Who Owns The Float

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Your Contractual Questions Answered

Float In The Programme Of Works, Who Owns It?

By The Entrusty Group
The Entrusty Group, a multi-disciplinary group of companies, of which, one of their specialisations is in
projects, commercial and contractual management, has been running a regular contractual question-andanswer section fror MBAM members in Master Builders Journal.
In this instalment of the series, the Entrusty Group will provide the answer to the frequently asked question

n the previous issue of Master

Builders Journal, we demonstrated
the various scenarios on how to deal
with concurrent delays and whether the
Contractor is entitled for extension of
time (EoT). In this issue, we will look at
the situation when the programme of
works contains float and who actually
owns it if both the Employer and the
Contractor respectively delayed the
project. Before answering this question,
let us define what actually float is in the
programme of works. Float is basically
the time available for an activity or
path in addition to its actual duration
required to perform that activity which
serves as contingency or spare time. It
gives some flexibility to the Contractor
in the event that he is not able to carry
out the works on the intended start date
or as quickly as it is planned. In other
words, float is used to absorb the
delay of any such occurrences, which
fall outside the critical path, i.e. not
jeopardising the contract completion

This can be explained by referring to

the example given below. Scenario 1a
(see Figure A) represents the original
of works and
Scenario 1b

(see Figure B) represents the programme

of works with a three-week delay
caused by a Variation Order (Activity
D1) directed by the Employer.
The original as-planned programme of
works shown in Scenario 1
has a total
of four weeks float. The work is then
delayed by Activity D1 as shown in
Scenario 1b

, and the delay used up three

Standard Form of Contracts

(Relevant Clauses)
Most of the standard form of contracts in
Malaysia, i.e. PAM 98/JKR PWD 203/IEM
/CIDB 2000, do not clearly express the
provisions in dealing with float. Thus,
the consequences that are contained in
the provisions of these contracts can be
different depending on the wordings of
the respective EoT provisions.
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out of four weeks of float, therefore

only one week of float remained. In
most contracts, Activity D1 (Variation
Order from the Employer/SO) which is a
relevant event, would be a firm ground
for EoT.
Under PAM 98 cl.23 and JKR PWD
203 cl.43, both contracts state that
a fair and reasonable EoT shall be
given when the Contractor notifies the
Architect/S.O. of such relevant event
that cause the Works to be delayed or
has actually delayed beyond the date


for completion. However, Activity D1

had just used up three out of four weeks
of float and did not actually delay the
Works beyond the date for completion.
As such, there was enough float at
this time to absorb the delay and the
Contractor is unlikely to be granted any
EoT for Activity D1.
On the other hand, CIDB 2000, under
cl.24.1 stated that the Time for
Completion of the Worksmay be
extended by the Superintending Officer
(S.O.) by such further periods or periods
of times as may reasonably reflect delay
in completion of the Works and
under cl.24.3(b) that the EoT given
by the S.O. shall be fair, reasonable
and necessar y for the completion
of Works. By

referring to delay in
completion of the Works,
CIDB 2000
would appear to be referring to the
period of delay beyond the date when
the Contractor could have completed
the Works (i.e. as-planned completion
date) and not the contractual date of
Therefore, in our opinion,
it is arguable that the three weeks EoT
under Scenario 1b ought to be granted
to the Contractor due to Activity D1 as
the planned date for completion and
his original four weeks float would
therefore be preserved.

used up three weeks of float available

in the non-critical path and did not
affect the contractual completion date.
However, after Event D2, the only one
week of float left was now being used
up and the non-critical path has now
became the critical path, consequently
the completion has been delayed by
two weeks beyond the contractual
completion date.
Under PAM

98/JKR PWD 203/IEM,

Contractor would not be entitled any
EoT for Activity D1. This is because
Activity D1 did not occur on the

Now let us give some further illustrations

and look at some further scenarios
below in Scenario 2a, 2b and 2c (see
Figure C, D and E). Scenario 2a represents
the original programme of works for
two paths of activities; one is on the
critical path and the other is on the
non-critical path with four weeks of
float. Scenario 2b represents a threeweek delay caused by a Variation Order
from the Employer (Activity D1) on
the non-critical path. After which, as
shown in Scenario 2c, a three-weeks
delay was caused by the shortage of
labour of the Contractor (Event D2)
occurring after Activity D1. Before the
occurrence of Event D2, Activity D1 has

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critical path and in addition, Activity

D1 did not cause any delay beyond
the contractual completion date. But
when it comes to Event D2, which
is not a relevant event, should the
Contractor been granted any EoT?
Under CIDB 2000 standard form of
contract, the Contractor is likely
to be given EoT of three weeks as
Ac tivit y C was delayed by three
weeks (Activity D1) and had to be
completed later than its as-planned
co mp l e ti o n date. W ith this EoT
( per cl. 24.1) for Ac tivit y D1, the


if the parties to the delaying events,

D1 and D2 are reversed, where D1 is
caused by the Contractor and D2 by the
Employer, the Contractor would then be
entitled for EoT!
In the US, it has also been decided
that the party who uses the float
first, receive the benefits of the float
(Dawson Construction Company, GSBCA
No 3998 (1975); Titan Pacific Corporation,
ASBCA No 27 (1987) and Weaver-Bailey
Contractors Inc v United States, 19 Ct CL
474 (1990)).

three weeks delay of Event D2 will be

absorbed (see Figure F - Scenario 2d).
As for PAM 98/JKR PWD 203/IEM, the
entitlement of the EoT will be in question
when D1 for three weeks had been used
up and subsequently no float available
for the Contractor to absorb the delay
for D2. The main question would be,
who owns the float?
In most situations, the Contractor would
like to argue that since they have built-in
the float into the programme of works,
therefore they have the right to use it
to accommodate its own risk. Whereas,
for the Architect/S.O, the float is to
be shared or belongs to the first party
that utilises it. Such differing arguments
have been put before the courts of law
and decisions of the courts shed some
light on this question as to who owns
the float.
Case Law
In a case at the turn of the last century,
Wells v Army and Navy Cooperation
Society (1902), Lord Justice Vaughan
Williams held that in the contract one
finds the time limited within which the
builder has to do the work. This means
not only he has to do it within that time,
but it means also that he is to have that
time within which to do it. From Lord
Justice Vaughan Williams judgement, it

clearly implies that the Employer must

not deprive the Contractor of any of the
time by its own delaying acts/activities.
In other words, if the Employer were
to use the float and deprive the
Contractor of its benefit, then the
Contractor can be said to have been
denied its entitlement for EoT under the
contract to complete the works.
The UKs Society of Construction Laws
Protocol for Determining Extension of
Time and Compensation for Delay and
Disruption sets out that for an EoT to
be granted to the Contractor, the delay
caused by the Employer must be on an
activity path that affects the contract
completion date. In other words, the
Employers delaying event is on the
critical path. The effect of this rule is
that the float is available to the first
party that uses it. The Protocol states
that the project owns the float. By
using the example of Scenario 2c above,
the approach would be like this: where
Activity D1 (a delaying activity of the
Employer) has used up most of the
float and there is now not enough
float available for the Contractors
subsequent delaying event, D2,
resulting in a two-week delay beyond
the date for completion. The Contractor
would therefore be responsible for the
delays and is liable on liquidated and
ascertained damages (LAD). However,

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However, in a later case in England,

The Royal Brompton Hospital NHS
Trust v Frederick Alexander Hammond
and Others (No.11) (2002), the issue of
determining ownership of float had
been considered head-on. His Honour
Judge Humphrey Lloyds decision
clearly implied that the Contractor
would appear to own the float, but the
Employer can get the benefit of it if the
Contractor does not need it.
During his discussion on a variation
order, Judge Humphrey Lloyds initial
comments were along the lines of
the first to use the float receives the
benefits of it approach as can be seen
here below from his judgement:
Under the JCT conditions, as used here,
there can be no doubt that if an architect
is required to form an opinion then, if
there is then unused float for the benefit
of the contractor (and not for another
reason such as to deal with prime cost
or provisional sums or items), then the
architect is bound to take into account
since an extension is only to be granted if
completion would otherwise be delayed
beyond the then current completion date.
This may seem hard to a contractor but
the objects of an extension of time clause
are to avoid the contractor being liable for
liquidated damages where there has been
delay for which it is not responsible, and
still to establish a new completion date


to which the contractor should work so

that both the employer and the contractor
know where they stand.
However, Judge Humphrey Lloyd
continued and stated that if after
allowing the Employer to use the float
and there was a subsequent delaying
event of the Contractor, the Architect
should in such circumstances inform
the Contractor that, if thereaf ter
events occur for which an extension
of time cannot be granted, and if,
as a result, the Contractor would be
liable for liquidated damages then an
appropriate extension, not exceeding
the float, would be given.
From the case law above, we can
infer that the use of float by the
Employer would not be permanent.
If the Contractor incurs any other
later delaying events and he is liable
for the liquidated damages, the
ownership of float goes back to the
Contractor to absorb its own delay. An
EoT for the earlier Employers delaying
event would then be granted to the
This case would seem to follow the
principle in CIDB 2000 that the float
belongs to the Contractor and that
would also appear applicable to
98/JKR PWD 203/IEM.
Hence, back to the question for EoT
entitlement under PAM 98/JKR PWD
203/IEM, where the Employer has
initially used up three weeks of the
float for Activity D1 of the programme
of works and later returned these three
weeks with an EoT. Therefore, the
Contractor will still have the benefit
of the float to absorb its own delay
of three weeks for Event D2. A
PAM 98/JKR PWD 203/IEM are different
in its wordings to CIDB 2000, the

Contractor should also be entitled to

an EoT of three weeks (see Figure F
- Scenario 2d).

completion and the Contractor is liable

for Liquidated Damages.

As the programme of works is prepared
by the Contractor, any float in the
programme of works should belong to
the Contractor and only in circumstance
where the float is unused then the
Employer can benefit from it. The
Architect/S.O. should also grant an
EoT to the Contractor for any delaying
events that are not attributed to the
Contractor notwithstanding it is not
on the critical path if the eventual
completion is beyond the date of

Reading from the decided cases, neither

the Architect/S.O. nor the Employer has
any right to object to the Contractor
who later reprogrammes by using the
available float that belongs to him to
absorb the delay that was caused by
him. As such, the Contractor is advised
to update his programme of works
regularly in order to monitor and
ensure that the float is programmed
to maximise its benefits.

In the next issue of the MBAM journal the article will answer the question on
What are the obligations of the Contractor during the Defects Liability
The Entrusty Group includes Entrusty
Consultancy Sdn Bhd (formerly known as
J.D. Kingsfield (M) Sdn Bhd), BK Burns & Ong
Sdn Bhd (a member of the Asia wide group BK Asia Pacific), Pro-Value Management,
Proforce Management Services Sdn Bhd/Agensi Pekerjaan Proforce Sdn Bhd
and International Master Trainers Sdn Bhd. Apart from project, commercial and
contractual management services, the group also provides risk, resources, quality
and value management, recruitment consultancy services and corporate training
programmes to various industries, particularly in construction and petrochemical,
both locally and internationally.
Entrusty Group will provide 30 minutes of free consultancy with prior
appointment to MBAM members on their contractual questions. The Group
also provides both in-house and public seminars/workshops in its various areas
of expertise. For further details, please visit website: www.entrusty.com or
contact HT Ong or Wing Ho at 22-1& 2 Jalan 2/109E, Desa Business Park, Taman
Desa, 58100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 6(03)-7982 2123 Fax: 6(03)-7982 3122
Email: [email protected]
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