Marketing Assignment
Marketing Assignment
Marketing Assignment
- $2,000
- $1538
Assuming 4%, 9% and 14% market shares in 2001, 2002 and 2003 respectively we get
21,180 units and loading the cost of R&D for PESA in these items, we get $94.5 per item as
Therefore, Profit per Server = $2,000 - $1,538 - $94.5 = $367.5
Option 2 Competitive Pricing Pricing as per Ontarios Zink Model
Sales Price Per Server
- $1,700
- $1538
Assuming 4%, 9% and 14% market shares in 2001, 2002 and 2003 respectively we get
21,180 units and loading the cost of R&D for PESA in these items, we get $94.5 per item as
Therefore, Profit per Server = $1700 - $1,538 - $94.5 = $67.5
Option 3 Cost Plus Approach with 30% margin.
Total Number of Tronn Servers sold in 3 years
21,180 units
10,590 units
Price of Servers
Total Cost
Savings if Consumer chooses Tronn Server Bundle => 10,800 6000 = $4,800
Considering 50-50 Sharing Benefit sharing Basis, Final price of bundle can be $4,000+50% of
$4,800 = $6,400
Margin per two units = $6,400 ($1538*2)-$189 = $3015
Margin per one unit = $3015/2 = $1508
3. Recommendation