Assessment 2 Part 2 Good

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2: Catering for Diversity

One-on-One Interview
Reflecting upon my development throughout my practicum placements I have observed oneon-one interview as an adequate diagnostic assessment, evaluated against a clear and concise
rubric. The assessment was used to evaluate Year 1s mathematical capability, at the start of the
year to identify students prior knowledge and at the end to evaluate their progress. The
assessment also addressed aspects of standard five in the AITSL standard (AITSL, 2014).
Standard 5.1 was achieved because it is based on gaining an understanding of assessment
methods to assess learning, through extending my knowledge and experience on diagnostic
assessments in the classroom (AITSL, 2014).

Image 2. A section of the One-on-one interview used to assess Year 1 students
mathematical ability.

Interview assessments are specifically effective, supplying educators with an
understanding of students conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic
competence, adaptive reasoning and productive disposition (p. 1), assisting teachers to
determine specific difficulties facing the student (Clarke, Mitchell & Roche, 2005)
(Woolfolk & Margetts, 2013). Addressing Standard 5.4, based on the ability to interpret
an assessment, to determine the learners knowledge. Testing learners prior knowledge

is essential to assess students conceptual understanding in order to plan effective

lessons, increasing students development (Clarke et al., 2005).

This form of diagnostic assessment is inclusive to all students, giving learners who are
not literate in reading and writing an opportunity to express their knowledge and
succeed through verbal communication and active participation (Clarke et al., 2005).
Students who particularly have a conceptual understanding of a concept but are unable
to express their understanding through reading and writing (Clarke et al., 2005). This
achieves School Curriculum and Standards Authority [SCSA], principle 3, as the
assessment is fair and accommodates students who are not literate in reading and
writing (School Curriculum and Standards Authority [SCSA], 2014). The content
included differentiated instruction and materials to cater for all students no matter
their ability (Foreman & Arthur-Kelly, 2014, p. 173). The teacher also had a more
challenging interview questionnaire sheet aimed at a higher year level. Competent
students who could answer the topic questions fluently and without difficulty moved
onto specific questions on the more challenging questionnaire. Therefore the interview
assessment is inclusive and caters for diversity through the adaptability of skill levels
and learning styles.

Image 3. The rubric used to assess the one-on-one interview against.

History - Timeline
A summative assessment conducted in my professional placement was based on making
a timeline for history, in Year 3. Summative assessments are assessments teachers use
at the end of a learning activity or topic, to evaluate a learners final understanding
(Whitton, Barker, Nosworthy, Sinclair & Nanlohy, 2010, p. 126). The timeline activity
required learners to plot given facts of their school and Australian history, in sequential
order. Students were given significant historical events, which took place in Australia
and at their school, to date and put in chronological order on a timeline. Once learners
created a timeline and added the given points they were then encouraged to plot other
events. The timeline was marked against a rubric formed through the Australian
Curriculum to evaluate a students ability to plot events and dates in chronological
order. Students also completed a peer evaluation by using sticky notes to evaluate
others work to identify areas of strength and an aspect they could improve on.

Image 4. Timeline used in a Year 3 History class, focusing of sequencing and plotting
historical events onto a timeline.

When considering the professional learning this activity demonstrates the content of
standard five, Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning, Standard 5.1
focuses on understanding the assessment strategy to evaluate learners development

(AITSL, 2014). In my experience I have begun to achieve this through building on my

knowledge of how to conduct and assess a summative assessment, to identify a
students development. Standard 5.4 covers the ability to evaluate students work and
modify teaching practices (AITSL, 2014). I have improved in this descriptor by using a
rubric to assess my teaching and the learning of students. Images were used to express
historical events as well as written text, this allowed for students who are not literate to
express their conceptual understanding. The timeline also catered for a diverse range of
abilities offering the opportunity for students to add more detail, include more events
and dates to the timeline. Competent students were able to correctly place given events
onto the timeline and add relating facts to their assessment piece.

Running Records
In my first professional placement with a class of Year 3 girls, I observed Running
Records as an effective formative assessment. The formative assessment evaluates a
students conceptual knowledge and development throughout the learning process
(Readman & Allen, 2014, p. 82). The running record, Image 5, was used to assess a
students ability and competency to read, using strategies and fluency (Shea, 2012). This
assessment related to SCSA principle 1 of assessment because the teacher was valuing
this assessment in the teaching and learning process (SCSA, 2014). Running records is a
prevalent and successful assessment of and for learning, in this particular experience it
was used mainly for learning (Readman & Allen, 2014, p. 56). By regularly assessing
students with this consistent and efficient approach, teachers can make observations
and differentiate instruction to cater for all individuals (Shea, 2012, p. x, 4). Through
this process the educator can identify students strengths, weakness and competency in
reading, used to group students (Shea, 2012, p. x).

Running records is an authentic assessment evaluating a students ability to respond to
oral instruction, using materials provided, to identify and better understand a students
conceptual knowledge and misconceptions (Shea, 2012, p. 4). Running records gives
students differentiated instruction assisting to cater for students with different needs
(Shea, 2012). It also provides another means of assessment, which does not involve
written assessments (Readman & Allen, 2014).

The assessment task, covers aspects of AITSL standard five, based on assessment and
reporting students progress. Standard 5.1 was further progressed as it gave me the
opportunity to deepen my knowledge on formative assessments and how to apply it in
the classroom (AITSL, 2014). Standard 5.3 was also addressed in this assessment due to
the task being regularly conducted, to compare and monitor the students reading
capability and group them into ability groups throughout the year (AITSL, 2014). In
addition Standard 5.5 was addressed as my mentor teacher used this formative
assessment as evidence displaying a track of the students reading capability (AITSL,
2014). This was used in specific teacher parent interviews, particularly with less
competent students.

Image 5. Running Record assessment frequently conducted on practicum in a Year 3

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