Online Pos System

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Online Point of Sale System

A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Computer Studies

Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Specialized in Multimedia Technologies


John John Alvarez


June 2022


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology, this capstone project entitled "Onlne Point of Sale System" has been
prepared by John John O. Alvarez for pre-oral defense.

Melody R. Dimaano, MDM, MSCS

Approved by the Panel of Examiners with a grade of __________.


Roselie B. Alday, PhD

_______________________ _______________________

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the degree Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology requirements.

Roselie B. Alday, PhD
Dean, College of Computer Studies


Sales is the activity of trade in goods and services to customer. Immediate

action may require whenever Sales transactions occurs. Whenever you need to make a
sales online if for example you made a sale in a coffee shop with your online selling
business while selling on you social media account with your laptop. Having an
Online Point of Sale system onhand is of big help. You can do transactions
immediately with just your internet browser, specifically Google Chrome for most
featured perfect performance.

The Nature of online business nowadays is widely spreading across the nation
and even globally. Whenever you want to record all your sales and stock inventories
realtime it will come in handy.

Process sales and service transactions should be properly recorded. Every

grocery stores whether big or small should innovate with the current trade in the
market. Which requires themselves a system that can simplify the process of data
processing sales transactions and making it more effective and efficient. This research
will be designed as web-based system that is used to process sales transactions, the
recording of incoming goods, and report the results of operations. The method used in
this research is the method of observation, interviews, documentation and software
simulation. The design of the system done by using a MySQL database and software
XAMPP. The process of programming with the use of PHP and HTML. Using this
research will produce a webbased system that used to process sales transactions and
processing data easier, safer, effective, and efficient.


I dedicate my dissertation work to my family and many friends. A special

feeling of gratitude to my loving parents, Teody and Nellie whose words of
encouragement and push for tenacity ring in my ears. Specially to my wife Hidie who
never stops showing me how important it is to have more value in oneself and to

improve more to become functional in my chosen field and to prosper. And most
importantly to my sister Rosenkranzf who have supported my financial needs and
even helped me on my family’s basic necesities for my being unemployed at the time

I also dedicate this dissertation to my and church family who have supported
me throughout the process. I will always appreciate all they have done, and also to my
cousin Ryan Tolentino with some support in my down times and to Glen Tolentino
who has never stop helping whenever I come empty handed.

I dedicate this work and give special thanks to my Sister Rosenkranzf Alvarez
who have never left me all throughout the entire ETEEAP program. and to my
Children Justine and Athena who has been an inspiration and serve as an asset during
sleepy hours who have become two cheerleaders who have been the best.


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor Melody Dimaano, my

Capstone Adviser, for her patient guidance in doing this research work.

I would also like to thanks to Madam Jona Ciceron Baculi of the accounting
department for her immediate assistance online and by phone update for my ETEEAP
Accounting bills during the pandemic and other information regarding my other
accountabilities in this Program. My grateful thanks are all to my adviser in
designated courses for assistance in doing every activities which makes it easy for me
to do my research.

Finally, I wish to thank my parents for their support and encouragement

throughout my study.


Title Page ……………………………………………………………………..……1

Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………….………2

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………… 3

Dedication ………………………………………………………………………… 4


Table of Content …………………………………………………………………...6

List of Figures ……………………………………………………………………...7

1.0 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………..9

Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………………..10

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ……………………………………………………..12

A mobile-based emergency reporting application …………………………..12

Hybrid Mobile Application …………………………………………………12

API Integration ……………………………………………………………...14

Call tree……………………………………………………………………...15

MDRRMO …………………………………………………………………..15

Calamity and Disaster ………………………………………………………16

3.0 METHODS …………………………………………………………………….16

Materials ……………………………………………………………………16

Methodology ………………………………………………………………..17

Flow Charts ………………………………………………………………....19

4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS …………………………………………......23

Screenshots ………………………………………………………………….23

APPENDIX ………………………………………………………………………...38

Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………….38

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………39


Figure Description Page

Figure 1 Flow Chart Research Design

Figure 2 User Login Flowchart

Figure 3 Point of Sale Interface

Figure 4 Admin User Interface

Figure 5 Product Inventory Record User Interface

Figure 6 Add Item User Interface

Figure 7 Sales Record User Interface

Figure 8 Product Inventory Report

Figure 9 Sales Record Report

Figure 10 Customer Records User Interface

Figure 11 Purchase Order Printable



Over time, technology is growing so fast. Likewise, the technology in running

trade or sale. Errors in recording, the calculation is not precise, speed in service is
often constrained in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), particularly in
trade or sale.

Shop resignation is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), like a

simple grocery store or online selling of fashion needs like shoes and sandals and
other garments. Some stores have been running a long but still use manual recording
(books) in a sales transaction and sales reports.

The main problem SMEs solutions can be help by providing training in terms
of management and partnership, in addition to all aspects of marketing and production
even is utilize by relying on technology penetration.

Using a Point of Sales application, we can gain some benefit by the add value
that can be administered in the form of improved quality of service, improved business
image, competitive advantage and conv late controlling and decision-making

The use of technology can be a solution in the recording and processing of

transactions so it is done by a computerized system, as it will speed up the transaction
process and gives accurate results so that a more effective and efficient. Computerized
transaction provides convenience in work and a definitive result for the buyer or


The first objective of Online POS Systems is to help in the management of

your business’ inventory. Studying or analyzing the sales process and the data - the
data of goods sold to sales reports.

Online Point of Sale System wants to develop a more efficient sales

transaction on stores online or offline via desktop or laptop and even tablets and other


A. Information System

 Information System is essentially made up of five components hardware,

software, database, network and people. These five components integrate to
perform input, process, output, feedback and control. Hardware consists of
input/output device, processor, operating system and media devices.

B. Sales

Sales is a term used to describe the activities that lead to the selling of goods
or services. Businesses have sales organizations that are broken up into different
teams. And these sales teams are often determined based on the region they're selling
to, the product or service they're selling, and the target customer.

C. Point of Sale

Point of Sales or simply called POS, it can be defined as software that records
sales transactions. Before the POS system is developed, many people use a cash
register, or even manually, to manage their business. But the teller machine function
itself is no longer sufficient, so that POS has been developed


PHP is a server-side scripting language that is embedded in HTML. PHP

allows web developers to create dynamic content and to interact with databases. PHP
is known for its simplicity, speed, and flexibility — features which have made it a
cornerstone in the web development world.


MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database management system, is
developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation.

 MySQL is a database management system.

A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple

shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate
network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a
database management system such as MySQL Server. Since computers are very good
at handling large amounts of data, database management systems play a central role in
computing, as standalone utilities, or as parts of other applications.

3.0 Methods

A. Type of Research

Method of study the researcher used in system design using waterfall method.
Waterfall method or the so-called waterfall method is often called the classic life cycle
(classic life cycle), in which it describes the systematic approach and also sequentially
on software development.

Design research is used for planning, drawing and sketching or set of elements
- separate elements into a unit that is intact and functioning properly. The study design
is depicted in a flow chart (flowchart) as follows

Diagram of a waterfall method:




Data collection

Observation Interview

Results of Data

Data analysis


Coding /


Simulation / Test

Feasibility test



Figure 1. (Flow Chart) Research Design

Figure 2. User Login Flowchart


B. Types and Sources of Data

The research is exploratory research, and approaches used include: Point of

Sales, information systems, web, HTML, PHP, CSS, XAMPP. There are two (2)
sources of data in this study:

• The primary data obtained through interviews with business owners and an
employee in the store assigned related to the study and direct observation of
the object to be studied.

• Secondary data, obtained indirectly from the object of research

C. Data Collection Technique

The study, investigators used are as follows:

• Observations, which collects data by observing the general requirements such

as data items, the sales transaction data and other data needed to manufacture
the sales application system on a general merchandise store.

• The interview, which collects data by conducting a question and answer

directly to the business owner and two (2) employees in a salestore regarding
sales application system requirements needed.

• Documentation, which collect existing data on a Sales Store as goods data,

sales data, employee data, expenditure data items and data - other data.



Figure 3. Point of Sale Interface

Figure 4. Admin User Interface


Figure 5. Product Inventory Record User Interface

Figure 6. Add Item User Interface


Figure 7. Sales Record User Interface

Figure 8. Product Inventory Report


Figure 9. Sales Record Report

Figure 10. Customer Records User Interface


Figure 11. Purchase Order Printable


Appendix A: Open Questionnaire

An interview to outline the current operational model and information system

with key points.

System Requirements

 Hardware
o PC / Laptop
o Internet connection
o Mouse
o Keyboard
o Printer
 Software
o Inventory and storage control
o Reporting
o Order handling

o Windows operating System

o Xampp, Php, MySQL,

Appdendix B: Php Code Used

PHP Mysql Database Connection Code:

1. Connectionstring for PHP MySQL:


$servername = "localhost";

$username = "root";

$password = "password";

$dbname = "POS_db";

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

if ($conn->connect_error) {

die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);


2. Displays Product List data retrieved from the Database:

<div class="sale-list-div">


include ("server.php");

$dbname = "POS_db";

$subtotal = 0;

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);


// Check connection

if ($conn->connect_error) {

die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

$sql = "SELECT * FROM myProducts where stat = '1'";

$result = $conn-> query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

echo "<table class='tbl_sale'>


while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

echo "<tr><td>".$row["qtyos"]." x

</td><td>".$row["prod_name"]. " " . $row["prod_brand"]."


</td><td>".$row["prod_sub_os"]." </td></tr>";

$subtotal += $row["prod_sub_os"]; }

echo "</table>"; } else { echo "0 ITEMS"; }


<input type="text" name="item_code" id="product-id"

class="input_code" onkeyup="" autofocus></div>

The table “myProducts” is where data is retrieve from the MySQL

database,“POS_db”. It is done using the HTML (Hyperext Markup Language) tag

“Table” arrange using Table Rows tag <TR> to build rows and Table Data which is
<TD>; And also by using some variables .’


Atlantis Express 1st International Development. 2021 What is

Conference on Applied PHP for Web Development
Economics and Social and Why Should You Use
Science 2019 (ICAESS It? https://www.netsolutions
2019), Design of Point of .com/ insights/what-is-php
Sales (POS) Information
Systems Based on Web and Oracle MySQL 2022. What is
Quick Response, Advances MySQL? MySQL,
in Social Science, Docmentation, Version 8.0
Education and Humanities Mysql Reference Manual
Research, volume 377,
Net Solutions, Insigths-Product

Pinagsabangan II, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
Mobile Contact:(+63) 948-677-7920 / (+63) 916-747-4592
E-mail Address: [email protected]

OBJECTIVES: ▪ To become a Degree holder in my field of my Knowledge in

Computer industry.

● Excellent communication and writing skills

● Strong analytical and problem solving skills
● Ability to work independently and under pressure
● Ability to work well in team environment and able to express
accuracy, attention to detail
● Responsible for other duties as assigned

COMPUTER ● Knowledgeable in PHP, MySQL, HTML, Javascript, Java,,Microsoft

SKILLS Visual Studio
● Graphic Design using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator.
● 3d Modeling using 3d Studio Max, and Basic Autocad Drawing
● Proficient in Computer Desktop Troubleshooting and Software
management. (System Software and Application software.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, 2
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Bats, Batangas City, Batangas

Good Shepherd Academy, Victoria Or. Mindoro, 1998

Victoria Central Elementary School, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, 1994


(Formerly Meralco Foundation)
Java Programming Fundamentals (JAVA 1)
April 21, 2018 to June 2, 2018


Year 2012 up to 2017 Luna Goco Medical Hospital (Client)

Lalud, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
Maintenance Technician

● Maintain Computer performance in BizBox Hospital System.

● Troubleshooting hardware/software.
● Makes sure every operation in the laboratory secures excellent result
in test using the laboratory devices that uses desktop computers.
● Setting up computer security measures
● Configuring computer networks
● Offering technical support on-site or via phone or email

From 2017 up to Neo Calapan Home Owners Association (Client)

2019 Calapan city Oriental Mindoro

● Configuring computer networks for office Workstations

● Making monthly bills simplier and easier for accurate monthly Dues
● provide technical support via phone.
Year 2015
Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
Up to present
Computer Programmer; Computer mainteance

● Communicates with clients or head officer in charge about the

● Conceptualize a design according to the demand of the client
● Develop the concept and analyze what design is most appropriate.
● Relay concept to the other team members and ask for suggestions
● Make a graphic design using high-end computer software
● Prepare presentation to clients
● Computer Programmer

Computer Technician
Year 2004 – 2007
 Computer Troubleshooting and Repair
 Hardware and Software (System Software and Application Software

Events ‘R Us, Events Management Company

Abu Dhabi, United Aram Emirates
Events Organizer: Sales Representative, Office Staff (Document
● Manages Sales Reports and Inventory Reports
● Giving Manager Details About Schedule Events and Projects
● Supervises Showroom Sales and prices accordingly.
● Communicates with the Clients about events features and scheduled
● Sell Company products such as balloons and other party needs.
● Promote New and old company products.
Recently Programmer and Designer on:
1., 2021

Accomplished 2. Inventory System for Autoparts Store (Barcenaga, Naujan Oriental

Projects Mindoro)
3. 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE
4. 2013, Manila
5. Arenger Payroll System 2013, Calapan City
6. Orange POS (BIR, Unregistered) 2015, Calapan City
7. Mini Desktop Scroll Message, 2011, Calapan City
8. Station 4 Gas Station Software, 2011Calapan City

PERSONAL Date of Birth 21 December 1980

INFORMATION Nationality Filipino
Language English, Filipino
Civil Status Married

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