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IBPS Clerk

Preliminary Set 20
Practice PDF

1. English Language
2. Reasoning
3. Quantitative Aptitude

Number of questions
Total = 100 Qs.

Total marks = 100

Duration of Exam
60 minutes

1. English Language
Direction (Q. 1 - 5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is , any grammatical error or idiomatic
error in it. The error, if any, will be in one, part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If
there is no error the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation if any.)
1. 1) The basketball match /3) was organized and /3) the sponsored by his /4) father's company /5) No
2. 1) There were many /2) factors that contributed /3) to the success /4) of this experiments /5) No Error
3. 1) Child labour is /2) considered to be /3) illegal in /4) many countries /5) No Error
4. 1) She always remembers /2) to switch off all the /3) lights and fans before /4) leaving a rooms /5) No
5. 1) Inspite of the /2) heavy raining Raj /3) decided to go /4) for the meeting /5) No Error
Direction (Q. 6 - 10): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are
numbered ( I ) , (2), (3) and (4). One of these words printed in bold may either be wrongly spelt or
inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that Is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if
any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and
appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (5) i.e. 'All Correct' as your answer.
6. 1) Information /2) about the exam /3) was displayed /4) on the notice board. /5) All Correct
7. 1) Richa promised /2) to kleen /3) her room /4) on Sunday /5) All Correct
8. 1) The robbers /2) tried to get /3) into the house /4) through the balcony /5) All Correct
9. 1) The strike /2) continued for 3 days, because /3) of which the company /4) underwent a huge loss
/5) All Correct
10. 1) There /2) were many /3) seagulls /4) on the beach /5) All Correct
Direction (Q. 11 - 15): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in proper
sequence to form a meaningful paragraph then answer the questions given below them.
(A) When finally he regained consciousness, he saw that the sea was as Calm as a pond.

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(B) "I'm always peaceful but it is the wind that creates-' waves and turns me into a monster", the
goddess continued.
(C) Do not blame me, my son said the goddess.
(D) A man who had survived a shipwreck struggled mightily against the waves and finally succeeded in
reaching the shore, more dead than alive.
(E) The sea heard him shout angrily and took the form of a goddess to defend itself.
(F) "How deceitful you are!" he shouted at the sea, "You draw men into you showing your peaceful side
but when they are in your power you put them in trouble."
11. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence in the rearrangement?
(1) C (2) B (3) E (4) F (5) A
12. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence in the rearrangement?
(1) A (2) D (3) B (4) C (5) E
13. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence in the rearrangement?
(1) D (2) A (3) C

(4) B (5) F

14. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence in the rearrangement?
(1) A (2) B (3) D (4) C (5) F
15. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence in the rearrangement?
(1) A (2) E (3) D (4) B (5) F
Direction (Q. 16 - 20): Each sentence below has a blank(s), each blank indicating that something has
been mitted. Choose the word(s) that best t(s) the meaning of the sentence as a role.
16. Shweta has________ in Chennai all her life.
(1) lives (2) living (3) lived (4) seeing (5) seen
17. Jimmy________ avoids playing tennis on weekdays as it is very tiring.
(1) rarely (2) usually (3) greatly (4) highly (5) poorly
18. Mr. Bose _ _ _ _ _ working in the bank for the last fifteen years
(1) will be (2) have been (3) to be (4) has been (5) plans to
19. Praful_______ to be promoted as he is very hard working.
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(1) afraid (2) hoping (3) tries (4) awaited (5) deserves
20. She________ sang well________ played the sitar very well.
(1) also, a (2) no sooner, than (3) not only, but also (4) try to, and also (5) never, even
Direction (Q. 21 - 30): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which
fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
This happened thousands of years ago. Life was hard as people had to do all the work by themselves. A
large number of people were (21) they would travel from one place to another in search of food and
shelter. While travelling one day, a man arrived at the (22) of a desert He was walking on the sand, when
suddenly, he came across a frightening. Creature - it had extremely long, thin legs, a giant hump and a
long neck. It was this neck that he extended towards the man, who scared out of his (23), ran away from
the spot. The following day, he met the creature again. It was standing near a lake, (24) water. This time,
the man was fascinated at what he saw the creature putting its long neck into the lake and drinking
water continuously. Then suddenly, aware it was being watched, the giant creature looked up and
stared straight into the eyes of the man standing across. But this time, an (25) of water separated the
two, and the man did not run away. He stood and watched the animal, which made no effort to come
closer: In the following weeks, the man saw more such creaturs. again and again. It seemed they were
all over the desert, aimlessly walking about four miles on (26). The moa began to observe the creatures
very closely. He saw that they were vegetarian. Moreover, despite their huge size, they were remarkably
meek and (27). And the stamina the creatures had was (28). They could walk the entire length of the
desert w lout being exhausted Observing them the man thought, "What if I (29) this creature and make
it ferry all my stuff? I could then make the desert my home." So, one day, while one of the creatures was
dozing, the man went up to it and put a bridle in its mouth. Then he rode around on it, after placing an
enormous amount of load on its back. With that, the taming of the came! was complete (for that was
who the creature was). And ever since that day, the camel has faithfully (30) up to its title of 'Ship of the
21. (1) masons (2) cobblers (3) farmers (4) nomads (5) potters
22. (1) edge (2) base (3) banks (4) shore (5) line
23. (1) humor (2) mind (3) wits (4) life (5) face
24. (1) flowing (2) drinking (3) eating (4) watching (5) listening
25. (1) expanse (2) stretch (3) wedge (4) pond (5) element
26. (1) kilo meter (2) meters (3) start (4) end (5) miles
27. (1) scary (2) gentle (3) ferocious (4) foolish (5) aimless
28. (1) unarguable (2) unbelievable (3) unforgivable (4) unbearable (5) unavailable
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29. (1) tame (2) support (3) kill (4) eat (5) call
30. (1) been (2) ran (3) seen (4) lived (5) stood

1. (3); It is improper to use an article before a verb.
Hence sponsored by his should be used here.
2. (4); Here of this experiment/of these experiments should be used.
3. (2); Here, it is improper to use 'to be' (Probability). Hence considered should be used.
4. (4); Here leaving rooms/ leaving a room should be used.
5. (2); Here, Noun i.e. rain should be used.
Hence, heavy rain Raj should be used.
6. (3); The correct spelling is : displayed.
7. (2); The correct spelling is : clean.
8. (1); The correct spelling is : robbers.
9. (5); All Correct
10. (5); All Correct
11. (3); E
12. (4); C
13. (1); D
14. (2); B
15. (1); A
16. (3); lived
17. (2); usually
18. (4); has been
19. (5); deserves

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20. (3); not only, but also

21. (4); nomads
22. (1); edge
23. (3); wits
24. (2); drinking
25. (1); expanse
26. (5); miles
27. (2); gentle
28. (2); unbelievable
29. (1); tame
30. (5); stood

2. Reasoning
1. Rahul started from point A and travelled 8 kms towards the North to point B, he then turned right and
travelled 7 kms to point C, from point C he took the first right and drove 5 kms to point D, he took
another right and travelled 7 kms to point E and finally turned right and travelled for another 3 kms to
point F. What is the distance between point F and B?
(1) 1 km (2) 2 km (3) 3 km (4) 4 km (5) None of these
2. Among R, L, T and J each having different weights, T is heavier than only L. R is not as heavy as J. Who
is the heaviest?
(1) R (2) J (3) T (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
3. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters STIF starting with F, using each
letter-only once in each word?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three
4. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word RELUCTANCE each of which has as many letters
between them in the word, (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in
the English alphabetical series?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) Four

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5. In a certain code 'FIGHT is coded as 'GJFIU' and 'WRITE' is coded as 'XSHUF'. How will 'JUDGE' be
coded in the same code?


6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does
not belong to the group?
(1) Sugar (2) Sand (3) Stone (4) Lava (5) Rock
7. Which of the following will come in place of the question mark?
(1) GL (2) FK (3) GK (4) HL (5) HM
8. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word from the first, fifth, seventh and eighth letters of
the word SPONTANEOUS, then the second letter from the left is your answer. If no such word can be
formed then your answer is X and if more than one such word can be formed your answer is Y.
(1) X (2) T (3) E (4) S (5) Y
9. If '2' is subtracted from each even digit and T" is added to each odd digit in the number 8567284.
Which of the following will be the sum of the third digit from the left and the second digit from the right
of new number thus formed?
(1) 10 (2) 8 (3) 4 (4) 6 (5) 16
10. Smita correctly remembers that last year Diwali was celebrated before November but after May.
Sanjay correctly remembers that last year he had Diwali holidays after July. Mohan correctly remembers
that the month in which Diwali was celebrated had only 30 days. In which month of the year was Diwali
definitely celebrated?
(1) July (2) August (3) September (4) October (5) November
Direction (Q. 11 - 15): In each question below are three statements followed by two conclusions
numbered I and II. You have take the three given statements to be true even if they seen to be at
variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows
from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follow.
Give answer (2) if only conclusion II follows.
Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

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Give answer (5) if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.

11. Statements:
Some choices are mistakes.
All mistakes are errors.
No error is justified.
I. Some choices are justified.
II. All mistakes are not justified.
12. Statements:
All cycles are buses.
Some buses are cars.
All cars are carts.
I. Some carts are cars.
II. Some cycles are cars.
13. Statements:
All big are short.
Some short are long.
Some long are thin.
I. Some short are thin.
II. Some thin are not long.
14. Statements:
All rewards are achievements.
All achievements are successes.

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All successes are everlasting.

I. All successes are achievements.
II. Some everlasting are not successes.
15. Statements:
Some rivals are enemies.
No enemy is a friend.
Some friends are strangers.
I. Some rivals are not friends.
II. All strangers are friends.
Direction (Q. 16 - 20): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and F are sitting around a circle facing the centre. U is third to the right of Q who is
third to the right of F. P is third to the left of F. R is fourth to the left of P. T is third to the right of S. S is
not a neighbor of P.
16. Four of the following five are similar in a certain way based on their positions in the seating
arrangement and so form a group.
Which of the following does not belong to that group?
(1) RQT (2) QPV (3) SPU (4) FRT (5) RSF
17. Who is sitting third to the left of 9?
(1) F (2) U (3) S (4) P (5) R
18. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate right of the second person?
(1) TQ

(2) VP (3) PU (4) FS (5) None of these

19. What is P's position with respect to F?

(1) Third to the left (2) Third to the right (3) Second to the left (4) Immediate right (5) Fourth of the left
20. Who is sitting second to the left of U?
(1) 9 (2) P (3) V (4) F (5) T
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Direction (Q. 21 - 25): In each question below is given a number/symbol followed by five combinations
of letter codes numbered (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). You have to find out which of the combinations
correctly represents the number/symbol based on the following coding system and the conditions and
mark number of the that combination as your answer. Two or more conditions may be applicable to a
single combination.
Number/Symbol #
Letter Code















(i) If the second element is an odd number and the last element is a symbol, the number is to be coded
as the code for the symbol.
(ii) If the group of elements contains a perfect square, that number is to be coded as the code for the
element preceding it. (one is also a perfect square)
(iii) If both the second and third elements are symbols, the codes for these symbols are to be
21. 7%&53#
22. %5&74!
23. #$9*3%
24. GSI+#5
25. +3!47&
Direction (Q. 26 - 30): Study the information carefully and answer the given questions.
A, C, D, I, L, P and M are sitting a straight line facing north.
(a) P sits fourth to the right of A and C sits second to the left of P.D sits in the middle and is second to
the right of M.

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(b) 1 sits; U the farthest possible distance from P (five persons sits between I and P).
26. If all the seven persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from left to right the position of how
many will remain unchanged as compared to the original seating positions?
1) None

2) One

3) Two

4) Three

5) More than three

27. Four of the following are alike in a certain way based in seating position in use above arrangement
and so form a group. Which pair does not belong to that group?
(1) MA (2) DC (3) LP (4) AC (5) IM
28. What is the position of C with respect to M?
(1) Second to the right
(2) Immediate to the right
(3) Immediate to the left
(4) Third to the right
(5) Fourth to the right
29. How many persons sit between A and L ?
(1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four (5) More than Four
30. Which of the following pairs represents the persons sitting at the extreme ends of the line?
(1) IC (2) DP (3) IP (4) AP (5) None of these
Direction (Q. 31 - 35): In each of the questions given below which of the live answer figures on the right
should come after the problem figures on the aft, if the sequence were continued?

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1. (2);

Distance between points F and B = 2 km

2. (2); J > R > T > L
3. (3); Meaningful Word = FIST ; FITS
4. (5);

5. (1);

6. (1); Sugar is different from others. Sugar is an organic compound Others are carbonates or silicates.
7. (1);

8. (5);

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9 10 11


Meaningful Words = NEST, SENT

9. (1);

4 + 6 = 10
10. (3);
According to Srnita Diwali was celebrated in June, July, August, September or October.
According to Sanjay Diwali was celebrated in August, September, October, November or December.
Common Months = August, September, October.
There are 30 days in the month of September.
(11 - 15):
(i) All mistakes are errors > Universal Affirmative (A-type).
(ii) Some choices are mistakes > Particular Affirmative (I-type).
(iii) No error is justified > Universal Negative (E-type).
(iv) Some errors are not justified > Particular Negative (O-type).
11. (4);
Some choices are mistakes.
All mistakes are errors.
I + A = I-type of Conclusion
Some choices are errors.
All mistakes are errors.
No errors is justified.
A + E = E-type of Conclusion
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No mistake is justified.
12. (1);
Some buses are cars
All cars are carts
I + A = I-type of Conclusion
Some buses are carts
Conclusion I is Converse of the third Premise.
13. (4);
Some short are long.
Some long are him
I + I = No Conclusion.
14. (4);
All reward are achievements.
All achievements are successes.
A + A = A type of Conclusion.
All achievements are successes.
All successes are everlasting
A + A = type of Conclusion
All achievements are everlasting
15. (1);
Some rivals are enemies.
No enemy is a friend.
I + E = O-type of Conclusion
Some rivals are not friends.
This is Conclusion I.

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(16 - 20):

16. (4); Except in FRT, in all others the third person is sitting between the first and the second person.
17. (1); F is sitting third to the left of Q.
18. (4); F is sitting to the immediate right of S.
19. (1); P is third to the left of F.
20. (3); V is sitting second to the left of U.
21. (5);

Condition (iii) is applicable.

22. (4);

Conditions (i) and (ii) are applicable.

23. (1);

Condition (ii) is applicable.

24. (4);

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Condition (ii) is applicable.

25. (3);

Conditions (i) and (ii) are applicable.

26. (2);

27. (4); Except in AC, in all others the first person is to the immediate left of the second person.
28. (4); C is third to the right of M.
29. (2); Two persons sit between A and L.
30. (3); I and P are sitting at the extreme ends of the line
31. (1);
From Problem Figure (1) to (2) all the elements move in anticlockwise direction after the upper right and
the lower left elements interchange positions. Similar changes occur from Problem Figure (3) to (4) and
from Problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure.
32. (5);
One leaflet is added after every two figures and the design moves one, one, two, two... step(s) in
clockwise direction. Again, the design rotates respectively 45, 90, 135, 180, 225... clockwise in the
subsequent figures.
33. (4);

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From Problem Figure (1) to (2) the outer designs move one step in anticlockwise direction while the
inner designs move in clockwise direction. Similar changes occur from Problem Figure (3) to (4) and from
Problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure
34. (1);
In each subsequent figure one curve is added and the line segment is extended to from a certain
35. (3);
In the subsequent figures the triangle moves respectively one and a half, one, one-half step(s) in
anticlockwise direction, the shaded sequence moves one-half step in clockwise direction while star
descends. diagonally stepwise and ascends in one step.

3. Quantitative Aptitude
Direction (Q. 1 - 10): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?
1. 22.5 x 32.4 4.5 = ?
1) 164

2) 152

3) 156

4) 166

5) None of these

2. 3352 + 3331 + 3109 + 3456 = 28810 - ?

1) 13748

2) 15602

3) 13478

4) 15562

5) None of these

3. 324 x 149 = ?
1) 47628

2) 48276

3) 47978

4) 48622

5) None of these

4. 3055 25 x 3.4 + 125 = ?

1) 520.50

2) 418.28

5. 75 x

+ 15 = ?

1) 135

2) 145


3) 662.68

3) 125

4) 115

4) 540.48

5) None of these

5) None of these




5) None of these

7. (63)2 (?)2 + 32 = 58
1) 81

2) 6

3) 9

4) 36

5) 7

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1) 50

2) 80

3) 75

4) 45

5) None of these

9. 8452 + 1208 = ? x 28
1) 345

2) 365

3) 355

4) 325

5) None of these

10. (5)2 x (25)3 x 125 = (5)?

1) 9

2) 7

3) 8

4) 11

5) None of these

Direction (Q. 11 - 15): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number
11. 36 37 46 71 ? 201 322
(1) 120 (2) 107 (3) 135

(4) 96 (5) None of these

12. 12 20 100 ? 8900 88900 888900

(1) 1000 (2)900 (3) 800 (4) 500 (5) None of these
13. 7 7 14 42 168 ? 5040
(1) 672 (2) 850 (3) 740 (4) 800 (5) None of these
14. 21 30 12 39 3 ? -6
1) 66

2) 12

3) 48

4) 75

5) None of these

15. 10 24 52 ? 220 444 892

1) 104

2) 98

3) 112

4) 108

5) None of these

16. In an examination, Mandan scored 80 marks in Mathematics, 95 marks in Science, 74 marks in Social
Studies, 65 marks in English and 72 marks in Hindi. If all the papers were out of 100, what is Mandar's
overall percentage in the examination?
(1) 75

(2) 77.2 (3) 78.5 (4) 80 (5) None of these

17. The average of 5 positive numbers is 344. The average of the first two numbers is 650 and the
average of the last two numbers is 100. What is the third number?
(1) 200 (2) 210 (3) 180 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
18. Shilpa can complete a piece of work in 15 days and Shamita can complete the same piece of work in
24 days. In approximately, how many days can Shilpa and Shamita together complete the same piece of
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(1) 6 days

(2) 4 days (3) 7 days (4) 9 days (5) 12 days

19. Supriya's monthly income is twice Deepa's monthly income. The ratio of the monthly income of
Deepa and Sandhya is 7 : 3 respectively and their average monthly income is Rs. 25,000. What is
Supriya's monthly income?
(1) Rs. 35,000 (2) Rs. 50,000 (3) Rs. 75,000 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
20. Vinita invested a certain amount at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a. for 5 years and obtained a simple interest of
Rs. 3,800. Had she invested the same amount at the same rate of interest for 2 years, how much
amount would she have obtained as compound interest at the end of 2 years?
(1) Rs. 1,580.80 (2) Rs. 1,520 (3) Rs. 1,550.50 (4) Rs. 1,550 (5) None of these
21. Find the average of the following set of scores
450, 1050, 12. 390, 143, 286, 550, 999
(1) 390 (2) 485 (3) 520 (4) 500 (5) None of these
22. There are 864 bananas packed in dozens in 9 boxes. Each box has the same number of bananas. How
many dozens of bananas are packed in each box?
(1) 12 (2) 9 (3) 8

(4) 6 (5) None of these

23. 450% of a number is 4725. What is 82% of that number?

(1) 861 (2) 1050 (3) 681 (4) 900 (5) None of these
24. A trader sells 40 meters of cloth for Rs. 8,200 at a profit of Rs. 25 per meter of cloth. How much
profit will the trader earn on 40 meters of cloth?
(1) Rs. 950

(2) Rs. 1,500 (3) Rs. 1,000 (4) Rs. 12,00 (5) None of these

25. What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question?
(352 x 25) * 185 = ?
(1) 150 (2) 175 (3) 160 (4) 155 (5) 165
Direction (Q. 26 - 30): Study the following pie chart and table carefully to answer the following questions
that follow:
Percentage break up of employees working in various departments of an organization and the ratio of
men to women in them Percentage Break up of employees Total Number of Employees = 1800

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Ratio of Men to Women




26. What is the number of men working in the Marketing department?

(1) 132

(2) 174 (3) 126 (4) 189 (5) None of these

27. The number of women working in the IT department of the Organization forms approximately what
per cent of the total number of employees in the Organization from all departments together?
(1) 7

(2) 5 (3) 19 (4) 15 (5) 10

28. What is the respective ratio of the number of women working in the HR department of the
organization and the total number of employees in that department?
(1) 3 : 4 (2) 2 : 5 (3) 2 : 9 (4) 3 : 7 (5) None of these
29. What is the respective ratio of the number of men working in the Accounts department to the total
number of employees working in that department?
(1) 9 : 2 (2) 7 : 6 (2) 2 : 9 (4) 6 : 7 (5) None of these
30. The number of men working in the Production department of the Organization forms what per cent
of total number of employees working in that department?
(rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(1) 89.76 (2) 91.67 (3) 88.56 (4) 94.29 (5) None of these

Direction (Q. 31 - 35): Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
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Number of units manufactured (in thousands) by

six different companies over the years
14.5 13.8 11.6 16.2 13.9 15.1
15.8 14.9 12.4 16.3 14.1 15.2
15.9 14.6 12.7 16.0 15.4 15.5
16.0 15.0 12.9 15.3 15.7 16.7
15.4 15.5 13.8 15.6 16.4 16.7
16.2 16.7 14.9 16.3 16.6 16.7

31. What is the respective ratio of total number of units manufactured by Companies A and B together
in the year 2009 to those manufactured by Companies C and D together in the same year?
(1) 312 : 329 (2) 317 : 311 (3) 329 : 312 (4) 311 : 317 (5) None of these
32. The number of units manufactured by Company E in the year 2005 is approximately. What per cent
of the total number of units manufactured by it in all the years together?
(1) 31 (2) 27 (3) 7 (4) 15 (5) 23
33. What is the average number of units manufactured by Company D in the years 2004 and 2007
(1) 14650 (2) 15750 (3) 13750 (4) 16470 (5) None of these
34. What is the total number of units manufactured by Company C over all the years together?
(1) 783 (2) 7830 (3) 783000 (4) 78.3 (5) None of these
35. What is the per cent increase in the number of units manufactured by Company F in the year 2008
from the previous year?
(rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(1) 3.73

(2) 3,62

(3) 4.35

(4) 4.16

(5) None of these

1. (5); ? =

= 162

2. (4); 13248 = 28810 - ?

= ? = 28810 13248 = 15562

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3. (2); ? = 324 x 149 = 48276

4. (4); ? =

x 3.4 + 125

= 415.48 + 125 = 540.48

5. (2); ? =
6. (3); ? =

= 145

7. (3);
= 58 9 = 49
= (?)2 =

92 = ? =9

8. (3);

= 75

9. (1);
8452 + 1208 = ? x 28
= 9660 = ? x 28 = ? =
= 345
10. (4);
52 x 56 x 53 = 5?
= 511 = 5? = ? = 11
11. (1);
The pattern of the number series is:
36 + 12 = 37
37 + 32 = 46

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46 + 52 = 71
71 + 72 = 71 + 49 =
12. (2);
The pattern of the number series is:
12 + 8 = 20
20 + 80 = 100
100 + 800 =
900 + 8000 = 8900
13. (5);
The pattern of the number series is:
7 x 2 = 14
14 x 3 = 42
42 x 4 = 168
168 x 5 =
14. (3);
The pattern of the number series is:
21 + 1 x 9 = 30
30 2 x 9 = 12
12 + 3 x 9 = 39
39 4 x 9 = 3
15. (4);
The pattern of the number series is:
10 x 2 + 4 = 24

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24 x 2 + 4 = 52
52 x 2 + 4 =
108 x 2 + 4 = 220
16. (2);
Total marks obtained by Mandan
= (80 + 95 + 74 + 65 + 72) = 386
Mandars overall percentage

x 100

= 77.2
17. (5);
Third number
= 5 x 344 2 x 650 2 x 100
= 1720 1300 200 = 220
18. (4);
Shilpas 1 days work =
Shamitas 1 days work =
(Shilpa + Shamitas 1 days work)

Both together will complete the work in

= 9 days

19. (5); Supriya : Deepa = 2 : 1 = 14 : 7

Deepa : Sandhya = 7 : 3
Supriya : Deepa : Sandhya =

: :3

x + 3x = x

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Supriyas monthly income

= 14 x 5000 = Rs. 70000
20. (1);
Principal =

= Rs. 9500

A = P (1 +


= 9500 (1 +
= 9500 x

= Rs. 11080.8

C.I. = Rs. (1180.8 - 9500)

= Rs. 1580.8
21. (2);
Required average score

= 485

22. (3);
Required answer =


23. (1);
Let the number be x.

= 4725


= 1050

= 861
24. (3);

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S.P. per metre =

= Rs. 205
C.P. per metre = Rs. (205-25)
= Rs. 180
C P of

metre cloth

= Rs. (40 x 180) = Rs. 7200

Gain = Rs

- 7200)

= Rs. 1000
25. (5); ? =

= 165

26. (4);
Number of men working in the Marketing department
= 1800 x

= 189

27. (5);
Number of women working in IT department
= 1800 x

x = 184

Required percentage

x 100 = 10

28. (1); Required ratio = 3 : 4

29. (3); Required ratio = 2 : 9
30. (2); Required percentage

x 100 = 91.67

31. (3);
Required ratio
= (16.2 + 16.7) : (14.9 + 16.3)

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= 329 : 312
32. (4);
Number of units manufactured by Company E
= (13.9 + 14.1 + 15.4 + 15.7 + 16.4 + 16.6) thousand
= 92.1 thousand
Required per cent

x 100 = 15

33. (2);
Required average

) thousand

= 15750
34. (5);
Number of units manufactured by Company C
= (11.6 + 12.4 + 12.7 + 12.9 + 13.8 + 14.9) thousand
= 78.3 x 1000 =78300
35. (1);
Percentage increase

x 100 = 3.73

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