Power Quality Problems and Solutions: An: Mehebub Alam, Mandela Gain

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Power Quality Problems and Solutions: An

Mehebub Alam1, Mandela Gain2

Assistant Engineer (Electrical), Damodar Valley Corporation, Purulia , West Bengal , India

Designation-Engineer (Electrical), Company Name- M .N Dastur & Company Private Limited, India

Abstract: Power quality is one of the major concerns and emerging issues in the present era. With increasing quantities of non-linear
loads being added to electrical systems, it has become necessary to investigate the power quality issues as all electrical devices are prone
to failure when exposed to one or more power quality problems. This paper highlights comprehensive review of the power quality
problems, effect of power quality problems in different apparatuses and methods for its correction. Some power quality enhancement
devices are also discussed. This paper will be very much helpful for engineers, technicians, designers ,researchers and system operators
as it is necessary for them to become familiar with power quality issues.

Keywords: Power Quality (PQ), Harmonic, Voltage Sag, UPQC, DVR, SVC, UPS

1. Introduction

3. Power Quality and its Indices

Power distribution systems, ideally, should provide their

customers with an uninterrupted flow of energy at smooth
sinusoidal voltage at the contracted magnitude level and
frequency [1]. However, in practice, power systems,
especially the distribution systems, have numerous nonlinear
loads, which significantly affect the quality of power
supplies an the purity of the waveform of supplies is lost.
Apart from nonlinear loads, some system events, both usual
(e.g. capacitor switching, motor starting) and unusual (e.g.
faults) could also inflict power quality (PQ) problems[2].

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Standard IEEE1100 defines power quality as the concept of
powering and grounding sensitive electronic equipment in a
manner suitable for the equipment[4]. Power quality
imposes pre specified quality and reliability of supply. This
pre-specified quality may contain a combination of
specifications of the following: low phase unbalance, no
power interruptions, low flicker at the load voltage, and low
harmonic distortion in load voltage, magnitude and duration
of over voltages and under voltages within specified limits,
acceptance of fluctuations, and power factor of loads without
significant effect on the terminal voltage. The following
symptoms are indicators of Power Quality problems:

2. Why Power Quality is Important?

Along with technology advance, the organization of the
worldwide economy has evolved towards globalization and
the profit margins of many activities tend to decrease. The
increased sensitivity of the vast majority of processes
(industrial, services and even residential) to PQ problems
turns the availability of electric power with quality a crucial
factor for competitiveness in every activity sector. The most
critical areas are the continuous process industry and the
information technology services [3]. The performance of
electronic devices is directly linked to the power quality
level. quality phenomenon or power quality disturbance can
be defined as the deviation of the voltage and the current
from its ideal waveform.. Faults at either the transmission or
distribution level may cause voltage sag or swell in the entire
system or a large part of it. Also, under heavy load
conditions, a significant voltage drop may occur in the
system. Voltage sag and swell can cause sensitive equipment
to fail, shutdown and create a large current unbalance. These
effects can incur a lot of expensive from the customer and
cause equipment damage. So , in order to provide
uninterrupted power to the service sectors as well as others
for economic growth and prevent equipment damage with
varying voltage level and frequency , undoubtedly power
quality improvement is utmost important.

Paper ID: OCT14300

Piece of equipment malfunctions at the same time of day.

Circuit breakers trip without being overloaded.
Equipment fails during a thunderstorm.
Automated systems stop for no apparent reason.
Electronic systems fail or fail to operate on a frequent
Electronic systems work in one location but not in another

4. Power Quality Standards

Power quality is a worldwide issue and its related standards
[4] being used by researchers, designer and practitioner to
improve power quality are given below:
IEEE-519 provides recommended practices and
requirements for harmonic control in electric power systems,
established limits on harmonic currents(table 1) and
voltages(table 2) at the point of common coupling (PCC), or
point of metering.

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
Table 1: Current Distortion limit for harmonics

5.1 Voltage fluctuations

Caused by are arc furnaces, frequent start/stop of electric
motors (for instance elevators), oscillating loads.
Consequences are under voltages, flickering of lighting and
screens, giving the impression of unsteadiness of visual
perception [1].
5.2 Voltage surges/spikes

Table 2: Voltage Distortion limit for harmonics

IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-4 (formerly 1000-3-2

and 1000-3-4) specifies limits for harmonic current
emissions applicable to electrical and electronic equipment
having an input current up to and including 16 A per
phase, and beyond 16 A respectively.
IEEE Standard 142-1991 presents a thorough
investigation of the problems of grounding and the
methods for solving these problems.
IEEE Standard 446-1987 provides guidelines for the
selection and application of emergency and standby power
IEEE Standard 493-1997 provides guidelines for
planning and design of industrial and commercial electric
power distribution systems.
IEEE Standard 1100-1999 provides information about
design, installation, and maintenance practices for
electrical power and grounding (including both powerrelated and signal-related noise control) of sensitive
electronic processing equipment used in commercial and
industrial applications.
IEEE Standard 1159-1995 covers recommended methods
of measuring power-quality events.
IEEE Standard 1250-1995 provides guidance against
momentary voltage disturbances occurring in ac power
distribution and utilization systems, their potential effects
on this new, sensitive, user equipment.
IEEE Standard 1346-1998 provides methodology for the
technical and financial analysis of voltage sag
compatibility between process equipment and electric
power systems

5. Power Quality Problems and Effect

There are several aspects of power quality problems due to
which an electrical device may malfunction, fail prematurely
or not operate at all. Some of the most common power
supply problems and their likely effect on sensitive

Paper ID: OCT14300

Voltage rise that may be nearly instantaneous (spike) or

takes place over a longer duration (surge). A voltage surge
takes place when the voltage is 110% or more above normal.
The most common cause is heavy electrical equipment being
turned off. Possible Solutions are surge suppressors, voltage
regulators, uninterruptable power supplies, power
conditioners [5].
5.3 Voltage dips and under voltage
Short duration under-voltages are called Voltage Sags or
Voltage Dips [IEC]. Voltage sag [6], [7] is a reduction in
the supply voltage magnitude followed by a voltage recovery
after a short period of time. The major cause of voltage dips
are fault in the system,starting of large loads. Excessive
network loading, loss of generation, incorrectly set
transformer taps and voltage regulator malfunctions, causes
under voltage which indirectly lead to overloading problems
as equipment takes an increased current to maintain power
output (e.g. motor loads) [6].
5.4 High Voltage spikes
High-voltage spikes occur when there is a sudden voltage
peak of up to 6,000 volts. These spikes are usually the result
of nearby lightning strikes, but there can be other causes as
well. The effects on vulnerable electronic systems can
include loss of data and burned circuit boards. Possible
Solutions are using Surge Suppressors, Voltage Regulators,
Uninterruptable Power Supplies, Power Conditioners [8].
5.5 Frequency variation
A frequency variation involves a change in frequency from
the normally stable utility frequency of 50 or 60 Hz,
depending on geographic location. This may be caused by
erratic operation of emergency generators or unstable
frequency power sources. For sensitive equipment, the
results can be data loss, program failure, equipment lock-up
or complete shutdown. Possible Solutions are using Voltage
Regulators and Power Conditioners [8].
5.6 Electrical line noise
Electrical line noise is defined as Radio Frequency
Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
and causes equipment to lock-up, and data error or loss.
Sources of the problems include motors, relays, motor
control devices, broadcast transmissions, microwave
radiation, and distant electrical storms. Possible Solutions
are using Voltage Regulators, Uninterruptable Power
Supplies, and Power Conditioner [8].

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
5.7 Brownouts

using average reading meters, nuisance tripping of thermal


A brownout [9] is a steady lower voltage state causes

glitches, data loss and equipment failure.. An example of a
brownout is what happens during peak electrical demand in
the summer, when utilities cant always meet the
requirements and must lower the voltage to limit maximum
power. Possible Solutions are using Voltage Regulators,
Uninterruptable Power Supplies, and Power Conditioners
5.8 Blackouts
A power failure or blackout is a zero-voltage condition that
lasts for more than two cycles. It may be caused by tripping
a circuit breaker, power distribution failure or utility power
failure. A blackout can cause data loss or corruption and
equipment damage [10].
5.9 Very short interruption
Total interruption of electrical supply for duration from few
milliseconds to one or two seconds causes ripping of
protection devices, loss of information and malfunction of
data processing equipment [11]. Mainly due to the opening
and automatic reclosure of protection devices to
decommission a faulty section of the network.

5.13 Noise
Superimposing of high frequency signals on the waveform
of the power-system frequency caused by microwaves,
television diffusion, and radiation due to welding machines,
arc furnaces, and electronic equipment, improper grounding
etc. Consequences are disturbances on sensitive electronic
equipment, usually not destructive, data loss and data
processing errors [12].
5.14 Voltage unbalance
A voltage variation in a three-phase system in which the
three voltage magnitudes or the phase angle differences
between them are not equal. Causes are large single-phase
loads (induction furnaces, traction loads), incorrect
distribution of all single-phase loads by the three phases of
the system (this may be also due to a fault).Unbalancing
results in negative sequence that is harmful to all three phase
loads, particularly most affected loads are three-phase
induction machines [13].

6. Power Quality Solutions

6.1Power Conditioning Devices

5.10 Long interruption

Long interruption of electrical supply for duration greater
than 1 to 2 seconds causes stoppage of all equipment [1].
The main fault causes are Equipment failure in the power
system network, storms and objects (trees, cars, etc) striking
lines or poles, fire, human error, bad coordination or failure
of protection devices.
5.11 Voltage swell
Momentary increase of the voltage, at the power frequency,
outside the normal tolerances, with duration of more than
cycle and typically less than a few seconds. The main causes
are Start/stop of heavy loads, badly dimensioned power
sources, badly regulated transformers (mainly during offpeak hours). Consequences are data loss, flickering of
lighting and screens, stoppage or damage of sensitive
equipment, if the voltage values are too high [11].
5.12 Harmonic distortion
Main Causes are electric machines working above the knee
of the magnetization curve (magnetic saturation), arc
furnaces, welding machines, rectifiers, and DC motor, all
non-linear loads, such as power electronics equipment
including adjustable speed drives (ASDs), switched mode
power supplies, data processing equipment, high efficiency
lighting [11]. Consequences are increased probability in
occurrence of resonance, neutral overload in 3-phase
systems, overheating of all cables and equipment, loss of
efficiency in electric machines, electromagnetic interference
with communication systems, and errors in measures when

Paper ID: OCT14300

The following devices play a crucial role in improving

power quality strategy.
6.1.1 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS)
It provides the simplest and least expensive way to condition
power. These units clamp transient impulses (spikes) to a
level that is safe for the electronic load. Transient voltage
surge suppressors are used as interface between the power
source and sensitive loads, so that the transient voltage is
clamped by the TVSS before it reaches the load. TVSS
usually contain a component with a nonlinear resistance (a
metal oxide varistor or a zener diode) that limits excessive
line voltage and conduct any excess impulse energy to
ground [14].
6.1.2 Filters
Filters are categorized into noise filters, harmonic [15] filters
(active and passive ) etc. Noise filters are used to avoid
unwanted frequency current or voltage signals (noise) from
reaching sensitive equipment. This can be accomplished by
using a combination of capacitors and inductances that
creates a low impedance path to the fundamental frequency
and high impedance to higher frequencies, that is, a low-pass
filter. Harmonic filters are used to reduce undesirable
harmonics. Passive filters consist in a low impedance path to
the frequencies of the harmonics to be attenuated using
passive components (inductors, capacitors and resistors).
6.1.3 Isolation Transformers
Isolation transformers [16] are used to isolate sensitive loads
from transients and noise deriving from the mains. The
particularity of isolation transformers is a grounded shield
made of nonmagnetic foil located between the primary and

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
the secondary. Any noise or transient that come from the
source in transmitted through the capacitance between the
primary and the shield and on to the ground and does not
reach the load. Isolation transformers reduce normal and
common mode noises, however, they do not compensate for
voltage fluctuations and power outages [16].

Advantages are good voltage regulation and high

efficiency. Disadvantages are noticeable transfer time and
difficulty in comparing competing units.
c) True On-Line UPS-True On-Line UPS provides the
highest level of power protection, conditioning and power
availability. Advantages of the online UPS include the
elimination of any transfer time and superior protection
from voltage fluctuations.

Figure 2: Offline UPS System

Figure 1: Noise attenuation by Isolation Transformer

6.1.4 Voltage Regulator
Voltage regulators are normally installed where the input
voltage fluctuates, but total loss of power is uncommon.
There are three basic types of regulators:
Tap Changers- Designed to adjust for varying input
voltages by automatically transferring taps on a power
Buck Boost- Utilize similar technology to the tap changers
except the transformer is not isolated.
Constant Voltage Transformer (CVT)-Also known as
ferroresonant transformers. The CVT is a completely static
regulator that maintains a nearly constant output voltage
during large variations in input voltage.
6.1.5Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
UPS systems provide protection in the case of a complete
power interruption (blackout). They should be applied where
down time resulting from any loss of power is
unacceptable. UPS are designed to provide continuous
power to the load in the event of momentary interruptions.
They also provide varying degrees of protection from surges,
sags, noise or brownouts depending on the technology used

Figure 3: Online UPS system

5.1.6 Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
A dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) acts like a voltage source
connected in series with the load. The output voltage of the
DVR is kept approximately constant voltage at the load
terminals by using a step-up transformer and/or stored
energy to inject active and reactive power in the output
supply through a voltage converter [17].

There are three major UPS topologies each providing

different levels of protection:
a) Off-Line UPS (also called Standby) -Low cost solution for
small, less critical, stand-alone applications such as
programmable logic controllers, personal computers and
peripherals. Advantages of off-line UPS are high
efficiency, low cost and high reliability.
b) Line-Interactive UPS- Line-Interactive UPS provides
highly effective power conditioning plus battery backup.

Paper ID: OCT14300

Figure 4: Topology of dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)

6.1.7 Motor Generator (MG) Set
They are usually used as a backup power source for a
facilitys critical systems such as elevators and emergency

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
lighting in case of blackout. However, they do not offer
protection against utility power problems such as over
voltages and frequency fluctuations. Motor generators [14]
are consists of an electric motor driving a generator with
coupling through a mechanical shaft. This solution provides
complete decoupling from incoming disturbances such as
voltage transients, surges and sags.
6.1.8 Static VAR compensator (SVC)
Static VAR compensators (SVC) use a combination of
capacitors and reactors to regulate the voltage quickly. Solidstate switches control the insertion of the capacitors and
reactors at the right magnitude to prevent the voltage from
fluctuating. It is normally applied to transmission networks
to counter voltage dips/surges during faults and enhance
power transmission capacity on long [14].

Figure 5: Static VAR compensator using TCR and TSC

6.1.9 Thyristor based Static switch
The static switch is a versatile device for switching a new
element into the circuit when voltage support is needed. To
correct quickly for voltage spikes, sags, or interruptions, the
static switch can be used to switch in capacitor, filter,
alternate power line, energy storage system etc. It protects
against 85% of the interruptions and voltage sags [18].
6.1.10 Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)
The UPQC employs two voltage source inverters (VSI) that
is connected to a dc energy storage capacitor .A UPQC,
combines the operations of a Distribution Static
Compensator (DSTATCOM) and Dynamic Voltage
Regulator (DVR) together. This combination allows a
simultaneous compensation of the load currents and the
supply voltages, so that compensated current drawn from the
network and the compensated supply voltage delivered to the
load are sinusoidal and balanced [18].

6.2 Energy Storage System

6.2.1 Flywheels
A flywheel is an electromechanical device that couples a
rotating electric machine (motor/generator) with a rotating
mass to store energy for short durations. The
motor/generator draws power provided by the grid to keep
the rotor of the flywheel spinning. During a power
disturbance, the kinetic energy stored in the rotor is
transformed to DC electric energy by the generator, and the
energy is delivered at a constant frequency and voltage
through an inverter and a control system. Advanced
flywheels constructed from carbon fibre materials and
magnetic bearings can spin in vacuum at speeds up to 40,000
to 60,000 RPM. The stored energy is proportional to the
moment of inertia and to the square of the rotational speed.
High speed flywheels can store much more energy than the
conventional flywheels. Flywheels typically provide 1-100
seconds of ride-through time, and back-up generators are
able to get online within 5-20 seconds [19].
6.2.2 Super capacitors
Super capacitors (also known as ultra capacitors) are DC
energy sources and must be interfaced to the electric grid
with a static power conditioner, providing energy output at
the grid frequency. A super capacitor provides power during
short duration interruptions or voltage sags. Medium size
super capacitors (1 MJoule) are commercially available to
implement ride-through capability in small electronic
equipment, but large super capacitors are still in
development, but may soon become a viable component of
the energy storage field. Capacitance is very large because
the distance between the plates is very small (several
angstroms), and because the area of conductor surface (for
instance of the activated carbon) reaches 1500-2000 m2/g
(16000-21500 ft2/g). Thus, the energy stored by such
capacitors may reach 50-60 J/g [17].
6.2.3 Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage
A magnetic field is created by circulating a DC current in a
closed coil of superconducting wire. The path of the coil
circulating current can be opened with a solid-state switch,
which is modulated on and off. Due to the high inductance
the coil, when the switch is off (open), the magnetic coil
behaves as a current source and will force current into the
power converter which will charge to some voltage level.
Proper modulation of the solid-state switch can hold the
voltage within the proper operating range of the inverter,
which converts the DC voltage into AC power. Low
temperature SMES cooled by liquid helium is commercially
available. High temperature SMES cooled by liquid nitrogen
is still in the development stage and may become a viable
commercial energy storage source in the future due to its
potentially lower costs. SMES systems are large and
generally used for short durations, such as utility switching
events [19].

Figure 6: Basic Structure of UPQC

Paper ID: OCT14300

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

7. Other Recommendations
Some practices to check/mitigate power quality problems are
recommended below:
7.1 Proper Grounding and Bonding
A recent survey of Power Quality experts indicates that 50%
of all Power Quality problems are related to grounding,
ground bonds, and neutral to ground voltages, ground loops,
issues[4].Grounding is one of the most important and
misunderstood aspects of the electrical system. It is essential
to differentiate the functions of the grounded conductor
(neutral) from the equipment grounding system (safety
ground). The safety ground protects the electrical system and
equipment from super-imposed voltages caused by lightning
or accidental contact with higher voltage systems. It also
prevents static charges build-up. The safety ground
establishes a zero-voltage reference point for the system.
The safety ground must be a low impedance path from the
equipment to the bonding point to the grounding electrode at
the service entrance. This allows fault currents high enough
to clear the circuit interrupters in the system preventing
unsafe conditions. The grounded conductor (neutral) is a
current carrying conductor which is bonded to the grounding
system at one point. Grounding this conductor limits the
voltage potential inside the equipment in reference to
grounded parts. Neutral and ground should only be bonded
together at the service entrance or after a separately derived
source. One of the most common errors in a system is
bonding the neutral to ground in multiple locations. Whether
intentional or unintentional, these extra bonding points
should be identified and eliminated. Proper grounding and
bonding minimizes costly disturbances.
7.2 Proper Wiring
The entire electrical system should be checked for loose,
missing or improper connections at panels, receptacles and
equipment. Article 300 of the National Electrical Code
(NEC) cover wiring methods and should be followed to
ensure safe and reliable operation. There are many types of
commonly available circuit testers that can be used to check
for improper conditions such as reversed polarity, open
neutral or floating grounds. Make certain to isolate panels
feeding sensitive electronic loads from heavy inductive
loads, or other electrically noisy equipment such as air
compressors or refrigeration equipment. Also check neutral
and ground conductors to make sure they are not shared
between branch circuits.
7.3 Safe Operating Zone
The Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC) has
revised the CBEMA curve in 2000. This curve is used to
define the voltage operating envelope within which
electronic equipment should operate reliably. Equipment
should be able to tolerate voltage disturbances in the no
interruption region of the chart. When the voltage
disturbance is in the no-damage region, the equipment
may not operate properly, but should recover when voltage

Paper ID: OCT14300

returns to normal. If voltages reach the prohibited region,

connected equipment may be permanently damaged.
Expensive equipment should be protected from voltages in
the prohibited region. Processes which require high
reliability should be protected from both the prohibited and
no-damage regions.

Figure 7: ITIC-CBEMA curve (revised 2000)

7.4 Proper designing of the Load equipment.
7.5 Proper designing of the power supply system.
7.6 Application of passive, active and hybrid harmonic
filters, FACTS devices.
7.7 Application of voltage compensators and different power
conditioning devices at different stages like generation,
transmission and distribution system as per requirement and
7.8 Reliability on standby power.
7.9 Adoption of hybrid energy system with optimal
distributed generations.

8. Conclusions
The availability of electric power with high quality is crucial
for the running of the modern society. If some sectors are
satisfied with the quality of the power provided by utilities,
some others will demand more. When even the most robust
equipment is affected, then other measures must be taken,
such as installation of restoring technologies, distributed
generation or an interface device to prevent PQ problems.
Coordination with existing industry practices and
international harmonic standards is also considered in this
paper. Optimized use of power quality enhancement devices
is required as the cost, complexity, flexibility of various
techniques is different and this optimization issue is under
research to find an efficient answer to the power quality
problems. So, undoubtedly, this paper has a good future
scope and will help research workers, users and suppliers of
electrical power to gain a guideline about the power quality.

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358


Author Profile

[1] Power Quality Problems and New Solutions by A. de

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[2] Math H.J. Bollen, Understanding power quality
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[5] http://www.learnemc.com/tutorials/Transient_Protection
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[7] Domijan, A., Heydt, G.T., Meliopoulos, A.P.S.,
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[8] http://www.power-solutions.com/power-quality
[9] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownout
[10] Steven Warren Blume, Electric power system basics: for
the nonelectrical professional. John Wiley & Sons, pp.
199, 2007.
[11] Bollen, M., Understanding Power Quality Problems
Voltage Sags and Interruptions, IEEE Press Series on
Power Engineering JohnWiley and Sons, Piscataway,
USA (2000).
[12] McGranaghan, M., Costs of Interruptions, in
proceedings of the Power Quality 2002 Conference,
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[13] Suzette Albert, Total Power Quality Solution Approach
for Industrial Electrical Reliability, August 2006 issue
of Power Quality World.
[14] Marty Martin, Common power quality problems and
best practice solutions, Shangri-la Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia 14. 1997.
[15] Singh, B., AL Haddad K., Chandra, A., A review of
active filters for power quality improvement, IEEE
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[16] Arrillaga, J., Watson N.R., Chen, S., Power system
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[17] Sabin D.D., Sundaram, A., Quality enhances
reliability. IEEE Spectrum, Feb. 1996. 34-41.
[18] Anurag Agarwal, Sanjiv Kumar, Sajid Ali, A Research
Review of Power Quality Problems in Electrical Power
System. MIT International Journal of Electrical and
Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2(2), pp. 88-93,
[19] Kim, H.J., Seong, K.C., Cho, J.W., Bae, J.H., Sim,
K.D., Kim, S., Lee, E.Y., Ryu K., Kim, S.H., 3 MJ/750
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IEEE Trans. on Superconductivity, Vol. 16(2), pp. 574577, 2006.

Mehebub Alam received the B.Tech degrees in

Electrical Engineering from Jalpaiguri Government
Engineering College in 2012. He is now working as
assistant engineer (E) in Damodar valley corporation
(DVC). He has two years experience of erection,
testing and commissioning of electrical equipments in
Raghunathpur Thermal Power Plant (RTPP), DVC. He has
published two research papers in international journal. His research
interest includes power system deregulation, power quality
enhancement, renewable energy technology, transmission and
distribution system etc.

Paper ID: OCT14300

Mandela Gain received the B.Tech degrees in

Electrical Engineering from Jalpaiguri Government
Engineering College in 2012. He is now working as
assistant engineer (E) in M.N Dastur Company
Limited. He has two years experience of erection,
testing and commissioning of electrical equipment in different
construction project. His research interest include power system
deregulation, power quality enhancement etc.

Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY


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