Aldecoa V Warner Digest

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Aldecoa v Warner, Barnes

August 6, 1910
ALDECOA & CO.,plaintiff-appellant,
WARNER, BARNES & CO., LTD.,defendant-appellee.
DOCTRINE: It is a rule of law generally observed that he who takes charge of the management of another's property, is bound immediately
thereafter to render accounts covering his transactions; and that it is always to be understood that all accounts rendered must be duly
substantiated by vouchers.

Plaintiff Aldecoa & Co is a regular collective mercantile association organized in RP, registered in mercantile registry, and at present in

Defendant Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd. is a joint stock mercantile firm organized in England, registered in the mercantile registry of Manila,
and has done and is still doing business in RP.

Warner Ltd. acquired the business of Warner, Barnes & Co. & assumed all its assets, liabilities & obligations.
Warner Co. is in the business of purchasing hemp in the pueblos of Legaspi and Tabaco, Albay for the purpose of bringing it to
Manila to sell it for exportation

Aldecoa became interested in the said business of Warner Co & formed a joint-account partnership w/ it agreeing to share equally in the
gains and losses.

Sept. 26, 1907: Aldecoas legal representative in liquidation filed a petition for mandamus in CFI Manila against Warner, Barnes & Co.,
Ltd. concerning the rendering of accounts pertaining to the management of the business of a joint-account partnership .
PRAYER: Warner render accounting; correct its errors & omissions on account rendered; pay sums not credited to Aldecoa and
for writ of mandamus to fix term w/n w/c Warner Ltd is to liquidate the business & sell the properties distributing the proceeds
between them

Both agree that: Partnership was established through verbal agreement whereby they should share equally the profits and losses of the
business of gathering and storing hemp in Albay and selling it in Manila for exportation, and that Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., was the
manager of the said joint-account partnership.

Disagreement bet. the parties:

FIRST. Date when the partnership was formed and began business in Albay (A: Dec. 1, 1898; W: June 30, 1899)
SECOND. Whether the managing firm did render accounts, duly verified by vouchers, of its management from the date of the
organization of the partnership;
THIRD. Whether errors and omissions, prejudicial to Aldecoa & Co., exist in the partnership books and in its accounts, and
whether, in the management of the said business, fraudulent acts were committed, also to Aldecoa's injury; and,
FOURTH. Whether the partnership property should be included in the liquidation of the said business and in the accounts
appertaining to the year 1903, when the existence of the partnership came to an end.

Dec. 1, 1898: Aldecoa became interested in the said business of Warner Co & formed a joint-account partnership w/ it

Although entries show the partnership to have commenced on June 30, 1899, its operations should have commenced and did commence
on Dec. 1, 1898, on which date the joint-account partnership commenced.

Warner Ltd is the successor to all the rights and obligations of Warner Co, among which is that of being past & current manager of the said
joint-account partnership and is obliged to render accounts supported by proofs, and to liquidate the business

As manager, it neglected to comply with its duty especially prescribed in Art. 243 of the Code of Commerce. Its duty is inherent to its
position as manager of the joint-account partnership, which is that of rendering an account with vouchers,

In spite of the demand made upon it, Warner Ltd did not render account and has also expressly denied the right of Aldecoa to examine the
vouchers, contenting itself with forwarding copies of the entries in its books, which entries contain errors and omissions (discussed in

Managers & general partners of Warner Co., are also members & directors of Warner Ltd., and are the same ones who admitted Aldecoa
as a participant in of the business. They unlawfully, maliciously, and criminally conspired with the persons who were managing the
commercial firm of Aldecoa from 1899 to 1903, to defraud the latter of its interest in the said joint-account partnership.

They bought the silence of said managers with respect to the operations of the joint-account partnership during Dec. 1, 1898, to June, 30,
1899, and also with respect to the errors and omissions in the accounts relating to the second sem. of 1899, and those relating to 1900 to

Said fraudulent acts were not known to the partners of Aldecoa until its managers, in collusion with the managers of Warner, had ceased to
hold their positions, until after the 31st of Dec., 1906, By reason of this conspiracy to defraud Aldecoa, Warner have been benefited.

It cannot formulate its claims with exactness until Warner Ltd. renders an account, accompanied by vouchers since there may be greater
errors found if vouchers were to be examined

Errors and omissions found in the entries of the books kept by Warner Ltd as manager of the joint-account partnership are as follows:
(a-d) July 10 Dec. 26, 1899; Dec. 31, 1899; Apr. 30, 1900; Jan. 31, 1901 : Warner Ltd. claim purchase of hemp but do not
give the price received from the sale thereof and merely credit it at a certain pesos a picul (ex. 13 pesos/picul), when the average
market price at that time was higher (ex. 16 pesos/picul) thus injuring Aldecoa to certain amounts as difference
(e) Profit from the pressing of hemp realized in Manila was omitted by Warner Ltd in the accounts injuring Aldecoa in the sum of
(f) Outstanding accounts are debited in the sum of P52,510.36, while only P2,769.24 are credited
(g) 1900: Unduly included an item of net account which should be stricken out, as it does not pertain to this business. Half of sum
should be credited to Aldecoa
(h) Dec. 26, 1899: Warner Ltd. deducted from the profits an insurance premium w/c is obtained in collusion w/ Aldecoas
managers; injuring Aldecoa
(i) Dec. 31, 1903: A capital of P50k brought in by Aldecoa w/c bears 5 % interest was unduly credited to the joint-account

(j) Dec. 31, 1902: Aldecoa charged with 6 months' interest for alleged losses w/c was incorrect since accounts show no losses,
but profits
(k) For entries in 1902 & 1903, Warner Ltd., wrote a lower price to quality items w/c has higher prices for w/c must be credited
to Aldecoa

Gave "corriente buena" (current good), to the grade which was classified as "abaca superior" (superior hemp) ;

Price of "corriente ordinario" (current ordinary), to the hemp marked as "corriente buena" (current good)

Price of "segunda superior" (second superior), to what is "corriente" or "current,"

(l) Total cost of properties (instead of cash capital) brought by Warner Ltd (Total: P86,500.) is omitted from the accounts.

P12k: 1 galvanized-iron-roofed warehouse, with hemp press; 1 house of strong materials and the lot on which it stands,
in Tabaco,

P2.5k: 1 small warehouse of strong materials, in Tabaco, worth

P22k: 1 warehouse of strong materials, with press; another warehouse of strong materials; and 1 houses of strong
materials, together with the lots on which they are built.

P50k: 4 warehouses with 3 hemp presses, and 1 house of strong materials, with their corresponding lots

The operations having been closed on Dec. 31, 1903, Warner Ltd., has not realized upon the assets of the firm by selling the property
which constitutes its capital. It refuses to furnish Aldecoa the documents required for their examination and verification, and also refuses to
realize the firm assets by selling the warehouses, houses, and other property which constitute the capital

PRAYER: For Court order Warner Ltd. to:

Render to the court an account, accompanied by invoices, receipts, and vouchers of the Albay business, beginning Dec. 1,
1898, the date on which the partnership was formed, and correcting in it the errors and omissions
Warner Ltd. to credit and pay Aldecoa the sums alleged to be due to Aldecoa upon the sums omitted and for the difference
between the amounts incorrectly debited and credited, from the respective dates on which they should appear, if correctly
After accounts have been rendered and discussed, judgment be entered for any balance which may appear in favor of the
Aldecoa including the sums claimed

PRAYER: For writ of mandamus to fix a term within which Warner Ltd. is to liquidate the business, selling the properties aforementioned
and distributing the proceeds between them
Warners Amended Answer with Counterclaim

Joint-account partnership was formed between them on June 30, 1899 w/ agreement that of the results, whether losses or gains,
appertained to Aldecoa. It admits that \sSaid business continued under the management of Warner, as manager of the said joint-account
partnership, until Dec. 31, 1903. However, it denies all the other allegations contained in the said paragraphs.

FIRST. During the period that the said joint-account partnership existed, Warner, rendered to Aldecoa just and true accounts of its
transactions as manager of the said partnership, which accounts have been approved by the Aldecoa, with the exception of those
in 1903, and as to the latter, that the same were objected to by Aldecoa firm solely upon the grounds mentioned in clause (k),
which objections are wholly unfounded.
SECOND. More than 4 years have expired between the time the alleged right of action accrued to Aldecoa and the date of the
filing of the complaint.

Prayer: Absolved from the complaint, with the costs against Aldecoa

Warner Ltd. moved for a dismissal of the case

CFI (Dec. 26 1908): Dismissed complaint with respect to the petition for the rendering of an account, verified by invoices etc., pertaining to
the period comprised from the beginning of the business to Dec. 31, 1902
It however, opened the 2nd period of the trial with respect to the account for the whole year 1903

Aldecoa filed a written exception and announced his intention to forward through regular channels, a bill of exceptions
It also moved for a new trial on the ground that the evidence did not justify the judgment rendered, which was openly and
manifestly contrary to the weight of the evidence and to law

CFI denied motion to which exception was taken by Aldecoa

Thus, Aldecoa duly filed a proper bill of exceptions which was certified to and forwarded to SC, together with all the documentary and oral
evidence produced at the trial.
ISSUE: Whether Aldecoa is entitled to a writ of mandamus against Warner to render accounting on their joint account partnership, correct its
errors & omissions on accounts rendered, pay sums not credited to Aldecoa and to liquidate the business & sell the properties distributing the
proceeds between them? (Errors on the accounts, fraud by managers, & acquisition of property must first be proved; as to rendering accounts
ascertain first date when partnership commenced but that bet. June 30, 1899 to Dec. 31, 1902 has been rendered)
[The present state of this cause resulting from the rendering of CFI judgment makes it impossible for SC to decide in a final manner the various
issues brought up and controverted by the litigants, for, though it be granted as proved that Warner Ltd has in fact rendered accounts pertaining
to the years from June 30, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1902, as found in the said judgment, there still remain to be decided the four points or questions of
fact before specified. in effect, it will still have to remand to CFI for finding of facts but it will decide as to the issues]
FIRST. Date when the partnership was formed and began business in Albay

Aldecoa: Partnership was commenced, or was formed, on Dec. 1, 1898,

Warner Ltd.: It did not rebut evidence submitted by Aldecoa although it averred that the joint-account partnership began on June 30, 1899

SC: Warner Ltd. has not proved its averment. If once remanded to CFI, Warner shall still not offer proof within such period as the court
may see fit, it will be proper to find in accordance with the value of the evidence adduced by Aldecoa and to advise Warner Ltd. to render,
within a fixed period, accounts, verified by vouchers, of the management of the partnership business and pertaining to the 7 mos. from
Dec. 1, 1898, to June 29, 1899

In view of the evidence adduced by Aldecoa, if Warner Ltd. does not produce other evidence in rebuttal, they must, for some reason, be
expressly rejected in the judgment, if they are not to be taken into account in reaching the conclusions or in considering the case upon the

SECOND. Whether the managing firm did render accounts, duly verified by vouchers, of its management from the date of the
organization of the partnership

Agree w/ CFI that Warner Ltd., did render accounts from June 30, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1902, inasmuch as the very evidence introduced by
Aldecoa showed that the said accounts had been rendered and were approved by it
Approval seen in the context of its own letters (July 27, 1907 & Feb. 19, 1903)

Aldecoa is not entitled and has no right of action to compel Warner Ltd. to render accounts pertaining to that period, they having already
been rendered and duly approved.

He who takes charge of the management of another's property, is bound immediately thereafter to render accounts covering his
transactions; and that it is always to be understood that all accounts rendered must be duly substantiated by vouchers.

CASE AT BAR: Both litigating parties admit that Warner Ltd., was the manager of the business of the joint-account partnership formed.
Thus, it is unquestionable that it was and is Warner Ltds duty to render accounts of the management of the business, as it partially has

Although Warner Ltd. has not proved, as it should have done, that it complied with its duty of rendering accounts of its management, since
the letters themselves exhibited by Aldecoa, and duly authenticated as being written by the latter, prove that Warner Ltd. did render
accounts from June 30, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1902, no legal reason exists for not accepting CFIs finding that it had been proved that
accounts were rendered pertaining to the period mentioned and that the said accounts were approved by the Aldecoa.

Aldecoas acts, in accepting and approving accounts that were rendered to it and which only begin with June 30, 1899, imply that it agreed
to the claim made by Warner Ltd. that the partnership commenced on the said date

BUT EVEN SO, once that it is proved that the actual date on which the partnership was formed was Dec. 1, 1898, and that it is not shown
that Warner Ltd. has rendered accounts corresponding to the 7 months subsequent to the said date, the acceptation and approval of
accounts rendered since June 20, 1899, does not excuse nor release the manager of the partnership, Warner Ltd., from complying
with its unquestionable duty of rendering accounts covering the aforesaid seven months.

The presumption must be sustained until proof to the contrary is presented.

Moreover, the approval of accounts from June 30, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1902, DOES NOT IMPLY that the said approved accounts comprise
those pertaining to the 7 months (Dec. 1, 1898 to June 29, 1899), because Warner Ltd, the accountant, denies that the partnership
commenced on Dec. 1st (averring that it was June 30, 1899).

On Warner Ltds rendering those accounts, it is to be presumed that it did so from the date which it avers was that of the formation of
the partnership and the beginning of the business, and it is therefore evident that it has not rendered accounts pertaining to the 7
months mentioned.
THIRD. Errors and omissions, prejudicial to Aldecoa & Co in the partnership books and in its accounts, and fraudulent acts were
committed in management of the said business,

Once the accounts rendered by Warner Ltd., have been approved, Aldecoa is not entitled afterwards to claim a revision of the same,
UNLESS it shows that there was fraud, deceit, error, or mistake in the approval of the said accounts.

Under this hypothesis, Aldecoa & Co. are strictly obliged to prove the errors, omissions, and fraudulent acts attributed to Warner Ltd.,
in connection with the accounts already rendered, and approved by them, in order that the same may be revised in accordance with law
and the jurisprudence of the courts. (Pastor vs. Nicasio)

The approval of an account does not prevent its subsequent revision, or at least its correction, if it is proved in a satisfactory manner that
there was deceit and fraud or error and omission in it. (Arts. 1265, 1266, Civil Code.)

Law 30, title 11, 5th Partida: "That is precisely what we say should be observed, in all other accounts that men make among themselves, in
connection with the things which belong to them. Notwithstanding that they may acknowledge the settlement of the accounts between
them and promise never to bring them up again, if it be known in truth that he who gave the account or had the things in his
keeping, concealed anything deceitfully, or committed other fraud against those who have a share in such thing, then neither the
suit, nor such previous status and promise shall avail;
On the contrary, we say that they may sue him to compel him to remedy the deceit he committed against them, and to pay all the
damages and losses that have accrued to them by reason thereof; provided, however, he especially shall not have repaired the
deceit that he committed."

CASE AT BAR: It does not matter that the accounts pertaining to the years comprised between June 30, 1899, and Dec. 31, 1902, may
have been approved by Aldecoa. Whenever Aldeco shall succeed in proving that there was error, omission, fraud, or deceit in
these accounts, they may be duly revised, according to law.
FOURTH. Whether the partnership property should be included in the liquidation of the said business and in the accounts
appertaining to the year 1903, when the existence of the partnership came to an end.

Warner Ltd. agrees that Aldecoa has not yet approved the accounts that the former rendered, pertaining to 1903, the last year of the
existence of the joint-account partnership. Thus, CFI provided that the trial should continue with respect to the said accounts in order that
Aldecoa might make such objections and statements in regard to the same as he deemed proper, and adduce the evidence conducive to
prove his claim, in accordance with law.

It is one of the duties of the manager of a joint-account partnership, to liquidate the assets that form the common property, and
to state the result obtained therefrom in the final rendering of the accounts which he is to present at the conclusion of the

Art. 243 of the Code of Commerce: "The liquidation shall be effected by the manager, and after the transactions have been concluded he
shall render a proper account of its results."

CASE AT BAR: Partnership herein concluded its transactions on Dec. 31, 1903. Warner Ltd., the manager of the partnership, in declaring
the partnerships transactions concluded and in rendering duly verified accounts of its results, owes the duty to include therein the
property and effects belonging to the partnership in common.

SC of Spain applying the mercantile code (1870): "In case of the liquidation of a company of this kind (denominated joint-account
partnership), inasmuch as the sale of the firm assets is necessarily uncertain and eventual, considering the greater or lesser selling price
that may be obtained from the property and effects which comprise such assets, the price received should be allotted in the same
proportion as that fixed in the contract for the division of the profits and losses, for otherwise one of the partners would be benefited to the
detriment and loss of his copartners."

No person should enrich himself wrongfully at the expense of another.

CONCLUSION: Should it be duly and fully proved that Warner Ltd. acquired realty in the name and at the expense of the joint-account
partnership, it is just that, in liquidating the property of common ownership, such realty should be divided between the partners in the same
manner as were the profits and losses during the existence of the business, from the beginning of the partnership to the date of its
DISPOSITIVE: CFI Set aside. This cause shall be returned to CFI, accompanied by a certified copy of this decision, for the holding of a new
trial for the purpose of a final decision of all the questions involved in this litigation. Purpose:

FIRST. Warner advised that it must, within a fixed period, render an account, verified by vouchers, of its management of the business of
the joint-account partnership.
Accounting should be from Dec. 1, 1898, to June 29, 1899, and to the 12 months of 1903 IF found that partnership commenced
on Dec. 1, 1898 as alleged by Aldecoa OR
Accounting restricted to 12 months of 1903, in the accounts of which last period must be included all the property that is found to
belong to the said partnership IF proven that partnership began on June 30, 1899

SECOND. In the examination of the accounts that may be found to have been rendered, the parties may allege and prove facts conducive
to their revision or approval besides availing themselves of the evidence already adduced at trial.

THIRD. With respect to the accounts from June 30, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1902, already approved, CFI shall proceed in accordance with law,
duly considering the errors, omissions, mistakes and fraudulent or deceitful acts that have been alleged or may specifically be alleged in
rejecting the said approved accounts, as well as the evidence introduced by both parties, and it shall be careful to decide in its final
judgment all the issues raised between the parties in the course of this litigation and to provide such remedies as are proper in regard to
their respective claims.

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