Gliderdesignresearch Phase1
Gliderdesignresearch Phase1
Gliderdesignresearch Phase1
Degree/Grade Level
Degree/Grade Level
Design Information
Project Name:
AERY Compatible?
Design Attached?
Underlying Principles:
Use the space below to describe the scientific and engineering principles upon which
gliders are designed for achieving long distance, straight line flight.
The leading thing that we used to design our glider were vectors. In order to
determine the size and placement of the parts of the glider we saw the plane as a
balance scale. While using Aery we often had to adjust the placement and area of the
parts. In changing the area it would add more weight. In addition, the placement would
affect the distribution of mass in the plane. Vectors helped us prevent designing a glider
that would be tail heaving or nose heavy. Lastly we took into consideration the amount
of drag and lift that would act glider. We could change the amount of drag acting on the
glider by changing the length or taper of the parts.
Design Features:
Use the space below to give a detailed description of the design features associated
with your proposed glider. For each, link it to an underlying principle that guided your
decision to use the feature over other designs.
Our glider is a canard, we have the horizontal stabilizer at the front of the
fuselage and the vertical stabilizer at the back of the fuselage.The wing is wide at 7.3
cm and 50 cm long; it lays in the middle of the fuselage, our vertical stabilizer is much
bigger compared to our horizontal stabilizer. The vertical stabilizer has a height of 8cm
and 6.5 cm wide. We have a slight angle of 3.04 degrees for our horizontal stabilizer,
and it is the smallest compared to our wing and vertical stabilizer. It has a length of 7 cm
and 2.4 cm width. We have a greater amount of mass at the back of the canard than the
front to help balance our center of gravity. These measurements helped us achieve an
aery number of 204 on a simulator that would allow our canard to cover a large
Use the space below to describe any practical limitations or new skills that will be
required in order for you to successfully construct your glider.
In order to build the glider we would need to know how to use the tools to cut and
measure the balsa wood. Knowing how to cut would help make our glider as accurate
as possible and avoid wasting valuable material. In addition, knowing how to use a tape
measure would help make our glider perform as shown in AERY. Although there are the
limitations in successfully constructing our glider. Sanding an even amount of material
on each side of the wing might make our plane yaw. Also the application of glue is
crucial so that our plane doesnt fall apart.
Primary Investigator Ken Lugo
Department of Ed.