A Review For Voltage Sags and Swells Mitigation by Dynamic Voltage Restorer

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Volume 1 , Issue 3 , June 2016

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456- 2165

A Review For Voltage Sags And Swells Mitigation

By Dynamic Voltage Restorer
Apurva Vashishth

Balvinder Singh

Power System
Govt. women engineering college, Ajmer
[email protected]

Asst. Prof. EEE department

Govt. women engineering college, Ajmer
[email protected]

Abstract :- In the Voltage Transmission Voltage Sags and

Swells are the main factor which occurs at the time of
transmission. Voltage Sags and Swells are the disturbances
which increase the losses in the transmission and voltage
get unstable. We can find these type of disturbance and
remove that so that transfer voltage can be use in
applications. Nonlinear loads and sensitive loads are
affected by the Voltage Sags and Swells. DVR(Dynamic
Voltage Restorer ) is the main and coast effective solution
for reducing the losses from the Voltage Sags and Swells.
DVR can protect the linear loads and sensitive loads from
the Voltage Sags and Swells. In this paper, we are giving
the Literature review for remove the Voltage Sags and
Swells Issue at the transmission time.

Voltage Sags occur when the voltage get the decrease in RMS
for the frequency of the power for the duration of 0.5 to 1
minute. Voltage Sags get the measure in depth from the
original voltage . Sometimes voltage amplitude gets reduce for
some time and exact required voltage graphs will not get as
required . It gets decrease from some points, so it is called
voltage Sags.

Keywords- Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), voltage sags,

voltage swells, sensitive load.


In the present time, Voltage Deviation gets occur during the

load changes in power transmission. Due to the instability of
Reactive Power, some limitations get occur in power transfer.
In the standard power transmission system hundreds of
generation, the station is connected along with thousands of
load center. These are connected by a long power transmission
line and a distribution network. The customer requires the
good power quality which is required by the transmission line
. Power distribution system will be able to provide continue
and smooth sinusoidal waveform for the voltage frequency.

Voltage Sags occurs in given locations and points


Utility system
Inside Industrial plant
we mention some point by which the voltage Sags get
Operation of Reclosers and circuit breaker
Equipment Failure
Bad Weather
Animal & Birds
Vehicle Problem
Construction Activity
Industrial Plants

Voltage Swells can be defined as the output voltage gets swell
for the duration of 0.5 cycles to 1 minute from the nominal
voltage than it is called voltage swells. Voltage Sag is
important as compared to voltage swells. Because voltage
swells get occur in the distribution system rarely.



Voltage Sags is defined in the IEE standard 1159-1995.

Fig 1 :- Voltage Sag- A reduced voltage for a limited period


In 2015 Ch Sandhya[et.al] presented a paper for show the

issue which is getting by Voltage Sags and Swells. Voltage
Sags and Swells give the effects on linear loads and sensitive
loads. DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) is a best coast
effective solution for remove the problem for Voltage Sags
and Swells for the protection of sensitive loads. The control of
compensation voltage is based upon the DQO algorithm. The
general configuration of the DVR consists of an injection or a
booster transformer, a harmonic filter, a voltage source
converter, DC charging circuit, a control and protection



Volume 1 , Issue 3 , June 2016

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456- 2165

In 2014 S. Ganesh[et.al] presented a paper for the distribution

system , in which Sags are creating so much disturbances.
Voltage Sags are occur due to the fault in the electrical
network and it is also occur due to a large induction motor.
This problem can be solved by dynamic voltage
restorer(DVR). In this paper , they show the solution for
remove Voltage Sags from the Voltage waveform. The DVR
consists of VSC, injection transformers, passive filters and
energy storage (lead acid battery). By injecting an appropriate
voltage, the DVR restores a voltage waveform and ensures
constant load voltage.
In 2011 Mahmoud A. El-Gammal[et.al] presented a paper for
the solution of voltage Sags . For remove the problem of
Voltage Sags they are giving the DVR (Dynamic Voltage
Restorer) . DVR is a power electronic based device . It is
providing three phase based controlled voltage source. DVR
voltage vector magnitude and angle are added for the voltage
of source when voltage sags occur . It is doing so that voltage
drop can be resolve and voltage stability get stable . The DVR
is designed for protecting the whole plant with loads in the
range of some MVA. The DVR can restore the load voltage
within few milliseconds. Several configurations and control
methods are proposed for the DVR. In this paper, an overview
of the DVR, its functions, configurations, components,
compensating strategies and control methods are reviewed
along with the device capabilities and limitations.
In 2012 Ch Srisailam[et.al] presented a paper for reduce the
problem of voltage Sags and Swells by DVR (Dynamic
Voltage Restorer). DVR is able to provide the proper voltage
quality level which is requested by the customers. DVR will
connect along with feeder in series at the medium voltage.
The PI controller is very common in the control of DVRs.
However, one disadvantage of this conventional controller is
the fact that by using fixed gains, the controller may not
provide the required control performance, when there are
variations in the system parameters. To overcome this problem
the fuzzy logic controller is proposed. And the simulation
results have proved that the proposed control method greatly
improves the performance of the DVR compared to the
conventional PI controller.
In 2014 Mayank Paliwal[et.al] presented a paper for
simulation results of mitigation voltage sags and swells . They
are using DVR for reduce the problem of Voltage Sags and
Swells in electrical power network. The dynamic voltage
restorer with its excellent dynamic capabilities, when installed
between the supply and a critical load feeder, can compensate
for voltage sags/swells, restoring line voltage to its nominal
value within few milliseconds and hence avoiding any power
disruption to the load. In this paper the technical aspect
feasibility related to the use dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)
of traditional DC storage systems are evaluated. This topology
would ensure a constant DC voltage across the DC link during
the process of voltage compensation. The modeling of


dynamic voltage restorer is carried out component wise and

their performances are analyzed using MATLAB software.
In 2010 Tarek I. El-Shennawy[et.al] presented a paper for
give the solution from the problem of voltage Sags and Swells
for the industries by DVR. DVR is solving the issue of voltage
Sags along with all other losses of the distribution network.
Existing configurations and control techniques for the DVR
aim at protecting industries of high-tech, loads with adjustable
speed drives and other power-electronic based loads.
Industries with induction motors loads require a complete
different approach for the design and control of a suitable
DVR. Owing to the inherit inertia of the induction motors and
their capability to withstand short-duration, shallow sags, in
addition to its tolerance to phase jumps, a DVR with low cost,
fast response and simple controller could be configured to
fulfill the voltage restoration requirements.
In 2014 Rasool M. Imran[et.al] presented a paper for the
issue of the power quality. Power Quality is the important
issue for the power distribution system . In power quality
system problems are coming like Voltage Sags and Swells for
the low voltage power distribution system. We have lots of
methods for the remove the problem of voltage Sags and
Swells. One of the most popular methods of sag and swell
compensation is Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), The
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is series-connected power
electronics based device. It provides advanced and economic
solution to compensate voltage sag and swell. This device can
be implemented to protect a group of medium or low voltage
consumers. The new configuration of DVR has been proposed
using improved d-q-0 controller. This study presents
compensation of sags and swells voltage during single line to
ground (SLG) and three-phase faults. A comprehensive study
of a DVR as a powerful custom power device has been shown
with aid of matlab/Simulink. The main advantages of DVR are
low cost, simpler implementation, require less computational
efforts and its control is simple as compared to other methods.
The control system is based on dq0 technique which is a
scaled error between source side of the DVR and its reference
for compensating sags and swells. The paper simulation
results shows that the DVR performance is efficient in
mitigation of voltage sags and swells. The DVR handles both
balanced and unbalanced situations without any difficulties. It
injects an appropriate voltage component to correct any
anomaly rapidly in the supply voltage; in addition, it keeps the
load voltage balanced and constant at the nominal value.
In 2013 G Mohan[et.al] presented a paper for show the design
of DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) along with sinusoidal
pulse width modulation (SPWM) and space vector pulse width
modulation. It shows the problem of voltage Sags and Swells
and shows the big impact on the sensitive loads and nonlinear
nodes. DVR is a series connected device used for
compensating the voltage sags & swells in distribution system.
The detection of sags/swells is carried out with the help of dq0
theory, whereas the control of voltage source inverter is done
with help of SPWM & SVPWM. This paper compares the



Volume 1 , Issue 3 , June 2016

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456- 2165

total harmonic distortion(THD) of the DVR using SPWM &

SVPWM. The performance of DVR is studied under voltage
Sag & Swells by using SPWM and SVPWM Techniques.
In 2013 Shazly A. Mohammed[et.al] presented a paper for
show the problem of Voltage Sags and also that how much
impact it is showing in sensitive loads. DVR(Dynamic
Voltage Restorer) is the important device for reduce the
problem of voltage Sags. The Dynamic Voltage Restorer
(DVR) is fast, flexible and efficient solution to voltage sag
problem. The DVR is a series compensator used to mitigate
voltage sags and to restore load voltage to its rated value. In
this paper, an overview of the DVR, its functions,
configurations, components, operating modes, voltage
injection methods and closed-loop control of the DVR output
voltage are reviewed along with the device capabilities and
In 2012 Anita Pakharia[et.al] presented a paper for
requirement of power quality. It is important issue for the
customer of the distributed power . In the power transmission
Voltage Sags and swells , notch , spike and transients get
occur so we have to remove that for project transmission . The
voltage sag and swell is very severe problem for an industrial
customer which needs urgent attention for its compensation.
There are various methods for the compensation of voltage sag
and swell. One of the most popular methods of sag and swell
compensation is Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is
used in both low voltage and medium voltage applications. In
this paper, the comprehensive reviews of various articles, the
advantages and disadvantages of each possible configuration
and control techniques pertaining to DVR are presented. The
compensation strategies and controllers have been presented in
literature, aiming at fast response, accurate compensation and
low costs. This review will help the researchers to select the
optimum control strategy and power circuit configuration for
DVR applications. This will also very helpful in finalizing the
method of analysis and recommendations relating to the power
quality problems.
In 2011 Md. Riyasat Azim[et.al] presented a paper for power
quality issue. This issue is growing rapidly in the industries
and residence electricity users. in the modern and recent
technology sensitive power electronic equipment , control
device and non linear loads are using to increase the efficiency
of the distributed network . Voltage disturbances are the most
common power quality problem due to this increased use of a
large numbers of sophisticated and sensitive electronic
equipment in industrial systems. The Dynamic Voltage
Restorer (DVR) has recently been introduced to protect the
sensitive industrial loads from the detrimental effects of
voltage sags/swells and other voltage disturbances.
Configurations and control schemes for the DVR varies
depending upon the nature and characteristics of the load to be
protected. Industries with induction motors loads require a
complete different approach for the design and control of a
suitable DVR owing to the inherit inertia of the induction

motors and their capability to withstand short-duration,

shallow sags/swells, in addition to its tolerance to phase angle
jumps. In this paper, a DVR with fast response, simple and
efficient controller is proposed for fulfilling the voltage
restoration requirements for industrial induction motor loads.
The proposed DVR employs the classical Fourier Transform
(FT) for sag/swell detection and quantification and a Fuzzy
Logic based feedback controller which utilizes the error signal
(difference between the reference voltage and actual measured
load voltage) to control the triggering of the switches of an
inverter using a Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM)
scheme. The proposed DVR utilizes the energy from available
supply line feeders through a rectifier to feed the inverter.
In 2012 S.F. Torabi[et.al] presented a paper for show the
working of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). DVR is
using to protect the distribution network from the voltage Sags
and swells. In the Distribution system it will protect sensitive
loads from the voltage Sags and Swells . The DVR can be
implemented to protect a group of medium voltage or low
voltage consumers. The new configuration of DVR has been
proposed using improved d-q-0 controller technique. This
study presents compensation of sags and swells voltage during
single line to ground (SLG) fault and three-phase fault. The
control system is based on DQO technique which is a scaled
error, between source side of the DVR and its reference for
compensating sags and swells. The simulation shows that the
DVR performance is efficient in mitigation of voltage sags
and swells.
In 2013 priyanka Kumari [et.al] presented a paper for the
power quality which is getting important issue in the present
time. In this paper , a sophisticated devoice is introduced so
that the power quality performance can be improve. The major
problem is get occur in the system that is Voltage Sags. To
solve this problem, custom power devices are used. One of
those devices is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which
is the most efficient and effective modern custom power
device used in power distribution networks. Its appeal includes
lower cost, smaller size, and its fast dynamic response to the
disturbance. It can provide the most commercial solution to
mitigation voltage sag by injecting voltage as well as power
into the system. This paper presents modeling, analysis and
simulation of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) using
MATLAB. The efficiency of the DVR depends on the
performance of the efficiency control technique involved in
switching the inverters. In this model a PI controller and
Discrete PWM pulse generator is used.
In this paper , we are showing the solution for the Voltage
Sags and Swells . We can use many types of methodology .
DVR is the main method by which we can reduce the problem
of voltage Sags and Swells. Voltage Sags and Swells are
giving the main problem to the sensitive load in the
distribution network.



Volume 1 , Issue 3 , June 2016

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456- 2165

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