ARCU-boot Getting Started 2

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U-Boot for

ARC® Linux
Universal Boot Loader

Getting Started
Version 6018-004 August 2011
U-Boot for DesignWare ARC Linux Getting Started
Synopsys, Inc.
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i Synopsys, Inc. August 2011

Customer Support ...................................................................................................... 1
Accessing SolvNet ................................................................................................. 1
Contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center .............................................. 1
1 Installation and Build ............................................................................................... 2
Typographical Conventions .................................................................................... 2
Building ARC U-Boot .............................................................................................. 2
Configuring ARC U-Boot ........................................................................................ 3
2 Supported Boot Methods ......................................................................................... 4
NFS Boot................................................................................................................ 4
TFTP Boot .............................................................................................................. 6
IDE Boot ................................................................................................................. 6

August 2011 Synopsys, Inc. ii

Customer Support

Customer support is available through SolvNet online customer support and through
contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center.

Accessing SolvNet
SolvNet includes an electronic knowledge base of technical articles and answers to
frequently asked questions about Synopsys tools. SolvNet also gives you access to
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Contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center

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1 Synopsys, Inc. August 2011

Installation and Build

ARC U-Boot is a universal boot loader written and maintained by Denx

Software Engineering in Germany. ARC U-Boot is a highly portable and
flexible boot loader. This document describes how to install and start using
ARC U-Boot for DesignWare® ARC® Linux.
More information can be found at the U-Boot homepage on Denx’s

Typographical Conventions
This document uses the following typographical conventions:

Convention Meaning Examples

bold Functions get_callback()
predefined classes the simple_initiator_socket
values to be entered class
literally template
GUI elements >
Select Save All.
text to be replaced with
your own values sc_time
code in general

Building ARC ARC U-Boot

Extract the tar file to a suitable location:

A preconfigured U-boot configuration file is provided for ease of use. The

configuration includes most of the features of U-boot. You can trim this
configuration to suit the needs of your target environment.
1. Configure the U-boot build environment:

August 2011 Synopsys, Inc. 2

Configuring ARC U-Boot U-Boot for DesignWare® ARC® Linux

2. Build U-boot using the supplied makefiles:

The resulting binary file is ready to boot on an ARCangel 4 target.

Configuring ARC U-Boot

To configuring U-Boot, add or remove features from the configuration
header file.
1. Change to the directory:

2. Locate configuration file .

3. Add or remove features from .
Rebuild as described in Building ARC ARC U-Boot.

3 Synopsys, Inc. August 2011

Supported Boot Methods

This chapter gives examples of each of the boot methods supported by


In this Chapter:
NFS Boot
IDE Boot

NFS Boot

August 2011 Synopsys, Inc. 4

NFS Boot U-Boot for DesignWare® ARC® Linux

5 Synopsys, Inc. August 2011

U-Boot for DesignWare® ARC® Linux TFTP Boot


IDE Boot

August 2011 Synopsys, Inc. 6

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