. Than, we set of in us bicycles.We reached the beach in about 9 a.m. ____________________
The sea was so invited that we were unable to contained our excitement. We ____________________
quick changed on our swimming trunks after jumped onto the water. ____________________

The crystal clear water are warm and we have splashing time. After a ____________________
short swim, we looks for a suitable spot to pitch our tent. We spent the rest of ____________________
a day relaxing,collecting shells and swam. Later at the evening, we build a ____________________
small fire outside our tent to kept the mosquitoes away.We had our dinner at a ____________________
small stall who just a stones throw away from our tent. While eat, we tell
jokes. After dinner ,we go crab- hunting along the beach.


Write one word to correct the error in the space provided

Coconut trees are commonly found in Kampungs but along the beaches of e.g. and

Malaysia. They grow well with sandy soil and being tropical crops,they can be

found in all parts of a tropics. Coconut trees are evergreen. The old leaves
fall off

whilst new ones are being formed. Coconut trees can grow to a high of about

metres. A coconut tree start to bears fruit about five years after it is planted. A

coconut tree can yield about sixty nuts every year.The nuts are cut off the
tree which

they are ripe.Every parts of the coconut tree is useful.the trunk can be used
to make

bridges, the pillars with a house,furniture and firewood.The leaves can be

make into baskets while the nuts provide us with food and drink.Cooking oil
can be

obtained for its dried kernel.The oil can be used to make soap and
candles.the husk

can be used to make mats,brushes and ropes. Most coconuts trees is


from smallholders .however , some of the palms are grown in big plantation.


Write one word to correct the error in the space provided

After seeing my sister of the airport, my father and I returned to our white eg off

car. To my annoyance, just as me was opening the door, the key jammed in the

lock. The rear window was slightly open, or I managed to unlock the back door

and wriggles into the drivers seat. Arriving at the pay station, I then realised that

I had misplace the ticket. Luckily the parking attendant was kind. He charged us

only a minimum fee. Soon after we leave the car park, I noticed a strange sound

coming from the engine. After I glanced at the rear view mirror and spotted a

unfamiliar sticker on the rear window, I realised the mistake I make. I told

my father that I was driving someone elses car. I quick made a U-turn and

straight back towards the airport. I then parked the car. Where I had find it and

located my identical looking white car. Luckily, a kind- hearted parking

attendant from earlier did not recognise us.



2. A
3. a
4. a
5. the
6. the
7. a
8. a
9. the
10. the
11. the/a
12. a


1. and
2. However
3. either
4. or
5. but
6. So
7. until
8. Although
9. Therefore
10. Since

1 do,are
3 .have,has
4. does,has
5. have
6. is
7. has,have
8. has,has
9. is has
10 have has

Text 4 Text 5 8.on 1.with 8.during
2.out 10. Around 3.on 10.on
4.for 11. Until 4. near
5.on 12.on 12.for

17 13. for
7.on 7.before
Text 6 Text 7 Text 8
1. works 1. Went 1. taking
2. is 2. Completed 2. watching
3. arrive 3. Took 3.doing
4. types 4. accompanied 4. baking
5. goes 5. Was 5.enjoying

PT3 Practice 1
1. was
2. items
3. on
4. inviting
5. before
6. had
7. the
8. built
9. kept
10. went

1. in
2. the
3. height
4. bear
5. when
6. part
7. of
8. made
9. from
10. are
11. by


1. I
2. So
3. wriggled
4. misplaced
5. left
6. an
7. made
8. quickly
9. found
10. the

Information Transfer
Reading Non-Linear


Read the text carefully .

Scoring is easy because the answer is given and you need to identify correctly the answer and
then transfer the answers to the graphic given.

You just need to write 1- 3 words in each blank ( do not write more than that )
If you think the sentence is too long, rephrase it.

WH can help to understand and answer the questions better

Example Activity 1

a) When will it be held?

b) Where will it be held?

c) and d) What are the activities?

e) and f) Who are the sponsors?

g) What is the main prize?

h) How much is the registration fee?

i) How can payment be made ( form of payment)

j) Who is organizing this activity?


Question 2

Read the following information and answer questions (a) (j)

11 12 May
Pantai Cini, Melaka


Fishing competition COMPETITION
Cooking demonstration Deep See Category:
Beach soccer
First Prize : RM 3000
Second Prize : RM 2000
Other Actitivities ( for children ): Third Prize : RM 1500
Mini motorcycle race Consolation Prizes :
Hampers worth RM150 each
Ferries wheel
Colouring contest Beach Category :

First Prize : RM 2000

WIN ATTRACTIVE PRIZE!! Second Prize : RM 1500
Third Prize : RM 1000
COMPETITION : RM 100 Hampers worth RM 150 each
( payment by cash only and please bring your own rod )



Use the information and complete the graphic organiser.

Duration Main prize for Deep Sea

a) ______________ days
g) ______________________

Registration Fee:
b) __________________________
h) _______________________

Children Activities: Fishing Payment by

c) __________________________ carnival i) ________________________
d) _________________________


Sponsors j) __________________________

e) ________________________

f) ________________________

( 10 marks )

Answers for Information Transfer


Fishing Carnival Pirate Treasure

a) 11- 12 May a) Harry Lim

b) Pantai Cini, Melaka b) Selvi Rajan

c) Mini motorcycle race c) Kee Jun

d)Ferries wheel d) Ariff

e)Kad Anda e) Lilos Island

f)PE Petrol f) Kemin Island

g)RM 300 g) dolphin

h)RM 100 h) turtle

i) cash i) Pita Bookstores

j)Berita Anda j) TTM Books

Question 4

Jason Veera

a) Fifteen years old

b) hard -working

c) responsibility

d) caring

e) football

f) atheletics

g) President of the Library Board

h) captain of school football team

i) best performer of the school talent contest

j) certificate of achievement



Short Notes

Sample Writing for Postcards

Sample Question 1:

Imagine that you went for a tour to Melbourne. In about 50 words, write a postcard to your
friend telling him/her about your favourite attractions. In your postcard :

Talk about the different types of attractions

Talk about your favourite attractions.
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.

Dear Anida,

Im in Melbourne for my sisters graduation. It is a

beautiful, lively, artsy city with the perfect blend of old and new
architecture. I visitd a few of the attractions there. I did quite a
bit of shopping at Queen Victoria Market and Direct Factory
Outlet. I also took a scenic drive along the Great Ocean Road. To:
We stopped by Lorne where I got to taste the best fish and
chips. Anida Ali

Apart from all the places I mentioned, my favourite 171-3 Village Apartment,
attractions would be the adorable penguins I saw in Philip Jalan Hang Tuah,
Island and the Sherbrooke Forest on Mount Dandenong. I hiked 60000 Petaling Jaya,
through the forest and got to see the beautiful nature. It was Selangor, Malaysia
such a great way to escape the city life. Ill tell you more when I
get back. See you soon.



Sample Question 2 :

You plan to make and bring dessert for your class party. In about 50 words, write a postcard to
your cousin. In your postcard :

Invite your cousin to help you.

Give reasons to support your choice.
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.

Dear Phoebe,

How have you been? What have you been up to? I need
your help to make a desser for my class party. I know you are a
fantastic baker, and that is why I am desperately counting on
your expertise.
My class party will be held in a fortnights time, so we
shall have just enough time to shop for the ingredients. I Phoebe Lim
suggest we make ice cream sandwich cake, which is your
specialty. Please say you will come and help. Ill ask the No 1234
permission from your mum. My mum and I can pick you from Jalan Dedap 1,
your house on Friday at 3.00 p.m. Hope to hear from you as Taman Johor Jaya
soon as possible. 81100 Johor Bahru,
Your cousin,


Sample Question 3 :

Your friend and his parents are always in disagrement with the amount of time your friend can
spend on the computer. In about 50 words, write a postcard to your friend. In your postcard :

Suggest a workshop for him and his parents to join to solve the problem
Give reasons to support your choice.
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.

Dear Arif,

How are you? I heard about the disagreement with your

parents. I am writing to tell you about an interesting workshop
that will be held at Taman Megah Community Hall. The
workshop is about working out a plan for parents and To:
teenagers on the amount of time allowed to spend on the
computer. I think, you and your parents should go together. If Arif Ahmad
you join this, I am sure your parents and you can agree on an
amount of your computer time. Furthermore, the admission is No 1234
free! It is going to be held on the 16th June 2016 at 10.00 a.m. Jalan Mawar 44,
Hope you will consider my suggestion. Ill go with my parents as Taman Mawar,
well. See you there and take care. 81750 Pasir Gudang

Your friend,


Sample Writing for Short Notes

Sample question 1 :

Your friend has recently experience an earthquake in Ranau, Sabah. Write a short note to your
friend. In your note :

Express your concern

Give reasons to your concern
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear Susan,

How are you? I hope you are well. I am writing this note to express my
concern towards the recent earthquake that struck Ranau. I hope your friends
and family are safe and sound. I read in the news that the ground was shaking
and some buildings were damaged. I pray for your safety and well being. Let
me know if you need anything.

I hope to hear from you soon. Take care.

Your friend,


Sample question 2:

Your friend wrote to you that he is very stressed as the year-end examination is just around the
corner. In about 50 words, write a short note to your friend. In your note :

Give him tips on how to release tension and relieve stress

Suggest two other ways to relieve stress
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Hi Harry,

How are you? Sorry to hear that you are very stressed over the coming
examination. Here are some tips for you. First, do exercise. Maybe go for walk,
swim or jog. When you are free, do some breathing exercises. Inhale through
your nose slowly but deeply. Then exhale through your mouth. You will find the
tension being released from your body.

Next, play with your old toys like the Transformer or Spiderman. Go
shopping or window shopping. You can buy something nice for yourself. You
can also talk to your close friends or family members. They can calm you down
and help you. I would also suggest you to listen to soft music and get plenty of
sleep. Pray more and get closer to god.

I hope my tips help. Good luck in your exam!

Your friend,


Sample question 3:

Your sister is thinking of a dish to cook for lunch. In about 50 words, write a short note to your
sister. In your note :

Recommend a dish to cook for lunch

Give reasons to support your choice
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear Atiqah,

How are you? I hope you are well. I heard you are looking for a dish to
cook for lunch. I would like to recommend Ridhuans fried rice recipe. It is easy
to follow and the ingredients required to cook this dish is minimal. I have tried
the recipe and it is really delicious. Try it! I can guarantee that you would love of
how easy it is to follow and be surprised by how delicious it is.

Hope to hear from you soon. Bye !

Your sister,



Read the poster below. Then answer questions (a) ( j ).

Questions (a) - (d)

Based on the poster, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

a The notice aims to persuade. _________________(1 mark)

b Exercise can help one to de-stress. _________________(1 mark)

c Go window-shopping if you feel stressed. _________________(1 mark)

d Talking to all your friends releases the tension in you. _________________(1 mark)

Questions (e) (i)

Read the poster carefully and answer the questions below.

e Which sentence tells you that exercise is good in relieving stress?

______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

f When can one, who is very stressed, call the Befrienders?

______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

g Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the poster.

Meaning Phrase

(i) willing to listen _________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) 24 hours service _________________________________ (1 mark)

h How can deep breathing exercise help one to relieve stress?

_____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

i Why do you think people walk along the beach when they feel stressed?

_______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(10 marks)

(j) Your friend emailed to tell you that he is very stressed as the year-end examination is just
around the corner. In about 50 words, reply to his email.

In your email:

Give him tips on how to release tension and relieve stress.

Suggest two other ways to relieve stress.
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.

To :

From :

Subject :













(10 marks)


Read the notice below. Then answer questions (a) ( j ).

Questions (a) - (d)

Based on the notice, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

a The notice is to promote a kind of goods. _________________(1 mark)

b All Form 3 students are going to Manis Shelter. _________________(1 mark)

c The party is organised by the Chinese Language Society. _________________(1 mark)

d Transportation to Manis Shelter is free. _________________(1 mark)

Questions (e) (i)

Read the notice carefully and answer the questions below.

e Why do you think the visit is on a Saturday?

______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

f Why are students encouraged to give donations in cash?

______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

g Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the notice.

Meaning Phrase

(iii) very poor _________________________________ (1 mark)

(iv) depends very much on _________________________________ (1 mark)

h Why do you think the Chinese Language Society organises this event?

_____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

i Why would you participate in this event?

_______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(10 marks)

(j) You have decided to participate in this event Party Time at Manis Shelter. In about 50
words, write a short message to your mother to seek her permission.

In your short message:

provide information about the event

give reasons to support your participation
add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

(10 marks)

Dear ______________
















Read the web page below. Then answer questions (a) ( j ).

Questions (a) - (d)

Based on the web page, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

a Shopping online is hassle-free and convenient. _________________(1 mark)

b According to the web page, one has to jostle with the crowds _________________(1 mark)
to buy what one needs.

c You can buy second-hand goods on E-Dream Stores. _________________(1 mark)

d The hiking boots were originally bought at RM298. _________________(1 mark)

Questions (e) (i)

Read the web page carefully and answer the questions below.

e Benny is looking for a gadget to download his songs so that he can listen to them while
jogging. What should he buy and how much must he pay.

______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

f What should you do first before buying a handbag online?

______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

g Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the web page.

Meaning Phrase

(v) owned by someone else before

_____________________________(1 mark)

(vi) not very expensive

_____________________________(1 mark)

h Why do you think the word one-stop is used to describe shopping at E-Dream Stores?

_____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

i Do you think online shopping will be popular in the future? Give a reason.

_______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(10 marks)

(j) You came across this web page while surfing the Internet. In about 50 words,
write a postcard to your brother who is studying in another state.

In your postcard:

encourage him to do online shopping

give reasons why you think online shopping is a better option
add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear __________________,

__________________________________________________ (10 marks)

__________________________________________________ To:


__________________________________________________ ________________________

__________________________________________________ ________________________

__________________________________________________ ________________________

__________________________________________________ ________________________

__________________________________________________ ________________________


e) Exercise is the best medicine.
f) He can call the Befrienders any time of the day.
g) i) lend an ear From,
ii) round the clock
h) He will feel very relieved when the tension flows out as he exhales



e) Exercise is the best medicine.
f) He can call the Befrienders any time of the day.
g) i) lend an ear
ii) round the clock
h) He will feel very relieved when the tension flows out as he exhales
i) This is because walking along the sandy beach is refreshing and the troubled mind is
soothed. (Any suitable answer)
j) (Suggested answer)

To : [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject : Tips to relieve stress

Hai Ameena,

Received your email. Sorry to her that you are very stressed over the coming
examination. Here are some tips for you.
First, do exercise. Maybe go for a walk, a swim or a jog. When you are free, do
some deep breathing exercises. Inhale through your nose slowly but deeply. Then,
exhale through your mouth. You will find the tension being released from your body.
Next, play with your old toys like the Transformer or the Spiderman. Go shopping or talk
to your close friends or call the Befrienders. Befrienders work round the clock, so you
can call them any time. A tip which I like is close your eyes and imagine yourself near a
brook, listening to the soft waves beating against its bank. Alternatively, you can walk on
the sandy beach.
I would also suggest you listen to soft music and get plenty of sleep. Pray more
and get closer to God. Have faith in Him and He will guide you. I hope my tips help.
Your friend,


e) The students can spend more time with the orphans as it is weekend.
f) This is because Manis Shelter depends very much on cash donations
g) i) poverty-stricken

ii) runs entirely on
h) They hope to share with the orphans the joy of Chinese New Year
i) This is because I would like to understand more about orphans. (Any suitable answer)
j) (Suggested answer)

My dearest mum,

Hope this message finds you in the best of health. I am doing fine here. Mum, I
would like your permission to visit Manis Shelter on 21 February 2016. It is organised by
our school Chinese Language Society. Transportation is free. I only need to pay RM5 for
the food.
I would also like to ask you for some money as cash donations for the shelter.
Manis Shelter is run entirely on donations.
I feel the visit would be very worthwhile. It is a Chinese New Year Party for the
orphans. There will be lots of activities like singing of Chinese New Year songs, a
singing competition, Musical Chairs and traditional dances like the Fan dance and the
Bamboo Dance.
Thats all, Mum. I hope my request is granted. Thanks Mum and take care.

Your loving daughter,



e) Call Puan Rosnah or visit the school website
f) Poison Cat
g) i) pioneer batch
ii) captivating humour
h) To promote their programmes / to meet their students parents
i) To become a refined person/ to understand people better/ to appreciate literary works,
music and arts (Any suitable answer)
j) (Suggested answer)

Dear Andy,

Would you like to come along with me to the Jace Performing arts School Open day?
The school is organising interesting plays and dramas by present students and even the
alumni. I am sure these would be highly entertaining. There will also be a comedy by the
Austrian group, Poison Cats. I really hope you will enjoy yourself.


Reading Linear Text





Read the letter from Suraya to Rozita

Dear Rozita,

How are you? Everyone at home is good. I am excited to hear about your family trip to Redang
Island. You remembered that my family and i went there too. It was a wonderful trip and I am sure
you will have an equally good trip.

I will be happy to share tips I recall about snorkelling. I am sure you would have already read that
boat operators are discouraged from anchoring their boats on the reef so I hope your boatman does
not do that either. However, there are several things you can do to keep the reef safe.

While snorkelling, dont touch the reef or any living organism with your body. Be careful not to move
your flippers too fast too. When you splash about near the reefs, a cloud of sand will form and this
can harm them. Even the heavy strokes of the water can damage them. They are fragile organisms.

The corals and other aquatic creatures are colourful and beautiful to look at. However, dont collect
or catch them. Dont collect or buy shells either as they are important to the marine ecosystem.
Another important thing to remember is not to feed the fish. When people do this, they do not
realise that they are disturbing the fishs natural habits. Besides, the food can be bad for their well

There will be a lot of signs reminding tourists what to do and not to do while snorkelling. Even
your guide will explain them to you. I hope you have a safe and an enjoyable holiday. I cant wait to
hear about your island escapade when you get back. Bye.

Your friend,


Read the letter carefully and answer questions [a]-[i]

a) Who has visited Redang Island before?


b. Why did Suraya write to Rozita?

......................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

c) Why two things you should not do when you are swimming near some fish.


ii. ........................................................................................................................................

[2 marks]

d) Why do you think boat operators shouldnt anchor their boats on the reefs?


[1 mark]

e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the letter

meaning Word/phrase
i. Persuaded not to do something
ii. Easily damaged
iii. Living things that live in the sea
iv. Causing problems
[4 marks]

f) People may be tempted to collect or catch the aquatic creature. Why? [1 mark]


g) What happens if people feed the fish?


h) What happens when someone moves their flippers fast?



[1 mark]

i) Give 2 other suggestions to help safeguard coral reefs.

i. ................................................................................................
ii. ..................................................................................................

[2 marks]


Read the article and answer the questions

Once upon a time, two neighbours went to see a wise man to help them solve a problem. The
neighbours, one tall and the other short, introduced themselves to the wise man. The tall man
told the wise man that at the edge of his plot of land, there was a tree filled with mangoes. He
insisted that the tree and the mangoes were his because the branches of the tree were leaning
more on his side of the land.

The wise man then asked the short man for his side of the story. The second man said
that he was a farmer. He spoke calmly when he told the wise man that even though the tree
leaned more towards his neighbours land, he had planted it. He said that he cared for it for
many years. When the plant was young, he protected it from hungry cows and goats that
wanted to eat its leaves and fruits.

The wise man thought for a while and then gave his opinion. He suggested that the tree
be cut. Then, all the mangoes were picked and divided equally between the two neighbours.
The tall was happy with the decision. However, the short man pleaded with the wise man not to
cut the mango tree. He volunteered to give all his mangoes to the tall man so the tree would not
be cut down.

The wise man praised the farmer for being a generous man. Then, he said that the tree
belonged to the short man.

Read the article carefully and answer questions (a) (h)

(a) What problem did the two neighbours have?


..........................................................................................................................( 1 mark )

(b) State two reasons that the tall man gave to claim that the mango tree belonged to him.



(2 marks)

(c) Why did the short man think that the mango tree belonged to him? Give two reasons.



(2 marks)

(d) Why do you think the wise man suggested that the tree be cut?



(2 marks)

(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word or phrase from the article

meaning Word/phrase
i. i. a small piece of the
surface of the ground
ii. ii. bent to one side

iii. Asked somebody for

something in a serious way
iv. Expressed your admiration
for somebody
(4 marks)

(f) Why was the tall man happy with the decision?


(1 mark)

(g) Why did the wise man praise the short man?


(1 mark)


Read the article below about robots

A robot is basically a machine that has been designed and built by humans to do a certain
function or task. Robots have been invented to make the lives of people easier. There are
several types of robots. Some robots function in the industrial field while some function to
provide aids and assist people in their everyday lives.

An industrial robot can be found in giant factories where each robot will come together to form a
complete system. Robots work together in a system through programming via electronics and
careful planning to produce a consistent product. Bu using robots, companies can reduce the
chances of human errors and reduce the running cot of hiring additional employees.

A different type of robot can also be found in space! Numerous robots have been designed and
built to perform tasks that humans are not capable of doing. These robots destined for space
are called rovers. The most recent rover called Curiosity was launched by NASA in US on the
November 26, 2011. Curiosity Rover has the task of investigating climate and geology on Mars
and is currently still in operation on Mars as we speak.

With the advancement in technology, companies are able to produce humanoid robots
that can mimic the way of humans and learn certain behaviour patterns. One such robot that
became famous due to its innovative artificial intelligence is called the ASIMO. This robot was
designed to operate in real-world environments and has the ability to walk or run on two feet.
This impressive feat may not be significant, but it offers an exciting glimpse into the future where
robots will surely play a larger role in our everyday lives.

Read the article carefully and answer questions (a(-(i)

(a) What is a robot?

(1 mark)

(b) Why did humans invent robots?

( 1 mark)

(c) List two places where robots are used.

i) ............................................................................. ( 1 mark)

ii) ............................................................................. ( 1 mark)

(d) How do robots work together in a system?

( 1 mark)

(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the article

meaning Word/phrase
Robots resembling human beings


An apparatus consisting on interrelated parts

with separate functions
Constantly adhering to the same principles

(4 marks)

(f) What do you think will happen to our daily lives if the many things we do are assisted by

[ 1 mark ]

(g) What made ASIMO become famous?

[ 1 mark]

(h) What are the two reasons industrial companies prefer robots to do the work compared to

i. ...........................................................................................................................
[1 mark]
ii. ...........................................................................................................................

(i) Name two technological inventions.

i. .............................................................................................................
[ 1 mark]

ii. ............................................................................................................
[1 mark]


Read the following passage


BUKIT MERTAJAM: A heavy downpour in the wee hours had caused some 100 homes in
Machang Bubok, Bukit Mertajam to be hit by flash flood. The panic-stricken villagers in the area
had to hurry to save their belongings and move to a higher ground.

A fire engine, a truck and two boats were dispatched to the scene to help the flood
victims. The affected villagers were taken to a relief centre at a school nearby. Fortunately,there
were no casualties.

Saad Osman, 49, whose house in Kampung Machang Bubok was among those affected
said that such occurrence was not uncommon. He further added, It rained heavily at about 3
a.m. last night. Two hours later, the water started gushing in and rose rapidly up to waist level.
We face this problem at least once a year but this year is the worst. My furniture is all damaged
as I had no time to move them out.

Another victim, Mohd Rosdi Idris, 45, said, It came as a surprise to us because the
water rose very fast this time. Fortunately, some villagers managed to save their belongings in

Another resident, who wished to be known only as Jack, blamed the development
projects nearby as the main cause of the flood. There are many new construction work done on
higher grounds. Therefore, whenever it rain heavily, the water flows onto the lower grounds,
causing the river nearby to burst its banks.

The villagers hoped that the relevant authorities would look into this matter seriously and
take appropriate actions to overcome this problem immediately.

(Adapted from New Straits Times)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (a)-(j)

a) What happened in Machang Bubok?

.................................................................................................................................( 1 mark)

b) What caused this to happen?

.................................................................................................................................( 1 mark)

c) How many houses were affected?

.................................................................................................................................( 1 mark)

d) Who said that the flood was a usual problem in his village?

.................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

e) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word/phrase from the passage

Meaning Word/phrase
i) Very early in the morning
ii) Incident
iii) Flowing in suddenly
iv) Overflow
( 4 marks)

f) What does the phrase there were no casualties mean?

..................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

g) According to Jack, what was the main cause of the flood?

...................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

h) How would the affected villagers have felt about the situation?

...................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

i) Suggest two ways how we can help the victims?

1. ..................................................................................................................(1 mark)
2. ..................................................................................................................(1 mark)
j) State two ways how we can avoid flash floods.

i. ..........................................................................................................................(1 mark)
ii. .........................................................................................................................( 1 mark)


Section C

[20 marks]

[Time suggested: 20 minutes]

Question 4

Read the article about a famous personality.

Not many people would recognise the name Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes but he
is none other than the entrepreneur who rose to prominence by turning AirAsia, a failing
commercial airline into a successful budget air company and introducing the now famous tag
line Now everybody can fly.

Tony Fernandes was born on 30 April 1964 in Kuala Lumpur. He completed his
secondary education at Epsom College, London and graduated from the London School of
Economics in 1987. Fernandes was admitted as Associate Member of the Association of
Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in 1991 and became Fellow Member in 1996.

Upon his return to Malaysia, he became the youngest Managing Director of Warner
Music and subsequently became the South-east Asian Regional Vice-President of Warner
Music Group. Fernandes then left to pursue his dream of starting a budget airline. In 2001 he
had the opportunity to meet with Tun Mahathir who advised him to buy an existing airline rather
than start a new one. Fernandes mortgaged his home and used his savings to buy AirAsia.

The purchase occurred just after the September 11 terrorist attacks in America and
many people thought that Fernandes was crazy to venture into airline industry at such time. Yet
one year after his takeover, Fernandes broke even and cleared all his debts. The rest, as they
say, is history.

Fernandes was named Malaysian CEO of the Year in 2003 and has since been named
the recipient of other prestigious business awards around the world. He has also been honoured
by the Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia and the governments of France and Britain.

He has indeed done the country proud. He is not likely to rest on his laurels and is
definitely destined for greater success in the future.

Questions (a) to (i)

Read the article carefully and answer the questions below.

(a) Who is Tan Sri Tony Fernandes?

_________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) Name two places where Fernandes received his early education?
i) ___________________________________________________ (1 mark)
ii) ___________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(c) What advice was given by Tun Mahathir to Fernandes during their meeting?
_________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) Fill in the table with appropriate word/phrase from the text.
Meaning Word/Phrase
i) chase after
ii) dared to do something risky
iii) not making profit or losing money
iv) easily satisfied
(4 marks)

e) Why did Fernandes decide to leave Warner Music Group?

_________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

f) Why did Fernandess friends think that he was crazy?

_________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

g) What was the award given to Fernandes?

_________________________________________________________ (1mark)

h) Do you think Tan Sri Tony Fernandes has made our country proud? Give reasons

for your answers.

i. ________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

ii ________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

i) Your friend Azman has extraordinary ambitions like Tan Sri Tony Fernandes. How would you
encourage him? Give suggestions.

i. ________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

ii ________________________________________________________ (1 mark)


Section C
[20 marks]
(Time suggested: 20 minutes)

Questions (a) - (i) are based on the article.

Fast food

Fast food is fast becoming a staple food for many Malaysians especially among many
young adults and children. Rising number of Malaysians are experiencing highly time-
constrained lifestyles with limited time for dining. Besides, fast food is popular with consumers
because it is more affordable as compared to foods and drinks offered by chained full-service
restaurants, in particular. Fast delivery services and drive-through facilities make it very
convenient for take away food for many on their way to work, during lunch or even on the way
home from work.

Research shows fast foods contain lots of calories, sugar, sodium and unhealthy fats --
substances that increase your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart
disease. Increased health risks are directly associated with increased consumption of fast
foods. Many individuals in are becoming obese. Another result of fast food culture is the loss of
the family tradition of eating together. Children and adults rarely eat together now, and thus get
less opportunity to talk.

Undoubtedly, it is convenient and cheap, but as parents and educators it is important to

set examples for children to emulate. Parents and educators can be more involved in increasing
awareness regarding the negative effects of fast foods and discourage children from consuming
them. Parents can influence their childrens eating habits through the types of foods they buy for
themselves and their family. The snacks they serve for breakfast, lunch and dinner also can
help to develop a childs eating habit.

Read the article carefully and answer the questions below.

(a) Why fast food is a favourite among many working adults?

___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) What are the contents of a fast food?
___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Name 3 diseases caused by consuming fast food.

___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) What are the negative effects of eating fast foods?

___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) Name two effects fast foods have on our culture.

___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(f) Fill in the table with appropriate words/phrases from the article.

Meaning Word/Phrase

a) behaviour

b) space

c) realization

[3 marks]

(g) State 2 possible reasons why Malaysians fancy fast food.

___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(h) Give 2 possible steps to educate children about the dangers of fast food
___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
___________________________________________________________ [1 mark]


Guided Writing
Literature Response


Before writing a letter, we need to plan and ask ourselves these questions. These questions
are based on the 5WH and 1H questions.
Where the recipient live?
When are you writing this letter?
Who are you writing to?
What is the letter about?
Why are you writing the letter?
How is the recipient doing?

Always consider:-
(a) who you are writing to
(b) what is your relationship with them
(c) The purpose of the letter

Use simple conjunctions and connectors to create flow in your paragraphs.

Then list down the main ideas and some supporting details for your letter and organise them
into the respective paragraphs.




Dear ________,


How are you and your family? I hope you and your family are in good health.
My family and I are fine here. I want to inform / tell you about .................................





That is all for now. I have to end this letter. I hope you can reply my letter
soon. Send my regards to your family. Take care. Bye.

Yours sincerely/faithfully

Your brother spends too much time on the Internet and has done badly in his PT3 Trial
Examination. Your mother has asked you to write a letter advising him how to divide his
time wisely

Stay Up Late - Chat Internet
Too Much - Time - Online games

Have A Timetable - Study - Surf Internet
Use Internet - Gain Knowledge

When writing your essay:

use all the words and phrases provided
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words.

322C,Taman Danau Maluri
53300 Kuala Lumpur.

26 April 2016.

Dear Vince,

How are you and your family? I hope you and your family are in good health. My family
and I are fine here. I heard that you did not do well in your recent PMR Trial Examination. So, I
am writing this letter to tell you some tips on how to divide your time wisely.

First of all, young man, don't stay up late. Don't burn your midnight oil chatting on the
Internet. Go to bed early. Our body needs at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep every day. Enough
sleep will enable your mind to stay sharp and productive the next day.

Next, don't spend too much time playing online games. My advice is leave all your
online gaming activities until you have finished your PT3 Examination. Focus on your studies
first, you can continue playing once you have finished your examination.

Draft out a study timetable to help you manage your time wisely. On the timetable
allocate one to two hours to surf the Internet. Now, remember, the Internet contains a lot
of useful information for everyone. It can be used to gain knowledge.

Finally, join some outdoor physical activities rather than just being laze around in the
house in front of your computer the whole day. Play football or badminton with your friends in
the evenings. Physical activities help keep your body and mind healthy. You need a healthy
body and mind to do well in your PT3 Examination.

That is all for now. I have to end this letter. I hope you will take my advice and mend
your ways Send my regards to your family. Take care. Bye.

Yours sincerely,
Bernice Gabriel

Your friend has been spending most of his time playing computer games instead of
studying. Write a letter to your friend and tell him the importance of focusing on his
studies. Use the notes below to guide you.

We can succeed in life

Important to find out where our interests lie
Narrow the field of study when we go into university
Empower ourselves with greater knowledge and wisdom.

When writing your essay:

use all the words and phrases provided
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words.

45, Jalan Kolam,
Taman Indah Jaya,
90800 Sandakan,

26 April 2016.

Dear James,

How are you and your family? I hope you and your family are in good health. My family
and I are fine here. John has told me that you are spending a lot of your time on the computer
playing games instead of studying. So, I am writing this letter to inform you the importance of
focusing on your studies.

Our parents work hard to send us to school and buy a computer for us hoping it would
help our studies. Furthermore, they hope to provide us with the best so we can succeed in life.
James, you need to start focusing on your studies.

What we learn in school is important in order to find out where our interests lie. You may
like science, mathematics or other subjects. These will narrow the field of study when we go into

Think about it as you are improving yourself. Only through focusing on our studies we
can empower ourselves with greater knowledge and wisdom.

I hope you will take this seriously and start focusing on your studies.

Yours sincerely,





Dear ___________,







Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


You noticed that the school drains are clogged and the grass area behind the school has
not been cut for six months. You believed that these contribute to the rise in dengue
cases in your school. Write to the school principal regarding your concern.

Grass behind the school are not cut for six months
Rubbish thrown are concealed by the long grass
Drains are clogged
Clogged by rubbish and dead leaves.

When writing your letter:

use all the words and phrases provided
ensure letter format is correct
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words.

Ming Ken Huat
34, Jalan Setia 2,
Taman Likas Jaya
88500 Kota Kinabalu,

The Principal
SMK Likas
Jalan Setia 5,
Taman Likas Jaya
88500 Kota KInabalu,
Sabah. 5 May 2016

Dear Sir,

Rise in Dengue Cases in SMK Likas

I am writing this letter to express my concern in the increasing number of dengue cases in SMK

2. I noticed the grass behind our school have not been cut for six months. I believed that
rubbish thrown behind our school are concealed by the long grass and it proves a safe haven
for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are becoming a nuisance to many of the students who have classes
near that area during the evening.

3. Most of the drains in SMK Likas are clogged and dirty with rubbish and dead leaves
resulting in water becoming stagnant after raining. It provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes
as there has been an increase in dengue cases in the school for the past six months. There is a
need for immediate attention to clear and unclog the drains in the school grounds.

I hope that there will be immediate action taken by the school authorities to address my
concerns and help reduce the number of dengue cases in the school.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Meng Ken Huat
Student Class 3A
SMK Likas.

The Football Club in your school wants to organise a 5-a-side football tournament. Your
school does not have a field, so you need to use the indoor courts belonging to the local
council in your area. As the secretary of the club, write a letter to the municipal council
authorities to request permission to use the courts in their hall. In your letter, mention
the following:

Name of tournament
Purpose of organising tournament
Date and time of use
Number of courts needed
Other information rental charges.

When writing your letter:

use all the words and phrases provided
ensure letter format is correct
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words.

Sunil Dinakara,
The Football Club
Sekolah Menengah Taman Indi,
86800 Mersing,

The President,
The Municipal Council,
86800 Mersing,
Johor. 05 May 2016

Dear Sir,

Requesting Permission to Use the Indoor Courts

On behalf of the Football Club, I wish to request permission to use the indoor courts at the
Mersing Municipal Hall.

2. We intend to hold our annual Taman Indi 5-a-side Football Tournament for the students
of our school. The purpose of this tournament is to encourage healthy competition among the
students and to promote firm friendships.

3. We wish to use the courts from 1 June until 5 June 2016. We wish to use the courts from
2 pm till 6 pm. About 20 teams will take part in this tournament so we need to use four courts
per day.

4. Could you please let me know of the rental charges and if a special rate can be given to
students. We would also appreciate it very much if the Council could kindly sponsor drinks for
the event.

We hope to receive a favourable reply soon.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Sunil Dinakara,
The Football Club



Good morning to the principal, teachers and friends.


I am the (position in the club) ___________. On this wonderful day, I am

honoured to be given a chance to deliver a speech/talk on (title of the speech)
__________. I want to tell you about.........





I hope you will find this speech useful. Thank you for listening........

You are the president of the Music Club in your school. You have been invited to give a
speech on the benefits of learning to play a musical instrument.


Increases memory capacity

Relieves stress
Improves time management
Can be enjoyable

When writing your essay:

use all the words and notes provided
suggest two other benefits of learning to play a musical instrument
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words.

Good morning to the principal, teachers and friends. I am the President of the Music
Club. On this wonderful day, I am honoured to be given a chance to deliver a speech on the
Benefits of Learning to Play a Musical Instrument.
One of the benefits is that it helps the mind to stay alert and remain active. This will
sharpen your memory. Playing a musical instrument too can help to relieve stress. Music has
been found to ease tension.
To be a successful musician, you need to be able to manage your time well and be
organised. Playing music enables you to plan time for practice sessions in order to play better.
It can also be enjoyable to play a musical instrument. Imagine how exciting it would be to
play your favourite song on the piano or guitar! Also, if you learn how to play an instrument, it
will improve your hand-eye coordination. Your brain has to register the notes read while you are
playing a music piece.
Finally, since you learn to read music, you have to count the notes and rhythm. Thus,
this will help to improve your numeric skills. In conclusion, there are many benefits of learning a
musical instrument. It can be fun and relaxing. You will also have better memory and better
hand-eye coordination. I hope you will find this speech useful. Thank you for listening.

You are the best student. You have been asked to share your study methods with the Form 3
students who are about to sit for PT3 examinations. You made the following notes to help you
write your speech:

- Prepare early for exams don't do last minute


- Plan answers by doing outline of mind map

- Leave some time at the end for checking

When writing your essay:
use all the words and notes provided
suggest two other ways of scoring well in the PT 3 examinations.
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words.

Good morning to the teachers, principal and fellow students. I'm honoured to stand here
to give a talk. As the best student in our school, I have been asked to give a speech on Smart
Study Methods.
The PT 3 examination is just around the corner. You will be stressed when the time
flies quickly. Actually, you can study smartly. First and foremost, you must prepare a timetable.
You must balance your time wisely because time is gold. You can also get help from teachers
and parents to do timetable. Make sure that your have enough time for study and recreation.
Secondly, prepare early for exams. Do revision after your teacher had taught
you something. Don't burn the midnight oil because it can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Try to
avoid studying overnight. Next, you can plan answers by doing outline of mind maps. A mind
map can help you in writing an essay. You can expand your idea by doing outline and mind
Sleep before exam day. Don't get stressed and tired, always try to keep your mind clear
for exams. Don't rush to answer questions. Use the time provided wisely to answer them.
Leave some time for checking your answers. Make sure you don't make any careless mistakes.
In conclusion, I hope these study methods will be of a great help to you in preparation for
your PMR examination. I hope all of you will get flying colours in your PMR examination.
Thank you for your kind attention.


An article is written in formal language and usually found in magazines, newsletter and
newspapers. These pieces are usually short and straight to the point.

When writing an article always consider:-

(a) The purpose of the article
(b) Know your intended reader
(c) Research on the selected topic
(d) Write details that are relevant.

Articles can range from personal experience of an event, product and service to informative









Written by:


In conjunction with the World Health Month, you have been asked to write an article for
your newsletter. Use the notes given to write your article entitled How to Live a Happy

-eat healthy exercise everyday routine eat less sweet salty food stay away
junk food healthy snack nuts and seeds running and jogging walk more
stairs walk briskly garden.

-shop wisely plan meals shopping for food shouldnt shop hungry rules
not buy much food read nutritional information food labels aware eating.

When writing your article:

use all the words and notes provided
suggest two other ways to live a happy life.
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words.

How to Live a Happy Life

Everyone wishes for a long and happy life. There are several tips to help you achieve
your goal. The first tip is to eat healthily and include exercise in your everyday routine. You
should eat less sweet or salty food and stay away from junk food. Choose a healthy snack such
as nuts and seeds. Besides running and jogging for exercise, walk more whenever you can.
Use the stairs instead of the lift or get down one stop earlier and walk to your destination.
Another tip is to learn to shop wisely. Plan your meals before shopping for food. You
also should not shop for food when you are hungry as you will be tempted to buy more food
than you actually need. While shopping, make time to read the nutritional information on the
food labels so you are aware of what you are eating.
One more tip to help you towards your goal of a long and happy life is to get enough
sleep. Sleep at least eight hours every day. You will be in a better mood when you are well
rested. A good mood will keep you happy and rejuvenated.
Then last tip I would like to leave you with is to indulge in healthy and fun outdoor
activities with your family and friends. Enjoying fun activities keeps you spirits up. This is an
important ingredient as it will help you tackle life problems with a positive attitude.

Written by:
Mohd. Khairil

The picture shows an accident you witnessed on your way to school.
Based on the pictures given, write about the incident in your school magazine.

When writing your article:

use all the words and notes provided
describe what happened and express what you felt
suggest two ways on road safety.
write between 120 and 150 words

An Accident I witnessed

Last Monday morning, I decided to walk to school rather than to cycle there. The distance to
school from my house is just a stone's throw away. As I lazily dragged myself to school. Suddenly, as fast
as lightning, a group of boys whizzed pass me on their bicycles. They were racing with each other.

Unfortunately, one of the boys hit a big rock by the road side and fell down hard onto the road.
He was the last one in the group. Unaware, his friends just kept racing on. I was shocked at what I saw
and quickly ran to help him.

To my surprise, it was Kamal, my friend. His right arm and right leg were bleeding and he could not
move his right arm. Furthermore, It gave him an excruciating pain when he tried to move it. His friends
rode back to see what had happened. Luckily, a good Samaritan stopped his car and took him to the
hospital. Later in the evening, his friends and I paid him a visit at the hospital. He was still in pain but he
managed to joke about his experience with us. He deeply regretted his actions and vowed never to race

Road safety is very important. Therefore, we must take it seriously. We must never race while cycling
on the road, we must always cycle on the opposite side of the road and always wear protective gear
when cycling. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

Written by,


1. A report gives information about something.

2. The format
Title Title of the report
Introduction Paragraph What is the report?
When did it happen?
Who were involved/joined in the
1st Body Paragraph 1st activity you did
2nd Body Paragraph 2nd activity you did
3rd Body Paragraph 3r activity you did
Conclusion Paragraph How did you end your activity?
Ending You must have these:
a) Prepared by,/Reported by,
b) Signature
c) Name in brackets ()
d) Post - * optional

3. When writing your report, you should

use formal language
use the Past Tense verb forms
have a title and at least 4 paragraphs
have an appropriate ending
4. Mind map of a report

How you felt about

The place the trip/ visit/activity


A trip/ a visit/ an
The people you What you saw,
went with
What you did

The day and time you The reason you went

went there there


You and some friends went to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) to do
volunteer work. Using the notes below, write a report for your magazine on what you did there.

Use the notes below to write your report:

arrive SPCA morning

bathe animals
clean animal cages
feed animals
play fun animals happy
talk visitors help choose pet

When writing your report, you must

use all the notes given

elaborate on the notes given to make it more interesting
write between 120 150 words


Report on a Visit to Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Last weekend, my friends and I went to the Society for the The day and time
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) to do volunteer work there. you went there
We arrived at the SPCA at about eight in the morning. We were very The people you
excited about helping the animals as well as the people who worked went with
there. The place
The staff at the SPCA took us around so that we could look at
Activity 1 :
the place and the animals that were there. They explained to us about
What you saw
how the SPCA helped animals. After that, they suggested some work
and did there
we could do while we were there.
We went to the cages where the cats and dogs were kept.
Most of the animals were well behaved. We took the animals one by
one out of the cages and bathed them. Some of the animals did not Activity 2:
like being bathed but we were gentle with them. After we had bathed What you saw
them, we cleaned out the animals cages. This work was not easy as it and did there
was smelly too. After that, we had to feed the animals. We filled the
animals food and water bowls and placed them in the cages.
When we had finished all the work, we played with the animals
Activity 3
for a while. It was fun and the animals were happy. Later, some
What you saw
people came to visit. We talked to the visitors and helped them
and did there
choose the right animals as pets.
We had a wonderful time volunteering at the SPCA. We not How you felt
only helped out but we also learnt about how the animals were looked What you have
after. We will be going again to volunteer at the SPCA. learnt
What is your
Prepared by,
Secretary of English Language Society

(904 words)


The pictures below describe a gotong-royong that was held by the Nature Society members of
your school. The aim of the project was to clean up the school compound. Using the pictures
and notes given, write a report on the gotong-royong.

When writing your report, you must

describe what you saw and what you did

elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting
write between 120 150 words


Report on Gotong-royong' at SMK Tunku Jalil

Last Saturday, the members of the Nature Society held a gotong-royong at our school.
The aim of the project was to clean up the school compound. The gotong-royong began at
eight oclock in the morning.

Some of the students cleared up the rubbish left around in the school compound. Other
students set to work: clearing and washing the drains.

A number of students had brought lawn mowers and began mowing the grass on the
school field. Others set to work on the gardens weeding and trimming the bushes and clearing
away all dead leaves and branches. The school was soon beginning to look better.

Several students also washed the dusty window of the classrooms, staffrooms,
laboratories and the school office. A few students decided to do something about the school
gate that had peeling paint and was beginning to rust in some places. They scraped away the
old paint and gave the gate a new coat of white paint.

By the time the gotong-royong ended, the students were worn out, but the school was
spick and span. They gathered in the school canteen for refreshments provided by the teachers.

If we want to keep our school looking beautiful, we must all do our part. We have to keep
the school compound clean by not littering.

(222 words)

Exercise 1

Your school celebrated Teachers Day. The pictures below show how the event was celebrated.

With the help of the pictures, write a report on the celebration.

When writing your report,

mention the preparations made

the events held
write between 120 150 words

Exercise 2

During the school holidays, the English Language Society organised a visit to Kuala Lumpur.
You have been asked by your teacher advisor to write a report on the visit.

Use the notes below to write your report:

1. KL Tower 2. KLCC Twin Tower

Bukit Nanas Majestic
421m high worlds tallest buildings
birds eye view
revolving restaurant at the Tower
3. National Museum 4. Lake Garden
historical relics behind museum
Cultural Gallery life size models beautifully landscaped
depicting royal Malay wedding
5. Central Market 6. Merdeka Square
handicraft bazaar historical significance
formerly wet market Malaysian flag raised to mark

When writing your report,

describe all the places

describe what you did at each place
write between 120 150 words

Prepared by,




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