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Executive Summary
Marketing plan is the basic required technique for any kind of company or industry in order
to enhance their marketing strategy in the market. The current study has focused over future
market plan for Jaguar. As jaguar has decided to launch new product in the market hence it
has been asked to prepare a favourable marketing plan in the context of new product. Jaguar
has planned to launched a new product in the series of sports car segmented named C-X20,
upcoming version of C-X16. Jaguar has decided to launch this new product in new market to
get more favourable market share and profit from the market. Jaguar alos have planned to
earn new customers from the domestic market of UK that is the reason they have selected
new market of Manchester and Sheffield and asked to prepare favourable market plan in the
context of these two cities. Various marketing analytical tools has been described in the study
and and the end all tools and techniques has been analysed to present favourable market
oplan for Jaguar to launch C-X20 in Manchester and Sheffield.

Table of Content
1. Introduction

Background of the industry

Aim and objective of the study

Marketing analysis tools

2. Market segmentation


3. Targeting


4. Positioning


5. Findings






1. Introduction
Jaguar is one the largest car manufacturing company in UK that has expanded in major region
of England, Birmingham. After successful start in sport segmented car products by launching,
C-X75 and C-X16 that have exciting and advanced features. Experts of Jaguar are planned to
launch an extra bold version in their sports car segment. They have planned to introduce a
new sports model named C-X20 in the market of Birmingham and two new markets,
Manchester and Sheffield. Jaguar has planned to launch their product in two new cities in
order to increase their market share and strength as well. As Birmingham have already earned
competitive fame for C-X75 and C-X16, which might help Jaguar to start new journey in
Manchester and Sheffield with advanced model, C-X20. This detailed study would help to
analyse the future expected market for C-X20.
Background of the industry
Car manufacturing company of UK has emerging market as compared to any other durable
and nondurable products industry. As per status symbol, car manufacturing companies have
listed their name on the top. Several industries such as Smartphone, Luxurious beauty
products, Electronic Gadgets, etc. Car manufacturing companies of UK contributed more
than 50% in GDP of UK (, 2016).
Jaguar is one of the largest car manufacturing company that has efficient market share in the
automobile industry of UK. According to the report of telegraph UK, Jaguar has covered
more than 42% of car market in UK as compared to its other competitors. Jaguar has listed
on 3rd position in the list of top 20 car manufacturing companies. Jaguar has competitive
market share in the UK car industry that is of about 2.3 Million (, 2016).
Aim and objective of the study
The study has aimed to predict future market for the latest advanced model of Jaguar named
C-X20 in Manchester and Sheffield. The product and the market both are new and
challengeable for the company but as C-X16 is already existed in the market of Birmingham
and had earned enough market share, Jaguar has planned to expand their business in new
locations with new innovations.

Marketing analysis tools

There are various marketing that tools has been utilised by various business corporations in
the support of increment of their market.
SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis is responsible for analysing the current market of a business. SWOT analysis
would help Jaguar to analyse their market adaptability for their upcoming Car C-X20 in
Manchester and Sheffield.

Advanced features then C-

Less affordable by middle

Powerful engine of version

and lower income level of customers

It is two seater car which is

6.2 and 3.2 liter petrol engine

C-X20 is bold-muscular than

not considered as family car

Acceleration power 55 mph
to 80 mph within 1.9 seconds
More advanced design as
compared to old version C-X20


Can earn more customers in

new market with advanced features
Compete to other brands such
as Audi A2, Lotus Evora 400,
Porsche Cayman GT4

High budgeting car

New market and new product
threat of customer loyalty
Threat of competition with
best selling sports car such as
Bentley Continental GT V8, Lexus
RC 350 Coupe, Audi A5 and R8
Spyder etc.

Table 1: SWOT analysis

(Source: Created by Author)

SWOT analysis is the technique that helps a business organization to analyze their internal or
microenvironment. SWOT analytical tool also have defined as microenvironmental tool that
helps the organisation to calculate their risk factors within the organisation. Heslop (2014,
p.52) stated that SWOT analysis tools helps to draw a framework of the business based over
strength and weakness of the organisation in the current market. SWOT analytical tool is
suitable for calculate internal strength of the company that generated future opportunities of
the business. Similarly, it also helps to calculate the weakness and threats of the company that
might caused in the reduction of the market share or market strength of an organisation.
For car manufacturing companies of UK SWOT analytical tools worked as market scanner
that scanned entire business at individual level and freak out loopholes of the business that
are accountable for generate challenges in the future market. According to the above table
over marketing analysis of Jaguar C-X20, it has been calculated that Jaguar has strong market
in UK that enhanced the growth of Jaguar in domestic as well as international market.
As opined by Vargo (2014, p.89), SWOT analysis help any business corporation to identify
the future opportunity of the business based over their current market position. Jaguar has
aimed to expand their market in new cities of UK, Manchester and Sheffield with their
upcoming model C-X20. Jaguar has loyal customers in Birmingham but there is no nearest
showroom or manufacturing plant of Jaguar in Manchester and Sheffield, which intends
high price for the product's and so customers are reluctant to purchase products of Jaguar.
Hence, SWOT analysis has generated better scope for C-X20 to make a fresh and positive
start in new market.
It has been depicted that SWOT analytical tool is beneficial for analysing the
microenvironment of the business corporation. LaFrenier, (2013, p.23) argued that SWOT
analysis is limited to the internal environment of the business that has failed to calculate
external environment of the business. According to this statement, SWOT analytical tool is
not suitable for calculating the growth rate of the business. Hence, the discussion has revealed
that for analysing the entire environment of the company, SWOT analytical tool is not enough
and thus organisations have to focused over other available tools and techniques also for
sustainable growth.
PESTLE analysis

UK political conditions are quite favourable for Jaguar as it is UK

based car manufacturing company, current GDP is 3.16 Trillion USD.

GDP has increased by 06% that might help Jaguar to invest in new
market with contribution of government.

Current employment rate of UK is about 5.1% about 1.68 million that

results positive opportunity for getting desired customers in market


As per social concern, Jaguar has involved in social activity. In the

year of 2014, it has sponsored special event for wounded people. CSR
activity of Jaguar might generate loyal customer in new market


Jaguar C-X20 has all those advanced techniques that makes this car
more dynamic than C-X16, which might help Jaguar to get more new
customers in market


Jaguar has concerned to all legal aspects as per Company Act 2006,
Sales of Good Act 1979, Employment Right Act 1996 etc.


Jaguar has favourable working nature in at their workplace. Even they

have targeted to promote future engineers in at workplace for their
sustainable development.

Table 2: PESTLE analysis

(Source: Created by Author)
PESTLE analytical tool has been derived as macro environmental scanning tool that helps the
any company to analyse their business environment and know about their limitations and
strength as well. As opined by Wirtz (2014, p.12), PESTLE tool has worked for car
manufacturing companies to identify their expected market opportunities as well as to analyse
their current market conditions for the business growth. PESTLE analytical tool has focused
over various key aspects such as political, environmental, social, legal, economical, and
technological, which are acted as supporting tools for a marketer of a company to measure
strength and loopholes in their current marketing strategies. Sutton, (2014, p.45) added that
major aim of PESTLE is to scan and analyse the marketing environment of a particular

company in the market. This marketing scanning tool ahs confined to various aspects of the
nature that is necessary for the growth of the business in the.
As shown in the above table, Jaguar C-X20 has competitive market structure in the market.
According to the above table, Jaguar is involved in all aspects of its environment. One social
activity has been mentioned about Jaguar that it has sponsored a major sports event in
England in September 2014, for wounded people and women. People are who unable
physically challenged, Jaguar has organised a sport events for them. These steps have proved
that Jaguar is also active in social activities. It is one of the major step taken by Jaguar to
attract their customers towards their new product's.
Gugel, (2016, p.24) commented in the favour of social activity that any kind of social activity
is always beneficial for a business organisation to develop itself socially, it has focused over
CSR concept that is considered to the indirect contribution in the GDP of the nation. Paridon,
(2015, p.91) argued about social aspect that social aspect is not the actual aim or objective of
the business corporation and hence management have to focus on their core aim. According
to this statement, if a business corporation is focused over CSR or any kind of social
activities then it would directly affected over their financial conditions. In order to balance
their financial strength in the market business corporations might use bad practices in the
market, either they may increase the price for the product's or they may produce poor quality
of products in the market.
The statement is not true because social activities always beneficial for the society as well as
government. As stated by O'Reilly, (2012, p.686) that social activity is the step taken by the
large sector or small sector business organisations to support their society and government in
the return of resources provided by them for production of final product's.
Porters five force of models
Porters five forces of model have been defined as in the context of market development of a
company. For the car manufacturing companies of UK porters five forces of model has
played vital role. The management of Jaguar has followed several market policies for their
better market development. Apart from those marketing policies and framework, it might also
focus over porters five forces of model.
Rowley, (2013, p.845) opined that porter's five forces of model is suitable for analysing the
current and future market position of the business company. It revealed that porters five

forces of model has included five basic aspects bargaining power of buyers, suppliers,
threat of substitute, new entrants and rivalry competition, which helped marketer to
analyze their current market position of the business. Jaworski, (2014, p.15) argued that
porters five force of model is not only enough to analyse the future market opportunity
because it is based over assumptions and market is never remains constant. It revealed that it
is quite difficult to analyse the market of any company based over market assumptions.
Jaguar is one the major car manufacturing company in UK that was headquartered at UK that
is the reason it would get quite benefits from the local market if it expands its business in the
targeted market of Manchester and Sheffield. Jaguar might have to face threats from its
substitute products and new entrants because of nature of customers. Atwood, (2014,
p.715) stated that customers are always looking different products in the market so that they
could set their status symbol. It has focused over the concept of consumer buying
behaviour. According to that buying behaviour model, a marketer can easily calculate the
purchasing behaviour of the customers also able to analyse the purchasing intention of
customers for the particular products in the market. Fornell, (2013, p.12) opposed these
assumptions and state that companies have to switch to various marketing tools for analyse
their market. The statement has highlighted that a business corporations not only have to
focus over an individual marketing tools as it have various options in the market.
Porters five forces of model has few more aspects such as Rivalry competition, bargaining
power of buyer and suppliers, which intended that a business corporations have to
continued to their marketing practices in order to compete with their rivalry firm by analysing
their competitive firms strategies. Palmatier, (2014, p.15) opposed to this theory and stated
that porter five forces of model has several loopholes it have not considered to time and cost
factor. The statement has revealed that porter's five forces of model is supportive for
analysing the market that is based over sample survey, which is not considered to the budget
and time factor that would be consumed for actual implementation. Porters five forces
considered assumptions and actual market is flexible by nature, similarly it is hard to predict
future market as future is always uncertain (Steenkamp, 2013, p.181). Porter five force of
models has depicted several loopholes in the study but still it is suitable for the organisation
to analyse their current market positions and conditions.
Ansoff matrix

Ansoff matrix has been designed in respect to set an interaction between marketer and
targeted market. It is the responsibility of the marketer to keep focus over various marketing
opportunities available in the market and to analyse the market properly Ansoff Matrix is
suitable as well as favourable. As opined by Christodoulides (2016, p.21), Ansoff Matrix is
the best way to analyse the current market scenario as it is focused over major aspects of the
business. Ansoff matrix has focused over market development, product development,
diversification and new product, which helps to analyse the present position in the business in
the market. Lusch, (2013, p.391) argued against ansoff matrix that it is not quite enough for
the study of the current market position of a business. It revealed that ansoff market has
focused over factors those are quite impossible to analyse without having exact survey and
interview from the customers. For a business company, which is expanded at high level it is
quite impossible to held market survey at individual basis. Therefore, company has go with
probable sampling techniques and formulate expected business strategy in order to frame
marketing strategies for future development.
The management of Jaguar has another option in marketing tool, ansoff matrix to analyse
their current market scenario for C-X20 that might help them to looking for their future
market opportunities. Jaguar is well established company in the field of car manufacturing
company in the UK market that already have generated base market for Jaguar to expand
their business in Manchester and Sheffield. As per the market survey, it has been calculated
that Manchester and Sheffield have efficient marketing opportunities for car manufacturing
companies. This report is beneficial for jaguar because it is financially strong and has good
market position in UK. Major benefits of this company is that it is headquartered at UK hence
customers would be loyal for the product's of this company. According to various factors of
Ansoff matrix, market development and new product's development are the most significant
factors that might generate possible future opportunity for Jaguar in their targeted new
Brennan, (2015, p.131) argued that ansoff matrix is not sounds audible for analysing the
current market. The term audible has defined as efficiency of the tool for analysing the
market of the business. It has focused over loopholes of the Ansoff matrix that it is not
enough to covers all angles of an organisation. A large sector business organisations always
surrounded by so many factors that are not able to calculate by using any individual tool or
technique. Therefore, it can be concluded that Ansoff is helpful for analyse the marketing


environment but it has not considered as individual tool that is enough to analyse the entire


2. Market segmentation
Market segmentation is the art of preparing a sub-market of targeted market that would
further help to identify and select niche market to proceed (Kucukusta, 2016, p.135). It is a
practice of getting sales target done through by implementing suitable marketing plan on
targeted market. Under the concept of market segmentation, marketer segmented entire
targeted market into subpart to analyse the required market according to the nature of the
product. The has been divided into sub parts based over some key factors or natural
behaviour of customers such as age, sex, income, area, interest, perception, taste and
preferences. The role played by marketer is more important during segmentation of the
market. Jaguar has planned to launch its new product, Jaguar C-X20 with latest features in
new markets of Manchester and Sheffield. Hence, for new product of Jaguar C-X20 needs
proper market segmentation that might helped them to generate required lead from the
Types of Segmentation
Manchester is well established city in UK that have GDP of $92.3 billion that is about 9.23
which shows prospect of business/sales chance of development for C-X20 (Yang, 2016,
p.91). The geographic and economic condition of Manchester has predicted that Jaguar CX20 might get favourable market in this city. The economic condition has predicted that
Manchester has enough market stability and desired customers for their upcoming product.
On the other hand, Sheffield is another top rated city of UK, it has ranked 3rd in the list. This
is one of the best cities of England, as it have about 500 plus population. The city has wide
area, which intendenting to explore the new market in these two cities.
Geographic segmentation: Three of the major segments in the UK market are Manchester
and Sheffield and london. As per geographic condition, Manchester has Greater urban area in
the city, which has generated supposed market for C-X20. A sport car need free highway to
run and Manchester has two major motorways M60 and m65, which is favourable for C-X20
to attract customers. In contrary geographical situation of Sheffield avail the understanding
that, Sheffield has wide spreaded area in England. The high population rate might generate a
chance of future development in the market. C-X20 has latest advanced features as compared
to its old versions and substitute rivalry product. In addition, current market has efficient
population that will help the company to generate loyal customers in market. On the other


hand, london is one of the most populated cities of United Kingdom, which might avail large
prospect of sales for the company, yet the organisation currently possesses considerable
market share in this city, hence the company might have less prospect of development in this
geographic segment of the UK market.
Demographic Segmentation: As per the demographic conditions Manchester, have
population from different background that might helpful for Jaguar to estimate their desired
customers. As most of the customers are belongs to high income that has been predicted from
economic status of Manchester that might help Jaguar to target customers for C-X20. As per
the Demographic description of Manchester, it has Asian, Black, Chinese, and Arabic
customers those have different lifestyles and culture from UKs culture. The demographic
presentation of Manchester has presented that the population rate of this city has been
increased by 1.6% in 2011 as compared to last year that might tends better positive result for
Jaguar to target large number population for their upcoming model (Thun, 2016, p.84). The
Sheffield has wide range and variety of population init including British citizens and
population from other area or region. This variety of population intended positive flow of
marketing strategy in the market. Variety of customers means people who loves sport cars and
Sheffield are already have consuming several branded sports car, in this situation, Jaguar has
better future scope for introducing their product in this new market.
Psychographic Segmentation: Manchester city have different cultural background people
hence it will reflect the marketing plan of Jaguar in regards to C-X20. Manchester have
people from china those are addicted to technology. This has generating a future scope for
Jaguar to launch their new advanced technology car in this market. The generation is
changing and hence perception of people are changing that generates a future opportunities
for sports cars. People of todays generation are attracted towards high profiled and stylish
car and Jaguar's C-X20 has all advanced technology as compared to other branded sports car.
C-X20 has all latest features uch has powerful engine, high speed, automatic gear, lightweight etc, which are responsible factor to change the perception of customers in the market.
Behavioural Segmentation: From the behaviour basis, Chinese people are positive towards
use of latest technology. Other Asian people are focused over features and price of the
product and Jaguar C-X20 has favourable price range in sport car segment. Sports cars are
change the behaviour of customer in the market. The purchasing behaviour of customers is
reliable on the quality, features, price and design of product. C-X20 has all these features in it


advanced version, which will definitely affect the purchasing intention of the customers.
Jaguar's previous models even have given tough competition in the market and those products
are highly rated by consumers. Based over the analysis Jaguar has decided to launch their
new updated product in upcoming year, in order to enhance their market.
From the evaluation of market segmentation it has been deduced that both of these cities,
Manchester and Sheffield have sufficient opportunity for Jaguar and either the risk is huge in
this factor but the chance of profit is more than risk (Horn,2016, p.65. The reason is market is
new but firm has top rated reputation in the market. Hence, it can be predicted that Jaguar can
get favourable outcome from these two new markets after launched their new product C-X20
in 2016.
Lukas, (2016, p.866) stated that market segmentation is the good and very important step that
has to adopt and followed by marketer to analyze their future market. It has revealed that
market segmentation is the best way to analyse the market by dividing it into subparts.
Market segmentation includes subdivision of entire targeted market as Jaguar for Jaguar
Manchester and Sheffield best. Even segmentation will help Jaguar to frame better market
strategies for preparing a favourable market for C-X20 in against of its rivalry competitors.
Even though the discussion will help Jaguar to target their reliable and desired customers in
the market for the promoting the product as well as increase the sale.


3. Targeting
Targeting has been defined as further step taken by the marketer for selecting their targeted
market have sufficient customers those ready to purchase and consume their product in the
market. Horn, (2016, p.64) stated that segmentation is not the end of the marketing process,
marketer have to select a small market based over segmentation for framing better
opportunity for the sale of product. It has been revealed that entire market is hard to study,
that is why marketer divide the market based over some common and parallel segments.
Later on based upon these parallel and common segments, marketer has continued to select
required segment middle income level customers, which would help them to develop their
product for those selected customers. As in the case of Jaguar, the company has planned to
launch a new product in the new market. The reason behind to choose the new market is in
their existed market, already they have enough customers. Jaguar is one of the top rated cars
manufacturing company in sports car industry. The company has launched various stylish and
luxurious sports car for its existing customers in the market of Birmingham and its neighbour.
Not only this, Jaguar has also huge market share in the global market. It has ranked at top five
car manufacturing companies in the global market.
Jaguar has targeted new two markets in England in order to enhance their domestic market.
Olleros, (2016, p.131) stated that targeting is one of the major marketing tool that help to
generate expected favourable lead from the market. Jaguar has planned to launch their new
advanced sports car named C-X20, which have hilarious and attractive features. It has been
estimating that this new product will definitely like by new customers of new market.
Types of targeting


Figure 1: Target Market of Jaguar for Manchester and Sheffield

(Source: Created by Author)
The assumptions have made based over various facts that are discussed and highlighted in
market segmentation. The Jaguar has segmented their market based over several available
opportunities. Based over market segmentation, the above figure has been drawn for
estimating targeted customers in the market based upon several characteristics. As per the
figure, jaguar has targeted city those are Manchester and Sheffield. In that market both kinds
of customers are available luxurious and middle level customers. Jaguar should target middle
level customers for their latest upcoming because according to the style and type of product's
luxurious people will definitely approached for this product. The major aim should be to
attract middle level customers. This is a difficult for Jaguar because estimated cost of
production is high and if company offers low price for their model than it will affect over
their profit margin. Therefore, they might avail the facility of finance for middle level
customers. The finance service will definitely generate an opportunity for Jaguar to sale their
C-X20 in the market to their targeted middle level customers.
It has been noticed in the segmentation par that customers are behavioural nature, which
intends that the purchasing decision of the customers are depending over quality, price and
features of the product. C-X20 has all current and updated features in it that will attract
customers in the market. The major target of the company should be attracting their
customers. Better pricing strategy, good quality of product and market reputation or goodwill
is the basic factor that helps any of company to set their market at competitive level.


Another factor has been noted down from the segmentation of the market for Jaguar C-X20
that customers are not interested to wait for their product. The statement reveals that
customers need possession and the product immediately after the decided payment. Hence,
Jaguar might target these factors by implementing fast production process. For the fast
production, Jaguar has all top rated and latest production tools, and techniques that are liable t
produce number of units per month.
Saidi, (2016, p.95) stated that for better targeting the market knowledge is must hence
marketer should focus over data collection or process of market research. It has been focusing
over the techniques of targeting. The statement has revealed that targeting shall be followed a
criteria that include a deep study of the market. After the segmentation of the market,
marketer has to go for detailed market research that would help the organization to identify
exacts need of the market. The exact need regarding the product it is favourable and suitable
for the management to decide their objective and to set organisation aim and goal. The
market research would also help to know their market in proper manner and able to target
exact desired customers for the product that could be offered by the company.
According to the market segmentation, Jaguar has favourable market in Manchester and
Sheffield that intends that if Jaguar launch their product C-X20 in these two cities they will
not face major loss except cost of production cost and promotional activity. For targeting the
market, market research is the essential step because detailed market research has descriptive
report of the market. Targeting is the step that involves analytical and descriptive detail stud
on collected data from the market. The market analysis would help the management to
analyse their business and to set favourable market plan for their better development in
The estimated targeting map of the Jaguar for C-X20 has predicted that in Manchester and
Sheffield Jaguar has to face several difficulties but it will not get unfavourable marketing
condition. The reason is customers are already in the favour of the concept that they have
planned to offer. The targeting procedure is followed by positioning in the market.
4. Positioning
The positioning of the brand or product is depending over the promotional activity by
management. Hatten, (2016, p.29) stated that positioning is the step that is fully depending on

the target market. Positioning means to making brand loyal customers. Jaguar is the brand
that has high rated reputation on the market. In UK car manufacturing company, Jaguar
ranked as top rated car manufacturing company. Urde, (2016, p.31) added that positioning
refers to branding, labelling and packaging that is responsible to present the product in front
of targeted customers in better way. For the better sale, also to earn respective income from
the market it is so much important for the company to represent their product in systematic
and attractive way to their desired customers that their customers should approached those
In car manufacturing company, it is quite easy because of curiosity of customers.
Schoormans, (2016, p.45) stated that if the customers are taking interest in the product then
the product does not have to focus on their promotional tools. It revealed that promotional
activities are the most important factor for positioned a particular product in the mind of
customers. In case of Jaguar C-X20, it have already existed well reputed market but in
Birmingham not in Manchester and Sheffield. As predicted in the market segmentation and
market targeting of Jaguar, it has been perceived that Jaguar will get favourable market for
their upcoming product C-X20 in the market of Manchester and Sheffield. For developing
better market in the future Jaguar have to focus over positioning of their products and brand
brand in the market. Various promotional tools such as advertising, sales promotion and word
of mouth are most commonly used tools and techniques that are liable for better and
favourable promotion of the brand. Either it is not sure that use of promotional tools will give
positive result hence apart from these promotional tools company have to go for other tools
such as advance booking, online services, product review, easy finance and other schemes
related to the product. These all kinds of promotional tools are responsible to build up
positioning of the brand in market among targeted customers.
Positioning versus Competition
Positioning and competition are the two competitive factors that are worked sustainably for
the promotion of the brand. Uotila, (2016, p.31) stated that competition is depending on
strategies followed by rivalry company for the promotion of their brand in market.
Positioning is focusing the level of competition and for better positioning of brand in the
market company tools several steps. As Jaguar has taken step to positioning their brand in
domestic market of UK in more preoperative way. Jaguar already have good market
reputation in the market just because of their advanced technology products at reasonable


price. In order to enhance their domestic it has targeted to two new cities of England
Manchester and Sheffield.
Jaguar has tough competition in the market from its rivalry substitute product available in the
market. In order to dominate rivalry products in market Jaguar planned to introduce new
sports car with bold-advanced technology. C-X20 is the products that have which is decorated
with latest technology and advanced features. This product has all such features what a
customers is expected from a sport car manufacturing company, light-weight, top speed,
automatic gearing, disk brake, strong drifting power, and more that makes the product
different from other substitute product's. Rivalry products such as Audi A2, Lotus Evora 400,
Porsche Cayman GT4, Bentley Continental GT V8, Lexus RC 350 Coupe, and Audi R8
Spyder are strongly influenced market of Jaguar. Jaguar has well reputed market it
Birmingham and have planned to gain earning from the new market of UK. As already
having product in existed in market it has increased the level of competition on the market for
Jaguar. Hence they have planned to start the new market with new product's so that Jaguar
can differentiate their market based over nature of customers and competition level.
Different market with different products is one the effective technique to generate a better
competition level in the market. Competition enforces the company to focus over their
marketing strategies and to set new strategies to secure the priority of product. Jaguar has
already in top position in the market but due to high level of competition it have planned to
launch new product named C-X20 in their new targeted market. From the market
segmentation and targeting it have been generated that both of these market have adequate
opportunity for Jaguar's new product in the market. The level of competition either might
reflects the reputation of Jaguar but the latest upcoming model of Jaguar has all those
competitive features that can easily dominate other rivalry and substitute products in the
market of car manufacturing.
In order to enhance better positioning and to make the competition level strong in the market,
Jaguar has to focus on their promotional activities. They already have few positive strong
factors in the market such as strong market share, high level of goodwill, and advanced
featured products. The planned upcoming product C-X20 is has more advanced features and
technologies in it that ensures favourable start in the new market. It has been estimating that
from the marketing segmentation and target marketing that Manchester and Sheffield have
favourable market conditions for Jaguar to launch their new product, C-X20.


For better positioning of the brand in the new market, Jaguar has to focus over its branding
strategies. It is no doubt that Jaguar brand has no value in the market but still it is a required
step from the point of view of marketer that management might focus on their branding
strategies that how could they promote their brand in the new ,market so that they are able to
set their customers loyal towards their brand. Jaguar has to focus over various promotional
tools and the selection of proper media for communicating with their targeted customers.
They might follow a procedure for their brand positioning like launch the advertisement of
their product in TV, Internet, Youtube or other social media, then open advance booking
option for desired customers. These are initial step taken by management later on they might
offer best and reasonable price for their customers. These steps are helpful for Jaguar in order
to launch their product C-X20 in the new market of Manchester and Sheffield.
5. Findings
Through the evaluation of the current market position of Jaguar in the UK market it has been
deduced that Jaguar is one of the best and reputed car manufacturing companies in UK that
has high level of market share in market. It is good for the Jaguar that they have strong
competitive market in UK and continuously dominating its rivalry companies not only in
domestic market but also in international market. It has been found in the study that Jaguar
has planned to launch its new product in the market named C-X20, which is fully loaded
with latest advanced technology and attractive features. It is the advanced version of C-X75
and C-X16. The previous versions of Jaguar has generated more than enough market share in
Birmingham and its neighbour city. After having a successful chase in the market if
Birmingham, it has planned to target two new market of UK, Manchester and Sheffield. The
detailed study has revealed that Jaguar has strong market in UK and based upon their existed
market reputation they can easily target to their new market. Various marketing tools are
suggested to Jaguar for analysing its current market position similarly evaluate, analyse and
predict future market for their new market. It is quite challengeable plan for Jaguar that they
are planned to launch their new product in new market but from the point of view of
competition, it is quite fair enough. The reason is in Birmingham, Jaguar already had
launched C-X16 product that was liked by maximum number of customers. Hence, Jaguar
has planned to attract new customers with some new features and technology. From the
discussion it has been predicted as Jaguar might focus over middle level customers of
Manchester as well as Shefield. The brief study over this segment of study has highlighted in
the PPT.

Market segmentation, targeting and positioning has been defined the future market of Jaguar
for C-X20 in Manchester and Sheffield. The market analysis has depicted that Jaguar has to
face strong level of competition in Manchester and Sheffield because these markets are new
for Jaguar and the above discussion are based over predefined assumptions. Assumptions are
never ensures the 100% implementation of plan but it ensured a possible chance to enters in
new market. Assumptions are all just estimates that might help a company like Jaguar to
predict that they have the ability to launch their new product in the new market.
A brief study over market segmentation, targeting and positioning has been described in
above detailed study, in order to be familiar with key factors, refer to PPT.
The overall study has depicted that for better marketing plan the researcher of a company
needs detail market study. Company belongs to any industry need detailed knowledge about
their targeted market so that they could estimate their future market in better way with
minimum chances of uncertainty. As the entire study has focused over Jaguars new
upcoming product C-X20 with advanced technology has depicted that Jaguar has certain
conditions in the market of Manchester and Sheffield.


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