Prof Ed 6
Prof Ed 6
Prof Ed 6
Jesiry Biso
1. Open the CARB on page 2. Explain in your own understanding the 2 definitions of
Classroom Assessment.
The first definition of assessment emphasizes that it is an ongoing and comprehensive
process that involves gathering and analyzing data to understand what learners know and can do.
This information is important for making informed decisions about teaching and learning,
ensuring that educational goals are met, and providing support and feedback to learners. The
second definition, on the other hand, highlights that assessment is a complex process that is
integrated into the educational system. It serves various stakeholders, including teachers, learners,
parents, and guardians, by providing insights into progress and allowing for adjustments in
instruction to meet the needs of students.
2. As a future teacher, how does the process of Classroom Assessment aim to help you?
In my role as a future educator, I strongly believe that the process of classroom
assessment serves multiple purposes and benefits me in various ways. It allows me to gain a
comprehensive understanding of my students' individual learning needs. By regularly conducting
assessments within the classroom, I can gather valuable insights into my students' strengths,
weaknesses, and comprehension of the subject matter. Moreover, engaging in regular assessment
practices enables me to foster a positive relationship with my students. By providing them with
consistent feedback on their progress, I am able to offer support and motivation, creating an
environment in which they feel valued and encouraged. Furthermore, creating and conducting
assessments also helps me develop my teaching skills by necessitating careful consideration of
how to measure student learning accurately and fairly. This process challenges me to continually
refine my instructional techniques, enabling me to become a more proficient and impactful
3. How does assessment for learning differ from Assessment of Learning, give samples.
Assessment for learning (AFL) and assessment of learning (AOL) are two different
approaches to assessment. AFL also known as formative assessment is primarily focused on
assessing students' progress and understanding during the learning process. The main goal is to
provide feedback to students and instructors to improve learning outcomes. While AOL also
known as summative assessment, is designed to measure what students have learned after a
specific instructional period. It is typically used to assign grades and make decisions about
students' progress or achievement.
A teacher asks students to complete a quick exit ticket at the end of a lesson to assess
their understanding of the key concepts.
A teacher observes students working on a group project to assess their collaboration
A teacher provides students with feedback on their rough drafts of an essay to help them
improve their writing.
Examples of Assessment of Learning (AOL):
A student takes a test at the end of a unit to assess their knowledge of the material.
A student writes an essay at the end of a course to demonstrate their understanding of the
course concepts.
A student completes a project at the end of a semester to show their skills and knowledge.