MeetingAgenda06 15 10

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Maricopa City Council Regular Meeting

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Maricopa Unified School District Board Room
44150 W. Maricopa/Casa Grande Highway
Maricopa, AZ 85138

1.0 Call To Order

1.1 Invocation
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance

2.0 Roll Call

3.0 Proclamations, Acknowledgements and Awards

4.0 Report from the Mayor

4.1 Report from the City Manager

5.0 Call to the Public

The procedures to follow if you address the Council are: Council requests that you express your ideas in five
minutes or less and refrain from any personal attacks or derogatory statements about any City employee, a fellow
citizen, or anyone else, whether in the audience or not. The Mayor will limit discussion whenever he deems such
an action appropriate to the proper conduct of the meeting. At the conclusion of an open call to the public,
individual members of the Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Council, may
ask Staff to review a matter, or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. However, members of the
Council shall not discuss or take legal action on any matters during an open call to the public unless the matters
are properly noticed for discussion and legal action.

6.0 Minutes

6.1 Approval of Minutes from the June 1, 2010 City of Maricopa City Council Work Session.
6.2 Approval of Minutes from the June 1, 2010 City of Maricopa City Council Regular Meeting.
6.3 Approval of Minutes from the June 2, 2010 City of Maricopa City Council Special Meeting.

7.0 Public Hearings

7.1 There are no public hearings scheduled.

8.0 Consent Agenda

All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine matters and will be enacted by
one motion of the Council. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a
Councilmember or member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed
from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda

8.1 Approval of Agreement. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Economic Development Director Danielle Casey to approve an updated agreement between
the Greater Phoenix Economic Council and the City of Maricopa, in the amount of $19,278.00 to be paid
from 2010/2011 Fiscal Year Economic Development Membership and Dues budget line item (100-
46500-510). Discussion and Action.

8.2 Resolution 10-34. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the city of Maricopa, Arizona
authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Arizona department of transportation -
transportation enhancement division in support of funding the beautification of state route 347 north
entrance of the city of Maricopa. Discussion and Action.

8.3 Green Initiative Program. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Assistant Planner Rodolfo Lopez for the approval of the updated Green Initiative for the
Green Business Program and the proposed Solar Reimbursement and Solar Trash Compactor Program.
Discussion and Action.

8.4 Resolution 10-35. Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Maricopa, Arizona
supporting a grant application to the Gila River Indian Community from the Cooking Academy to and
act as the designated fiscal agent. Discussion and Action.

8.5 Special Event Liquor License. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on
a recommending approval to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for a Special Event
Liquor License application submitted by Theresa Kingery for a special event known as the July 4th
Celebration on Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 1900 Porter Rd., Maricopa, AZ 85138. Discussion and

8.6 Liquor License Application. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on
recommending approval to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control regarding an
application submitted by Eunice Yong Lee on behalf of Say Sushi located at 21101 N. John Wayne
Parkway #103, Maricopa, AZ 85139. Discussion and Action.

9.0 Regular Agenda

Items on the agenda are open for citizen input. Please fill out a card and present it to the City
Clerk before the meeting begins. The mayor will call upon you for your comments.

9.1 State Rail Study. The Mayor and Council shall hear a presentation on the State Rail Study by Arizona
Department of Transportation, ADOT, Rail and Sustainability Services Director Shannon Scutari.
Discussion Only.

9.2 Resolution 10-33. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the city of Maricopa, Arizona
supporting the expansion of current Amtrak Sunset Limited service to daily service, and improving the
Sunset Limited line as part of the intercity rail network. Discussion and Action.

9.3 Public Service Award & Scope of Services. The Mayor and Council shall discuss and possibly take
action on approving a Public Service Award and Agreement and Scope of Services for a two year period
with the Maricopa Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $40,000 to be paid from General Fund,
Economic Development, Membership and Dues budget line item (100-46500-510) to fund the 2009/10
Fiscal Year portion of the agreement. Discussion and Action.

9.4 Approval of Expenditures. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Economic Development Director Daniele Casey to approve expenditure of membership dues
payable to the Central Arizona Regional Economic Development Foundation in the amount of
$63,882.00 from the 2010/2011 Fiscal Year Economic Development Membership and Dues budget line
(100-4650-510). Discussion and Action.

9.5 Approval of Contract. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a request
by Community Services Director John Nixon to approve an Indemnification and Access Easement
Agreement between the City of Maricopa and Our Lady of Grace Parrish, Maricopa, Arizona. The
purpose of this agreement is to provide a fireworks launch location for the July 4, 2010 Fireworks show.
There is no budgetary impact. Discussion and Action.

9.6 Approval of Purchase. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly tale action on a request
by Community Services Director John Nixon to approve the purchase of a John Deere 7200 Reel Mower
in an amount not to exceed $26,787.32 to be paid from General Fund, Park and Maintenance,
Machinery (100-45200-741). The requested equipment is available from State Contract SCC070014-18
from Arizona Machinery Company and satisfies the City of Maricopa Purchasing Code, Section 3-4-14.
Discussion and Action.

9.7 Approval of Agreement. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Development Services Expeditor, Brad Hinton to enter into an agreement with Electrical
District #3 regarding the payment of electrical usage charges for thirteen (13) existing street lights along
the East side of State Route 347 and authorize the City Manager to execute all documents related
thereto. Discussion and Action.

9.8 Board of Adjustment Recruitment. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take
action on a request by Planning Manager Kazi Haque to open the Board of Adjustment recruitment and
application process and to specify application deadline(s) and appointment dates. Discussion and

9.9 Boards, Committees & Commissions Recruitments. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss
and possibly take action on a request by Assistant to the City Manager Paul Jepson to open the
recruitment and application process to fill all interim positions created by Councils approval of
Transition Task Force Recommendation #1 and to specify application deadline(s) and appointment
dates. Discussion and Action.

9.10 Approval of Contract. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a request
by Transportation Manager Chris Salas to enter into an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad to
provide simultaneous preemption between the railroad and the traffic light signaled at the intersection
of the Maricopa/Casa Grande Highway at White Parker Road. Funding for this agreement in an amount
not to exceed $20,000 will be paid from budget line item Transportation Development Impact Fee #1,
Transportation, Street Projects –Capital (324-43130-750), which is appropriated in the FY 2010/2011
budget. Discussion and Action.

9.11 Resolution 10-22. A Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the city of Maricopa, Arizona,
approving an agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company to interconnect and coordinate the
operation of the railroad grade crossing protection devices with the operation of the highway traffic
control signals at the intersection of White and Parker road and the Maricopa Casa Grande Highway;
and to expend $20,000 from the transportation development impact fee fund in fiscal year 2010/2011
for these transportation improvements. Discussion and Action.

9.12 Approval of Purchase. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Fleet Manager Ray Arrelin to purchase a Ford F250 Extended Cab 4X4 truck from Sanderson
Ford for the Public Works Division, to replace a similar truck that was recently removed from service.
This purchase, in the amount of $28,479.96, will be funded from budget line item Highway Users
Revenue Fund, Non-Capital Equipment, Vehicles (200-43120-742) in the current fiscal year, and is
based on competitive written quotes as required by City Code, Section 3-4-4, “In General”, Subsection
D. Discussion and Action.

9.13 Approval of Contracts. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Development Services Director Brent Billingsley to approve three contracts with Hansen
Engineering and Surveying, Plateau Engineering and Premiere Land Surveying, Inc. for on-call land
survey services in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 to be paid from budget line item General Fund,
Engineering, Professional Services (100-43100-320) on an as needed basis in compliance with the City
of Maricopa City Purchasing Code, Section 3-4-6 open market procedures. Discussion and Action.

9.14 Approval of Contracts. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Development Services Director Brent Billingsley to approve contracts with Ritoch-Powell,
PBS& J, and Plateau Engineering for on-call engineering services, each for an amount not to exceed
$1,000,000.00 funding for these projects will be determined on a project by project basis and may come
from several different funding sources (General Fund, County ½ Cent Road Tax Fund, Development
Impact Fees, Grants, Etc) The Engineering On-Call Contract is intended to provide project development
services for approved CIP projects. The awards for these projects are on compliance with City Code,
Section 3-4-6, open market procedures. Discussion and Action.

9.15 Approval of Contracts. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a
request by Development Services Director Brent Billingsley to approve contracts with Universal Field
Services Inc, and Tierra Right-of-Way Services, Inc for on-call right-of-way services in an amount not to
exceed $50,000.00 to be paid from budget line item General Fund, Engineering, Professional Services
(100-43100-320) on an as needed basis in compliance with the City of Maricopa City Purchasing Code,
Section 3-4-6 open market procedures. Discussion and Action.

9.16 Legislative Agenda. The Mayor and City Council shall discuss and possibly take action on a request
by Assistant to the City Manager Paul Jepson to approve the City of Maricopa Federal and State
Legislative Agenda in order to provide priorities and direction to city staff on legislative issues.
Discussion and Action.

10.0 Executive Session

10.1 The Maricopa City Council may go into executive session for purpose of obtaining legal advice from the
City’s Attorney on any of the above agenda items pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A) (3).

10.2 The Maricopa City Council may go into executive session for purpose of obtaining legal advice from the
City’s attorney and to consider its position and instruct representatives regarding negotiations for the
purchase, sale or lease of real property pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A)(3) and (A)(7).

11.0 Adjournment

Note: This meeting is open to the public. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Supporting documents
and staff reports, which were furnished to the Council with this Agenda, are available for review on our

This notice was posted at City Hall and the City of Maricopa Post Office by June 14, 2010 by 7:00 p.m.

LeeAnne Schirato, CMC

Deputy City Clerk

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