Accenture Trends Reshaping HR Workforce One

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Trends Reshaping the Future of HR

Managing Your People as a Workforce of One

by Susan M. Cantrell and David Smith

1 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

When it comes to managing talent, one size no longer

fits all.
Customization has transformed everything from
marketing to medicine, and is poised to revolutionize
the way organizations manage their people. With
customization, organizations will no longer treat their
workforce as a single, monolithic entity. Instead, they
will treat each employee as a workforce of one.

2 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

The Trend: Organizations of the Future to Provide

Customized Talent Management Practices
Organizations of all types have
long excelled by treating customers
as "markets of one"offering them
personalized buying experiences. The
concept of customization and the
technology that has made it possible have
fueled the rise of some of the greatest
success stories of the past 25 years:
Dell (custom personal computers), Amazon
(book and other product recommendations
just for you) and Netflix (movies that fit
your profile), to name just a few.
But when it comes to managing talent,
many organizations still use one-size-fitsall HR practices. Standardization of such
practices has helped companies to achieve
important goals including consistency,
efficiency and fairness and to gain a global
view of their people.

Yet business and workforce trends are

pushing organizations to break out
of the old standard employment deal.
Technology has advanced enough to make
customization of talent management
possible for the first time. Moreover,
people now expecteven demand
customization in the workplace because
theyve experienced it in their everyday
lives as consumers. Meanwhile, changing
demographics have made workforces
more diversein terms of age, gender
and ethnicity, as well as life aspirations,
cultural norms and core values. And with
the rise of more complex knowledge work,
jobs are becoming increasingly difficult to
standardize, and companies are struggling
to find enough qualified workers. All this
will make todays generic, one-size-fitsall people practices soon obsoleteif not
detrimental to a companys bottom line.
In the future, companies will need to
tailor the work experience to employees'
needs, talents and interests. Research
featured in our recent book Workforce of
One: Revolutionizing Talent Management
through Customization (Harvard Business
Press, 2010) reveals that pioneering
companies are now using customization to
transform how they manage their people.

3 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

At Best Buy, for example, the HR function

has two major mandates: (1) recognize
the unique talents of each employee, and
to deploy those talents in a manner that
maximizes the employees energy to drive
business outcomes and (2) to reengineer
the talent system, and develop other HR
capabilities, for personalization rather than
for sameness.
Evidence suggests that other companies
are starting to follow suit. Nearly half
of the 557 employees we surveyed for
our book told us that their organizations
are getting better at offering employee
practices that meet individuals unique
needs; only 21 percent disagreed with
this statement. And all of the 70 HR
and senior executives we interviewed
told us that they would likely pursue
a more customized approach to talent
management in the future.1

Impact on the

Figure 1: Benefits of customizing

Benefits of customizing for customers

Benefits of customizing for employees

Increase revenues

Increase workforce performance and


In todays hypercompetitive age,

striving to win the war for talent
will not likely be enough. Organizations
will also need to boost the performance
of an increasingly diverse, knowledgeoriented workforce. To achieve this goal,
leading companies are applying the
same business logic to their employees
that made customization so successful
with customers. Just as organizations
now gain an edge by understanding
their customers and giving them tailored
experiences, companies that customize
work experiences and HR policies for
employees can achieve a sustainable
market advantage (see Figure 1).

Improve customer satisfaction

Improve employee engagement

Increase value of existing customer base

Increase value of existing employee base

Improve customer retention

Improve employee retention and reduce

turnover costs

Attract and acquire the most profitable


Attract and hire the most talented


Reach a larger, more diverse market

Tap a larger, more diverse employee base

to foster innovation and serve a diverse
customer base

Use resources more effectively through

targeted investments of marketing dollars

Use resources more effectively through

targeted investments of HR dollars

Customization makes good business

sense: When employees get rewarded
in ways they personally value, they will
likely feel more motivated to excel at
their job. When they can learn through
approaches that suit their own learning
styles, they build skills. When theyre
able to work in ways that meet their
personal and job needs (for instance,
theyre given space to concentrate or
tools to collaborate), they become more
productive. Customization can also help
companies attract and hire top talent
by tailoring recruiting practices toward
specific individuals. Moreover, it can
increase engagement and job satisfaction,
thus reducing attrition and lowering
turnover costs.

Respond flexibly to changes in the business

environment and consumer tastes

Respond flexibly to changes in the business

environment and employee tastes

Craft a customer experience thats difficult

for competitors to copy

Craft an employee experience thats

difficult for competitors to copy

4 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

Our employee survey confirms this:

people are more attracted to companies
that provide customized HR practices,
and theyre more likely to stay and perform
at their best.2 By contrast, when people
practices arent personalized for employees,
their performance, engagement and
productivity can suffer (see Figure 2).

The good news is that companies can

now customize their people practices
in a scalable way across the enterprise.
They dont need to resort to a series
of one-off, individually negotiated
arrangements between bosses and
employees. Such arrangements can quickly
plunge a business into chaos and raise
questions about fairness.

Clearly, employees want customized

work experiences; some 25-40 percent of
employees now have negotiated one-off
deals with their bosses.3 With a workforceof-one approach, organizations can bring
customization into the open by adopting
practices, policies and standards that make
customization available to all employees
and easy to manage.

Figure 2: What our survey respondents said about one-size-fits-all people practices
Aspect of work

One-size-fits-all examples

Survey respondent comments

When work is done

Company-wide work schedule

I need a different schedule to accommodate childcare; Id be

more effective at work if I werent worried about picking up my
kids late again! Besides, Id be more productive if I could work
when I feel Im at my best.

Where work is done

Generic cubicles

My job requires concentration, but I sit in an open space where

I cant get any work done!

How work is compensated

and rewarded

Pay determined by HR based

on position; cash-only rewards

I lost a top performer because of HR-imposed caps on pay.

How work is defined

Standardized job tasks

that leave no latitude for

I could achieve better results through soft selling than the

prescribed way of the hard sell.

How career development

is handled

Standard, linear career paths

Our new more sophisticated system slots people into predetermined roles based on experience and skills. But we either
promote people to their level of incompetence, or mistakenly
assume that the job a person is most qualified for is the most
satisfying. So now many people leave the firmand we lose
that potential talent.

How learning takes place

at work

Generic workshops, courses

and training

Executive education courses are a waste of time. Most people

dont learn the same way, but the courses assume they do. And
the information tends to be so generic that its hard to apply to
specific situations.

How work is evaluated

Generic assessment criteria

and appraisal method

Performance appraisals are merely a bureaucratic exercise to

set merit increases. They dont help me improve my performance,
because the criteria Im rated on dont align with what I actually
do in my job.

5 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

6 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

Impact on HR
Customization of HR practices can greatly
benefit employees and their organizations.
Its also good for the HR function itself.
Why? It positions HR to become the
strategic powerhouse it was meant to
be. Just as customization transformed the
marketing function, it can revolutionize
HR tooby elevating HR to the top of the
CEOs strategic agenda and making HR
integral to how the company competes.
We believe managing a workforce using
a workforce-of-one approach represents
the next major phase of HRs journey as a
profession. This approach moves HR past
the standardization of people practices
that has characterized the past decade.
Organizations have achieved efficiencies
and reduced costs through standardizing.
Now they can use that standardized
framework to tailor HR practices to
employees (see Figure 3). In this way,
companies can continue to reap the
benefits of standardization (efficiency and
control) while also gaining the strategic
advantages offered by customization.
One key is to customize within a
structured, rules-based framework that
allows for flexibility. The following
strategies can help:
Segment the workforce. Straight from
the handbook of marketing, companies
can group employees based on specific
criteria, such as value to the company,
role or generation. They can then tailor
people practices for each segment. And
with advances in business intelligence and
analytics, organizations can now create

7 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

new and more meaningful segmentation

schemes. For instance, companies can
group employees by a wider range of
criteria that include learning styles, values,
personality, wellness profiles, mobility,
behavioral patterns, and networking and
communication styles. In fact, Accenture
segments its employees in part on their
overall well-being (as measured by things
like the number of vacation days theyve
taken and the amount of time theyve
spent on a project). This segmentation can
enable bosses to identify people who might
be at risk for defecting or burning outso
they can take preventive action.
Offer modular choices. Companies can
also offer employees a predefined list
of options for custom-configuring their
own work experience. At Capital One and
Microsoft, for example, employees get to
choose from a variety of mix-and-match
work-setting options based on their
individual needs and changing work tasks.
Define broad and simple rules. An
organization can create a rule so broad
and simple that it can be interpreted in
many different ways. Best Buy, for example,
sets a broad ruleget resultsand lets
employees determine how to accomplish
it. The retailer allows many of its
headquarters personnel to define when and
where they want to workas long as they
get the job done.

Figure 3: Evolution of talent management

Today's practice

Tomorrow's practice

Workforce as a single monolithic entity

Workforce of one

People are treated

differently, but with little
structure, control or good
business reasons

More standardized systems

that treat everyone the same
enhance control and efficiency

Systems become more flexible and

tailored to meet individual needs and
achieve business value while retaining
control and structure

Foster employee-defined personalization.

Just as consumers today can define and
create their own content using the videosharing site YouTube or the volunteerwritten reference site Wikipedia, employees
can now define and create their own
people practices. Instead of having a
central authority define learning programs,
for example, individuals can define it in
highly personal ways through wikis, blogs,
YouTube- or Facebook-like applications, or
on-the-job experience. At the U.S. Navy,
for example, employees, not HR, set the
compensation levels in hard-to-fill jobs
through an online job auction website.4

The workforce-of-one approach challenges

current notions of human resources as
something that a company does for its
employees through a centralized function.
In an organization that manages each
employee as a workforce of one, everyone
is responsible for HR. People management
becomes a broad corporate competency
in which HR and line managers work
together to customize practices to benefit
the organization as a whole as well as
every employee. In this scenario, HR
becomes tightly integrated throughout the
company, just as other functions have done,
including marketing, quality improvement
and customer relationship management.

Heres a closer look at how HR will need

to change to support a more customized
approach to talent management:

Yesterday's practice
Workforce of many

But theres irony in this: To support

an integrated talent management model,
HR will need to play a more active and
prominent role. And to succeed in that
role, HR will need a new mandate
along with new skills and maybe new
roles and organizational structures.
The HR department of tomorrow may
more closely resemble the marketing
department next door.

8 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

New mandate. Over the past 70 years,

HR had a threefold mandate: maintain
strict control over the workforce; deliver
low-cost, easy-to-manage administrative
HR services; and promote fairness (and
avoid lawsuits) through equal treatment of
employees.5 In the future, HR organizations
mandate will be to understand and serve
employees with highly relevant offerings
that improve their engagement, motivation,
retention and performance. When HR
fulfills this mandate, it contributes directly
to the organizations bottom line.

Many HR organizations have made

the transition from being primarily a
transactional, administrative function to
being primarily a strategic business partner.
But were talking about moves that will
go well beyond common conceptions
of what it means to be a strategic
business partner. A workforce-of-one
approach requires that HR adopt the
role of employee performance improver
something that few HR organizations,
even ones that define themselves as
strategic business partners, have yet
to adopt, according to research studies.6
New skills. HR professionals will need to
develop the kinds of skills that marketers
use to excel at customization, such as
co-creation. And theyll have to become
just as adept at using technology to
support customization. Finally, they will
need to find new ways to unite employees
behind the organization even as employees
have more diverse, personalized experiences
in the workplace.

New roles and organizational structures.

HR may have a dedicated analytics group,
just as marketing does, as well as people
and resources focused on coaching
employees in how to make the most of
their customized work experiences. HR
staff dedicated to represent the needs of
each employee segment may also emerge.
In addition, HR might need to set up
new organizational structures that bust
internal functional silos. After all, many
marketing organizations must break down
organizational silos to bring together
representatives of multiple offerings,
products and channels to meet a customer
need. Likewise, HR will need to remove
silos to meet employee needs. The focus
will shift from how cost effectively each
internal HR program is administered to
how well the organization is serving
various employee segments.
In addition, the entire HR function may
need to establish new structures that
enable it to cross disciplines and span
boundaries in the organization. To craft
tailored people practices, HR will need to
thoroughly understand employees as well
as the businesses and functions in which
they work. Thus HR professionals will need
to create mechanisms for learning about
areas that have traditionally been outside
their own domain (such as IT, supply chain
and marketing) and for collaborating with
people from those areas.

9 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

Bottom Line
An article in The Economist proclaimed
that were entering an age where
granularity will be kingwhere (for
example) quantum mechanics breaks
matter down to the subatomic level, and
each link in a companys supply chain can
be fitted with a radio frequency ID tag
and managed individually.7 Its time for
talent management practices to join this
age. To do so, HR professionals will need
to view employees as individuals with
unique needs and preferences who are
capable of making work-related decisions
for themselves and their subordinates
within a structured framework.
By applying the principles of
customization gleaned from their
marketing counterparts, HR
professionals can create an environment
where individuals can flourish even as
organizations maintain some measure
of control. Organizations that make it
possible for employees to excel through
personalized work experiences set the
stage for new heights of performance
themselvesdriven by committed,
engaged and productive talent.

About the Authors

About Our Research


Susan M. Cantrell is a research fellow

at the Accenture Institute for High
Performance. Based in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, Ms. Cantrell is the coauthor
of Workforce of One: Revolutionizing Talent
Management Through Customization
(Harvard Business Press, 2010). She has
coauthored more than 30 articles or book
chapters, including Elements of Successful
Organizations (The Workforce Institute
at Kronos, 2011).

The primary objective of this large-scale

research initiative is to develop insights
that can be useful to both HR and business
executives as they seek to maximize the
role of HR as a critical function within
the organization. We are exploring how
current business trends might reshape the
nature of the functionin terms of HRs
mission and mandate, the key activities
HR performs, the skill set necessary for
HR professionals, the metrics on which
to evaluate HRs performance, and the
organizational and governance models
and roles that will most effectively help
HR maximize its value to the business.
We also are examining current best
practices in HR, as well as some of the
obstacles HR is facing and how those
obstacles can be overcome in the future.

1. Workforce of One: Revolutionizing Talent

Management through Customization, by
Susan M. Cantrell and David Smith (Harvard
Business Press, 2010).

David Smith is senior managing director

responsible for the Accenture Talent &
Organization management consulting
practice. He specializes in designing
and developing talent and organization
strategies and solutions for clients and
has extensive international experience
working with some of the worlds largest
global companies, including a number
of Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Smith,
who is based in Hartford, Connecticut,
is a frequent speaker at industry
conferences and events, has published
numerous articles and papers, has
contributed his viewpoints on the business
impact of talent to many media and
industry publications, and is the coauthor
of Workforce of One: Revolutionizing
Talent Management through Customization
(Harvard Business Press, 2010).

Related Reading
Workforce of One: Revolutionizing Talent
Management through Customization,
by Susan M. Cantrell and David Smith
(Harvard Business Press, 2010).

10 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

2. Ibid.
3. Lets Make an I-Deal, by Denise
Rousseau. Performance and Profits,
August 2006.
4. Fewer Hands on Deck, by George
Cahlink. Government Executive, June 1,
2004, Vol. 36, No. 9, p. 68. Reprinted with
permission. Copyright 2009 by National
Journal Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
5. The Embedded Corporation, by Stanford
Jacoby (Princeton University Press, 2004).
6. Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development, HR Survey, 2008.
7. The Next Little Thing, by Lucy Kellaway.
The World in 2006, The Economist, 2006.

About Accenture
Accenture is a global management
consulting, technology services and
outsourcing company, with 257,000
people serving clients in more than
120 countries. Combining unparalleled
experience, comprehensive capabilities
across all industries and business functions,
and extensive research on the worlds
most successful companies, Accenture
collaborates with clients to help them
become high-performance businesses and
governments. Through its Skills to Succeed
corporate citizenship focus, Accenture is
committed to equipping 250,000 people
around the world by 2015 with the skills to
get a job or build a business. The company
generated net revenues of US$27.9 billion
for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2012.
Its home page is

11 | Accenture Institute for High Performance | Copyright 2013 Accenture. All rights reserved.

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