Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

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Thought at Work

Your Partner to Co-Create Future

Vikas Gera

We are Your
for Creation of

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

What we do & Why ?


Who does - What & When ?


How to do ?


Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

It is a set of written instructions that document a routine or repetitive
activity followed by an organization
The development and use of SOPs are an integral part of a successful
operations as it provides individuals with the information to perform a job
properly, and facilitates consistency in the quality and integrity of a service
or end-result
The term SOP may not always be appropriate and terms such as
protocols, instructions, worksheets may also be used
SOPs describe all kinds of operational elements of an organization that
would be managed under your work plan

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

SOPs detail the regularly recurring work processes that are to be
conducted or followed within an organization
They document the way activities are to be performed to facilitate
consistent conformance to technical and quality system requirements and
to support data quality
SOPs are intended to be specific to the organization or facility whose
activities are described and assist that organization to maintain their
quality control and quality assurance processes and ensure compliance
with governmental regulations

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

Precautions :
If not written correctly, SOPs are of limited value
In addition, the best written SOPs will fail if they are not followed.
The use of SOPs needs to be reviewed and re-enforced by management,
preferably the direct supervisor
Current copies of the SOPs also need to be readily accessible for reference
in the work areas of those individuals actually performing the activity,
either in hard copy or electronic format, otherwise SOPs serve little

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

The development and use of SOPs minimizes variation and promotes
quality through consistent implementation of a process or procedure
within the organization, even if there are temporary or permanent
personnel changes
SOPs can indicate compliance with organizational and governmental
requirements and can be used as a part of a personnel training program,
since they should provide detailed work instructions
It minimizes opportunities for miscommunication and can address safety

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

When historical data are being evaluated for current use, SOPs can
also be valuable for reconstructing project activities when no other
references are available
In addition, SOPs are frequently used as checklists by inspectors when
auditing procedures
Ultimately, the benefits of a valid SOP are reduced work effort, along
with improved comparability, credibility, and legal defensibility

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

Writing Styles
SOPs should be written in a concise, step-by-step, easy-to-read format
The information presented should be unambiguous and not overly
The active voice and present verb tense should be used
The term "you" should not be used, but implied
The document should not be wordy, redundant, or overly lengthy
Keep it simple and short
Information should be conveyed clearly and explicitly to remove any
doubt as to what is required
Use a flow chart to illustrate the process being described

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

SOP Preparation
The organization should have a procedure in place for determining
what procedures or processes need to be documented
Those SOPs should then be written by individuals knowledgeable
with the activity and the organization's internal structure
These individuals are essentially subject-matter experts who actually
perform the work or use the process
A team approach can be followed, especially for multi-tasked
processes where the experiences of a number of individuals are
critical, which also promotes buy-in from potential users of the SOP

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

SOP Preparation
SOPs should be written with sufficient detail so that someone with a
basic understanding but a limited experience or knowledge of the
procedure can successfully reproduce the procedure when
The experience requirement for performing an activity should
be noted in the section on personnel qualifications

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

SOP Review and Approval
SOPs should be reviewed (that is, validated) by one or more individuals
with appropriate training and experience with the process
It is especially helpful if draft SOPs are actually tested by individuals
other than the original writer before the SOPs are finalized
The finalized SOPs should be approved by the immediate supervisor,
and an independent quality officer should review and approve each SOP
Signature approval indicates that an SOP has been both reviewed and
approved by management

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

Frequency of Revisions and Reviews
SOPs need to remain current to be useful. Therefore, whenever
procedures are changed, SOPs should be updated and re-approved
If desired, modify only the pertinent section of an SOP and indicate
the change date/revision number for that section in the Table of
Contents and the document control notation
SOPs should be also systematically reviewed on a periodic basis, e.g.
every 1-2 years, to ensure that the policies and procedures remain
current and appropriate, or to determine whether the SOPs are even

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

Frequency of Revisions and Reviews
The review date should be added to each SOP that has been reviewed
If an SOP describes a process that is no longer followed, it should be
withdrawn from the current file and archived.
The review process should not be overly cumbersome to encourage
timely review.
The frequency of review should be indicated by management
That plan should also indicate the individual(s) responsible for
ensuring that SOPs are current.

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

Many activities use checklists to ensure that steps are followed in order
Checklists are also used to document completed actions. Any checklists
or forms included as part of an activity should be referenced at the points
in the procedure where they are to be used and then attached to the SOP
In some cases, detailed checklists are prepared specifically for a given
activity. In those cases, the SOP should describe, at least generally, how
the checklist is to be prepared, or on what it is to be based
Copies of specific checklists should be then maintained in the file with
the activity results and/or with the SOP. Remember that the checklist is
not the SOP, but a part of the SOP

Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)

Document Control
Each organization should develop a numbering system to systematically
identify and label their SOPs, and the document control
Each page of an SOP should have control documentation notation. A
short title and identification (ID) number can serve as a reference
The revision number and date are very useful in identifying the SOP in
use when reviewing historical data and is critical when the need for
evidentiary records is involved and when the activity is being reviewed

About the Catalyst

Vikas Gera
[email protected]
Mob: 91-8826216688


[email protected]
Mob: 91-8826216688

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