Case Digest 2

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ALDECOA & CO., plainti ff - appellant

WARNER, BARNES & CO., LTD, defendant- appellee

G.R. No. L-5242

August 6, 1910

Aldecoa became interested in the said business of Warner & Co. And
formed a joint- account partnership with it agrees to share equally in
the gains and losses. Both also agree that partnership was established
through verbal agreement whereby they should share equally the profi ts
and losses of the buying of gathering and storing hemp in Albay and
selling it in Manila for exportati on, and that Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd.,
was the manager of the said joint- account partnership.
Factual Background
Fom the fourth to the twelfth, the plaintiff set forth that, prior to December 1,
1898, Warner, Barnes and Co. were conducting a business in Albay, the principal
object of which was the purchase of hemp in the pueblos of Legaspi and Tobacco
for the purpose of bringing it to Manila, here to sell if for exportation, and that on
the said date of December 1, 1898, the plaintiff company became interested in
the said business of Warner, Barnes and Co., in Albay and formed therewith a
joint-account partnership whereby Aldecoa and Co., were to share equally in the
gains and losses of the business in Albay; that the defendant is the successor to all
the rights and obligations of Warner, Barnes and Co., among which is that of
being manager of the said joint-account partnership with Aldecoa and Co.; that
the defendant acted, and continues to act as such manager, and is obliged to
render accounts supported by proofs, and to liquidate the business, which
defendant not only has not done.
Issue of the Case
Whether Aldecoa is entitled to a writ of mandamus against Warner to render acco
unting on their joint account partnership, correct itserrors & omissions on accoun
ts rendered, pay sums not credited to Aldecoa and to liquidate the business & sell 
the properties distributing theproceeds between them? (Errors on the accounts, f
raud by managers, & acquisition of property must first be proved; as to rendering 
accounts ascertain first date when partnership commenced but that bet. June 30, 
1899 to Dec. 31, 1902 has been rendered
Ruling of the Supreme Court
We therefore reverse the judgment and the decisions appealed from and
absolved the defendant, Warner, Barnes and Co. (Ltd.), from the complaint and
other claims presented by Aldecoa and Co. The defendant is hereby ordered to
pay to the plaintiff the sum of P478.79 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum from September 26, 1907, until the date of payment; without
special finding as to costs. So ordered.
Ratio Decidendi
1. Commencement of the partnership and business in Albay - The plaintiff
company became interested in the said business of Warner, Barnes and
Co., in Albay and formed therewith a joint-account partnership whereby
Aldecoa and Co., were to share equally in the gains and losses of the
business in Albay. Fraudulent acts were not known to the partners of the
plaintiff firm until the managers, in collusion with the managers of the
defendant firm to defraud and injure the plaintiff firm, had ceased to hold
their positions, to wit, until after the 31st of December, 1906, and that by
reason of this conspiracy to defraud the plaintiffs, the defendants have
been benefited; that the errors and omissions found in the entries of the
books kept by the defendant firm as manager of the joint-account

2. Whether the managing firm did render accounts, duly verified by

vouchers, of its management from the date of the organization of the

Approval is seen in the context of its own letters (July 27, 1907 & Feb. 19, 1903).
Aldecoa is not entitled and has no right of action to compel Warner Ltd. To render
accounts. Pertaining to that period they having already been rendered and duly
approved. He who takes charge of the management of another’s property, is
bound immediately thereafter to render accounts covering his transactions; and
that it is always to be understood that all accounts rendered must be duly
substantiated by vouchers. Both litigating parties admit that Warner Ltd., was the
manager of the business of the joint-account partnership formed.Thus, it is
unquestionable that it was and is Warner Ltd’s duty to render accounts of the
management of the business, as it partially has done. Although Warner Ltd. Has
not proved, as it should have done, that it complied with its duty of rendering
accounts of its management, sincethe letters themselves exhibited by Aldecoa,
and duly authenticated as being written by the latter, prove that Warner Ltd. Did
renderaccounts from June 30, 1899, to Dec. 31, 1902, no legal reason exists for
not accepting CFI’s finding that it had been proved thataccounts were rendered
pertaining to the period mentioned and that the said accounts were approved by
the Aldecoa.
3. Errors and omissions, prejudicial to Aldecoa & Co in the partnership books
and in its accounts, and fraudulent acts were committed in management of the
said business.
Once the accounts rendered by Warner Ltd., have been approved, Aldecoa is not
entitled, afterwards to claim a revision of the same,UNLESS it shows that there
was fraud, deceit, error, or mistake in the approval of the said accounts. Under
this hypothesis, Aldecoa & Co. Are strictly obliged to prove the errors, omissions,
and fraudulent acts. In addition, attributed to Warner Ltd.,in connection with the
accounts already rendered, and approved by them, in order that the same may be
revised in accordance with law and the jurisprudence of the courts.
If it be known in truth that he who gave the account or had the things in his
keeping, concealed anything deceitfully, or committed other fraud against those
who have a share in such thing, then neither the suit, nor such previous status
and promise shall avail. On the contrary, we say that they may sue him to compel
him to remedy the deceit he committed against them, and to pay all the damages
and losses that have accrued to them by reason thereof; provided, however, he
especially shall not have repaired thedeceit that he committed. It does not matter
that the accounts pertaining to the years comprised between June 30, 1899, and
Dec. 31, 1902, mayhave been approved by Aldecoa. Whenever Aldeco shall
succeed in proving that there was error, omission, fraud, or deceit in these.
4. Whether the partnership property should be included in the liquidation of
the said business and in the accounts appertaining to the year 1903, when
the existence of the partnership came to an end.
Warmer Ltd. Agrees that Aldecoa has not yet approved the accounts that the
former rendered, pertaining to 1903, the last year of theexistence of the joint-
account partnership. Thus, CFI provided that the trial should continue with
respect to the said accounts in order that Aldecoa might make such objections
and statements in regard to the same as he deemed proper, and adduce the
evidence conducive toprove his claim, in accordance with law. It is one of the
duties of the manager of a joint-account partnership, to liquidate the assets that
form the common property and to state the result obtained therefrom in the final
rendering of the accounts which he is to present at the conclusion of the

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