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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential

Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition
Richard S. Dick, Elaine B. Steen, and Don E. Detmer,
Editors; Committee on Improving the Patient Record,
Institute of Medicine
ISBN: 0-309-57885-X, 256 pages, 6 x 9, (1997)
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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

Revised Edition

An Essential Technology for Health Care

Committee on Improving the Patient Record

Division of Health Care Services

Richard S. Dick, Elaine B. Steen, and Don E. Detmer, Editors


Washington, D.C.1997

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition
NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418
NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the
National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy
of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of
the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard
for appropriate balance.
The committee report and the commentaries were reviewed by groups other than the authors
according to procedures approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the
National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
The Institute of Medicine was chartered in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to enlist
distinguished members of the appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. In this, the Institute acts under both the Academy's 1863 congressional charter responsibility to be an adviser to the federal government and its own initiative in
identifying issues of medical care, research, and education.
See page xv for a listing of the organizations that supported the original and revised reports.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Improving the Patient Record.
The computer-based patient record : an essential technology for health care / Committee
on Improving the Patient Record, Division of Health Care Services, Institute of
Medicine ; Don E. Detmer, Elaine B. Steen, and Richard S. Dick, editors. Rev. ed.
p. cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-309-05532-6
1. Medical recordsData processing. I. Detmer, Don E. II. Steen, Elaine B. III. Dick,
Richard S. IV. Title
[DNLM: 1. Medical Records. 2. Medical Records Systems, Computerizedorganization
& administration. 3. Delivery of Health Care, Integratedorganization & administration. WX 173 159c 1997]
R864.I55 1997
for Library of Congress 97-31030
Copyright 1997 by the National Academy of Sciences
Printed in the United States of America
The serpent has been a symbol of long life, healing, and knowledge among almost all cultures
and religions since the beginning of recorded history. The image adopted as a logo-type by the Institute of Medicine is based on a relief carving from ancient Greece, now held by the Staatliche
Museen in Berlin.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

Committee on Improving the Patient Record in Response to

Increasing Functional Requirements and Technological
DON E. DETMER (Chair),* Professor of Surgery and Business Administration
and Vice President for Health Sciences, University of Virginia,
MARION J. BALL, Associate Vice President for Information Resources,
University of Maryland, Baltimore
G. OCTO BARNETT,* Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and
Director, Laboratory of Computer Science, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston
DONALD M. BERWICK, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts
MORRIS F. COLLEN,* Director Emeritus and Consultant, Division of
Research, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program, Oakland, California
NICHOLAS E. DAVIES, Practitioner of Internal Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia
RUTH E. GARRY, Senior Manager, Group Benefits Services Division, CNA
Insurance Companies, Chicago, Illinois
THOMAS Q. MORRIS, Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Columbia University, and Past President, Columbia
Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, New York
JOHN A. NORRIS, Corporate Executive Vice President, Hill and Knowlton,
Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, and Lecturer in Health Law, Harvard School
of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
EDWARD H. SHORTLIFFE,* Professor of Medicine and Computer Science;
Head, Division of General Internal Medicine; and Director,Medical
Information Sciences Training Program, Stanford University School of
Medicine, Palo Alto, California
Liaison Members
HENRY KRAKAUER, Director, Office of Program Assessment and
Information, Health Standards and Quality Bureau, Health Care Financing
Administration, Baltimore, Maryland
DONALD A. B. LINDBERG,* Director, National Library of Medicine,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Member, Institute of Medicine.

Deceased, April 1991.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

Study Staff
Original Edition
RICHARD S. DICK, Study Director
ELAINE B. STEEN, Staff Officer
EVANSON H. JOSEPH, Project Secretary
KARL D. YORDY, Director, Division of Health Care Services
KATHLEEN N. LOHR, Deputy Director, Division of Health Care Services
Revised Edition
MARILYN J. FIELD, Deputy Director, Division of Health Care Services
KARLA SAUNDERS, Administrative Assistant

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

PrefaceRevised Edition

The publication of a revised edition of an Institute of Medicine (IOM)

report is atypical. In this case, the high, persisting demand for the original report
and continued interest in computer-based patient records (CPRs) led the IOM to
endorse the production of a second edition 6 years after the release of the
original report. The initiation of the second report corresponded with the
midway point of the target set in the recommendations of the Committee on
Improving the Patient Record for achieving widespread implementation of
CPRs in 10 years. Financial support from both the public and private sectors
made the publication of the second edition a reality. This edition contains a new
Preface, two commentaries that report on the state of CPRs today, and the full
text of the original report published in 1991. The commentaries are individually
authored and are not the product of a study committee, but like all IOM
publications, they did undergo the standard National Academy of Sciences/
National Research Council report review process. The authors of the
commentaries are distinguished leaders in the field of medical informatics and
are particularly well known for their work on CPRs. Drs. Paul C. Tang and W.
Ed Hammond are past chairs of the Computer-based Patient Record Institute
(CPRI), Dr. Jan H. van Bemmel edits the annual Yearbook of Medical
Informatics for the International Medical Informatics Association, and Drs.
Astrid M. van Ginneken and Johan van der Lei have written extensively on
Six years has proven to be a long time in the world of health care. When
the original report was released in 1991, the genetic locations of mutations that
result in several major diseases were still unknown and laparoscopic surgery
was just coming into widespread use. We had essentially nothing

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


to offer AIDS sufferers in the way of treatment, neither did we use umbilical
cord blood for bone marrow transplantation. During these past few years
comprehensive government-led health care reform reached its pinacle, was
defeated, and market-driven changes in health care financing and delivery
permeated much of the country.
There have been equally significant changes in information technology.
Between 1991 and 1997, there was a 8-fold increase in power and capacity of
personal computers and comparable improvements in peripheral devices with
the result of making powerful workstations more affordable. The dramatic
strides in computer technology have been accompanied by the massive growth
of the Internet, as well as of local and regional networks that link communities,
schools, health care providers, and individuals to information resources around
the world.
Despite this milieu of rapid change, the vision outlined in this report by the
Committee on Improving the Patient Record remains remarkably on target, and
the case for CPRs is stronger today than it was 6 years ago. The demand for
timely, accurate health data continues to grow. The changing demographics of
the population are placing more demands on the information capabilities of
health care providers and systems. The increasing volume of data collected and
the continued growth of medical knowledge have created a dramatic need for
information technology appropriate for the task of sorting through all the
information available, assessing the strength of the evidence, and bringing it to
practitioners whenever they need it, particularly at the time they are making
care decisions. Further, the evolution of health care delivery organizations into
integrated delivery systems means that those organizations need a way of
managing their services. And, of course, citizens and other purchasers need
better tools for assessing the performance of health care providers as well as for
managing their own health care decisions.
Looking ahead, current trends in health care delivery, management, and
research will likely broaden the vision of CPRs in two areas: population-based
management of health through computer-based population records and citizenbased management of health through another variant of the CPR, the computerbased personal health record. First, CPRs will play an increasingly important
role in supplying data for computer-based population data bases. High-quality
data are essential to the management of care for individuals; however, such data
are equally critical for research, to support public health activities, and to track
the performance of health care providersboth individuals and institutions.
Second, as people continue to become more active consumers of health care and
assume greater responsibility for managing their own health, and as information
technology becomes available in more homes, individuals will increasingly use
elements of the CPR and CPR-related technology to search through the health

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


communicate with their health care professionals, access data on their health
care history, track the costs and value of the services they receive, diagnose
acute conditions, and manage chronic conditions. The emergence of personal
health information systemscustomer-based personal health recordsthat are
responsive to a variety of needs of individuals raises new opportunities for
systems developers to provide complicated information in an easily understood
format. Moreover, integrated delivery systems may increasingly view customerbased personal health record systems as a means of attracting new members,
streamlining communication with patients, and diagnosing and monitoring
patient conditions remotely and cost-effectively.
The demand for CPR systems has steadily increased since the release of
the first edition of this report. CPR innovatorsin the United States, Europe,
and elsewhereare proving not only that CPRs can meet users' needs, but also
that there are significant benefits to be gained from their use. Recent experience
has shown that access to data and information at the point of care and the ability
to analyze data for management and research purposes improve the quality and
reduce the costs of care. These capacities are critical for any health care provider
whether a group practice, hospital, or integrated delivery systemto function
successfully. Thus, CPRs are, and will continue to be, an essential technology
for health care.
Today there are several examples of quite robust hospital-based CPR
systems developed by individual institutions, and commercial systems have
moved toward achieving the 12 attributes of CPRs outlined in the original
report. Plenty of room remains, however, to combine the depth of systems
developed by institutions with easily modified, modular architecture, readily
available technology, and the use of national standards. Even as CPR systems
become increasingly robust, there is not, nor is there likely to be, a single CPR
product that meets all the needs of a provider organization. Thus, organizations
seeking CPRs face significant challenges in integrating various systems to
achieve the full functionality they need. Moreover, CPR diffusion goes far
beyond technology within an organization and relies at least as much on a
change in culture that requires motivated, educated leadership within institutions.
Until CPR use becomes the norm for all practitioners across all provider
settings as recommended in the original report, we will continue to lack the
tools needed to manage the quality and costs of health care, the scientific basis
for health care will continue to be undermined, and the dramatic transformation
of health care so urgently required will be impeded. Thus, a major challenge
facing us is to determine how to advance from where we are to where we need
to be with respect to the development and diffusion of CPRs. How can we take
full advantage of the lessons learned by the leaders in CPR development and
reduce the problems for future CPR users?

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Where should we as individuals and organizations interested in achieving

the potential of CPRs devote our time and financial resources?
The two commentaries give readers an opportunity to reflect on these
questions. In the first chapter of this edition, Drs. Tang and Hammond describe
environmental changes that reinforce the need for CPRs, review developments
in the United States since 1991, and provide insight into remaining challenges.
In the second chapter, Drs. van Bemmel, van Ginneken, and van der Lei
describe the state of CPRs in Europe. In so doing, they highlight areas in which
efforts in the United States can benefit from European experience; for example,
the entire European community has a ubiquitous privacy law whereas the
United States cannot seem to accomplish this important objective. They also
report that there has been more activity on CPR systems for generalists
compared to the United States, where the early focus of CPR development
efforts was heavily titled toward the hospital environment. Not surprisingly,
both chapters emphasize the need for collaboration to further refine CPRs.
The commentaries also provide a sense of the impact of the
recommendations in the original report. Briefly, varying degrees of progress can
be observed on the seven recommendations originally made in Chapter 5 of this
report. First, some institutions have implemented computer systems that fulfill
many of the desirable functions of a CPR as their standard record for patient
care; other institutions and providers are using both paper and computer
systems, but see CPRs as inevitable. Second, since its creation in 1992, CPRI
has been a focal point for CPR issues and has grappled with the challenges of
expanding the understanding of the pivotal role of CPRs in health care delivery
and of eliminating key barriers to CPR diffusion. Toward that end, in November
1996, CPRI organized a CPR summit with other major health informatics
organizations to ratify and endorse actions that will overcome barriers to
effective use of information technology in health care. The summit was
successful in generating a high degree of consensus for immediate action.
Third, support for CPR research and development for CPRs exists, but it
has not been provided in the scope and scale necessary to enable major
breakthroughs. Federal funding in the United States has been modest and
inconsistent; it is typically focused on research issues and is not always directly
related to the development of working CPR systems. In general, private health
foundations have been distressingly slow to invest their resources in this critical
area and the potential for collaboration between the public and private sectors to
direct policy and to leverage resources has not been achieved.
Fourth, although work on various standards has been steady and limited
progress is evident, setting standards remains an arduous process with limited
financial support. Moreover, a greater focus on international standards

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


is needed. Fifth, federal laws related to CPRs (e.g., data ownership,

responsibility, and confidentiality) are still lacking. At least in the case of
protection of personal health data, lively discussion and debate have prevented a
consensus leading to the enactment of sound policy. On a more positive note,
however, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has
created a high-level data council, and its National Committee on Vital and
Health Statistics is refocusing its efforts on the handling of data in part through
the mandate of Public Law 104-191, the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act.
Sixth, no progress can be reported on the recommendation that the costs of
developing and implementing CPRs should be shared among those who benefit
from them. The cost of capitalizing CPR systems remains a significant hurdle
for individual institutions, and it is a serious policy issue that must be
addressed. Finally, anecdotal evidence indicates that there are better educational
opportunities for health care professionals to acquire the skills necessary to
develop and use CPRs. There is, however, an equally important need to educate
administrators and other people involved in allocating resources to and selecting
CPR systems about both the benefits and complexities of CPR systems.
An important issue emerges after reviewing the limited impact of the
committee's seven recommendations over the past 6 years. What else needs to
be done to advance CPRs? What would help to jumpstart this process and
expedite progress toward the committee's original goal of widespread
implementation of CPRs by 2001? Again, the commentaries shed light on these
questions. The original report called for federal support of CPRI, public and
private support of research and development, federal laws related to CPRs, and
collaboration among various public and private groups to explore CPR
reimbursement mechanisms.
As Drs. Tang and Hammond report, individual federal agencies have
played a role over the past few years, but a coordinated, comprehensive, funded
policy has not emerged. In contrast, Drs. van Bemmel, van Ginneken, and van
der Lei report on several specific ways in which the European Union is
supporting CPR development. Thus, in the United States, we need to establish
the appropriate role of government, particularly the federal government, in
advancing the development and implementation of CPRs.
A coordinated national program for CPR advancement in the United States
could be based on the seven recommendations presented in the original report.
Such a program would build on existing private sector efforts and strengthen
them by bringing both policy and funding leverage that the private sector cannot
provide alone. As was emphasized in the original report, the federal government
should not take exclusive control of CPR development and implementation; the
private sector's perspectives are vital to a sound approach to CPR development.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

Several of the remaining critical impediments to CPR development

outlined in the commentary by Drs. Tang and Hammond are not just intractable,
but virtually impossible to overcome, if pursued by the private sector alone.
Moreover, crucial incremental efforts are more likely to succeed in the context
of a comprehensive national program. There is every reason to push for
increased government involvement without delay so that quality, cost, and
access to modern, evidence-based health care can be achieved. The original 10year target remains within reach, but only if a national effort is undertaken
Significant challenges abound: building the requisite infrastructure, optimizing
the available technology (including integrating various systems), ensuring the
availability of enough people with the right skills, addressing organizational
culture and change issues, and confronting financing and policy issues.
Clearly, this most essential of all elements of modern health carea robust
CPRhas a growing body of advocates. The challenge is to coalesce these
parties into a public-private partnership dedicated to creating through the
information infrastructure a better health care system for all Americans. As the
Preface to the first edition concluded, success will require cooperation and
coordination, and perhaps some sacrifice and compromise as well, but we are
fully convinced that the outcomes will be well worth such an effort. What we
believe will emerge will be a more caring, more scientific, and no less
important, more cost-effective health care system. (Pp. vi-vii)

We hope that this report will continue to be a catalyst to encourage people

to take advantage of the opportunity at hand. We must move from debate and
discussion about the remaining impediments to education, investment, and most
important, to action by both the private and public sectors to realize the
potential of the CPR as anperhaps theessential technology for health care.
Don E. Detmer, M.D., and Elaine B. Steen, M.A.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


PrefaceOriginal Edition

Health care professionals and policymakers seeking to ensure greater value

in health care services face many boundary conditions that are fixed and a host
of problems that are not. Today, the opportunity to affect one of those boundary
conditionsthe information management capabilities in health careis within
our grasp. This report advocates the prompt development and implementation
of computer-based patient records (CPRs). Put simply, this Institute of
Medicine committee believes that CPRs and CPR systems have a unique
potential to improve the care of both individual patients and populations and,
concurrently, to reduce waste through continuous quality improvement.
We are not suggesting a simple automation of the current patient record.
Rather, we envision the next generation of CPRs and CPR systems as essential
to the full maturation of the scientific basis of health care. The report outlines
the basic components of future CPRs and a strategic plan for achieving
widespread CPR implementation. Further, it identifies the key organizations
that will need to play major roles if the plan is to succeed.
The vision of the patient record of the future that emerged from the
committee's deliberations seems uniquely appropriate for a nation that values
pluralism and privacy and has a mobile population with growing levels of
chronic illness. CPRs are a key infrastructural requirement to support the
information management needs of physicians, other health professionals, and a
variety of other legitimate users of aggregated patient information. It is this
vision, as much as any other message, that the committee hopes will engage the
reader. We believe that if enough individuals become embued with this sense of
the possible, the reality will emerge.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Our report is intended for a very broad audience. We see it as especially

pertinent for physicians and other health care practitioners; health care
managers; medical record professionals; health services researchers; medical
informatics researchers; computer vendors; third-party payers; the legal
community; federal, state, and local health care agencies; state legislators;
members of the federal legislative and executive branches of government; and,
finally, interested citizens. All these parties, we believe, have much to gain from
the success of CPRs and CPR systems.
Happily, this report complements and is complemented by several other
recent activities that convinced us, as we proceeded with our work, that the time
was ripe for a major CPR initiative. The Office of Science and Data
Development of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) is
leading efforts to improve the quality and quantity of data available for health
services researchparticularly effectiveness, appropriateness, and outcomes
research. In addition, the AHCPR Forum on Quality and Effectiveness in
Health Care, the American Medical Association, and other professional
organizations are playing a major national role in the development of clinical
practice guidelines. The CPR will be a boon to both these endeavors.
The activities of several other groups also lend support to the move toward
widespread implementation of computer-based records. The General
Accounting Office recently released a forward-looking report on the potential
benefits of patient record automation. Several Institute of Medicine reports
published over the last two years cite the need for improved patient data
collection to support quality assurance, utilization management, and
effectiveness research. The National Science Foundation recently issued a
report on the benefits of a national system for very high-speed data
communication, including health data. Finally, the National Research Council's
recently released report on safe computing in the information age outlines
problems and opportunities in computer security.
Given this apparent climate of opportunity for CPR development and
implementation, the committee came to the end of its work eager to disseminate
its message regarding the feasibility and potential of CPRs and CPR systems.
The natural ebullience common to the conclusion of a study was tempered,
however, by the untimely death of committee member Nicholas E. Davies. Dr.
Davies saw more clearly than many of us what needed to be done to implement
the vision of fully developed patient records and had committed his
considerable personal energies to achieving our collective goals for CPRs and
CPR systems. For this reason we feel it appropriate to dedicate this report to
him and to his belief in our vision.
If this project is to succeed, we must soon see organizational efforts that
adopt and implement, or refine and implement, our recommendations. Success
will require cooperation and coordination, and perhaps some sacrifice

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


and compromise as well, but we are fully convinced that the outcomes will be
well worth such an effort. What we believe will emerge will be a more caring,
more scientific, and, no less important, more cost-effective health care system.
We hope that this report will be a catalyst to encourage you to join with us to
address the opportunity at hand.
Finally, on a personal note, the enthusiasm, involvement, and support of
the many individuals and institutions acknowledged elsewhere in this report
were deeply appreciated.
Don E. Detmer, M.D.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


AcknowledgmentsRevised Edition

This revised report was an unusual effort stimulated by both the

widespread interest in the original committee report and the rapid pace of
developments since the publication of that report. In addition to the authors of
the two commentaries, the editors want to acknowledge the contributions of
Octo Barnett, M.D., Harvard University, who substantially strengthened the
commentaries through his rigorous review. At the Institute of Medicine,
Marilyn J. Field, Ph.D., Deputy Director of the Division of Health Care
Services, offered to steer the revised report through the various stages of
fundraising, editing, report review, and publication. Karla Saunders worked
with drafts of the national and international commentaries to prepare them for
review and for publication. Claudia Carl, Mike Edington, and Mona Brinegar
provided additional assistance at various stages in the process. Margret
Amatyakul, Executive Director of the Computer-based Patient Record Institute,
was instrumental in helping to raise funds and otherwise support this revised
Support for this revised edition was provided by the National Library of
Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the
Computer-based Patient Record Institute. Additional support was provided by
the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Oceania,
Inc., American Board of Family Practice, Inc., MedicaLogic, Inc., 3M,
Association of Operating Room Nurses, Inc., Adventist Health System Sunbelt
Health Care Corporation, Computer-based Patient Record Institute, Inc.,
American Health Information Management Association, Ernst & Young LLP,
and Hewlett-Packard.
Support for the committee report (original edition) was provided by the

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American Medical Record Association, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, BoozAllen and Hamilton, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Gerber Alley and
Company, the John A. Hartford Foundation, Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM
Corporation, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and Science Applications
International Corporation. In addition, the Health Care Financing
Administration (Contract No. 500-90-0041), the Department of Veterans
Affairs (Contract No. 101-C90014), and the Health Resources and Services
Administration provided financial support. Finally, the Agency for Health Care
Policy and Research (Contract No. 282-90-0018) provided funds for a
workshop that contributed to the deliberations of the study committee; the
former National Center for Health Services Research provided funds for
planning efforts before the study began (Grant No. 5909 HS055 2602).

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


AcknowledgementsOriginal Edition

The committee would like to express its appreciation for the contributions
of many individuals and organizations to this project. In addition to the
subcommittee members listed in Appendix A, more than 200 individuals
representing organizations throughout the health care sector attended
subcommittee meetings or submitted written information, providing the
committee with a broad base of information from which to draw. Several
subcommittee members led work groups or prepared papers and presentations.
Subcommittee chairs and assistant chairs in particular devoted significant
amounts of time preparing for their meetings and writing reports of
subcommittee findings for use by the full study committee.
Several individuals prepared background papers that were most helpful to
the study committee and staff. In addition to Adele Waller (whose paper
appears in this volume), the committee acknowledges the contributions of Paul
Tang, Donald Lindberg and Betsy Humphreys, Margret Amatayakul and Mary
Joan Wogan, John Silva, and Orley Lindgren and Don Harper Mills. The
committee also expresses its gratitude to the participants of a workshop on
overcoming barriers to patient record development who provided the committee
with a sounding board for its ideas about an organizational framework to
accelerate such development.
This study would not have been possible without financial support from
many entities. Within the private sector, we acknowledge generous support
from the American Medical Record Association, Baxter Healthcare
Corporation, Booz-Allen and Hamilton, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and
Company, Gerber Alley and Company, the John A. Hartford Foundation,
Hewlett-Packard Company, IBM Corporation, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,
and Science

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Applications International Corporation. Within the public sector, the

Department of Veterans Affairs, the Health Care Financing Administration, and
the Health Resources and Services Administration provided important funding
for the study. The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)
sponsored a workshop on overcoming barriers to patient record development
that provided valuable information for the committee's deliberations.
Preliminary staff work on the study was supported in part by the Institute of
Medicine Council on Health Care Technology, which received financial support
from AHCPR's predecessor, the National Center for Health Services Research
and Health Care Technology Assessment.
We are indebted to several Institute of Medicine staff members. Enriqueta
Bond and Richard Rettig oversaw the initiation of the project. Maria Elena Lara
and Ethan Halm provided staff support, and Clifford Goodman (now with the
Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care) provided guidance
in the early stages of the study. Karl Yordy, and particularly Kathleen Lohr,
helped steer the study through its later phases. Elaine Steen and Richard Dick
provided staff support throughout the study and were responsible for preparing
this report on behalf of the committee.
All studies rely on the efforts of administrative and financial staff for dayto-day operations. The committee appreciates the contributions of Holly
Dawkins, Suzanna Gilbert, Evanson Joseph, Theresa Nally, Delores Sutton, and
H. Donald Tiller in project administration and Cynthia Abel, Lisa Chimento,
and Nina Spruill in financial administration. Finally, we thank Leah Mazade for
her editorial comments on this report.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition



Paul C. Tang and W. Ed Hammond
Jan H. van Bemmel, Astrid M. van Ginneken, and Johan van der



User Needs and System Requirements
Computer-Based Patient Record Technologies
Nontechnological Barriers


The Study
Report Organization
The Patient Record
Information Management Challenges
Information Management Opportunities
Beyond Technology
Why Now?


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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition




Defining Health Care Needs
Translating Customer Needs into System Requirements
The Future Patient Record



Technological Building Blocks for CPR Systems
Experience with CPR Systems
An Overview of CPR Systems
Clinician Interaction and Resistance
Technological Barriers
Appendix: The Computer-Based Patient Record System Vendor



Development and Diffusion Factors
Elements of an Implementation Strategy
Appendix: Maternal and Child Health Care and Computer-Based
Patient Records









Adele A. Waller




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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

The Computer-Based Patient Record

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


A Progress Report on Computer-Based

Patient Records in the United States

Paul C. Tang and W. Ed Hammond

Much has changed since the release of the first edition of The ComputerBased Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care. The current
environment in which health care is practiced and the information technology
available to its practitioners are significantly different from that which existed
when the study was completed in 1991. Changes in the health care environment
produced fundamental shifts in the delivery of health care, favoring outpatient
care over impatient care, primary care over specialty care, and guidelines-driven
care over autonomous decision making. Technological advances have overcome
some barriers to computer-based patient records (CPRs) (e.g., World Wide
Web, applications that operate across distances on many different computers)
and heightened the visibility of others (e.g., confidentiality policies and
legislation). In this commentary, we describe some of the environmental and
technological changes that have occurred since publication of the first edition
and highlight the challenges that remain to be addressed. Probably the most
significant nontechnological change that occurred since 1991 was the change in
the health care practice environment. We begin by addressing the new
As health care costs in the United States approached $1 trillion in the early
1990s, businesses, consumers, and payers began to call for mechanisms to
manage the escalating costs (IOM, 1993). This issue was so much at the
forefront of U.S. business and political priorities, that the 1992 presidential
election was dominated

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

by discussions of health care costs and debate on effective ways to control them.
Although efforts at full-scale health care reform led by the federal
government gained momentum, peaked, and then disintegrated, market-driven
changes in health care delivery were already under way and steadily moving
forward. Managed care plans continue to gain increasing shares of the market
(Hoechst Marion Rousell, Inc., 1995). The need to examine and manage the
health needs of a population has dramatically increased the demand for
information systems that capture clinical data. The health care information
systems industry has shifted its attention from financial systems to clinical
systems, particularly CPR systems. Two core tenets of managed care that
impact the demand for CPR systems have been the central role of primary care
and the emergence of integrated delivery systems.
The Evolving Role of Primary Care
Managed care has redefined the primary care provider as the principal
provider of care and, in many instances, a gatekeeper for access to certain
diagnostic tests and specialty care. To efficiently carry out these roles, the
clinician needs ready access to both clinical and administrative data. At the
same time, guidelines are being promoted to reduce the variances among
clinical practices. When guidelines are integrated into a CPR system, they can
streamline the steps necessary to adhere to them and simultaneously document
that compliance. CPR systems that integrate clinical guidelines in the orderentry process have the best acceptance among providers (Sittig and Stead, 1994;
Sullivan and Mitchell, 1995; CPRI, 1996c, 1997). However, despite the
abundance of guidelines, few can be implemented in a computer as written
(Tierney et al., 1995). Software tools are needed to help author guidelines that
are internally consistent, include precise definitions of eligibility criteria, and
accommodate a variety of patient conditions.
One of the major goals of managed care is to provide more of the care
outside of the hospital. However, the impatient and the outpatient settings differ
substantially. There are differences in the temporal nature of information, the
responsibilities of each member of the health care team, the need for a
communications infrastructure to facilitate coordination of care, and other
logistical concerns which impact the detailed design of information systems.
Consequently, vendors of information system products for hospitals find that
there is a steep learning curve to understanding the information needs of
physicians in the ambulatory care setting. Deliberate analysis of the information
needs and work flow requirements in ambulatory care will help system
developers design information systems that increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of clinical practice throughout the continuum.

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The Integrated Delivery System

Another fundamental concept that heightens the need for CPR systems is
that of an integrated delivery system (IDS). An IDS is composed of health care
providers, service providers, and facilities organized to provide a continuum of
health care services to a defined population. These systems of health care were
created in response to payers' desire to contract with single entities that provide
comprehensive health care services for their clients. To manage the delivery of
care in an IDS, a health system must have efficient and accurate ways of
capturing, managing, and analyzing clinical data collected at all the different
sites where care is provided.
In addition, payers and regulators are requesting ''report cards" on quality,
outcomes, and costs of care provided by the integrated delivery system. For
example, the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) developed the
Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) as a standard report
card to help employers evaluate different health plans. Initially focused more on
administrative data, the evolving HEDIS criteria are increasingly targeting
clinical processes and outcomes. Gathering the data to prepare these reports can
be immensely time-consuming and costly when they are manually abstracted
from paper records, but with a CPR, reporting on aggregate data can be a
byproduct of capturing data electronically.
NCQA advised health plans to "move to fully implement the information
framework, including the automated patient record" in order to meet the clinical
reporting requirements of forthcoming regulations (NCQA, 1997). As outcomes
reporting requirements become more sophisticated and deal with complex,
multifaceted diseases, it will be essential to have electronic access to the record
and tools to efficiently analyze practice patterns and patient outcomes. NCQA
will develop HEDIS measures that assume health plans and provider
organizations use CPRs by 2002.
In short, since the release of the first edition, the demand for clinical data
has become a business imperative. The organizational complexities of these
large, diverse, and geographically dispersed health systems add new challenges
and new opportunitiesfor developers and implementers of CPR systems.
Technological Advances
Computer processing power doubles in performance and halves in cost
about every 2 years. These past 6 years have been no exception. Although it is
not our intent to review all the developments in information technology
(because technology has not been the critical impediment to adoption of CPR
systems), three striking technological shifts have occurred that favorably impact
the foundation for CPR systems. We briefly describe these developments below.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

The Internet and the World Wide Web: Widespread Connectivity

Perhaps the single biggest technological change since the first edition of
the report is the rising importance of the Internet. Although the Internet dates
back to 1969 when the first node of ARPANET was installed at the University
of California at Los Angeles, several changes have coalesced to bring together a
paradigm shift that now touches all segments of society. The World Wide Web
(WWW) has transformed a research network into the fabric of a new
information age. Internet service providers have made access convenient and
reasonably inexpensive. As much as 50 percent of the U.S. population will have
access to the Internet by early in the next century (National Research Council,
1996). It is precisely this kind of ubiquitous connectivity that enables IDS
organizations to share data throughout their geographically dispersed clinical
delivery sites, and even to reach the consumer or patient at home. To the extent
that health care becomes dependent on access to computer networks, however,
policymakers need to pay special attention to the needs of the medically
underserved population to ensure that lack of network access does not further
impede their access to care.
Connectivity is not the only requirement for transmitting patient data to
remote sites. Confidentiality and security safeguards need to be developed and
enforced. Fortunately, the requirements of business to protect electronic
commerce over the Internet will drive technical solutions and policy standards,
which health care applications can leverage. Technology dedicated solely to
health care applications risk being orphaned due to the lack of a mass market.
The market drive of consumerism must pave the information infrastructure for
health care applications
World Wide Web Browsers: A Universal View on the Internet
Probably the most important tool that led to the domestication of the
Internet was the development of software that made it easy to connect to,
search, browse, and download information from anywhere on the network as if
it were located on the user's personal computer. Commonly called browser
software (e.g., Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer), these
programs give a graphical, intuitive, and common interface to functions that
locate and interact with remote data on the Internet without the user having any
technical knowledge of how it is done. Browser user interfaces have become so
commonplace that they are being adopted as the interface to desktop computers.
Another fundamental breakthrough associated with WWW browsers is that
the software runs on almost any computer (Cimino, 1995). One of the critical
problems that had been plaguing computer users since the invention of
electronic computing has been the general inability of programs written for one
machine to run on another machine or to use data generated by another
program. Efficient and cost-effective use of computers suffered due to the
incompatibilities caused

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

by a lack of standards. The WWW defined standards for document formats

(hypertext markup language, HTML) and transfer protocols (hypertext transfer
protocol, HTTP). Compliance with these standards permitted independent
developers to write programs for heterogeneous computers and operating
systems, yet have them all seamlessly access information on the WWW.
The success of the WWW demonstrates the market-expanding potential of
adopted standards. It also demonstrates the remarkable leverage provided
through natural entrepreneurial forces complying with industry standards. The
benefits to the consumer, including clinicians, are tremendous.
The Intranet
A variant, but powerful spin-off, of the Internet is the Intranet, a controlledaccess version of the Internet. Like the Internet, Intranets use industry-standard
document formats, data exchange protocols, and browsers. The prolific
development of new tools and products for the Internet can be directly applied
to Intranets. An estimated 80 percent of the Internet products are purchased for
use on an Intranet. The Intranet, however, typically has better bandwidth,
security, and administration because it is controlled and operated by the private
enterprise. These advantages are particularly important for health care
applications, and most health care organizations are exploring the use of
Intranets as a component of their information strategy.
Network-Centric Computing
Industry is at the cusp of another major changenetwork-centric
computing. The predominant paradigm for computing today uses personal
computers (PCs) to perform most of the computational work using software that
resides on local disks. The hardware, software, and support costs for this type of
operation require large budgets and staffs.
Network-centric computers are diskless computers that attach to a network
and load software stored on a server computer. The capability to manage
hardware and software more centrally reduces the acquisition and operating
costs for the enterprise. Although this new architecture has not been used
extensively in production, it has the potential to revamp distributed computing.
Having noted the significant changes in the health care environment and
advances in information technology, we next discuss the current state of the
As discussed in Chapter 4 of the report, the development and diffusion of a
new technology are separable but interrelated events. In discussing the state of
CPR development and implementation in the United States today, it would be

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

desirable to examine two questions. First, to what extent have CPRs, as defined
by the study committee, been developed? Second, to what extent have the
available CPRs been adopted? Unfortunately, a comprehensive review of the
industry does not exist, and it would soon be out of date if it did. Alternatively,
one could rephrase the questions from the perspectives of providers and
vendors. From the perspective of system purchasers, do the CPR systems that
are available in the market meet the needs of health care institutions? And from
the perspective of vendors, is the market ready to buy CPR systems? Although
in neither case is the answer a resounding "yes," promising signs can be reported.
The CPR Market
One must be careful when describing a "CPR market" not to tether the
concept to a single, static idea whose incarnation can be purchased "off-theshelf." In some sense, it is precisely the static nature of the paper-based record
that has been such a great burden to the practice of medicine. Instead, a CPR
system is a constantly evolving concept whose value and function is expected to
grow with the constantly changing demands of the health care environment and
the improving technology upon which the system is built. The level of CPR
development activity has definitely increased significantly since 1991. The
number of commercial systems addressing various attributes of CPRs has
increased and most major health care information technology vendors now offer
CPR-related products. However, comprehensive information system products
that seamlessly integrate data and coordinate processes across the entire
continuum of health care services do not exist. Most health care information
system vendors, whether their products were formerly based in the impatient or
the outpatient side, are working to extend their products to cover the needs of
integrated delivery systems. Developers generally start from the data end of the
system and work toward the human side where the clinician interacts directly
with the system. Hence, one way to trace the evolving functionality is to look at
the transformation of data into information that clinicians use to make
decisions. Although the path is not necessarily sequential, five hallmarks of this
transformation are enumerated below:

Integrated view of patient data,

Access to knowledge resources,
Physician order entry and clinician data entry,
Integrated communications support, and
Clinical decision support.

Integrated View of Patient Data

This is one of the earliest benefits of CPRsimproving access to all
patient data whenever and wherever clinical decisions are made independent of

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

the data was originally acquired. Observational studies of clinicians'

information needs provide details on the kinds of information physicians require
to make decisions regarding the care of their patients (Tang et al., 1994). Up to
81 percent of the time, physicians could not find all the available patient
information desired to make patient care decisions during an outpatient
encounter. Limited by a format that has not substantively changed in close to a
century, the paper record is ill-suited to the information demands of modern
clinical practice. Most CPR system vendors offer products that combine data
from various sources and present an integrated view to clinicians.
Access to Knowledge Resources
Providers often need other information in addition to patient data and their
own personal knowledge (Covell et al., 1985). The guidelines, rules, and
regulations in the managed care environment have intensified this need to
access medical and administrative knowledge at the time decisions are made.
CPR systems sometimes provide methods for organizations to incorporate
access to local knowledge resources, but generally, this knowledge access is
passive. That is, the user searches for the needed information electronically but
has to abstract the pertinent content and enter any relevant orders manually into
the clinical system. Ideally, access to knowledge resources should be integrated
with clinical decision support in ways that directly influence physicians'
ordering behavior, as described below.
Physician Order Entry and Clinician Data Entry
Physician orders initiate clinical interventions. Proactively influencing
physicians' orders is the most efficient way to influence patient outcomes
(McDonald, 1976, 1984). Systems that physicians use routinely to enter orders,
whether in the impatient setting or outpatient setting, can produce significant
effects on quality and costs of care (Barnett, 1984; Tierney et al., 1987, 1990,
1993; Sittig and Stead, 1994). In addition, when clinical data are entered and
maintained by the clinicians responsible for care, the accuracy and quality of
data are high. Very few commercial systems, however, are used by physicians
to write all their orders. Human-computer interface issues and perceived benefit
substantially affect the success of this function. Some of the reasons are
discussed later under remaining barriers.
Integrated Communications Support
With an increasing emphasis on outpatient care, coordinating the activities
of health care professionals from multiple organizations at different sites,
including the home, becomes more important. No longer confined to an acute
care facility

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

where proximity between the health care team members and the patient was the
rule, the patient and care team in the outpatient setting meet more by
appointment than by clinical demand. Relying on paper-based mail is inefficient
and fallible. Clinicians need integrated communications support for effective
functioning of the multidisciplinary outpatient health care team (Tang et al.,
1996). A communications infrastructure that is linked to the shared patient
record facilitates overall coordination of care and timely response to changing
patient conditions.
Clinical Decision Support
Few, if any, commercial systems provide a high level of proactive decision
support. Drug interaction checking and simple abnormal laboratory-test result
alerts are available, but the richness of applying a broad range of knowledge to
influence physicians' orders is still under development (Johnson, 1994).
Only when both patient data and clinical knowledge reside in the system in
machine-understandable format can the system provide additional support to the
clinician making decisions. For example, encoded medical knowledge about the
meaning and significance of changing laboratory-test results would allow a
system to provide alerts, an active function, in addition to the passive data
retrieval function. Similarly, if the system could match the patient context with
relevant clinical guidelines, it could present ordering options consistent with the
appropriate guidelines. The clinician is responsible for the definitive decision,
but the system can actively provide options and explanations that improve the
clinician's efficiency and compliance with accepted guidelines of practice.
In summary, since the first edition, there has been a significant increase in
development efforts on CPR systems. We remain optimistic that the remaining
years of the decade-long challenge will deliver on the promises of computersupported decision making.
At the Fork
In 1991, the Committee on Improving the Patient Record reported that the
most advanced CPR systems were found in several academic medical centers or
teaching hospitals affiliated with universities as well as in the Department of
Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense. Not surprisingly, today the
most advanced CPR systems implemented in the United States can be found in
the same places. Of the seven institutions that have been recognized as part of
the Computer-based Patient Record Institute Davies CPR Recognition Program
(described below), four are academic medical centers and one is the Department
of Veterans Affairs. One of the distinguishing factors of institutions that have
been recognized as having advanced CPRs is the clear organizational leadership
and commitment to CPR system implementation that helped make their efforts
successful (CPRI, 1995c, 1996c, 1997).

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition

A comic saying attributed to Yogi Berra states: "When you come to the
fork in the road, take it." In contrast to the early CPR system adopters, most
health care institutions are standing at the fork, trying to decide whether or not
to begin implementing a CPR system. Those who have made the decision to
invest in a CPR system are grappling with the complicated issue of how to do
so. Many organizations implement the CPR system in some, but not all areas.
Others implement a partial system and depend on a combination of paper and
electronic documentation. All adopters of CPR systems must address how to
integrate the components of the CPR and how to integrate the CPR with other
institutional information systems. The challenge of implementing such an
expansive, robust system is daunting, but the option of continuing to manage
the clinical and administrative data of an IDS on paper is increasingly becoming
a nonviable alternative.
Recent Activity to Advance CPRs in the United States
Against the backdrop of technical and nontechnical changes, interest in
and incentives to develop CPR systems have increased.
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has been at the forefront in
stimulating research on the effective use of CPR systems and networked access
to shared data (Lindberg, 1995). NLM conducts intramural research that is
directly applicable to technological and infrastructural needs of CPR system
development and effectively uses its extramural research grants and contracts to
apply the results of academic research to health care. Through its HighPerformance Computing and Communications contracts, NLM has been a
leader in facilitating the use of information technology by health care
professionals of rural, urban, community, and statewide networks around the
country. NLM's extensive work on the Unified Medical Language System
(UMLS) has been a major contribution in the medical terminology arena. NLM
and the Agency for Health Care Policy Research (AHCPR) are sponsoring a
large-scale vocabulary test to assess the "extent to which a combination of
existing health-related classifications and vocabularies covers vocabulary
needed in information systems supporting health care, public health, and health
services research" (Humphreys et al., 1996). NLM is further extending the reach
of shared computer-based patient data and systems through its telemedicine
Due to AHCPR's role in developing scientifically based clinical guidelines,
it has long recognized the importance of standard data definitions and capturing
clinical data in structured form. AHCPR has also played an active role in
facilitating standards development. Widespread use of CPR systems would not
only facilitate the collection of aggregate data in support of guidelines
development, but also make effective the dissemination and use of clinical
guidelines in clinical practice.
In addition to the efforts undertaken by NLM and AHCPR, other federal

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


agencies, including the Department of Defense, and the National Institute of

Standards and Testing have internal and extramural activities in CPR systems.
However, a cohesive federal policy to speed the development of a health
information infrastructure and the diffusion of CPRs has not emerged in the
United States (Shortliffe et al., 1996).
One focal point for accelerating the development of the infrastructure for
CPR systems (e.g., confidentiality policies, standards, evaluation criteria) in the
private sector has been the Computer-based Patient Records Institute (CPRI).
CPRI was formed in response to the recommendation of the Institute of
Medicine (IOM) study committee to promote and facilitate the development,
implementation, and dissemination of the CPR. Led by many of the initial
supporters of the IOM committee, CPRI was incorporated in January 1992, as
an association of organizations representing the various stakeholders in health
care. In its first year, 22 organizations became members of CPRI. Over the
subsequent years, the organization has grown to more than 70 members. CPRI
was charged by the IOM committee with the following objectives:
1. Support the effective, efficient use of computer-based patient records.
2. Educate change agents and stakeholders about the value of CPRs in
improving patient care.
3. Foster the CPR as the primary vehicle for collecting patient data.
4. Promote the development and use of standards for CPR security and data
content, structures, and vocabulary.
Despite efforts in the public and private sectors, however, significant
barriers impeded the development and use of CPR systems in the United States.
Many of the remaining critical barriers to CPR system development and routine
use concern problems that are most effectively dealt with by cooperative,
focused activity. We describe some of these barriers below.
Remaining Barriers or Challenges
Technology has continued to move forward at a rapid pace. By
comparison, the human and organizational sides of the challenges have
remained relatively stagnant. In 1991, the committee stated that informational,
organizational, and behavioral barriers must be addressed to advance CPR
systems, and that these barriers overshadowed the technical barriers. Below, we
elaborate on some of the critical barriers to CPR development and diffusion.
Definition of the CPR
Although work on a common definition of a CPR and CPR system is under
way by various groups, a universal understanding of the concepts embodied in a

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CPR does not exist. Without a clear understanding, users have a difficult time
selecting systems that will meet their needs and vendors have difficulty
supplying such systems. CPRI described a CPR as "electronically stored
information about an individual's lifetime health status and health care." It
replaces the paper medical record as the primary record of care, meeting all
clinical, legal, and administrative requirements. A CPR system provides
reminders and alerts, linkages with knowledge sources for decision support, and
data for outcomes research and improved management of health care delivery.
It is worth repeating a point made earlier that a CPR system is an evolving
concept that responds to the dynamic nature of the health care environment and
takes advantage of technological advances.
Beyond the first set of definitions, however, few details have been worked
out and agreed upon. For example, there is no common data model for the CPR,
no common set of data elements, no common vocabulary, and no common set
of scenarios that are supported. These requirements are fundamental if
developers are to create a person-centered CPR that links care across different
sites, specialties, and circumstances.
Many systems still follow the traditional organization and characteristics
of the paper-based system and have simply automated that system. Narrative
documentation, for example, is far more prevalent than structured text. Even
though most new CPRs support a multimedia record, new data forms have not
been smoothly integrated into the record, and little has been done to evaluate
their true worth. Finally, the concept of incorporating patient-derived
information (e.g., health status) as part of the patient record has not been
implemented to any significant degree.
Meeting User Needs
In order for clinicians to rely on data in the system, they must be the direct
users of the system. The emphasis on clinical data is a fundamental change from
the previous era of hospital information systems, where clerks were the main
users because the primary motivation was to capture charges and generate bills.
Analysis of the common questions concerning patient information that
physicians ask (e.g., what evidence supports the diagnosis, has a patient ever
had a specific test, and has there been any follow-up because of a particular
laboratory test result?) provides insight into the difficulties clinicians have had
finding the answers in the paper-based chart. Although current computer-based
tools installed in health care institutions can typically help clinicians retrieve
laboratory test results, they are not designed to answer many of the common
questions clinicians ask about patient data. CPR system developers will need to
address these needs to satisfy the new clinician users. The maker of the Swiss
Army Knife describes the key to inventions as follows: "Make it useful. Very
useful. Conveniently useful." Likewise, key to gaining clinician user
acceptance is providing efficient

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tools that help clinicians retrieve and understand data relevant to their decision
making tasks.
Clinicians also need answers to many questions regarding medical
knowledge (Covell et al., 1985). Diagnostic decision support tools are available
as stand-alone microcomputer programs (e.g., QMR, Illiad, DXplain) or are
available over the Internet (e.g., DXplain; Miller et al., 1986; Barnett et al.,
1987; Feldman and Barnett, 1991; Berner et al., 1996). However, their greatest
use would occur when proven diagnostic decision support tools are integrated
with CPR systems.
Among the more challenging issues confronting CPR system developers is
the issue of effective user-computer interfaces. Physicians must be the users of
the system, performing data entry (e.g., orders, progress notes) as well as
information retrieval, if they are to realize the benefits of interactive, on-line
decision support. Progress must be made in understanding the "cognitive
processes involved in human-computer interactions in order to design interfaces
that are more intuitive and more acceptable" (Tang and Patel, 1994). Cognitive
issues are also relevant to designing the presentation of clinical information in
ways that facilitate rapid assimilation and analysis. Ultimately, good solutions
to the human-computer interface will require changes not only in how the
system looks but also in how humans interact with the system. What
information the provider needs and what tasks the provider is performing will
influence what is presented as well as how it is presented. Templates that reflect
providers' work flows will aid them in using the system efficiently. Defaults
that represent common, desired selections, for example, not only improve
efficiency but also help increase compliance with practice-defined guidelines
(CPRI, 1996c, 1997).
Although user acceptance was a major barrier in the past, more and more
users are demanding that organizations implement computer-based means for
accessing and managing patient data. This is not to say that the cultural and
organizational challenges associated with major change are not substantial
barriers to overcome, but the users' awareness of the potential benefits will
become an increasing catalyst for change.
The change in users and uses has a dramatic impact on the applications
desired and the kinds of user interfaces required. The industry must now focus
on a completely different set of users and must define and address their
information needs. Proactive and informed user participation will be necessary
for implementations to succeed. The attention to clinical data and clinical users
described in this report is even more important today than it was 6 years ago.
Rather than existing as a monolithic system, contemporary health care
information systems are made up of multiple-component systems manufactured
by multiple vendors, owned by multiple entities. To share data, which is
required in

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an IDS, industry-adopted standards must be defined for interfaces between

components (AMIA, 1994; Hammond, 1994).
Health systems must have a unique health identifier (UHI) to accurately
and reliably link all the data on a single individual. Until last year, striving for a
national UHI had been an elusive goal. Public Law 104-191 (The Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) calls for the secretary of Health and
Human Services ''to adopt standards for unique health identifiers,
confidentiality policies, and terminology." To build support for addressing these
pivotal issues, in November 1996, CPRI convened a national Summit of over 80
senior executives representing health care providers, health systems,
government agencies, information systems vendors, businesses, regulators, and
quality assurance professionals. The organizations participating in the Summit
developed consensus recommendations regarding a unique health identifier,
confidentiality legislation and policies, and standard health terminology. CPRI
was charged with follow-up actions to work with government agencies and
industry groups to implement the recommendations.
The need for standards governing the content, vocabulary, and format of
data remains a high priority. So far, most of the progress has been made in the
development of messaging standards. Standards for data exchange have
continued to be expanded and are increasingly being adopted by provider
organizations and vendors. Standards now exist for exchanging clinical data
(Health Level Seven [HL-7], 1994), images (ACR/NEMA), clinical
observations (ASTM Committee E-31), bedside instrument data (IEEE, 1995),
prescription data (NCPDP, 1992), and administrative data associated with
claims (Accredited Standards Committee X12N). It is important to note,
however, that even with standards that define message formats, implementation
of messaging standards may differ among vendors. The next step is to call on
industry to provide standard implementations for messaging standards such as
HL-7. That would be a major step toward "plug-and-play" capability.
Although there has been progress in developing individual coding
standards for data elements, none has emerged as a comprehensive standard.
More than 150 different coding sets defining terms for use with the medical
record have been created. Among these coding sets are ICD9-CM, ICD10,
SNOMED III, CPT, NANDA, Read Classification, LOINC, and MEDRA, to
name a few. Not only findings, but also results of laboratory tests must have
standard terms (e.g., results of a Pap smear or mammogram). Additional coding
sets are being defined by specialty groups that recognize the need for a common
vocabulary. The NLM has expanded its UMLS to map many of these coding
sets into a common set. Names for every element that must be exchanged
among systems should be standardized. For the CPR, a clinically rich
vocabulary that accurately describes patient problems and findings is
mandatory. In addition, physicians must feel comfortable with the standard
vocabulary if they are to use it for entering data. CPRI has published an
evaluation of existing comprehensive codes (Chute et al., 1996).

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In addition to standards for patient data, medical knowledge must be

encoded in CPR systems with decision support capability. The Arden syntax
has been used to exchange medical knowledge encoded as simple rules
(Hripcsak et al., 1990). Further work must be undertaken to represent medical
knowledge in standard, transferable form.
Leadership at the federal level is required to ensure that standards
necessary to preserve and enhance health care in the United States are
developed. Until standards exist for uniquely identifying individuals and coding
and exchanging health data, the value from capturing and aggregating data will
go unrealized and each organization will be its own pioneer.
Legal and Social Issues
Security, privacy, and confidentiality concerns have become major barriers
to widespread implementation of CPR systems and sharing data. There is, as
yet, no agreement on what must be done to establish the balance between
appropriate use of health care data and the individual patient's rights to privacy
(Detmer and Steen, 1996). The issue of who owns the data in a CPR is still
being debated. Of equal importance to preserving patient privacy and
confidentiality is the necessity of preserving institutional privacy. No institution
will be willing to share data if those data can be used to provide a business
advantage for a competitor. Again, the human factors outweigh the technical
solutions in dealing with this issue (Barrows and Clayton, 1996).
Privacy and confidentiality are concepts that involve people, policies, and
legislation. Information security technology plays an enabling and facilitating
role by helping organizations prevent unauthorized access to confidential
information. In addition, properly designed and monitored audit trails can
enhance user accountability by detecting and recording unauthorized access to
confidential information. CPRI has produced position papers on user
authentication and access to patient data and provided substantive guidelines on
security policies, security education programs, job descriptions for information
security managers, model confidentiality policies, and security functionality
requirements for CPR systems (CPRI, 1995a,b, 1996b,d). CPRI and the
American Health Information Management Association have been instrumental
in developing model policies and legislation regarding confidentiality and
privacy. Public Law 104-191 establishes legal sanctions for wrongful disclosure
of individually identifiable health information. It also calls on the secretary of
Health and Human Services to provide detailed recommendations on privacy of
health data and procedures and rules for authorized disclosure of such
information. The recently revitalized National Committee on Vital and Health
Statistics (NCVHS) advises the secretary on this and other standards related to
health information. Federal legislation is necessary to overcome many of the
inadequacies and inconsistencies between the state regulations and laws that are
described in this report.

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Whereas stringent security measures should be applied to protect the

confidentiality of patient information, it is also in the patient's best interest for
the CPR to be accessible for appropriate, legitimate uses by authorized users.
The measures used to protect the confidentiality of patient data must not be so
onerous that clinicians taking care of a patient do not have ready access to the
patient's health data. This balance must be carefully crafted in the enabling
legislation and policy standards, and enforceable through system security
functions. In addition to clinicians, researchers, quality assessment
professionals, and health care managers need access to aggregate data to
continuously improve health and the delivery of health care. Most of the time,
these secondary uses of data can be satisfied without access to individually
identifiable information.
Costs and Benefits
Certainly, the cost of developing a CPR system remains a significant
barrier, but this barrier has been offset at least in part by three trends. First, as
CPR-related technologies continue to advance, greater performance can be
obtained for equivalent costs. Second, as integrated delivery systems become
more prevalent, the demand for CPR and related information systems will
increase, thus reducing the risk to developers. Third, some federal funds have
been made available (e.g., through NLM and AHCPR) to address specific
development challenges associated with CPRs. The stability and level of federal
funding in the future, however, are uncertain.
Much of the enthusiasm for the CPR is based on the belief that a CPR
system will reduce the cost and improve the quality of care through the
existence of better-informed health care providers and patients, the elimination
of duplicate testing, and better coordination of treatment by more than one
health care provider. Since the first edition, additional data have been published
on the positive impact of CPR systems on the cost and quality of health care. As
existing clinical systems continued to accumulate data, new studies have
demonstrated improvements in the quality of care or reductions in the cost of
care (Classen et al., 1991, 1992; Evans et al., 1992; Schoenbaum and Barnett,
1992; Tierney et al., 1993; Grandia et al., 1995). However, most of the carefully
done empirical studies presented in the literature have examined the benefits of
systems that are not commercially available. Like other enabling technologies
(e.g., electronic mail, cellular telephones, computers), it may be difficult to
identify and reliably quantify the direct and indirect benefits attributable to the
CPR system. It is hard to quantify what is better, when so much may not even
have been possible without the enabling technology.
Although discrete benefits of CPR system features have been quantified in
selected environments, the comprehensive capital and operating costs have not
been fully articulated. It is known, however, that the costs are substantial. One
estimate for a capital budget (including capitalized labor costs) for an integrated

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


health care information system with $1 billion to $2 billion in revenue is $75

million to $275 million (Council on Competitiveness, 1996). At a time when
health care organizations need to reduce their costs, allocating capital to
information systems is still a challenge. Although it is tempting to propose that
large empirical studies be conducted to produce definitive cost-benefit data, it
may be unrealistic to expect that such studies can be undertaken, or that they
could truly represent the diverse health systems in the United States.
Many health care organizations are aware of the benefits of CPR systems,
but have questions on how to implement and use this new technology.
Recognizing that experience with these systems is not widespread, CPRI
developed a program to help disseminate the knowledge of those who have
previous experience with CPR systems and to provide a tool to help
organizations undertake new projects and initiatives. Modeled after the
Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award Program, CPRI developed a program to
promote quality in CPR system projects. The program is named after Nicholas
E. Davies, a member of the IOM Patient Record committee who was tragically
killed in an airplane crash just as the committee was concluding its work. The
Nicholas E. Davies Annual CPR Recognition Symposia provide recognition for
organizations demonstrating exemplary measurable impact of CPR systems on
health care at their organizations (CPRI, 1995c, 1996c, 1997).
The Objectives of the Davies CPR Systems Recognition Program are to:
(a) promote the vision of CPR systems through concrete examples, (b) provide
visibility and recognition for excellence in CPR system implementation and
demonstrated results, (c) provide a forum for discussing critical success factors
and lessons learned, and (d) provide criteria for evaluating CPR system projects
(CPRI, 1996a). A comprehensive set of evaluation criteria was developed in an
iterative fashion by CPRI and external experts. Emphasizing the fact that
successful CPR system projects require a comprehensive, multidisciplinary
team approach led by senior management, the evaluation categories are divided
into four categories: (1) management, (2) system functionality, (3) technology,
and (4) impact on quality, costs, and access. These categories reflect the notion
that a CPR system implementation project is more than a selection or
development of an information system product, it is the conceptualization of a
new record keeping system that efficiently and effectively supports the delivery
of health care and health promotion by the health care team. Existing
organizational structures, departmental cultures, and an inward focus may have
to be transformed to efficiently deliver high-quality care and effectively
compete for managed care contracts. The CPR system is an essential tool to
accomplish these broader goals.
Due to the barriers described above, leadership of and commitment to CPR
system projects must come from the top of an organization. The organization's

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Board of Directors must fund and support the implementation and use of
CPR systems as a business imperative. Often, chief executive officers must act
on personal conviction, existing evidence of benefits, and the desire to
capitalize on a strategic differentiatorthe value of data. In the new managed
care market, a CPR system is not only an essential tool for health professionals,
it is a business imperative. Time will tell whether investing in clinical systems
provides a strategic advantage or is a minimum requirement to "stay in the
game." Neither outcome favors continuing the status quo. It takes a combination
of leadership conviction, organizational fiscal strength, and medical informatics
and systems expertise to implement CPR systems effectively. Where such
leadership exists, CPR systems are more likely to be acquired and successfully
A careful reading of The Computer-Based Patient Record by all
stakeholders in health care is still fruitful. We believe that the original vision
described by the IOM Committee on Improving the Patient Record was correct
and remains timely and essential to the success of the new health care delivery
system. Widespread use of CPRs would serve both private- and public-sector
objectives to transform health care delivery in the United States. Equally
important, early evidence indicates that the introduction and use of robust CPRs
will enhance the health of citizens and reduce the costs of care, and in so doing,
the use of CPRs will strengthen the nation's productivity.
Technological advances aside, progress toward CPRs as envisioned in this
report has been slower than anticipated. The IOM committee expressed its
strong belief that the early phase of CPRI's activities should be federally
initiated and funded. A major coordinated national effort with federal funding
and strong advisory support from the private sector is needed to accelerate the
pace of change in the United States. Health care is a public good and many of
the barriers to widespread implementation of CPR systems require national
mandates, policy changes, or, in some cases, new legislation. Leadership in
government and the private sector must be galvanized to make sweeping
changes where possible (e.g., a national UHI, confidentiality legislation) and to
instigate, motivate, and provide incentives to accelerate development of
solutions to other impediments (e.g., terminology standards).
Data are the currency of quality management and the endowment for
continuous quality improvement of patient care. Only by capturing primary
clinical data from health care providers in a way that they can be applied to
health care decisions for individuals and to policy decisions for populations can
the United States achieve its goal of providing high-quality, affordable health
care for all. A computer-based patient record is essential to accomplishing that

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We are deeply indebted to Octo Barnett who refocused our attention on the
important points we were trying to communicate. The message is far stronger
because of his constructive comments. We thank Don Detmer and Elaine Steen
for their gracious invitation to contribute to this second edition.
Accredited Standards Committee X12N. Series of EDI standards available from Data Interchange
Standards Association, Inc., 1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314-2852.
ACR/NEMA Standards Publication. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM).
PS 3.13.13. National Electrical Manufactuers Association, 2102 L Street N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 19921995.
AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) Board of Directors. 1994. Standards for
Medical Identifiers, Codes, and Messages Needed to Create an Efficient Computer-Stored
Medical Record. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1:17.
ASTM Committee E-31 on Healthcare Informatics. Group of standards available from ASTM, 100
Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
Barnett, G. O. 1984. The application of computer-based medical-record systems in ambulatory
practice. New England Journal of Medicine 310:16431650.
Barnett, G. O., J. J. Cimino, J. A. Hupp, and E. P. Hoffer. 1987. DXplain: An evolving diagnostic
decision support system. Journal of the American Medical Association 258:6774.
Barrows, Jr., R. C., and P. D. Clayton. 1996. Privacy, confidentiality, and electronic medical
records. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 3:139148.
Berner, E. S., J. R. Jackson, and J. Algina. 1996. Relationships among performance scores of four
diagnostic decision support systems. Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association 3:208215.
Chute, C. G., S. P. Cohen, K. E. Campbell, D. E. Oliver, and J. R. Campbell. 1996. The content
coverage of clinical classifications. Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association 3:224231.
Cimino, J. J., S. A. Socratous, and P. D. Clayton. 1995. Internet as clinical information system:
Application development using the World Wide Web. Journal of the American Medical
Association 2:273284.
Classen, D. C., R. S. Evans, S. L. Pestotnik, S. D. Horn, R. L. Menlove, and J. P. Burke. 1992. The
timing of prophylactic administration of antibiotics and the risk of surgical-wound
infection. New England Journal of Medicine 326:281286.
Classen, D. C., S. L. Pestotnik, R. S. Evans, and J. P. Burke. 1991. Computerized surveillance of
adverse drug events in hospital patients [published erratum appears in Journal of the
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American Medical Association 266:28472851.
Council on Competitiveness. 1996. Highway to Health: Transforming U.S. Health Care in the
Information Age. Washington, D.C.: Council on Competitiveness.
Covell, D. G., G. C. Uman, and P. R. Manning. 1985. Information needs in office practice: Are they
being met? Annals of Internal Medicine 103:596599.
CPRI (Computer-based Patient Record Institute). 1995a. Guidelines for Establishing Information
Security Policies at Organizations Using Computer-Based Patient Record Systems.
Schaumburg, III.: CPRI.
CPRI. 1995b. Guidelines for Information Security Education Programs at Organizations Using
Computer-Based Patient Record Systems. Schaumburg, III.: CPRI.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


CPRI. 1995c. Proceedings of the First Annual Nicholas E. Davies CPR Recognition Symposium.
Ed. E. B. Steen. Schaumburg, III.: CPRI.
CPRI. 1996a. CPR Systems Evaluation Work Group: CPR Project Evaluation Criteria (version 2.1).
The Nicholas E. Davies Recognition Program. Schaumburg, III.: CPRI.
CPRI. 1996b. Guidelines for Managing Information Security Programs at Organizations Using
Computer-Based Patient Record Systems. Schaumburg, III.: CPRI.
CPRI. 1996c. Proceedings of the Second Annual Nicholas E. Davies CPR Recognition Symposium.
Ed. E. B. Steen. Schaumburg, III.: CPRI.
CPRI. 1996d. Sample Confidentiality Statements and Agreements for Organizations. Schaumburg,
CPRI. 1997. Proceedings of the Third Annual Nicholas E. Davies CPR Recognition Symposium. Ed.
J. J. Teich. Schaumburg, III.: CPRI.
Detmer, D. E., and E. B. Steen. 1996. Shoring up protection of personal health data. Issues in
Science and Technology 12:7378.
Evans, R. S., J. P. Burke, D. C. Classen, R. M. Gardner, R. L. Menlove, K. M. Goodrich, L. E.
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A Progress Report on Computer-Based

Patient Records in Europe

Jan H. van Bemmel, Astrid M. van Ginneken, and Johan van der Lei
After more than two decades of pioneering efforts, in both the United
States and Europe, a new era in the use of computer-stored patient data has
clearly begun. The proliferation of inexpensive personal computers and
workstations, the development of more user-friendly interfaces, the
standardization of network technology, the original release of this report 6 years
ago, and the stimulation of health care telematics (i.e., network
communications) in Europe have contributed significantly to this growing
interest. Equally important, developers of systems have acquired much
experience since they first attempted to develop electronic patient records, and
their subsequent attempts have become more successful and gained momentum.
In this commentary we discuss some recent developments in computerbased patient records (CPRs) in Europe and review some CPR developments in
Europe that fall within the Framework Programs on Research and Development
of the European Union. Specifically, we review European developments in
CPRs for primary care, clinical care (i.e., hospital care), and shared care. We
also address the use of CPR data beyond patient care and two barriers to CPR
development: protection of patient confidentiality and standards development
for data.
Computer-based information systems are now abundant in a large
percentage of European hospitals as well as in primary care settings. Systems
support general tasks such as patient administration, scheduling, and billing, as
well as specific tasks such as in the clinical laboratory, radiology, or the
catheterization laboratory. Hospital information systems are primarily
administration oriented

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and seldom contain patient record data other than, for example, laboratory
results, drug prescriptions, or diagnostic codes. Some systems store patient data,
but none of them fully replaces the paper-based patient record. Many existing
systems are not connected or are only loosely interconnected in networks. CPRs
are being developed as part of a hospitalwide network (Degoulet et al., 1991;
Van Mulligen et al., 1994; Scherrer et al., 1995) or as stand-alone or
interconnected applications, such as in primary care (Westerhof et al., 1987;
Branger et al., 1992; van der Lei et al., 1993). Increasingly, systems are being
interconnected by electronic data interchange.
The field of hospital information systems in Europe consists, on the one
hand, of mainly homemade systems (e.g., Bakker, 1984; Scherrer et al., 1995)
sometimes supporting a group of hospitals and, on the other, of systems offered
by industry, mainly of U.S. origin. A wide variety of information systems are
operational on different platforms. Information systems in Europe reflect the
differences in health care organizations which arise from the different historical
developments, legislation, education, and languages among European countries.
Therefore, systems developed in one European country are rarely installed in
another country. This is also why the European hospital information system
industry, with few exceptions, is virtually absent from the global market.
The differences in health care structures of different European countries
might pose less of a problem for patient-centered approaches, such as CPRs. In
all countries, patient care itself is quite similar. Europe has succeeded early at
its attempts at CPR development and has since made considerable progress in
the use of CPRs, especially in the primary care setting (van der Lei et al.,
1991a; Millman et al., 1995). On the basis of these successes, several
collaborative projects were started in health care; these were financially
subsidized in part by the European Union (EU, 1994). Three developments
related to CPRs in Europe deserve attention: the use of CPRs in the primary
care setting, in hospitals, and for shared care (i.e., collaboration between care
providers). In addition, in the area of standardization in health care, the
European Union plays a pivotal role on a global scale as well (De Moor, 1993).
Network technology and communication (in Europe the latter is called
telematics) are now prominent developments in information technology and
have a large impact on health care (Branger et al., 1992; EU, 1994). By using
standard communication networks and standard software (De Moor, 1993), data
interchange between the four levels of health care delivery (i.e., the region, the
institution, the clinical department or outpatient clinic, and the individual
physician, nurse, or patient) is more efficient. A fully operational exchange of
patient data between systems, with proper authorization, is one of the present
challenges in European health care.
The data in CPRs are not begging to be used for electronic data exchange,
research, and shared care. The use of CPRs for purposes other than direct
patient care has been associated with several problems (van der Lei et al.,
1991a; Vlug

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and van der Lei, 1995). These limitations are, for instance, the lack of a
common terminology for patient data collection, or the use of different modes
for the CPR systems. As the knowledge gained from experience accumulates,
CPR developers learn important lessons, particularly the need to develop
structured patient records based on a clear conceptual model. If CPR systems
are not based on a conceptual model, and if the data in CPRs are not well
structured, it will not be possible to use CPR data for different goals, nor will it
be possible for such data to be exchanged between health care providers to
support shared care. Therefore, if CPR systems are to be used for these other
goals, care providers should realize that it is not sufficient that the systems
merely support their own practice or clinic, but they should take care that
patient data can be exchanged over the entire health care domain and be used,
for instance, to support clinical research, decision making, the assessment of the
quality of care, or management and planning.
A variety of CPR applications and projects have been completed or are
ongoing including those supported through Framework Programs on Research
and Development of the European Union. They concern computer-based
records for primary care, in hospitals, and for shared care, as well as the use of
data in CPRs for research, assessment of the quality of care, and decision
support. Other projects focus on what the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Committee on Improving the Patient Record classified as barriers to CPR
development: privacy and confidentiality and standardization of terminologies
and data-exchange formats.
Several developments related to CPRs in Europe are discussed below,
including the status of CPRs in the primary care settings, in hospitals, and in
shared care (i.e., collaboration between care providers). The final sections
consider more specific uses of CPR data and remaining barriers to wider use of
the computer-based patient record.
In some European countries, especially The Netherlands (van der Lei et al.,
1993) and the United Kingdom (Millman et al., 1995), there has been a rapid
increase in the use of information systems by general practitioners (GPs) in
primary care (Figure 1). CPRs are incorporated into these information systems
and are quickly replacing existing paper-based records. The use of CPRs by
GPs in particular is rapidly increasing. At the beginning of 1996 it was
estimated that more than 90 percent of all GPs in The Netherlands and the
United Kingdom used information systems in their practices. About 50 percent
of Dutch GPs had implemented a CPR system for the support of patient care
and about 25 percent of GPs had a paperless office.
Similar figures apply to the United Kingdom (Millman et al., 1995). This
is directly related to the fact that in both the United Kingdom and The
Netherlands, GPs are the ''gatekeepers" in health care. Most GPs run a practice
by themselves or with a small number of colleagues. In contrast, specialists
work in large institutions

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in more complex settings, involving many more departments and personnel.

Furthermore, GPs keep less extensive records so that data entry is less timeconsuming and less detailed.

FIGURE 1 Growth of installed information systems and computer-based

patient records in primary care in The Netherlands (100% represents 6,500
general practitioners [GPs]) and England and Wales (where 100% represents
9,000 GPs) as a function of time. The values for 1996 are extrapolations. Not
indicated is the growing number of primary care systems that are electronically
connected to other health care systems (see also the text and Figure 3).

The actual situation in The Netherlands offers a good example of both the
success and the potential use of CPRs (van der Lei et al., 1993). This can be
attributed to four factors: (1) the role of GPs, (2) physician training, (3) the
structure of health care, and (4) population-based care.
Role of GPs
From the outset, professional organizations of GPs have played an active
role in setting guidelines for information systems in general practice and in

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the systems available in the market. This active role was started in the early
1980s, when they identified the basic needs of GPs for using systems in their
practices and set the first broad guidelines for systems tailored specifically for
primary care. Furthermore, these organizations announced to industry that they
would recommend to their members that they use only those systems that would
meet their requirements. In this way, a de facto standard was established. Since
then, systems requirements are refined and extended every 2 to 3 years, and
vendors must submit their systems for reevaluation by professional
organizations. This iterative way of refining guidelines and assessing systems
gives potential buyers of systems a basis on which to judge the available
information systems. It also gives vendors clear-cut standards for their products.
During the last 15 years, the definition of standards started with requirements
for patient administration and evolved into standards for diagnostic coding (in
all systems the International Classification for Primary Care has been
implemented [Lamberts and Wood, 1987]), drug prescriptions (all systems use
the same national thesaurus for drugs), and the type of data to be contained in a
basic CPR and requirements for electronically interchanging patient data
between different systems in the primary care setting, that is, from one GP's
system to that of another.
The success of information systems is largely determined by physicians'
expectations. Education at medical faculties of universities prepares physicians
in the use of computer-based information systems and patient records. Early on,
students get acquainted with how to use computers for the documentation of
patient data in CPRs. Professional organizations have also ensured that
postgraduate training of GPs conveys a realistic set of expectations. These
expectations must be realistic, because if they are too high they lead to
disillusionment, and if they are too low they may impede the introduction of
systems. The training emphasizes that the proper use of systems and CPRs
reduces administrative workload, increases the accuracy of billing (no
accountable patient data are lost), and enables the production of referral letters,
the use of electronic data interchange, and the tracking of certain categories of
Potential users should realize that, certainly at the beginning, investments
must be made. The investments must be expressed not only in financial terms
but also in time and personal efforts. For instance, for a typical practice of about
2,300 patients, it takes about 2 years for all patient data to be entered into the
system's CPR. This data transcription from paper to computer is most often
done at the time that patients come for a consultation, since the majority of
patients pay a visit to their GP once every 2 years. A GP who is just starting to
use a CPR system needs an extra 2 to 3 minutes during the consultation. The
GP's assistant enters data related to all administrative operations, such as patient
admission and patient scheduling, but the GP enters the patient care-related data
into the CPR.

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Structure of Health Care

The factors described above are related to the role and training of GPs in
using CPRs and may be useful for other countries. A third factor, however, is
strongly related to the structure of health care in The Netherlands, which in
many ways is comparable to that in the United Kingdom and Scandinavian
countries. Patients in The Netherlands and the United Kingdom have a single
GP who coordinates their health care, acting as a gatekeeper to other specialists;
the latter report back to the GP. Several projects are now under way to use
electronic data interchange for this GP-specialist communication (see the
section on "CPR Systems for Shared Care," page 32). Thus, in principle, the GP
coordinates the health care-related data for a single patient over the patient's
lifetime and is requested by other specialists to share that information. The GP's
role as coordinator eases the introduction of CPR systems because the demands
of care are easier to meet when the data are available in electronic form. This
factor may be increasingly relevant in the United States as managed care and
capitated reimbursement continue to penetrate the health care delivery market.
Population-Based Care
A fourth reason for the success of the acceptance of CPRs in the primary
care setting is the fact that Dutch general practice is population-based care, in
contrast to institution- or physician-based care. The Dutch primary care system
can be characterized as providing services that are responsive to the needs both
of the individual patients and the population at large. Such a population-based
orientation creates demands that are easier to satisfy when CPRs are introduced.
For instance, CPRs with properly coded data greatly facilitate the creation of a
gender-age register to report on statistics in primary care or active case finding
(e.g., for periodic cervical smears or cardiovascular risk assessments). The
availability of CPRs facilities studies on the use and effects of drugs in the
population and postmarketing drug surveillance (see the section on "Use of
CPR Data," page 34).
Electronic information technology has been introduced in all hospitals in
Europe. This is no longer restricted to special areas of care, such as radiology or
the laboratory. In principle, the available technology allows central and
monolithic hospital information systems to be transformed into hospitalwide
networks with "intelligent" workstations or personal computers throughout the
hospital, from the consultation room to close to the bedside. This transformation
is just beginning, however. At present, graphical workstations and network

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are the latest developments in the computer industry. Client-server protocols

ease the integration of systems and distribution of processing tasks (Degoulet et
al., 1991; Van Mulligen et al., 1994; Nowlan et al., 1994). In principle,
workstations offer an environment in which, from the user's perspective, all
applications running either locally or through a network act as a single
integrated system. Several institutions are developing health care workstations
that enable the integration of patient data scattered throughout different systems
(Degoulet et al., 1991; Van Mulligen et al., 1994; van Bemmel et al., 1996a). In
principle, such systems offer to the clinician on one computer screen patient
data, images, and biological signals, regardless of the computer on which they
are stored or the system on which they are processed.
Yet, although the technical issues involved in the integration of various
systems were slowly being solved, the absence of a conceptual model for a CPR
was increasingly becoming a stumbling block, particularly as the amount of
available data increased. Thus emerged a trend in which a technical
infrastructure (the platform for the CPR) takes care of the communication with
the numerous systems available in the hospital, including legacy systems, such
as a laboratory system, a picture archiving and communication system (PACS),
or an electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation system. CPRs are developed at
the core of this integration platform. This distinction is not trivial. When
developing the platforms, questions such as how an existing legacy system
should be embedded are addressed on a technical level. On the level of CPR
development, questions relate, for example, to how the data will be presented to
the user in a consistent manner or what additional data the physician must
record are addressed.
Platforms for CPRs
Both the Helios (Degoulet at al., 1991) and the Hermes (Van Mulligen et
al., 1994) integrated clinical workstations offer an environment for systems
integration. Communication between applications is automatically performed
by the workstation and follows ISO1 standards (ISO, 1987). Instead of having
one large central database of patient data, all existing databases and applications
are left unchanged and patient data are combined by the workstation on
demand. This has two advantages over one large integrated database. First, data
can remain distributed and stored at places that are most convenient (i.e., close
to where the data are collected and used). Second, commercially available
applications can be used for data processing without modifying them.
The Hermes workstation was initially developed to support clinical data
analysis, but its architecture has also been extended to support patient care. It is

ISO: International Standards Organization.

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integrated with the generic CPR system ORCA2 (van Ginneken, 1996). Hermes
is also able to integrate with legacy systems by encapsulation.
The Helios workstation, similar to Hermes in many respects, also
integrates alphanumeric data (text), images, and biological signals. The Helios
platform is being used as one of the building blocks of a new generation of
hospital information systems. The Hermes approach, originally developed on a
Unix platform, has now migrated to a Windows NT/95 environment, forming
the basis for the European project I4C (van Bemmel et al., 1996), as explained
Integrated CPRs
As an example of the introduction of a CPR in a clinical department, we
briefly describe the European project I4C (Integration and Communication for
the Continuity of Cardiac Care). Although I4C is intended to support
cardiology, it uses a generic CPR, ORCA, which is also applicable to other
departments. In this way, the CPR used in the I4C project can be used by many
other clinical departments (van Ginneken et al., 1995; van Ginnekin and Stam,
1995), because it contains a variety of patient data: patient history, physical
examination findings, laboratory test results, images, biological signals, and so
forth. Real-time data, such as from the catheterization laboratory, are also
intended to be incorporated into the CPR. Data are meant to be used by more
than one physician (e.g., the cardiologist often must coordinate his or her
treatment with that of other specialists in the hospital or with GPs in primary
Figure 2 presents the CPR structure that forms the basis for the I4C
project, together with its branches to other systems in the hospital or elsewhere.
Patient record data, as well as images such as echocardiograms and coronary
angiograms, or signals such as ECGs or blood pressure curves are collected,
stored, and presented by using the workstation.
The I4C project in principle is intended to support cardiac care, from
prevention and treatment to follow-up and rehabilitation. This is accomplished
by: (a) consistently recording patient data in the CPR; (b) accessing diagnostic
and therapeutic information; (c) accessing patient data, images, and biological
signals wherever they are stored and irrespective of where the inquiry
originates; and (d) collecting well-defined reference sets of patient data.

2 ORCA (Open Record for patient CAre) is a generic CPR system in which the
knowledge model consists of a predefined vocabulary and knowledge about how the
terms of that vocabulary may be combined into meaningful expressions (van Ginneken,
1996). ORCA is used in the framework of different (European) projects (van Bemmel et
al., 1996). ORCA contains a powerful model for structuring a CPR and a knowledge
model for capturing patient data. Moreover, because it is generic, ORCA can be used for
different areas of health care and is user-adaptable. The relationships between the terms
in the knowledge model are semantically defined (van Ginneken et al., 1993, Moorman
et al., 1994), for instance, in an acyclic directed graph.

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Data are to be used not only for patient care, research, and education but
also for the assessment of the quality of care and for management and planning.
The fourth issue is similar to the data collection that resulted from the European
CSE3 project that preceded I4C (Willems et al., 1991). The project is carried out
by centers in The Netherlandswhich provides coordinationthe United
Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and Greece.
CPR Data Entry
For a CPR to have benefits, the data in that record need to be structured
and coded, at least to a certain degree. Obtaining structured and coded data,
however, has proved to be a significant hurdle. Physicians are accustomed to
paper records. How physicians use these records has been the subject of several
European projects (e.g., Nygren and Henriksson, 1992). From such
investigations it became apparent that physicians are far more likely to use
computers to consult the data in present patient records than to enter patient
data. This is not surprising: Data entry requires more effort from the physician
than browsing through the record. Some researchers have argued that direct
input by physicians will have to wait for radical improvements of the humanmachine interface, such as speech input. Experience in a number of countries
where GPs are particularly using CPRs (e.g., The Netherlands, the United
Kingdom, and Sweden) has shown, however, that physicians will accept the
limitations of the current human-machine interaction.
Views of CPR data for patient care, decision support, scientific data
analysis, or assessment of quality of care require patient data to be highly
structured and unambiguous. It is difficult to fulfill these requirements with
narrative (textual) data (e.g., Moorman et al., 1994). Ideally, therefore, patient
data should be acquired directly from the physician in a structured format and,
preferably, should also be entered by the physician. To accomplish this,
different approaches to data entry have received attention: form-driven data
entry, natural language processing, and structured data entry. The last two
methods are also the focus of several research projects in Europe (Nowlan and
Rector, 1991; Baud et al., 1992; Moorman et al., 1994).
Natural Language Processing
Natural language processing intends to automatically extract coded
medical data from free text. European research in this area has mainly been
done by Baud and colleagues in Geneva (1992). The basic advantage of natural
language processing is that physicians do not have to alter the way in which
they express their findings or document their decisions. Only when its
application domain is strictly

CSE: Common standards for quantitative electrocardiography.

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confined can natural language processing offer advantages. A fundamental

disadvantage of natural language processing is that the data-capturing process
itself cannot be influenced and improved. Data that the physician has not
written or spoken remain unknown. Freedom of expression is inherent to free
text (Moorman et al., 1994). Therefore, it is difficult to impose structure on data
that are used as input for natural language processing.
Structured Data Entry
Another way of data entry is context sensitive and is adaptable to different
clinical domains. It is called structured data entry and consists of forms whose
content is knowledge driven. In a structured data entry-oriented European
project, the forms are structured, but their contents can continuously be adapted
to accommodate the user's requirements and personal preferences (Moorman et
al., 1994). In addition to a knowledge model, it contains a predefined
vocabulary and specifications on how the terms of the vocabulary may be
combined into meaningful expressions. The knowledge base keeps track of the
individual physician's definitions of expressions with a nontrivial meaning, such
as "the heart is normal" or "gastroenteritis complaints." When such expressions
are used for the first time, the system will prompt the physician-user for an
explicit description. Upon later use of such expressions, the system will store its
explicit substitute. In this way, efficiency and completeness can be reconciled.
Structured data entry is also an efficient tool for enhancing data
completeness and testing for data reliability (Whiting-O'Keefe et al., 1985;
Wyatt, 1994).
FIGURE 2 Example of the integration of a computer-based patient record
(CPR) (ORCA; van Ginneken, 1996) in a clinical network of information
systems being developed in the European project I4C (van Bemmel et al.,
1996), in which centers from six countries collaborate. At the core of the CPR
(called the client here) are three generic core components: the state transition
manager, the context manager, and knowledge-driven data entry. The first two
deal with all data acquisition, storage, and presentation and communication with
the application components of the CPR system and the legacy systems
elsewhere in the hospital. Communication is controlled by a brokerage layer
and a communication layer, which are part of a group of servers. The broker
follows protocols such as those agreed upon by the Common Object Request
Broker Architecture (CORBA) Group (OMG, 1996); the communication layer
provides data exchange via Electronic Data Interchange for Finance,
Administration, Commerce, and Trade (EDIFACT) or HL-7. In the data
repository, CPR data and knowledge bases are stored, together with coding
systems and thesauruses for diagnoses and drugs. The six systems at the bottom
are examples of "legacy systems" from which data (e.g., from a departmental or
hospital information system), images (e.g., from an angiogram server), or
biological signals (e.g., from an ECG management system) are to be transported
to the CPR for presentation or processing. Integration with the legacy systems is
provided by encapsulation (Van Mulligen et al., 1994).
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Graphics and voice input may also serve to enhance the capabilities of
structured data entry.
An environment in which patient record data can be electronically
interchanged regionally (Figure 3) is a necessary condition for a shared care
environment (Branger et al., 1992, 1994; Branger and Duisterhout, 1995). Local
and regional networks are increasingly used for the exchange of patient data
between health care institutions. They are also used for communication with,
for example, health insurance bodies, governmental organizations, libraries, and
research institutions. Orders and payments are exchanged by electronic data
interchange, databases are consulted remotely, and laboratory data or referral
letters are mailed electronically. Communication between specialists and GPs is
also increasingly taking place via telecommunication. In some instances
specialists and general practitioners communicate directly with a patient in the
patient's home, for example, patients with pacemakers, undergoing
hemodialysis, or receiving palliative care. For some purposes, remote medical
consultation (telemedicine) is also envisaged. Several regional shared-care
networks are under development in Europe within the Framework Programs for
Research and Development in health care telematics, as will be discussed
below. Such regional networks are a logical extension of networks within
With the existence of a computer-based shared care environment, new
applications for patient-centered care have arisen, such as:

GPs are able to send a patient's data to the hospital to obtain results or
diagnostic advice instead of referring the patient.
Patients' hospital stays are shorter and specialists may offer
teleconsultation services.
3. Outpatient clinics increasingly function as diagnostic screening and
ambulatory care centers. Patients are referred to these clinics only when
specific diagnostic tests or interventions must be performed.
4. Patient admission and scheduling are greatly facilitated, resulting in better
planning and decreased waiting times for examinations.
In the next two sections we provide two examples of European projects
involving the use of CPR data for shared care. The first describes the project
CoCo, concerning the coordination and continuity of health care (Bernstein and
Jensen, 1994). The second describes a project that deals with the exchange of
data in health care by smart cards, in this case, Diabcard (Schaefer and
Sembritzki, 1996).

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FIGURE 3 Regional electronic data interchange network to support shared

care. General practitioners (GPs) in primary care are interconnected with other
health care providers, such as the clinical laboratory, pharmacies, pathology
laboratories, radiology departments, and departments in the hospital. Usually,
such an electronic data interchange network makes use of public telephone
lines or special lines (e.g., ISDN). In Europe, growing numbers of such
networks are in development as part of European projects, such as the CoCo
project (see text).

The intention of the European project CoCo (Coordination and Continuity
in Health Care) is to establish large-scale interconnected regional health care
information networks, with the purpose of improving the coordination and
continuity of health care (Bernstein and Jensen, 1994; van Bemmel et al., 1996).
It uses available CPR-based systems and telecommunication infrastructures in
the participating countries, European EDIFACT4 standards, and electronic mail
techniques. The project will not interfere with regional regulations and will not
impose new rules on the users of the networks. A major effort is dedicated to
ensuring that the project will be implemented in a coordinated and standard
way. The practical guidelines and the experiences with the collaboration within
CoCo should also be usable for other applications in Europe. CoCo has two
1. Establishment of networks for the regional exchange of health care
information. Each region will establish running networks that will allow
for communication between all the major actors in health care: GPs,
laboratories, radiology departments, hospitals, pharmacies, regional and
national authorities, and social services and home care providers.

4 EDIFACT: Electronic Data Interchange for Finance, Administration, Commerce,

and Trade.

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Establishment of links between the regions through CoCo Link. Coco

Link ensures coordination between the regions to facilitate a common
methodology, to start concerted developments, and to use standardized
communication in all regions. For instance, it will provide guidelines, it is
responsible for developing an electronic test bed that can be used to
EDIFACT solutions, and it will also establish networks between networks.

Many countries within the European Union, such as Denmark

(coordination), The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, and
Greece, participate in CoCo. There is also an extension to Canada. A typical
application within CoCo is shared care provided to patients with breast cancer.
In this setting, GPs in primary care, internists, surgeons and radiotherapists in
secondary care collaborate with nurses in home care, covering the entire period
from the first patient visit to the GP up to chemotherapy or surgery and,
eventually, palliative care. All care providers have access to the same CPR;
nurses in the home care setting use portable computers to exchange data with
the system in the clinic.
In Germany, health insurance cards are regulated by law. During 1993 and
1994, more than 70 million smart cards (chip cards) were issued to German
citizens, and about 165,000 read-write stations were installed in, for instance,
practices, hospitals, and emergency rooms. The insurance cards are primarily
used for administrative purposes, but debate is ongoing about the use of these
smart cards as carriers of patient data. The German project Diabcard, which has
also been extended to other European countries, uses smart cards for the storage
and exchange of data for patients suffering from diabetes (Schaefer and
Sembritzki, 1996). Other projects, such as for patients with cancer, are also
being introduced in the German health care system. Standardization of the
health care data on such cards is of utmost importance.
Once patient data are available from CPRs in primary care centers and
hospitals, the data can be harvested. We briefly discuss here a project dealing
with critiquing a physician's care (van der Lei et al., 1991; van der Lei and
Musen, 1991; van Bemmel, 1993). Another European project intends to
integrate treatment protocols with CPR systems. It is oriented toward the
support of clinical oncology. The third project deals with the assessment of care
by using large collections of CPR data harvested from operational CPR systems
in the primary care setting. This project is directed toward the postmarketing
surveillance of drugs (Vlug and van der Lei, 1995).

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Critiquing a Physician's Care

Automated review of CPRs is expected to limit errors in the delivery of
care and to control costs. Two projects, carried out with GPs in The
Netherlands, have investigated whether CPRs contain sufficient information to
support direct care by assessing CPR data and generating critiques and decision
support. In the first project (HyperCritic [van der Lei et al., 1991; van der Lei
and Musen, 1991]), a system of critiquing the treatment of hypertension was
developed. The second project (AsthmaCritic [Kuilboer and van der Lei, 1997])
covers the area of chronic obstructive respiratory diseases. Both systems rely on
CPRs for patient data. HyperCritic was assessed in a research project, and we
summarize here some of the main outcomes (van der Lei et al., 1991).
The critiquing systems generate comments in two stages. First, CPR data
are automatically interpreted to review the actions of the GP at a given visit
(e.g., starting a new drug, continuing treatment with a drug, or replacing one
drug with another). Second, each action is assessed. The system searches the
CPR for conditions that contraindicate that action (e.g., contraindications to
specific drugs), determines whether the preparations required for the action
have been performed, determines whether the GP has performed the routine
monitoring required by the action, and searches for any undesirable condition
that might have resulted from the action. Review of the CPR requires detailed
knowledge of drugs, such as customary dosages, contraindications, side effects,
interactions, workup requirements, and criteria for judging the efficacy of the
treatment. Computer-based critiquing of patient care was compared with peer
review-based critiquing in the area of mild hypertension. The comparisons
revealed the following:

Automated assessment of CPR data by the computer-based critiquing

system could compete successfully with peer review.
2. The system was not able to reproduce some comments of experts. This
was the result of insufficient CPR data, the lack of sufficient medical
consensus, or omissions in the knowledge base of the critiquing system.
On the basis of the outcomes of this and other studies reported in the
literature, the following can be concluded:

Systems for the assessment of patient care should be able to acquire

patient data automatically from the CPR.
2. Ideally, the care assessment system should be functionally integrated with
the CPR system.

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In many patient care areas, protocols are used to increase both the
efficiency and the quality of care. In principle, such protocols are not limited to
certain hospitals, regions, or countries. This was the reason for starting a large
European project on the use of protocols in health care (both in the clinic and in
the primary care setting) called Prompt (Lagouarde et al., 1996; van Bemmel et
al., 1996), which was based on the earlier European project Dilemma
(Thomson, 1995). The project has been established by centers from the United
Kingdom (which performs the coordination), France, and The Netherlands and
intends to integrate these protocols with CPRs and to deliver and evaluate a set
of tools for supporting the use of protocols. The initial focus of the project is
oncology; this is now followed by a focus on the primary care and shared care
The clinical objective is to install systems for supporting the treatment of
cancer in specialty hospitals in the participating countries. Applications will be
based on state-of-the-art therapeutic protocols. By the end of the project it is
anticipated that the technology should be ready to be installed in centers in
other countries as well. The following are other objectives of Prompt:

extensions to each hospital system, to support GPs, interconnected by

regional networks for shared care;
2. initiation of comprehensive studies of the effects of the protocols on
clinical outcomes; and
3. generic versions of the protocols for other clinical disciplines.
Review of CPR Databases
It is expected that CPRs will increasingly be used to improve the quality of
care in practices, departments, and institutions as well as, for instance, to
support postmarketing surveillance studies. Pressure from law enforcement
bodies, third-party payers, peer review organizations, hospitals, and physicians
and patients themselves may lead to this use of automated review of CPRs. We
briefly discuss a large ongoing project on the assessment of drug prescriptions
in the population (Vlug and van der Lei, 1995; Visser et al., 1996). The project
that is reported runs in The Netherlands, but similar projects have been started
in other European countries (e.g., Germany and the United Kingdom).
Postmarketing surveillance examines the beneficial and adverse side
effects of drugs on human health from the time that these drugs are marketed.
Postmarketing surveillance consists of two stages: a hypothesis generation stage
in which an effect or side effect is suspected and a hypothesis verification stage
in which the hypothesis is tested. Hypothesis generation is typically based on
the spontaneous reporting of potential side effects by physicians. Studies have
indicated, however, that this spontaneous reporting leaves much to be desired.

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instance, Classen and colleagues (1991) studied the prescription of drugs in

cases in which the drug prescription was changed, increased, or stopped. It was
shown that computerized monitoring of adverse drug events in hospitals by
using computer-stored patient data offers many advantages over the voluntary
reporting of such events.
An extensive project that analyzes prescriptions in primary care to support
the postmarketing surveillance of drugs is under way in The Netherlands. To
test a hypothesis, large populations need to be monitored. Reports of patient
contacts with GPs are anonymously sent to a research database. The data in that
database are subsequently used to conduct postmarketing surveillance studies
(Vlug and van der Lei, 1995). The Dutch authorities responsible for drug safety
are investigating the potential use of this type of database. Preliminary results
indicate that the CPRs can be used as a way to track large numbers of patients
and that use of CPRs will allow researchers to build longitudinal databases
(Visser et al., 1996). At the end of 1996, about 250,000 patients were followed
longitudinally; this number will increase to about 1.5 million in the next few
Privacy and Confidentiality
Now that CPR data are becoming available for the different goals
mentioned in the introduction to this commentary, it is of great importance to
protect these data, to guard the privacy of patients, and to protect the
professional interests of health care providers (van Bemmel, 1992; Barber et al.,
1996). Many parties (employers, insurance companies, etc.) are interested in
permanent patient data, 5 and these data should be extremely well protected in
CPR systems. In Europe there may be more sensitivity toward the improper use
of patient data than elsewhere; this sensitivity could even impede the
introduction of CPRs in some countries, and for some purposes could hamper
the use of CPR data for goals other than patient care. In the different European
countries, privacy laws control health care data, but privacy laws also exist in
Europe as a whole. European law supersedes the laws of the individual
countries. The right to privacy has been anchored in the Treaty for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom

5 Medical data can be categorized into permanent data (e.g., one's genetic profile) and
variable data (e.g., a blood pressure). The privacy aspect of permanent data is perhaps
the most crucial. Generally, these two types of data are used in different ways: variable
medical data (including alphanumeric data, biological signals, and pictures) are primarily
used for the diagnosis and treatment of transient diseases, whereas permanent data are
often strongly related to an individual's life and may possibly predict his or her future
health. The latter category is also of interest for one's next of kin: parents, brothers,
sisters, and children. Genetic data, for instance, do not change or age; they are valid for
an entire lifetime.

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(Treaty of Rome, 1954) and in European law (EU, 1995). Yet, it will be
difficult to totally prevent the improper use of data stored in CPRs.
Because modern health care often requires shared care instead of care by a
single physician only, the individual physician is no longer capable of
personally guaranteeing the privacy of a patient's data. For that reason, after
implementing regulations related to ensure the secrecy of patient data, modern
societies must ensure the right to privacy. This means that in the different
countries written regulations related to requests for personal data, including
patient data, are required. These regulations should be supervised by a privacy
committee and should contain descriptions of the purpose of the data
registration that is maintained. It also should describe when data can be
provided to third parties, and the right of all persons concerned to inspect, alter,
and destroy their own data. In principle, these regulations do not concern data
that have been made anonymous.
It is of utmost importance that in all (future) CPR systems proper measures
be taken to protect the privacy of patients and their data. This issue is also the
subject of discussions at the EU level, for example, in the standardization
committees established for health care informatics and telematics. Some of the
standardization activities related to CPRs are summarized in the following
As discussed above, it is essential that standards for the acquisition,
storage, and exchange of patient data be available. In health care this pertains to
both administrative data and patient data. On the basis of the experiences over
the past decade, a technical committee (TC 251 [De Moor and van Maele,
1996]) falling under CEN (Comit Europen de Normalisation, the ''European
Committee for Standardization") was established. This committee defines
preliminary standards and compiles reports on the standards to be introduced in
the different countries of the European Union (De Moor, 1993; De Moor and
van Maele, 1996). For instance, the ability to link systems via standard
interfaces is widely recognized as a necessity. Especially in Europe, where data
cross regional and national boundaries, agreement on how to exchange patient
data is urgent. Directly and indirectly, such standards will contribute to the
quality and efficiency of patient care.
From the long list of preliminary standards that have been or are being
elaborated by Technical Committee 251, a few examples specifically dealing
with data in CPRs are provided in the following sections (De Moor, 1996).
Electronic Health Care Record Architecture
Work on defining the basic architecture for data contained in an electronic
health care record has begun. Standardization is necessary if patient data are to
be exchanged between different health care professionals. It is also necessary so
that patients can travel or move from one region or country in Europe to
another. The
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architecture should enable physicians to use CPRs that are adapted to their own
requirements and should therefore support a variety of formats. The aim of this
standardization effort is not to specify the CPR system as such but to bring
structure to the data stored in such records.
Coding Systems for Drugs
Standardization of coding systems for drugs concerns prescribing drugs
and the effects of drugs on patients. A conceptual model for the correct labeling
of drugs is foreseen within Technical Committee 251. The standard covers the
identification of generic drug products as well as the drugs themselves. A
coding system itself, however, is not intended.
Syntax for Health Care Data Interchange
Electronic messages in health care can be coded in many different ways.
Therefore, consensus is required on the exchange formats for health care data
between different systems. This has many advantages, because the systems'
vendors can then handle the different data formats. The standard intends to
define and adopt syntaxes for this exchange of information.
Exchange of Medical Images and Related Data
The medical image exchange standard concerns the exchange of highvolume data such as images or similar data. The Technical Committee 251
standard has adopted the industrial DICOM6 3.0 standard for medical images,
enabling the possibility of standardized storage and global exchange of such
images, which is important for supporting, for example, teleradiology or similar
User Identification
As open systems are gradually installed in hospitals and regional networks
become operational, it will be important to prevent patient data from being used
illegally. To ensure the proper use of patient data, it is necessary to positively
identify authorized users. Software systems should therefore make use of
automatic procedures for user identification, for example, by the use of
passwords and different technical measures. Smart cards are other means of
positive user identification (e.g., fingerprints or face recognition are possible
techniques that could be standardized and that may eventually replace the more
vulnerable passwords).

DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications standard (ACR-NEMA, 1985).

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Significant progress has been made in Europe toward the primary
recommendation of the IOM Committee on Improving the Patient Record's
report over the past 6 years. Several factors account for the success to date.
First, in those countries where CPRs are most prevalent, the health care delivery
system or structure relies on a gatekeeper model and emphasizes primary health
care and the health of the population. Thus, there is a recognized need for
individual and aggregate patient data and a willingness to invest at both macro(i.e., government) and microlevels (i.e., a practitioner) to make such data
available. Second, CPR development projects are ideal for the EU insofar as
they offer benefits both within and across countries and collaboration in their
development may well speed up visible success. The evidence of political
support and support by the medical professional organizations for CPRs sends a
strong message to system developers and users, as well as to the general public.
Third, the emerging focus on conceptual models that build upon rather
than are driven by the technology is a significant breakthrough in CPR
development and will likely result in systems that can be adopted throughout
Europe. Ultimately, this conceptual focus, which is also evident in the United
States, may increase the ability of generic CPR systems to be transported
globally. Fourth, collaboration between end-users and developers in system
specification is a critical element of a sound CPR development process, aiding
both the developers and users of the systems. Finally, the readiness of users
with realistic expectations eases the implementation and increases the
likelihood that CPRs will be used to their full potential. Thus, the education of
health professionals is an important strategy in speeding CPR diffusion.
Like in the United States, important challenges remain to be addressed for
CPR developers. First, continued support of CPR development efforts by supraregional and national organizations is absolutely essential. Second, the issues
surrounding the operational exchange of patient data must be fully explored and
addressed. Third, protecting the confidentiality of patient data in the
information age is a global issue that must be a priority in all countries and will
ultimately require greater collaboration among countries as the technologies
that support CPRs continue to evolve and are exploited in ways that we have
not yet identified. Fourth, flexible, user-adaptable generic models for the
generation of CPRs are needed to overcome the great variety in specialized
care, the differences in culture among various clinics, and particularly in
Europe, among countries.
ACR-NEMA (American College of Radiology and National Electrical Manufacturers Association).
1985. Digital Imaging and Communications Standard 300-1985. Washington, D.C.:
NEMA Standards Publications.

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The patient record touches, in some way, virtually everyone associated

with providing, receiving, or reimbursing health care services. This wide range
of application and use has led to efforts to automate the collection, storage, and
management of the data that constitute these records. But in spite of more than
30 years of exploratory work and millions of dollars in research and
implementation of computer systems in health care provider institutions, patient
records today are still predominantly paper records. This evident lack of
diffusion of information management technologies in the health care sector has
limited the tools available for effective decision making from the bedside all the
way to the formulation of national health care policy. Given the importance of
patient data to the activities of all portions of the health care spectrum, the
Institute of Medicine (IOM) undertook a study to improve patient records,
acting in response to expanding demands for information and for increased
functional capacity of patient record systems, as well as the considerable recent
technological advances that bring the benefits of computer-based patient
records within reach.
As its first step, the IOM study committee examined why previous work
had not resulted in widespread improvement of patient records and asked
whether and how another effort might be successful. The committee identified
five conditions in the current health care environment that increase the
likelihood of success.
1. The uses of and legitimate demands for patient data are growing. Part of
this growth can be attributed to increased concern about the content and
value of clinical therapies and a recent intense focus on health services

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2. More powerful, affordable technologies to support computer-based patient

records are now available.
3. Increasingly, computers are being accepted as a tool for enhancing
efficiency in virtually all facets of everyday life.
4. Demographic factors such as an aging population (which results in a
growth in chronic diseases) and the continued mobility of Americans
create greater pressures for patient records that can manage large amounts
of information and are easily transferable among health care providers.
5. Pressures for reform in health care are growing, and automation of patient
records is crucial to achievement of such reform.
The combination of these factors led the committee to conclude that
computerization can help to improve patient records and that improved patient
records and information management of health care data are essential elements
of the infrastructure of the nation's health care system.
The patient record of the future will have many more users and uses than it
has at present. Direct providers of care (physicians, nurses, dentists, and other
health care professionals) will remain the users of highest priority in design
considerations. However, with the expanded functions projected for patient
records (e.g., their use in supplying data for research or for insurance claims),
the range of users considered in record system design will widen. The needs of
all users will be met to an extent not possible in current record systems.
Ultimately, of course, the most significant beneficiary of improved patient
records should be the patient.
The committee identified five objectives for future patient record systems.
First, future patient records should support patient care and improve its quality.
Second, they should enhance the productivity of health care professionals and
reduce the administrative costs associated with health care delivery and
financing. Third, they should support clinical and health services research.
Fourth, they should be able to accommodate future developments in health care
technology, policy, management, and finance. Fifth, they must have
mechanisms in place to ensure patient data confidentiality at all times.
To achieve these objectives, future patient records must be computerbased. However, merely automating the form, content, and procedures of
current patient records will perpetuate their deficiencies and will be insufficient
to meet emerging user needs. The committee defined the computer-based
patient record as an electronic patient record that resides in a system specifically
designed to support users through availability of complete and accurate data,
practitioner reminders and alerts, clinical decision support

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systems, links to bodies of medical knowledge, and other aids. This definition
encompasses a broader view of the patient record than is current today, moving
from the notion of a location or device for keeping track of patient care events
to a resource with much enhanced utility in patient care (including the ability to
provide an accurate longitudinal account of care), in management of the health
care system, and in extension of knowledge.
In the past, a patient record has served the basic function of storing patient
data for retrieval by users involved with providing patient care. Even this
classic function must be broader in the future, however, especially with respect
to the key feature of flexibility. Different health care professionals will require
different modes of record information retrieval and display. Today, both paper
and computer records are often cumbersome tools for these tasks. The record of
the future must be far more flexible, allowing its users to design and utilize
reporting formats tailored to their own special needs and to organize and display
data in various ways.
The patient record system of the future must provide other capabilities as
well, including links to administrative, bibliographic, clinical knowledge, and
research databases. To meet the needs of clinicians, CPR systems must be
linked to decision support systems; they must also support video or picture
graphics and must provide electronic mail capability within and between
provider settings.
Future CPR systems must offer enhanced communications capabilities to
meet emerging user needs. The systems must be able to transmit detailed
records reliably across substantial distances. Physician offices must be able to
communicate with local hospitals and national bibliographic resources. In
hospitals, all of the various departmental systems (e.g., finance, laboratory,
nursing, radiology) must be able to communicate with the patient record
system. In the larger health care environment, computer-based information
management systems must be able to communicate with providers, third-party
payers, and other health care entities, while at all times maintaining
confidentiality of the information.
If users are to derive maximum benefits from future patient record
systems, they must fulfill four conditions. First, users must have confidence in
the datawhich implies that the individual who collects data must be able to
enter them directly into the system and that the system must be able to reliably
integrate data from all sources and accurately retrieve them whenever
necessary. Second, they must use the record actively in the clinical process.
Third, they must understand that the record is a resource for use beyond direct
patient carefor example, to study the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical
processes, procedures, and technologies. Fourth, they must be proficient in the
use of future computer-based record systems (i.e., the systems described in this
report) and the tools that such systems provide (e.g., links to bibliographic
databases or clinical decision support systems).

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Over the past decades, progress has been steady toward developing
complete CPR systems, and several powerful clinical information systems have
become operational in recent years. Typically, development of these systems
began at least a decade ago, and some have been under development for more
than two decades. No current system, however, is capable of supporting the
complete CPR.
Those clinical information systems that most closely approximate the CPR
system envisioned by the committee share several common traits. First, they
maintain a large data dictionary to define the contents of their internal CPRs.
Second, all patient data recorded in the CPR are tagged with the time and date
of the transaction, thus making the CPR a continuous chronological history of
the patient's medical care. Third, the systems retrieve and report data in the CPR
in a flexible manner. Finally, the systems offer a research tool for using the
CPR data.
Most of the technological barriers that formerly impeded development of
CPR systems have either disappeared already or are about to dissolve.
Nevertheless, although no technological breakthroughs are needed to realize
CPR systems, further maturation of a few emerging technologies, such as handheld computers, voice-input or voice-recognition systems, and text-processing
systems may be necessary to develop state-of-the-art CPR systems in the 1990s.
In some cases, promising technologies must be tested further in ''real-life"
situations; in other cases, technologies that have proved beneficial in
applications in other fields must be adopted for use in health care.
In addition to further development of necessary technologies, a variety of
standards must be developed, tested, and implemented before the CPR can
realize its full potential at both the macro (e.g., epidemiological) and micro
(e.g., physician office) levels. Standards to facilitate the exchange of health care
data are needed so that clinical data may be transmitted on networks or
aggregated and analyzed to support improved decision making. Standards are
also needed for the development of more secure CPR systems. This effort
should focus on ensuring the integrity of the clinical data in the CPR and
protecting its confidentiality. It is crucial that confidentiality be maintained in
CPR systems not only for the patient but also for health care professionals.
In addition to technological advances, successful implementation of CPR
systems requires elimination of the barriers to development (i.e., the production
of new capabilities) and diffusion. It also requires that the concerns of many
interested parties be addressed and that individuals and organizations with
resources to support needed changes be engaged in the effort.

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Many impediments to the CPR and to CPR systems arise from a lack of
awareness and understanding of their capabilities and benefits. The intellectual
understanding of what needs to be done, how to do it, and for whom to do it
that is, the demanding collection of insights required for designis a
continuing problem that must be addressed. (For example, when users are asked
what capabilities they would like to have available to them, they may have
difficulty imagining what CPR systems will be able to do in the future.) System
purchasers and users often lack adequate information about the benefits and
costs of the CPR. Developers and vendors require more specific information
about what users want from systems and what price providers would be willing
to pay for systems that meet their needs. Activities aimed at improving and
disseminating available information about CPR systemsfor instance, through
demonstration projects and education programsconstitute an important step
toward CPR implementation.
Other impediments arise from the lack of an infrastructure to support CPR
development and diffusion. Needed infrastructure components are standards for
communication of data (i.e., vocabulary control and data format standards);
laws and regulations that protect patient privacy but do not inhibit transfer of
information to legitimate users of data outside the clinical setting; experts
trained in the development and use of CPR systems; institutional, local,
regional, and national networks for transmitting CPR data; reimbursement
mechanisms that pay for the costs of producing improved patient care
information; and a management structure (i.e., an organization) for setting
priorities, garnering and allocating resources, and coordinating activities.
Consideration of the various barriers to CPR development, the interest and
resources of individuals and organizations able to effect change, and the
concerns of individuals who would be affected by implementation of CPRs
prompted the committee to identify eight critical activities that will help
advance CPR development: (1) identification and understanding of CPR design
requirements; (2) development of standards; (3) CPR and CPR systems research
and development; (4) demonstrations of effectiveness, costs, and benefits of
CPR systems; (5) reduction of legal constraints for CPR uses as well as
enhancement of legal protection for patients; (6) coordination of resources and
support for CPR development and diffusion; (7) coordination of information
and resources for secondary patient record databases; and (8) education and
training of developers and users.
Accomplishing these activities will require adequate funding and effective
organization. The committee reviewed organizational structures that could
provide the necessary framework for coordinating CPR activities and concluded
that no existing organization has the mandate and resources necessary to lead
the CPR effort. Thus, for reasons set forth more fully in Chapter 4, the
committee believes that a new organization is needed to

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support CPR development and implementation. The committee has proposed a

framework for the establishment of such an organization, but it also emphasizes
that achieving adequate resources for and engaging the appropriate parties in
CPR development efforts are more important than the precise structure of the
recommended organization.


The committee recommends the following:





Health care professionals and organizations should adopt the

computer-based patient record (CPR) as the standard for medical
and all other records related to patient care.
To accomplish Recommendation No. 1, the public and private
sectors should join in establishing a Computer-based Patient
Record Institute (CPRI) to promote and facilitate development,
implementation, and dissemination of the CPR.
Both the public and private sectors should expand support for the
CPR and CPR system implementation through research,
development, and demonstration projects. Specifically, the
committee recommends that Congress authorize and appropriate
funds to implement the research and development agenda outlined
herein. The committee further recommends that private foundations
and vendors fund programs that support and facilitate this research
and development agenda.
The CPRI should promulgate uniform national standards for data
and security to facilitate implementation of the CPR and its
secondary databases.
The CPRI should review federal and state laws and regulations for
the purpose of proposing and promulgating model legislation and
regulations to facilitate the implementation and dissemination of the
CPR and its secondary databases and to streamline the CPR and
CPR systems.
The costs of CPR systems be should shared by those who benefit
from the value of the CPR. Specifically, the full costs of
implementing and operating CPRs and CPR systems should be
factored into reimbursement levels or payment schedules of both
public and private sector third-party payers. In addition, users of
secondary databases should support the costs of creating such
Health care professional schools and organizations should enhance
educational programs for students and practitioners in the use of
computers, CPRs, and CPR systems for patient care, education,
and research.

The committee believes its recommendations (see Box 1) effectively
address the potential barriers to routine CPR use. The first recommendation

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defines CPRs and CPR systems as the standard for future patient records; the
second proposes an organizational framework within which barriers to CPR
implementation can be systematically addressed and overcome. The remaining
recommendations focus on specific impediments: needed research and
development, promulgation of standards for CPR data and security, review of
legal constraints and remedies, distribution of costs for CPR systems, and
education of health care professionals.
The committee believes that the CPR can play an increasingly important
role in the health care environment. This role begins in the care process as the
CPR provides patient information when needed and supports clinical decision
making. It extends to management of care through the establishment of a
mechanism by which quality assurance procedures and clinical practice
guidelines are accessible to health care professionals at the time and site of
patient care. It also includes opportunities for reducing administrative costs and
frustrations associated with health care financing and for capturing
administrative data for internal and external review. Finally, the CPR's role
extends to capturing relevant, accurate data necessary for provider and
consumer education, technology assessment, health services research, and
related work concerning the appropriateness, effectiveness, and outcomes of
The committee recognizes the considerable amount of work that remains to
be done and the practical limitations that must be overcome before CPRs
become the standard mode of documenting and communicating patient
information and before they are perceived and used as a vital resource for
improving patient care. The challenge of coordinating CPR development efforts
in the pluralistic health care environment is great. Resources are limited and
must be used wisely.
The committee is convinced that proper coordination and appropriate
resources will lead to achievement of the goal of widespread CPR utilization
within a decade. The desire to improve the quality of and access to patient data
is shared by patients, practitioners, administrators, third-party payers,
researchers, and policymakers throughout the nation. CPRs and CPR systems
can respond to health care's need for a "central nervous system" to manage the
complexities of modern medicinefrom patient care to public health to health
care policy. In short, the CPR is an essential technology for health care today
and in the future.

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The patient record is the principal repository for information concerning a

patient's health care. It affects, in some way, virtually everyone associated with
providing, receiving, or reimbursing health care services. Despite the many
technological advances in health care over the past few decades, the typical
patient record of today is remarkably similar to the patient record of 50 years
ago. This failure of patient records to evolve is now creating additional stress
within the already burdened U.S. health care system as the information needs of
practitioners,1 patients, administrators, third-party payers, researchers, and
policymakers often go unmet. As described by Ellwood (1988:1550),
The intricate machinery of our health care system can no longer grasp the
threads of experience Too often, payers, physicians, and health care
executives do not share common insights into the life of the patient The
health care system has become an organism guided by misguided choices; it is
unstable, confused, and desperately in need of a central nervous system that
can help it cope with the complexities of modern medicine.

Patient record improvement could make major contributions to improving

the health care system of this nation. A 1991 General Accounting Office (GAO)
report on automated medical records identified three major ways in which
improved patient records could benefit health care (GAO,

1 The committee uses the term practitioners to refer to all health care professionals
who provide clinical services to patients. These professionals include, but are not limited
to, physicians, nurses, dentists, and therapists.

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1991). First, automated patient records can improve health care delivery by
providing medical personnel with better data access, faster data retrieval, higher
quality data, and more versatility in data display. Automated patient records can
also support decision making and quality assurance activities and provide
clinical reminders to assist in patient care. Second, automated patient records
can enhance outcomes research programs by electronically capturing clinical
information for evaluation. Third, automated patient records can increase
hospital efficiency by reducing costs and improving staff productivity.
Several sources support these conclusions. The GAO reported that an
automated medical record system reduced hospital costs by $600 per patient in
a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital because of shorter hospital stays
(GAO, 1991). Reductions in the length of inpatient stays were also found in
other studies of computerized medical records and medical record summaries
(Rogers and Haring, 1979). Other investigators found enhanced care and
improved outcome of care for clinic patients (Rogers et al., 1982) and a
reduction in medication errors (Garrett et al., 1986).
The first step toward patient record improvement is a close examination of
the users of the patient record, the technologies available to create and maintain
it, and the barriers to enhancing it. To that end, the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
of the National Academy of Sciences undertook a study to recommend
improvements to patient records in response to expanding functional
requirements and technological advances. 2 This report is the product of the
multidisciplinary panel's 18-month study of how patient records can be
improved to meet the many and varied demands for patient information and to
enhance the quality of patient care and the effectiveness and efficiency of health
care delivery.
The idea for this study originated in discussions between staff at the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) and IOM. The NIH staff were involved in
patient care, teaching, and research and were motivated by the need to make
patient records more useful for all of these purposes. The IOM

2 The IOM committee was originally named the Committee on Improving the Medical
Record in Response to Increasing Functional Requirements and Technological
Advances. The committee's first action was to change "medical" to "patient" in its name,
reflecting its consensus that the medical component of the record does not constitute the
total record. Thus, this report generally will refer to what are commonly called medical
records as "patient records.'' There are several instances, however, in which the
committee continues to refer to medical records rather than patient records. For example,
the committee's official charge relates to medical records, and the committee has not
undertaken to rename "medical record professionals."

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was considered to be an ideal agent to bring together the diverse perspectives

needed to address a broad range of patient record issues. Thus, the participants
at a June 1986 IOM program development workshop recommended that the
institute conduct a study of the patient record in light of new technologies.
Subsequently, staff of the IOM Council on Health Care Technology developed
an action plan for the study, which was approved by the National Research
Council in July 1987. Efforts to enlist adequate financial support occurred over
the ensuing two years.
The IOM appointed a study committee in March 1989, and the committee
began its deliberations the following September. Among its membership were
experts in community and academic medicine, health information services,
health services research, hospital services, medical information systems,
regulatory functions, and third-party payment.
The Committee's Charge
In general, the IOM study committee was charged to examine the problems
with existing medical record systems and to propose actions and research for
their improvement in light of new technologies. Specifically, the committee was
asked to:
examine the current state of medical record systems, including their
availability, use, strengths, and weaknesses;
identify impediments to the development and use of improved record
identify ways, including developments now in progress, to overcome
impediments and improve medical record systems;
develop a research agenda to advance medical record systems;
develop a plan, design, and/or other provisions for improved medical
record systems, including a means for updating these systems and the
research agenda as appropriate; and
recommend policies and other strategies to achieve these improvements.
In addition to addressing the technological issues in its charge, the
committee sought to produce a report that would increase the interest of all
health care practitioners in improving patient records and health care
information management. Involvement of these practitioners in the
development of future patient records is required if record improvement efforts
are to meet with success.
Committee Activities
The committee met five times between September 1989 and December
1990. It established three subcommitteesUsers and Uses, Technology,

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and Strategy and Implementation (see Appendix A). The subcommittees, each
with approximately 15 members, met at least twice and solicited information
from more than 70 advisers, including physicians (in both private practice and
academic medicine), nurses, dentists, medical record professionals, hospital
administrators, researchers, and congressional staff. Also among these advisers
were representatives of patient groups, computer software and hardware
vendors, third-party payers, government agencies, and professional
organizations. Each subcommittee prepared a report that was considered, along
with the results of a special workshop and several background papers, by the
full committee in its deliberations.
During its work, the committee used the following specific definitions:
A patient record is the repository of information about a single patient.
This information is generated by health care professionals as a direct
result of interaction with a patient or with individuals who have
personal knowledge of the patient (or with both). Traditionally, patient
records have been paper and have been used to store patient care data.
A computer-based patient record (CPR) is an electronic patient record
that resides in a system specifically designed to support users by
providing accessibility to complete and accurate data, alerts,
reminders, clinical decision support systems,3 links to medical
knowledge, and other aids.
A primary patient record is used by health care professionals while
providing patient care services to review patient data or document their
own observations, actions, or instructions.
A secondary patient record is derived from the primary record and
contains selected data elements to aid nonclinical users (i.e., persons
not involved in direct patient care) in supporting, evaluating, or
advancing patient care.4 Patient care support refers to administration,
regulation, and

3 Shortliffe and colleagues define a clinical decision support system as "any computer
system designed to help health professionals make clinical decisions" (Shortliffe et al.,
1990:469). They identify three types of decision support functions: information
management, focusing of attention, and patient-specific consultation. Throughout this
report, clinical decision support systems refer to clinical consultation systems that use
population statistics or encode expert knowledge to assist practitioners in diagnosis or in
formulating treatment plans (Shortliffe et al., 1990).
4 The committee's distinction between primary and secondary patient records parallels,
but is not identical to, the approach used by Westin (1976). Westin identified three
"zones" through which information flows: (1) direct patient care, (2) supporting
activities, and (3) social uses of health data. This report does not address social uses of
patient care data that lie outside health care (e.g., law enforcement) and combines
supporting activities and health care social uses of patient data into one zone.

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payment functions. Patient care evaluation refers to quality assurance,

utilization review, and medical or legal audits. Patient care
advancement refers to research. These records are often combined to
form what the committee terms a secondary database (e.g., an
insurance claims database).
A patient record system is the set of components that form the
mechanism by which patient records are created, used, stored, and
retrieved. A patient record system is usually located within a health
care provider setting. It includes people, data, rules and procedures,
processing and storage devices (e.g., paper and pen, hardware and
software), and communication and support facilities.
A patient record system can be part of a hospital information system ,
which typically handles both administrative and clinical functions, or a medical
information system, which has been defined as "the set of formal arrangements
by which the facts concerning the health or health care of individual patients are
stored and processed in computer" (Lindberg, 1979:9). A patient record system
is a type of clinical information system, which is dedicated to collecting,
storing, manipulating, and making available clinical information important to
the delivery of patient care. The central focus of such systems is clinical data
and not financial or billing information. Such systems may be limited in their
scope to a single area of clinical information (e.g., dedicated to laboratory data),
or they may be comprehensive and cover virtually every facet of clinical
information pertinent to patient care (e.g., computer-based patient record
The remainder of this chapter discusses the current state of patient record
systems, including their strengths and weaknesses, and the environment of
opportunity that exists for implementing computer-based patient records.
Chapter 2 delineates the needs of patient record users and describes how future
patient record systems can meet user needs. Chapter 3 identifies technologies
essential to future systems and assesses how well existing systems meet future
requirements. Chapter 4 describes nontechnological barriers to improving
patient records and presents a strategic plan for overcoming them. Finally,
Chapter 5 sets forth the committee's recommendations for accelerating the
realization of computer-based patient records and suggests an agenda for their
implementation and dissemination within a decade.
Virtually every person in the United States who has received health care
since 1918 has a patient record (MacEachern, 1937). Today, most people

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have multiple patient recordsone for each health care provider they have
visited. Patient records have proliferated to the extent that some medical centers
in large metropolitan areas may now each have more than 4 million paper
patient records (Kurland and Molgaard, 1981). Although at any one time these
records are not all active, they must be stored for up to 25 years, depending on
state laws (Waller, in this volume). Moreover, a given patient may have more
than one record even within a particular institution.5
Patient records appear in a variety of formsfor example, as paper;
microfilm; a monitor strip; an optical disk; a computer card, tape, or disk; or a
combination of these (Amatayakul and Wogan, 1989). They are created and
used most frequently in health care provider settings such as physician or
dentist offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and public health clinics; but other
institutions such as correctional institutions, the armed forces, occupational
health programs of employers, and colleges and universities also maintain
patient health care records (Westin, 1976).6
For more than a century, the paper patient record has been the primary
vehicle for recording patient care information (Huffman, 1981). Yet recent
years have seen a trend toward automation of components of patient records
(e.g., clinical laboratory test results) or certain patient care functions (e.g.,
entering physician orders for hospitalized patients; Westin, 1976; Gardner and
Perry, 1989; Amatayakul and Sattler, 1990). Some hospitals, health
maintenance organizations, and physicians' offices now have prototype
elements of computer-based record systems .7 These facilities are still the
exception rather than the rule, however, and paper patient records, with their
sometimes overlooked strengths and frequently cited weaknesses, are still the
norm for most health care providers.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Paper Patient Records
The committee's literature review did not reveal any substantive
documentation of the strengths of paper patient records. This result may be

5 Health care professionals might maintain a separate patient record to protect

sensitive data (e.g., psychiatric history) or to support a research interest (i.e., separate
records containing detailed data for a research project).
6 Pharmacies capture information pertinent to patient care but do not maintain full
patient records. Information on the medications prescribed and the specialties of the
physicians writing the prescriptions can provide enough information to determine a
patient's medical problems, however, and pharmacy records may thus raise
confidentiality issues similar to those associated with patient records. Because the
committee focused more closely on traditional patient care records, this report does not
address issues related to pharmacy records.
7 Chapter 3 highlights some of the health care provider institutions at the leading edge
of patient record technologies.

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explained in part by the facts that the value of maintaining patient records is
widely accepted in the health care community and that paper is the most widely
used record keeping form. Given the prevalence of paper patient records, the
committee noted that support by practitioners for this kind of record keeping
should not be underestimated. Time and resource constraints did not permit the
committee to survey user attitudes toward paper records; however, committee
members identified at least five strengths of such records from the perspective
of record users:

Paper records are familiar to users who consequently do not need to

acquire new skills or behaviors to use them.
Paper records are portable and can be carried to the point of care.
Once in hand, paper records do not experience downtime as computer
systems do.
Paper records allow flexibility in recording data and are able to record
"soft" (i.e., subjective) data easily.8
Paper records can be browsed through and scanned (if they are not too
large). This feature allows users to organize data in various ways and to
look for patterns or trends that are not explicitly stated.

Criticism of current patient records is sometimes sharp. Burnum

(1989:484) states that "medical records, which have long been faulty, contain
more distorted, deleted, and misleading information than ever before." Pories
(1990:47) relates the story of an engineer who was asked to recommend more
efficient use of health care personnel but who instead was "stunned by the
disorganization of the medical record and the inefficiencies it imposed on the
delivery of care." The engineer concluded that "the redesign of the record
offered the most immediate and simple approach for medical cost control and
for prevention of malpractice" (p. 47).
Pories believes that this situation has not improved and that it is not
isolated. "No one has a monopoly on the problem: medical records appear to be
equally bad and dangerous throughout the land" (Pories 1990:47). He is not
alone in his view that patient records often lack the features needed for their
most beneficial use. In a recent survey of internists in academic and private
practice, 63 percent of the respondents agreed with the statement that patient
records are becoming increasingly burdensome without improving the quality
of patient care (Hershey et al., 1989).
The weaknesses of patient records, as described in the literature and in the
work of the committee, can be subsumed under four main headings: (1)

8 Although flexibility in recording data may be viewed as a strength by the individual

recording the information, lack of standard vocabulary and coding can pose problems for
subsequent usersincluding practitioners, administrators, researchers, and third-party

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content; (2) format; (3) access, availability, and retrieval; and (4) linkages and
Problems with Patient Record Content
Patient record data are often missing, illegible, or inaccurate (Tufo and
Speidel, 1971; Zuckerman et al., 1975; Bentsen, 1976; Zimmerman, 1978; Fox
et al., 1979; Romm and Putnam, 1981; Gerbert and Hargreaves, 1986; Hsia et
al., 1988; Pories, 1990). Data can be missing for at least three reasons: (1)
questions were never asked, examinations were never performed, or tests were
never ordered; (2) the information was requested and provided, but either it was
not recorded by the clinician or delays occurred in placing the information in
the record; and (3) the information was requested and delivered but was
misplaced or lost. In addition, clinicians, patients, or equipment can all
introduce errors into patient records (Burnum, 1989).
Many studies have examined the quality of patient record content.
Table 1-1 presents the findings of several such investigations. The missing
information reported in the various studies often resulted in additional costs of
patient care. For example, an estimated 11 percent of laboratory tests in one
hospital were ordered to duplicate tests for which findings were unavailable to
the physician at the time of the patient visit (Tufo and Speidel, 1971).
Although for some records data are missing, in other cases certain data are
excessive or redundant (Zimmerman, 1978; Korpman and Lincoln, 1988). The
thickness and weight of the records of patients with chronic problems can be
imposing, if not daunting, and time constraints may prevent the user from
finding and using necessary information. (In one study of paper patient records,
the average weight of a clinic record was 1-1/2 pounds [Rogers et al., 1982].)
Other issues related to record content include failure to capture the rationale of
providers, lack of standardization of definitions of terminology, failure to
describe the patient experience, lack of patient-based generic health outcome
measures, and incomprehensibility for patients and their families.
Problems with Format
Several studies have pointed to patient record formats as a problem area
that at times impedes record use and effectiveness. The 1980 IOM study cited in
Table 1-1 found that the reliability of hospital discharge data depended on the
general organization, orderliness, and logic of the medical record. Zimmerman
(1978) conducted a survey of physicians who identified poor organization of
medical records as a deficiency that contributed

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to ineffective use. The format of the usual paper record does not lend itself
easily to dealing with multiple problems over a long period of time. For
example, Pories (1990) noted that the physical form of paper records (i.e.,
binders or charts) is often unmanageable; data are fragmented within the record
and not sorted for relevance. Fries (1974) showed that information could be
found four times faster in a structured flow sheet than in a traditional paper
medical record and that 10 percent of items in the traditional record could not
be found.
Traditionally, patient records are organized according to the sources and
chronology of data (Feinstein, 1970), although several alternative record
formats have been developed. For example, the problem-oriented medical
record (POMR) is assembled according to the patient's problems to support a
more organized approach to clinical problem solving and management

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(Weed, 1968). The summary time-oriented record (STOR) is an outpatient

medical record system that consists of a concise summary of a patient's clinical
data that can be used either in conjunction with the traditional medical record or
by itself (Whiting-O'Keefe et al., 1985).
Problems with Access, Availability, and Retrieval
Record unavailability and difficulties in accessing records when they are
available are frequent problems for patient record users (Pories, 1990). Tufo
and Speidel (1971) documented in their study that medical records were
unavailable in up to 30 percent of patient visits. They attributed this rate of
unavailability to several possible causes: patients being seen in two or more
clinics on the same day, charts not being forwarded, physicians keeping records
in their offices or removing them from their offices, and records being misfiled
in the file room. One hospital in the GAO study on automated medical records
reported that it could not locate medical records 30 percent of the time (GAO,
1991). Even when records are readily available, the amount of time required to
retrieve necessary information from a record can frustrate users (Fries, 1974;
Zimmerman, 1978; Pories, 1990).
For researchers, access to paper records can be problematic and is
generally resource intensive (Davies, 1990). Identifying records that contain
needed data, retrieving needed records, reviewing records, collecting data, and
entering data into data sets for analysis are time-consuming, expensive tasks.
Yet access to existing computer-based records can also prove difficult for
researchers because documentation on how to use systems may be lacking.
Further, data aggregation can be hampered by lack of compatibility among
Problems with Linkages and Integration
One of the major criticisms of the U.S. health care system is the
discontinuity of care among providers (Rulin et al., 1988; Case and Jones,
1989). This discontinuity extends to patient records, whose lack of integration
of inpatient and outpatient information is a significant deficiency. Paper patient
records offer little hope of improving the coordination of health care services
within or among provider institutions. Moreover, the inadequacy of patient
record interfaces with other clinical data, administrative information, or medical
knowledge impedes optimal use of record information in providing patient care.
Several health care systems and institutions have developed records that
overcome many of the problems associated with traditional paper records, but
even these improved records suffer from their lack of easy transferability to
other health care provider systems or institutions.

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Outpatient Records
Attention is frequently focused on patient records in hospitals rather than
in outpatient settings. (An inpatient record is used by many different individuals
during an episode of illness, so its weaknesses can appear quite pronounced.)
Yet outpatient records are greater in number, are scattered among individual
physician offices, and may exhibit even greater variance in quality than
inpatient records. There are no established standards or review organizations for
outpatient records as there are for inpatient records. As a result, outpatient
records often serve as files for ''correspondence and reports rather than as a well
organized chronology of health care" (Pories, 1990:49).
Ambulatory care records frequently contain poorly organized data, lack
documentation of key aspects of care, and exhibit inaccurate diagnostic coding
(IOM, 1990c). Health care researchers and clinicians who conduct retrospective
studies using such records are likely to identify at least four weaknesses: lack of
standardization in content and format, inaccessibility (except in some hospitals
or large health plans), incompleteness, and inaccuracies (Davies, 1990).
An Information-Intensive Industry
Providing high-quality health care services is an information-dependent
process. Indeed, the practice of medicine has been described as being
"dominated" by how well information is processed or reprocessed, retrieved,
and communicated (Barnett, 1990). An estimated 35 to 39 percent of total
hospital operating costs have been associated with patient and professional
communication activities (Richart, 1970). Physicians spend an estimated 38
percent (Mamlin and Baker, 1973) and nurses an estimated 50 percent
(Korpman and Lincoln, 1988) of their time writing up patient charts.
Information-processing activities associated with providing health services
to patients are extremely varied. Clinicians obtain and record information about
patients, consult with colleagues, read scientific literature, select diagnostic
procedures, interpret results of laboratory studies, devise strategies for patient
care, instruct allied health professionals, discuss care plans with patients and
families, and document the progress of patients. In addition, health care
practitioners must distill knowledge, interpret data, apply knowledge, and
manage the complexities of medical decision making (Haynes et al., 1989;
Greenes and Shortliffe, 1990). Thus, health care professionals routinely need
access to appropriate compilations of thorough, up-to-date knowledge and
advice to make prompt, informed decisions regarding

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patient care (Haynes et al., 1989; Saba et al., 1989; Greenes and Shortliffe,
1990). Furthermore, a wide range of information-processing tasks supports
patient care, including performing laboratory tests, processing medical imaging
data, capturing patient demographic information, filling prescription orders,
monitoring quality and appropriateness of services provided, and billing
(Martin, 1990).
An Information Explosion
For the past several years, health care practitioners have faced an explosion
in medical knowledge. For instance, MEDLINE9 now indexes approximately
360,000 new articles each year from those published in the biomedical literature
(National Institutes of Health, 1989). Scientific and technological advances that
have contributed to improving the health of the public have also resulted in
more complexity in medical practice; clinicians must track ever more numerous
diagnoses, procedures, diagnostic tests, clinical processes, devices, and drugs.
The increase in available technologies places an additional burden on
physicians: they must read and synthesize the literature and try to decide
whether and how new technologies should be applied (Brook, 1989). Often, a
gap occurs between the information physicians need and the information
available to them at the time of providing patient care. According to Covell and
colleagues (1985), an estimated 70 percent of physician information needs are
unmet during the patient visit.
In addition to more knowledge, there are more data for health care
professionals to manage. The volume and complexity of information per patient
have increased owing to a greater number of patient encounters (as patients live
longer and experience chronic disease), higher patient acuity of illness (both in
and out of hospitals), more kinds of clinical data elements arising from new
diagnostic technologies, and developments in the delivery system that result in
many patients receiving care at multiple sites. Concomitant with increases in
information, however, have been efforts to reduce unit costs of health care
provider institutions, which create pressures on health care professionals to be
more productive and to see more patients. This paradoxically reduces the time
and energy available for the functions associated with management and
communication of information. Health care professionals are thus placed in a
frustrating, difficult, and perhaps untenable position.

9 MEDLINE is an on-line bibliographic database of medical information. It covers 25

years and includes citations to more than 6 million articles from approximately 3,500
journals. MEDLINE is part of the National Library of Medicine Medical Literature
Analysis and Retrieval System (MEDLARS), which includes specialized databases in
health administration, toxicology, cancer, medical ethics, and population studies
(National Institutes of Health, 1989).

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Increasing Demand for Data

Even as patient care data become more voluminous and complex, the
demand by multiple users for access to patient care data is increasing (Barnett,
1990). Information must be shared among the multiplicity of health care
professionals who constitute the "health care team." These professionals
represent the physician specialties, as well as nurses, dentists, therapists,
pharmacists, technicians, social workers, and other health care providers.
Patients may also require access to records; some providers advocate greater
patient input into the process of care through patient identification of
preferences among treatments, patient contributions to the record (particularly
history and functional status; Davies and Ware, 1988; Donnelly, 1988; Tarlov et
al., 1989), patient reading and validation of record data, and patient control and
transport of pertinent parts of the record (Tufo et al., 1977; Bronson et al., 1978).
Administrators and managers of health care institutions require
information to manage the quality of care provided and to allocate resources
(e.g., labor, supplies, equipment, and facilities) according to the institution's
patient case mix. Managers of provider institutions seek to link financial and
patient care information to develop meaningful budgets, measure productivity
and costs, and evaluate market position. Long-term institutional planning for
personnel recruitment, equipment acquisition, and facilities development
depends on anticipated trends in patient population needs.
Quality assurance activities constitute another information need. Such
activities are a requirement for accreditation of hospitals by the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO); in
addition, third-party payers carry out various quality monitoring and evaluation
efforts. The best known is probably the Medicare peer review organization
program administered by the Health Care Financing Administration (IOM,
1990c). Public and private third-party payers, medical professional societies,
and researchers have been exploring practice guidelines and outcomes
management as tools for improving care (IOM, 1990a,b). The risk management
programs established by many health care institutions in response to the recent
history of medical malpractice litigation add another level of information use
(IOM, 1990c).
Patient care information to adjudicate claims for reimbursement made to
third-party payers is an additional area of data needs. As expenditures related to
health care have risen10 and as third-party payers have sought to

10 Health care expenditures accounted for 7.3 percent of the nation's gross national
product (GNP) in 1970 (Levit et al., 1990). In 1989, health care spending amounted to
11.6 percent of GNP (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1990).

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contain costs, payers have also increased their demands for data. Patient data
now are used for coverage decisions (e.g., preadmission review) as well as for
payment. Cost-containment approaches such as utilization management rely on
individual patient data for making short-term decisions; they also rely on
aggregated data to make judgments about the effectiveness of medical services
in the long-term (IOM, 1989). A recently developed hybrid of quality assurance
and cost containment"value purchasing"refers to the effort by purchasers,
providers, and consumers to promote "the idea of value or quality within the
context of cost" (IOM, 1990c:36). Value purchasing requires access to
information on both costs and outcomes of care.
The public health arena is also seeking more and better data. The 1988
IOM report on the future of public health recommended that a uniform national
data set be established to permit valid comparison of local, state, and national
health data to facilitate progress toward achieving national health objectives
(IOM, 1988). More recently, the U.S. Public Health Service identified public
health surveillance as a primary means of supporting the national disease
prevention objectives for the year 2000 (U.S. Public Health Service, 1990).
Data are needed to understand the health status of the U.S. population and to
develop, administer, and evaluate public health programs aimed at controlling
and preventing adverse health events. The Public Health Service report
specifically mentions data on (1) mortality, morbidity, and disability from acute
and chronic conditions; (2) injuries; (3) personal, environmental, and
occupational risk factors associated with illness and premature death; (4)
preventive and treatment services; and (5) costs.
The issues of quality, cost, effectiveness, and appropriateness largely
frame the questions that today's clinical and health services researchers pursue.
Efficacy and safety are no longer sufficient criteria for assessing a technology
whose purchasers also want to know (1) whether it is effective and safe outside
the controlled environment of clinical trials, (2) whether it is cost-effective, and
(3) whether it produces desired outcomes. "[L]ongitudinal observations of
natural variations in use and outcomes of economically and clinically important
medical technologies in different practice situations" are sought to support
utilization management (IOM, 1989:158).11
Late in 1989, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (P.L. 101239)
established the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) to
enhance "the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health care services,
and access to such services, through the establishment of a broad

11 One expert has suggested that "[w]hat is needed is a new kind of trial, one that
combines randomized prescription of approved drugs and hands-off follow-up with
recording of medical outcomes and determination of costs from routinely generated
computerized patient records" (Paterson, 1988:112).

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base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in

clinical practice and in the organization, financing and delivery of health care
services" (U.S. Congress, 1989). In addition to its mandate to "conduct and
support research, demonstration projects, evaluations, training, and the
dissemination of information, on health care services and on systems for the
delivery of such systems," AHCPR is specifically directed to support the
improvement and supplementation of existing databases and the design and
development of new databases for use in outcomes and effectiveness research.
More recently, several IOM studies have endorsed efforts to support,
expand, and improve research and the knowledge base on efficacy,
effectiveness, and outcomes of care (IOM, 1990b,c). Such efforts are part of a
systematic endeavor to develop clinical practice guidelines and standards of
care. All of these activities underscore the vastly increased demand for patient
data that has emerged during the 1980s.
Maintaining Confidentiality
In contrast to these trendsan increased supply of and demand for patient
datais the absolute necessity to protect patient privacy. 12 The ancient
principle of confidentialitythe obligation of health care professionals to avoid
violating a patient's right to privacyis affirmed by the American Medical
Association (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (1989).13 Thus, a
significant challenge in creating future patient record systems is to achieve an
appropriate balance between confidentiality and access by users with a need to

12 Privacy is the right of individuals to be left alone and to be protected against

physical or psychological invasion or the misuse of their property. It includes "freedom
from intrusion or observation into one's private affairs; the right to maintain control over
certain personal information; and the freedom to act without outside interference" (Peck,
13 "And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as
outside of my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be
publicized abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets"
(Hippocratic Oath, as quoted in Small, 1989).
According to the AMA, "[t]he information disclosed to a physician during the course
of the relationship between physician and patient is confidential to the greatest extent
possible. The patient should feel free to make a full disclosure of information to the
physician in order that the physician may most effectively provide needed services. The
patient should be able to make this disclosure with the knowledge that the physician will
respect the confidential nature of the communication" (AMA Council on Ethical and
Judicial Affairs, 1989:21).
14 Concerns about the privacy of information are not limited to health care data. The
1977 report, Personal Privacy in an Information Society , cited consumer credit,
depository, insurance, employment, and education data as all needing protection (Privacy
Protection Study Commission, 1977).

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Some health care provider institutions are well on their way toward
developing new electronic approaches to patient records. This progress has been
possible because of advances in computer technology and successful research
on the application of such technology to medicine. These advances include, but
are not limited to, hand-held computers; picture archiving and communications
systems that permit electronic storage, transmission, and display of medical
images; disk drives that offer mean time between failures of 60,000 or more
hours; and high-speed telecommunications networks that can carry 1.7 billion
characters per second over a 100-kilometer link. New technologies and
applications such as these can potentially improve the quality of patient care,
advance the scientific basis of medicine, moderate the costs of health care
services, and enhance the education of health care professionals.
Computer-based patient records, as defined by the committee, could
positively affect the quality of patient care in at least four ways. First, they offer
a means of improving both the quality of and access to patient care data.
Second, they allow providers to integrate information about patients over time
and between settings of care. Third, they make medical knowledge more
accessible for use by practitioners when needed. Fourth, they provide decision
support to practitioners.
Research efforts could also benefit from computer-based patient record
keeping in two key ways. First, improved data and access to those data would
be available to researchers. Second, research findings could be communicated
to practitioners through computer-based patient record systems
Computer-based patient records could assist efforts to moderate the costs
of health care in three ways. First, improved information could reduce
redundant tests and services that are performed in response to the unavailability
of test results. Second, administrative costs could be reduced by electronic
submission of claims and the ability to generate routine reports automatically.
Third, the productivity of practitioners could be enhanced by (1) reducing the
time needed to find missing records or to wait for records already in use; (2)
reducing, if not eliminating, the need for redundant data entry; and (3) reducing
the time needed to enter or review data in records that have been streamlined to
eliminate unnecessary information.
Health care professionals not only encourage self-directed learning among
their students (Gastel and Rogers, 1989) but are viewed as having a
responsibility for continuing lifelong education (AAMC, 1984). Students thus
require skills in organizing information and solving problems. Computer-based
patient records can support information management and independent learning
by health care students and professionals in both patient care and clinical
research settings. Tools for such learning include clinical decision

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support systems, bibliographic and knowledge links (including links to clinical

practice guidelines), and statistical software.
Meeting the challenge of managing health care information depends on
more than technological advances. The usefulness of any technology depends
on how well it and its progeny are applied. In addition to technology, a study of
the improvement of patient records must address how the use of those records
might be improved, a question that raises potentially sensitive issues.15
"Improving records" and "improving clinical reasoning" are topics inevitably
connected to one another because ideally the record reflects the clinical
reasoning process. If better record systems are to be created in the future, the
user must be recognized as part of the system, and the problem solving
activities of practitioners must be examined.
In addition to technological and behavioral opportunities for improving
patient records, certain strategic issues must be addressed. Other informationintensive industries (e.g., banking) have successfully implemented widespread
computer-based information management technologies. Understanding the
factors that have slowed the development and diffusion of such technologies in
health care is a first step toward achieving more rapid advances in the future.
Many attempts have been made over the years to advance clinical
computing, to reform the patient record, and to encourage health care
professionals to maintain the record more conscientiously (e.g., by entering
necessary clinical data). Why should or how could renewed efforts to establish
the routine use of new computer-based record systems succeed now when
previous attempts have failed? Why might this report have a significant impact?
The committee believes that five conditions of the environment in which
its strategic plan might be implemented increase the likelihood of achieving
widespread use of computer-based patient records. First, current demands for
patient information throughout the health care sector will not diminish; indeed,
they will probably increase. Second, technologies essential to computer-based
patient records are becoming more powerful and less expensive

15 Examination of the role of patient records in the clinical process, as manifested in

the debate surrounding the problem-oriented record, has been under way for more than
20 years (Weed, 1968; Goldfinger, 1972; Margolis, 1979).

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Third, patients and practitioners gradually are becoming accustomed to the use
of computers in virtually all facets of everyday life. Fourth, an aging and mobile
population results in more information to be managed and demands for
improved transferability or portability of that information. Finally, the
committee believes that those components of needed reform in health care that
require evaluation, consolidation of data, and improved communication will not
easily be achieved without reforms in the scope, use, and automation of the
patient record.
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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


The Computer-Based Patient Record:
Meeting Health Care Needs
In recent years, computerization of patient records has increased at a
moderate rate and this trend is likely to continue, particularly as technology
improves and becomes more affordable and as the demand for health care
information increases. If future patient records are merely automated versions
of most current records, however, an opportunity to improve a fundamental
resource for health care will have been lost. For example, in the patient record
of the future, the committee seeks the ability to access quickly a list of current
problems, a trail of clinical logic, the patient's health status, and the most recent
information about various treatment options for the patient's condition. Easy
access to and sound organization of data elements can be provided by
automation of patient records, but the availability of the data elements depends
on whether practitioners collect and record such data in the first place. Further,
access to bibliographic and knowledge databases will require new functions not
provided by traditional patient records.
Thus, the automation of patient record retrieval, maintenance, and use is
necessary, but not sufficient, for record improvement. Given existing and
emerging computer technologies and the evolving nature of health care, the
committee believes that the patient record can, must, and will develop to meet
the expanding needs of the health care field. This chapter identifies the
attributes of future patient records that are required to meet these needs,
discussing several of them in detail to highlight the scope and complexity of the
issues to be addressed.
The quality of a patient record or a patient record system depends on its
ability to meet the needs and requirements of those who use it. As discussed

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below, those users include, but are not limited to, physicians and nurses
delivering care to patients. The committee followed three steps suggested by the
continuous quality improvement model to develop its vision of an improved
patient record and record system: (1) identify the customers; (2) understand
their requirements; and (3) translate those requirements into functional
characteristics of the system (Donabedian, 1966, 1988; Batalden and Buchanan,
1989; Berwick, 1989). 1
Patient Record Users
The committee broadly defined the users of patient records as those
individuals who enter, verify, correct, analyze, or obtain information from the
record, either directly or through an intermediary. All users of the patient record
ultimately support patient care. They differ, however, in how and why they use
the record.
Some users have daily contact with the record, others access the record
sporadically, and still others never actually handle the record but rely on data
derived from it. An exhaustive list of patient record users would essentially
parallel a list of the individuals and organizations associated directly or
indirectly with the provision of health care. Patient record users provide,
manage, review, or reimburse patient care services; conduct clinical or health
services research; educate health care professionals or patients; develop or
regulate health care technologies; accredit health care professionals or provider
institutions; and make health care policy decisions. All of these kinds of users
are ''customers" of the patient record, and their needs should be met by patient
record systems of the future.
Users are individuals, but they most commonly perform their functions on
behalf of institutions. Boxes 2-1A and 2-1B identify types of individuals and
organizations that rely on patient records or the data they contain. These lists
are illustrative rather than comprehensive and indicate the wide range of users
and settings in which patient records are employed.
The full array of patient record users and the respective needs of each were
too extensive for the committee to address fully. Therefore, it identified five
major categories of users that it considered the most significant and
representative. Specifically, the committee focused on practitioners (physicians,

1 As stated by Juran (1989), the remaining steps of the quality improvement process
are as follows: (4) design a system capable of supplying these functional characteristics;
(5) implement the design; (6) prove the value of the system; and (7) stabilize or further
improve the system, depending on the results of ongoing evaluation. Given the scope of
its charge, the committee stopped short of designing such a system; it did, however,
accomplish an intermediate step by determining the technological implications of the
functional requirements of future patient record systems (see Chapter 3).

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nurses, and other health professionals), patients, administrators, third-party

payers, and researchers.2
Patient Record Uses
Just as the range of patient record users includes more than physicians,
nurses, and other health care professionals, patient record uses extend beyond
direct patient care. Similar to a comprehensive list of users, a complete list of
uses would be quite long. Boxes 2-2A and 2-2B list examples of primary and
secondary uses of patient records.


Patient Care Delivery
Dental hygienists
Laboratory technologists
Occupational therapists
Physical therapists
Physician assistants
Radiology technologists
Respiratory therapists
Social workers
Patient Care Delivery (Consumers)

Patient Care Management

and Support
Financial managers and account
Quality assurance managers
Records professionals
Risk managers
Unit clerks
Utilization review managers
Patient Care Reimbursement
Benefit managers
Insurers (federal, state, and
Government policymakers and
Health care researchers and
Health sciences journalists and

2 Setting priorities among patient record users risks giving the needs of some users too
little consideration or possibly omitting them entirely. Uncomfortable with this
compromise, the committee remained acutely aware that designers and implementers of
future patient record systems must attend to the needs of all parties, not just those
discussed in detail in this report.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Primary uses of patient records are associated with the provision of patient
care, that is, with providing, consuming, managing, reviewing, supporting, and
charging and reimbursing patient care services. Secondary uses of patient
records are not considered necessary for a particular encounter between a
patient and a health care professional, but such uses influence


Health Care Delivery (inpatient
and outpatient)
Alliances, associations, networks,
and systems of providers
Ambulatory surgery centers
Donor banks (blood, tissue,
Health maintenance organizations
Home care agencies
Hospitals (general and specialty)*
Nursing homes
Preferred provider organizations
Physician offices (large and
small group practices,
Psychiatric facilities
Public health departments
Substance abuse programs
Management and Review of Care
Medicare peer review organizations
Quality assurance companies
Risk management companies
Utilization review and utilization
management companies
Reimbursement of Care
Business health care coalitions

Insurers (federal, state, and
Disease registries
Health data organizations
Health care technology developers
and manufacturers (equipment
and device firms, pharmaceutical
firms, and computer hardware
and software vendors for patient
record systems)
Research centers
Allied health professional schools
and programs
Schools of medicine
Schools of nursing
Schools of public health
Accreditation organizations
Institutional licensure agencies
Professional licensure agencies
Federal government agencies
Local government agencies
State government agencies

* Various hospital departments are one kind of institutional patient record user. A few
such users include the blood bank, diagnostic radiology, emergency medical services,
intensive care units, nutrition services, pharmacy, surgery, and social work.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


the environment in which patient care is provided. Education, research and

development, regulation, and policymaking are all considered secondary uses of
the patient record.
Practical considerations forced the committee to focus on certain highpriority record uses rather than on all possible functions of the record. The four
major categories of patient record uses considered by the committee were direct
patient care, administration and management, reimbursement, and research.


Patient Care Delivery (Patient)

Document services received
Constitute proof of identity
Self-manage care
Verify billing
Patient Care Delivery (Provider)
Foster continuity of care
(i.e., serve as a communication tool)
Describe diseases and causes
(i.e., support diagnostic work)
Support decision making about
diagnosis and treatment of
Assess and manage risk for
individual patients
Facilitate care in accordance
with clinical practice guidelines
Document patient risk factors
Assess and document patient
expectations and patient
Generate care plans
Determine preventive advice or
health maintenance
Remind clinicians (e.g., screens,
age-related reminders)
Support nursing care

Document services provided

(e.g., drugs, therapies)
Patient Care Management
Document case mix in institutions and practices
Analyze severity of illness
Formulate practice guidelines
Manage risk
Characterize the use of services
Provide the basis for utilization
Perform quality assurance
Patient Care Support
Allocate resources
Analyze trends and develop
Assess workload
Communicate between departments
Billing and Reimbursement
Document services for payments
Bill for services
Submit insurance claims
Adjudicate insurance claims
Determine disabilities (e.g.,
workmens compensation)
Manage costs
Report costs
Perform actuarial analysis

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Proper system design means achieving a patient record system that
properly fits, interacts with, and communicates in the accepted manner of every
user community the system supports. This kind of design is necessary if
automated patient record systems are to be adopted by users. The committee
defined the needs of patient record users in terms of system function and issues
of implementation and operation. System function is what the system enables
users to do and what it does for them. Implementation and operation issues
relate to the factors users consider in acquiring and installing a system. These
factors are important regardless of the form of the record (e.g., paper or
The specific features users seek in patient records and record systems are
described below in terms of the computer-based patient record (CPR). Most of
these desired features are common to two or more major kinds of record users.
Unique concerns or needs of a user group are also identified. Box 2-3 presents
an overview of user requirements.


Document health care professional experience
Prepare conferences and
Teach health care professions
Serve as evidence in litigation
Foster postmarketing surveillance
Assess compliance with
standards of care
Accredit professionals and
Compare health care organizations
Develop new products
Conduct clinical research

Assess technology
Study patient outcomes
Study effectiveness and costeffectiveness of patient
Identify populations at risk
Develop registries and databases
Assess the cost-effectiveness of
record systems
Allocate resources
Conduct strategic planning
Monitor public health
Conduct research and develop
Plan marketing strategy

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


In compiling the list of user requirements, the committee noted two special
considerations. First, user needs can conflict with each othernot just among
groups (e.g., patients and practitioners need confidentiality, but claims payers
seek access to detailed clinical information), but also within a single user group
(e.g., doctors want access to information to be very fast, but they may also want
to be able to sort information according to complicated logical rules, which
slows response times). To the extent possible, the committee resolved such
conflicts by using sensible rules of priority. In


Record Content
Uniform core data elements
Standardized coding systems
and formats
Common data dictionary
Information on outcomes of
care and functional status
Record Format
Front-page problem list
Ability to flip through the record
Integrated among disciplines and
sites of care
System Performance
Rapid retrieval
24-hour access
Available at convenient places
Easy data input
Linkages with other information
systems (e.g., radiology,
Transferability of information
among specialties and sites
Linkages with relevant scientific
Linkages with other institutional
databases and registries
Linkages with records of family
Electronic transfer of billing

Decision support
Clinician reminders
Alarm systems capable of being
Reporting Capabilities
Derived documents (e.g.,
insurance forms)
Easily customized output and
other user interfaces
Standard clinical reports (e.g.,
discharge summary)
Customized and ad hoc reports (e.g.,
specific evaluation queries)
Trend reports and graphics
Control and Access
Easy access for patients and their
Safeguards against violation of
Training and Implementation
Minimal training required for
system use
Graduated implementation

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


several cases, however, the conflicts remained nettlesome and are discussed in
Chapter 4 as particular challenges to future patient record development.
Second, at a technological frontier, customers may have difficulty
expressing or even imagining a need. This situation may well occur with the
computer-based patient record, which contains opportunities for functional
characteristics that most users would not think to request. The pioneering
designer must not only ask, "What do people want?" but also, "What would
people want if they knew what could be done for them?"
Patient Record Functions
The traditional function of patient records has been to store information
relevant to the care of a patient for subsequent retrieval. Patient record systems
should offer users at least two additional functions. First, records should be able
to guide the process of clinical problem solving. Second, records should support
clinicians with decision analysis, reminders, risk assessment, and other
"intelligent" features not available with paper records.
The attributes associated with the storage function are record access (i.e.,
availability, convenience, speed, and ease of use), quality, security, flexibility,
connectivity, and efficiency.
ACCESS First and foremost, users want to retrieve information easily when
and where they need it. Other features of a patient record system are essentially
irrelevant to users if they cannot gain access to the system, to the records in the
system, or to the data in the records.
Access can be described in terms of availability, convenience, reliability, 3
and ease of use. A patient record system should allow authorized clinical users
convenient access to any record 24 hours a day. This requirement implies an
adequate number of conveniently located terminals or work-stations, no system
downtime, no lost records or data, and access to the record by more than one
user at the same time. Nonclinical users typically require access to patient
record data at least during standard working hours.
Different users need different levels and kinds of information (see
Box 2-4). The ease with which users locate or retrieve needed data elements
depends largely on the record format. Current paper record formats tend to
segregate rather than integrate information; to facilitate communication of

3 System reliability refers to the constant availability of hardware and software needed
for work in the clinical setting.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


needed information, an integrated format is necessary. Thus, records should

contain a front-page problem list to allow users to locate desired information. In
addition, record systems should allow users to "flip through" or easily scan
records; a table of contents or index would be helpful for this purpose.


A patient record database contains many data elements, and each
user community has a unique, definable "view" of the database that brings
together the elements needed by that community. (Some communities
also have specialized or occasional views for special circumstances.)
Some views overlap, and some data elements appear in many views.
Other data elements appear only in one view.
For each view that supports a given user community, processes are
needed to organize its contents, manipulate and display it in various ways,
and allow users to commingle views. System-level processes that
automatically support all views (e.g., calendar-date management,
screening for access authorization to maintain confidentiality) are also
For example, in a teaching hospital:
The general internist wants a view that will help him or her manage the
medical aspects of the case.
The subspecialist's view must contain additional details relevant to his
or her special duties in a case.
The chief resident needs additional details to support teaching during
The intensive care nurse needs a view that embraces the care and
management of the patient to whom he or she is assigned.
The pharmacy's view supports patient medication, including medication
history and patient response to drugs.
The dietitian requires a view to support diet and nutrition control for the
The security department's view identifies security risks or hazardous
The accounting department has a view relating to what should be
A research view permits academic researchers to access data without
violating confidentiality.
Multiple reporting views are required to prepare internal or external
reports for policymakers as appropriate.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Several other capabilities are needed for optimal access. Users should be
able to display information at different levels of detail. Moreover, the system
should permit virtually every data item to be used as a key for retrieval and
should also enable users to access subsets of data. All users, regardless of their
level of computer expertise, should be able to enter most queries without the
intervention of a programmer; thus, an English-like retrieval language should be
part of the system.
Accessing information when needed includes more than finding an
available terminal; from the user's point of view, it means an adequate (i.e., fast)
system response time. Users want to perform their tasks at least as fast as they
currently perform them with paper records. Extremely rapid retrieval of
information, measured in fractions of a second, is an essential function for
primary users of the CPR. In addition, clinicians, who are accustomed to
writing or dictating their entries to patient records, want a comparable method
in the CPR system to add data to the record.
From the users' perspective, the difficulty involved in learning to use a
system also affects access. Thus, operation of patient record systems should
require only minimal training.4 Training for physicians in particular should be
short and easy, preferably occurring "on line" and at their convenience. Many
physicians are unwilling to devote large blocks of time to learning a new record
system, even if ultimately it might make their work easier. In addition, built-in,
displayable "help" documentation on system operation and the data elements
should be available to both clinical and nonclinical users.
The question of patient access to records is debated among practitioners. It
is likely, however, that the trend toward increasing patient access will continue.
Some providers consider it appropriate for patients to enter data (e.g., historical
medical information) into their records routinely. Recently, functional status
and preferences among various treatments have been identified as data that
could be recorded by patients to assist practitioners in developing care plans.
Some practitioners encourage patients to audit their records for accuracy
and completeness; they may also use the record for patient education. Indeed, as
patients become increasingly computer-literate, knowledge-seeking consumers
of health care services, the CPR may function as an important patient education
tool by offering patients access to resources such as MEDLINE.

4 This statement assumes that record users will receive adequate training in how to use
patient records and the other functions provided by patient record systems through
formal education (i.e., professional schools and continuing education). It also refers to
the requirement that users who work in more than one provider setting (e.g., physician
office and hospital) be able to learn multiple patient record systems easily.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


DATA QUALITY The notion of data quality has several attributes: legibility,
accuracy, completeness, and meaning. CPR systems eliminate the need for
handwriting and thus improve legibility. Accuracy of CPRs can be enhanced by
data entry screens and logical rules that flag or block inappropriate entries for
particular data fields. To the extent that CPRs reduce the need for an
intermediary to enter data (i.e., for transcription), a potential source of errors
(and cost) is removed. When errors do occur, for legal purposes the original
entry and the correction should both be preserved (Waller, in this volume). Data
accuracy also has implications for the security and reliability of CPR systems
insofar as the systems must ensure that data are not lost or unknowingly
The completeness of patient records for subsequent users depends in part
on agreement among users about uniform core data elements. Without such
uniformity, what one patient record user views as complete data may be
considered incomplete by another. Data completeness implies that systems will
accommodate the currently expected range and complexity of clinical data and
that they will permit new data fields to be added and obsolete data fields to be
For patient records to meet user needs, patient problems and the current
status of patient problems should be clearly noted in the record. In addition, it is
essential that the health care provider's rationale for clinical decisions be clearly
documented. Lack of a recorded rationale hinders the ability of subsequent
users of the record to make appropriate judgments regarding patient care,
quality assurance, utilization review, reimbursement, and research.
For purposes of health services research, patient health status is the single
most important data element that is usually missing from the patient records of
today. Formal, interpretable information on health status is a precondition both
to case mix or risk factor adjustment and to assessment of the outcomes of care.
The research community clearly wants health status information, collected in a
standard format, to be a routine part of the record of the future. Such records
should also document health risk factors (e.g., smoking).
Technology assessment, clinical investigation, and health services research
have been slowed by the lack of reliable, valid, standardized, consistently

5 The term corrupted is used to describe data that do not accurately represent the
information they are intended to reflect (e.g., data that have been transposed, scrambled,
or omitted).
6 After a period of time, certain data elements in a record or record system may no
longer be used to collect new information. Currently obsolete data elements are
nevertheless legitimate data elements in the old records, and they should be retained as
long as old records are retrieved and used.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


collected information on the health status and functional level of patients

(Ellwood, 1988; Roper et al., 1988). Moreover, practitioners may benefit from
routine availability of health status measures. Some evidence suggests that
without such measurements in routine clinical practice, physicians and other
health care professionals often overlook significant impairments and changes in
function among their patients (Nelson, 1990). In the past two decades, many
health services researchers have worked to develop, test, and refine health status
measures with sound psychometric characteristics (Katz, 1987; Lohr and Ware,
1987; McDowell and Newell, 1987; Lohr, 1989). These kinds of
methodological advances could greatly increase the practical application of
standardized health status data.
The committee acknowledged that the question of whether and how soon
health status assessment will influence the quality of care remains to be
addressed. To gain a better understanding of the value of health status measures,
the committee supported their widespread adoption as a component of the
patient recordbut under conditions that would permit evaluation of whom
they help and of how best they can be employed. The committee did not
identify an optimal set of health status measurement instruments, as this
determination was not part of its charge. Rather, to broaden the base of potential
comparisons of case mix, care, morbidity, and outcomes, the committee noted
the potential value of standardizing or otherwise increasing the compatibility of
those instruments now in common use.
It remains unclear how outcome data can be gathered and used
unobtrusively, inexpensively, and conveniently enough that such activities will
become widespread. Merely adopting a computerized record format may not
overcome the barriers that so far have impeded the diffusion of health status
measurement into routine clinical practice. Computerization may make the
analysis of such information easier but may not affect its collection.
The completeness of patient records depends in part on the time it takes to
add new information to the record, once that information is available. Data
completeness can be enhanced by linkages between CPR systems and ancillary
systems (e.g., laboratory, radiology), which permit the transfer of results from
ancillary systems to the CPR in the hospital, physician's office, or other
provider setting as soon as such results are available.
Maintaining the quality of patient data also requires that the data have
meaning for users. Effective retrieval and use of information from patient
records depend on consistency in naming or describing the same findings,
clinical problems, procedures, drugs, and other data within a single patient
record, across many patient records in a single record system, or in other
systems that contain data relevant to the understanding and treatment of patient
problems. Communication among practitioners can be aided by a common
clinical data dictionary and a clinical coding system that are interchangeable
any clinical data common to different specialists or professions

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but specific enough to describe the detailed data unique to a profession or

Health care researchers have a special need for record systems that provide
more uniform results than are provided by current systems. Consistent
description of clinical content becomes more important with the aggregation of
data from many patient recordsas in outcomes research, for example.
Standardized data dictionaries, coding schemes, and uniform data sets permit
more complete, reliable analyses of care and disease patterns involving multiple
SECURITY CPR systems have two security requirements. First, as discussed
in Chapter 1, patient and provider privacy must be protected. Second, data and
software must be safeguarded against tampering and unintentional destruction.
These requirements demand both system and data security measures. System
security refers to the measures taken to keep computer-based information
systems safe from unauthorized access and other harm. Data security involves
protection of data from accidental or intentional disclosure to unauthorized
persons and from unauthorized alteration.
Data security includes both data confidentiality and data integrity. Data
confidentiality is a ''requirement whose purpose is to keep sensitive information
from being disclosed to unauthorized recipients" (National Research Council
[NRC], 1991:52). Confidentiality requires appropriate action by physicians,
nurses, midwives, secretaries, medical technicians, paramedical staff, social
workers, hospital managers, computer staff, and research investigators in health
care facilities to safeguard the privacy of patient information. Confidentiality
also requires that computer systems refuse access to unauthorized individuals.
In its narrowest sense, data integrity refers to the consistency and accuracy
of data stored in computer-based systems. It is a "requirement meant to ensure
that information and programs are changed only in a specified and authorized
manner" (NRC, 1991:54). Data integrity is of paramount importance to the
CPR, and care must be taken, especially in distributed CPR systems (see
Chapter 3), to ensure that records can be completely restored in the event of
system failures.
A broader definition of data integrity could also be appropriately applied to
patient data. Data are said to have integrity if they comply with an a priori
stated expectation that they have a defined set of attributes. This a

7 The difficulties associated with establishing standardized data dictionaries and

coding schemes should not be underestimated. Synonyms with unique mapping
specifications across terms and codes may provide an interim solution until full-fledged
standard dictionaries and codes can be developed.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


priori set of attributes is unique to the data, to the process operating on the data,
and to the data holder. Such attributes might include timeliness (e.g., every data
element is posted within five minutes of availability), completeness (e.g., a
certain set of data elements must be part of the record), and accuracy (e.g., there
are no spelling errors, every address has a zip code).
Data integrity in future patient records might be enhanced by including a
data validity field that would flag data that might not be correct. Data validity
would be an additional parameter against which integrity could be judged and
thereby controlled. Informing subsequent users that an entry might be incorrect
would allow them to discount or ignore the information.
FLEXIBILITY Users assign high priority to flexibility in records; they do not
want to be forced to use the record in a universally uniform or prescribed
manner. Thus, future CPR systems should permit customization of data entry
formats, reporting formats, and display formatsboth for and, in some cases,
by specific users. Patient record user needs are simply too many and too varied
for any one combination of input, reporting, or display options. Furthermore,
research has shown that the ability to customize computer interfaces according
to one's preferences and work habits increases user acceptance of computer
systems (Bikson et al., 1987).
Conventional formats should be designed and available as default modes,
but the users of the patient record of the future should find the record easy to
mold to their individual, local needs. Different formats for displaying
information on the screen or on paper should be available. The record should
also permit integration across disciplines and professional specialties and
provide different "views"8 of patient data for different users (see Box 2-4).
Flexibility is also required to meet the varied reporting needs of users,
particularly physician specialties. Doctors need record information available
both in easily accessible, standard reporting formats (such as letters, insurance
forms, school and camp certificates, etc.) and in formats they can easily
customize according to specialty and individual taste. Therefore, the CPR
system should contain a user-friendly report generator for physicians and others
who wish to design specialized reports for their own use.
CONNECTIVITY Connectivity denotes the potential of the record or record
system to establish links or to interact effectively with any sort of provider

8 The term view has a special use in computer science. A view is considered to be
perspective on a database. Different users of a database may have different uses for and
therefore different perspectives on the same database. For example, some users may
require data elements that are not of interest to other users. Alternatively, different users
may seek the same data elements presented in different formats (e.g., as a table or a
graph showing trends) or may want several data elements combined to create a new data

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


or database that may improve the care of the patient. Three different interfaces
are important in such interactions: the interface among records or record
systems of different provider institutions, the interface between the record and
other repositories or potential repositories of information that may be useful in
caring for the patient, and the interface between the record and a practitioner.
Linkages among the various clinical records pertaining to a single patient
are also important to users, who often want a longitudinal patient record
records from different times, providers, and sites of care that are linked to form
a lifelong view of a patient's health care experiences. Linkages are also needed
to transfer patient data from one care setting to another (e.g., from physician
office to hospital) to facilitate service coordination.
Linking the records of family members, or the records of individuals who
received a certain procedure in a particular facility, may prove useful for some
types of epidemiological analysis. The aggregation of patient data for largescale analysis, however, requires more complicated kinds of linkages.
Integration of relevant subsets of data across institutional boundaries is
especially important as researchers attempt to understand diseases and episodes
of illness independent of the particular institution or health care professional
with whom patients find themselves at a particular phase of their illness.
Patient record systems should also offer linkages to other databases and
other sources of information.9 Desirable linkages include databases that contain
scientific literature and bibliographic information, administrative information
(e.g., coverage for a particular elective procedure for a given insurance plan),
medical practice guidelines, insurance claims, and disease registries.
Connectivity makes several other demands on the system as well. To make
it simple for the practitioner to interact with the record, data entry must be
almost as easy as writing, and databases must be organized in such a way that
any terminal or microcomputer on the system can retrieve requested data. As
noted earlier, communication among practitioners depends on common data
dictionaries and clinical coding systems. To interface easily with a database or
registry requires a different sort of connectivity. Workstations must be designed
with telecommunications interfaces that allow the user to switch almost
instantly between the information in the record and its relevant counterpart in
the external knowledge base.

9 Outbound linkages (i.e., linkages in which information is transmitted to a remote

location) create additional concerns about maintaining confidentiality and require
adequate network security as well as adequate system security.

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EFFICIENCY Users want to minimize expense, effort, complexity, and waste.

To achieve such efficiencies, computer-based patient record systems must
include certain capabilitiesin particular, one-time data entry and performance
of routine tasks. Further, CPR systems should be designed so that data content
is streamlined and unnecessary data are not collected.
Any data entered into the system should be available for a variety of uses,
eliminating the need for redundant data entry. (The need for manual extraction
of data and re-entry procedures greatly diminishes the value of a system.) The
system should be designed to ensure that data are available to support patient
care, organizational operations, and decision making. Thus, data must be
viewed as an organizational resource, not property "owned" or controlled by the
departments that happen to collect them or that are the primary users of the data.
The CPR system should be a part of an integrated patient care information
system. If the system is hospital based, it should communicate with systems in
the clinical laboratory, pharmacy, respiratory therapy, other ancillary services,
referring physician offices, and other care settings (e.g., home, nursing home)
so that data will not require manual transcription from one system to another. If
the system is based in a physician's office, it should communicate with the
computer systems of local clinical laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, and other
physicians' offices.10
CPR systems should facilitate the movement of data into, within, and
outside of the automated patient record. In particular, they should permit raw
and aggregated data to be moved to another electronic database for further
analysis and storage. For example, a hospital or individual physician should be
able to extract selected information electronically from a patient care database
to send to other internal or external (perhaps national) databases.11 In addition,
the system should have no trouble accepting data directly from electronic
monitoring devices and other patient care equipment.
Health care professionals perform many routine administrative tasks in the
course of providing services, and they seek ways to reduce this administrative
burden so that they can devote more time to direct patient care, research, and
education. Patient record systems should provide the capacity to generate
routine documents based on record data automatically, to submit insurance
claims electronically, and to report adverse reactions or occurrences of tracked
diseases automatically.
Computer-based records must be designed to avoid the mere replication

10 Requiring such communication within and between institutions increases the

complexity of achieving adequate security measures to maintain confidentiality.
11 This data transmittal capability assumes that adequate security measures are in place.

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of paper record features and behaviors that, upon reflection, have little or no
value to users. Examples of waste include information that is routinely collected
but never used; inflexible, redundant formats for recording data that result in
duplicative information (e.g., obsolescent manual medication files); and
retrospective quality assurance that could be replaced with online quality
assurance. Such features and behaviors add cost rather than quality to the record
The committee did not specifically investigate the nature or scope of such
wasted effort in present-day records, but members shared the general
impression that it abounds. In developing the CPR, time would be well spent in
practical research to identify and remove these "non-value-added" steps,
features, and data elements, with the intent of producing a record that is leaner,
less complex, and more streamlined than that of today. This process is likely to
require changes in regulations or laws, and the committee urges that such
changes be analyzed, recommended, and adopted (see Chapter 5).
Guidance of Clinical Problem Solving
It has been suggested that a physician's thought process is formed in part
by his or her interaction with the patient record (Young, 1987). According to
Weed (1968), a properly formatted patient record can guide clinicians through
the process of clinical problem solving. It was this intention that led Weed to
design the problem-oriented medical record (POMR) (Weed, 1968; Margolis,
Studies investigating the use of the problem-oriented format to record the
patient care process report three advantages over non-problem-oriented

12 The problem-oriented medical record categorizes clinical information relevant to

the medical care of the patient into four functional groups. Clinical data include
demographic data, subjective data provided by the patient as clinical history, and
objective data elicited either by physical examination or by technical means (e.g.,
laboratory tests, radiology examinations). Clinical problem data are grouped by levels of
specification, which may be defined (in increasing order of sophistication) as symptoms,
signs, abnormal laboratory data, pathophysiologic states, and diagnoses. Problem
definition is essential to organizing much of the data in the record. Problems should be
defined at a level of specification appropriate for the data available and should be
described in both objective and subjective terms. Psychosocial problems should also be
identified. Planning data are different from the above two kinds of data in that they are
determined by the provider and patient after the baseline clinical data have been
collected and the clinical problems have been defined. Three basic sorts of data for
planning patient management are diagnostic, therapeutic, and patient education plans.
Plans should be linked clearly to the relevant clinical problem. Finally, follow-up data
are generated any time after initial plans have been implemented. The main types of
follow-up data are new subjective data, objective data, the provider's assessment of these
data, and new plans.

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(i.e., source-oriented or other) formats. First, the chance of follow-up for a

problem listed in the problem list is significantly greater (Simborg et al., 1976;
Starfield et al., 1979). In other words, the POMR's front-page problem list is a
particularly useful feature. Second, it is easier to relate information in the record
to a relevant problem (Aranda, 1974). Third, the format reflects an orderly
process of problem solving, a heuristic that aids in identifying, managing, and
resolving patients' problems (Weed, 1968).
The committee unanimously believes that patient records should guide and
reflect clinical problem solving and that the mere translation of current record
formats, data, and habits from paper to computer-based systems will not alone
produce the range of improvements in care potentially achievable in a truly
reformed patient record system. Current systems include behaviors and record
forms that produce substantial waste, imprecision, and complexity in a care
system less and less able to tolerate that burden. The committee also believes
that the shift from a paper to a computer-based system offers an opportunity to
study and improve clinical approaches and methods that are reflected in the
record. Some formats are likely to be more effective than others in guiding and
encouraging the use of an efficient, scientific problem solving method in the
clinical process.
The committee did not reach unanimity regarding the choice of a single
preferred record format to support improved clinical care. A majority
maintained that no clearly superior alternative existed to warrant specific
recommendation; this group therefore concluded that, at present, the primary
pertinent requirement of a CPR is that it be sufficiently flexible to accommodate
a wide range of present and future record formats.
Although it did not specifically recommend use of the POMR, the
committee did consider certain components of the POMR to be highly desirable
in any computer-based record system. Those components include (1) a
structured, systematically collected database; (2) an easily reviewed and
updated problem list; and (3) routine recording of clinical formulations and
plans for care and follow-up. The committee urges continuing research to
develop, design, and assess improved record formats that, over time, are likely
to be used more consistently throughout the health care system.
A minority of committee members maintained that one patient record
formatthe problem-oriented medical record first described by Weedoffers a
superior alternative in guiding and supporting scientific reasoning and clear
communication in medical practice. Those who favored the POMR format
argued that it is a general model that rests on a firm theoretical foundation and
that its slow diffusion over the past two decades reflects in part practical
barriers that may be overcome in a computer-based record environment. They
recommend that clinicians use the POMR unless a specific alternative format is
preferred in a particular practice setting.

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Practitioner Support
Given the volume and complexity of the information required to provide
patient care, users want the patient record to be more than a repository of data.
Computer-based record systems can support practitioners by providing at least
five kinds of tools that are not available with paper records. These tools include
mechanisms for focusing attention, for patient-specific consultation, for
information management, for data analysis, and for implementing quality
assurance and cost management policies.
Human cognition has measurable limitations, and as a result humans
"predictably overlook rare and uncommon events" (McDonald and Tierney,
1988:3435). Automated record systems can help practitioners recognize out-ofrange values or dangerous trends, remember needed actions, recall available
options, and make better clinical decisions. Human memory is imperfect,
especially when the task involves remembering a large set of items or recalling
the same items repeatedly. The computer can be relied on to remember large
numbers of items accurately and to check routinely whether the practitioner has
forgotten any standard items relevant to the diagnosis or treatment of a
particular problem. Some of these reminders may be critical, and they can be
linked to alarms (such as beep tones or messages) that warn the practitioner
before trouble occurs.13 (For example, an alarm might be triggered when two
incompatible drugs are prescribed together.)
CPR systems can also provide easy access to clinical decision support
systems that provide "custom-tailored assessments or advice based on sets of
patient-specific data" (Shortliffe et al., 1990: 469). Currently available patientspecific consultation systems suggest differential diagnoses, indicate additional
information that would help to narrow the range of etiologic possibilities,
suggest a single best explanation for a patient's symptoms, or provide advice on
therapy (Shortliffe et al., 1990).
CPR systems can support practitioners in the patient care setting by
providing easy access to knowledge and bibliographic databases. Such access
will free practitioners from relying on memory for infrequently used
information. Moreover, computer-based record systems can help educate
practitioners and keep them up-to-date on new developments by providing access

13 As discussed in Chapter 4, a significant factor to be addressed in CPR system

development and implementation is the need for system users to change certain
behaviors. The availability of reminders in either preventive or emergency situations will
require practitioners to change their behavior; as a result, such reminders may not at first
be embraced warmly by practitioners. Indeed, the value of this technology must be
sufficiently demonstrated before practitioners will change their behavior.

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to bibliographic information when they need it (Association of American

Medical Colleges, 1986; Haynes et al., 1989).
CPR systems can provide descriptive, graphical, and statistical analyses of
clinical data using standard statistical software packages. In addition, CPR data
can be rearranged and analyzed for ongoing quality assessment and to provide
physicians and patients with quantitative assessments of the risks of conditions
and treatments. (These assessments would promote formal decision analysis of
many problems that at present cannot benefit from such analysis because of the
lack of required data.) CPR system capabilities can facilitate these tasks in
several ways: (1) rapid searching through single or multiple records; (2) sorting
information in one record or information aggregated across multiple records; (3)
aggregating data across patients by hospital, patient care unit, and department;
and (4) allowing easy abstraction of information throughout patients' hospital
stays or episodes of care.
Finally, CPR systems should offer practitioners and health care managers a
means for implementing quality assurance and cost-management policies at the
time and site of care (Barnett et al., 1978; Barton and Schoenbaum, 1990;
Tierney et al., 1990). CPR systems can also be a resource for guiding policies
and practice by providing analysis of past clinical experience within a provider
setting (McDonald and Tierney, 1988).
Implementation and Operation Issues
Managers of health care organizations are faced with ever-increasing
demands for data. From outside their organizations, requests come from
regulators, payers, and community interest groups, among others; from inside
their institutions, inquiries come from researchers and those responsible for
utilization management and quality assurance. These managers are well aware
that few existing record systems can meet these demands. They also recognize,
and are wary of, both the cost and the conflict that may be incurred if they
attempt to introduce major changes in record systems. Many institutions lack
the capital for a sudden conversion to new computer architectures. Even if the
funds were available, however, some managers are concerned that physicianmanagement relationships, already strained in many medical organizations,
could be further disrupted by an institution's insistence that physicians accept a
new method or pattern of record keeping.
Nevertheless, administrators generally seem to prefer that the patient
record not be frozen in its present form. They seek to implement change to a
new system in a phased sequence, so that it can be more easily managed. Most
user groups, but especially institutional managers, will have trouble
implementing a vastly modified record system all at once. Proper design of
advanced systems must involve well-considered plans for phasing in the
changes that are going to be made. Otherwise, provider institutions in

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particular will feel extended beyond their financial and organizational

The promise of significantly improved health care through the
technological capabilities of computers constitutes the basis for the committee's
vision of future patient records and patient record systems. The committee
offers this vision to help readers picture what such records and systems can do
and to serve as a standard against which current and future CPR systems can be
Future patient records will have many more users and uses than present
records. Direct providers of care (physicians, nurses, dentists, and other health
care professionals) will remain the users of highest priority in design
considerations. The needs of all users, however, can be accommodated to an
extent not possible in current record systems.
The committee identified five objectives for future patient record systems.
First, future patient records must support patient care and improve its quality.
Second, they must enhance the productivity of health care professionals and
reduce the administrative and labor costs associated with health care delivery
and financing. Third, they must support clinical and health services research.
Fourth, they must be able to accommodate future developments in health care
technology, policy, management, and finance. Fifthand the committee placed
great emphasis on thispatient confidentiality must be maintained while these
objectives are being met.
In the patient record of the future, the entire notion of such a record will be
broadened from that of a location or device for keeping track of patient care
events to that of a resource with much enhanced utility in patient care,
management of the health care system, and extension of knowledge. Properly
designed and used, the record will provide an accurate longitudinal account of
care. The record system will also be broadened to include functions beyond
those available in current record systems; it will help to improve care by
reminding, linking, and guiding health care professionals and organizations. In
short, the record of the future will be an asset in managing and improving the
care of patients.
In the past, the basic function of a patient record was to store patient data
for use by those involved in patient care. Even this classic function will be
broader in the future, however, especially with respect to the key feature of
flexibility. Different health care professionals require record information to be
retrieved and displayed in different formats. Today, both paper and computer
records are often cumbersome tools for information retrieval and display. The
record of the future will be far more flexible and will permit users to design and
utilize reporting formats tailored to their special needs.

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Future patient records will provide new dimensions of record functionality

through links to other databases, decision support tools, and reliable
transmission of detailed information across substantial distances. To meet the
needs of practitioners, future patient record systems will be linked to knowledge
bases, clinical decision support systems, statistical software packages, and video
or picture graphics. In hospitals, various departmental systems (e.g., finance,
laboratory, nursing, radiology) will be able to communicate with the patient
record system. Physician offices will be able to communicate with local
hospitals and with national bibliographic resources such as MEDLINE. In the
larger health care environment, computer-based information management
systems will be able to communicate with information systems of provider
institutions, third-party payers, and other health care entities.
As noted in the committee's definition of a patient record system, people
are also a system component. Optimal functioning of future systems poses four
conditions for users. First, they must have confidence in the data (which implies
that data must be entered directly by the practitioner who collected it, reliably
integrated among all sources, and accurately retrieved whenever needed).
Second, they must use the record actively in the clinical process. Third, they
must understand that the record is a resource for studying the effectiveness and
efficiency of clinical processes, procedures, and technologies. Fourth, they must
be capable of using future computer-based record systems efficiently.
The committee visualizes the CPR as the core of health care information
systems. Figure 2-1 illustrates the various types of interactions in which CPR
systems will be required to engage. Such systems must be able to transmit data
to other types of clinical and administrative information systems within
provider institutions; they must also be able to transmit data to other provider
institutions or to secondary databases. (For example, CPR systems in
physicians' offices should be able to communicate with local hospitals.) In
addition, CPR systems must also be able to accept data from other internal and
external computer-based systems.
Figure 2-2 illustrates the committee's vision of a national health care
information system. Such a system would support the transmission of data for
clinical purposes and, with appropriate confidentiality measures, for
reimbursement and research purposes. It would also bring information resources
(e.g., MEDLINE) to virtually all practitioners. A national health care
information system would require that local, regional, and national networks be
established. These networks would provide the means to transmit a laboratory
report from a hospital to a physician's office or to send a patient record across
the country. A national health care information system with these and other
capabilities could support the coordination and integration of health care
services across settings and among providers of care.

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FIGURE 2.1 Computer-based patient records as the core of health care

information systems.

In delineating its vision of a national health care information system, the

committee is not proposing that a single CPR system be imposed on health care
providers; indeed, no single CPR system is likely to meet the wide range of
CPR user needs. Imposing a single system on health care providers is likely to
result in the loss of desirable flexibility. Moreover, there is no mechanism for
accomplishing such a task in the pluralistic health care system of the United
States. Nevertheless, the committee believes all CPR systems must meet
minimum connectivity requirements and offer a set of standard functions. To
accommodate various user communities and institutions, however, the
committee anticipates that a range of CPR systems will be available. For
example, CPR systems will offer a range of additional functions and come in a
variety of sizes; they will also have varying price tags, depending on individual
provider requirements. In other words, the committee seeks a national
transportation system for patient data. The transportation system will require an
infrastructure (e.g., networks) and standards for connectivity and security but
will retain a substantial amount of flexibility.
The notion of a health care information system should not suggest that all
patient data will be collected in a monolithic database. Rather, CPR data

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should be collected so that they can produce quality secondary records;

subject to appropriate controls, these records can be added to institutional, local,
regional, national, or international databases as needed for clinical,
administrative, or research purposes.
In summary, the committee believes that the computer-based patient record
can play an increasingly important role in the health care environment. This role
begins in the care process by providing patient information when needed and by
supporting clinical decision making. It extends to the management of care by
establishing a mechanism by which quality assurance procedures and clinical
practice guidelines (including the most recent warnings on contraindications
and adverse reactions to therapies) can be brought to health care professionals at
the time and site of patient care. It also includes providing opportunities for
reducing administrative costs associated with health care financing and
collecting administrative data for internal and external review. It encompasses
enhancing health care professional education by supporting independent,
lifelong learning. Finally, it extends to capturing relevant, accurate data
necessary for technology assessment, health services research, and related
studies concerning the appropriateness, effectiveness, and outcomes of care.
Aranda, J. M. 1974. The problem-oriented medical records: Experiences in a community hospital.
Journal of the American Medical Association 229:549551.
Association of American Medical Colleges. 1986. Medical Education in the Information Age:
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Barnett, O. G., R. Winickoff, J. L. Dorsey, M. M. Morgan, and R. S. Lurie. 1978. Quality assurance
through automated monitoring and concurrent feedback using a computer-based medical
information system. Medical Care 16:962970.
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American Journal of Public Health 80:534536.
Batalden, P. B., and E. D. Buchanan. 1989. Industrial models of quality improvement. Pp. 133159
in Providing Quality Care: The Challenge to Clinicians, ed. N. Goldfield and D. B. Nash,
D.B. Philadelphia, Pa.: American College of Physicians.
Berwick, D. M. 1989. Sounding board: Continuous improvement as an ideal in health care . New
England Journal of Medicine 320:5356.
Bikson, T. K., B. A. Gutek, and D. A. Mankin. 1987. Implementing Computerized Procedures in
Office Settings: Influence and Outcomes . Santa Monica, Calif.: The RAND Corporation.
Donabedian, A. 1966. Evaluating the quality of medical care. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 44
(pt. 2):166203.

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Donabedian, A. 1988. The quality of care. How can it be assessed? Journal of the American
Medical Association 260:17431748.
Ellwood, P. M. 1988. Shattuck lectureOutcomes management: A technology of patient
experience. New England Journal of Medicine 23:15491556.
Haynes, R. B., M. Ramsden, K. A. McKibbon, C. J. Walker, and N. C. Ryan. 1989. A review of
medical education and medical informatics. Academic Medicine 64: 207212.
Juran, J. M. 1989. Juran on Quality Planning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Katz, S., ed. 1987. The Portugal conference: Measuring quality of life and functional status in
clinical and epidemiological research. Journal of Chronic Diseases 40:459650.
Lohr, K. N., ed. 1989. Advances in health status assessment: Conference proceedings. Medical Care
Lohr, K. N., and J. E. Ware, Jr., eds. 1987. Proceedings of the Advances in Health Assessment
Conference. Journal of Chronic Diseases 40(suppl. 1):1S193S.
Margolis, C. Z. 1979. Problem-oriented record: A critical review. Paediatrician 8:152162.
McDonald, C. J., and W. M. Tierney. 1988. Computer-stored medical records: Their future role in
medical practice. Journal of the American Medical Association 259:34333440.
McDowell, I., and C. Newell. 1987. Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and
Questionnaires. New York: Oxford University Press.
Nelson, E. C. 1990. Using outcomes measures to improve care delivered by physicians and
hospitals. Pp. 201211 in Effectiveness and Outcomes in Health Care, ed. K. A. Heithoff
and K. N. Lohr. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
NRC (National Research Council). 1991. Computers at Risk: Safe Computing in the Information
Age. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Roper, W. L., W. Winkenwerder, G. M. Hackbarth, and H. Krakauer. 1988. Effectiveness in health
care: An initiative to evaluate and improve medical practice. New England Journal of
Medicine 18:11971202.
Shortliffe, E. H., L. E. Perreault, L. M. Fagan, and G. Wiederhold, eds. 1990. Medical Informatics
Computer Applications in Health Care . Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing
Simborg, P. W., B. H. Starfield, and S. D. Horn. 1976. Information factors affecting problem followup in ambulatory care. Medical Care 14:848856.
Starfield, B., D. Steinwachs, I. Morris, G. Bause, S. Siebert, and C. Westin. 1979. Concordance
between medical records and observations regarding information on coordination of care.
Medical Care 17:758766.
Tierney, W. M., M. E. Miller, and C. J. McDonald. 1990. The effect on test ordering of informing
physicians of the charges for outpatient diagnostic tests. New England Journal of Medicine
Weed, L. L. 1968. Medical records that guide and teach. New England Journal of Medicine 12:593
600, 652657.
Young, D. W. 1987. What makes doctors use computers? Discussion paper. Pp. 814 in Use and
Impact of Computers in Clinical Medicine, ed. J. G. Anderson and S. J. Jay. New York:

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Computer-Based Patient Record
User needs, both of individuals and of cohesive communities, are
paramount in the design and development of computer-based patient record
systems. Designers and vendors of CPR systems must understand such needs,
as well as how the systems will be used and what demands users will place on
the systems. The discussion of user requirements in Chapter 2 sets the stage for
explaining in this chapter the attributes of technologies required to create CPR
systems in the 1990s.
This chapter has three main goals: (1) to highlight technologies relevant to
CPR systems, (2) to convey what is possible with existing technologies, and (3)
to emphasize what will be required to build state-of-the-art CPR systems in the
1990s. The chapter also provides some insight into the current state of existing
clinical information systems that possess features crucial to the development of
state-of-the-art CPR systems. Finally, it discusses the technological barriers that
still must be overcome before CPR systems can become well established.
No clinical information system in 1990 is sufficiently comprehensive to
serve as a complete model for future CPR systems. That is, no operational
clinical information system in 1990 can manage the entire patient care record
with all its inherent complexities. A few existing clinical information systems
are beginning to approach the CPR system capabilities envisioned by the
committee. None of these is yet complete, but some might appropriately be
called today's CPR systems. Therefore, the committee sometimes

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refers to current CPR systems, meaning those clinical information systems that
are beginning to approximate the ideal CPR system envisioned by the
committee for the future (see Chapter 2).
The committee selected and reviewed nine technologies that are significant
for CPR systems. They include (1) databases and database management
systems, (2) workstations, (3) data acquisition and retrieval, (4) text processing,
(5) image processing and storage, (6) data-exchange and vocabulary standards,
(7) system communications and network infrastructure, (8) system reliability
and security, and (9) linkages to secondary databases. This section describes the
key attributes of these crucial technologies.
Databases and Database Management Systems
It is important to distinguish between the clinical datathat is, the
computer-based patient record, or CPRand the system that captures and
processes those datathat is, the CPR system. CPR functions relate to the
collection of data, such as patients' medical problems, diagnoses, treatments,
and other important patient information, including follow-up data and quality
measures. CPR system functions relate to storage capacity, response time,
reliability, security, and other similar attributes, but the system relies on the
collection of clinical data, the core CPR, to support virtually all of its activities.
The most desirable database model for CPR systems involves either (1) a
distributed database designthat is, a system with physically distributed
computers and databases but with logical central control of the entire record; or
(2) a centrally integrated physical database designthat is, a centrally located,
complete CPR within a single computer-stored database (see Figure 3-1);1 or
(3) some hybrid or mix of these two approaches. In any case, the key
requirements are central control and organizational integrity of the entire record
for each individual patient. Central control permits authorized persons using a
terminal located anywhere in the information system to access the entire
integrated patient record or any of its parts, regardless of the locations of any
other departmental subsystems where the various data items may have
originated. (Access is allowed only on the basis of parameters specific to
authorized users.)

1 The selection of the database management system that undergirds a CPR system is
critical to the performance and success of the system. Several publications during the
past decade have discussed this issue: Barnett et al. (1982); Pryor et al. (1983),
Wiederhold (1986), Kirby et al. (1987), McDonald et al. (1988), Whiting-O'Keefe et al.
(1988), Wilton and McCoy (1989), Canfield et al. (1990), Friedman et al. (1990), and
Hammond et al. (1990).

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Although the feasibility of the distributed database design (see the

righthand panel of Figure 3-1) has recently gained support from the
development of networking technologies, most current clinical information
systems that might qualify as CPR systems use a centralized design (the lefthand panel of Figure 3-1). The CPR systems of today cannot as yet acquire and
retrieve all patient care data directly. Instead, they rely on data transmitted to
the CPR system through interfaces with departmental subsystems; the data are
subsequently entered into the CPR using applications programmed on the CPR
system. One major factor that differentiates current CPR systems is the extent to
which they use local area networks, or LANs, to access departmental
subsystems and stand-alone databases containing portions of the CPR.
Today's CPR systems place great emphasis on providing at least a ''view"
of a complete, centralized patient record (Hammond et al., 1990). If the patient's
clinical data are physically distributed among several computers in a network, a
comprehensive view of the record of a given patient can be achieved only by
retrieving and assembling the pertinent data from each computer on the network
where patient data reside. Although this scenario has a number of advocates and
some advantages, it also has several severe problems (Margulies et al., 1989;
Hammond et al., 1990).
A careful analysis of the two contrasting models shown in Figure 3-1 may
be helpful in understanding the main problems. In the distributed system, the
patient record is physically distributed among several computer systems but at
the same time is functionally integrated. This means that a variety of distributed
patient care applications will generate and use patient care data in the
distributed CPR. It also means that individual records may require multiple data
structures (or data files), which tends to lengthen data retrieval times. Another
problem with a distributed system is that data synchronythat is, the correct
sequencing of a patient's time-stamped data that are entered into the system at
the same time but from different sourcesmust be guaranteed at both the
applications and the database management system (DBMS) levels. Perhaps the
most significant problem with the distributed database approach, however, is
the increased potential it carries for circumventing CPR confidentiality
mechanisms. Because portions of the patient's record are distributed among
several different computers, ensuring confidentiality becomes more difficult.
Every computer has its own vulnerabilities, and each one that is added to a
network represents another node that must be protected and another potential
entry point for unauthorized access (National Research Council, 1991).
Database Management Systems
A major technological issue is the complexity of the data that will
eventually reside in the CPR. The CPR of the future will consist of many

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different kinds of data, including text, graphics, images, numerical data, sound,
and full-motion video. To design a functionally integrated database system that
accommodates such diversity is a sizable technical challenge.
The CPR is so complex that no single database management system is
capable of optimally storing and retrieving the full range of patient data
(Hammond et al., 1990). As a result, CPR system developers have used a
variety of complementary DBMSs to address these complexities. This multipleDBMS approach is most common when the CPR system uses the distributed
database scenario; in that case, each subsystem often uses a different DBMS.
Because the CPR is distributed across many connected subsystems, each
subsystem will probably use a DBMS that is particularly suited to the kind of
data most frequently stored in that subsystem. The collection of appropriate
databases that results offers advantages of efficiency in manipulating and
storing the CPR complex data. Some CPR system developers have even created
their own proprietary database management systems, tailored to the CPR's
particular complexities.
The selection or creation of the DBMS that will support the CPR is among
the first and most crucial steps in developing a CPR system. Several database
management systems or architectures have evolved in recent years. Four
important ones developed by commercial vendors are hierarchical, relational,
text-oriented, and object-oriented databases. Each of these architectures has its
own particular strengths and weaknesses. Architects of current CPR systems
(both commercial and private) have mainly used hierarchical, relational, or textoriented models. Viable object-oriented database management systems have
been introduced only recently and are not yet in widespread use.
Three general classes of workstations seem likely to prevail in future CPR
systems. First, "smart" terminals with data entry pointer/selector devices (e.g.,
mouse, touch-screen, light-pen, or voice) will be used for data input and
retrieval; they may also support "windowing" and medium-resolution imaging.
These terminals will use a graphical user interface (GUI) and communicate with
file servers, compute servers, and rule servers2 in a local area network

2 As computers have become smaller, more powerful, and more affordable, individual
computer systems have been dedicated to functions common to many applications and
users in a network. For example, data files may be stored in a computer dedicated to
serving the filing needs of network users, hence the name file server. Similarly, network
users executing computationally intensive applications (e.g., three-dimensional
reconstruction of images of an artery) require access to computers capable of serving
rapid computation needs, hence the name compute server. Another commonly needed
capability on a network is access to systems capable of rapidly executing rules for
decision support, hence the name rule server. As medical decision support systems
become more robust, rule servers will play an increasingly important role in health care

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Second, hand-held terminals or computers, or other similar semiportable

devices, will facilitate either manual or voice entry of data into the CPR. These
relatively portable devices will be used at the bedside by practitioners. Third,
fully configured workstations (e.g., complete with a mouse, accelerated
processors, GUI, and large storage capacities) may well become one of the
more powerful tools ever devised for health care professionals and may
ultimately come to be considered indispensable.
Data Acquisition and Data Retrieval
Data Acquisition
Data acquisition for the CPR remains an exceptionally challenging topic
within the field of medical informatics.3 Ideally, data in the CPR should be
entered at its source (e.g., the site of patient care) by the record's primary user;
they should be entered only once, and they should be accessible to all portions
of the CPR system that use that particular data item. Data entry at the source by
members of the health care team remains a sensitive issue. Yet the most
commonly used alternative, data entry by an intermediary (e.g., a clerk or a
transcriptionist) has several disadvantages: (1) it often introduces errors because
the person who has direct information about the patient is not the person
entering the data; (2) it delays the timely availability and transmittal of
potentially critical information; (3) it makes immediate feedback to health care
professionals (in the form of alerts or alarms generated by detectable errors or
conflicting orders) impossible; and (4) it interferes with the decision maker's
ability to use linked databases and other on-line knowledge bases designed to
assist health care professionals in the clinical decision making process. Two
keys to the success of next-generation CPR systems are ease of use and proper
incentives for data entry at the data source (Young, 1987; Safran et al., 1989).
Data Retrieval
The organization of data displays that can quickly convey crucial
information needed in a particular setting (e.g., in the intensive care unit) or by
a certain user (e.g., a surgeon) is also a challenge (Stead and Hammond, 1987;
Silva et al., 1990). Because much of the patient record can be presented as text,
tables, or graphs (e.g., trends in laboratory values), most CPR systems today
display data on low-cost monitors capable of high-resolution

3 Greenes and Shortliffe (1990) define medical informatics as "the field that concerns
itself with the cognitive, information processing, and communication tasks of medical
practice, education, and research, including the information science and technology to
support these tasks."

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graphics. Although these displays cannot deliver, for example, high-definition

radiological images, they can produce hard-copy printouts of display screens,
graphs and tables, and signals such as those needed for an electrocardiogram
(ECG). A complete on-line CPR reduces the necessity for printing multipart
copies of these printouts.
A short response time has proven to be an important factor in successful
CPR systems (Bleich and Slack, 1989). This requirement refers primarily to
retrieving data, but it is equally important for inputting data. In future CPR
systems, the displays and reporting formats of CPR data are likely to be
configured or modified by users. Thus, the same data may be presented
differently, or in different combinations, to different health care professionals,
each of whom has differing "views" or "windows" into the same CPR (see
Chapter 2). Customizing data in this way is a difficult capability to implement
but will produce a system that is much more attractive to end users.
Text Processing
To establish a diagnosis, physicians and other health care professionals use
patient information in a textual formfor example, the patient history and the
results of the physical examination. With a CPR system, professionals search
for and retrieve such text from database systems using query languages, which
in the past were often idiosyncratic to a particular system. In recent years,
gradual progress has been made in standardizing such languages.
Natural language understanding, or the ability of the computer system to
selectively extract meaning from textual data, has been slower to evolve
because of its inherently greater complexity (Obermeier, 1989). Compounding
this complexity is the slow development of efforts to encourage a more uniform
vocabulary in health care. Automated speech-recognition systems may help to
add uniformity and consistency to vocabularies for the CPR by encouraging the
speaker to use clinically relevant, yet consistent, terminology.
In the 1990s, text-processing systems for translating the narrative found in
discharge summaries and other parts of the CPR are likely to be used to
generate codes for billing. As text-processing systems improve in accuracy and
performance, they may be used to extract significant phrases or attributes from
the CPR that could assist the user in searching related databases. For example,
attributes derived from the CPR might be matched against the terms and
concepts in the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Unified Medical
Language System (UMLS; Humphreys and Lindberg, 1989). Improved textprocessing systems would make it possible to use data from the CPR, in
conjunction with the UMLS, to lead practitioners

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to an array of related information sources, including medical literature and other

pertinent knowledge bases (Lindberg and Humphreys, 1990).
Image Processing and Storage
Medical imaging today includes diagnostic images or pictures obtained by
film scanners, computed radiography (CR), magnetic resonance (MR),
computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, and nuclear medicine sources. The
medical images generated by these technologies and found in today's patient
records are typically two-dimensional, still pictures. The increasing digitization
of data, however, will expand the capabilities of such technologies. For
example, digital data permit varying intensity resolution (number of measurable
levels of gray), which allows the computer to display images with medium to
high contrast. In the near future, digital images will be routinely available in
many radiology departments.
New technological developments are expected to lead to a new generation
of picture archiving and communications systems (PACSs), which will be
installed in many radiology departments by the mid-1990s. PACSs permit the
electronic storage, transmission, and display of medical images throughout a
medical facility and offer many advantages not available with conventional
film. For example, two or more physicians can simultaneously examine exact
duplicates of an image at their respective and sometimes distant locations,
discuss the interpretation of the image, and together formulate plans for optimal
patient management. Imaging systems in the near future will eliminate concerns
about the current status or location of an image, such as "missing" or "in transit."
Imaging is routinely used not only radiologists but also by
ophthalmologists, dermatologists, pathologists, dentists, and other specialists.
Indeed, images have become an essential part of the complete patient record.
Yet although the record is incomplete without images, the typical paper record
environment stores images separately from the chart itself. CPR systems of the
future, when appropriately linked to PACSs, will allow health care
professionals to view images at the computer workstation in a timely fashion.
Data-Exchange and Vocabulary Standards
In today's health care environment, health care professionals, managers,
policymakers, regulators, and educators need increasing amounts of accurate
health care data in machine-readable form to support intelligent decision
making. All such data must be collected, aggregated (when they come from
diverse sources), and transmitted among disparate systems. The

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aggregation and dissemination of existing and future health care data mandate
the development of standards, both to exchange health care data and to
encourage more consistent medical vocabulary, especially in those portions of
the CPR containing natural language text. Developing such standards requires a
coordinated approach.
Efforts to develop data-exchange standards for components of the CPR
have only recently gained significant momentum in the United States. Because
so much is at stake in this sizable medical marketa market that remains
largely untapped from the vendors' point of viewstandards take on an even
more prominent role in fostering the evolution of the required technologies.
Currently, there are several related efforts to standardize and facilitate the
exchange of health data. HL 7 and Medix, as well as standards from the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the American College of
Radiologists/National Electrical Manufacturers Association (ACR/NEMA), and
others are representative of the current movement to formulate data-exchange
Several promising vocabulary developments are relevant to CPR systems.
These include a planned new edition of the Systematized Nomenclature of
Medicine (SNOMED); the Read Clinical Classification in Great Britain; the
ASTM Standard Guide for Nosologic Standards and Guides for Construction of
New Biomedical Nomenclature, which is now completed and ready for
distribution (ASTM, 1989); and the NLM's UMLS project. The overall goal of
UMLS is to help users retrieve relevant biomedical

4 HL 7 is a specification for a health data interchange standard designed to facilitate

the transfer of health data resident on different and disparate computer systems in a
health care setting. For example, HL 7 facilitates the transfer of laboratory results,
pharmacy data, and other information for a patient to a central hospital system without
concern for whether such systems are supplied by the same vendor or manufacturer. HL
7 is not, however, designed to support the transfer of the entire patient record. For
example, it does not address the transfer of image data (such as those from a PACS).
The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) has begun to develop
Medix, a comprehensive health data-exchange standard. It is the only standard for which
its developers have stated an objective of eventually supporting transfer of the entire
patient record, although it is not yet mature enough to do so routinely in a health care
setting. Medix is also the only health care data standard that has declared an intention to
support the International Standards Organization's (ISO) Open Systems Interconnect
(OSI) model.
ASTM has sponsored committees (e.g., E 31.12 and E 31.14) on computerized
systems that are dedicated to standards directly related to the transfer of clinical data,
such as those found in the patient record. Among other topics, these ASTM standards
committees have focused on naming conventions and have proposed data element names
for clinical data found in the patient record. They have also addressed specifications for
transferring clinical laboratory data messages between independent computer systems.
ACR/NEMA have joined together to establish a functioning standard designed to
transfer images between disparate computer systems (especially different PACSs).

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information from multiple machine-readable sources, even though different

vocabularies and classifications may have been used in these sources. One of
the new knowledge sources being developed to support this goal is a
metathesaurus, which will link related terms and concepts from a variety of
existing biomedical vocabularies and classifications.
System Communications and Network Infrastructure
Caring for patients naturally requires many health care workers to interact
frequently. As discussed in Chapter 2, health care is information-intensive,
which implies a strong emphasis on the communication and transmission of
information to many people in diverse places. The patient information conveyed
is complex and appears in all possible modalities, including text, images, voices
and sounds, signals, and video. This board array of information needs to be
available in such diverse locations as the bedside, the hospital department,
professional offices, emergency settings including mobile units, and the home.
Technologies to support communications of all kinds are evolving at an
unprecedented rate. With the advent of fiber optics, in particular, transmitting
the diversity of information contained in the CPR will soon be feasible at highspeeds and low-costs.
Of great significance is the evolving Integrated Services Digital Network
(ISDN), an all-digital network capable of high-speed transmission of all
modalities (data, voice, graphics, or video) over public telephone networks. In
the 1990s, the transition from analog to fully digital switches is expected to
occur throughout much of the United States. This transition to an all-digital
network, when complete, will have wide-ranging implications for improving
health care because it will open a new era for communication of all types of
information, including that contained in the CPR.
System Reliability and Security
Chapter 2 presented brief explanations of system reliability, system
security, and data security. System security is achieved through appropriate
system design and the use of physical security measures directed toward
protection of the computing environment and equipment. For example,
techniques for security include software and hardware features, physical
measures such as locks and badges, identification numbers or codes, passwords,
and an informed, security-conscious staff (National Research Council, 1991).
A data integrity control policy has at least four essential components: (1)
security measures, (2) procedural controls, (3) assigned responsibility, and (4)
audit trails. It is especially important to allow access to the CPR system

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only to those with a need to know and to certify their identity before permitting
access. In addition, the CPR system must be capable of providing different
levels of data confidentiality as required for its various users. Audits of all
legitimate users of CPR systems must be conducted regularly to remind and
assure patients and staff that strict confidentiality is being maintained and
measured. Such periodic audits should help deter any attempts by staff to
breach confidentiality.
Members of the health care team who record patient data in the record are
responsible for such entries, but in a hospital or clinic, physicians typically still
have primary responsibility for ensuring the record's accuracy. As
documentation of health care shifts from paper to computer-based records,
practitioners will maintain their responsibility to document patient care, but the
data will reside within CPR systems. Legal, professional, and accrediting
standards must be revised to specify appropriate new roles and responsibilities
associated with the shift from the paper chart to the CPR.
In the aggregate, current CPR systems seem to use limited measures for
ensuring patient confidentiality. Most CPR systems do not approach the levels
of security or confidentiality that airlines or banks, for example, maintain to
protect their less sensitive information. Future CPR systems must implement
stricter measures to protect confidentiality (National Research Council, 1991).
Linkages to Secondary Databases
Many clinically relevant registries and databases have evolved in recent
years and are of particular interest to health care professionals as they attempt to
improve the quality of patient care. Increasingly, these collections of secondary
data will be extracted from primary data in CPRs in such a way as to protect the
confidentiality and identity of individual patients. Thus, patient records will
collect all data on all problems for a single patient; clinical research databases
will collect all data on one problem for many patients. For policymakers, the
secondary collection of relevant (nonconfidential) clinical information on large
populations of patients will support their development of policy strategies and
general assessments of quality and outcomes of care. Hundreds of databases are
available or are now evolving; some of these resources should be linked with
the CPR to provide clinical decision support when needed.
Some current CPR systems already offer linkages to knowledge and
research databases. Most CPR systems, however, lack this capacity, owing
primarily to the complexity and cost of developing such linkages. Health care
professionals are beginning to appreciate the support offered by timely access to
a diverse array of external information sources in providing care.

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NLM's GRATEFUL MED,5 for example, gives physicians in their offices ready
access to NLM's MEDLINE. For these purposes, it will be important to develop
easy-to-use linkages in real time so that feedback to the clinician occurs as part
of the decision making process.
Health care facilities have been using computers since the 1960s, but that
use has primarily focused on business and accounting functions of health care
(e.g., patient billing). Many have called these business systems for health care
environments either hospital information systems (HISs) or medical information
systems (MISs); they have been largely devoid of patient care data. The systems
of most interest to this report are clinical information systems, also sometimes
known as patient care management systems. Clinical information systems
consist of components related to clinical or direct care of patients (Blum, 1986),
regardless of the setting (ambulatory, inpatient, institution, or home).
In 1959, two pioneers in health care described a hypothetical health
computing system that might be able to address actual clinical problems
(Ledley and Lusted, 1960). Almost simultaneously, several other experts began
pioneering efforts using computing technologies in clinical settings. By the
mid-1960s, Spencer and Vallbona (1965:121) had concluded that at least six
areas of medical practice would be affected: "(1) medical diagnosis, (2) hospital
medical records, (3) laboratory analysis and functional testing, (4) patient
monitoring, (5) hospital communications, and (6) utilization of hospital services
and facilities." In 1965, Summerfield and Empey reported that at least 73
hospital and clinical information system projects and 28 projects for storage and
retrieval of medical documents and other clinically relevant information were
under way. Blum (1984:6) noted that progress through the 1960s was difficult
and slow and that "[s]uccesses in information processing during this phase were
limited. The Lockheed experience of the late 1960s resulted in the Technicon
MIS and a more sobering appraisal of the complexity of clinical information
These early experiences showed that clinical computing offered several
distinct challenges that would require significant time to address effectively. A
study of clinical systems between 1955 and 1973 by Giebink and

5 GRATEFUL MED is a software tool that runs on a personal computer; it is

distributed by the National Library of Medicine. The purpose of GRATEFUL MED is to
assist health care professionals and others to search MEDLINE and other databases at
the NLM without the assistance of a professional search intermediary. GRATEFUL
MED helps the user formulate his or her search query; it also automatically dials and
connects to the NLM and then submits the search query to the specified NLM database.

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Hurst (1975:xii) revealed that many of the systems planned or developed during
the 1960s were "extinctblunt testimony to the difficulties of implementing
computer-based information systems for health care delivery. Medical
computer applications which meet operational criteria are rare except for
routine business applications. Other than in developmental projects,
computerized medical records are abstracts of more complete records
maintained in hard copy form."
With the advent of less costly mini- and microcomputers, clinical
information system development flourished during the 1970s and 1980s. The
advances made during these years focused primarily on departmental systems
(known today as subsystems) for such areas as the clinical laboratory,
radiology, electrocardiology, and the pharmacy. One reason for this flurry of
development was that departmental systems were easier and less risky to
develop than comprehensive systems covering patient care management.
The 1970s and 1980s also saw the development of systems for clinical
decision support (Warner et al., 1972; Shortliffe, 1987). To perform their
sophisticated functions, these complex systems require that at least a subset of
the CPR be available as inputthat is, in machine-readable form. Once the use
of CPRs becomes more widespread and more and more patient data are
captured, these systems should become increasingly valuable to clinicians.
Virtually all of the current clinical information systems that might qualify
as CPR systems have evolved from a strong academic medical center's teaching
hospital or clinic records. Examples of this phenomenon include the COSTAR6
(Computer Stored Ambulatory Record; Barnett, 1984) system, which is used by
several institutions, including the Harvard Community Health Plan; a system
used by the Latter-Day Saints Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, known as
Health Evaluation through Logical Processing (HELP),7 which was developed
by faculty at the University of Utah (Warner et al., 1972; Pryor et al., 1983,
1984); the TMR (The Medical Record) system at Duke University Medical
Center (Stead and Hammond, 1988); and the THERESA system at Grady
Memorial Hospital, the primary teaching hospital for Emory University's
medical school (Walker, 1989).
With few exceptions, software developed in an academic setting is not
generally considered to be particularly robust or of an "industrial or commercial
grade"; consequently, some experts have been skeptical about the functionality
of these and other clinical information systems. Nevertheless, many of these
systems have proved their usefulness and viability in supporting the actual
delivery of health care in real-world settings. Attributes


COSTAR is a registered trademark of Massachusetts General Hospital.

HELP is a registered trademark of 3M.
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of the systems discussed above are presented in subsequent sections of this

These systems all illustrate the time required to establish operational
clinical systems: all of them began development at least a decade ago, and some
have been under development for more than two decades. Now, however, their
increasingly sophisticated capabilities are being recognized in the marketplace.
A variety of commercial organizations, having seen or demonstrated the
viability of these systems in one or more hospital or clinic settings, have
subsequently negotiated further developmental and marketing rights to these
clinical information systems.
A distinguishing feature of the clinical information systems that can rightly
be called computer-based patient record systems is their underlying database
management system. Generally, for performance reasons, CPR systems have
developed their own DBMS and have avoided the use of commercially
available products. As a result, they use an approach by which a data dictionary
can be expanded to accommodate new data elements to be captured in the CPR.
Such flexibility sets these systems apart for two reasons: (1) their databases are
not fixed in terms of size and content, and (2) no significant reprogramming is
needed to meet the continually changing demands placed on the CPR system by
technology innovations and system enhancements.
Much of the effort to automate clinical functions has focused on a single
department such as the laboratory or pharmacy; these are not examples of CPR
systems. The more noteworthy examples of currently operating CPR systems go
well beyond the routine collection, storage, and communication of data
provided by one or more departmental systems. Yet, to reiterate, no single
health care information system operational in 1990 captures and manipulates
the entire CPR. Of those that might qualify as CPR systems, not one is
comprehensive enough to serve as a model for the future computer-based
systems that will be designed to manage the entire patient care record.
The few clinical information systems that qualify as ''today's CPR systems"
share several common traits. First, they maintain a large data dictionary to
define the contents of their internal CPRs. Second, all patient data recorded in
the CPR are tagged with the time and date of the transaction, thus making the
CPR a continuous chronological history of the patient's medical care. Third, the
systems retrieve and report data in the CPR in a flexible manner. Finally, the
systems offer a research tool for using the CPR data.
Although much remains to be done to design and produce complete, robust
CPR systems, significant progress has been made in establishing

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state-of-the-art components of CPR systems. Several systems developed in

recent years have been designed and tailored to serve the special needs of nearly
all members of the health care team in a variety of health care settings.
This section discusses a few key attributes of selected operational clinical
systems that effectively utilize some portion of a computer-based patient record.
There has been no attempt to provide an exhaustive presentation here of all the
clinical systems developed to date. Rather, the discussion below focuses on
systems that embody one or more special features crucial to the successful
implementation of the complete CPR, especially within certain practice settings.
These include (1) physician offices and group practice settings, (2) health
maintenance organizations, (3) single hospitals or medical centers, and (4) large
multihospital systems. By a large margin, the majority of patient care is
provided in the office or group practice setting; as a result, systems that
specifically address the needs of practitioners and patients in this environment
will probably encounter the most substantial challenges and have the greatest
impact. Therefore, although only two systems in this category are discussed
below (many others have been developed or are currently under development),
it should be understood that this category comprises perhaps the most important
settings for CPR systems in terms of the potential for improved care. In addition
to the discussion of clinical systems, the section also describes a few
international developments of special interest and selected emerging
Physician Offices and Group Practice Settings
The Medical Record
For more than 20 years, the Duke University Medical Center8 has been
developing a comprehensive medical information system known as The
Medical Record (TMR). The TMR system was first conceived as a tool for
clinicians in outpatient settings; it was subsequently expanded to address the
needs of clinicians in inpatient settings (Hammond and Stead, 1986). From the
outset of the project, the CPR was considered the centerpiece of the TMR
system (Stead and Hammond, 1988). The system can store and retrieve and data
contained in a traditional paper record in an ambulatory or inpatient setting,
with the exception of images such as X-rays. In an inpatient

8 William E. Hammond of Duke University Medical Center supplied the explanation

and description of the TMR system. Where possible, the information was checked for
consistency with published articles in peer-reviewed journals. The Medical Record and
TMR are registered trademarks of Database, Inc.

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setting, however, the TMR system can provide a link to such imaging systems.
The TMR system can support a complete list of diagnoses and procedures,
as well as subjective and physical findings, laboratory data, and therapeutic
interventions. The system also allows multiple "views" of data. For example,
patient data may be viewed from any of several perspectivesfrom a problem,
time, task, or encounter orientation. 9 The look and feel of a particular TMR
system are controlled by a user-defined, object-oriented data dictionary that
separates the parameters, or variables, along which data are being collected
from the system features that manipulate those variables. Even users with no
programming expertise thus can tailor the TMR to their own needs.
Health Maintenance Organizations
Computer-Stored Ambulatory Record Systems
In 1968 the Laboratory of Computer Science at the Massachusetts General
Hospital implemented the COSTAR (Computer Stored Ambulatory Record)
system, which became one of the first systems capable of producing a computerbased patient record.10 COSTAR is a medical information management and
record system designed as a set of modules for which individual sites can
choose the portions of the system they wish to install. COSTAR supports
patient registration, scheduling of patient visits, storage and retrieval of clinical
information, and billing and accounts receivable (Barnett, 1984).

9 Patient records and the optimal formats for organizing and presenting their data have
been under discussion for more than 20 years (Weed, 1968). There are four major types
of approaches for organizing and presenting clinical data in a patient record. The
problem-oriented record links the patient's clinical data with his or her problems so that
all aspects of the care process are focused on resolving those problems. The timeoriented view of the patient's clinical data is more organizational than philosophical.
Entries in the record appear in chronological sequence, reflecting what was decided upon
and what was done at specific times. Task-oriented records emphasize the tasks
undertaken to care for the patient and present the patient's care organized in ways
specific to those who routinely perform certain sets of tasks. The encounter-oriented
record is an organized view of the patient's care processes structured by the encounters
of the patient (often over a long period of time). An encounter is defined as a hospital
stay or treatment for a single problem, regardless of how long the treatment may last
(sometimes years).
10 G. Octo Barnett, Harvard Medical School, provided the general description of
COSTAR. Where possible, reference is also made to published articles in peer-reviewed
journals. Stephen G. Schoenbaum, also affiliated with Harvard Medical School, provided
the explanation and description of the COSTAR system at the Harvard Community
Health Plan.

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The first implementation of COSTAR was at the Harvard Community

Health Plan (HCHP), which adopted and began testing the COSTAR systems in
1969 (Grossman et al., 1973). By 1987, HCHP had installed 10 minicomputers
to support clinical computing in their 9 care facilities, which together serve an
active membership of more than 225,000 people. The HCHP COSTAR system
now contains individual records for nearly 550,000 people generated over the
past 20 years.
The HCHP system supports patient record inquiry, a tumor registry,
clinical reminders, and storage and retrieval of demographic data. It also
provides clinical reporting, automated appointment scheduling, and diverse
management reports and facilitates urgent care. Much of the patient record can
be printed on demand by clinicians, and by 1986 more than 4.1 million pages
were being printed annually (Harvard Community Health Plan, n.d.). In that
same year 1.3 million patient encounters were documented, more than 2.5
million lines of text were dictated and transcribed into the system, and the
results of 650,000 laboratory tests were entered.
Two characteristics of COSTAR have made it possible to use the system in
a variety of sites. One is modular design: a site need only install a partial set of
modulesfor example, scheduling and medical record modules but not the
accounting module. The other is its substantial, extensible data dictionary. The
core of the data dictionary is a controlled vocabulary of clinical terms, which
includes the ability to associate modifier terms with the primary name for a
clinical concept. These modifiers make the COSTAR controlled vocabulary
quite sophisticated: it can provide synonyms and generate specialized terms by
combining the modifier with the primary name for a concept. It can also
associate specific brand names with the generic names for drugs.
The COSTAR system is comprehensive enough to include all major
categories of clinical data, including laboratory results and findings from
diagnostic procedures. All data recorded in the patient record are associated
with controlled vocabulary terms (and any selected modifiers). The benefits of
this approach are seen in clinical care (e.g., for any patient, the system can
generate a summary document that contains the most recent information on
every COSTAR code in the record); quality assurance (e.g., the system can
analyze each patient record to identify patients with certain risk factors for
whom an influenza vaccination is indicated); and clinical investigation (e.g., the
system can examine the patterns of prescription ordering for hypertension by
physicians with different levels of training).
In 1975 the Laboratory of Computer Science rewrote the system and made
it available in the public domain. Currently, there is an active COSTAR users'
group that provides information about the system, conducts tutorials, and
distributes COSTAR manuals and software on diskettes for a nominal fee. A
number of commercial vendors also market COSTAR. Current

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system users of COSTAR include physician offices, public health departments,

ambulatory care clinics, a veterinary teaching clinic, and a consortium of sites
for multiple sclerosis research. COSTAR has been implemented in several
hundred sites in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, and Europe.
Single Hospitals or Medical Centers
Theresa System
Atlanta's Grady Memorial Hospital, the primary clinical teaching facility
of the Emory University School of Medicine, contracted with Medical Systems
Development for the development of its CPR system in 1981. As of 1990 there
were 18 million documents on-line. Plans call for completing the system in late
1991, illustrating again the complexity and length of time required to create an
operational clinical system.
THERESA,11 as Grady's system is called, is based on a custom-made,
object-oriented database management system that was specially designed to
address the problems associated with the patient record noted earlier in this
report (see Chapter 2). It supports problem-oriented, task-oriented, eventoriented, and time-oriented "views" of the patient record. It also permits users to
employ English-like queries to access the complete database. When a user
requests complex decision support, the system searches the database, typically
requiring from 30 seconds to 3 minutes to respond to the user's request. Since
the first modules became operational at Grady in 1983, data on more than
220,000 patient encounters (an encounter is defined as a single hospital stay or
clinic visit) have been collected; the patient record includes data on the
individual's medical history, physical examination, and diagnosis, as well as
orders, results, progress notes, and physician and nursing notes. The system
maintains a lifelong record and never deletes clinical data.
Physicians and other members of the health care team enter these data
directly using "windowing" terminals (a feature that permits users to look at
different data or views of the same data on the terminal screen at the same
time). The majority of data are entered using a mouse (i.e., point-and-click
technology; Walker, 1989). A recent analysis of one month's medical
admissions revealed that practitioners entered complete data on 98 percent of

11 Kenneth Walker of the Emory University School of Medicine supplied the

explanation and description of this system. The committee attempted to check the
information for consistency with published articles concerning the system in peerreviewed journals but was unable to locate any such reports. However, other information
in such journals supports the description given here.

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their patients. THERESA is therefore one of the few clinical systems that have
successfully engaged clinicians in direct patient data entry. Grady also appears
to have successfully solved the problem of ensuring system access. Although it
has not installed expensive special fault-tolerant computer systems,12 for the last
seven years a distributed network of standard supermini-computers has
provided access to the system 99.95 percent of the time.
Health Evaluation Through Logical Processing
The Intermountain Health Care Corporation's Latter-Day Saints (LDS)
Hospital provides another example of the CPR system of today.13 The LDS
system, which has been under development for more than 25 years, is known as
HELP (Health Evaluation through Logical Processing; Pryor et al., 1983).
HELP's primary objective is to provide medical decision support, but it is also a
computer-based patient record system. Much of the input to HELP comes
directly from medical professionals entering data at terminals, but wherever
possible HELP utilizes automated input of the patient's clinical data. Although
LDS has conducted experiments using an automated patient history, currently
only minimal history and physical examination data are contained in the HELP
record. Consequently, at present, HELP maintains both a paper and a computerbased record for each patient.
Developers of HELP have consistently tried to focus on the use of patient
data in making decisions about care rather than on merely the storage and
communication of these data. To support its decision making goals, HELP
contains more than 100,000 rules and statistical processes pertaining to a broad
spectrum of health care; it uses these rules and processes to make decisions
(including diagnoses)just as a panel of experts might when presented with
similar data. The system makes decisions in both a background monitoring
mode and an interactive session with the health care

12 Fault-tolerant computer systems have been developed by the computer industry to

provide virtually uninterrupted service to users. To achieve such an objective, these
systems offer a high degree of component redundancy in the hardware as well as sensors
and special additional rerouting components. If embedded sensors detect that a crucial
system component has failed, the system automatically switches to a redundant
component to maintain continuous service. Although such systems are costly, they have
in recent years become the mainstay for support of an organization's essential
applications. Therefore, fault-tolerant computer systems are often of particular interest to
CPR system vendors and developers.
13 T. Allan Pryor of the University of Utah Department of Medical Informatics
supplied the explanation and description of this system. Where possible, the information
was checked for consistency with published articles in peer-reviewed journals.

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provider. To maintain constant availability of the system, HELP has been

developed to run on special fault-tolerant computers.
Beth Israel and Brigham and Women's Hospital System
The clinical information system at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston,
Massachusetts, was developed by the Harvard Medical School's Center for
Clinical Computing and has been in continuous use and evolution for more than
a decade (Bleich and Slack, 1989).14 The system at Brigham and Women's
Hospital in Boston, also from the Clinical Computing Center, was modeled
after Beth Israel's system and required approximately four years to develop.
More than 800 and more than 1,250 on-line terminals currently operate at Beth
Israel and Brigham and Women's hospitals, respectively (Safran et al., 1989).
One outstanding attribute of these systems is their extensive use by clinicians
and other members of the health care team. At Beth Israel during an average
week, for example, 742 departmental and laboratory workers entered or
corrected information in computer-based patient records 137,526 times (Bleich
et al., 1989). Similarly, during an average week, 532 physicians, 893 nurses, 59
medical students, and 253 health assistants used the computer terminals to
examine patient information.
In addition to reporting results, these systems provide other capabilities to
clinicians: scheduling, order entry, electronic mail, and bibliographic retrieval
through PaperChase. Beth Israel users can also search the growing clinical
database. This retrieval capability, called ClinQuery (Safran et al., 1989), is a
powerful tool for answering administrative and research questions. Through this
system, hospital practitioners can access the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)
and receive advice from an attached expert system designed to assist
practitioners in treating acid-base problems.
Clinical computing systems at these two hospitals are patient centered and
integrated rather than networked or interfaced (i.e., they utilize the central
database model displayed in Figure 3-1). These systems also store data for
hospitalized and ambulatory patients in a common database within each
institution. In addition, the systems handle patient billing functions. Indeed,
installation of these clinical computing systems has reduced substantially the
length of time between provision of service and receipt of payment for the
service. (Accounts receivable dropped by 30 days at Beth Israel when the
clinical computing system was installed; when that system

14 Warner V. Slack and Charles Safran of the Center for Clinical Computing at
Harvard supplied the explanation and description of this system. Where possible, the
information was checked for consistency with published articles in peer-reviewed

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also performed the fiscal computing, accounts receivable dropped by 40 days.)

The experience of Beth Israel and Brigham and Women's hospitals shows that
clinical computer systems can drive nearly all patient billing functions and that
they can do so more efficiently than separate machines dedicated only to patient
billing. Slack (1989:140) notes that "more than 90% of each patient's charges
are now collected as a byproduct of the clinical computing system." This
important feature substantiates the dual notions that the CPR is or should be the
central feature of all clinical systems and that it is capable of supporting nearly
every functional component of the system, including billing.
Lockheed's Early Clinical Information System
One of the earliest demonstrations of a clinical information system came
through the development of a system by the Lockheed Corporation between the
mid-1960s and 1970s. Technicon, an early clinical system vendor, acquired the
system from Lockheed; today, it is owned and marketed by a company called
TDS. This system displays two distinct, powerful features crucial to the design
of future CPR systems. First, it offers very fast response times (usually less than
one second) for nearly all user input; second, it is extremely flexible. For
example, it can support the diverse needs of many users at a single site because
the system has been tailored to meet the expectations of several simultaneous
Large Multihospital Systems
Department of Veterans Affairs
A pioneer and leader in this field, the Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) has been developing its clinical computing system, known as the
Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP), for nearly a decade
(Andrews and Beauchamp, 1989). By the late 1980s, the VA had installed
DHCP in most of its more than 170 medical centers.15 Outpatient clinics and
other care facilities, including nursing homes, operated by the VA gain access
to systems through the VA's national network.
The VA's DHCP consists of software grouped into three categories: (1)

15 At the direction of Congress the VA has installed commercially developed clinical

information systems in a few selected VA medical centers to test the VA's DHCP against
systems from the private sector. All other VA medical centers have installed and are
using the DHCP. All of the VA's medical centers thus use automated clinical systems
that is, one or the other of these two approaches.

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system/database management, (2) administrative management, and (3) clinical

management. System/database management software consists of software tools
that have been constructed by the VA for the support, development, and
maintenance of the DHCP. Administrative management software supports all
normal hospital administrative tasks, including scheduling. Clinical
management software supports clinical information provision in the laboratory,
pharmacy, and other departments. It includes a complete surgery module and
also partially supports medicine, cardiology, and oncology. The VA is
recognized for its use of state-of-the-art technologies in selected radiology
departments (Dayhoff et al., 1990).
To advance the clinical aspects of the DHCP, the VA has launched the
Clinical Record Project. Clinical record development is under way at several
sites and includes modules to support order entry/results reporting, a health
summary, a problem index, allergies/adverse reactions, progress notes, crisis
warnings, consults information, clinical observations, and clinical
measurements. These and other clinical modules represent the VA's
commitment to constructing its own state-of-the-art CPR system.
Department of Defense
The Department of Defense (DoD) has contracted for the deployment of a
clinical information system at its hundreds of care facilities around the world
(General Accounting Office [GAO], 1988, 1990). The system, known as the
Composite Health Care System (CHCS), is currently being tested in multiple
care facilities in the United States that serve a range of care settings. One
example involves health maintenance organization-like settings in Hawaii
where hospitals and associated care facilities and clinics are networked. As
military personnel visit any of these facilities, the CHCS allows clinicians to
gain immediate access to patient care data from previous patient encounters.
The CHCS is an excellent environment and opportunity to design, test, and
evaluate certain desirable features of the ideal CPR system, and its potential in
this regard may prove vital to accelerating the development of CPR systems
generally. For example, the military has established a command structure that
permits testing in a closed-loop environment. This means that, within limits,
DoD can mandate particular clinician behaviors to evaluate various potentially
beneficial methods of providing care and that the CHCS can measure the
benefits, if any, that are derived. Currently, the CHCS represents the largest
demonstration of actual clinician hands-on data entry to clinical systems:
because military facility commanders can require clinicians to input data into
the system, alternative input mechanisms may be evaluated. In addition, DoD is
testing a prototype professional workstation to facilitate clinicians' interaction
with the CHCS.

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International Developments
DIOGENE, a system operating in the largest hospital in Geneva,
Switzerland, supports a nearly complete CPR and will soon support
communication of high-resolution images throughout the hospital complex. The
system's unique approach to clinical data capture (Scherrer et al., 1990) may
well offer a useful model that could be utilized in other health care organizations.
DIOGENE employs specially trained transcriptionists who can enter text
rapidly. A clinician who wants to enter narrative into the patient's computerbased record first identifies or displays the record on a computer terminal near
the point of care. He or she then places a call to an available transcriptionist on
a nearby telephone and begins dictating. As the dictation proceeds, the typed
narrative appears on the terminal display currently being used by the clinician.
At the completion of the dictation the clinician suggests any pertinent changes
and then approves the text, which becomes a permanent part of the computerbased patient record in DIOGENE.
Even at peak hours, a few specially trained transcriptionists can support all
practitioners' dictation. In the future, when clinical workstations can accept
direct voice input, transcriptionists will no longer be required.
The Exmouth Project
A large experimental study, known as the Exmouth Project, is being
conducted in Exeter, England. The experiment uses patient-carried "smart
cards"16 capable of storing critical portions of the complete patient record that
are essential in emergency as well as routine care situations. In Exeter, 98
percent of the pharmacies, 70 percent of general practitioners, and all hospitals
are able to read and use the credit card-sized patient Care Cards.

16 Smart cards are electronic devices (usually encased in plastic) that resemble a credit
card one might carry in a wallet. To date, these cards are more popular in Europe than
elsewhere and are used in a variety of applications, from banking and financial
transactions to medical applications. They contain electronic circuitry capable of storing
limited amounts of information crucial to the specific application for which the card is
intended. For example, in a health care application, a patient's card might ideally contain
such things as demographic information, payer information, allergy history, blood type,
personal and family history, environmental and other risk factors, a photograph of the
patient, a record of the last 10 vital sign readings (perhaps revealing trends such as
hypertension), current medications, recent but former medications, discharge summaries
from the last three hospitalizations, and other information that might prove vital in
providing health care, especially in an emergency situation. Similar to drivers' licenses
the card would be carried at all times. When the patient appeared for care or in an
emergency situation, the card could be made available to all members of the health care

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This experiment is driven by the belief that information management in

health care is a primary key to cost containment. Approximately 9,000 patient
Care Cards (which includes cards for all diabetics in the area) are in routine use.
Preliminary results of the test released in late 1990 reveal significant reductions
in staff time devoted to clerical functions, a significant increase in patientcentered activities by clinicians, and significant reductions in orders for
laboratory tests (presumably because recent test results were available from the
Care Card). Patients themselves indicated significantly greater satisfaction with
the care they have received since introduction of the cards in 1989 (only 2
percent expressed dissatisfaction; Hopkins, 1990).
England has also embarked on a large experiment in which more than
16,000 general practitioners have installed personal computers in their offices to
support clinical practice. This figure represents approximately half of all
general practitioners in the country and is perhaps the most substantial (in terms
of numbers of practitioners) clinical computing experiment undertaken to date.
These and other experiments in Europe imply that Europeans have significant
experience in developing clinical data standards, perhaps more than most other
regions of the world. Further, they indicate the very real need for greater
international cooperation in formulating future health care data standards.
Selected Emerging Developments
Once a patient's clinical data are in machine-readable form, many decision
making aids will be available to health care professionals to permit them to take
advantage of the latest information on problems specific to the patient. In
addition, clinical data in the CPR may support other capabilities that can help
ensure higher quality care, one beneficial consequence of which may be a
reduction in the rate of malpractice suits. Several of these recently developed
decision making aids are described below.
Chart Checker
Kaufman and Holbrook (1990) describe Chart Checker, a software
package that operates in conjunction with the machine-readable emergency
room record. Chart Checker analyzes the emergency room record narrative to
alert the emergency room physician to potentially serious diagnoses that he or
she may have overlooked or dismissed too quickly. This capability is
particularly important for preventing malpractice suits. For example, Kaufman
and Holbrook (1990) noted that more than 30 percent of liability cases won
against emergency room physicians resulted from missing a myocardial
infarction. Chart Checker has been tested using emergency room narratives

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for cases in which myocardial infarctions actually occurred, and the package
quite accurately suggested the possibility of that diagnosis, as well as other
potentially devastating illnesses that apparently had not been seriously
Chart Checker's benefits are so well demonstrated that in certain instances
it has led to an across-the-board 20 percent reduction in malpractice insurance
premiums for physicians. In Massachusetts, for example, this reduction in
premiums (amounting to $2,400 or more per physician) became effective in
July 1990 for all emergency room physicians who regularly use Chart Checker
(Blau, 1990). This software is representative of many clinical decision support
systems that can be expected to evolve in the near future. Such tools cannot be
used by health care professionals, however, until clinical data are captured in
machine-readable form. In short, the CPR must come first.
Problem-Knowledge Coupler
The problem-knowledge coupler (PKC) is another personal computerbased system designed to assist clinicians in organizing patient data in a variety
of care settings (Weed, in press). Weed's system permits the clinician to build a
computer-based, problem-oriented patient record; it also uses medical
knowledge derived from the literature to provide the clinician with timely
suggestions and information specific to the symptoms or problems of the
current patient to guide and assist the clinician's decision making. Thus, the
PKC presents a nearly complete list of potential causes of a patient's reported
problems. Only a few topics in medicine have been covered so far, however,
because many couplers have yet to be written.
The PKC is designed to provide practitioners with information they need
from the literature when they need it. At the moment, the system supplies
references to highly relevant, targeted articles that have been searched
beforehand and are directly associated with the patient's problems. Some of the
system's architects have proposed that a ready link to MEDLINE at the NLM is
the solution to answering clinicians' questions near the time of the patient
encounter. Currently, however, that notion may be unrealistic because the time
required to formulate and perform an adequate bibliographic search is measured
in minutes, not seconds.
Medical Logic Modules
Decision support systems for health care have been successfully
demonstrated in recent years, but they too lack a common standard for
representing the knowledge they contain, thus limiting exchanges of their
contents (Pryor et al., 1984; Miller et al., 1986). As special medical knowledge

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are developed at different institutions, the ability to share these databases will
become important. Anticipating this need, the Center for Medical Informatics at
the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center has been exploring and testing the
development of the Arden syntax for medical logic modules (Hripcsak et al.,
1990). The Arden syntax is designed to facilitate the sharing of medical
knowledge and is especially well suited for the transfer of medical knowledge
bases among disparate medical decision support systems.
Clinical data derived from operational CPR systems will contribute
significantly to the body of medical knowledge used by future medical decision
support systems. Indeed, it is highly probable that CPR systems may realize
their full impact only when used in conjunction with medical decision support
systems. Similarly, medical decision support systems are likely to mature only
when medical knowledge can be readily transferred between systems.
Therefore, indirectly, the Arden syntax may be crucial to the rate of CPR
system deployment.
Perhaps the single greatest challenge that has consistently confronted every
clinical system developer is to engage clinicians in direct data entry. Clinical
systems have used many different strategies to solve this problem; they range
from eliminating the need for clinician input to mandating direct data entry by
The LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, is a good example of an
innovative approach to circumvent resistance to clinician data entry. As
discussed earlier in this chapter, the hospital's HELP system directly captures
clinical data (from the laboratory, intensive care units, and other departments)
virtually without human intervention wherever possible; it uses specially
designed data-capture devices attached to conventional medical instruments that
convert analog to digital information. Today, most vendors of such medical
instruments and devices provide computer-ready output capabilities as standard
equipment or as options.
Other systems require data to be typed by clinicians or by some
intermediary. Yet the bulk of the patient record is still unstructured text, such as
the patient history, the discharge summary, and physical examination findings;
this text must be entered into the clinical system either by dictation, which must
be transcribed in some timely manner, or by automated speech-recognition
systems. Another alternative is for the information to be typed manually into the
system. Many system developers have attempted to use typed input, but this
approach has generally failed because busy clinicians reject it. The next section
discusses possible technical support to overcome clinician resistance to
interacting with CPR systems.
Finding appropriate mechanisms to encourage direct clinician input remains

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a significant challenge for clinical system architects (Mandell, 1987; Benda,

1989). Experience demonstrates that providing a fee for data entry does have a
positive impact. For example, the New England Deaconess Hospital found in an
initial test in 1989 that paying $5 to physicians to input their own discharge
summaries directly resulted in a 40 percent participation rate. Without
escalating payment, 54 percent of the discharge summaries (in some months, as
many as 70 percent) were entered into the system directly by physicians during
the first six months of 1990 (Zibrak et al., 1990).
Several technological barriers still must be overcome before robust CPR
systems can be fully realized, although no great technological breakthroughs are
needed. The human interfacethe place where man and machine meet
remains a major challenge (despite such advances as the graphical user interface
and voice inputting) and is closely tied to system performance. As we move
further into the 1990s, the major technological barriers to widespread
implementation of the CPR include problems with text processing, the lack of
appropriate confidentiality or security measures, and inadequate health dataexchange standards.
The Human Interface and System Performance
The lack of sufficiently powerful computing systems at an affordable price
has been a major barrier to providing clinicians with an adequate human
interface. Now, however, affordable state-of-the-art computer systems have
been introduced, which are likely to resolve this problem. Slack (1989) argues
that users of clinical systems require a response time of less than a second.
Providing a simple-to-use, or nearly intuitive, human interface means
dedicating a significant proportion of the computer's resources to that function,
which reduces their availability for crucial clinical functions. As a result,
clinical system architects in the past have generally been inclined to emphasize
clinical function and performance at the expense of the human interface.
The most natural way for humans to communicate is through speech, and a
great deal of computer science research has focused for decades on voicerecognition capabilities. Recently introduced, commercially viable systems
address this problem in ways that are becoming acceptable to some in the health
care sector, but currently available, affordable voice-recognition systems
support only a portion of the health care requirements.
Three primary criteria must be met to enable widespread, effective use of
such systems. First, the ability to accept and process continuous speech, that is,
speaking without pausing between each individual word, is crucial.

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Second, systems should be speaker independent; that is, the system should be
able to recognize words spoken by any individual who might speak without first
''training" the system to recognize the words spoken by that individual. Third,
systems for general medicine require large vocabularies; some domains and
subdomains, for example, may require vocabularies in excess of 30,000 words
or meaningful phrases. As vocabularies expand, both the costs and error rates
generally become intolerable. Emerging voice-recognition technology is likely
to ease the inputting of clinical data in future CPR systems, but the successful
experiences discussed earlier with such systems as HELP, THERESA, and
DIOGENE confirm the existence of currently available alternative approaches
to capturing crucial clinical data (including text) in the CPR.
Text Processing
Assuming that text can be conveniently entered into the clinical system
through voice-recognition technology or other means, the problem then
becomes one of effectively analyzing in an automated way the content and
meaning of the textual data. The raw material for epidemiological analysis and
for effectiveness and outcomes studies is primarily text from patient records,
which must be converted to coded data. For accurate comparisons, patient
record data must be correctly transformed into precise, unambiguous codes that
represent specific characteristic processes.
Text processing is generally considered to be a complex operation; its
application to the data in the CPR, with its special and diverse vocabularies,
further complicates the challenge of implementing it as a system capability.
Often, the more experienced the practitioner, the more succinct or abbreviated
the notes in the record. The notes thus may consist of abbreviations, acronyms,
and mnemonics, which could be difficult to interpret, even by other health care
professionals. Although text processors have improved markedly in recent
years, they can approach but never exceed the quality of written or dictated
information. Therefore, the quality of patient records can be improved only
through more disciplined approaches to consistent vocabulary in the record.
Although technology (voice-input or menu-driven input systems) can artificially
impose more consistent terminology, practitioners should be encouraged as a
rule to avoid idiosyncratic terminology and to use more formal, well-defined
vocabularies. Additional technological research is needed in this area, as well as
studies of incentives for behavioral change, before CPR systems can reach their
full potential.
Confidentiality and Security
Among the important priorities for the 1990s is the further development

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of technology to ensure fully the privacy and confidentiality of patient data in

the CPR. Indeed, as discussed in Chapter 4, societal and legal concerns about
privacy and confidentiality must be satisfactorily resolved before wide-scale
implementation of the CPR can occur. Many technologies are available to
ensure CPR security and integrity, but, in general, they have not been
adequately deployed or embedded in present CPR systems.

FIGURE 3.2 Three-zone confidentiality model.

Recent research has proposed a three-zone medical confidentiality model

(Figure 3-2). In this model, extremely sensitive information, which would
always be held confidential, resides in the innermost zone and might not always
find its way into the CPR. The outermost zone contains the least sensitive
information, which may or may not be confidential. The area between these two
zones is the one containing sensitive information, probably related mainly to
illnesses and health problems; it is likely to be the largest area in terms of
volume of the CPR and the one most frequently associated with traditional
medical confidentiality requirements.
The figure illustrates why CPR systems must address confidentiality
adequately at multiple levels. Patients should be permitted to name the portions
of their record that are to remain totally confidential (i.e., the innermost
information zone). Practitioners may also designate elements of the CPR as
highly confidential. Most of the emphasis on confidentiality has involved
protecting patient-related information in the CPR, but confidentiality

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issues may also pertain to others engaged in providing health care. For example,
all members of the health care team deserve the same level of protection against
unauthorized access or abuse of information in the CPR that applies to the
One important method for ensuring confidentiality, and data and program
integrity, is to allow access to the CPR system only to those with a need to
know and then to certify positively their identity before granting access.
Fortunately, the problem of implementing measures to ensure confidentiality
and privacy is not unique to medicine. Confidentiality issues are important in
several areas outside health care such as finance and banking, libraries, and
communications, and these sectors may offer approaches that could be tailored
to the needs of health care users. For example, future CPR systems must be
capable of providing different levels of data confidentiality as required by their
users. Psychiatric data are a case in point: they must be available only to the
patient's psychiatrist. In addition, some sensitive data for drug abuse,
alcoholism, and similarly sensitive diagnoses must be protected by legal and
professional rules and regulations.
Health Data-Exchange Standards
Progress toward developing acceptable standards for transferring an entire
CPR has been slow, primarily because standards development has been largely
ad hoc. Still, although such progress is meager in comparison to what is needed,
it appears impressive when one considers that it has been accomplished
virtually without government funding and without substantial industry-wide
commitment. Nevertheless, the lack of funding for and coordination of
standards development for CPRs can constitute a major barrier to CPR
development, testing, and deployment. What is perhaps of even greater concern,
given the current limited support for standards development, is the potential
long-term negative impact of premature standards development. Without
substantially better coordination and greater funding relatively soon, standards
may evolve that may later prove to be inadequate, and neither as well conceived
nor as robust as the standards needed to support a broad array of future CPR
Before an actual exchange of clinical data can take place, agreement must
be reached on what is being transferred. Many vendors and government
agencies have independently developed their own internal clinical data
dictionaries. These dictionaries differ in terms of the actual data elements
included, naming conventions, definitions, and relationships among data
elements. No attempt has yet been made to create a composite clinical data
dictionary (CCDD) using input provided by these and other groups interested in
the CPR (Figure 3-3). For example, the federal government alone has at least
three distinct clinical data dictionaries (namely, those of DoD, the VA, and the
Health Care

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Financing Administration); each of these has evolved independently and largely

without coordination. Because no CCDD yet exists, the evolution of dataexchange standards has been limited and will remain so until a CCDD or some
similar coordinating mechanism is developed.

FIGURE 3-3 Concept of a composite clinical data dictionary. Abbreviations:

ACR/NEMA, American College of Radiologists/National Electrical
Manufacturers Association; AHA, American Hospital Association; AMA,
American Medical Association; AMIA, American Medical Informatics
Association; AMRA, American Medical Record Association; ANA, American
Nurses Association; ASTM, American Society for Testing Materials; DoD,
Department of Defense: HCFA, Health Care Financing Administration; IEEE,
Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers; ISO, International Standards
Organization; JCAHO, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations; VA, Department of Veterans Affairs.

Once a CCDD is created and perpetually maintained, any number of

relevant subsets can be generated from this defined universe of clinical content.
Standard definitions of subsets (or "templates," as shown in Figure 3-3) can be
prepared, and data-exchange standards can then be used to carry

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out the actual data transfers. For example, one potential template might be
HCFA's Uniform Clinical Data Set (UCDS), a collection of approximately
1,600 data elements (Krakauer, 1990). Over time, many other relevant data sets
for varied purposes are likely to be generated using subsets from the universe of
data elements defined in the CCDD. For example, emergency room (ER)
physicians might designate a small set of clinical data elements from the CCDD
(such a subset could be the ER template) that are required to facilitate
appropriate care in an emergency setting. This template could then be used to
formulate an appropriate health data-exchange standard to perform the actual
transfer of patient data between disparate CPR systems.
The diversity of patient record data is likely to continue as a number of
different vendors and mix of institutions, service bureaus, reimbursement
agencies, and governmental agencies increase their use of clinical data. It is
essential, therefore, that development and promotion of standards for data
representation and data exchange be major priorities. Without such standards, it
will be impossible to support the necessary exchange of CPR data among the
different interested organizations and institutions.
Although progress has been steady over the past two decades in
developing complete CPR systems, and although several powerful clinical
information systems have become operational in recent years, as yet not one is
capable of supporting the complete CPR. Most of the former technological
barriers to developing CPR systems have now or are about to disappear, and no
technological breakthroughs are needed to implement CPR systems.
Nevertheless, further maturation of a few emerging technologies, such as voiceinput or voice-recognition and text-processing systems, would facilitate the
development of state-of-the-art CPR systems in the 1990s.
Many different standards must be developed, tested, and deployed before
the CPR can realize its full potential. Standards to facilitate the exchange of
health care data are needed now so that clinical data may be aggregated and
analyzed to support improved decision making. When clinical data from CPR
systems are pooled in regional and national databases and made available
through networks, they will constitute a vast information resource on which to
base health care policy, clinical studies of effectiveness and appropriateness,
and equitable reimbursement policies.
Standards are also needed for the development of more secure CPR
systems. All of this effort should focus on ensuring the integrity of the clinical
data in the CPR and on patient confidentiality. Confidentiality of health data in
CPR systems is crucial to the success of these systems. Further, confidentiality
must be maintained not only for the patient but for all health care professionals
and especially for members of the health care team.

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Although powerful new technologies and standards will greatly facilitate

the realization of the CPR, they alone are not sufficient to overcome the barriers
to its routine use. The primary barriers to realizing complete CPR systems are
not technical but rather behavioral or organizational in nature. The next chapter
explores various means for overcoming such barriers.
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Wilton, R. W., and J. M. McCoy. 1989. Outpatient clinic information system based on distributed
database technology. Pp. 372376 in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on
Computer Applications in Medical Care , ed. L. C. Kingsland. New York: IEEE Computer
Young, D. W. 1987. What makes doctors use computers? Discussion Paper. Pp. 814 in Use and
Impact of Computers in Clinical Medicine, ed. J. G. Anderson and S. J. Jay. New York:
Zibrak, J. D., M. S. Roberts, L. Nelick-Cohen, and M. Peterson. 1990. Creating an environment
conductive to physician participation in a hospital information system. Pp. 779783 in
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, ed.
R. A. Miller. Washington, D.C.: IEEE Computer Society Press.

Appendix: the Computer-based Patient

Record System Vendor Survey

The members of the Institute of Medicine study committee agreed that

their deliberations would be enhanced by access to data on commercial clinical
information systems and on the perspectives of those who develop and market
them. The committee's Technology Subcommittee therefore conducted an
informal survey to solicit basic information from vendors active in the
computer-based patient record system market. Twelve vendors associated with
clinical information systems (including three hardware manufacturers)
responded. This appendix briefly summarizes findings and conclusions derived
by the subcommittee from the responses to the survey.
The range of responses, both to the survey as a whole and to the individual
items within it, indicated substantial differences among members of the
software development industry about the operational definition of the

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computer-based patient record and the data that should be captured in it. Vendor
responses suggested that the industry viewed direct data entry as desirable, but
they also reflected industry pessimism about whether physicians and nurses
could be convinced to actually enter data (although three vendors stated that
they had implemented systems in which direct data entry by practitioners was
occurring). Other impediments to the immediate implementation of CPRs
today, as opposed to in the future, included the cost of the system, general
resistance to change within the health care industry, the need for data sharing
among many different kinds of systems (including departmental systems), and
the lack of a good decision support system.
Vendors showed more agreement in their view of the forces that could
propel the medical record environment into the computer age. Most cited the
increasingly broad range of medical record users, which mandates a patient
record with expanded access. Strong consensus emerged regarding the CPR as a
tool with the potential to benefit every aspect of the health care environment.
Vendors also voiced some skepticism, however, that the CPR could receive the
broad-based, organization-wide support required for its implementation and use
in a hospital.
According to the vendor responses, technologies commonly believed to be
5 to 10 years distant are, in fact, already being employed in workable CPR
systems. Three vendors claimed that they had implemented a full-scale
electronic medical record in a hospital environment: one in a facility of
unspecified size, the second in a hospital of 176 beds, and the third in a large,
urban teaching hospital of more than 900 beds. Two of these vendors offered
decision support systems, one of which was described as a powerful reportwriting system and the other as an actual interactive decision support system.
The survey responses also indicated that direct data entry by patient care
practitioners was feasible, resistance to change notwithstanding, provided the
CPR system was user-friendly and was perceived as improving quality and
reducing costs for the hospital, clinic, or practice. Taken together, the survey
responses appeared to suggest that the environment is right for the
implementation of CPRs in hospitalsthat is, if enough of the system's
beneficiaries can be convinced that such a comprehensive system justifies the
difficulties of implementation.
FINDING 1. Close reading of the responses generates some skepticism
about whether all of the named products meet the requirements of a
comprehensive CPR system. This may be the case in part because too few of
the necessary patient record components have been automated.
FINDING 2. The majority of the systems noted in the survey operate in

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multiprocessor environments, a configuration that arises in response to a

hospital's demands for flexible implementation and system expandability. This
trend can be expected to continue. All but one of the systems are designed to
run on the hardware of a particular vendor; the exception is a system adaptable
to any hardware that uses UNIX. For the most part, the systems described in the
survey do not employ the most advanced terminal technologies, even though
these technologies are no longer new on the market. The one exception to this
generalizationthe vendor whose product is adaptable to many different types
of computer hardwaresupports both windowing and point-and-click
FINDING 3. System costs, including installation, are likely to be in the
range of $2 million to $6 million for a medium-sized hospital. Annual
maintenance costs for each system could be substantialapproximately 10
percent of the purchase or lease price.
FINDING 4. With the exception of a single software vendor, the industry
is moving slowing in solving one crucial problem: ease of data entry. Although
such devices as the mouse and the light pen are commonly used in other
industries, and even in home computing, they are rarely found in health care
computing. The only vendor that offers evidence of having solved the problem
of convincing physicians and nurses to use the system is the same vendor that
has exploited these technologies most fully. The same conclusion may be drawn
with regard to flexible output devices: the vendor that offers the most flexible
data entry methods also supports the most varied output, including terminal
windowing, and has the most flexible hardware requirements.
FINDING 5. The survey responses are informative regarding vendor
attitudes toward the state-of-the-art in CPR systems, but they may not be
helpful in defining the actual state-of-the-art. The committee found it surprising
that the software vendors who responded to the survey should so heavily
emphasize hardware improvements as the necessary step in advancing to
comprehensive CPRs and CPR systems.
FINDING 6. The last set of findings was based on a group of open-ended
questions to which only a few vendors responded. In general, they seem
reluctant to lay out in detail imaginative ideas regarding the impact of
computerized systems on the industry their systems are intended to serve,
namely, the health care industry. Thus, the committee found it disturbing that
the vendors appeared pessimistic, perhaps unintentionally, about surmounting
the difficulties involved in implementing the CPRespecially given the
success that some have had in overcoming certain technological and behavioral
problems associated with CPR implementation.

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The Road to CPR Implementation

Technological change is a complex process that is influenced by a

multitude of factors, including the attributes of a technology, the users of the
technology, and the environment in which the technology is used. Successful
implementation of computer-based patient record systems depends on ''more
than the transmission of technical details and the availability of systems"
(Anderson and Jay, 1987:4). It requires an understanding of the factors that
influence the development and adoption of computer technologies in health care.
This chapter first identifies the factors that could enhance or impede CPR
development and use. It then presents the committee's plan for addressing these
factors. The plan includes a discussion of the various organizations that have a
role to play in CPR development and diffusion, the types of activities that
would facilitate patient record development, how such activities might be
implemented, and when such activities should take place. Chapter 5 presents the
committee's formal recommendations for achieving the primary goals of the plan.
The process of technological change involves two general stages:
development and diffusion. Development is the production of new capabilities
or the alteration of characteristics of existing technologies; diffusion is the
application of a new technology in the provision of services. These two stages
do not necessarily occur in chronological sequence. User application can reveal
that a technology needs further development. Alternatively,

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diffusion sometimes parallels the development of a new technology (NAS,

1979). Moreover, as discussed below, the factors affecting development and
diffusion are interrelated: development is unlikely to occur if the conditions for
diffusion are unfavorable.
Barriers to Development
Patient Record Definition
A basic impediment to the development of CPRs and CPR systems has
been the lack of a clear definition of what a CPR could and should be. An
intellectual understanding of what a CPR needs to do, the range of individuals
for whom it needs to function, and the expectations and performance demands
of its users is an essential prerequisite to successful design of a CPR system
(Teach and Shortliffe, 1981). Many computer-based information management
systems are currently in place and generate and use patient data for various
purposes (e.g., billing, laboratory, radiology); what is lacking is a unified
concept of what constitutes a computer-based patient record system.
A fully articulated definition of a CPR and CPR system should describe
attributes of the record and system (i.e., content, format, and function) as a
guide for system developers and users.1 It should not, however, prescribe how
those attributes are to be achieved. Resolution of that question is best left to
CPR system developers and vendors.
Chapter 2 identifies basic CPR system requirements, but system designers
require more detailed specification in certain areas. Among these are the level
of performance (e.g., speed and convenience) the system must provide to
achieve health care provider acceptance; the kinds of new system functions
needed to justify a change in current routines of record use and the costs of
implementation; the frequency with which multiple users would view the record
simultaneously; the level of system security, confidentiality, and reliability
required; and the level of institutional, regional, national, or international
interconnectivity demanded of the system.
In particular, patient record system developers require specific information
about system functionality and performance to design systems that meet user
needs. Understanding the diverse set of CPR user needs requires that
representatives of all users be involved in a process of setting priorities for
system functionality and performance.

1 As discussed in Chapter 1, the committee's definition of a CPR is an electronic

patient record that resides in a system specifically designed to support users through the
availability of complete, accurate patient data, alerts, reminders, clinical decision support
systems, links to medical knowledge, and other aids.

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Content and Format Standards

As discussed in Chapter 3, CPR development has been, and continues to
be, impeded by the lack of standards for the content and format of CPR data
(McDonald and Hammond, 1989; Bradbury, 1990; Gabrieli and Murphy, 1990;
Lindberg and Humphreys, 1990; Masys, 1990). To exploit the potential benefits
of linking CPRs across specialties and institutions, developers must ensure the
following. (1) The content of CPRs must be defined; that is, each CPR should
contain a uniform core set of data elements. (2) Data elements must be named
consistently; that is, some form of vocabulary control must be in place. (3)
Format standards for data exchange must be developed and used.
Defining a core set of data elements requires participation by
representatives of all patient record user groups. (Exclusion of any group could
diminish the efficiency to be gained from implementing CPR systems if, as a
result, key data elements are excluded from the core data set.) However, the
uniform core data set should not be so large that it requires health care
professionals to collect information that does not derive directly from routine
service provision. Moreover, because providers are likely to require data
elements in addition to those in the uniform core data set, CPR systems should
be flexible and not be limited to core data elements.
Vocabulary control efforts have already led to substantial progress in
developing standardized vocabularies. The use of existing controlled
vocabularies in combination could cover the basic name of each patient
problem and of each procedure performed by a practitioner (Lindberg and
Humphreys, 1990). Inadequate support for the timely update of clinical
vocabularies, however, remains an obstacle to developing better vocabulary
control for the CPR. Another obstacle is user resistance: users generally have
not considered the benefits of a reasonably specific, controlled vocabulary as
warranting a switch to a new systemespecially if that system entails higher
costs for record creation and maintenance (Lindberg and Humphreys, 1990).
Existing format standards focus on particular portions of the record; no
single format standard exists that could be used for the entire CPR. Nor is there
at present a means for establishing one standard for use by the entire health care
industry. In short, format standards for data exchange need further development
and a means of achieving credibility. To date, such efforts have been carried out
primarily by volunteer organizations. Greater support (i.e., funding and
recognition) of these efforts would help to accelerate standards development.
Costs and Risks
Venture capital is unlikely to be forthcoming for large-scale technological
systems that require sizable investments before yielding a return in a

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highly uncertain market (NAS, 1979). Consequently, development of a

technology may require subsidization of development costs or creation of a
more certain market, or both (NAS, 1979). Both of these factors apply to CPR
systems: they require significant investment for development, and a high degree
of uncertainty exists regarding the willingness of health care providers to
purchase the systems.
As discussed in Chapter 3, the committee found no comprehensive CPR
systems in existence in 1990. Furthermore, no cost data are available on the
monetary investment that might be required to implement such a system;
evaluations of cost data related to computer applications tend to have focused
on medical information systems (MISs) rather than on CPR systems. MIS
development costs and time estimates, however, do convey a sense of the
magnitude of CPR development costs and time. A survey of automated
ambulatory care systems found that development costs ranged from $100,000 to
$10 million and that development time ranged from 1 to 7 years (Henley and
Wiederhold, 1975). Congress's Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) has
estimated the development cost for a commercial inpatient MIS to be $25
million and the time to develop such a system to be 10 years (OTA, 1977).
Costs related to the acquisition of a technology are discussed later in this chapter.
A General Accounting Office (GAO) study on the use of information
technology in hospitals found that commercial hospital information systems
currently in use were not as comprehensive as those planned by the Department
of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs (GAO, 1988). The GAO
cited two factors that could account for the less extensive development of
commercial information systemswhich may itself reflect an uncertain market.
The first is the potentially small market for such systems.2 The second is the
low level of spending for automation in the hospital industry. The causes of this
low level are uncertain, but GAO offers several possibilities: the historical lack
of incentives for hospitals to minimize costs (a situation that has changed since
the implementation of the prospective payment system by Medicare); the
difficulties hospitals face in trying to raise initial funds for information systems;
the cost savings in early systems were attributed to reductions in the work of
clerical rather than clinical staff; the difficulties involved in achieving or
quantifying savings (time savings in particular are likely to be fragmented); and
resistance by medical personnel to the introduction of information management
technology (GAO, 1987).

2 Some experts believe hospitals must have 200 or more operating beds to make
optimal use of hospital information systems. According to the GAO report (1988), nearly
70 percent of community hospitals have fewer than 200 operating beds.

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The CPR market may also be uncertain because computer applications are
generally not well understood by health care practitioners (Anderson and Jay,
1987). This lack of understanding limits the demand for such products and, as a
result, reduces commercial interest in developing new products. Few sources
exist to help practitioners learn what a computer technology can do for them,
and there is little likelihood such help will be forthcoming in the near future,
given the costs associated with producing such resources.
Barriers to Diffusion
Technological diffusion has been analyzed in greater depth than
technological development. Rogers (1987) presents five characteristics of a
technology that influence its adoption:
relative advantage over existing technologies (the degree to which an
innovation is perceived as better than the practice it supersedes);
compatibility (the degree to which an innovation is perceived to be
consistent with values, experiences, and needs of potential adopters, as
well as with the structure of adopting organizations);
complexity (the degree to which an innovation is perceived as difficult
to understand and use);
feasibility3 (the degree to which one can experiment with an innovation
on a limited basis); and
observability (the degree to which the results of an innovation are
observable to others).
Other factors also affect CPR adoption and use, including the environment
of the health care system; leadership; user behavior, education, and training;
costs; social and legal issues; and network needs. Major concerns in these areas
are briefly noted below.
Environment of the Health Care System
The U.S. health care system has been characterized as comprising
"thousands of relatively autonomous units, centering on large hospitals, which
are themselves made up of relatively autonomous divisions and departments"
(Lindberg, 1979:215). Maintaining CPRs, however, "imposes requirements for
greater coordination among separate ancillary services, particularly with regard
to terminology" (McDonald and Tierney, 1988:3438).

3 Rogers (1987) uses the term trialability to reflect the degree to which an innovation
can be experimented with on a limited basis.

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By extension, the use of patient records that are linkable requires

coordination among the institutions that are likely to contribute to or use such
records. Thus, autonomy within and among provider institutions must be
addressed when planning and implementing CPR systems.
Disaggregation of care (i.e., the delivery of medical care by many small
providers who operate independently of and in competition with one another)
has significant implications for the adoption of a coordinative, systemwide
technology. Such technology is often subject to nonadditive benefitsthat is,
the benefits of collaboration among multiple providers outweigh the benefits of
individual adoption. As a result, providers have fewer incentives to acquire such
technology (NAS, 1979).
The reimbursement policies that are applied to providers influence their
willingness and ability to acquire CPR technology. For instance, under costbased reimbursement schemes, providers have more incentive to acquire
technologies that are reimbursable than technologies that are not reimbursable.
In contrast, prospective payment systems create incentives for institutions to
reduce costsand thus to acquire potentially cost-reducing technologies such
as CPR systems. Under current reimbursement policies, any potential
acquisition of new technology must contribute to the improvement of a
provider's financial status or at least be budget neutral. It should also
substantially improve patient care processes, for example, by providing clinical
decision support or by giving complete record access to authorized personnel.
Given the fragmented environment of the U.S. health care system, it is not
surprising that at present no one organization or agency is leading the effort to
establish the necessary infrastructure for national implementation of CPRs and
CPR systems. National and regional organizations may be knowledgeable about
the issues, but they are not consistently soliciting information from or educating
their members about CPRs. Thus, despite the many aspects of CPRs that are in
need of coordination, no organization has the operational responsibility and
funds to establish programs and projects to set the direction for the health care
industry. Overcoming this problem could be the key requirement for progress,
and the committee devoted considerable attention to discussing and formulating
its primary recommendation in this area (see Chapter 5).
User Behavior, Education, and Training
Users are more likely to accept a technology if several conditions are met:
they have a stake in the system; they can use it at minimum cost; the

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technology produces information leading to improved clinical services; that

information is almost immediately available; and the technology increases their
status (Young, 1987). Computing applications that do not significantly change
the routines associated with the practice of medicine are also more likely to be
accepted by users (Kaplan, 1987).
An individual's propensity to use a technology has been attributed to
specialization, fear of malpractice suits, industry promotion, a specific form of
medical practice, and payment methods (Banta, 1987). An encounter with a
peer who is already using a technology can also influence an individual's use
(Anderson et al., 1987).
Young (1987:9) suggests that problems with the acceptance of clinical
computing systems relate to the way a physician organizes his or her thought
processes and interacts with written aids.[U]se of the medical records is not
properly appreciated. The written record is not just a repository of information;
it often forms part of the doctor's thought process, so that the style of writing,
the position on the paper of particular items, abbreviations, the sequence of
information, use of margins, may all have an important significance for the
individual practitionera significance which goes beyond the actual facts
recorded, and which is impossible to capture in an orderly typed record or
video display unit. It is the loss of these individual aspects of the medical
record which causes most problems. The advantages of structured, typewritten
reports commonly do not outweigh the loss of the extra information which is
conveyed to the individual practitioner by the above features.

Some individuals in the health care community are skeptical that computer
systems can be designed to meet user performance and functional requirements.
They may also doubt that a CPR system will improve an institution's ability to
manage its information. Previous negative experiences with computer systems
or inaccurate data generated by a system may cause some providers to actively
resist the acquisition and implementation of CPRs. Whether or not an individual
clinician is skeptical about a CPR system, using it will require behavioral
changes. Thus, as noted earlier, some natural resistance to the CPR is to be
Individual institutions will need educational programs to support these
changes. Educational curricula for health care professionals must also be
modified to reflect the role of the CPR in the provision of health care services.
Who will develop, implement, and pay for such materials (e.g., vendors or
professional groups) is an area of considerable uncertainty.
CPR implementation requires experts who can support CPR users, but at
present only a relatively small number of individuals have the necessary
expertise in medical informatics (Clepper, 1991). More people must be
encouraged to enter this field and a variety of educational and training

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programs tailored to different types of health care professionals must be

developed. The committee considered the educational barrier to CPR
development sufficiently important to formulate a specific recommendation to
address it, as discussed in Chapter 5.
In addition to education, practitioners need incentives to use CPRs to enter
data and maintain patient records. Perhaps the greatest motivation for
practitioners to use CPRs would be to produce evidence that CPRs can help to
improve the quality of patient care and reduce the administrative burdens they
currently face. As discussed in Chapter 3, at least one institution has
experimented with a fee-for-data arrangement for physicians who input their
own discharge summaries into an automated system. Other arrangements to
encourage the use of CPRs are also feasible. For example, third-party payers
could provide incentives for health care providers (including physicians) to
submit claims electronically or in a computer-compatible format (e.g., diskette).
Alternatively, third-party payers may reject reimbursement claims that do not
contain standard data. A regulatory approach is another possibility for use in
place of or in addition to an incentive structure. However, the potential side
effects and costs of both incentives and constrictive regulations must be
understood and carefully weighed.
A major factor influencing a firm's adoption of a technology is the size of
the investment required relative to the size of the firm. Acquisition costs for
CPR systems are likely to be substantial but are difficult to estimate.4 This
difficulty arises because the purchase or lease price of a system does not reflect
the total implementation cost; it excludes the cost of training and potential
losses of productivity during transition to the system. Studies that have
attempted to estimate total costs have tended to focus on MISs rather than CPR
systems. Further, purchase or lease prices for CPR systems vary significantly,
depending on the scope of functions a system offers, the size of an institution,
and an institution's previous level of automation.
One cost analysis of the implementation and operation of an automated
ambulatory care medical record system found that the cost per patient encounter
of a computer-based system was 26 percent greater than the direct costs
associated with operation of a manual system. However, the manual system
failed to access 18 percent of the records requested within the demand

4 A confidential survey of CPR vendors conducted by the Technology Subcommittee

of this IOM study committee revealed that purchase or lease costs for a CPR system
range from $2 million to $6 million for a medium-sized hospital (see the appendix to
Chapter 3).

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time, whereas the automated system provided access to 100 percent of the
records requested. Quantification of the access benefit reduced the difference in
costs between the two systems (Koster et al., 1987).
This cost analysis illustrates another major difficulty faced by health care
provider institutions deciding on acquisition of a CPR system. Decisions about
whether to acquire technology are based in part on information about the
benefits of the technology; once again, data on CPR system benefits are sparse.
Few recent studies have analyzed actual costs and benefits. The studies that
have been conducted address MISs rather than CPR systems; they also focus on
projected rather than actual experience or include only those benefits that can be
measured in terms of dollars and exclude such benefits as improved quality of
care or reduced waiting time for patients.
The costs of acquiring and operating CPRs and CPR systems will be borne
primarily by practitioners and health care provider institutions. Yet the benefits
of these systems will accrue to patients, practitioners, health care provider
institutions, third-party payers, researchers, policymakers, and the public. These
cumulative benefits of CPR systems should exceed the benefits individual
practitioners and health care providers might be expected to gain. As such, CPR
systems in certain respects represent a public good.
Given today's strict budget constraints, health care provider institutions
(including physicians' offices) must choose among alternative technologies
when allocating resources. Compared with a CPR system, other technologies
could offer greater monetary benefits to an individual institution, albeit lower
combined or social (public good) benefits. When this situation prevails,
provider institutions have fewer incentives to invest in CPRs and CPR systems.
Nonclinical data users (e.g., third-party payers and researchers) could also
incur costs from CPR implementation. They may need to modify existing
systems or acquire new ones to be compatible with CPR standards; they may
also need to revise procedures for handling computer-based data and develop
training programs for personnel.
The cost of CPR technology, like the cost of computer technology in
general, may well decrease over time. Moreover, CPRs may reduce the costs of
care enough to offset the expense of acquiring and operating CPR systems,
although this remains to be proved. The committee was quite concerned about
the immediate barriers to CPR implementation raised by potentially substantial
costs for full acquisition, installation, and operation of CPR systems across the
nation; it was also concerned about the distribution of these costs.
Consequently, it formulated a specific recommendation to address these
matters, which is presented in Chapter 5.

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Legal and Social Issues

The legal and social issues involved in implementing CPRs and CPR
systems are formidable. State licensure requirements for hospital medical
records are obsolete, ambiguous, and nonuniform (Waller, in this volume). The
wide variation among states in hospital licensure requirements for medical
records makes it difficult to develop CPR systems that comply with licensure
laws in all 50 states; this factor in turn hinders the development of CPR formats
that can be used nationally. Failure by a vendor to establish a CPR system's
compliance with one or more state licensure requirements may adversely affect
the system's marketability. The differences across states could be so great as to
make national implementation impossible.
Hospital licensure laws and regulations in some states still assume a paper
patient record, which makes the legal status of CPR systems unclear. Other state
laws and regulations appear to permit use of some forms of automation but not
others, or the use of automation for some, but not all, patient record functions. It
is not clear whether regulations requiring that records be kept in ink or be
typewritten permit the creation of records electronically or the use of lasers.
Further, the regulations in many states require that medical records be signed
but are silent on whether a computer key or code can be substituted for a
Issues of record ownership, responsibility, and control must also be
addressed. The physical records are the property of the provider institution at
which they were created. In addition, provider institutions currently are
responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of record contents
(Amatayakul and Wogan, 1989). As data are transmitted and shared among
institutions, all with the ability to add and update information from variety of
settings, the principles of ownership become blurred. It is not clear who would
maintain records for routine use and maintain the structure of the record to
accommodate new terminology and data elements for new diseases, treatments,
tests, and approaches to health care. The locus of control of access to patient
data is another unanswered question. Current laws concerning disclosure of and
access to patient record information vary from state to state, further
complicating the transfer of patient information across state lines.
Perhaps the impediment to CPRs that is of greatest concern is the issue of
privacy. The computerization of most types of record keeping, as well as the
recent well-publicized cases of inappropriate access by computer hackers, has
increased concerns about the misuse of personal information (Westin, 1976;
Privacy Protection Study Commission, 1977; Peck, 1984; Agranoff, 1989). A
system in which patient data, including sensitive information (e.g., human
immunodeficiency virus test results, data on psychiatric treatment),

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can be accessed more easily may be strongly resisted in some quarters. 5

There are several aspects to concerns about confidentiality of information
and patient privacy. Ultimate responsibility for protecting the privacy of patient
data that are shared among multiple users has not been defined; in addition,
generally accepted standards for the protection of computer-based data do not
exist (Agranoff, 1989; NRC, 1991). The consequences for breaches of
confidentiality vary by state and in some cases need to be stronger than they are
at present (Waller, in this volume). The National Conference of Commissioners
on Uniform State laws drafted the Uniform Health-Care Information Act to
address issues of patient privacy, patient access, disclosure of patient
information to third parties, and transfer of such information across state lines
(National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, 1986). As of
this writing, however, only one state had adopted this act (Waller, in this
Concerns about patient privacy affect more than the security features of
CPR systems and legal remedies. A consistent personal identification number
(PIN) in all patient records would facilitate record linkage across time and
provider institutions (National Center for Health Statistics, 1990; Washington
Business Group on Health, 1989). Nevertheless, despite its operational
attractiveness to researchers and other patient record users, the PIN raises
concerns about the increased potential to invade patient privacy (Washington
Business Group on Health, 1989).
Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) device regulations
and authorities do not apply to computer products intended only for use

5 Westin's 1976 study of the impact on citizen rights of computers in the health care
field found that ''most cases of actual harm involving individuals were still arising from
manual records" and concluded that the main problem with the use of computer-based
patient records involved "potential harmthe creation of health data systems that many
health professionals, citizen groups, and individuals directly affected by such systems
consider to be threats to basic rights" (Westin, 1976:xvi, emphasis in original). As noted
by Lindberg (1970), however, the public and its elected legislators must have their
anxieties allayed about potential misuses of data.
Some observers have suggested that computer-based patient record systems will offer
greater confidentiality for patient information because they can limit the information that
various users can see. For example, administrative or financial personnel could be
prevented from seeing sensitive diagnostic or treatment data. Further, CPR systems
could provide an audit trail listing those personnel who accessed a particular record
(Hard, 1990).
As discussed in Chapter 3, however, existing security technology frequently has been
not applied to current CPR systems. Moreover, a recent National Research Council
(NRC) study on computer system security concerns concluded that several trends
reflected a growing potential for system abuse. Among these trends are the proliferation
of networking and embedded systems, the widespread use of databases containing
personal information, and the widespread ability to use and abuse computers (NRC,

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in such traditional library functions as storage, retrieval, and dissemination of

medical information (Food and Drug Administration, 1989). As of this writing,
however, the FDA's policy on the regulation of computer products had not been
finalized; this situation creates uncertainty for vendors about potential
regulation and its effects on system development costs and time.
Liability for system defects is also a concern of vendors, particularly given
the still-developing field of medical computer liability (Brannigan and Dayhoff,
1986; Willick, 1986; Metzger, 1988; Denis and Poullet, 1990). It has been
asserted that a strict liability is likely to be applied to system vendors in cases in
which the computer produces output on which a physician relies without further
checking, for example, patient record systems (Brannigan and Dayhoff, 1986;
Bronzino et al., 1990).
Liability for defects in clinical decision support systems is less clearly
defined. System developers (i.e., health care specialists and computer
programmers), manufacturers, purchasers, and users are all involved in bringing
a computer system to the patient. In cases in which harm is caused, liability
could be assigned if negligence (i.e., lack of due care) can be proved and if the
patient can prove that the negligent party owed a duty of care to the patient.
(Physicians already have an established duty of care to patients.) Practitioners
are expected to use such systems to supplement the medical library or to act in
place of a consultant; they can ignore information provided by such systems and
are expected to evaluate its accuracy. Thus, liability for negligence in the use of
clinical decision support systems could apply to practitioners.6
The nature and obduracy of the legal barriers to CPR implementation must
be understood, underscored, and addressed. For that reason, Appendix B
discusses legal aspects of computer-based patient records and record systems.
Among the more critical legal aspects addressed there are regulatory and
accreditation issues, evidentiary issues, patient privacy and record access
concerns, record ownership questions, legal risks attached to specific CPR
systems, and computer contracting issues. The committee regarded these issues
as significant obstacles and formulated a specific recommendation to address
legal barriers (see Chapter 5).
Network Needs
To transmit and link records presumes the existence of an infrastructure,
that is, a network and standards for data communication on the network.

6 There has also been some discussion about the potential for practitioners to be found
negligent if they do not use clinical decision support systems once the systems become
widely available in the future (Willick, 1986; Metzger, 1988).

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Both communications technology and a management structure to

coordinate participants are necessary elements of a network. Currently, the
necessary coordinative mechanisms and the resources to establish and operate a
health care computer network are not available. Those in the health care field
must, as a result, look to other established networks for data transmission.
Internet is a loosely organized confederation of federal, regional, and local
networks that are used by researchers and educators for electronic mail,
software and data file transfer, graphics and image file transfer, remote
computer access to supercomputers and other specialized research instruments,
and remote access to computerized databases.7 An estimated 1 million
researchers are active users of the academic networks that are connected to
Internet. It does not, however, provide users with uniformity in the type and
quality of service; furthermore, despite its size, Internet does not yet reach the
entire research and education community (Gould, 1990a).
Federal sponsors and academic participants envision continued evolution
of Internet until it becomes a user-friendly, unified high-speed research network
with nationwide coverage. The Federal Networking Council8 plans to transform
Internet into a full-fledged National Research and Education Network (NREN)
in three phases. The final phase calls for an operational national network with
gigabit-capacity trunks and for transition of the network from government to
commercial operation (Gould, 1990b).
The NREN is being built to support "communication and resource sharing
among institutions and individuals engaged in unclassified research and
scholarly pursuit" (Gould, 1990b:1). As such, it is a model for the kind of
infrastructure needed to transmit patient record data routinely. Given the

7 In 1969 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) established an

experimental network to demonstrate the potential of computer networking based on
packet-switching technology, which allows many users to share a common
communications channel. During the 1970s, DARPA sponsored several additional
networks and supported the development of a set of rules and procedures (called the
Internet protocols) for addressing and routing messages across separate networks. In the
1980s, DARPA sought to separate the operational traffic and administrative burden of
military research and development (MILNET) from that of general academic research
needs (Internet). Since 1985, the National Science Foundation has been responsible for
coordinating the development of Internet. Funding for operations comes from five
federal agencies involved in operating research networks and from universities, states,
and private companies that operate and participate in local and regional networks
(Gould, 1990a).
8 The Federal Networking Council includes representatives from DARPA, the
Departments of Energy and Health and Human Services, the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, and the National Science Foundation (Gould, 1990a).
9 Senate Bill S. 1067 (High-Performance Computing Act of 1990) authorized the
expenditure of $95 million over three years by the National Science Foundation for
research, development, and support of the National Research and Education Network
(National Science Foundation, 1990).

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magnitude of the resources required to establish a national network,9 the

committee recognized the utility of using the NREN to accommodate the data
transmission needs of health care beyond simply research and education. The
committee viewed planning for health care's high-speed network needs to be a
key factor in CPR diffusion and proposes a specific approach for future efforts
later in this chapter.
The remainder of this chapter outlines the elements of a strategy to foster
nationwide implementation of CPRs and CPR systems within a decade. The
discussion focuses first on change agents and stakeholders, moving on to
resources and finally organizational structures. Specific committee
recommendations directed toward particular aspects of this strategy are
developed more fully in Chapter 5.
Change Agents and Stakeholders
The committee distinguished between potential change agents and
stakeholders in the process of developing and implementing CPR systems.
Change agents are individuals or organizations who have, first, a mandate
related to or significant interest in CPR implementation and, second, the
resources or means for effecting a change (e.g., leadership position, regulation,
funding). Change agents are in a position to initiate and facilitate the change
Stakeholders are individuals or organizations who are affected positively
or negatively (or both) by the change and who thus may support or oppose it
accordingly. Potential impacts faced by stakeholders include, for example,
financial gain or loss, a threat to professional autonomy, and an increased risk
of loss of privacy. Although stakeholders may not initiate a change process or
have the potential to advance a desired change, they may have the ability to
thwart it.
Table 4-1 identifies the main organizations and groups of individuals who
are potential change agents or stakeholders with respect to developing and
implementing CPR systems. They are grouped by sectorpublic or private
and are further designated according to the scope of their primary influence
(i.e., national, regional, local, or individual).
To engage the support of change agents in the change process, it is
necessary to understand their interest level and available resources. To manage
the change process, it is necessary to identify the potential impact of a change
on stakeholders. The interests and resources of major CPR change agents and
the potential impact on CPR stakeholders of the changes they might effect are
discussed below.

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TABLE 4-1 Change Agents and Stakeholders Important to the Implementation of

Computer-based Patient Record Systems
Change Agent/Scope of
Public Sector
Agency for Health Care Policy
and Research
Centers for Disease Control
Department of Defense
Department of Veterans Affairs
Food and Drug Administration
Health Resources and Services
Health Care Financing
National Institutes of Health
National Library of Medicinea
State health agencies
State legislatures
Private Sector
Computer standards organizations
Computer-based patient record
Health care professionals
Joint Commission for
Accreditation of Healthcare
Patient groups
Yes/local to national
Professional associations
Professional schools
Yes/regional to national
Provider institutions
Third-party payers
Yes/local to national
Yes/regional to national

A specific agency of the National Institutes of Health.

Health Care Professionals and Professional Associations

Health care professionals bear a dual burden: they must learn to use a new
technology, and they must change their behavior. Some professionals may view
the CPR as a threat to their professional roles and resist implementation of CPR
systems through attempts at circumvention or even system sabotage (Dowling,
1987). Alternatively, professionals can support

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development and implementation by participating in planning and by

influencing their peers.
Professional associations for physicians, nurses, dentists, social workers,
physical therapists, and similar kinds of health care practitioners are all vehicles
by which to provide ongoing education to their members about the benefits and
liabilities of CPRs. Associations such as the American College of Physicians,
American College of Surgeons, American Dental Association, American
Hospital Association, American Medical Association, American Medical
Record Association, American Nurses Association, and Group Health
Association of America are among the societies that could implement formal
CPR education and awareness programs as part of their membership mailings
and annual meetings. Many already have active committees to deal with
medical informatics issues.
These and similar associations are likely to voice the concerns of their
members, but they are also in a position to influence their members. Depending
on how they weigh the advantages and disadvantages of CPR activities, they
can lobby for or against them. To the extent that professional organizations see
more benefits than liabilities in CPR implementation, they can be valuable
participants in future consensus-building activities.
Patients and Representatives of Patients
As discussed earlier, the question of ensuring privacy and confidentiality
has been identified as one of the crucial hurdles to effective CPR
implementation. Given patient concerns about privacy and the potential for
CPR systems to increase information flow within and outside of health care
provider settings, patients may distrust CPR systems. Furthermore, patients are
no more likely than health care professionals to use or understand computers,
let alone computer-based record systems.
Survey data suggest that Americans view the nation's health care system as
poorly organized and inefficient; most believe that rising health care costs can
be reduced without cutting the quality of care (Blendon, 1988). As noted
elsewhere in this report, CPRs and CPR systems offer many advantages
(compared with current paper records) for overcoming some of these
inefficiencies and improving health care quality. Hence, patients may have
some basis for supporting the implementation of CPR systems.
Any influence of individual patients on CPR efforts is likely to be indirect
at best. Patients might, for example, select providers on the basis of the
provider's use of a CPR system. Greater influence can be exerted by the various
voluntary membership organizations that represent the concerns of particular
patient groups (e.g., the American Diabetes Association) or those of specific
population groups (e.g., the American Association of Retired Persons). These
organizations have the capacity to acquire a broad

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understanding of the strengths and limitations of CPRs and CPR systems and to
offer substantial support or opposition to CPR activities.
Provider Institutions
Health care provider institutions are likely to be interested in CPR systems
in response to concerns about quality and costs and to internal and external
demands for information. By purchasing a CPR system, provider institutions
can influence CPR development and implementation in three ways. First, such
action signals the market that demand for CPR systems exists. Second, it
directly affects the staff who must use the system. Third, it can help to create an
understanding on the part of both providers and patients that such systems are
the emerging standard of practice.
Third-party Payers
Third-party payers include both insurers and employers. For insurers, CPR
systems offer an opportunity to streamline operations. To realize the gains in
efficiency and productivity offered by CPR systems, however, insurers may
have to incur short-term costs to make their systems compatible with CPR
formats. Long-term improvements in efficiency may also be realized; for
instance, redundant data entry can be eliminated through electronic claims
submission and payment.
Insurers have a major stake in improving the knowledge base for quality
and cost management (e.g., clinical practice guidelines and utilization
management), as well as for coverage and reimbursement decisions (e.g.,
technology assessment and outcomes research). As change agents, insurers
could offer incentivesfor example, faster payment of claims when they are
submitted in electronic form. Alternatively, because third-party payers should
value improved data, they could increase reimbursement rates to reflect the
costs of implementing and operating CPR systems.
Employers are likely to be interested in CPRs as a means of improving the
quality and reducing the costs of care received by their employees and related
beneficiaries. Groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Washington
Business Group on Health, and regional health care business coalitions have
devoted considerable resources to finding ways to manage the utilization and
cost of health care services, which are ultimately reflected in the health care
insurance premiums employers pay. The potential for CPRs to improve
information management at the micro (patient) and macro (population) levels is
likely to be of interest to employers. Health care business coalitions, chambers
of commerce, and major employers could all contribute to CPR development
and implementation efforts by financially supporting research and pilot
demonstrations and by developing relationships

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with insurers and health care provider institutions that use or support CPR
Federal Government
EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Federal agencies have varying degrees of interest in
and authority to influence CPR development and implementation. Certain
agencies can provide substantial funding for research and development; others
may be able to finance the acquisition of CPR technology. Federal agencies can
support standards development through funding or regulatory mandate. For
instance, they can direct major federal providers of health care to use CPR
equipment that meets certain standards, or they can require the use of CPR
technology for hospital accreditation or Medicare participation. The remainder
of this section outlines the change agent and stakeholder roles of selected
federal departments and agencies.
Within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the Public
Health Service agencies10 would benefit greatly from efficient access to
complete, accurate patient care data; therefore, their interest in CPRs is likely to
be high. For example, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
(AHCPR) is charged to develop uniform definitions of data to be collected and
used in describing a patient's clinical and functional status; it also supports the
development of common reporting formats and linkages for such data and of
standards to ensure data security, confidentiality, accuracy, and maintenance
(U.S. Congress, 1989). These activities support or would be supported by CPR
The research institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are
viewed as stakeholders who would benefit from improved patient data. Within
NIH, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) is in a strong position to support
CPR development directly through its medical informatics program and its
work on the Uniform Medical Language System (UMLS). Further, MEDLINE,
HEALTH, and other on-line databases of the NLM's MEDLARS (Medical
Literature and Retrieval Systems) are valuable resources for health care
professionals that could be made available through CPR workstations.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA could each benefit
from the implementation of CPR systems in two ways. First, CPR
implementation would likely improve patient data for epidemiological research.

10 These agencies include the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the
Centers for Disease Control (including the National Center for Health Statistics), the
Food and Drug Administration, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the
Indian Health Service, and the National Institutes of Health (including the National
Library of Medicine).

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Second, direct (i.e., electronic) reporting of events in which these agencies

are interested could improve their public health and regulatory activities.
Examples of crucial data include occurrences of tracked diseases and
information about adverse events related to pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) administers
federal support of maternal and child health (MCH) services amounting to more
than $525 million a year.11 MCH programs offer demonstrably more difficult
technical and practical barriers to successful implementation of CPRs and CPR
systems than do, for instance, traditional hospital inpatient services or physician
office-based practices. These obstacles must be recognized, understood, and
planned for in the service of improved MCH care. The appendix to this chapter
describes how CPRs and CPR systems could support HRSA in meeting its
The challenges to CPR implementation that are found in MCH programs
are by no means unique. For CPRs to be productively and effectively developed
and diffused throughout the U.S. health care system, implementers must
confront and overcome precisely these kinds of barriers, especially as health
care delivery moves more and more into outpatient and nontraditional settings
and as it confronts complex "socioclinical" issues related to disadvantaged and
underserved populations. Thus, the MCH arena should be seen as a particularly
fruitful area in which to design, test, and implement practical computer-based
systems for the 1990s.
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) is responsible for
administering the Medicare program and the federal portion of Medicaid.
Because of the magnitude, scope, and complexity of these programs, HCFA has
considerable motivation to improve the efficiency of claims processing, to
assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of medical interventions, and to
monitor the quality of care rendered. The agency is currently developing a
computer-based patient record abstracting system, the Uniform Clinical

11 HRSA uses two main types of funding. The majority of support is awarded to state
health agencies through MCH block grants that are intended to enable states to ensure
access to maternal and child health services for low-income individuals and individuals
who live in areas of limited health resources. The purposes to which these funds can be
put are quite broadranging from reducing infant mortality and the incidence of
preventable diseases to improving the rates of use of diagnostic and therapeutic services.
Most of the remainder of MCH appropriations is disbursed through awards called
special projects of regional and national significance (SPRANS). These programs can
involve MCH research, training, and projects related to genetic disease testing and
counseling and to diagnosis and treatment of hemophilia. More recently, amendments to
Title V of the Social Security Act have directed that some funds be used specifically for
newborn screening and for child health demonstration projects.

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Data Set (UCDS), to improve the efficiency of the Medicare peer review
organizations (PROs; Krakauer, 1990). At present, the UCDS must be
abstracted manually from hospital charts of Medicare patients; CPR systems
would improve the efficiency of collecting these necessary data.
The HCFA Bureau of Program Operations engages in three activities that
would benefit from widespread CPR technology. First, the bureau is trying to
promote submission of claims by electronic media. Second, it is developing a
so-called Common Working File, in which all claims for all kinds of services
will be located and accessible upon inquiry. Third, it is seeking to develop a
capability for real-time cooperation with PROs that will allow on-line
authorization of services.
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-508)
provides for the development of prospective and retrospective drug utilization
review (DUR) programs by states participating in Medicaid. 12 The act also
includes provisions to conduct demonstration projects to evaluate the efficiency
and cost-effectiveness of prospective DURs in patient counseling and reducing
costs. Such demonstration projects, which would be overseen by HCFA, are
likely to address issues of interest to CPR developers and could support CPR
development efforts.
As noted in Chapter 3, the Departments of Defense (DoD) and Veterans
Affairs (VA) have installed integrated medical information systems in
numerous hospitals (GAO, 1988) and are actively engaged in developing and
implementing components of a CPR. Widespread use of CPR systems can be
expected to benefit both departments by expanding the availability of
technology to meet patient care, research, and education needs. For example,
with the CPR, the VA can improve its ability to coordinate health care services
provided to veterans in both VA and non-VA settings. The

12 Drug utilization review (DUR) is a formal program for comparing data on drug use
against explicit, prospective standards and, as necessary, introducing remedial strategies
to achieve some desired end. Three primary objectives of DUR are (1) improving quality
of care, (2) conserving drug funding resources and controlling individual expenditures,
and (3) maintaining program integrity (i.e., controlling fraud and benefit abuse).
Retrospective DUR is a systematic process that involves selection, review, analysis, and
interpretation of drug use data that are collected and analyzed after events occur.
Retrospective DUR is used to identify drug utilization trends that warrant further
education of practitioners and patients; it also highlights areas of system abuse that might
call for more extensive peer-level review and provides mechanisms for evaluation and
modification of program criteria and standards. Prospective DUR refers to systems that
are designed to influence drug prescribing, dispensing, or use in a real-time environment.
Implementation of such a system requires that a health care professional with patient
care responsibilities have sufficiently detailed information regarding a patient's medical
condition, drug use profile, and history to make an informed decision regarding new or
renewed drug use (Norris, 1991).

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affiliation of VA medical systems with academic medical centers can be

enhanced by providing consistency and flexibility for health care professionals
at these dispersed sites, thus facilitating collaboration among affiliated
Although these departments have accomplished a great deal with respect to
components of CPR systems, their primary mandate is not patient care. Thus,
they cannot be expected to assume primary responsibility for leading CPR
development throughout the health care field. Such large health care provider
systems, however, can have a great deal of influence on what is developed and
produced by vendors.
CONGRESS The potential for Congress to foster CPR development and
implementation is great, but its present level of interest in such a course is
unclear. Certainly, as evident from the IOM studies on quality assurance in
Medicare (IOM, 1990a) and clinical practice guidelines (IOM, 1990b),
Congress has expressed a desire to improve the quality of health care.13
Managing costs remains a critical issue, as is well illustrated by the work of the
Physician Payment Review Commission (Lee et al., 1989) and the Prospective
Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC, 1990). Congress is also concerned
about improving the quality and availability of health care data for research, a
concern reflected in the establishment of AHCPR in late 1989.
Despite Congress's activities on behalf of improved health care, some
obstacles to strong congressional support of CPR development may arise. For
example, having allocated new monies to some of the efforts noted above,
particularly certain parts of the AHCPR mandate, Congress may not see a need
for additional specific support to improve patient records. That is, it may
believe these problems are being addressed through existing mechanisms.
Further, Congress may be especially concerned about the issue of privacy.
In the committee's judgment, better patient records are essential to
achieving Congress's health care objectives. Consequently, the central role of
the CPR in improving patient records and enhancing quality of care, in
managing costs, in facilitating Medicare claims processing, and in improving
available data for clinical and health services research must be made clear.
Further, CPR advocates must seek to convince key members of Congress that
through technological capabilities and legal remedies, CPR systems will bring
about a net gain in protecting privacy compared with current record keeping

13 More recent evidence of Congress's interest in the quality of health care appears in
the form of H.R. 1565, which was introduced in the House of Representatives on March
21, 1991. This bill is intended to increase access to health care and to affordable health
insurance, as well as to improve health care quality and contain costs.

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State governments face issues similar to those of the federal government in
that they devote significant percentages of their budgets to health care and are
concerned about health care quality, cost, and access for their citizens. States
have also been fertile grounds for progressive policymaking and legislation.
They have played important roles in developing regional databases to monitor
quality, manage costs, and assess clinical effectiveness.14 State governments,
cabinet-level health officers, and groups such as the National Conference of
State Legislators, Council of State Governments, Association of State and
Territorial Health Officials, and National Association of Health Data
Organizations could provide a regional perspective in national CPR efforts. In
addition, states would be likely candidates for pilot regional studies or
experimental prototypes.
Universities and Professional Schools
CPR systems offer several advantages to universities. For example,
universities whose professional schools (i.e., schools of medicine, nursing, and
dentistry) are involved in clinical research can benefit from the improved data
likely to be available for analysis. Furthermore, CPR systems may give the
schools a means of disseminating their results for application in clinical
practice. (These benefits are likely to accrue to independent research centers as
The interest of health professions schools in CPRs may be mixed,
however. On the one hand, faculty members' concerns about threats to their
expertise and professional roles might prompt negative reactions to the CPR.
On the other hand, individuals in academic or research settings might be

14 The following descriptions are examples of the types of state activities already in
progress (National Association of Health Data Organizations, 1988).
In 1977 New York established the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative
System (SPARCS), a public-private effort that provides a unified data system to gather
information throughout the state regarding all hospital stays. SPARCS is a major
management tool for assisting hospitals, agencies, and other organizations with decision
making regarding the financing, planning, and monitoring of inpatient hospital services.
In 1985 the General Assembly of Colorado established the Colorado Health Data
Commission to collect, analyze, and disseminate data as a way to encourage competition
and informed decision making.
In 1986 the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council was established
through an act that mandates health care utilization and cost data collection and
dissemination. Its central purpose is to increase purchaser and consumer knowledge of
health care costs and quality.

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more innovative and more receptive to change than health care professionals in
other types of settings.
Through the training of health care professionals (including continuing
education), professional schools can both shape attitudes toward and provide
the skills for using CPRs. Moreover, to the extent that professional schools
influence the agenda of researchers (by providing space and support), they can
foster the development of CPR systems. Some schools also now serve as
centers of medical informatics training and of continuing research in medical
The NLM supports 11 institutions in efforts to develop prototypes of an
Integrated Academic Information Management System (IAIMS). The objective
of these projects is to ''develop the institutional information infrastructure that
permits individuals to access information they need for their clinical or research
work from any computer terminal wherever and whenever it is needed" (NAS,
1989). These projects may become models for linking the many departments of
academic health and medical centers, including other departments in parent
universities (e.g., economics, law, sociology) that have a role to play in clinical
and health services research. IAIMS sites may also provide an infrastructure on
which to base selected pilot CPR demonstration projects.
Standard-setting Organizations
Two kinds of standard-setting organizations are potential CPR change
agents. The first is those groups that are developing standards for health care
information systems, primarily in the areas of communication protocols and the
characteristics of information collection and use. Among these organizations are
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American
Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), and the International Standards
Organization (ISO). The second kind of standard-setting group comprises
various health care accreditation organizations, such as the Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the National Committee on
Quality Assurance, and the National League of Nursing. Their role may be to
foster CPR development, acquisition, and use by setting standards for
accreditation that are most effectively met through CPR systems.
CPR system vendors are likely to support development if the projected
demand for CPR technology seems sufficient to recoup investment and
marketing costs. As discussed earlier, however, vendors are uncertain about the
willingness of health care providers to purchase CPR systems. Users or

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other change agents (such as Congress) may need to provide incentives for a
greater or more certain CPR market before vendors can be expected to invest
major sums for research, development, or marketing.
Activities and Resources Critical to CPR Development
In light of the various barriers to CPR development, the interest and
resources of change agents, and the concerns of stakeholders, the committee
identified eight critical activities that will help to advance CPR development:
(1) identification and understanding of CPR design requirements; (2)
development of standards; (3) CPR and CPR systems research and
development; (4) demonstrations of effectiveness, costs, and benefits of CPR
systems; (5) reduction of legal constraints for CPR uses as well as enhancement
of legal protection for patients; (6) coordination of resources and support for
CPR development and diffusion; (7) coordination of information and resources
for secondary patient record databases; and (8) education and training of
developers and users.
Dedicated resources and improved organization must be provided to
accomplish these activities. Resources can take the form of funding, expertise,
and equipment. Without adequate funding, however, the other kinds of
resources are unlikely to be available. Funding is required to support standard
setting, research, demonstrations, review of legal issues, information
coordination, education, and a user-developer forum.
Potential sources of funding include federal and state governments,
vendors of CPR systems, and private foundations. The committee believes that
funding for CPR development should be a governmental priority because the
CPR is essential to achieving a variety of ends desired by government (e.g.,
improved patient care and research). The budget deficits faced by federal and
state governments, however, may make the infusion of significant new funds
difficult. CPR vendors may be willing to contribute some funds but probably
not enough to support all needed activities. Vendors may be more likely to
contribute when uncertainty regarding the market for CPR systems has been
reduced. Foundations and other groups in the private sector that support healthrelated research and educational activities may also be an important, indeed,
necessary source of funding; again, however, the sums available from this
source will not be sufficient to support the entire task envisioned by the
committee. Purchasers of systems are unlikely to provide funding for
development efforts. They may be willing, however, to contribute in-kind
support, for instance, through their participation in demonstration projects.
Substantial levels of resources are already devoted to CPR system
development, and this suggests that a major effort should be made to avoid
duplication of effort and to build on expertise that has already been developed.

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The need is great to coordinate CPR-related activities, enhance

collaboration, and eliminate potential inefficiencies in the development process.
Experience gained from working with currently available data is likely to
benefit CPR development. The needs of secondary patient record users may be
better met in the interim (i.e., until CPR systems are widely used) through
enhancements to existing databasessimilar to the approach AHCPR is
currently pursuing for research.
Organizational Structure
Health care providers spend large amounts of money on computer and
software systems that may not meet their needs today and that will not meet
their needs tomorrow.15 Complete, accurate, accessible patient care data are
needed now for clinical care and research. The current combination of private
sector, public, and voluntary efforts cannot adequately address the many issues
that affect and are related to CPR development and diffusion. Progress is
essential on several fronts: coordinating existing and new activities; maximizing
public funding; strengthening voluntary efforts (e.g., standard setting);
developing a national consensus; and establishing a framework for local efforts.
No one organization currently has the mandate and resources necessary to
provide leadership for the CPR effort. Further, the committee concluded that the
complexity and importance of the task required an organization dedicated to the
CPR missionsuch an arrangement would be more likely to foster progress
than ad hoc efforts by a number of organizations. Therefore, an initiative should
be mounted to create the necessary organizational apparatus, identify and
accumulate resources, and pursue the activities noted earlier. This initiative
could involve either a new organization created for this purpose or an existing
organization that could be given an expanded mission. The organization's
fundamental goal would be to facilitate endeavors that improve the flow of
information and reduce uncertainty so that a true market for CPRs and CPR
systems could function.
Some of these activities are under way, but they are not coordinated with
other CPR or CPR-related ventures. Moreover, existing efforts lack authority
and national attention. There is also no established mechanism for setting
priorities for CPR development or for representing CPR interests on an ongoing
basis. The committee believes that the establishment of a formal leadership role
is essential for CPR implementation success.
The committee further believes that this leadership role should be
established in an organization with the following mission:

15 Nonfederal hospitals in the United States spend more than $5 billion per year on
computing-related products and services (Booz-Allen and Hamilton, 1990).

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Support the effective, efficient use of computer-based patient

information in patient care, health care policymaking, clinical research,
health care financing, and continuous quality improvement.
Educate change agents and stakeholders (including the general public
and health care professionals) about the value of computer-based
patient data in improving patient care.
Foster the CPR as the primary vehicle for collecting patient data.
Promote the development and use of standards for CPR security and
data content, structures, and vocabulary.
Specific steps the organization should take to achieve this mission include
the following:
Establish a forum for CPR users and developers to address such issues
as definition of CPR functions and content.
Facilitate data and security standards setting and endorse such standards.
Promote CPR data transmission through national high-speed networks
by representing the biomedical community in planning for such
Address legal issues related to CPRs and CPR systems.
Develop mechanisms for sharing the costs of acquiring and operating
CPR systems among all users of CPR data.
Define priorities and criteria for CPR demonstration projects that could
be used by federal agencies, private foundations, and health care
provider institutions.
Conduct workshops and conferences to educate health care
professionals and policymakers.
Explore the need for a clearinghouse or data center for secondary CPR
Given the mission and objectives outlined above, the committee concluded
that any organization leading the effort to advance the implementation of CPRs
should have several key attributes. First, it should be national in scope. Second,
it should have authority to make and implement decisions. Third, it should
represent all CPR users, as well as CPR developers. Fourth, it must have
sufficient visibility and influence to be able to achieve measurable progress
within a relatively short time. Three to five years was seen as a reasonable time
frame for initial headway to be made.
The committee had particular concerns about the feasibility of establishing
and operating such an organization. To clarify the issues further, it examined
several organizational models in terms of the need for and ability to secure
funding, receive a mandate, and gain acceptance. The three main options
explored by the committee were a purely governmental (federal) effort, a purely
private sector entity, and some form of a public-private

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commission, consortium, council, or institute.

disadvantages of these options are discussed below.16





Federal Agency
There are several advantages to a federally based CPR development effort.
In general, a federal initiative associated with an existing agency has implied
authority and power, as well as lower start-up and operating costs than would be
incurred for a newly created, freestanding organization. Moreover,
congressional support is likely to be stronger if the CPR effort is closely linked
to federal efforts that are already under way. In addition, staff would not need to
spend time raising funds as would be necessary for a private sector effort.
A federal agency would have less independence than a private sector
organization, however, and would face possible limitations from bureaucratic
policies and procedures. Thus, greater potential for innovation might exist in the
private sector. Another disadvantage to locating leadership for CPR
development within the federal government is the potential for health care
providers to see such efforts as too closely aligned with government and
therefore open to excessive regulation and intrusiveness. Finally, such an
approach must rely on receiving a mandate and funding, which could make startup time for federal efforts longer than for a private organization.
Within DHHS, several agencies might be considered. First, the Office of
the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) might be able to
bridge the gaps among various agencies and programs in DHHS. It would be
unlikely, however, to gather the resources and expertise required to mount an
effort of the magnitude envisioned by this report.
AHCPR has functions quite consistent with the objectives of the leadership
entity proposed by the committee, although these functions are not its primary
responsibilities. Currently, AHCPR does not have the resources to undertake a
CPR implementation project, but if such funding were forthcoming it could,
over time, assume a more significant role. One drawback, however, is that such
an effort might be seen as possibly undermining the agency's main mission
that is, support of health services, outcomes, and effectiveness research and the
development of clinical practice guidelines.
HCFA has a substantial interest in the CPR for both operational and
quality improvement reasons. Although HCFA would be a key beneficiary of
widespread CPR implementation and hence likely to want to provide

16 To address this issue fully, the committee organized a one-day workshop in

September 1990 to evaluate the feasibility and desirability of alternative organizational
models for a CPR organization; AHCPR provided separate funding for the meeting.
Workshop participants included representatives of health care professionals, provider
institutions, federal agencies, insurers, employers, and private foundations.

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critical resources, it may not be the ideal agency to champion patient record
development. If HCFA were to lead the CPR effort, health care providers might
not be able to separate it from HCFA's other activities, particularly regulation of
the Medicare program, cost containment, and related efforts. Providers might
resist the CPR development initiative because of a perception that it was
intended as a cost-containment mechanism rather than as a way to improve
health care delivery.
The Departments of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) are both
making significant investments in comprehensive medical information
systems.17 As a result, they have a great deal of expertise in designing and
implementing such systems. These departments do not seem likely candidates
for leading a CPR initiative, however, because of their restricted populations
and other non-health care responsibilities. In short, no existing federal
organization simultaneously has the mandate, mission, credibility, and
resources to take on this responsibility.
Private Sector Sponsorship
The committee also considered a private sector, not-for-profit membership
organization, similar to the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, to lead the CPR development effort. A decided
advantage to a purely private approach is that the conversion to computer-based
records would become something championed by, rather than imposed on, these
organizations and their constituents. The active involvement of such
organizations might prompt them to provide core funding, and the efforts to
secure funding from others might then be more effective. In addition, staff
recruitment for a private organization would be facilitated by the broad-based
support the organization would receive from national health care groups.
This strategy has its limitations, however. Most important is that such an
organization would lack the power and authority implicit in a governmental
entity. Further, federal funding could be difficult to obtain unless key agencies
played a major role in the organization's activities.
Public-Private Commission or Consortium
In theory, a public-private organization would offer the advantage of
involving and being able to draw on funding and personnel resources from

17 DoD is acquiring the Composite Health Care System for installation in its 167
hospitals and nearly 600 clinics. The costs for full deployment of this system are
expected to be $1.6 billion. The VA is installing the Decentralized Hospital Computer
System to support its 172 hospitals and 358 outpatient facilities. The VA estimates that
this system as currently defined will cost $925 million (GAO, 1988, 1990).

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both sectors. Furthermore, because the problems with patient records affect both
public and private organizations, acceptance of a solution would be more likely
if both sectors were involved in the decision making process.
The drawbacks of a public-private entity should not be underestimated,
however. Managing the diverse interests that would be represented in such an
organization presents a major challenge. Certain federal agencies already have
charters that would overlap the charge to such an organization. In addition, a
purely private sector organization might offer more entrepreneurial agility than
a hybrid group. Perhaps the biggest drawback of a public-private organization is
the inherent instability of such an approach. Lacking a federal mandate and
given the less-than-immediate contribution to the profitability of private sector
participants concerned with CPR development, a public-private organization
may not command sufficient resources and attention to address effectively the
barriers to CPRs and CPR systems.
Preferred Approach
The committee recognizes that the federal sector has considerable
resources (including authority and knowledge) to influence CPR development.
For example, HCFA can establish reimbursement mechanisms that reward
providers who submit insurance claims generated by CPR systems. AHCPR is
expressly mandated to improve patient data for research. The VA and DoD
have gained considerable experience in CPR development and implementation.
NLM has made significant contributions to the management of medical
knowledge for practitioners.
Nevertheless, several factors militate against a purely federal approach.
First, the resources, potential change agents, and stakeholders that must be
coordinated or engaged in CPR development are present in both the public and
private sectors. Thus, a structure is needed that can draw from both sectors.
Second, the committee believes that routine use of the CPR can be achieved
most efficiently through a collaborative process that develops consensus on key
issues (e.g., data and security standards, the minimum content of CPR systems)
yet allows flexibility at the local level to foster innovation in the development
and use of CPRs.
Third, the committee believes that patient care should be the primary focus
of CPR development and implementation. Practitioner use of CPR systems
requires that the systems meet practitioner needs, and only if practitioners are
willing to use CPR systems to capture data and to secure assistance in clinical
decision making can the benefits of CPRs for moderating costs and conducting
research be realized. It is essential that practitioners view the CPR as a valuable
resource for improving patient care. Thus, CPR efforts must involve health care
providers as well as federal agencies.

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CPR design should not be driven solely by governmental objectivesfor

example, those embodied in the cost-containment and health outcomes research
missions of HCFA and AHCPR, respectively. Although those agencies are
likely to have significant interest in CPR development, their primary mission is
not patient care.
The committee concluded that a public-private approach would be optimal
in the long run and, as elaborated in Chapter 5, proposes the establishment of a
Computer-based Patient Record Institute (CPRI). It was also of the view that
the potential base of funding in the private sector is not sufficiently solid to
provide adequate support for a new organization at this time. This judgment
was founded on its review of the history of CPR development and on a poll of
the participants at the workshop noted earlier. As a result, the committee also
concluded that a federally initiated and funded approach would be most
appropriate for necessary interim activities.
Immediate action is needed to advance CPR efforts and to lay the
groundwork for an organization such as the CPRI that would ultimately
coordinate the necessary infrastructure for a national CPR system. Many of the
barriers to CPR implementation relate to lack of information; part of the interim
effort thus should focus on education and evaluation. Standards development
and representation of the interests of health care in the national high-speed
computer network discussed earlier should also be given high-priority attention.
The overall goal of such efforts would be, within five years, to turn over
operational issues to a public-private organization that is supported mainly by
its members.
The committee noted that if the private sector failed to support CPR efforts
adequately, the federal government might still be sufficiently motivated to
advance the CPR unilaterally. Long-term dominance by the federal government
in this area could result in an approach that was more regulatory and
bureaucratic than collaborative and innovative. To preclude such an eventuality,
the committee placed special importance on joint public and private sector
This approach is consistent with the recent General Accounting Office
report on automated medical records (GAO, 1991), which made two
recommendations to the secretary of Health and Human Services. First, as part
of DHHS's mandate to conduct research on outcomes of health care services,
the secretary should "direct the Public Health Service, through its Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research, to support the exploration of ways in which
automated medical records can be used to more effectively and efficiently
provide data for outcomes research" (GAO, 1991:26). Second, as part of the
effort to support outcomes research, the secretary should "develop a plan and
budget for consideration by the Congress, to bring about the greater use of
automated medical records" (GAO, 1991:26). Specific elements of such a plan
could include "a national forum that

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sets goals for automating medical information, addresses individual and

organizational concerns with automated records, and identifies incentives to
induce health care organizations to increase their use of automation" (GAO,
Specific Steps for Change Agents
The challenges of developing affordable CPR systems that are acceptable
to users and of achieving widespread use of such systems within a decade
should not be underestimated or understated. Much of the progress toward these
goals is likely to occur incrementally over time and across the country. The
CPRI can play an important role in tracking progress and directing future
efforts, but significant contributions to CPR development and implementation
can and must be made by individuals and groups other than the CPRI. A great
deal of work can be accomplished at the regional, local, and institutional levels
in preparation for CPR implementation.
As discussed earlier in this chapter, health care professionals could
support development and implementation by helping to plan and
conduct research or demonstrations of CPR systems. Involvement of
all kinds of CPR users is neededespecially practitioners as the
primary source of datato design systems that will meet their
Professional societies could implement formal education and
awareness programs as part of their membership mailings and annual
meetings. They could also support conferences at which CPR users
could share experiences, report on useful experiments in various
settings, and meet with other professional disciplines to discuss data
and function needs.
Purchasers of CPR systems could actively seek systems that are able to
meet basic data-exchange and security standards and offer sufficient
capacity to evolve over time.
Insurers could offer incentives (e.g., faster payment of claims) for data
that are provided in electronic form.
Health care business coalitions, chambers of commerce, and major
employers could all support CPR development and implementation
efforts by supporting research and pilot demonstrations as well as by
developing relationships with insurers and health care provider
institutions that use or support CPR systems.
Federal agencies could provide substantial funding for research and
development and support standards development through funding or
regulatory mandate.
States could serve as candidates for pilot regional studies or
experimental prototypes.
Health care accreditation organizations could foster CPR development,

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acquisition, and use by setting standards for accreditation that are most
effectively met through CPR systems.
In their training of health care professionals (including continuing
education), professional schools could both shape attitudes toward and
provide the skills for using CPRs. They could also foster the
development of CPR systems to the extent that the agenda of
researchers is influenced by the schools' provision of space and support.
Researchers could study the costs and benefits of CPR systems, at both
micro and macro levels, including the impact of CPR systems on the
quality and costs of care.
State agencies, hospital associations, and local professional groups
could establish working groups to develop a common understanding
and vision of how CPRs could support their health care environment
and to identify the elements of local and regional infrastructure needed
to support future CPRs. Working groups could study the relationships
among referring physicians and among other providers to understand
their entire system of health care. They could also define needed data
elements, educate local health care professionals on health care
information management issues, and monitor progress in the
development of standards for security and data exchange.
In addition to technological advances, successful implementation of CPR
systems requires elimination of the barriers to development and diffusion. It
also requires that the concerns of stakeholders be addressed and that potential
change agents be engaged.
Many impediments to the CPR arise from a lack of awareness and
understanding of CPRs and their capabilities. System purchasers and users lack
adequate information about the benefits and costs of CPRs. In particular,
developers and vendors require more specific information about what users
want from systems and what price providers would be willing to pay for
systems that meet their needs. Activities aimed at improving (e.g.,
demonstration projects) and disseminating (e.g., education programs) available
information about CPR systems constitute an important step for CPR
Other impediments arise from the lack of an infrastructure to support CPR
development and diffusion. Such an infrastructure comprises standards for
communication of data (i.e., vocabulary control and data format standards);
laws and regulations that protect patient privacy but do not inhibit transfer of
information to legitimate users of data outside the clinical setting; experts
trained in the development and use of CPR systems; institutional, local,
regional, and national networks for transmitting CPR data; reimbursement
mechanisms that pay for the costs of producing improved

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patient care information; and a management structure (i.e., an organization) for

setting priorities, garnering and allocating resources, and coordinating activities.
Removal of these impediments is essential to the timely development and
implementation of CPR systems.
Agranoff, M. H. 1989. Curb on technology: Liability for failure to protect computerized data against
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Appendix: Maternal and Child Health

Care and Computer-Based Patient Records

As discussed in Chapter 3, much of the progress to date in implementing

CPRs and CPR systems has occurred in hospitals and large multispecialty
practices, particularly in health maintenance organizations. To be successful,
however, CPRs and the larger computer-based systems in which they function
must be useful and practical for many other types of providers, including, for
instance, community-based clinics and other outpatient facilities serving either
primary care or special health care needs. In this category might fall services to
disadvantaged populations such as those eligible for maternal and child health
care through Title V of the Social Security Act.
The area of maternal and child health (MCH), both generally and as
administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in
support of the Title V mandate, poses particularly interesting challenges and
opportunities for CPRs and CPR systems. Five topics are briefly discussed here
as examples.
First, the challenges involve, among other matters, the capability to track
populations that typically do not have regular providers of care; that move in
and out of eligibility for the services; that move in and out of geographic areas
(e.g., states, underserved regions) where the services are provided; and that are
in many ways socially, economically, and demographically disadvantaged. In
such circumstances, ease of data entry, storage, and transmission of clinical and
sociodemographic information takes on special importance. CPRs can
maximize these attributes, especially in comparison to traditional paper records
that are often institution-specific, fragmented, illegible, and lacking in
information related to social support, health education, and similar nonclinical
issues. Another important factor in reaching these populations is coordination of
care across many different sites. Computer-based systems will facilitate timely,
accurate movement of necessary information and collaboration among those
delivering both clinical and social services.
Second, MCH programs are expected to reach out to obstetricians,
gynecologists, and pediatricians throughout the states, to develop integrated

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MCH service delivery programs, to improve home visit programs (including

those concerned with case management), to collaborate with inpatient
institutions delivering care to children with special health care needs, and to
improve services to rural populations. CPR systems should make it easier to
achieve these objectives by making clinical and sociodemographic data more
readily available even in relatively nontraditional settings. Certainly the
expectation of CPR developers and innovators is that their technologies, when
broadly implemented, will offer capabilities far beyond what can be achieved
with today's paper medical charts, particularly in terms of longitudinal records
in which, for instance, information about immunizations and screening services
must be maintained over a considerable period of time.
A third major challenge facing HRSA and its MCH bureau is the required
implementation of relatively recent mandates of Title V that call for
development and maintenance of a data and information system. Part of this
system presumably would involve the acquisition of pertinent epidemiological
data that can be used by the bureau and others to improve and promote health
and prevent disease among mothers, infants, children, and others eligible for
MCH block grant services. To the extent that CPRs and CPR systems allow
institutional providers and practitioners (e.g., physicians, visiting nurses, clinic
staff) to enter data once (and only once) for both clinical and administrative
purposes, they will considerably simplify the reporting requirements of these
programs. Moreover, the expectation is that CPR systems ultimately will
communicate with each other with the aid of a composite clinical data
dictionary (CCDD); this means that states, and the providers and clinicians who
operate in them, will not need to conform rigidly to a single federal data system
in meeting HRSA's reporting requirements (because the federal system itself
would be a party to the CCDD).
A fourth way in which the movement toward CPRs and CPR systems may
be important for MCH activities concerns the support of research. As a general
proposition, researchers are more accustomed to the use of computers for data
gathering and analysis than are clinicians, so movement toward the
implementation of such systems presumably would be regarded as welcome
progress by those involved in MCH research. Indeed, one specific aim of
research grants in this area is to use automated systems to facilitate the
management and delivery of health care for target populations.
One special aspect of the research effort involves infant mortality and
Medicaid (Title XIX) services. The secretary of Health and Human Services is
expected to develop a national data system for linking vital statistics (birth and
death) records with information on Medicaid insurance claims forms. This task
clearly lies within the realm of CPR development.
In a related vein, special projects may be mounted to enhance familycentered and community-based health care, both within and across states.

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These projects could benefit greatly from a capacity to acquire large

amounts of information, locate those data securely in a single site (for analysis
and archival purposes), and make them available to properly authorized users
for analysis (and perhaps for clinical purposes as well). The collection, storage,
maintenance, and use of such information through computer-based systems,
rather than through paper records (or paper records secondarily data-entered
into computer files), can be expected over the long run to promote more
comprehensive and more productive special projects on this and other complex
topics (e.g., services to children with serious impairments and handicaps such as
spina bifida, debilitating chronic illnesses, or cleft lip and palate).
The fifth point relates more specifically to the potential value of
communication and collaboration across federal agencies. Several federal
departments have already taken steps to design and implement one or more
components of a CPR system. Notable among these are the Departments of
Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA). Both departments have health care
delivery responsibilities for distinct, and sometimes quite dispersed, populations
that have both traditional primary care needs (e.g., for screening and
prevention) and health care problems at least equivalent in complexity and
severity to those facing disadvantaged MCH populations. Both departments also
have considerable health research programs. Lessons from their efforts to date
may prove helpful in planning computer-based systems to serve MCH needs;
conversely, issues that arise in planning for and delivering services to
disadvantaged MCH populations might be posed to DoD and the VA as a
means of bringing difficult technical questions to their attention.
In addition, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has
mounted an interesting effort to develop a ''uniform clinical data set"; although
it is oriented toward hospital care (and care for the elderly), its developmental
history to date offers useful and perhaps cautionary lessons for others
attempting to develop clinical data sets and data dictionaries. Certainly it would
be important for HCFA developers to understand the special needs and
perspectives of a computer-based data set oriented more toward Medicaid than
toward Medicare.
Finally, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) has a
specific congressional mandate to work toward the development of computer
databases that will serve broad clinical evaluation purposes. Part of AHCPR's
interest has been specifically in computer-based record systems, including the
potential for a public, or public-private, entity to undertake many technical,
legal, and other tasks related to the establishment of CPRs and CPR systems
nationally over the next decade. Because the MCH component of HRSA will
have wide concerns about quality of care, outcomes of care, and similar issues,
it would seem prudent for HRSA to work together from the outset with a sister
Public Health Service agency on many of these subjects.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Improving Patient Records: Conclusions
and Recommendations
Computer-based patient records and the systems in which they function are
becoming an essential technology for health care in part because the
information management challenges faced by health care professionals are
increasing daily. Technological progress makes it possible for CPRs and CPR
systems to provide total, cost-effective access to more complete, accurate
patient care data and to offer improved performance and enhanced functions
that can be used to meet those information management challenges. CPRs can
play an important role in improving the quality of patient care and strengthening
the scientific basis of clinical practice; they can also contribute to the
management and moderation of health care costs.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) study committee believes that the time is
right for a major initiative to make CPRs a standard technology in health care
within a decade. Achieving this goal within 10 years will require a nationwide
effort and a great deal of work. More research and development are needed in
several critical areas to ensure that systems meet the needs of patients,
practitioners, administrators, third-party payers, researchers, and policymakers.
For example, the need to protect patient privacy must be balanced by the need
for timely access to data at multiple sites. Systems must offer both considerable
flexibility for users and standards required for data transfer and exchange.
CPR implementation will necessitate both organizational and behavioral
changes. Organizationally, it will require substantial coordination across the
many elements of the pluralistic U.S. health care system. Behaviorally, it will
demand that users develop new skills to use CPR systems and to change their
documentation behaviors.

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The committee recommends the following:





Health care professionals and organizations should adopt the

computer-based patient record (CPR) as the standard for medical
and all other records related to patient care.
To accomplish Recommendation 1, the public and private sectors
should join in establishing a Computer-based Patient Record
Institute (CPRI) to promote and facilitate development,
implementation, and dissemination of the CPR.
Both the public and private sectors should expand support for the
CPR and CPR system implementation through research,
development, and demonstration projects. Specifically, the
committee recommends that Congress authorize and appropriate
funds to implement the research and development agenda outlined
herein. The committee further recommends that private foundations
and vendors fund programs that support and facilitate this research
and development agenda.
The CPRI should promulgate uniform national standards for data
and security to facilitate implementation of the CPR and its
secondary databases.
The CPRI should review federal and state laws and regulations for
the purpose of proposing and promulgating model legislation and
regulations to facilitate the implementation and dissemination of the
CPR and its secondary databases and to streamline the CPR and
CPR systems.
The costs of CPR systems should be shared by those who benefit
from the value of the CPR. Specifically, the full costs of
implementing and operating CPRs and CPR systems should be
factored into reimbursement levels or payment schedules of both
public and private sector third-party payers. In addition, users of
secondary databases should support the costs of creating such
Health care professional schools and organizations should enhance
educational programs for students and practitioners in the use of
computers, CPRs, and CPR systems for patient care, education,
and research.

This chapter summarizes the committee's principal conclusions and

presents recommendations for improving patient records (see Box 5-1). These
recommendations, to which committee members gave unanimous approval,
outline a course to facilitate the transition of health care away from the current
paper patient record and toward routine use of the CPR and its

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supporting CPR system. Specifically, the committee's recommendations

recognize the CPR as the standard patient record of the future, provide an
organizational framework for overcoming barriers to CPR development and
implementation, and identify steps that will advance the use of CPRs and CPR
Patient records are the primary repository of data in the informationintensive health care industry. Although clinical information is increasingly
likely to be computerized, the current, predominant mode for recording patient
care data remains the paper record. Paper records have the advantages of being
familiar to users and portable; when they are not too large, users can readily
browse through them. Paper records, however, have serious, overriding
limitations that frequently frustrate users and perpetuate inefficiencies in the
health care system. Further, the impact of these limitations is growing as the
health care system becomes more complex. Modern patient care requirements
have outgrown the paper record.
Quality improvement and cost containment continue to be major concerns
for the health care industry. Quality assurance; utilization management;
appropriateness, effectiveness, and outcomes assessment; clinical practice
guidelines; and value purchasing are all prominent responses to the quality or
cost challenges faced by present-day health care. Each of these initiatives
increases the legitimate demand for complete, accurate, readily accessible
patient data.
Health care professionals today face an unprecedented information
explosion as the quantity and complexity of patient data and medical knowledge
increase practically daily. Current patient records cannot adequately manage all
the information needed for patient care. Paper patient records have not kept and
cannot keep pace with the rapidly changing health care system. As a result, they
increasingly impede effective decision-making throughout the health care sector
from the bedside to the formulation of national health care policy.
Some health care institutions are already applying computer technologies
to this information management challenge. In general, however, the diffusion of
information management technologies has been slower in health care than in
other information-intensive industries. Moreover, the majority of information
management applications in the health care sector have focused on financial and
administrative rather than clinical data.
In its study, the committee reviewed the needs of patient record users, as
well as existing and emerging computer technologies. It concluded that better
CPR systemssystems that meet user needs more fullycan be achieved
within 10 years. Nevertheless, the committee cautions that merely automating

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current patient records will perpetuate their deficiencies and will not be
sufficient to satisfy emerging user demands. If future patient records are to be
an asset in patient care, they must offer broader functions than those provided
by the record systems of today.
The future patient record will be a computer-based, multimedia record
capable of including free text, high-resolution images, sound (e.g.,
auscultations), full-motion video, and elaborate coding schemes. CPR systems
will offer access (availability, convenience, speed, reliability, and ease of use),
quality, security, flexibility, connectivity, and efficiency. In addition, future
patient records will provide new functions through links to other databases and
decision support tools.
No contemporary clinical information systems are sufficiently
comprehensive to be considered full CPR systems. Several existing systems,
however, offer prototypes of components of CPR systems.
The committee considers nine technological capabilities to be essential to
CPR systems: (1) databases and database management systems, (2) workstations, (3) data acquisition and retrieval, (4) text processing, (5) image
processing and storage, (6) data-exchange and vocabulary standards, (7) system
communications and network infrastructure, (8) system reliability and security,
and (9) linkages to secondary databases.
No new technological breakthroughs are needed to develop robust CPR
systems, but some emerging technologies are crucial. Low-cost yet powerful
clinical workstations and improved human interface technologies are needed.
Voice-recognition systems, high-capacity networks (e.g., fiberoptic), and openarchitecture systems will be required to achieve broad adoption of CPR
systems. Emerging clipboard-sized computers that accept input through a handheld stylus may also prove to be a critical development. In addition, CPR
diffusion requires development of standards for health care data and greater
emphasis on protecting the integrity and confidentiality of CPR data.
Technology is not the only potentially limiting factor in advancing CPR
systems; informational, organizational, and behavioral barriers must also be
addressed. Barriers to CPR development include development costs and lack of
consensus on CPR content. CPR diffusion is adversely affected by the
disaggregated health care environment, the complex characteristics of CPR
technology, unpredictable user behavior, the high costs of acquiring CPR
systems, a lack of adequate networks for transmitting data, a lack of leadership
for resolving CPR issues, a lack of training for CPR developers and users, and a
variety of legal and social issues.
The committee developed a plan for advancing the development and
implementation of CPRs and CPR systems that identifies a broad group of
stakeholders who would be affected (both positively and negatively) by CPR
system implementation. It also identifies a group of organizations

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that, in the committee's view, could contribute significantly to such

development and implementation. Finally, the plan identifies a series of
activities that would advance CPR efforts.
Carrying out these activities will require adequate funding and effective
organization. The committee reviewed organizational structures that could be
used to provide the necessary framework for coordinating CPR activities. It
concluded that no existing organization has the mandate and resources
necessary to lead this effort. Thus, the committee believes that a new
organization is needed to support CPR development and implementation. The
committee proposes a framework for the establishment of such an organization,
but it also emphasizes that securing adequate resources for and engaging the
appropriate parties in CPR development efforts are more important than the
precise structure of the recommended organization.
RECOMMENDATION 1. The committee recommends that health
care professionals and organizations adopt the computer-based patient
record (CPR) as the standard for medical and all other records related to
patient care.
The committee believes that future patient records must be more than a
way to store patient datathey must also support the clinical decision process
and help improve the quality of patient care. Achieving widespread use of CPRs
is a major component of building a national health care information system that
can support the provision of integrated health care services across settings and
providers of care. Further, widespread use of CPRs would contribute to the
collection of patient care data as a national health care resource. Achieving
these objectives requires that CPRs be more than automated paper records.
The committee defined the CPR as an electronic patient record (i.e., a
repository of health care information about a single patient) that resides in a
system specifically designed to support users through availability of complete
and accurate data, alerts, reminders, clinical decision support systems, links to
medical knowledge, and other aids. Further, the committee identified 12
attributes that comprehensive CPRs and CPR systems possess.

The CPR contains a problem list that clearly delineates the patient's
clinical problems and the current status of each (e.g., the primary illness is
worsening, stable, or improving).
2. The CPR encourages and supports the systematic measurement and
recording of the patient's health status and functional level to promote
more precise and routine assessment of the outcomes of patient care.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition










The CPR states the logical basis for all diagnoses or conclusions as a
means of documenting the clinical rationale for decisions about the
management of the patient's care. (This documentation should enhance
use of a scientific approach in clinical practice and assist the evolution of
a firmer foundation for clinical knowledge.)
The CPR can be linked with other clinical records of a patientfrom
various settings and time periodsto provide a longitudinal (i.e., lifelong)
record of events that may have influenced a person's health.
The CPR system addresses patient data confidentiality comprehensively
in particular, ensuring that the CPR is accessible only to authorized
individuals. (Although absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in
any system, every possible practical and cost-effective measure should be
taken to secure CPRs and CPR systems from unauthorized access or
The CPR is accessible for use in a timely way at any and all times by
authorized individuals involved in direct patient care. Simultaneous and
remote access to the CPR is possible.
The CPR system allows selective retrieval and formatting of information
by users. It can present custom-tailored "views" of the same information.
The CPR system can be linked to both local and remote knowledge,
literature, bibliographic, or administrative databases and systems
(including those containing clinical practice guidelines or clinical decision
support capabilities) so that such information is readily available to assist
practitioners in decision making.
The CPR can assist and, in some instances, guide the process of clinical
problem solving by providing clinicians with decision analysis tools,
clinical reminders, prognostic risk assessment, and other clinical aids.
The CPR supports structured data collection and stores information using
a defined vocabulary. It adequately supports direct data entry by
The CPR can help individual practitioners and health care provider
institutions manage and evaluate the quality and costs of care.
The CPR is sufficiently flexible and expandable to support not only
today's basic information needs but also the evolving needs of each
clinical specialty and subspecialty.

The committee believes that the CPR can be well established within a
decade in the majority of offices of physicians, dentists, and other health care
professionals and in clinics, hospitals, and multifacility provider institutions.
Achieving such widespread use in only 10 years is an ambitious goal, but it can
be accomplished if two conditions are met. First, a concentrated effortwith
appropriate leadership, resources, coordination, and incentivesmust be
mounted. Second, CPR systems must be affordable and at least minimally
acceptable to users.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


The committee considers it essential to maintain and exploit the interest in

CPRs that has been building over the past several years. A less aggressive target
(e.g., 20 years) for implementation of CPRs as standard patient records could
result in a loss of momentum. In contrast, a well-coordinated effort could help
to accelerate progress and secure CPR implementation within the 10-year target
set by the committee. The committee's remaining recommendations outline how
such a concentrated effort might be organized and identify specific strategies
for addressing CPR system affordability and acceptability to users.
RECOMMENDATION 2. To accomplish Recommendation 1, the
committee recommends that the public and private sectors join in
establishing a Computer-based Patient Record Institute (CPRI) to promote
and facilitate development, implementation, and dissemination of the CPR.
The committee identified a series of activities to facilitate CPR
development and implementation: (1) identification and understanding of CPR
design requirements; (2) standards development; (3) research and development
of CPRs and CPR systems (including networking infrastructure); (4)
demonstrations of effectiveness, costs, and benefits of CPR systems; (5) review
of legal constraints and needed legal protection; (6) coordination of information
and resources for CPR development and diffusion; (7) coordination of
information and resources for databases of secondary records; and (8) education
and training of developers and users.
Some of these activities are already under way, but they are fragmented
and hampered by inadequate resources and coordination. The committee
believes that securing adequate resources and managing them effectively are
essential to development and widespread implementation of CPR systems. To
facilitate these tasks, some portion of the research devoted to CPRs should
focus on the value of CPR systems. These efforts could provide potential
funders of future research and development and purchasers of systems with
credible evidence on which to base CPR investment decisions. Both funding
and evaluation expertise from the public and private sectors should be
channeled into a coordinated effort to amass this evidence. In addition,
priorities should be established so that resources can be directed toward
activities that promise the greatest contribution to development of CPRs and
CPR systems.
Many organizations and individuals could play a role in advancing CPRs
and CPR systems, but these actors are dispersed throughout the health care field
and have different kinds and levels of interest in CPR development. There is no
one focal point for CPR efforts and no spokesperson or organization to speak
for CPR interests. Further, the nation at present has no means of developing
consensus on CPR-related issues or of setting priorities among alternative uses
of CPR development resources.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


No existing organization has the mandate or resources for ongoing

coordination of CPR resources and activities. Consequently, the committee
recommends either the creation of a new organization or the extension of an
existing organization's charter to achieve such coordination. For the purposes of
this report, the committee has called this new or expanded component of an
existing organization the Computer-based Patient Record Institute (CPRI).1
The CPRI has a four-part mission:

Support the effective, efficient use of computer-based patient

information in patient care, health care policymaking, clinical research,
health care financing, and continuous quality improvement.
Educate change agents and stakeholders (including the general public
and health care professionals) about the value of computer-based
patient records in improving patient care.
Foster the CPR as the primary vehicle for collecting patient data.
Promote the development and use of standards for CPR security and
data content, structures, and vocabulary.
The CPRI should take several specific steps to achieve this mission:
Establish a forum for CPR users and developers to address such issues
as definition of CPR functions and content.
Facilitate data and security standards setting and endorse such standards.
Promote CPR data transmission through national high-speed networks
by representing the biomedical community in planning for such
Address legal issues related to CPRs and CPR systems.
Develop mechanisms for sharing the costs of acquiring and operating
CPR systems among all users of CPR data.
Define priorities and criteria for CPR demonstration projects that could
be used by federal agencies, private foundations, and health care
provider institutions.
Conduct workshops and conferences to educate health care
professionals and policymakers.
Explore the need for a clearinghouse for secondary CPR information.
One of the first tasks of the CPRI should be to develop a detailed plan for
achieving CPRs in terms of incremental steps that can be completed by the
many individuals and organizations interested in CPR development. Such

1 The name Computer-based Patient Record Institute is descriptive and not intended to
limit the concept of the organization or its potential responsibility for related
infrastructural issues (such as a national biomedical communications network).

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


a plan would establish priorities for CPR development within and among
activities (e.g., define where data standards are most needed or where they
could be applied most quickly). By defining and coordinating the roles of key
change agents, the CPR can help focus attention on the most important tasks
and avoid redundancy of effort. Moreover, by tracking and reporting concrete
progress toward CPR development, the CPRI can help maintain and perhaps
continue to increase interest in and resources for CPR development. It is
essential that the CPRI and all organizations and individuals associated with
CPR development build on existing efforts. For example, CPRI can work with
the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) to identify needed
progress for existing databases so that secondary user needs can be better met
during the transition to CPRs.
The committee, for several reasons, concluded that in the long run an
independent public-private organization would be the optimal structure for the
CPRI. No one federal agency would have the prestige, funding, or personnel to
pursue a complete CPR agenda successfully; in addition, suspicion or
skepticism on the part of the private sector (both the business and the health
care communities) regarding a purely governmental effort would be difficult to
overcome. The committee emphasizes that if the CPRI is to be successful, it
must represent all patient record users, particularly practitioners.
A purely private sector effort also has little likelihood of success: past
history shows that private sector CPR development has been fragmented,
unique to particular institutions, and generally underfunded. Indeed, the base of
funding in the private sector is not sufficiently solid to support a new
organization at this time. In addition, it is unlikely that private sector activities
can overcome intentional and unintentional governmental barriers, such as the
myriad state laws and regulations that hamper progress in this area.
Furthermore, certain government agencies (notably the Departments of Defense
and Veterans Affairs) have made more progress in this area than the private
sector, and that work should be incorporated into any national effort.
Ultimately, the committee concluded that a federally initiated and funded
approach would be most appropriate for inaugurating the necessary activities.
The goal of such an interim effort would be to turn over, within five years, CPR
coordination efforts to a public-private organization supported by its members.
The committee thus recommends a two-phase strategy for the establishment of
the CPRI. In the first phase, the secretary of the Department of Health and
Human Services should establish an office or program to organize specific
activities aimed at reducing the barriers to computer-based patient record
development. In the second phase, the CPRI should be established as a publicprivate organization dedicated to coordinating the many activities needed to
facilitate widespread use of the CPR.
The main goals of the initial federal program should be to respond to
immediate needs to advance CPR efforts and to lay the groundwork for the

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


CPRI. In particular, because many of the barriers to implementation relate to

lack of information, the interim effort should emphasize education and
evaluation of the value of CPR systems. This effort should also focus on
coordinating standards development and representing the health care field's
interests in the emerging national high-speed computer network.
Ideally, the interim office should be run by a small professional staff
headed by a recognized expert in CPR development. An advisory board with
representation from both the private and public sectors should also be
established. Program staff would support standards activities, conduct
educational programs, serve as liaisons to professional organizations and
commissions, represent the health care community in National Science
Foundation network discussions, advise AHCPR and other extramural funders
of research and demonstration projects, and plan for the second phase of CPR
development and implementation.
This program should be funded initially by the DHHS agencies that have a
fundamental interest in patient data; these include AHCPR and other Public
Health Service agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), and the Health Care Financing Administration
(HCFA). Approximately $2 million to $5 million per year would be required for
the first two years; more substantial funding would be needed for the next three
years. The program should be closely aligned with AHCPR, but consideration
should be given to contracting with a private sector organization to run the
program. (Private sector management would allow greater flexibility and
facilitate the eventual anticipated transition to a public-private entity.)
The committee urges that the private sector actively support immediate
CPR activities through participation and funding (e.g., of demonstration
projects) and that it be prepared to support the CPRI financially within five
years. Failure of the private sector to support CPR efforts adequately could
result in federal government control or dominance of CPR development and
implementation efforts.
RECOMMENDATION 3. Both the public and private sectors should
expand support for the CPR and CPR system implementation through
research, development, and demonstration projects. Specifically, the
committee recommends that Congress authorize and appropriate funds to
implement the research and development agenda outlined below. The
committee further recommends that private foundations and vendors fund
programs to support and facilitate this research and development agenda.
Over the past several decades, impressive technological innovations in
computer-based information storage, retrieval, and communication have
allowed U.S. industry and research organizations to revolutionize the

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


of information throughout society. Yet in terms of the rapidly expanding

information needs of health care, the public and private sectors have mounted
only relatively limited, fragmented efforts to take advantage of these
technological innovations. Most computer systems in the health care sector
have evolved either from automated systems in single departments (such as the
laboratory or pharmacy) or from administrative systems that support patient
registration, scheduling, or financial needs. Although such systems must share
data with a CPR, they cannot be used as the beginning point for its
development. Major tasks in system design, computer programming, and
technical integration must be completed before current technology can be
exploited to speed development of the CPR. In addition, much must be learned
about how the CPR can be integrated and effectively used by different health
care professionals and organizations to meet their needs.
The committee strongly urges that a major research and development
(R&D) effort be supported and that several demonstration prototypes of the
CPR be developed, implemented, and evaluated in a variety of health care
environments. Specifically, major long-term financial and organizational
support for R&D and for prototype demonstration projects in implementing the
CPR is greatly needed in at least six major areas: (1) data acquisition, (2) data
and security standards, (3) networking support, (4) cost-benefit analysis of CPR
systems, (5) CPR and quality assurance, and (6) structure and format of the
patient record.
Data Acquisition
The single greatest challenge in implementing the CPR is to develop a
technology that is sufficiently powerful and appropriate to the needs and
preferences of health care professionals so that they canand willenter
medical and other health care data directly into the computer. Significant new
technologies (e.g., graphical user interface, voice-recognition technology, highresolution computer displays, high-speed communication networks, and handheld data entry devices) can now support data entry by practitioners. These
technologies hold great promise for CPR systems that will be acceptable for
direct professional use. Much work, however, remains to be done to translate
the potential benefits of these technologies into functioning CPR systems.
Data and Security Standards
Data Standards
Three kinds of standards apply to health data: content, data-exchange, and
vocabulary. Nationally accepted standards for CPR data are of prime

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


importance to the CPR: they are necessary for transmitting complete or partial
patient records, and they are essential to the aggregation of information from
many sources, either for longitudinal records of individual patients or for
databases of secondary records to be used for research or epidemiological
purposes. Significant efforts are under way to support standards development
for CPR data dictionaries, uniform coding, vocabulary, and data formatting.
More needs to be accomplished, however, before the CPR can be shared across
institutions or even by different clinical information systems within institutions.
CONTENT STANDARDS Two main kinds of standards must be developed for the
content of CPRs. The first requirement is a minimum data set that applies to all
CPRs; the second is content standards for specific kinds of CPR records (e.g.,
hospital, dentist office). The lack of either of these kinds of standards will
impede effective use of CPR data by clinical and nonclinical users because
record content will continue to vary among practitioners and provider
institutions. A further requirement is to establish a specific meaning for data
elements; that is, data elements should be used to collect the same piece of
information in all record systems. Efforts by various federal agencies (e.g.,
HCFA, DoD, VA) and health data standards groups to develop clinical data
dictionaries should be coordinated to ensure a reasonable level of consistency
and compatibility. The committee suggests that the CPRI foster efforts to
establish a composite clinical data dictionary that would enable users to
translate data from different systems to equivalent meanings.
DATA-EXCHANGE STANDARDS It is likely that patient record data will continue
to be diverse because they are produced using a variety of technologies from
different vendors and by a complex mix of institutions, service bureaus,
reimbursement agencies, and government agencies. A major priority should be
to develop and promote standards for data representation and data exchange.
Without such standards, it will be impossible to support the necessary exchange
of patient medical, financial, and administrative information among the
different interested organizations and institutions.
In 1991, no nationally or internationally recognized format standard exists
for transferring a complete patient record between disparate clinical information
systems. At present, only one health data format standard (Medix, from the
Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) even has the objective of
transferring the entire patient record, and it is not yet operational. Therefore, the
CPRI should coordinate efforts to develop, test, and demonstrate a health data
format standard capable of transmitting all or any portion of the CPR between
different clinical systems. The committee urges that special care be taken to
include input from and coordination with international

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standards efforts (especially those in Europe) to ensure that the format standard
complies with the International Standards Organization's Open Systems
CLINICAL VOCABULARY STANDARDS Effective retrieval and use of health care
information in the CPR depend in large part on the consistency with which a
CPR content names and describes clinical findings, clinical problems,
procedures, and treatments. The development and widespread dissemination of
the content and techniques of effective vocabulary control of high-priority data
elements are major intellectual, technical, and organizational challenges.
Standardized vocabulary efforts such as the Unified Medical Language
Systems (UMLS) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) are needed to
establish a common vocabulary base for clinical systems. The committee
believes that funding for development of standards for clinical vocabulary
systems should be expanded and, because of the technical difficulties involved,
sustained for at least a decade. The committee urges that the NLM be granted
increased funding over the same period to refine the UMLS further, particularly
the vocabulary involved in patient care and access to clinical knowledge bases.
The NLM is the appropriate organization to educate the health care community
concerning UMLS and other clinical vocabulary activities, and it is well
positioned to do so effectively. The CPRI could work closely with the NLM to
ensure efficient, nonredundant efforts in this area.
Security Standards
PATIENT DATA CONFIDENTIALITY Among the highest priorities in the coming
decade will be the enhancement and application of methods to ensure the
privacy and confidentiality of patient data in the CPR. Much of the technology
to make the CPR more secure already exists, but for greatest effectiveness these
technologies must be better deployed or embedded in CPR systems.
Today, no standards define the limits and scope of privacy and
confidentiality for sensitive data in clinical information or CPR systems. Thus,
the committee suggests that the CPRI coordinate development of such standards
for health care, which will include minimal procedures with which systems
must comply to ensure privacy and confidentiality in CPR systems. The
institute should also address similar issues for computer systems containing
secondary records (derived from data in the CPR) and establish standards for
these systems as well. In particular, standards are needed to address the limits
and procedures for removing (or scrambling) patient and provider identifiers in
secondary records.

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DATA AND SYSTEM SECURITY Standards are needed to ensure the integrity of
the data in CPR systems. The committee suggests that the CPRI actively
participate in developing such standards and that it coordinate and cooperate
with the FDA and the Information Security Foundation proposed in the
National Research Council's 1991 report, Computers at Risk: Safe Computing in
the Information Age (published by the National Academy Press). Considerable
attention was focused in the late 1980s on broad security measures for computer
systems; now, the special requirements of the CPR need to be articulated and
infused into the deliberations about these evolving industry standards. The
committee therefore recommends that the CPRI coordinate efforts with
organizations that are already active in establishing standards for secure systems
and for the transmission of sensitive data over standard communications

Networking Support
The information-intensive nature of health care mandates a strong
emphasis on communication and transmission of information to many different
organizations in diverse places. Electronic mail, file transfer, and image
communication will become increasingly important support services, not only
within a given hospital or health care institution but also across cities and states,
and nationwide. Strong federal support will be critical for providing networking
opportunities for health care information transfer at all organizational levels.
Current federal initiatives to develop high-performance national computer
networks largely address the key relevant issues (enhanced transmission speeds,
logistics of routing, standards for connectivity, and transmission protocols). The
overall focus to date, however, has been on communications support for the
research community; recognition of the role of such networks in supporting the
clinical enterprise in general and the CPR in particular has been limited. To
remedy this inadequacy, the CPRI should become an active participant in
discussions by the Federal Networking Council regarding the National Research
and Education Network.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
In view of the substantial direct costs of CPR development and
implementation, issues of cost-effectiveness are important from both
institutional and societal perspectives. It is not reasonable to imagine wholesale
investment in and development of CPRs and CPR systems without some
reliable sense of what will be gained, and at what cost. Given study time and
staffing constraints, the committee did not systematically inquire into evidence
regarding the cost-effectiveness of CPRs or conduct a cost-benefit

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


analysis. Nevertheless, it recognizes the significance of economic

considerations and, as is appropriate for any new medical technology, calls
expressly for an examination of the cost-effectiveness of various features of the
CPR before any widespread deployment occurs.
Major questions remain regarding the costs and benefits of the as yet
incomplete and untried technology of a comprehensive CPR and CPR system.
Accurate estimates have been extremely difficult to obtain because only
incremental parts of the CPR system have been operational at any one time. To
obtain a more accurate picture of costs and benefits will require major R&D
effortsfor instance, extensive modeling and simulation projects or communitybased demonstrations that could later be generalized beyond the community
sites. An especially important step will be for investigators to develop sound
models of total costs and benefits because it is likely that the CPR will range
into areas of function and value far beyond those of current patient records.
These R&D projects should address at least three issues related to the
benefits of CPRs and CPR systems. First, the nature and magnitude of benefits
to individual patients, practitioners, provider institutions, and society generally
should be evaluated. Second, short-term versus long-term benefits must be
examined. Third, monetary and nonmonetary benefits should be estimated and
compared. In addition, a methodological issue must be addressed because
researchers are unlikely to be able to determine benefits in dollar terms with any
precision. Thus, sophisticated approaches for characterizing benefits must be
employed, such as is done for complex technology assessments.
R&D efforts must also address at least two issues concerning the costs of
CPRs and CPR systems. First are the costs of acquisition, implementation, and
operation; included in these should be the costs of the R&D itself. Second,
short- and long-term costs must be appropriately identified. Cost determinations
will depend on calculation of direct costs, indirect costs, and amortization of
capitalized equipment.
Quality Assurance
The CPR can and should become a resource (with a capability far beyond
that of paper patient records) for the systematic evaluation of health care
practices and policies. The committee was unanimous in its view that, at least
on a trial basis, linking CPR information with health status assessment provides
an unprecedented opportunity to study the effectiveness and outcomes of health
care procedures. Similarly, the CPR offers a vehicle for dissemination of
clinical practice guidelines.
Both individual practitioners and health care provider institutions can use
the CPR for their own purposes in evaluating and comparing patterns and

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


outcomes of care, and they can do so more efficiently than with a paper-based
patient record system. In addition, those organizations whose responsibilities
include the accreditation, regulation, and improvement of health care can, with
appropriate safeguards, accumulate and analyze the data they need using the
CPR rather than the paper record.
Quality of care has taken on greater salience in recent years, and public
and private programs of quality assurance and continuous quality improvement
have multiplied. Many of these rely (or intend to rely) on information residing
in computer databases, including administrative or insurance claims files. At
present, these kinds of databases are rather primitive foundations for reliable
quality assurance efforts, and they have at best sparse information on important
aspects of the processes and outcomes of care. Moreover, emerging efforts to
develop uniform clinical data sets based on information in paper records are
hampered by various drawbacks in using those records (e.g., long manual
abstraction times).
Thus, CPRs and CPR systems offer great promise for furthering the
nation's movement toward improving the quality of health care. Many
questions, however, remain to be investigated. These include definition of
minimum clinical data sets for different types and settings of care, development
of appropriate real-time clinical reminders and alerts, and mechanisms for
applying the statistical tools and methods of modern continuous quality
improvement approaches. Although other public and private sector agencies and
organizations will undoubtedly take primary responsibility for R&D in this
area, the CPRI should be empowered to work directly with those groups to
support these activities.
Structure and Format of the Patient Record
The technological capabilities of CPR systems offer new possibilities for
improved design of patient record structure and format. To use these
capabilities most effectively, the committee believes the relationship between
the structure of patient records and the quality of patient care should be
explored further. For example, specific elements of patient records that
contribute to patient care outcomes need to be identified for incorporation into
CPR systems.
The committee declined to endorse a particular patient record format at
this time; rather, it strongly urges rigorous evaluation of the value of various
attributes of different patient record structures.
RECOMMENDATION 4. The CPRI should promulgate uniform
national standards for data and security to facilitate implementation of the
CPR and its secondary databases.
As discussed earlier, major financial and organizational support is needed

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to promote the development of uniform national standards for data and security.
Once agreed upon, these standards must be incorporated into the design and use
of CPR systems; they must also be continually reviewed and revised to keep up
with technological advances.
Mechanisms must be developed to communicate standards to the parties
affected by them. For example, system developers and vendors should be
notified when uniform national standards have been established so they can
design systems with up-to-date features. System purchasers, for their part, must
be educated about the value of these voluntary standards to ensure that they will
buy systems that offer features that meet the standards. System users (e.g.,
clinicians) who may be one step removed from purchase decisions also need to
be educated about standards so they can demand such features in the systems
that are acquired by their institutions. Furthermore, institutions should adopt
and enforce organizational policies and procedures that support standard
security practices. The CPRI is an appropriate body to develop mechanisms for
endorsing and communicating health care standards to affected parties.
RECOMMENDATION 5. The CPRI should review federal and state
laws and regulations for the purpose of proposing and promulgating model
legislation and regulations to facilitate implementation and dissemination
of the CPR and its secondary databases and to streamline the CPR and
CPR systems.
The committee identified at least four ways in which legal issues affect
CPR development and use. First, the inconsistency of licensure lawsfor
instance, for hospitals across the statescan impede development and diffusion
of new systems. Second, regulations can force inefficiencies on record keeping
(e.g., redundant collection of data). Third, laws concerning ownership,
responsibility, and control of patient records and data may be ambiguous or
inconsistent, or both, and thus hinder the electronic transfer of CPR data.
Fourth, laws protecting confidentiality of computer-based patient data need to
be strengthened to address concerns about patient privacy.
The committee concluded that a comprehensive review of pertinent laws
and regulations, especially state laws and regulations, is needed to remove
potential legal barriers and to ensure adequate protection of patient privacy.
Following this review, guidelines should be developed and disseminated to
appropriate audiences. The committee noted that the Uniform Health-Care
Information Act should be included in this review and that efforts should focus
on why it has not been widely adopted. The committee also determined that the
review process should include an assessment of and recommendations
regarding penalties for violation of the privacy of patients or providers through
unauthorized access or misuse of patient data in the CPR or other patient records.

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The committee assigns high priority to these legal and regulatory issues
because they pose major obstacles for steady progress toward the CPR and may
take a long time to resolve. For this reason, the committee suggests that the
CPRI convene a panel of experts to conduct such a review and prepare a report,
including guidelines for state and congressional consideration. The committee
also suggests that the CPRI disseminate the findings of the report through
educational conferences and other means.
RECOMMENDATION 6. The costs of CPR systems should be shared
by those who benefit from them. Specifically, the full costs of implementing
and operating CPRs and CPR systems should be factored into
reimbursement levels or payment schedules of both public and private
sector third-party payers. In addition, users of secondary databases should
support the costs of creating such databases.
The committee believes that capturing complete and accurate clinical data
is an essential element of the patient care process; it sees the CPR as an
essential tool for improving and evaluating the quality of patient care and for
decreasing its costs. Short-run benefits of CPRs and CPR systems should
include (1) improved patient care resulting from increased availability of patient
data, medical knowledge, and clinical aids (e.g., decision support); (2) increased
productivity of health care professionals from improved access to patient data
and reduction of redundant data recording; and (3) reduction in administrative
costs. Long-run benefits should include the ability to increase and improve
medical knowledge through research using patient data derived CPR systems.
As discussed in Chapter 4, the current distribution of costs and benefits of
CPR systems may not provide adequate investment incentives for health care
provider institutions. To overcome this problem, the committee believes that a
better understanding of the costs and benefits of CPR systems (as discussed
earlier in this chapter) and some sharing of CPR costs will be needed. Cost
sharing would encourage health providers to invest in CPR systems and thus
move the nation toward an optimal level of CPR system use. Further, the
existence of cost-sharing mechanisms would send a signal to CPR developers
regarding the strength of the CPR market and should increase the willingness of
developers to invest in additional R&D.
The costs associated with CPR systems go beyond one-time procurement
expenses, entailing expenditures for installation, training, maintenance, and
other activities that must be planned for and appropriately budgeted. The
committee therefore suggests that reimbursement mechanisms address three
kinds of CPR system costs for all health care providers: (1) costs associated
with procurement or leasing, (2) costs associated with installation and
implementation (including training), and (3) costs associated with operation and

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The CPRI should take the lead in coordinating efforts to develop and
implement reimbursement mechanisms that incorporate the costs of CPR
systems. This process, which will require collaboration with representatives of
practitioners, health care provider institutions, business, third-party payers,
Congress, and federal and state government agencies (especially HCFA), could
explore several CPR reimbursement mechanisms: incentives for data that are
provided in electronic form, enhanced capital pass-through for CPR system
acquisition, recognition of the costs of CPR operation in reimbursement rates,
or a combination of the above. The committee urges organizations concerned
with developing reimbursement levels or schedules (e.g., the Health Insurance
Association of America, the Physician Payment Review Commission, the
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission, and individual third-party
payers) to make the establishment of acceptable CPR reimbursement
mechanisms a high priority in the early 1990s.
CPR systems will greatly facilitate the creation of secondary databases for
claims payment, health care policy, and clinical research by eliminating the
need for manual data abstraction from records. In some cases, these databases
can be constructed at a cost lower than that associated with current patient
record systems; in other cases, desirable databases simply would not have been
possible with current record systems. (The ability to select, retrieve, and
aggregate desired data from CPRs will be of particular benefit to researchers.)
Thus, users of such secondary databases should support the costs of data
capture, processing, storage, and retrieval by CPR systems. The CPRI should
develop an equitable plan to divide some of the costs of CPR systems that
contribute to secondary databases among all such database users.
RECOMMENDATION 7. The committee recommends that health
care professional schools and organizations enhance their educational
programs for students and practitioners in the use of computers, CPRs,
and CPR systems for patient care, education, and research.
An essential requirement for optimal functioning of CPR systems is
efficient user operation of computers, CPRs, and CPR systems, including
associated decision support, bibliographic retrieval, and other clinical aids.
Because students and practitioners alike have educational needs in these areas,
health care professional schools, programs, societies, and organizations all have
a role to play in CPR education.
Such training will require curriculum modification, development of
continuing postgraduate education programs, and preparation of faculty. In
addition to formal training, professional schools, programs, societies, and
organizations can reinforce computer skills by using computers to conduct
routine business. (For example, professional societies could administer
licensing examinations by computer.) The CPRI should facilitate this evolution

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of education programs by serving as a resource for curriculum and continuing

education development.
The number of health care professionals who can design, develop, support,
and train others in the use of state-of-the-art CPR systems is far fewer than the
number needed. Therefore, the committee suggests that the CPRI support
training programs in health care to address these personnel shortages.
The committee notes the special training needs of registered record
administrators (RRAs) with respect to CPRs. As the CPR becomes more
commonplace, the role of RRAs should evolve to keep pace with the changes in
patient records. The RRA of the future is likely to require greater knowledge of
computing technologies (including database systems and software), quality
control procedures, and the needs of all patient record users. Future RRA roles
may also emphasize maintaining the quality and consistency of CPRs to support
patient care and facilitate research using patient data.
The Institute of Medicine study committee set out to develop a plan for
improving computer-based patient records and the systems in which they reside.
As its first step, the committee examined why previous attempts had not
resulted in wide acceptance of CPRs and asked if and how another effort might
be successful. It identified five conditions in the current health care
environment that it believes increase the likelihood of success: (1) everincreasing uses of and legitimate demands for patient data, (2) availability of
more powerful and more affordable technologies to support CPRs and CPR
systems, (3) widespread acceptance of computers as a tool to increase efficiency
in virtually all facets of everyday life, (4) an aging, mobile population, and (5) a
widely held belief that needed reform in health care will not be easily achieved
without routine use of CPRs.
To accomplish its task, the committee identified both the strengths and
weaknesses of current patient record systems, detailed the users and uses of
patient records, and defined user requirements for patient records and patient
record systems. It reviewed available and emerging technologies and
highlighted crucial emerging technologies whose development should be
encouraged. Further, it identified nontechnological barriers to the development
and diffusion of CPRs.
The committee believes its recommendations effectively address these
potential barriers to routine CPR use. The first recommendation defines the
CPR as the standard for future patient records. The second proposes an
organizational framework within which CPR barriers can be systematically
addressed and overcome. The committee's remaining recommendations then
focus on specific barriers: needed research and development, promulgation

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of standards for CPR data and security, review of legal constraints and
remedies, distribution of costs for CPR systems, and education of health care
The committee recognizes that considerable work must be accomplished
and practical difficulties resolved before CPRs become the standard mode of
documenting and communicating patient information and before they are
perceived and used as a vital resource for improving patient care. The challenge
of coordinating CPR development efforts in the pluralistic health care
environment is great. Resources are limited and must be used wisely. Further,
achieving maximum benefit from CPR systems will require that they be linked
to an information infrastructure (i.e., network) that allows patient data, medical
knowledge, and other information to be transmitted and accessed when and
where needed, subject to appropriate security and confidentiality measures.
The committee is convinced that with proper coordination and appropriate
resources the goal of widespread CPR utilization within a decade can be
achieved. The desire to improve the quality of and access to patient data is
shared by patients, practitioners, administrators, third-party payers, researchers,
and policymakers across the nation. CPRs and CPR systems can respond
effectively to the health care system's need for a ''central nervous system" to
manage the complexities of modern medicine. The CPR, in short, is an essential
technology for health care.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Appendix A


Donald M. Berwick,* Chair, Harvard Medical School and Harvard School
of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
Carmi Margolis, Assistant Chair, Ben Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer-Sheva, Israel
G. Octo Barnett,* Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
William H. Buckley, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Harold D. Cross, Practitioner of Internal Medicine, Hampden, Maine
Allyson Ross Davies, New England Medical Center Hospitals, Boston,
Nicholas E. Davies,* Practitioner of Internal Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia
David H. Gustafson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Clement J. McDonald, Regenstrief Institute for Health Care, Indianapolis,
Mary L. McHugh, St. Francis Regional Medical Center, Wichita, Kansas
John A. Norris,* Hill and Knowlton, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, and
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
James S. Roberts, Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois
Stephen Schoenbaum, Harvard Community Health Plan, Brookline,
Cary Sennett, AETNA Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut
Barclay M. Shepard, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C.
Elaine Ullian, Faulkner Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Mary Joan Wogan, American Medical Record Association, Washington,

Member, Committee on Improving the Patient Record.

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Morris F. Collen,* Chair, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program,
Oakland, California
Marion J. Ball,* Assistant Chair, University of Maryland at Baltimore
G. Octo Barnett,* Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Robert J. Beck, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland
Paul D. Clayton, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, New
Jerome R. Cox, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
Betsy L. Humphreys, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland
Allan H. Levy, University of Illinois Medical Center, Urbana
Gretchen Murphy, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, Seattle,
John A. Norris,* Hill and Knowlton, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, and
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
Helmuth F. Orthner, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Allan T. Pryor, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
William W. Stead, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North

Member, Committee on Improving the Patient Record.

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Edward H. Shortliffe,* Chair, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Palo Alto, California
Paul C. Tang, Assistant Chair, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto,
Margret Amatayakul, American Medical Record Association, Chicago,
Jeffrey F. Blair, International Business Machines Corporation, Atlanta,
Peter A. Bouxsein, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia,
Nicholas E. Davies,* Practitioner of Internal Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia
Paul M. Ellwood, Interstudy, Excelsior, Minnesota
J. Michael Fitzmaurice, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
Rockville, Maryland
Ruth E. Garry,* CNA Insurance Companies, Chicago, Illinois
Stephen F. Jencks, Health Care Financing Administration, Baltimore,
Charles N. Kahn III, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Ways
and Means, Washington, D.C.
Bruce McPherson, American Hospital Association, Chicago, Illinois
Thomas Q. Morris,* Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York
Jeremy Nobel, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
John A. Norris,* Hill and Knowlton, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, and
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
Barclay M. Shepard, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C.

Member, Committee on Improving the Patient Record.

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Appendix B
Legal Aspects of Computer-based Patient
Records and Record Systems
Adele A. Waller
Computer-based patient records and record systems may bring into play
laws of many kinds. For example, system hardware may be patented and system
software copyrighted. If a computer-based patient record system fails and the
failure results in harm to a patient, tort liability can result to the vendor or to the
provider using the system, or to both. Tort liability can also arise if a system is
not protected from unauthorized access and breaches of patient confidence
result or records are destroyed or altered. A computer hacker gaining
unauthorized access to a computerized patient record system faces possible
criminal liability. Various privacy laws limit permitted disclosure or
redisclosure of information stored in computer-based patient record systems.
Other laws must also be taken into account. Licensure laws applicable to
health care providers, as well as reimbursement and insurance laws, all impinge
on computer-based patient records, as do public health laws that require
reporting of vital statistics and of various injuries and diseases. Contract law
and the Uniform Commercial Code come into play in contracts for computerbased record systems. The availability of specific performance as a remedy for
a vendor's breach of contract is a question that

The author is an attorney in the Health Law Department of the law firm of Gardner,
Carton & Douglas, in Chicago. She gratefully acknowledges the assistance of her
colleagues Deborah K. Fulton and Bernadette M. Broccolo with the computer science
and computer law aspects of this paper.
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requires resort to doctrines of equitable remedies. A hardware or software

vendor's insolvency raises issues under federal bankruptcy law. Finally,
interaction of computer-based record systems with artificial intelligence
systems can also raise issues concerning medical device laws and, to the extent
that nonphysicians are able to diagnose and treat patients without physician
involvement using these systems, physician licensure laws.
Because of the plethora of laws that apply to computer-based patient
records and record systems, one paper cannot encompass a full discussion of the
application of these laws to the computer-based record. What follows, therefore,
is a summary discussion of the key legal issues raised by computer-based
patient records and record systems: regulatory and accreditation issues,
evidentiary issues, patient privacy and record access concerns, record
ownership questions, legal risks specific to computer-based patient record
systems, and computer contracting issues.
Computer-based patient records utilized by an institutional health care
provider must meet the requirements of relevant state licensure laws, or the
institution may face licensure sanctions. The statutes and regulations governing
licensure of hospitals, nursing homes, health maintenance organizations,
ambulatory surgical treatment centers, and other institutional providers
generally contain specific standards and requirements concerning the creation,
authentication, retention, and storage of patient records, as well as limitations
on the media permissible for their creation and storage. Additional requirements
typically found in state licensure statutes and regulations relate to
confidentiality, record content, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and
Hospital Licensure Laws as Barriers to Full Automation
State hospital licensure laws still pose barriers to full automation of the
patient record. State-to-state variances in medical records requirements and
obsolete and ambiguous or conflicting laws and regulations pose obstacles to
the full development of computer-based patient record systems.1 Although some
state regulators may permit computerization of patient records in ways that
technically are not permitted by state regulations, a health care institution

1 State licensure requirements have lagged far behind the development of technology
and have been criticized for so lagging for 20 years or more. See, e.g., Eric W. Springer,
Automated Medical Records and the Law (Pittsburgh, Pa.: Health Law Center, 1971).

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investing in an automated patient data system is making too big an investment

to risk learning later that the system does not meet state licensure requirements.
Some states expressly permit use of computers in the creation,
authentication, and retention of patient records.2 Others state their medical
records requirements for hospitals generally, impliedly permitting computerbased patient records, or explicitly address use of computers only for one
function, such as authentication, but not for other patient record functions.3
Even so, the wide variance from state to state in hospital licensure
requirements for medical records may make it difficult to develop patient record
systems that comply with hospital licensure laws in all 50 states. State-to-state
variances make it expensive to determine if a record system (or set of system
specifications) complies with hospital licensure requirements in all states. They
also leave open the possibility that inconsistencies between the requirements of
two or more states could make it impossible for a system to meet all states'
licensure requirements.
Failure by a vendor to establish a patient record system's compliance with
one (or more) state's licensure requirements may adversely affect the system's
marketability in such states. Assuming that hospitals include compliance with
legal requirements in their feasibility analysis of computer-based patient
information systems, the lack of national uniformity in the medical records
requirements of state licensure laws and regulations applicable to institutional
health care providers may be expected to retard development and marketing of
new computer-based patient record systems. In addition, state-to-state variations
in requirements regarding the content of hospital medical records may make it
difficult to develop standard formats for computer-based patient records that
can be used nationally.
Hospital licensure laws and regulations in many states still assume a paper
patient record and at best leave the legal status of computer-based

2 410 Ind. Admin. Code 15-1-9(1) (1988); Mo. Code of State Regulations, 19 C.S.R.
30-20-.021(3)(D) (1990); Oreg. Admin. Rule 333-505-050 (1989); Neb. Regulations
and Standards for Hospitals 003.04 (1979); Pa. Rules and Regulations for Hospitals
115.25 (1987). In the regulations of these states, however, there is little reflection of
any systematic examination of the special problems and challenges posed by automated
patient records. Even Oregon, which of all the states has most systematically amended its
regulations to be consistent with automated records systems, has done little more than
adapt regulations from the era of paper records to permit automated patient records.
3 22 Calif. Admin. Code 70751; Conn. Pub. Health Code, ch. 4, 19-13-03(d); 77 Ill.
Admin. Code 250.1510 (1990); Lic. Stds. for Hospitals, N.J.A.C. 8:43G:-15.2; R.I.
Rules and Regulations for Licensing of Hospitals 25.0 (1989); S.D. Admin. Rules
44:04:09:04 (1989); Tex. Hospital Licensing Stds. 1-22-1.4 (1985); Utah Admin.
Code R432-100-7.405 (1989); Rules and Regulations for the Lic. of Hospitals in
Virginia 208.0 (1982); Wisc. Admin. Code, ch. HSS 124 Hospitals, 124.14 (1988).

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patient records used by hospitals under a cloud.4 Other state laws and
regulations appear to permit some forms of automation but not others, or the use
of automation for some but not all medical record functions.5
Oklahoma requires that all orders and medications be written in ink, a
requirement that is incompatible with a fully automated medical record system.
Oklahoma also prohibits substituting a signature stamp for the physician's
signature, apparently requiring handwritten authentication of medical records,
with the exception of records of diagnostic examinations, for which computer
signatures are authorized.6 South Carolina also requires orders to be "written in
ink and signed," but permits use of a signature stamp with appropriate controls.7
Iowa requires medical records to be "written" and "signed" by the attending
physician.8 North Carolina requires that records be "written'' for all patients
admitted to a hospital.9 If a medical record must be signed in ink, the paper
recordeven if it is generated on a computerbecomes the original record,
and many of the efficiencies of automated storage and retrieval of records
cannot be realized. Other states restrict permissible medical record storage
media to the original or microfilm. 10 Such a restriction is incompatible with
storage of records on

4 See, e.g., the rules of states that, as of the time research was completed for this paper,
still required that clinical reports or clinical information be filed in or with the medical
record or that records of both inpatient and outpatient treatment be filed in one folder:
Ariz. Rules, Regulations and Standards for the Licensing and Regulation of Health Care
Institutions R9-10-221 (1982); Rules, Regulations and Min. Stds. for Hospitals in
Idaho, IDAPA 16.02.1360.10.a; Regulations for the Licensure of General and Specialty
Hospitals in the State of Maine, ch. XII (1972); Min. Stds. for Operation of Miss.
Hospitals 1704.4 (1990); N.Mex. Regulations Governing General and Special Hospitals
700.B.4.f (1989); Lic. Rules for General Hospitals in North Dakota, N.D.A.C.
33-07-01-16.6.a (1990); Lic. Stds. for Hospitals and Related Institutions in the State of
Oklahoma 13.5-A (1989); 64 W. Va. Legisl. Rules 10.3 (1987); Wisc. Admin. Code,
ch. HSS 124 Hospitals, 124.14 (1988).
5 See, e.g., Mo. Code of State Regulations, 19 C.S.R. 30-20.021(3)(D) (1990); Utah
Admin. Code R432-100-7.406 (1989); Hospital Rules and Regulations, Wash. Admin.
Code. 248-18-440 (1989).
6 Licensure Standards for Hospitals and Related Institutions, State of Oklahoma 13.1B(4) and 13.9-D (1989).
7 S.C. Standards for Licensing Hospitals and Institutional General Infirmaries 601.6
8 Iowa Admin. Code 641.51.5 (1988).
9 Rules and Statutes Applying to the Licensing of Hospitals in North Carolina,
Subchapter 3c, .1400 (1988). See also 77 III. Admin. Code 250.350(a), which
requires that all orders for medication and treatment be written except in emergencies.
On the basis of this requirement, the Illinois Department of Public Health strongly
discourages fully computerized medical records in hospitals.
10 See, e.g., Colo. General Hospitals, ch. IV, 4.2 (1982); Conn. Pub. Health Code, ch.
4, 19-13-03(d) (1989); 410 Ind. Admin. Code 15-1-9(2)(b)(1) (1988); Regulations for
the Licensure

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computer disks, magnetic tape, or optical disksthat is, unless the records were
both originally created and authenticated by computer and are permanently
retained on the original medium (which may be difficult or infeasible,
depending on the medium's durability).
A serious legal barrier to full realization of the potential of computer-based
patient records is the confusion and lack of clarity in some states' standards
when they are applied to computer-based medical records.
It is not always clear whether regulations requiring that records be kept in
ink or "type" (or in ink or "typewritten") permit creation of medical records
electronically or with the use of lasers, although a provision permitting
authentication of records by computer key, such as that found in Colorado's
rules, implies that patient records may be created on a computer.11 Similarly, it
is unclear whether a requirement that medical records be recorded in ink,
typewritten, or recorded electronically permits recording by lasers on optical
The regulations of some states require that medical records be "signed" but
are silent on whether the substitution of a computer key or code for a
physician's signature is permitted.13 This silence cannot be interpreted as

of General and Specialty Hospitals in the State of Maine, ch. XII (1972); Min. Stds.
for Operation of Miss. Hospitals 1702 (1990); Mo. Code of State Regulations, 19
C.S.R. 30-20.021(3)(D) (1990); Operational Rules and Regulations for Health
Facilities, Nev. Admin. Code 449.379 (1988); N.Mex. Regulations Governing General
and Special Hospitals 700.B.1.b (1989); S.C. Standards for Licensing Hospitals and
Institutional General Infirmaries 601.6 (1990); Tenn. Hospitals Rules and Regulations
1200-8-4-.03(f) (1986); Wisc. Admin. Code, ch. HSS 124 Hospitals, 124.14 (1988).
Tennessee has recently amended its statute to permit storage of medical records on "nonerasable optical and electronic imaging technology." See Tenn. Code Ann. 68-11-306
(b) (1991).
11 See, e.g., Rules of Alabama State Bd. of Hlth., Div. of Lic. and Cert., Hospitals,
420-5-7.07(f) (1988); Rules and Regulations for Hospitals and Related Institutions in
Arkansas 0601(C) (1988); Colo. General Hospitals, ch.IV, 4.4 (1982); Tenn. Hospitals
Rules and Regulations 1200-8-4-.03 (1986); Vermont Lic. Stds. for the Construction,
Maintenance and Operations of Hospitals 3-946 (1954); 64 W. Va. Legisl. Rules 10.3
12 Mo. Code of State Regulations, 19 C.S.R. 30-20.021(3)(D) (1990).
13 See, e.g., Ariz. Rules, Regulations and Standards for the Lic. and Regulation of
Health Care Institutions R9-10-221 (1982); Conn. Pub. Health Code, ch. 4, 19-13-03
(d) (1989); Ga. Rules and Regulations for Hospitals 290-5-6-.11 (1977); Rules,
Regulations and Min. Stds. for Hospitals in Idaho, IDAPA 16.02.1360.13; Iowa Admin.
Code 641.51.5 (1988); Ky. 902 KAR 20:016 (1989); Min. Stds. for Operation of Miss.
Hospitals 1704.4 (1990); Nev. Operational Rules and Regulations for Health Facilities
449.379; N.Mex. Regulations Governing General and Special Hospitals 700; Lic.
Rules for General Hospitals in North Dakota, N.D.A.C. 33-07-01-16.9 (1990); Lic.
Stds. for Hospitals and Related Institutions in the State of Oklahoma 13.5-A (1989);
S.C. Standards for Licensing Hospitals and Institutional General Infirmaries 601
(1990); Tenn. Hospitals Rules and Regulations 1200-8-4-.03 (1986); Vermont Lic.
Stds. for the Construction, Maintenance and Operations of Hospitals 3-946 (1954); 64
W. Va. Legisl. Rules 10.3 (1987); Wisc. Admin. Code, ch. HSS 124 Hospitals, 124.14
(1988); Wy. Stds., Rules and Regulations for Hospitals and Related Facilities 7 (1979).
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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


necessarily permitting authentication of records by computer key or code. In

addition, many states require that each patient's record contain a "signed"
consent form or evidence of informed consent.14 It is not clear whether paper
files of consent forms must be maintained or whether it is permissible for
patients and patient representatives to authenticate consent on a computer by
use of a computer key or code unique to each patient.
State requirements that medical records (or "original" medical records) be
retained in the hospital or on the hospital's premises, except under defined
circumstances, mean that use of outside computer services for hospital medical
records may constitute a technical violation of the hospital licensure
requirements in some states.15 Indiana's regulations, although containing a
provision that a computerized record shall be considered the same as a written
record, also require that medical records be filed in a safe, accessible manner in
the hospital and be kept on the nursing unit during the patient's hospitalization.
These two requirements leave the status of outside computer services for
Indiana hospitals unclear.16
Other State Licensure Laws
State licensure laws and regulations applicable to a variety of other health
care providersboth institutional and individualtypically contain provisions
concerning patient records or patient information and confidences, or both.
State laws and regulations with respect to licensure of institutional
providers other than hospitals contain many of the same types of patient record
requirements and raise many of the same issues raised by hospital licensure
laws and regulations. Licensure laws and regulations for such providers may
pose even greater barriers to fully computer-based patient records because,


See, e.g., N.J. Lic. Stds. for Hospitals, N.J.A.C. 8:43G-15.2(d)(1) (1990).
Rules and Regulations for Hospitals and Related Institutions in Arkansas 0601(V)
(1988); Conn. Pub. Health Code, ch. 4, 19-13-03(d)(6) (1989); 410 Ind. Admin. Code
15-1-9(2) (1988); Iowa Admin. Code 641.51.5(1) (1988); Ky. 902 K.A.R. 20:016
(1989); Regulations for the Licensure of General and Specialty Hospitals in the State of
Maine, ch. XII (1972); Min. Stds. for Operation of Miss. Hospitals 1701.4 (1990); N.J.
Lic. Stds. for Hospitals, N.J.A.C. 8:43G-15.2(h) (1990); N.Mex. Regulations Governing
General and Special Hospitals 700.B.1.b (1989); Rules and Statutes Applying to the
Licensing of Hospitals in North Carolina, Subchapter 3c, .1403(d) (1988); Licensure
Standards for Hospitals and Related Institutions, State of Oklahoma 13.2-C (1989); Pa.
Rules and Regulations for Hospitals 115.28 (1987); S.C. Standards for Licensing
Hospitals and Institutional General Infirmaries 601.4 (1990); Tenn. Hospitals Rules and
Regulations 1200-8-4-.03(b)(1) (1986); 64 W. Va. Legisl. Rules 10.3.1(a) (1987);
Wisc. Admin. Code, ch. HSS 124 Hospitals, 124.14(2) (1988).
16 410 Ind. Admin. Code 15-1-9 (1988).

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


even more than hospital licensure laws and regulations, they may be keyed to a
paper record.
For example, Illinois' long-term care facility licensure regulations require
that (1) resident records be written in ink or typed and (2) all physician orders,
plans of treatment, Medicare and Medicaid certifications and recertification
statements, and similar documents have the original written signature of the
physician. Use of a rubber stamp signature, with or without initials, is not
permitted. In addition, resident records must contain a "physician's order sheet,"
a "medication sheet," and "treatment sheets," implying that a manual record
must be maintained.17
State licensure requirements for nonhospital institutional providers exhibit
the same lack of national uniformity in standards for patient records exhibited
by state hospital licensure requirements. In addition, similar concerns regarding
obsolete and ambiguous laws and regulations arise in state licensure
requirements for institutional providers other than hospitals.
State laws and regulations applicable to physicians, nurses, and other
individuals licensed to provide health care typically contain an express or
implied obligation of confidentiality with respect to patient confidences and, in
some statutes or regulations, with respect to patient records. Willful or negligent
breaches of confidentiality may constitute grounds for professional discipline.18
The canons of ethics of a profession may be incorporated into a state's
licensure requirements, usually by a provision in a licensing act that makes
"unprofessional conduct" grounds for professional discipline. 19 The 1989
publication Current Opinions of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of
the American Medical Association contains detailed guidelines on computerized
patient databases.20 These may be impliedly incorporated into the statutes and
regulations governing licensure of physicians in some states.
Medicare Regulations
To participate in the Medicare program, a provider must meet the
applicable Medicare conditions of participation. The conditions of participation
for hospitals include requirements for medical records but do not include


77 Ill. Admin. Code 300.1810 (1985).

See, e.g., 111 Ill. Ann. Stat. 4400-22.30 (Smith-Hurd 1990 Supplementary
19 See, e.g., 52 Oreg. Rev. Stat. 677.188 (1989); Utah Code Ann. 58-12-35 (1990).
20 American Medical Association (AMA), Chicago, Illinois. Although it may not be
practical to implement all of the AMA's guidelines, it should be recognized that these
guidelines are some of the most detailed, ethically sensitive standards for computerized
patient databases that have been developed to date.

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any express restriction on permissible media for creating and storing medical
records.21 Medical records may be authenticated by signature, written initials, or
computer entry.22 Thus, the conditions of a hospital's participation in the
Medicare program pose no barrier to the use of computer-based patient records.
The Medicare conditions of participation for long-term care facilities do
not expressly restrict the media for creation and storage of the records.23
However, they require each individual who completes a portion of the
assessment to "sign" the assessment.24 In addition, these conditions of
participation require that, at each visit to a resident, the physician supervising
the resident's medical care must "write, sign and date progress notes" and "sign
all orders." 25 It is not clear whether these conditions of participation permit a
fully automated record because it is not clear whether authentication by
computer code or key provides the required signature and whether a progress
note made on a computer fulfills the requirement that a physician must write the
The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) permits physician
certifications of medical necessity to be executed by computer or transmitted to
a hospital by facsimile machines. A provider seeking permission for its
physicians to attest to medical necessity on a computer or by facsimile must be
able to demonstrate to its intermediary that its system contains adequate
safeguards of accuracy and confidentiality and meets certain other standards.27


42 C.F.R. 482.24.
C.F.R. 482.24(c)(1)(ii).
23 42 C.F.R. 483.75(n).
24 42 C.F.R. 483.20(c)(2).
25 42 C.F.R. 483.40(b).
26 Apparently, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) believes that these
conditions of participation would permit a fully automated record because HCFA is
discussing with nursing home operators the possibility of requiring that nursing homes
computerize resident assessment records to comply with the provision of the Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 requiring maintenance of a uniform, minimum data
set on residents' conditions. See Paula Eubanks, "Homes Doubt They Can Computerize
per HCFA's Request," Hospitals 64, no. 23 (1990):56.
27 See the HCFA Medicare Hospital Manual Transmittal No. 567 (July 1989). The
provider's request must explain (1) the provider's physician identification system, (2)
system safeguards to ensure confidentiality, (3) how data are displayed for physician
review before electronic attestation, (4) how physician identity is determined upon
certification and stored in the provider's system, (5) how the system records a systemgenerated date and time of entry at the point of attestation, (6) system backup procedures
for prolonged downtime, and (7) how the physician verifies that attestations executed
through the system have been correctly recorded. HCFA permits use of physician access
systems that employ an alphanumeric identifier or biometric identification of physicians.

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Hospital Accreditation Requirements

Technically, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO) is a voluntary organization, and JCAHO accreditation
is voluntary. JCAHO accreditation standards, however, are incorporated in
some state hospital licensure laws, at least in part,28 and a hospital is deemed to
meet certain Medicare conditions of participation if it holds JCAHO
Although JCAHO accreditation standards do not explicitly address
required media for record keeping and storage, they assume that a hospital may
participate in an automated medical record data processing system. JCAHO
standards permit authentication of medical records by computer key.
The JCAHO requires that all medical records be accurate, accessible,
authenticated, organized, confidential, secure, current, legible, and complete.30
A computer-based medical record system can meet JCAHO standards if the
system is properly designed and maintained and if medical records are
otherwise properly completed.
Right of Privacy
The Federal Privacy Act and similar acts in many states provide assurance
that patient records held by the federal government and governments of states
that have enacted privacy legislation will not be disclosed to third parties
without the patient's consent, except under defined circumstances.31 However,
privacy of patient records in other states and in the private sector is governed by
a crazy quilt of statutory, regulatory, and common-law rules and is often
inadequately protected. 32
Growing demands for information contained in patient records pose an
ever-increasing threat to patient privacy. Such demands come not only

28 See, e.g., the following regulations, which incorporate JCAHO standards for
medical records into state hospital licensure requirements: N.H. Code of Admin. Rules,
Part He-P802 (1986); R.I. Rules and Regulations for Licensing of Hospitals 25.7; Rules
and Regs. for the Licensure of Hospitals in Virginia 208.5 (1982).
29 42 U.S.C. 1395bb.
30 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, "Medical Record
Services (MR)," Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (Chicago: 1990).
31 5 U.S.C. 552a.
32 The threats to patient privacy posed by increased use of computers for health
records were detailed by Alan F. Westin in Computers, Health Records and Citizen
Rights (Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976).

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from peer review bodies, third-party payers (both governmental and nongovernmental), outside billing and computer services, and government, but
from employers, insurers, and others who use health care information for nonhealth care purposes.
When information from patient records is disclosed by a provider
whether with or without the patient's consentit is extremely difficult to
control redisclosure of the information effectively, even though confidentiality
agreements and notices are still advisable. Furthermore, when patient records
are computerized, they can easily be transmitted across state lines, limiting the
ability of any one state to protect the privacy of its citizens.
To the extent that patients and providers are aware that computer-based
patient records increase the threat to patient privacy, they may be unwilling to
provide or record complete information in the patient record, particularly with
regard to sensitive matters, such as abortions, AIDS (acquired immune
deficiency syndrome), psychiatric problems, and drug or alcohol abuse. Thus,
the lack of adequate, uniform, national protection of patient privacy with
respect to patient records may hinder full development of computer-based
patient record systems.
The Uniform Health-Care Information Act skillfully addresses issues of
confidentiality and release of patient information.33 Only Montana, however,
has enacted this act into law.34
Right of Access to Health Records
Most states expressly allow a patient or a patient's authorized
representative to inspect and copy the patient's hospital records.35 Rights of
access to health records maintained by physicians and other individual health
care providers may not always be clear.
Before records become available, the person seeking access typically must
request such access in writing from the provider and pay reasonable clerical
costs. A few states grant patients the right to review their hospital records only
after discharge.36
Many states permit providers to refuse to grant a patient's request for
disclosure where psychiatric records are involved and where release of the
information would be detrimental to the patient's mental health or general

33 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, Uniform Laws

Annual, vol. 9, part 1 (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1988), p. 475.
34 M.C.A. 50-16-501, et seq.
35 See, e.g., Ala. Stat. 18.23.065.
36 See, e.g., Fla. Stat. Ann. 395.017(1); Ill. Ann. Stat., ch. 110, 8-2001.

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health, or where a third-party could be endangered by the release. 37 However,

in such states, a provider may be required to deliver copies of the record to the
patient's representative or attorney.
Several statutes contain special provisions concerning a patient's access to
particular portions of his or her record, such as X-rays. 38 Still other states allow
a provider to prepare a summary of the patient's record for inspection and
copying rather than allowing the patient access to the entire record.39 In the
absence of statute or regulation, some courts have recognized a provider's
common-law duty to allow a patient limited access to his or her records.40
Where patient records become part of insurers' or other databases, the
patient may not even know that the record exists and may have no way to
enforce a right of access, even if such exists. In addition, even if the patient
gains access to the record, he or she may have no legally enforceable right to
correct inaccurate information contained in it.
The Uniform Health-Care Information Act addresses access issues, as well
as issues of confidentiality and information disclosure.41 As noted earlier,
however, only Montana has adopted this legislation to date.42 Issues of access to
databases maintained by insurers, correction of data maintained on individuals
by insurance companies, and limitations on redisclosure of such information are
addressed in the Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Model Act
developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). To
date, at least 13 states have adopted some version of this model act as law.43

37 See, e.g., Fla. Stat. Ann. 395.017(1); Okla. Stat. Ann., ch. 76, 19A; Cal. Health &
Safety Code Ann. 1795.14(b); Colo. Rev. Stat. 25-1-801; Hawaii Rev. Stat. Ann.
622-57; Maine Rev. Stat. Ann. 1711; Minn. Stat. Ann. 144.335.
38 See, e.g., Cal. Health & Safety Code Ann. 1795.12(c) and (e).
39 See, e.g., Cal. Health & Safety Code Ann. 1795.20(a); Minn. Stat. Ann 144.335.
40 See, e.g., Cannell v. Medical and Surgical Clinic, 21 Ill. App. 3d 383, 315 N.E. 2d
278 (1974); Matter of Weiss, 208 Misc. 1010, 147 N.Y.S. 2d 455 (N.Y. Spec. Term.
1955); Hutchins v. Texas Rehab. Comm., 544 S.W. 2d 802 (Tex. Civ. Ct. App. 1976).
41 9 Uniform Laws Ann., Part 1 (West 1988), p. 475.
42 M.C.A. 50-16-501, et seq.
43 The NAIC model act is a good beginning but does not go far enough in protecting
individuals whose health records are disclosed to insurance companies. One Kansas
court, for example, found that transmission of health information concerning the plaintiff
to the Medical Information Bureau did not invade the plaintiff's privacy (Senogles v.
Security Benefit Life Insurance Co., 217 Kan. 438, 536 P. 2d 1358 [1975]). The Medical
Information Bureau is a nonprofit association formed to conduct a confidential exchange
of information between its more than 700 insurance company members, which pool
information on underwriting decisions and the health status of individual insureds.

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Ownership of Patient Data and of the Patient Record

Ownership of the Patient Record
It is generally accepted that a provider owns the physical patient records
created by the provider in delivering care to patients, subject to the patient's
limited interest in the information contained in the record.44 This rule
concerning ownership of the patient record is established by statute in some
states and by regulation in others (e.g., hospital licensure regulations).45 In the
absence of statutory or regulatory authority, a few courts have held that a
medical record is the property of the provider, subject to the limited property
interest of the patient in the information contained in the record. 46
Rights in Information Contained in the Record
Provider ownership of patient records does not imply that the provider has
a right to use, disclose, or withhold data in the record at will. Patients generally
have a qualified property interest in the information contained in their medical
records. However, the precise limits of this interest vary from state to state.
Importance of Admissibility of Patient Records as Evidence
A computer-based patient record system should be structured so that
patient records created and stored on the system can be admitted as evidence in
court in disputes between providers and patients or payers, in cases in which the
medical condition of the patient is at issue, and in other litigation. Because
records of many businesses are computerized, courts have developed standards
for establishing the trustworthiness of computerized records.

44 See, e.g., Position Statement, Confidentiality of Patient Health Information

(American Medical Record Association, 1985); Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, "MR 3.1," Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (Chicago:
45 See, e.g., Tenn. Code Ann. 68-11-304; Mo. Rules of Dept. of Health, 19 C.S.R.
30-20.021(D)(6) (1990).
46 See, e.g., Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital v. Reserve Life Insurance Co., 350
F.2d 1006 (8th Cir. 1965); Pyramid Life Insurance Co. v. Masonic Hospital Association
of Payne County, 191 F.Supp. 51 (W.D. Okla. 1961); Thurman v. Crawford, 652 S.W.
2d 240 (Mo. App. 1983); Hutchins v. Texas Rehab. Comm., 544 S.W. 2d 802 (Tex. Civ.
App. 1976); Morris v. Hoerster, 377 S.W. 2d 840 (Tex. Civ. App. 1964).

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Rule Against Hearsay

Definition of Hearsay
Hearsay is generally defined as a statement out of court by a declarant
offered as evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the out-of-court
statement.47 Hearsay is not admissible as evidence in court unless one of the
many exceptions to the hearsay rule applies. 48 All medical records, including
computer-based records, are hearsay.
Business Records Exception
To come within the business record exception to the rule against hearsay,
records must be kept regularly in the ordinary course of business and not be
specially prepared for trial. In addition, record entries must have been made at
or near the time the events recorded. The identity of the person making or
recording the entries must be captured in the record; in addition, the record must
have been prepared by or from information transmitted by a person with
firsthand knowledge of the event recorded who is acting in his or her ordinary
business capacity.49
A computer-based medical record made in the normal manner at the time
of delivering care should meet the requirement that a business record be kept
regularly in the ordinary course of business. Providers should ensure that the
computer records the date and time of each entry and update to a medical record
so that the time and timeliness of that entry or update can be demonstrated in
The computer should also record the identity of each person who makes an
entry or modifies a record. Ensuring the integrity of a system's record of identity
may be difficult if records are created directly on the system by health
professionalsthey could share or discover each other's computer passwords and
key codes. A system of key cards and secret passwords similar to those used on
automatic teller machines may provide greater integrity. Strict rules against
disclosing passwords and codes should be publicized to all system users and
should be strictly enforced. A provider may want to consider a system that
verifies the identity of users by voice-or thumbprint; however, the cost of such
sophisticated features may be prohibitive.

47 See, e.g., Rule 801(c), Federal Rules of Evidence, and Rule 801(c), Uniform Rules
of Evidence.
48 See, e.g., Rule 802, Federal Rules of Evidence, and Rule 802, Uniform Rules of
49 See, e.g., Rule 803(6), Federal Rules of Evidence, and Rule 803(6), Uniform Rules
of Evidence.

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When an error is corrected in a computerized record, the system should

preserve both the original entry and the correction, along with the identity of the
person making the correction. Otherwise, it may appear that a record has been
altered as part of a cover-up or that records on the system are not sufficiently
reliable to be trustworthy as evidence and, thus, are not admissible in court.
Write-once, read-many (WORM), or compact disk, read-only memory
(CD-ROM), technology may be attractive in this context because disks cannot
be altered once information is recorded. Write-protecting the portions of
computer disks on which patient information is stored can also protect the
integrity of records stored on a computerized patient record system. However,
reliable software that preserves erroneous entries and tracks the history of each
entry and correction to a record should provide adequate demonstration of the
reliability of the record to a court.
A provider should have an employee or technical consultant who can
testify concerning the reliability of the system's identification and entry-dating
process and the trustworthiness of the system as a whole, including system
security features and procedures.
Records stored on a properly designed and maintained computer-based
system should come within the business records exception to the hearsay rule if
the guidelines above are followed. Statements contained in such computerized
records will generally be admissible if made by providers or their staffs acting
in the ordinary course of business. Statements contained in such records may
also be admissible if made by the declarant ''for purposes of medical diagnosis
or treatment and describing medical history, or past or present symptoms, pain,
or sensations, or the inception or general character of the cause or external
source thereof insofar as reasonably pertinent to diagnosis or treatment."50
Best Evidence Rule
The evidentiary rules of some jurisdictions provide that, in instances in
which the contents of a writing are at issue, the original document must be
proffered unless an exception to the rule is satisfied. The Federal Rules of
Evidence state that "[i]f data are stored in a computer or similar device, any
printout or other output readable by sight, shown to reflect the data accurately,
is an 'original.'" The federal rules also provide for admissibility of duplicates to
the same extent as originals unless a genuine issue of authenticity

50 Rule 803(4), Federal Rules of Evidence. This exception to the hearsay rule is known
as the medical records exception.

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or unfairness arises.51 Some states' evidentiary rules also accept computerized

documents as originals.52
Other states permit reproductions to be admitted as evidence when such
copies are made in the regular course of business and satisfy other criteria for
trustworthiness.53 The trustworthiness of an automated system refers to the
reliability of system hardware and software, the use of proper procedures for
creating and storing records, the assurance that entries are made by adequately
trained personnel, and the prevention of unauthorized access to the records and
of tampering with the system.
Breaches of Confidentiality and Unauthorized Access
The duty of health care providers to maintain the confidentiality of patient
records and to protect them from unauthorized access arises from licensure laws
and regulations, specific statutes and regulations with respect to certain patient
records (e.g., alcohol and drug abuse patient records, psychiatric records, and
records of positive human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] antibody test results),
JCAHO standards, Medicare rules, and the common law. In addition, the
necessity of keeping records in a manner that makes them admissible as
evidence in court requires a provider to protect patient records from
unauthorized access.
The legal duties to preserve confidentiality and prevent unauthorized
access to patient records are the same with respect to both paper and computerbased records. However, keeping computer-based records confidential and free
from unauthorized access poses special challenges, and a failure to do so can
have more onerous consequences than may occur in the case of paper records.
The computer's capacity for collecting, storing, and permitting access to
large quantities of information often means that more information is collected
and stored on computer-based record systems than is collected and stored in
paper records. Because of the computer's capacity for mass storage and
copying, one breach of a system's security can result in the unauthorized
disclosure of extensive information about large numbers of patients. In addition,
the computer's capacity to provide health information on large numbers of
patients at one time makes computer-based patient


Rules 1001(3) and 1003.

See, e.g., Fla. Stat. Ann. 90.951.
53 See, e.g., Cal. Evid. Code 1270-1272.

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record systems an even more tempting target than paper records. As the medical
information included in patient records becomes more sophisticated (e.g.,
genetic information), this temptation will only increase.
Mass disclosure of patient information could result in catastrophic liability
for a provider; it could also result in licensure sanctions or statutory penalties.
Theories under which providers may be held liable for breaches of
confidentiality include both statutory and common-law theories. Common-law
theories under which providers may be held liable for breaches of
confidentiality include invasion of privacy, betrayal of professional secrets,
breach of contract, slander, and negligent or intentional infliction of emotional
distress. Statutes such as the federal statute concerning confidentiality of drug
and alcohol abuse patient records provide penalties for breaches.
Security mechanisms and procedures can provide some level of protection
to computer-based patient records against unauthorized access by users both
inside and outside a provider organization. Yet even the most sophisticated
security measures will not provide fail-safe protection of patient records,
particularly in decentralized systems. In fact, one of the biggest threats to the
security of computer-based patient records comes from the trend toward
networked systems. Security measures that are both adequate and affordable
and that do not interfere with efficient patient care currently do not exist for
such systems.
A computer-based patient record system should include a security system
that, as far as is practicable, permits only authorized users to access patient
records and permits authorized users to access only those portions of the records
that are relevant to their particular functions. The system should also ensure that
access to each record is tracked by the system and monitored as a deterrent to
unauthorized review of records. Access to sensitive records or portions of
records should be sharply limited; this kind of access should also be tracked by
the system and carefully monitored by the provider. Such records include HIVantibody test results, records of drug and alcohol abuse patients, psychiatric
records, and records of celebrity patients. With AIDS patients, the main and
more easily accessible portion of the record can include a notation to use body
fluid precautions without identifying the patient as having AIDS, hepatitis, or
some other disease transmissible by body fluids. HIV-antibody test results can
either be omitted from the automated system or stored in a restricted portion of
the record. To the extent that sensitive records are not stored on the system,
however, the advantages of a totally automated system cannot be realized.
A provider with a computer-based patient record system that uses
passwords, access codes, and key cards should have and strictly enforce policies
against disclosing or sharing such means of access. Alternatively, a provider
could use a system that identifies users biometrically through voice-prints,

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thumbprints, or other unique individual features; however, the sophisticated

technology required for this kind of system may still be prohibitively expensive
for many health care providers. In a hospital, policies against sharing
passwords, access codes, and key cards should apply to the medical staff as well
as to employees. Violation of these policies should be grounds for discipline, up
to and including termination of employment or revocation of medical staff
membership. When employment or medical staff membership ends, computer
access should terminate immediately.
Hospital medical staff members should be asked to sign confidentiality
statements acknowledging that passwords, access codes, and key cards are for
personal use only. Physicians should be held liable for any entries to a record
made by nurses or assistants using the physician's password.
To discourage password and access code sharing, an individual should be
available 24 hours a day to assist authorized users who forget their access codes
and persons with a legitimate need for one-time record access. An institution
should also develop a mechanism for overriding the computer security system
in the event of an emergency.
The use of computer networking, computer facilities owned or operated by
others, or computer sharing could result in unauthorized access to computerbased records and breaches of confidentiality. In addition, outside computer
consultants and technicians (including service personnel and vendor
representatives) who obtain access to a computer-based patient record system
conceivably could access records in an unauthorized manner or breach
confidentiality. Thus, a provider should enter into confidentiality agreements
with all outsiders who may have access to medical records and should have
appropriate hardware and software security.
To protect against mass access and extraction of information from a
computer-based patient record system, the system should include special
security measures against programs that permit mass copying of records at one
time or that have the potential to access or alter large numbers of records at one
Current computer security technology cannot provide perfect security for
computer-based patient record systems. The security mechanisms available for
decentralized systems and computer networks provide much less protection
than those available for mainframe systems. Given current technology, the need
for security generally must be balanced with the need of health care
professionals and hospital staff for easy, immediate access to patient records.
Currently feasible security measures are particularly inadequate for
networked systems and probably cannot protect providers that install computerbased record systems from substantial exposure to liability. To the extent that
providers are aware of this exposure, they may be deterred from using computerbased patient record systems.

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Computer Viruses and Other Computer Sabotage

Computer viruses and other forms of computer sabotage pose real threats
to the integrity of computer-based patient record systems. Viruses or other
forms of sabotage can result in the alteration or destruction of data or the
creation of false data on the system; they can also cause the system to slow
down or crash or otherwise make patient records inaccessible, either
temporarily or permanently.
Sabotage can be carried out by both insiders and outsiders and by both
authorized and unauthorized system users. Health care providers cannot
discount the possibility of sabotage by disgruntled employees. In fact, the
biggest threat to system integrity and patient record confidentiality comes from
employees and other insiders.
The risk of viruses or other sabotage from the outside can be substantially
reduced by eliminating all networking and electronic data sharing with outside
computers and by not using any disk from an outside source. Such isolation of a
system is generally infeasible, however, and would rule out hospital-physician
office linkages and other networking for which there may be important clinical
or research reasons. Antivirus software can aid in blocking or detecting viruses
and other sabotage.
Software vendors have been known to sabotage a system when payment
has been withheld for a system's failure to meet contractual standards.
Therefore, a system purchaser or lessor should consider insisting that vendors
indemnify the purchaser against all damage and losses resulting from keylocks,
viruses, worms, bombs, and the like inserted into software by the vendor or its
agents, and from other computer sabotage by the vendor or its agents.
Providers using computer-based record systems have a legal obligation to
take security measures that are reasonable, at least by current standards.
Currently available security technology for networked patient record systems is
insufficient to give providers total assurance that the confidentiality of their
records will not be breached or that the integrity of patient records on the
system cannot be destroyed. One catastrophic incident involving a computerbased patient record system could set the legal status of computer-based record
systems back decades. Therefore, development of improved security technology
is of utmost importance.
Potential for Inaccessibility
Medicare, the JCAHO, and most state hospital licensure laws require that
medical records for current hospital patients be readily accessible and stored in
a way that permits prompt retrieval of information. Keeping computer-based
patient records available means minimizing system downtime and having
adequate backup mechanisms.

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In addition to its potential for hindering patient care, which may result in
negligence liability, excessive patient record system downtime may also create
regulatory violations or JCAHO accreditation deficiencies. The following
precautions can help protect against inaccessibility of computer-based patient


properly maintaining hardware and thoroughly debugging and

maintaining system software;
ascertaining other users' experience with system downtime and their
ability to bring a system back up quickly prior to contracting for purchase
or lease of a system;
including performance standards in any lease or contract with a vendor, as
well as guarantees of reliability and of ongoing maintenance support;
taking adequate precautions against sabotage of the system; and
having adequate backup and emergency capability.
Questions of Durability

Medical records must be durable for a number of reasons: to meet state

licensure requirements, to comply with Medicare rules, to preserve a record of
patient encounters for use as evidence in malpractice and other lawsuits, to
permit future treatment of the patient or future notification to patients who have
received treatment that creates health risks for them or their descendants, and, in
some cases, to support research. Some states require hospitals to retain medical
records for 25 years.54 A researcher or research institution may need to preserve
medical records for as long as 75 years.
Changes in technology that cause patient record systems to become
obsolete before the need for records stored on the systems has ended can mean
that old and new systems do not interface. Another potential risk is that
unproven new technology may lack durability. For example, the long-term
durability of optical disks has not yet been proven.
Copying patient records from an old system to a new system raises special
concerns. Reliable evidence of the chain of copying must be preserved so that
the copied records can be admitted as evidence in court. The provider must also
ensure that copied records comply with a state's hospital and other institutional
licensure requirements as to the media in which patient records can be retained.

54 Conn. Public Health Code 19-13-D3(e)(6); Nev. Operational Rules and

Regulations for Health Facilities 449.379-2 (1988); Lic. Rules for General Hospitals in
N. Dakota 33-07-01-16.3 (1990).

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Accuracy Issues
Errors in computer-based patient records can result from faulty software or
equipment or from human error. A patient record system should be free from
significant errors in computer hardware and software. Laboratory equipment
and other machines providing input to a computer-based patient record system
should also be free from such errors.
Mechanisms for minimizing human error, such as reviews of input for
accuracy, are also advisable. When corrections are made, they should be logged
on the system as suggested in the previous section concerning evidentiary
issues. If clinical observations are recorded using bar coding or other
programmed codes, there should be a mechanism in place for visual
confirmation or other verification of the codes entered into the computer.
Selected Legal Issues in Computer Contracting
Leases and acquisitions of computers may involve some or all of the
following: hardware, operating, and application software licenses; installation,
testing, and implementation services; and postinstallation maintenance and
support services for both operating and application software and equipment.
Use of multiple agreements to address these interrelated components of
computer system acquisitions creates the risk of conflict among the agreements
and may confuse even more the issues of what law applies to these agreements.
Unless multiple agreements cannot be avoided (e.g., different vendors for the
hardware/operating software and application software), a single agreement is
Because of the hybrid nature of contracts for computer systems, it is not
always clear what law governs issues of contract interpretation, the rights of the
parties, procedures for resolving disputes, and so forth. If a court characterizes a
transaction as a sale of goods, the Uniform Commercial Code will apply.
However, computer system acquisitions involve both goods and services and
often involve licenses rather than sales of software (to which the Uniform
Commercial Code may or may not apply).
An inaccurate product definition in a contract for a computer-based patient
record system or a product definition that is not sufficiently detailed can result
in delivery of a system that does not function properly as a patient record
system or in a contract that does not require the vendor to deliver a system that
has certain important features or the capability to perform crucial patient record
It is common for system vendors to "puff" the capabilities of their products
in their marketing materials and in their proposals to health care providers or to
promise software or features that are still on the vendor's drawing board.
Although some contracting strategies help to minimize

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puffery and vaporware, no currently available mechanism provides complete

protection against such practices.
In addition, software licenses may present problems. If a software license
is not sufficiently broad in scope or duration, a provider can find itself paying
unexpected additional license fees to maintain its system. An insufficiently
broad license could also leave a provider without rights to use software that is
crucial to the functioning of its patient record system.
Access to the source code for software is essential to a health care
provider's ability to support and maintain patient record application software.
Therefore, the provider should attempt to obtain a copy of the source code,
either as part of the initial license grant or in the event that the vendor breaches
its support obligations or decides to discontinue supporting the software.
Bankruptcy, particularly among small vendors, may make it more difficult, or
even impossible, to obtain the source code from a software escrow or in the
event the vendor discontinues its software support.
If software licensed or sold in connection with a patient record system
infringes the intellectual property rights of another, the consequences to the
provider that acquires the system can be severeboth in terms of liability and
loss of the right to use the software. Therefore, vendors should be required to
warrant that they own the software being licensed or have the right to
sublicense it. In addition, the vendor should agree to indemnify the provider and
hold it harmless against claims by third parties asserting that the software or the
provider's use of the software, or both, infringes on their proprietary rights.
Of course, none of the legal remedies available to a health care provider
for a patient record system vendor's breach of contract is as desirable as the
vendor's performance of the acquisition agreement. Therefore, it is important to
structure payment schedules and conditions to payment in such a way as to give
the vendor incentives to perform the agreement.
The vendor should be required to warrant that the record system will meet
key performance standards, such as system response time, capacity, and batchprocessing capabilities. The use of such software mechanisms as viruses and
keylocks to enforce a purchaser's obligation to pay for software is becoming
increasingly common, particularly among smaller vendors. Because the law in
this area is still unclear, the provider should insist on a warranty in the
acquisition agreement that the software does not and will never contain such
mechanisms. The provider should also obtain indemnification for resulting
losses and damage if such mechanisms are ever used in the acquired software.
Contractual limitations on the vendor's liability should be avoided because they
may leave a provider without recourse to the vendor when a patient record
system fails to function or malfunctions. Such limitations on liability include
limitation on the dollar amount of damages, exclusion of liability for
consequential damages, limitation of

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liability for a provider's use of a system, and limitation of remedies to special

remedies (e.g., termination and refund rights).
For health care providers who use shared computing services for a patient
record system, patient record confidentiality is of special concern because the
computing service receives copies of (and possibly maintains the originals of)
the provider's patient records. The contract should require the computing
services vendor to maintain strict confidentiality and to give the provider all
necessary access to patient records (including but not limited to returning the
data in usable form to the provider when the relationship ends). In addition, the
contract should require the vendor to cooperate with the provider to prevent
discovery of data by third-party litigants when disclosure is not legally required.
Adoption of Uniform National Licensure Standards and
Health Information Laws
Uniform national standards should be developed for patient records
maintained by health care institutions. Such requirements could be enacted at
the federal or state level; however, given that regulation of health care providers
falls within classic state police powers, development of uniform state licensure
standards for patient records would be preferable to enactment of federal
requirements. The chief disadvantage of achieving national uniformity through
uniform state laws is that enacting such laws may be a lengthy process or may
never actually occur. In addition, state legislatures may adopt amendments to
the uniform act before enacting it as legislation. Nevertheless, the success of
other uniform state legislation (e.g., the Uniform Commercial Code) suggests
that such legislation could be developed and enacted by all 50 states. If enacted,
these uniform state licensure standards for medical records should be applicable
to all institutional health care providers that are required to maintain patient
The problems arising from obsolete and ambiguous state licensure
standards for medical records could be resolved by the development and
enactment of uniform state licensure standards expressly applicable to computerbased records and record systems. These standards should be clearly stated with
respect to automated creation, authentication, storage, and retention of patient
records, but should not be so detailed as to inhibit future improvements in
In order to protect the confidentiality of health records and to provide
patients rights of access to their health records and the right to include
corrections to information in health records, all states should adopt uniform

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health care information legislation such as the Uniform Health-Care

Information Act. Adoption of such legislation should make patients more
willing to disclose sensitive information related to their health status and to
have that information recorded in their health records.
If such uniform legislation were in place, health care providers presumably
would have less concern about unauthorized disclosure and misuse of sensitive
patient information and should, therefore, be less hesitant to record sensitive
patient information in a computer-based patient record. If legislation were
passed obligating third parties to whom patient information is disclosed to
protect the confidentiality of such information, abuse of patient information and
invasions of patient privacy should decrease. In addition, if health care
information laws were uniform across all states, the applicable law would be
clear and uniform, regardless of whether patient data were stored in the same
state in which patients were located.
Adoption by all states of uniform health care information legislation such
as the Uniform Health-Care Information Act would provide predictable access
by patients to their health records and would ensure their being able to correct
(or at least protest) inaccuracies contained in such records.
Overcoming Special Legal Risks Related to Computer-based
Patient Records
Most of the special legal risks connected with computer-based patient
records that are enumerated in this paper can best be reduced by development of
new and better computer technology, including software specifically designed
to reduce these risks. The greatest legal risk from computer-based patient record
keeping comes from unauthorized access to record systems and from computer
viruses and other sabotage, particularly in cases in which computer networks
are used and there is telephone access to the patient information system.
Research efforts should be directed toward developing affordable computer
security technology that can adequately protect patient records without severely
reducing system user friendliness.
The following would also help to reduce the potential legal risks associated
with computer-based systems:

Technological advances that make computer-based record systems

more reliable and development of enhanced backup capabilities would
decrease the legal risks, as well as the risks to patients, that arise when
computer-based records become inaccessible.
Development of new storage media or technology that increases and
ensures the long-term durability of records stored on optical disks and
other currently available media would decrease the risks arising from
the uncertain or inadequate durability of current computer-based
patient records.

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More reliable equipment and software for computer-based patient

record systems and better mechanisms for checking and correcting
human input errors would help to reduce the risks that arise from
inaccurate computer-based patient records.

The promise offered by fully computer-based patient records for

improving the quality of patient care and advancing medical knowledge through
research is enormous. Therefore, concerted efforts should be made to overcome
legal and technological barriers that stand in the way of full development of
computer-based records and record systems.
In the future, with increasing use and development of artificial intelligence
systems, computer-based patient records may be expected to become
interactive, providing diagnostic assistance and even treatment
recommendations. An interactive patient record promises improved quality of
care, but the interaction of such ''smart" systems with computer-based patient
records will also raise a host of legal and policy issues that are beyond the scope
of this paper. Among them will be allocation of responsibility (and liability) for
errors in the artificial intelligence system, whether caused by faulty hardware,
faulty software, or error in the system's medical rules. The more advanced such
systems become, the more questions they will generate about the practice of
medicine and whether nonphysicians can use these systems to diagnose and
treat patients without physician involvement. In addition, systems that can
diagnose or treat patients without intervening professional involvement may be
classified and regulated as medical devices under food and drug laws. Finally,
these "smart" systems can be expected to lead to a redefinition of the
physician's role, as they begin to perform functions that formerly only a
physician could perform.

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Academic research, 8, 112, 114, 150, 159
Access issues, 62, 67, 74, 80, 81-83, 136,
179, 181
computer technology and, 4, 68, 101
insurers, 80, 209, 210
knowledge resources, 7
legal right to, 14, 83, 209-210, 214-216,

patient records, 6-7, 63
software source code, 220
system redundancy, fault tolerance, 118,

system response, 83, 106, 120, 126,
145-146, 220
see also Confidentiality
Accreditation, 65, 75, 77, 110, 149, 160,
168-169, 208, 214, 217, 218
Accredited Standards Committee, 13
Accuracy issues, 95, 110, 127, 207, 219
see also Errors and error analysis
Acute disorders and care, 66, 123-124, 131
Administrative functions, 46, 47, 51, 65, 89,
93, 95, 121, 181, 195
access to, 7, 21-22
billing, 64, 78, 106, 120
costs, 46, 51, 68, 98, 193
standards, 13

Advocacy, patients, 153-154

Agency for Health Care Policy and
Research, 9, 66-67, 155, 164, 166 ,
167, 175, 184, 185
AIDS, 215
Ambulatory care records, see Outpatient
American College of Radiologists, 13, 108
American Health Information Management
Association, 14
American Medical Society, 67, 206
American Society for Testing and Materials,
13, 108
Arden syntax, 14, 125
Artificial intelligence, 201, 223
see also Knowledge-based systems
toward diffusion of innovations, 142,
143-144, 145, 152
public, 153, 195
systems vendors, 135-137
Bibliographic databases, 47, 69, 74, 92-93,
95, 119, 124, 181
Billing, 64, 78, 106, 120
Browser software, 4-5

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Case studies
hospital information systems, 119-120
maternal and child health care, 173-175
Centers for Disease Control, 155-156, 185
Change agents, 151-161, 163, 166,
168-169, 183, 184
Chart Checker, 123-124
Chronic diseases, general, 46, 64, 66
Clinical practice guidelines, 2, 9, 51, 67, 98,
164, 181, 190
Clinical processes and systems, 47, 48, 56,
66-67, 85, 100-101, 121-126
decision support/problem solving, 7, 51,
53, 55, 61-62, 63-64, 68-69, 74, 81,
84, 90-93, 95, 105, 112, 117,
124-125, 136, 149, 181, 223
department-level information systems,
112, 113, 136
historical perspectives, 111-113
knowledge-based system, 74, 88, 92, 95,
105, 110, 119, 124-125, 181
laboratory tests, 64, 116, 123
linkages, 6, 88
Classification, see Standards: data exchange
and vocabulary
Coding standards for data elements, 13-14,
25, 39
Common Object Request Broker Architecture, 31
Composite Health Care System, 121
Computer-based Patient Record Institute,
10, 14, 50, 167, 168, 177 , 182,
183-185, 187, 188, 189, 191-195
Davies CPR Recognition Program, 8, 16
Computer-Stored Ambulatory System
Record Systems (COSTAR), 112,

Computers at Risk: Safe Computing in the
Information Age, 189
Confidentiality, 46, 47, 48, 67, 82, 80,
86-87, 95, 147-148, 153, 169, 181,
188, 192, 200, 207, 208-209,
214-216, 221-222
contract provisions, 221
design for, 14-15, 40, 139
European systems, 37-38
future systems, 94
individual practitioners' patient records,
57, 67
insurer access and, 80, 209, 210
Internet and, 4

pharmacy records, 57
privacy defined, 67
secondary databases, 110
standards, 13, 40, 131, 188
state law, 147-148, 208-209
technological aspects, 110, 126, 127-129
Communications infrastructure, 7-8
see also Networks;
Connectivity, see Linkage and integration
Content issues, 59, 60-61, 80
definition of, 163, 183
outpatient records, 63
standards, 63, 140, 187
tables of, in computerized records, 82
Contracts, 200-201, 219-221
Coordination, see Organizational factors
Coordination and Continuity in Health Care
(CoCo) project, 32, 33-34
COSTAR, 112, 115-117
Cost factors, 46, 49, 53, 58, 66, 68, 89, 93,
153, 154, 158, 161, 169-170, 178,
179, 181, 182, 186, 189-190
administrative, 46, 51, 68, 98, 193
clerical, 123, 141
computing technology, 7, 15-16, 69-70,
105-106, 112, 126, 127, 136 , 137,
141, 146
containment issues, 1-2, 15-16, 26, 35
data entry, 7, 84, 89, 126
demonstration projects, 157
design and development aspects, 15, 139,
140-142, 164
diffusion of technology, 145-146
hospital systems, 53, 63, 64, 137, 141
insurers, 65-66, 145, 154, 194
malpractice insurance, 124
maternal and child health care program, 156
medical information systems, 141, 146
per patient, 53, 145
secondary databases, 50, 110, 177, 193
sharing, 50, 51, 165-168, 177, 183,
193-194, 196
standards, 146
technological innovations, general, 69-70,
105-106, 112, 126, 127, 136, 137,
141, 146
voice recognition, 127
Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of
the American Medical Association , 206
Court cases, see Litigation

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Database management systems, 101,
103-104, 179
specific, 111-125
Databases, 50, 101-103, 148, 150, 179
AMA guidelines, 206
bibliographic, 47, 69, 74, 92-93, 95, 119,
124, 181
federal role, 67
linkage of, 49, 69, 88, 89, 95, 105,
106-107, 110-111, 124;
see also Networks
prescription drug, 36-37
problem-oriented medical record, 91
query languages, 106, 117
secondary, 49, 50, 55-56, 69, 74, 95,
77-78, 98, 110-111, 124, 161 , 163,
177, 179, 181, 182, 183, 191-193
specific, 111-125
see also Knowledge-based systems
Data entry, 117-118, 122, 125-126, 136,
137, 186
approaches, 29-32
cost factors, 84, 89, 126
errors, 84, 89, 105
physician orders, 2, 7, 25, 29-32, 126,
145, 168, 186
transcription, 25
voice recognition, 29, 106, 126-127, 131,
179, 186
Data quality, 84-86
Data retrieval, 47, 48, 53, 105-106, 111,
179, 181
Data storage, general, 81-90, 111
Decentralized Hospital Computer Program,

Decision support and problem solving, 51,
53, 55, 61-62, 63-64, 68 -69, 74, 81,
84, 90-93, 95, 105, 112, 117,
124-125, 136, 149, 181, 223
alerts, 8
knowledge-based systems, 12, 14, 74, 88,
92, 95, 105, 110, 119, 124 -125, 181
status in U.S., 8, 12, 14
Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA), 150
Definitional issues, 55-56, 90, 95, 163, 183
change agents versus stakeholders, 151, 184
computer-based patient record, 9, 10-11,
13, 55, 95, 135-136, 139
contract law, 219

data integrity, 86-87

development versus diffusion, 138
health care needs, 74-79
hearsay, evidence, 212
patient records, 55, 95, 135-136, 139
privacy, 67
users, 75
Demographic factors, 46, 64, 66, 70, 116,
173-174, 195
see also Epidemiology
Demonstration projects, 49, 50, 67, 157,
160, 161, 163, 168, 182, 183, 185, 186
Department-level information systems, hospitals, 112, 113, 136
Department of Defense, 10, 121, 129-130,
141, 150, 157, 165, 166, 175
Department of Energy, 150
Department of Health and Human Services,
155, 164, 167, 185
see also specific subordinate agencies
Department of Veterans Affairs, 8, 120-121,
129-130, 141, 157-158, 165, 166, 175
Design and development, 49, 51, 67, 100,
138-142, 151-169, 182, 185
barriers to, 23, 40
costs, 139, 140-142, 164
defined, 138
modular, 116, 120-121, 124-125
problem-oriented medical record, 91
status, in U.S., 6-8, 12, 40
for system phasing, 93
user interfaces, 12
Diabcards, 34
Dictionaries, see Vocabulary control
Diffusion, innovations, 23-25, 45, 48-49,
69, 139, 142-151, 169, 182
attitudes, 142, 143-144, 145, 152
costs, 145-146
defined, 138
insurers, 143, 145, 146, 154-155
see also Education and training;
Professional education
DIOGENE, 122, 127
Drugs, see Pharmacies and pharmaceuticals
Early Clinical Information System, 120
Economic issues
physician incentives, data entry, 126, 145,
168, 186

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


productivity, 46, 68, 94, 154, 193

see also Cost factors;
Financial factors;
Education and training, 49, 51, 67
change agents and stakeholders, 163, 183
diffusion of innovations, general, 142,
143-145, 146, 161
patient, 75, 83
users, general, 49, 83, 143-145
see also Professional education
Efficiency/effectiveness, 53, 58, 66, 67,
89-90, 95, 127, 161, 163 , 167, 179
system response time, 83, 106, 120, 126,
145-146, 220
Electrocardiogram interpretation system, 27
Electronic Data Interchange for Finance,
Administration, Commerce,
and Trade (EDIFACT), 31, 33
Electronic mail, 33, 47, 119, 150, 189
Emergency care, see Acute disorders and care
Employers and employment, 66, 154-155
Encounter-oriented medical records, 115
Epidemiology, 88, 127
national, 66, 155, 174
risk factors, 66, 84, 93
Errors and error analysis, 219
data entry, 84, 89, 105
on-line, 90, 105
voice recognition, 127
see also Accuracy issues
European CPR
in hospitals, 26-32
in primary care, 23-26
privacy and confidentiality, 37-38
security, 39
for shared care, 32-34, 38
standardization, 38-39
status, general, 21-23
treatment protocols integrated with, 36-37
uses of data, 34-35
Evaluation, 75, 182
computer applications costs, 141
data validity tags, 87
of patient care, defined, 56
peer review, 65, 157
reliability of records, 59, 81, 109-110
see also Efficiency/effectiveness
Event-oriented medical records, 117
Exmouth Project, 122-123
Expert systems, see Knowledge-based systems

Federal government, 50, 65, 66-67,
120-121, 155-158, 161, 164-168,
173-175, 184-185
Computer-based Patient Record Institute,
8, 10, 14, 50, 167, 168, 177, 182,
183-185, 187, 188, 189, 191-195
cooperation with public sector, 131,
165-168, 182, 184, 185
funding, 50, 155, 164-168, 184-185
interagency coordination, general, 175,
184, 185
national information system, 9-10, 50,
95-98, 166-168, 169, 173, 174, 177,
182-185, 189
organizational role, general, 66-67, 175,
184, 185
research, 67, 155, 164-165, 174, 175
standards, 66, 67, 129-131, 155, 161
see also Laws, specific federal
Federal Networking Council, 150, 189
Federal Privacy Act, 208
Financial factors, 46, 49, 51, 65, 82, 98,

federal role, 65, 66-67
see also Billing;
Cost factors;
Insurance and insurers, health
Flexibility, 87, 113, 137, 179, 181
Flow sheets, 61
Food and Drug Administration, 148-149,
185, 189
Format issues, records, 59, 61-62, 80,
90-91, 115
European, 38-39
outpatient records, 63
problem-oriented, 61-62, 90-91, 93, 115,
117, 124
standards, 12-14, 23, 38-39, 63, 140, 186,

tables of contents/indexes, 82
Foundations, 161, 163, 185, 189
Framework Programs on Research and
Development of the European Union ,
21, 23
France, 29, 36
Funding, 49, 50, 143, 155, 161, 165, 174,
177, 179, 182, 184-185
federal, 50, 155, 164-168, 184-185
hospital systems, 141
standards development, 129

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


General Accounting Office, 52-53, 141,

General practitioners, 23-26, 33
Germany, 34
Government role, see Federal government;
State governments;
and specific departments and agencies
Graphics, 32, 47, 93, 95, 104, 105-106,
150, 179
picture archiving and communication system, 27
windowing, 117, 137
see also Images and image processing
Group practices, 114-115

multi-institution, 68, 88, 120-121, 141,

157, 165
THERESA, 112, 117-118, 127
Human-computer interface, see Users
Hypertext markup language (HTML), 5
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), 5
Images and image processing, 13, 31, 39,
64, 68, 104, 106, 107, 114 -115, 150,
179, 189
see also Graphics
Indexes, 82
Information Security Foundation, 189
Insurance and insurers, health, 47, 50,
65-66, 75, 77, 78, 158, 169 -170, 177,


Harvard Community Health Plan, 112,

Harvard Medical School, 119
Health Care Financing Administration, 65,
129-130, 131, 156-157, 164-165,
166, 175, 185, 207
Health care system, structure of, 1-5, 22, 26,
142-143, 179
Health Evaluation through Logical Processing (HELP), 112, 118-119, 125, 127
Health maintenance organizations, 115-117
Health Plan Employer Data and Information
Set (HEDIS), 3
Health Resources and Services Administration, 156, 173-174, 175, 185
Hearsay, evidence, 212-214
High-Performance Computing Act, 150
High-Performance Computing and Communications contracts, 9
Historical perspectives, 48, 52, 56-57,

committee study, 53-55
COSTAR, 112, 115-117
hospital systems, 111, 141
networks, 150
THERESA, 112, 117-118
HL 51 standards, 108
Hospital systems, 82, 89, 111, 117-121, 136
costs, 53, 63, 64, 137, 141
defined, 56
department-level information systems,
112, 113, 136
European, 26-32
historical perspectives, 111, 141
licensure laws, 147, 201-205, 217

confidentiality and access by, 80, 209, 210

contract provisions, 221
cost factors, 65-66, 145, 154, 194
diffusion of innovation and, 143, 145,
146, 154-155
electronic claims submission, 89
employer provided, 154-155
health maintenance organizations, 115-117
physician incentives, data entry, 145, 168
smart cards, 34
see also Medicaid;
Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Model Act, 210
Insurance, malpractice, 124
Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers, 13, 187
Institute of Medicine, 45, 53-54, 59, 67,
135, 158, 176, 195
Integrated Academic Information Management System, 160
Integrated delivery system (IDS), 3, 4, 6,

Integrated Services Digital Network, 109
Intellectual property, 220
Intelligence, 49, 80, 81
artificial intelligence, 201, 223
see also Knowledge-based systems
Intermountain Health Care Corporation, 118
International Classification for Primary
Care, 25
International programs and activities, 21-40,
122-123, 139, 187-188
Internet, 4, 12, 150
see also World Wide Web
Intranet, 5

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, 65, 160,
165, 208, 214, 217, 218
Knowledge-based systems, 28, 31-32, 74,
88, 92, 95, 105, 110, 119, 124-125, 181
Knowledge resources, access to, 7
Laboratory tests, 64, 116, 123
Laws, specific federal
Federal Privacy Act, 208
High-Performance Computing Act, 150
Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996, 13, 14
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act,
66-67, 157
Social Security Act, 173, 174
Uniform Health-Care Information Act,
192, 210, 222
Leadership issues, 8, 14, 16-17
Legacy systems, 27, 31
Legal issues, 49, 142, 147-149, 161, 182,
183, 192-193, 200-223
contracts, 200-201, 219-221
evidentiary, 211-214
licensure laws, 147, 192, 200, 201-206,
220, 221-222
information access, right to, 83, 209-210,
214-216, 217-218;
see also Confidentiality
intellectual property, 14, 220
malpractice, 124, 144
ownership of data, 14, 147, 192, 211, 220
systems defect liability, 149, 200
vendors, 149, 200-201, 202, 219-221
viruses, computer, 217, 222
see also Laws, specific federal;
Legislation, 90
model, 50, 192-193, 210, 221-222
see also Laws, specific federal
Licensure laws, 147, 192, 200, 201-206, 220
national, 221-222
Linkage and integration, 47, 62, 80, 87-89,
95, 181

confidentiality and, 147

of databases, 49, 69, 88, 89, 95, 105,
106-107, 110-111, 124, 179, 181;
see also Secondary databases
development and diffusion resources, 49, 51
financial-care information, 65
14C project, 28-29, 30-31
multi-site care, 32-34, 68, 88, 120-121
platforms, European, 27-28
unique health identifiers, 13
see also Internet;
Organizational factors
Litigation, 65, 79
contracts, 219
evidentiary issues, 211-214
systems defect liability, 149, 200
Lockheed Corporation, 120
Longitudinal approaches, 66
institutional planning, 65
patient records, 37, 47, 48, 61, 66, 68, 174
Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award Program,

Malpractice, 124, 144
Managed care, 2, 7, 26
Management of care, general, 65, 78, 93, 94;
see also Administrative functions
Maternal and child health care program,
156, 173-175
Medicaid, 157, 174, 206
Medical information systems, 111
access to, 7
costs, 141, 146
defined, 56
Medical Logic Modules, 124-125
The Medical Record (TMR), 114-115
Medicare, 156-157, 158, 165
peer review, 65, 157
regulations, 206-208, 214, 217
Medix, standards, 108
MEDLINE, 124, 155
Modular design, 116, 120-121, 124-125
Multimedia records, 11

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


change agents and stakeholders, 151-161,

163, 166, 168-169, 179, 183, 184
Computer-based Patient Record Institute,
50, 167, 168, 177, 182, 183-185, 187,
188, 189, 191-195
cost sharing, 50, 51, 165-168, 177, 183,
193-194, 196
federal interagency coordination, 175,
184, 185
federal role, general, 66-67, 175, 184, 185
health care system, general structure, 1-5,
22, 26, 40, 142-143, 179
institutional planning, 65, 136
medical record practices, physicians, 59,
61, 63
private/public cooperation, 131, 165-168,
182, 184, 185
professional associations, 50, 65, 67, 143,
153, 160, 165, 168, 179-181, 194,
206, 208, 210, 214, 217, 218
standard-setting organization, 170
technological innovation, 138, 151-161,

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 150
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 210
National Committee for Quality Assurance, 3
National Committee on Vital and Health
Statistics, 14
National Conference of Commissioners on
Uniform State Laws, 148
National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 108
National Institute of Standards and Testing,

National Institutes of Health, 53, 155
National Library of Medicine, 9, 13, 124,
155, 160, 166
National Research and Education Network,
150-151, 189
National Research Council, 54
National Science Foundation, 150
Natural language processing, 29-31
Netherlands, The, 23-24, 26, 29, 36, 37
Networks, 5, 49, 51, 68, 95, 109, 150, 186,

design for, 139
diffusion of innovations, 142, 149-151
electronic mail, 47, 119, 150, 189
European, 22-23, 26-27, 32
national information systems, 9, 50,
95-98, 150-151, 163, 166-168, 169,
173, 174, 177, 182-185, 189
security, 4, 88, 96, 148, 216
for shared care, 32-34, 38
standards, data exchange and vocabulary,
5, 9, 12-14, 27, 39, 48, 50, 51, 85-86,
96, 106, 107-109, 116, 126, 127,
129-131, 140, 149-151, 155, 163,
168, 169, 174, 175, 177, 179, 181,
183, 186-188, 191-192, 196
Nurses, chart writing, time spent, 63
Office of Technology Assessment, 141
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, 66-67,

ORCA, 28
Organizational factors, 49-50, 51, 52,
162-168, 176, 179-180, 182-183
accreditation, 65, 75, 77, 110, 149, 160,
168-169, 208, 214, 217, 218

see also Administrative functions;
Format issues, records;
Linkage and integration;
Management of care, general
Outcomes reporting requirements, 3
Outpatient records, 63, 112, 141
COSTAR, 112, 115-117
summary time-oriented record, 62
Ownership issues, 147, 192, 211, 220
PaperChase, 119
Paper records, 57-63, 81, 84, 90, 178
Patient record, general, 56-57
defined, 55, 95, 135-136, 139
paper, 57-63, 81, 84, 90, 178
patient-derived information, 11
transcription, 25
users and uses, 29, 34-35, 75-78
Patients, general, 153-154
access to information, legal right, 83,
209-210, 214-216, 217-218
cost per, 53, 145
as data users, 65, 83
education, 75, 83
see also Confidentiality
Peer review, 65, 157
personal computers, 123, 124

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Personal identification numbers, 148

Pharmacies and pharmaceuticals, 13, 25, 26,
34, 36, 39, 57, 64, 157
Physician Payment Review Commission, 158
Physicians, 47, 64, 87, 114-115
confidentiality, 57, 67
critiquing systems, 34, 35
diffusion of innovations, 23-25, 26, 144
group practices, 114-115
managers, relationship, 93
medical record practices, 59, 61, 63
order entry, 7, 25, 29-32, 126, 145, 168,

personal computer system, England, 123
time factors, 63, 83
Physicians' Desk Reference, 119
Policy development, 77, 79, 82
politics, 46, 48-49, 195
public opinion, 153, 195
Population-based care, 26
Population dynamics, see Demographic factors
Poverty, 156
maternal and child health care, 156,

Medicaid, 157, 174, 206
Primary care, CPR in, 2, 23-26
Primary patient record, general, 77, 78
defined, 55
Privacy, see Confidentiality
Private sector, 50, 79, 129, 165-166, 168,

cooperation with public sector, 50, 131
165-168, 177, 182, 184, 185
employers, 154-155
foundations, 161, 163, 185, 189
information system vendors, 100,
135-137, 149, 160-161, 162, 169,
185, 200-201, 202, 219-221
see also Insurance and insurers, health;
Professional associations and societies
Problem-knowledge coupler, 124
Problem-oriented medical record (POMR),
61-62, 90-91, 93, 115, 117 , 124
Problem solving, see Decision support and
problem solving
health professionals, 46, 68, 94, 193
insurers and, 154
Professional associations and societies, 50,
65, 143, 153, 168, 179 -181, 194, 210
AMA, 67, 206
JCAHO, 65, 160, 165, 208, 214, 217, 218

Professional education, 50, 68-69, 75, 77,

79, 92-93, 159-160, 168 , 169, 177,
182, 183, 194-195
academic research, 112, 114, 150, 159
diffusion of innovations, 142, 143-145,
146, 161
European, 25
physicians, 25, 83
teaching hospitals, 82
Professionals, general, 50, 51, 76, 152-153,
168, 178, 180-181
licensure laws, 206
productivity, 46, 68, 94, 193
see also Nurses;
Projections, 56, 94-98, 181
digital switching, 109
imaging, 107
text processing systems, 106
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission, 158
Protocols, treatment, integration of, 34, 36-37
Prototypes, see Demonstration projects
Public Health Service, 66, 175, 185
Public opinion, 153, 195
Quality control, 75, 77, 84-86, 186, 190-191
accreditation, 65, 75, 77, 110, 149, 160,
168-169, 208, 214, 217, 218
of care, 3, 7, 17, 34, 35, 46, 51, 64, 68,
93, 94, 123, 145, 153, 154, 158, 178,
181, 190-190
of data, 84-86, 90
on-line, 90, 105
see also Accreditation;
Errors and error analysis;
Query languages, 106, 117
Read Clinical Classification, 13, 108
Real time, 111, 157
Recommendations, IOM, general, 50-51,

Redundancy, fault tolerance, 118, 119
Registered Record Administrators (RRAs),

Regulations, 50, 79, 90, 147-149, 177,
192-193, 204-205
clinical reporting requirements, 3

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


Medicare, 206-208, 214, 217

see also Licensure laws;
Reliability, 59, 81, 95, 109-110, 179, 218
design for, 139
see also Accuracy issues
Research, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 68, 75, 77, 79,
110, 169, 182, 185-186, 190, 222
academic, 112, 114, 150, 159
demonstration projects, 49, 50, 67, 157,
160, 161, 163, 168, 182, 183, 185, 186
epidemiology, 66, 88, 84, 93, 127, 155, 174
federal role, 67, 155, 164-165, 174, 175
health services, support of, 45, 46, 94
problem-oriented medical record, 91
uniform record systems, 86
see also Design and development
Risk factors, 66, 84, 93
Secondary databases, 49, 50, 69, 74, 77-78,
95, 98, 110-111, 124, 161, 163, 177,
179, 181, 182, 183, 191-193
costs, 50, 110, 177, 193
defined, 55-56
Security, data, 86-87, 109-110, 126,
127-129, 147-148, 179, 214-217
design for, 14-15, 139
networks, 4, 88, 96, 148, 216
standards, 48, 50, 51, 96, 131, 163, 168,
177, 183, 186, 188-189, 191-192, 196
see also Confidentiality
Shared care environments, 32-34, 38
Smart cards, 32, 34, 39, 122-123
Social factors, 147-149, 156, 174
politics, 46, 48-49, 153, 195
public opinion, 153, 195
Social Security Act, 173, 174
Speech-recognition, see Voice recognition
Stakeholders, 151-161, 166, 179, 183
Standard Guide for Nosologic Standards
and Guides for Construction of New
Biomedical Nomenclature, 108
Standards, 49, 50, 51, 110, 131-132, 160,
161, 163, 177, 180-181, 186-192,

accreditation, 65, 75, 77, 110, 149, 160,
208, 214, 217, 218
clinical practice guidelines, 51, 67, 98,
164, 181, 190
confidentiality, 131, 188
content, general, 63, 84-86, 140, 186, 187

cost factors, 146

database queries, 106, 117
data exchange and vocabulary, 12-14, 31,
34, 38, 48, 50, 51, 85-86, 96, 106,
107-109, 116, 126, 127, 129-131,
140, 149-151, 155, 163, 168, 169,
174, 175, 177, 179, 181, 183,
186-188, 191-192, 196
federal role, 66, 67, 129-131, 155, 161
format, general, 38-39, 63, 84-86, 87, 191
international, 27, 38-39, 123, 187-188
outpatient records, 63
security, 48, 50, 51, 96, 131, 163, 168,
177, 183, 186, 188-189, 191-192, 196
state-level, general, 204
see also Licensure laws
State governments, 50, 157, 159, 161, 169,
174-175, 177, 192, 200-223
confidentiality laws, 147-148, 208-209
demonstration projects, 157, 168
licensure laws, 147, 192, 200, 201-206,
217, 221-222
model legislation, 50, 192-193, 210,

standards, 204
Statistical analysis, 93, 95, 118
Summary time-oriented record, 62
Surgery, 121
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine, 108
Task-oriented medical records, 115, 117
Technicon, 120
Technological innovations, 46, 48, 68, 74,
81, 94, 100-132, 135-137, 138
advances, 3-6
barriers, general, 10-17, 126-131
computer processing power, 3
confidentiality and, 110, 126, 127-129
costs, 69-70, 105-106, 112, 126, 127,
136, 137, 141, 146
see also Design and development;
Diffusion, innovations;
Telecommunications, 109
electronic mail, 47, 119, 150, 189
European, 22
reliability, 95
workstation linkages, 88
see also Networks
Text processing, 106-107, 108, 126, 127,
131, 179

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The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, Revised Edition


THERESA, 112, 117-118, 127

Third-party payers, see Insurance and insurers,
Time factors, 64
chart writing, 63
clerical functions, 123, 141
clinician/MEDLINE linkage, 124
data timeliness, 87
design and development of systems, 141
system response, 83, 106, 120, 126,
145-146, 220
see also Longitudinal approaches
Time-oriented medical record, 115, 117
TMR (The Medical Record), 114-115
Transfer of technology, see Diffusion, innovations
Treaty for the Protection of Human Rights
and Fundamental Freedom, 37-38
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS),
9, 13, 106-107, 108-109, 155, 188
Uniform Clinical Data Set, 131, 156-157
Uniform Commercial Code, 200, 219, 221
Uniform Health-Care Information Act, 192,
210, 222
Unique health identifier, 13
United Kingdom, 23-24, 26, 29, 36, 108,

Vendors, 100, 160-161, 162, 169, 185
legal issues, 149, 200-201, 202, 219-221
survey of, 135-137
Veterans Administration, see Department of
Veterans Affairs
Viruses, computer, 217, 222
Vocabulary control, 9, 11, 13-14, 25, 31,
39, 48, 50, 51, 85-86, 96, 106,
107-109, 116, 126, 127, 129-131,
140, 149-151, 155, 163, 168, 169,
174, 175, 177, 179, 181, 183,
186-188, 191-192, 196
Voice recognition, 29, 32, 106, 126-127,
131, 179, 186
Windowing, 117, 137
Windows NT/95 environment, 28
Word processing, see Text processing
Workstations, 26-28, 88, 104-105, 179
World Wide Web, 4-5

Universities, 159-160
academic research, 112, 114, 150, 159
University of California at Los Angeles, 4
UNIX, 28, 137
U.S. CPR systems, status
advances, 3-4, 9-10
barriers/challenges, 10-17
implementation, 8-9
market, 6-8
practice environment, 1-5
Users, 46-47, 58, 65, 70, 74-93, 143-145,

authentication/identification, 14, 39
computer interface with, general, 4-5, 7,
11-12, 29, 87, 88, 126-127, 179
diffusion of innovations, 142, 143-145
needs, general, 46-47, 76-93
multiple, 65
patients as, 65, 83
projections, 94-98
see also Access issues;
Change agents;
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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