Achievement Test

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The key takeaways are that standardized achievement tests are used for various purposes such as assessing competence, diagnosing strengths and weaknesses, assigning grades, and accountability. There are different approaches to achievement testing such as summative and formative evaluation. The National Assessment of Educational Progress uses a criterion-referenced approach to evaluate performance in various subject areas.

The four major categories of standardized achievement tests are survey test batteries, single subject survey tests, diagnostic tests, and prognostic tests.

Some criticisms of standardized achievement tests are that preparation takes time away from learning, multiple choice questions favor certain types of thinkers, and they may encourage improper study habits like memorization. Criticisms have also targeted the Educational Testing Service.

Achievement Tests

Designed to measure what you already know.

In 1962, the Scholastic Aptitude Test replaced the essay test
used by the College Entrance Examination Board.
This test, and the advent of machine scoring led to a rapid
increase in the use of standardized achievement tests in the
Achievement testing serves many purposes :
1. Assess level of competence
2. Diagnose strength and weaknesses
3. Assign Grades
4. Achieve Certification or Promotion
5. Advanced Placement/College Credit Exams
6. Curriculum Evaluation
7. Accountability
8. Informational Purposes

Differences in Approaches to Achievement Testing

The information gained from a standardized
test is dependent upon how the testing is incorporated into
the learning material.
Summative Evaluation : Testing is done at the end of
the instructional unit. The test score is seen as the
summation of all knowledge learned during a particular
subject unit.

Formative Evaluation : Testing occurs constantly with

learning so that teachers can evaluate the effectiveness of
teaching methods along with the assessment of students'
Standardized Achievement tests can be :
Criterion Referenced
The National Assessment of Educational Progress
This organization is dedicated to improving the
effectiveness of our schools

In order to accomplish this goal, they make objective

information concerning scholastic performance available
to educators and public policy officials.
They use a criterion-referenced approach to evaluating
performance in ten subject areas, which are age stratified
in four groups : at age 9,13,17, and 25-35.
10 subject areas they develop criterion reference for
Occupational Development
The criterions they set can be used as guidelines to
evaluate the effectiveness of the educational system within
a particular area by comparing the performance to the
national criterion levels.
Types of Standardized Achievement Tests
4 major Categories
Survey Test Batteries : Commonly used to determine
general standing with respect to group performance.

He battery is a group of subject area tests, usually

containing a fairly limited sample of questions with in
each subject area.
Test batteries usually have lower reliabilities
than single subject survey tests bc of the limited
question sample of each subject area.
Single Subject Survey Tests : Longer and more detailed
than batteries, but only one subject are is covered by the
test. Greater sampling of questions means higher levels of
reliability than survey batteries.
Diagnostic Tests : Allows for the identification of
specific strengths and weaknesses within a subject area
by subdividing the subject area into the underlying
components. Diagnostic tests are common in the areas of
reading, mathematics, spelling, and foreign languages are
most common.

Prognostic Tests : Aptitude tests which are designed to

predict achievement in specific school subjects.
Criticisms of College Entrance Examinations
1. Preparation for college entrance exams takes up time
previously devoted to learning.
2. Multiple Choice questions are inherently biased bc
they :

A. Favor Shrewd, nimble witted rapid readers.

B. Penalize creative, more profound thinkers
C. Concerned with only the answer, not
how the person came up with the answer.
(Banesh Hoffman, 1962)
D. Encourage Improper study habits such
as rote memorization
Criticism of Educational Testing Service (ETS)
ETS came under fire in the 1980's by Raplph Nader, a
perpetual candidate for the presidency and a consumer
Nader criticized the SAT's and ACT's for not measuring
imagination, idealism, determination, and other abilities
which he considered important in quantifying human
Allan Niarn (1980), a collegue of Nader's claimed that the
SAT's measure Social Class, rather than educational
Nairn claims the ETS is trying to suppress this information,
bc the evil purpose behind the SAT is to maintain the

status quo of society and to deny opportunity to those of

lower socio economic status.
Nairn claims that since the SAT is a poor p[redicotr of
college grades, a different measure of assessment should
be developed.
ETS responded to these highly publicized attacks by
claiming the SAT does not deny access to higher
education for individuals from working class and poor

The National Center for Fair and Open Testing

Continued the attacks made by Nairn by claiming the SAT
is biased against minority groups and women, and
therefore deny them an equal opportunity for higher
They also criticized the use of "experimental" sections of
the SAT which were not used for grading purposes.
New York State has a "truth in testing" law which requires
all test takers be given copies of their own answer sheet,
and informed how test scores will be computed. In
addition, test developers must file information concerning

the validity of the standardized measure with the State

commission of Education
The ETS claims that careful internal review of all potential
test items has resulted in removing bias within an item
which would adversely affect scores of women and/or

Another concern of Standardized Testing

How much can coaching affect scores ?
If scores are significantly affected by Kaplan seminars or
other preparation methods, how reliable are these
standardized tests ?
To the degree that people with more disposable resources
(higher SES) are more likely to take advantage of these
programs, is a class bias being created that affects the
interpretation of the test scores ?
Studies designed to measure the
effectiveness of these testing seminars has produced
mixed results :
College Entrance Examination Board (1971) : Claimed
there was no evidence that short -term, intensive drilling
on SAT type questions did not lead to significantly higher
scores on the verbal portion of the SAT.

However, studies done by Stanley Kaplan and the FTC

(1979) showed significant gains after a 10 week coaching
ETS reanalyzed the FTC data and concluded the coaching
sessions could add 20 - 35 points to both Math and verbal
Demographic Differences in SAT scores :
SAT scores increased from 1950's - 1960's
And have been declining ever since.
The SAT scores were renormed in 1996, to bring the mean
back to 500 and the standard deviation back to 100.
Declines occurred both sexes, for all ethnic groups, and
for both low and high performers.
Numerous Explanations for the drop in Scores :
Less parental attention
Teachers paying less attention to students
Less parental supervision

Less parental concern

Students less motivated
Substance Abuse among students
Increased permissiveness in society
Autin & Garber 1982 analyzed the decline in SAT scores
They found that:
1/2 of the variance in the decline in scores was do to
difference's in the overall composition of students taking
the exam.
As college became more accessible to students from
middle and lower class backgrounds, more and more
students began taking the entrance exam.
As the population of students taking the SAT began to
more closely resemble the population of all possible
students who could take the exam, the scores dropped.
This is one qualification public schools in NYS make when
cautioning parents when interpreting standardized test
scores by school district.
If the school district tries to maximize the proportion of
students taking these exams, they will take pains to
mention that fact when their "report cards" come out.

A high level of performance at a school where only

20% of students take that exam can not be meaningfully
compared to test performance from a school which has
85% of their students take the standardized exam.
Demographic Differences in Scores
Examine Gender, Geography, and Ethnicity
Gender : Men score 37 points higher than females on
SAT-Math section. Testosterone, hemispheric
lateralization, differential reinforcement from math
teachers, and differential cultural expectations are four
hypothesized differences for this discrepancy.
Men score 7 points higher than women on the SAT verbal
Bob Shaffer from Fairtest : Girls are more inclined to
think through a problem, and weigh all the options, and
that puts them at a strategic disadvantage in multiple
choice tests.
This gender gap means women are less likely to receive
scholarships than men.
ETS claims the gender gap represents genuine
differences in education.

In college freshman and sophomore years, the women

achieve a higher GPA than men, on average.
Ethnicity Differences in SAT scores
SAT scores for Asian-Americans is higher than for
Caucasian Americans
SAT scores for all other minority groups fall below the test
score levels of Caucasian Americans.
These lower SAT scores are accounted for in large part by
Lower family income of minorities, compared to
Lower Educational level of Parents, compared to
Caucasian parents.
Average SAT scores from large cities are typically lower
than average.
Average SAT scores from suburban regions are typically
higher than average.
To the degree primary education systems suffer from
institutional racism as a result of funding policies, the class

differences which produce error variation in SAT scores

will still persist into the future.
Despite the many criticisms, the SAT is still the single best
predictor of who will be seen a s academically successful
during the first year of college.
The SAT's will continue to be used extensively in the
The differences in education exposed by the SAT (gender,
ethnicity, geographic) illustrates areas of improvement
which must be made to ensure equal opportunity for
higher education for all Americans, not simply those who
are well off financially and live in educational districts
where high levels of educational attainment is the norm,
rather than the exception.
Both 2000 presidential candidates have
stated that education is one of their "top priorities" should
they be elected.
Bush is pushing "National Testing" as a way to ensure
progress is being made.

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