Microcontroller Viva Questions and Answers
Microcontroller Viva Questions and Answers
Microcontroller Viva Questions and Answers
What is an interrupt?
Hardware or software can communicate to micro controller through
interrupts. Interrupts are external signal that controls the micro processor.
Interrupt signals are generated by sources like software programs or
hardware controls.
What is an Accumulator?
Accumulator has another name called Register 'A'. Accumulator is an
important register in 8051, because it saves all arithmetic and logical
List some of the 8051 microcontroller manufacturers?
Maxim/Dellas semiconductor
[3] What is difference between microprocessor and
The microprocessor has no ROM, RAM and no I/O ports on the chip itself.
Whereas the microcontroller has a CPU in addition to a fixed amount of
RAM,ROM, I/O ports and a timer all on a single chip.
[4] List out some of the features of the 8051?
ROM 4K bytes
RAM 128 bytes
Timer 2 no
I/O Pins 32
Serial Port 1
Interrupt sources 6
Hence the data bus is bidirectional. The width of the data bus
depends on the architecture of the microprocessor.
The address bits flow in one direction, ie, from the microprocessor to
the peripheral devices.
These lines are also used as low order address bus during execution
of instructions.
Thus the same lines are used for transmitting address and data.