City of Clearlake: Thursday SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 6:00 P.M

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Written material introduced into the record: Citizens wishing to introduce written material into the record
at the public meeting on any item are requested to provide a copy of the written material to the City Clerk
prior to the meeting date so that the material may be distributed to the City Council prior to the meeting.

_____ Mayor Russ Cremer
_____ Vice Mayor Dirk Slooten
_____ Councilmember Phil Harris
_____ Councilmember Joyce Overton
_____ Councilmember Russell Perdock

INVOCATION/MOMENT OF SILENCE: The City Council invites members of the clergy, as well as
interested members of the public in the City of Clearlake, to voluntarily offer an invocation before the
beginning of its meetings for the benefit and blessing of the City Council. This opportunity is voluntary,
and invocations are to be less than three minutes, offered in a solemn and respectful tone, and directed
at the City Council. Invocational speakers who do not abide by these simple rules of respect and brevity
shall be given a warning and/or not invited back to provide a subsequent invocation for a reasonable
period of time, as determined appropriate by the City. This policy is not intended and shall not be
implemented or construed in any way, to affiliate the City Council with, nor express the City Council's
preference for, any faith or religious denomination. Rather, this policy is intended to acknowledge and
express the City Council's respect for the diversity of religious denominations and faiths represented and
practiced among the citizens of Clearlake. If a scheduled invocational speaker does not appear at the
scheduled meeting, the Mayor will ask that the City Council observe a moment of silence in lieu of the
invocation. More information about the City’s invocation policy is available upon request by contacting
the City Clerk at (707) 994-8201x106 or via email at [email protected].

All items on the agenda will be open for public comment before final action is taken.
Citizens wishing to introduce written material into the record at the public meeting on
any item are requested to provide a copy of the written material to the City Clerk prior

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to the meeting date so that the material may be distributed to the City Council prior to
the meeting. Speakers must restrict comments to the item as it appears on the agenda
and stay within a three-minute time limit. The Mayor has the discretion of limiting the
total discussion time for an item. As a courtesy to others, please turn off cell phones and
any other distracting devices.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA (This is the time for agenda modifications.)

1. Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September as Senior Center Month
2. Presentation on Clearlake’s Retail Market and Opportunities for Expansion

PUBLIC COMMENT: This is the time for any member of the public to address the City Council on any
matter not on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the city. Please complete a
“Speaker Information Card” and present it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. The Brown
Act, with limited exceptions, does not allow the Council or staff to discuss issues brought forth under
Public Comment. The Council cannot take action on non-agenda items. Concerns may be referred to staff
or placed on the next available agenda. Please note that comments from the public will also be taken on
each agenda item. Comments shall be limited to three minutes per person.

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature
and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member
of the Council or audience requests otherwise, or if staff has requested a change under Adoption of the
Agenda, in which case the item will be removed for separate consideration. Any item so removed will be
taken up following the motion to approve the Consent Agenda.

Consent Items Recommended Action

3. Warrant Registers Receive and file
4. Minutes of the August 14, 2019 LCVCD Board Receive and file
5. Minutes of the August Meetings Receive and file
6. Consideration of Second Reading and Hold second reading of Ordinance No.
Adoption of Ordinance No. 233-2019, An 233-2019, read it by title only, waive
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of further reading and adopt
Clearlake Amending Section 5-22, Smoking
Prohibited in Parks and Certain Public Places,
of the Clearlake Municipal Code in its Entirety
and Approving a Related CEQA Exemption for
the Municipal Code Amendments
7. Consideration of Continuation of Declaration By motion keep declaration of emergency
of Local Emergency Issued on October 9, active and set next review for the next
2017 and Ratified by Council Action October Council meeting
12, 2017

Notice to the Public
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The City Council, when considering the matter scheduled for hearing, will take the following actions:
1. Open the Public Hearing
2. Presentations by Staff
3. Presentation by Applicant or Appellant (if applicable)
4. Accept Public Testimony
5. Applicant or Appellant Rebuttal Period (if applicable)
6. Close the Public Hearing
7. Council Comments and Questions
8. Council Action
Once the hearing is closed, no further public comment will be taken. If you wish to challenge in court
any of the matters on this agenda for which a public hearing is to be conducted, you may be limited to
raising only those issues, which you, or someone else, raised orally at the public hearing or in written
correspondence received by the city at or before the public hearing.

Public hearings listed for continuance will be continued as noted and posting of this agenda serves as
notice of continuance. Any matter not noted for continuance will be posted separately.

8. Consideration of Rejection of Bids for the 2019 Double Chip Seal – South West Avenues Project
Recommended Action: Reject all bids for the 2019 Double Chip Seal – South West Avenues Project

9. Consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearlake and the Middle
Management Association for the period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021
Recommended Action: Adopt Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearlake and
Middle Management Association and authorize the City Manager to sign

10. Discussion of the 2019 League of California Cities (LOCC) Annual Conference Resolutions
Recommended Action: Discuss and provide direction to the LOCC’s delegates

11. Consideration of adding an Office Assistant II and a Limited-Term Code Enforcement Officer I/II to
the Position Allocations for FY 2019-20, Resolution No. 2019-38
Recommended Action: Approve resolution


(1) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency
Designated Representative: City Manager Alan Flora; Employee Organizations: Clearlake
Management/Confidential Employees, Clearlake Police Officer Association, Clearlake Municipal
Employees Association and Clearlake Middle Management Association.


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If you need disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to
participate in this meeting, please contact Melissa Swanson, City Clerk, at the Clearlake City Hall, 14050
Olympic Drive, Clearlake, California 95422, phone (707) 994-8201, ext. 106, or via email at
[email protected] at least 72 hours prior to the meeting, to allow time to provide for special
Staff reports for each agenda item are available for review at City Hall located at 14050 Olympic Drive
during normal business hours and on the City’s website at Members of the public
are invited to come and comment on any item under discussion.
Any writings or documents pertaining to an open session item provided to a majority of the City Council
less than 72 hours prior to the meeting, shall be made available for public inspection at the front counter
at City Hall located at 14050 Olympic Drive during normal business hours.

POSTED: September 6, 2019

Melissa Swanson, Administrative Services Director/City Clerk

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Item 2

Senior Center Month

September 2019
WHEREAS, older Americans are significant members of our society, investing
their wisdom and experience to help enrich and better the lives of younger Americans;

WHEREAS, the Highlands Senior Service Center has acted as a catalyst for
mobilizing the creativity, energy, vitality and commitment of the older residents of
Clearlake and Lake County; and

WHEREAS, through a wide array of services, programs and activities, the

Highlands Senior Service Center empowers older adults to contribute to their own health
and well-being and the well-being of their fellow citizens of all ages; and

WHEREAS, the Highlands Senior Service Center affirms the dignity, self-worth
and independence of older persons by facilitating their decisions and actions; tapping
their experiences, skills and knowledge, and enabling their continued contributions to the
community; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the Clearlake City Council does

hereby call upon all citizens to recognize the special contributions of the Highlands Senior
Service Center participants and the special efforts of the staff and volunteers who work
every day to enhance the well-being of the older adults of our community.

Dated this 12th day of September, 2019

Russell Cremer, Mayor

Item 3
Item 4
August 14, 2019

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Lake County
Vector Control District was called to order at 1:34 P.M. by President

Board Present: Rob Bostock, Curt Giambruno, Chuck Leonard, Ron Nagy,
and George Spurr.

Absent: None.

District Personnel: Jamesina J. Scott, Ph.D., Manager and Research

Director and Ms. Jacinda Franusich, Office Manager.

Guests: None.

Citizen’s Input: None.

Agenda Additions and/or Deletions: None.

Mr. Leonard moved to approve the Board Minutes of July 10, 2019. Mr. Nagy
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Research Report
Dr. Scott reported on vectorborne virus activity. Two mosquito samples from
Lake County have tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV) so far this year.

In the rest of California, West Nile virus has been detected in 1,371 mosquito
samples, 43 WNV-positive dead birds have been reported, and 3 sentinel
chickens have tested positive for antibodies to WNV. Additionally, four
human cases of West Nile virus illness have been reported in 2019.

In 2019, ninety-five mosquito samples from five California counties have

tested positive for St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus.

In the rest of the United States, thirty-seven states have reported West Nile
virus activity in birds, mosquitoes, sentinel chickens and humans in 2019.

Four human cases of St. Louis encephalitis virus illness have been reported
in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus has been detected in mosquitoes

from two states; in sentinel chickens from Florida; and in equids in Georgia,
Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi.

There have been two human cases of Jamestown Canyon (JC) virus illness
reported in residents from Wisconsin and Massachusetts. In addition,
mosquitoes from New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York tested positive for
JC virus.

Mosquitoes in northern New Jersey tested positive for La Crosse

encephalitis (LAC) virus, and two human cases of LAC were reported from

Six human cases of Powassan (POW) virus were reported in residents of

New Jersey, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Connecticut.

There have been 144 imported cases of dengue (DEN) virus illness reported
from 27 states. In addition, two locally acquired cases of dengue fever were
reported in Miami-Dade, Florida in 2019.

There have been five travel-related cases of Zika virus reported in the United
States this year.

Forty US residents returning from affected areas have reported chikungunya

virus infections in 2019.

Dr. Scott reported on adult biting fly activity. Carbon dioxide-baited traps
were set in a variety of locations during July. Several mosquito species were
collected including Culex tarsalis, Anopheles freeborni, and Aedes

New Jersey Light Traps were set in the Reclamation and near the City of
Clearlake. The mosquito species that were collected from the sites included
Anopheles franciscanus, Anopheles freeborni, and Culex tarsalis.

Large Red Boxes from Kelseyville, Lakeport, and Upper Lake were sampled
in July. Among the mosquito species collected were Culex tarsalis,
Anopheles franciscanus, and Anopheles freeborni.

Dr. Scott reported tick testing. Twenty Ixodes pacificus ticks that were
removed from Lake County residents have been submitted to the Sonoma
County Public Health Laboratory for testing for Borrelia burgdorferi. All the
ticks were negative.

Dr. Scott reported on the Clear Lake Gnat, Chironominae, and Tanypodinae
Surveillance in Clear Lake. Due to workload and staff availability lake checks
were not completed in July.

Operation Report
During July no rainfall was recorded in the District’s rain gauge. The total
seasonal rainfall is 39.56 inches, which is 151% of the average precipitation
for the season.

On July 1, the level of Clear Lake was at 6.58 feet on the Rumsey Gauge.
The lake level decreased to 5.46 feet by July 31.

One hundred fourteen service requests were completed in July. Five

yellowjacket requests were received and twenty-five requests were
submitted through the District’s website.

The wild rice was treated aerially on July 2 and July 28 with VectoMax FG.
A third application is planned for late August.

An organic irrigated pasture near Middletown was treated with the larvicide
Natular G30 in July, and a conventional irrigated pasture, also near
Middletown, was treated with MetaLarv S-PT.

The District’s conference room was used on July 9 by the Blue Ribbon
Committee for the Rehabilitation of Clear Lake Technical Subcommittee for
a four-hour meeting.

Dr. Scott spoke to Soda Bay Homeowners Association about the District’s
services on July 6. On July 25, Dr. Scott and Seasonal Assistant Victoria
Donnelly spoke at the Children’s Story Hour at the Upperlake Library.

All of the District’s employees and trustees attended a workshop in Clearlake
titled “Preventing Workplace Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation”
on July 16. This workshop fulfilled the AB 1825 and SB 1343 Harassment
Prevention training requirements for all those in attendance.

On July 11, Dr. Scott participated in the Mosquito and Vector Control
Association of California (MVCAC) Sacramento Valley Regional meeting by

On July 18, Dr. Scott participated in the MVCAC’s Summer Board of

Directors meeting by teleconference.

Approve Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Prop. 4 Compliance Resolution No. 19-

Mr. Leonard moved to approve Resolution No. 19-06 Proposition 4
Compliance Resolution. Mr. Spurr seconded the motion. Motion carried with
a roll call vote as follows: Five in favor (Mr. Bostock, Mr. Giambruno, Mr.
Leonard, Mr. Nagy, and Mr. Spurr).

Approve Checks for the Month of August 2019

Mr. Nagy moved to approve Check Nos.18614–18679 for the month of
August 2019 in the amount of $194,117.97. Mr. Leonard seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Other Business
No Other Business was discussed.

Announcement of Next Regular Board Meeting

The next regular meeting of the Board will be at 1:30 PM on September 11,
2019 at the Lake County Vector Control District Office, 410 Esplanade
Lakeport, CA 95453.

Mr. Leonard moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Spurr seconded the motion.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned by President
Giambruno at 1:59 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ronald Nagy



MEETING OF: August 22, 2019

Agenda Item No. 6

Subject: Consideration of Second Reading and Adoption of Date: August 15, 2019
Ordinance No. 233-2019, An Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Clearlake Amending Section
5-22, Smoking Prohibited in Parks and Certain Reviewed & Approved:
Public Places, of the Clearlake Municipal Code in
its Entirety and Approving a Related CEQA
Exemption for the Municipal Code Amendments
From: Melissa Swanson, Administrative Services
Director/City Clerk and Andrew White, Chief of
Recommended Action: Hold second reading of Ordinance No. 233-2019, read it by title
only, waive further reading and adopt

At the August 22nd meeting, Council held the first reading of Ordinance No. 233-2019. Staff
recommends the Council hold the second reading and adopt the Ordinance.

From the August 22nd staff report:

State law regulates smoking and a local agency is also authorized to regulate smoking if the
regulations are not inconsistent with state laws and the local agency makes findings and
determinations that the regulations will reduce health risks associated with smoking and
secondhand smoke and promote the public health and welfare. As Council is aware, Lake County
was recently rated the least healthy county in the state.

At the July 25th Council meeting, staff was directed to bring forward an ordinance prohibited
smoking within twenty-five (25) feet of any commercial building entrance/egress. Based on that
discussion, staff has prepared an ordinance which defines those areas and sets regulations.
Smoking is currently prohibited in any Clearlake park, passed by ordinance in 2012. This
ordinance will amend that code section in its entirety to include the additional provisions of
businesses. Some of the details and restrictions requested by Council include:

• Grocery stores and multi-unit commercial retail stores
• Bus stops
• Signage

The proposed ordinance prohibits smoking within twenty-five feet of businesses, such as grocery
stores and strip malls, as well as public recreation areas, parks, hiking trails, and service areas,
such as bus stops and ATMs.

Enforcement of this ordinance will be under the current Administrative Penalties section of the
municipal code. The City will have the right to require the posting of “No Smoking” signs for areas
that have repeated violations of the ordinance.


Adoption of a Prohibition on Smoking ordinance will establish policy. There is a possibility of

collection of fines through the administrative penalty process.


1. Ordinance No. 233-2019

ORDINANCE NO. 233-2019


WHEREAS, approximately 480,000 people die in the United States from smoking-related
diseases and exposure to secondhand smoke every year, making tobacco use the nation’s
leading cause of preventable death; and

WHEREAS, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that tobacco kills roughly 6 million
people and causes over half a trillion dollars in economic damage each year; and

WHEREAS, 5.6 million of today’s Americans who are younger than 18 are projected to die
prematurely from a smoking-related illness; and

WHEREAS, tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable death in California and
continues to be an urgent public health issue; and

WHEREAS, secondhand smoke exposure causes as many as three hundred thousand children in
the United States to suffer from lower respiratory tract infections, exacerbates childhood
asthma, and increases the risk of acute chronic, middle ear infections; and

WHEREAS, the City Council gave direction to staff to prepare an ordinance to amend the city’s
public smoking policies to prohibit smoking in certain areas; and

WHEREAS, the amendments are exempt from environmental review under the provisions of
CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3), general rule, which applies to any action that can be seen
with certainty that there is no possibility that the project may have a significant effect on the

The City Council of the City of Clearlake, State of California does hereby ordain as follows:


A. The above recitals are declared to be true and correct findings of the City Council of the
City of Clearlake.


Section 5-22 of the Clearlake Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows:


5-22.1 Purpose.

The City Council of the City of Clearlake declares the purposes of this section are:

a. To protect public health, safety and general welfare;

b. To guarantee the right of nonsmokers to breathe air free of tobacco smoke and noxious
vapor and to recognize that the need to breathe air free of tobacco smoke and noxious
vapor has priority over the desire to smoke tobacco products and electronic smoking

c. To reduce addiction to tobacco products by youth and young adults;

d. To discourage the use of tobacco or other weeds, plants or devices that produce noxious
smoke or vapor around persons who do not use such products;

e. To protect the public from exposure to tobacco smoke or noxious vapor and other weeds,
plants or devices that produce noxious smoke or vapor and to reduce smoking-related
pollution; and

f. Affirming and promoting a family-friendly atmosphere at City parks and City-sponsored


5-22.2 Definitions.

The following words and phrases, whenever used in this section, shall be construed as defined
in this section, unless it is apparent from the context that they have a different meaning.

a. “Bar” means a separate establishment which is devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages
and in which the serving of food is incidental to the consumption of such beverages,
including cocktail lounge or tavern. A bar, cocktail lounge, or tavern which is in the same
building as and part of a restaurant is not considered under this definition of a bar, except if
physically separated by full walls from the remaining room(s) of the restaurant and in which
no person under the age of 18 years is allowed to enter, except to travel to restroom facilities
or a nonbar portion of the restaurant.

b. “Business” means any sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation or other
business entity formed for profit-making purposes, including retail establishments where
goods or services are sold, as well as professional corporations and other entities under
which professional services are delivered.

c. “Dining area” means any area, including streets and sidewalks, which is available to or
customarily used by the general public, and which is designed, or regularly used, for
consuming food or drink.
d. “Cannabis” and “cannabis products” have the same meaning as set forth in California Health
and Safety Code Sections 11018 and 11018.1, and any future amendments to those code
sections that may result.

e. “Electronic smoking device” includes any such device, whether manufactured, distributed,
marketed, or sold as an electronic cigarette, an electronic cigarillo, an electronic pipe, an
electronic hookah, or any other product name or descriptor. “Electronic smoking device”
does not include any product specifically approved by the United States Food and Drug
Administration for the use in the mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

f. “Employee” means any person who is employed by any employer in consideration for direct
or indirect monetary wages or profit, including those employed full-time, part-time,
temporarily or contracted for from a third party.

g. “Employer” means any person, partnership, corporation, or nonprofit entity who employs
the services of one or more persons, including themselves.

h. “Enclosed” means closed in by a roof and four or more connected, floor-to-ceiling walls with
appropriate openings for ingress and egress. If an enclosed area is divided by internal partial
walls or other “office landscaping,” it is still, in its entirety, enclosed. This would include but
not be limited to lobbies, lounges, waiting areas, elevators, hallways, restrooms, and
stairwells, that are a structural part of the building.

i. “Nonprofit entity” means any corporation, unincorporated association or other entity

created for charitable, philanthropic, educational, character-building, political, social or
other similar purposes, the net proceeds from the operations of which are not for private
financial gain. A public agency is not a “nonprofit entity” within the meaning of this section.

j. “No smoking sign” means a sign with letters of no less than one inch in height or which
contains the international “No Smoking” symbol (consisting of a pictorial representation of
a burning cigarette enclosed in a red circle with a red bar across it).

k. “Place of employment” means any enclosed area under the control of a public or private
employer which employees normally frequent during the course of employment. A private
residence is not a “place of employment” unless it is used as a child care or health care

l. “Public place” means any area, publicly or privately owned, to which the public is invited or
in which the public is permitted, including but not limited to clubhouses, meeting halls,
community centers, elevators, restrooms, lobbies, public hallways, waiting rooms, banks,
retail stores, laundromats, beauty and barbershops, hotels/motels, retail food marketing
establishments, including grocery stores and supermarkets, galleries, restaurants, clubs,
taxis and buses.

m. “Public recreation area” means a public park or other public recreation area within the City
of Clearlake including, but not limited to, the following: Redbud Park, Valentine Ballfields,
Highlands Park, Andy Johnson Memorial BMX/Skatepark; Austin Park and Austin Resort area,
and Haverty Field. It is the intent of this ordinance to include, but not be limited to, parks,
picnic areas, playgrounds, sports fields, walking paths, gardens, hiking trails, bike paths,
riding trails, swimming pools, skateboard parks and amusement parks open to the public for
recreational use.

n. “Service area” means any publicly or privately-owned area, including streets and sidewalks,
that is designed to be used or is regularly used by one or more persons to receive a service,
wait to receive a service, or to make a transaction, whether or not such service or transaction
includes the exchange of money. The term “service area” includes, but is not limited to,
areas including or within twenty-five (25) feet of information kiosks, automated teller
machines (ATMs), ticket lines, bus stops or shelters, mobile vendor lines, and cab stands.

o. “Restaurant” means any coffee shop, cafeteria, including private and public school cafeteria,
sandwich stand, and any other eating establishment and associated outdoor eating area,
which gives or offers for sale food to the public, guests, or employees, as well as kitchens in
which food is prepared on the premises for serving elsewhere, including catering functions,
except that the term “restaurant” shall not include a cocktail lounge or tavern if said cocktail
lounge or tavern is a “bar” as defined in subsection (A) of this section.

p. “Smoke” means the gases, particles or vapors released into the air by combustion, electronic
ignition or vaporization when the apparent or unusual purpose of the combustion, electronic
ignition or vaporization is human inhalation of the resulting combustion products, including
but not limited to tobacco smoke, cigarette smoke, cannabis smoke, and gases, aerosol or
vapor released by the ignition of e-cigarettes or e-devices. “Smoke” does not include the
product of combustion of incense or similar products when used solely for olfactory
purposes and does not contain tobacco or nicotine.

q. “Smoking” means inhaling or exhaling from, or burning or carrying, any lighted cigarette,
cigar, pipe, cannabis, plant, or other combustible substance whose smoke is intended to be
inhaled or inhaling or exhaling from any electronic smoking device. Smoking includes the
use of an electronic cigarette, electronic smoking device that creates an aerosol or vapor, in
any manner of in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of
circumventing the prohibition of smoking.

r. “Tobacco product” means (1) product containing, made from, or derived from tobacco or
nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed,
absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, including,
but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, or snuff;
(2) An electronic device that delivers nicotine or other vaporized liquids to the person
inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, cigar, pipe, or
hookah; (3) Any component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product, whether or not sold
separately. Tobacco Products do not include products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product or for other therapeutic purposes
where the product is marketed and sold solely for such an approved purpose.

s. “Work area” or “workplace” means any area of a place of employment enclosed by floor-to-
ceiling walls in which one or more employees are assigned to perform work for an employer.

5-22.3 Smoking prohibited.

a. Smoking is prohibited within any public recreation area.

b. Smoking is prohibited within twenty-five (25) feet of public entrances, public exits, not
including emergency only exits, open windows, or ventilation systems of any of the
following enclosed places:

1. Places of employment;

2. Public places, whether publicly or privately owned or operated;

3. Bars and restaurants;

c. Smoking is prohibited within twenty-five (25) feet of the following unenclosed places:

1. Outdoor dining areas;

2. Service areas;

3. Stairways of public buildings or buildings where members of the public are invited;

4. Any event at which a special event permit is issued by the City, such as farmer’s
markets, street fairs, street dances, etc. and where signs have been posted prohibiting
smoking in the event area.

5-22.4 Duty of Employer, Business, Nonprofit Entity or Landlord.

a. No employer, business, nonprofit entity or landlord shall knowingly or intentionally permit

smoking in an area which is under their control and in which smoking is prohibited. No person
shall be found in violation of this paragraph unless they first been issued a written notice of
violation by the City within the prior year.

b. No owner, operator, manager or other person having control of an area shall place or permit
the presence or placement of ash receptacles, such as, without limitation, ash trays or ash
cans, within an area which is under their control and in which smoking is prohibited by this

c. Nothing in this section prohibits a person in control of an area in which smoking would
otherwise be permitted from declaring that areas as a nonsmoking area.
5-22.5 Smoking in optional areas.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, the following areas shall
not be subject to the smoking restrictions of this section:

a. Private detached single-family residences, except when used as a childcare or health care

b. Multi-unit dwellings leased to a residential tenant.

5-22.6 Posting of signs.

a. "No smoking signs” shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously posted on the exterior of
every building or other place where smoking is prohibited by this section, by the owner,
operator, manager or other person having control of such building or other place. The sign
shall include the smoking distance limitations contained in this section.

1. For multi-unit commercial properties, “No smoking signs” may be posted at the
entrances to property where the restrictions apply in lieu of posting signage on each
building. Signs which have been removed shall be replaced within five working days.

b. “No smoking signs” shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously posted at public
recreation areas, bus stops and bus shelters where smoking is prohibited by this section.
The sign shall include the smoking distance limitations contained in this section.

c. The City may direct an employer, business, nonprofit entity or landlord to install signage
when smoking occurs in an area under their control and in which smoking is prohibited.
Notice shall be delivered in writing and is subject to appeal to the City Manager. Signage
shall be installed within 30 days of the written notice.


If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held
invalid, the remainder of the ordinance and the application of such provision to other persons or
circumstances shall not be affected thereby.


The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this Ordinance. The City
Clerk shall cause the same to be published once in the official newspaper within 15 days after its
adoption. This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days from its adoption.

PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2019 by the following vote:

ATTEST:______________________________ ________________________________
City Clerk Mayor
MEETING OF: September 12, 2019

Agenda Item No. 7

Subject: Consideration of Continuation of Declaration of Date: September 6, 2019
Local Emergency Issued on October 9, 2017 and
Ratified by Council Action October 12, 2017
Reviewed & Approved:

From: Melissa Swanson, City Clerk

Recommended Action: By motion keep declaration of emergency active and set next
review for the next Council meeting


On October 9th, 2017, City Manager Folsom, as the Director of Emergency Services for the City
of Clearlake, declared in a Proclamation by the Director of Emergency Services Declaring a Local

“That conditions of extreme peril to the safety of the persons and property have arisen
within the City of Clearlake caused by the wildfire on October 9th, 2017.”

According to California Government Code Section 8630:

(a) A local emergency may be proclaimed only by the governing body of a city, county,
or city and county, or by an official designated by ordinance adopted by that governing

(b) Whenever a local emergency is proclaimed by an official designated by ordinance,

the local emergency shall not remain in effect for a period in excess of seven days unless
it has been ratified by the governing body.

(c) The governing body shall review the need for continuing the local emergency at least
once every 30 days until the governing body terminates the local emergency.

(d) The governing body shall proclaim the termination of the local emergency at the
earliest possible date that conditions warrant.

On October 12th the Council ratified the Proclamation of the Local Emergency by adoption of
Resolution No. 2017-78. The Council must continue the Proclamation every 30 days or
terminate the local emergency.

It is recommended that the City Council again continue the Proclamation of Emergency ratified
in Resolution No. 2017-78 and continued on October 26th, November 9th, November 16th,
November 30th, December 14th, December 21st, January 11th, February 8, March 8, March 22nd,
April 12th, May 10th, May 24th, June 14th, July 12, August 9, September 6, October 11, and
November 8, December 6th, December 13th, January 10th, January 28th, February 14th, March
14th, April 11th, May 9th, June 6th, June 13th, July 11th, and August 8 and review the status of the
Proclamation again within 30 days.


There is potential for recovery of costs by the City due to the declared state of emergency.



MEETING OF: September 12, 2019

Agenda Item No. 8

Subject: Consideration of rejection of bids for the 2019 Date: September 4, 2019
Double Chip Seal – South West Avenues Project

Reviewed & Approved:

From: Adeline Brown, Engineer Tech

Recommended Action: Reject all bids for the 2019 Double Chip Seal – South West Avenues


The City advertised a Notice Inviting Bids for the 2019 Double Chip Seal – South West Avenues
Project. The notice was advertised in the newspaper, on the city website, and sent out to various
plan holder rooms.

The City opened bids on August 29, 2019 from the following contractors:

Contractor Base Bid Alternate

Northwest Paving $148,200.00 $32,000.00
VSS International $213,000.00 $141,480.00

The base bid for this project was considerably higher than the engineer’s estimate, which was
$70,000.00. Given the nature of the industry at this time of year, demand for contractors is
higher which in turn drives up the costs. Also, the additive alternate unit costs were also high.

Staff recommends that the Council reject all bids and alternates and re-bid in the Spring.


There are no policy implications with this recommendation. Funding for this project would
have been available using Measure V funds.


MEETING OF: September 12, 2019
Agenda Item No. 9

Subject: Consideration of a Memorandum of Date: September 2, 2019

Understanding between the City of Clearlake and
the Middle Management Association for the
period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021 Reviewed & Approved:

From: Alan D. Flora, City Manager

Recommended Action: Adopt Memorandum of Understanding between the City of

Clearlake and Middle Management Association and authorize the
City Manager to sign.


The City negotiation team has been meeting with the Middle Management Association (MMA)
for several months in drafting a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Both sides have
reached a tentative agreement that staff feel is both fiscally responsible and positions the
members of the MMA in at competitive advantage for salaries and benefits with other local
agencies. Key areas of the proposed agreement include:
1. A 2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in year 1.
2. A 3% COLA in year 2.
3. Adjust various salary ranges for consistency with the salary schedule.
4. Addition of Public Works Supervisor into the MMA.
5. Addition of educational loan program for employees pursuing a bachelors or advanced
6. Removal of Intermediate POST Certificate Incentive and subsequent adjustment of salary
range as the Certificate is required to qualify for the Sergeant position.
7. Addition of incentive for the Sergeant assigned to the Detective Division.
8. Adjustment and further clarification of uniform and equipment allowances.
9. Various clean-up of outdated MOU language.

Adopt Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearlake and Middle Management
Association and authorize the City Manager to sign.

1. MMA MOU 2019-2021 – redline
2. MMA MOU 2019-2021 - clean

MEETING OF: September 12, 2019

Agenda Item No. 10

Subject: Discussion of the 2019 League of California Cities Date: September 6, 2019
(LOCC) Annual Conference Resolutions

Reviewed & Approved:

From: Melissa Swanson, Administrative Services

Director/City Clerk

Recommended Action: Discuss and provide direction to the LOCC’s delegates


At the annual League of California Cities (LOCC) Conference, attendees will hold a business
meeting where proposed resolutions are voted on to determine the LOCC’s stance on certain
issues in the coming year. These are policy resolutions on issues of statewide importance that
have a direct bearing on municipal affairs and are of broad municipal interest. This year’s
general assembly and business meeting will be held during the annual conference on Friday,
October 18th in Long Beach. The City Council appointed Councilmember Overton as the
delegate and Mayor Cremer as alternate.

There are two resolutions recommended for the Council’s consideration. The LOCC packet is

The first Resolution asks for support for the expansion of Rule 20A eligibility criteria to include
projects in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones to facilitate more undergrounding of utilities in
these high-risk zones, as well as the increase of funding allocations.

The second asks for asks for the federal and state governments’ support in addressing impacts
of international transboundary pollution flows into the southernmost regions of California and
the Pacific Ocean.


None. Support of the League resolutions does not commit cities to adopting or implementing
any League position in their local communities.
Annual Conference
Resolutions Packet

2019 Annual Conference Resolutions

Long Beach, California

October 16 – 18, 2019

RESOLUTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PACKET: The League bylaws provide that

resolutions shall be referred by the president to an appropriate policy committee for review and
recommendation. Resolutions with committee recommendations shall then be considered by the
General Resolutions Committee at the Annual Conference.

This year, two resolutions have been introduced for consideration at the Annual Conference and
referred to League policy committees.

POLICY COMMITTEES: Two policy committees will meet at the Annual Conference to consider
and take action on the resolutions referred to them. The committees are: Environmental Quality and
Transportation, Communication & Public Works. The committees will meet from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
on Wednesday, October 16, at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach. The sponsors of the resolutions have
been notified of the time and location of the meeting.

GENERAL RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: This committee will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday,
October 17, at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach, to consider the reports of the policy committees
regarding the resolutions. This committee includes one representative from each of the League’s
regional divisions, functional departments and standing policy committees, as well as other
individuals appointed by the League president. Please check in at the registration desk for room


will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, October 18, at the Long Beach Convention Center.

PETITIONED RESOLUTIONS: For those issues that develop after the normal 60-day
deadline, a resolution may be introduced at the Annual Conference with a petition signed by
designated voting delegates of 10 percent of all member cities (48 valid signatures required) and
presented to the Voting Delegates Desk at least 24 hours prior to the time set for convening the
Annual Business Meeting of the General Assembly. This year, that deadline is 12:30 p.m.,
Thursday, October 17. Resolutions can be viewed on the League's Web site:

Any questions concerning the resolutions procedures may be directed to Carly Shelby
[email protected] 916-658-8279 or Nick Romo [email protected] 916-658-8232 at the
League office.


Policy development is a vital and ongoing process within the League. The principal means for
deciding policy on the important issues facing cities is through the League’s seven standing policy
committees and the board of directors. The process allows for timely consideration of issues in a
changing environment and assures city officials the opportunity to both initiate and influence policy

Annual conference resolutions constitute an additional way to develop League policy. Resolutions
should adhere to the following criteria.

Guidelines for Annual Conference Resolutions

1. Only issues that have a direct bearing on municipal affairs should be considered or adopted
at the Annual Conference.

2. The issue is not of a purely local or regional concern.

3. The recommended policy should not simply restate existing League policy.

4. The resolution should be directed at achieving one of the following objectives:

(a) Focus public or media attention on an issue of major importance to cities.

(b) Establish a new direction for League policy by establishing general principles around
which more detailed policies may be developed by policy committees and the board of

(c) Consider important issues not adequately addressed by the policy committees and
board of directors.

(d) Amend the League bylaws (requires 2/3 vote at General Assembly).


Policy Committee Meetings

Wednesday, October 16, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Hyatt Regency Long Beach
200 South Pine Avenue, Long Beach

The following committees will be meeting:

1. Environmental Quality 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
2. Transportation, Communication & Public Works 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

General Resolutions Committee

Thursday, October 17, 1:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Long Beach
200 South Pine Avenue, Long Beach

Annual Business Meeting and General Assembly Luncheon

Friday, October 18, 12:30 p.m.
Long Beach Convention Center
300 East Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach


Resolutions have been grouped by policy committees to which they have been assigned.

Number Key Word Index Reviewing Body Action

1 2 3
1 - Policy Committee Recommendation
to General Resolutions Committee
2 – General
Resolutions Committee
3 - General Assembly


1 2 3
1 Amendment to Rule 20A
2 International Transboundary Pollution Flows


1 2 3
1 Amendment to Rule 20A

Information pertaining to the Annual Conference Resolutions will also be posted on each
committee’s page on the League website: The entire Resolutions Packet is
posted at:


Resolutions have been grouped by policy committees to which they have been assigned.


1. Policy Committee A Approve

2. General Resolutions Committee D Disapprove

3. General Assembly N No Action

R Refer to appropriate policy committee for

a Amend+

* Subject matter covered in another resolution Aa Approve as amended+

** Existing League policy Aaa Approve with additional amendment(s)+

*** Local authority presently exists Ra Refer as amended to appropriate policy

committee for study+

Raa Additional amendments and refer+

Da Amend (for clarity or brevity) and


Na Amend (for clarity or brevity) and take No


W Withdrawn by Sponsor

Procedural Note:
The League of California Cities resolution process at the Annual Conference is guided by League Bylaws.
A helpful explanation of this process can be found on the League’s website by clicking on this link:
Guidelines for the Annual Conference Resolutions Process.

League of California Cities Resolution Process

General Resolutions
Policy Committee Action Calendar
Committee Action
Approve Approve Consent Calendar 1
Approve Disapprove or Refer Regular Calendar 2
Disapprove or Refer Approve Regular Calendar
Disapprove or Refer Disapprove or Refer Does not proceed to General

General Resolutions
Policy Committee Action Calendar
Committee Action
Not Heard in Policy Committee Approve Consent Calendar
Not Heard in Policy Committee Disapprove or Refer Regular Calendar
Not Heard in Policy Committee Disqualified per Bylaws Art. Does not proceed to General
VI Assembly

• Submitted 60 days prior to conference Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 4(a)
• Signatures of at least 5 supporting cities or city officials submitted with the proposed resolution
Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 2
• Assigned to policy committee(s) by League president Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 4(b)(i)
• Heard in policy committee(s) and report recommendation, if any, to GRC Bylaws Article VI, Sec.
• Heard in GRC
 Approved by policy committee(s) and GRC, goes on to General Assembly on consent calendar
2006 General Assembly Resolution Sec. 2(C)
 If amended/approved by all policy committee(s) to which it has been referred and disapproved
by GRC, then goes on to General Assembly on the regular calendar. If not all policy
committees to which it has been referred recommend amendment or approval, and the GRC
disapproves or refers the resolution, the resolution does not move to the General Assembly
2006 General Assembly Resolution Sec. 2(A),(C); 1998 General Assembly Resolution, 1st
Resolved Clause
 If disapproved by all policy committees to which it has been referred and disapproved by the
GRC, resolution does not move to the General Assembly 2006 General Assembly Resolution
Sec. 2(C)
• Heard in General Assembly

The consent calendar should only be used for resolutions where there is unanimity between the policy committees and the
GRC that a resolution should be approved by the General Assembly, and therefore, it can be concluded that there will be less
desire to debate the resolution on the floor.

The regular calendar is for resolutions for which there is a difference in recommendations between the policy committees
and the GRC.

Petitioned Resolutions
• Submitted by voting delegate Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 5 (a)
• Must be signed by voting delegates representing 10% of the member cities Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 5
• Signatures confirmed by League staff
• Submitted to the League president for confirmation 24 hours before the beginning of the General
Assembly. Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 5 (d)
• Petition to be reviewed by Parliamentarian for required signatures of voting delegates and for form
and substance Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 5(e)
• Parliamentarian’s report is presented to chair of GRC
• Will be heard at GRC for action (GRC cannot amend but may recommend by a majority vote to the
GA technical or clarifying amendments) 2006 General Assembly Resolution sec. 6(A), (B)
• GRC may disqualify if:
 Non-germane to city issues
 Identical or substantially similar in substance to a resolution already under consideration
Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 5(e), (f)
• Heard in General Assembly
 General Assembly will consider the resolution following the other resolutions 3 Bylaws Article
VI, Sec. 5(g)
 Substantive amendments that change the intent of the petitioned resolution may only be
adopted by the GA 2006 General Assembly Resolution sec. 6(C)

Voting Procedure in the General Assembly

Consent Calendar: Resolution approved by Policy Committee(s) and GRC. Petitioned resolution
approved by GRC)
 GRC Chair will be asked to give the report from the GRC and will ask for adoption of the
GRC’s recommendations
 Ask delegates if there is a desire to call out a resolution for discussion
 A voting delegate may make a motion to remove a resolution from the consent calendar for
 If a motion is made to pull a resolution, the General Assembly votes on whether to pull the
resolution from the consent calendar.
 If a majority of the General Assembly votes to pull the resolution, set “called out” reso(s)
aside. If the motion fails, the resolution remains on the consent calendar.
 If reso(s) not called out, or after ‘called out” reso is set aside, then ask for vote on remaining
resos left on consent
 Move on to debate on reso(s) called out
 After debate, a vote is taken
 Voting delegates vote on resolutions by raising their voting cards. 4

Petitioned Resolutions on the Consent Calendar will be placed after all General Resolutions on the Consent Calendar.
Petitioned Resolutions on the Regular Calendar will be placed after all General Resolutions on the Regular Calendar.

Amendments to League bylaws require 2/3 vote

Regular Calendar: Regular resolutions approved by Policy Committee(s) 5, and GRC recommends
disapproval or referral; Regular resolutions disapproved or referred by Policy Committee(s) 6 and GRC
approves; Petitioned resolutions disapproved or referred by the GRC.

 Open the floor to determine if a voting delegate wishes to debate a resolution on the regular
 If no voting delegate requests a debate on the resolution, a vote to ratify the recommendation
of the GRC on the resolution is taken.
 Upon a motion by a voting delegate to debate a resolution, a debate shall be held if approved
by a majority vote of the General Assembly. If a majority of the General Assembly to debate
the resolution is not achieved, then a vote shall be taken on whether to ratify the GRC’s
recommendation. If a majority of the General Assembly approves of the motion to debate the
resolution, debate will occur. After debate on the resolution, a vote is taken based upon the
substitute motion that was made, if any, or on the question of ratifying the GRC’s
 Voting delegates vote by raising their voting cards.

Applies in the instance where the GRC recommendation of disapproval or refer is counter to the recommendations of the
policy committees.

Applies in the instance where the GRC recommendation to approve is counter to the recommendations of the policy

Source: City of Rancho Palos Verdes
Concurrence of five or more cities/city officials
Cities: City of Hidden Hills, City of La Cañada Flintridge, City of Laguna Beach, City of
Lakeport, City of Malibu, City of Moorpark, City of Nevada City, City of Palos Verdes Estates,
City of Rolling Hills Estates, City of Rolling Hills, City of Ventura
Referred to: Environmental Quality Policy Committee; Transportation, Communications, and
Public Works Policy Committee

WHEREAS, the California Public Utilities Commission regulates the undergrounding

conversion of overhead utilities under Electric Tariff Rule 20 and;

WHEREAS, conversion projects deemed to have a public benefit are eligible to be

funded by ratepayers under Rule 20A; and

WHEREAS, the criteria under Rule 20A largely restricts eligible projects to those along
streets with high volumes of public traffic; and

WHEREAS, the cost of undergrounding projects that do not meet Rule 20A criteria is
left mostly or entirely to property owners under other parts of Rule 20; and

WHEREAS, California is experiencing fire seasons of worsening severity; and

WHEREAS, undergrounding overhead utilities that can spark brush fires is an important
tool in preventing them and offers a public benefit; and

WHEREAS, brush fires are not restricted to starting near streets with high volumes of
public traffic; and

WHEREAS, expanding Rule 20A criteria to include Very High Fire Hazard Severity
Zones would facilitate undergrounding projects that would help prevent fires; and

WHEREAS, expanding Rule 20A criteria as described above and increasing funding
allocations for Rule 20A projects would lead to more undergrounding in Very High Fire Hazard
Severity Zones; and now therefore let it be,

RESOLVED that the League of California Cities calls on the California Public Utilities
Commission to amend Rule 20A to include projects in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones to
the list of criteria for eligibility and to increase funding allocations for Rule 20A projects.

Background Information on Resolution No. 1

Source: City of Rancho Palos Verdes

Rancho Palos Verdes is the most populated California city to have 90 percent or more of
residents living in a Cal Fire-designated Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. Over the years,
the Palos Verdes Peninsula has seen numerous brush fires that were determined to be caused by
electrical utility equipment.

Across the state, some of the most destructive and deadly wildfires were sparked by power
equipment. But when it comes to undergrounding overhead utilities, fire safety is not taken into
account when considering using ratepayer funds to pay for these projects under California’s
Electric Tariff Rule 20 program. The program was largely intended to address visual blight when
it was implemented in 1967. Under Rule 20A, utilities must allocate ratepayer funds to
undergrounding conversion projects chosen by local governments that have a public benefit and
meet one or more of the following criteria:

• Eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of overhead lines;

• Involve a street or road with a high volume of public traffic;
• Benefit a civic or public recreation area or area of unusual scenic interest; and,
• Be listed as an arterial street or major collector as defined in the Governor’s Office of
Planning and Research (OPR) Guidelines.

As we know, brush fires are not restricted to erupting in these limited areas. California’s fire
season has worsened in severity in recent years, claiming dozens of lives and destroying tens of
thousands of structures in 2018 alone.

Excluding fire safety from Rule 20A eligibility criteria puts the task of undergrounding power
lines in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones squarely on property owners who are proactive,
willing and able to foot the bill.

The proposed resolution calls on the California Public Utilities Commission to amend Rule 20A
to include projects in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones to the list of criteria for eligibility.
To facilitate more undergrounding projects in these high-risk zones, the proposed resolution also
calls on the CPUC to increase funding allocations for Rule 20A projects.

If adopted, utilities will be incentivized to prioritize undergrounding projects that could

potentially save millions of dollars and many lives.

League of California Cities Staff Analysis on Resolution No. 1

Staff: Rony Berdugo, Legislative Representative, Derek Dolfie, Legislative

Representative, Caroline Cirrincione, Legislative Policy Analyst
Committees: Environmental Quality; Transportation, Communications, and Public Works

This Resolution, in response to intensifying fire seasons and hazards associated with exposed
energized utility lines, proposes that the League of California Cities (League) call upon the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to amend the Rule 20A program by expanding
the criteria for undergrounding overhead utilities to include projects in Very High Fire Hazard
Severity Zones (VHFHSZ). This Resolution also proposes that the League call upon the CPUC
to increase utilities’ funding allocations for Rule 20A projects.


California Wildfires and Utilities

Over the last several years, the increasing severity and frequency of California’s wildfires have
prompted state and local governments to seek urgent prevention and mitigation actions. Record
breaking wildfires in Northern and Southern California in both 2017 and 2018 have caused
destruction and loss of life. This severe fire trend has local officials seeking solutions to combat
what is now a year-round fire season exacerbated by years of drought, intense weather patterns,
untamed vegetation and global warming.

These conditions create a dangerous catalyst for wildfires caused by utilities as extreme wind and
weather events make downed power lines more of a risk. In response to recent catastrophic
wildfires, Governor Newsom established a Strike Force tasked with developing a
“comprehensive roadmap” to address issues related to wildfires, climate change, and utilities.
The Strike Force report acknowledges that measures to harden the electrical grid are critical to
wildfire risk management. A key utility hardening strategy: undergrounding lines in extreme
high-fire areas.

Governor Newsom’s Wildfire Strike Force program report concludes, “It’s not a question of “if”
wildfire will strike, but “when.”

Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones

This Resolution seeks to expand the undergrounding of overhead utility lines in VHFHSZ.
California Government Code Section 51178 requires the Director of the California Department
of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFIRE) to identify areas in the state as VHFHSZ based on the
potential fire hazard in those areas. VHFHSZ are determined based on fuel loading, slope, fire
weather, and other relevant factors. These zones are in both local responsibility areas and state
responsibility areas. Maps of the statewide and county by county VHFHSZ can be found here. 1



More than 25 million acres of California wildlands are classified under very high or extreme fire
threat. Approximately 25 percent of the state’s population, 11 million people, live in those high-
risk areas. Additionally, over 350,000 Californians live in cities that are nearly encompassed
within Cal Fire’s maps of VHFHSZ. Similar to the proponents of this Resolution, City of Rancho
Palos Verdes, over 75 communities have 90 percent or more of residents living in a VHFHSZ.

CPUC Rule 20 Program

The CPUC’s Rule 20 program lays out the guidelines and procedures for converting overhead
electric and telecommunication facilities to underground electric facilities. Rule 20 funding and
criteria is provided at four levels. Levels A, B, and C, reflect progressively diminishing ratepayer
funding for undergrounding projects. Recently added Rule 20D is a relatively new program that
is specific to San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), which was created in response to the
destructive 2007 wildfires. Each of these levels will be discussed below:

Rule 20A
The first California overhead conversion program, Rule 20A, was created in 1967 under then
Governor Ronald Reagan. The program was created to provide a consistent and structured means
of undergrounding utility lines throughout the state with costs covered broadly by utility

Each year, Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) propose their Rule 20A allocation amounts to the
CPUC during annual general rate case proceedings. In this process, IOUs propose revised utility
customer rates based on expected service costs, new energy procurement and projects for the
following year, including Rule 20 allocations. The CPUC then reviews, amends, and approves
IOU rates. Currently, the cumulative budgeted amount for Rule 20A for Pacific Gas and Electric
(PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) totals
around $95.7 million.

The funding set aside by IOUs for Rule 20A is allocated to local governments through a credit
system, with each credit holding a value to be used solely for the costs of an undergrounding
project. The credit system was created so that local governments and IOUs can complete
undergrounding projects without municipal financing. Through Rule 20A, municipalities that
have developed and received city council approval for an undergrounding plan receive annual
credits from the IOU in their service area. At the last count by the CPUC, over 500 local
governments (cities and counties) participate in the credit system.

While these credits have no inherent monetary value, they can be traded in or banked for the
conversion of overhead lines. Municipalities can choose to accumulate their credits until their
credit balance is sufficient to cover these conversion projects, or choose to borrow future
undergrounding allocations for a period of up to five years. Once the cumulative balance of
credits is sufficient to cover the cost of a conversion project, the municipality and the utility can
move forward with the undergrounding. All of the planning, design, and construction is
performed by the participating utility. Upon the completion of an undergrounding project, the
utility is compensated through the local government’s Rule 20A credits.

At the outset of the program, the amount of allocated credits were determined by a formula
which factored in the number of utility meters within a municipality in comparison to the
utilities’ service territory. However, in recent years the formula has changed. Credit allocations
for IOUs, except for PG&E, are now determined based on the allocation a city or county
received in 1990 and is then adjusted for the following factors:

• 50% of the change from the 1990 total budgeted amount is allocated for the ratio of the
number of overhead meters in any city or unincorporated area to the total system
overhead meters; and
• 50% of the change from the 1990 total budgeted amount is allocated for the ratio of the
number of meters (which includes older homes that have overhead services, and newer
homes with completely underground services) in any city or the unincorporated area to
the total system meters.

As noted, PG&E has a different funding formula for their Rule 20A credit allocations as they are
not tied to the 1990 base allocation. Prior to 2011, PG&E was allocating approximately five to
six percent of its revenue to the Rule 20A program. The CPUC decided in 2011 that PG&E’s
Rule 20A allocations should be reduced by almost half in an effort to decrease the growing
accumulation of credits amongst local governments. Since 2011, PG&E’s annual allocations for
Rule 20A have been around $41.3 million annually, which is between two and three percent of
their total revenue.

Criteria for Rule 20A Projects

For an undergrounding project to qualify for the Rule 20A program, there are several criteria that
need to be met. The project must have a public benefit and:

1. Eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of overhead lines

2. Involve a street or road with a high volume of public traffic
3. Benefit a civic or public recreation area or area of unusual scenic interest,
4. Be listed as an arterial street or major collector as defined in the Governor’s Office of
Planning and Research (OPR) Guidelines

Notably, fire safety is excluded from the list of criteria that favors aesthetic and other public
safety projects.

Rule 20A Credit System Imbalance Threatens Program Effectiveness

Allocations are made by utilities each year for Rule 20A credits. These current budget
allocations total $95.7 million a year. Currently, the cumulative balance of credits throughout the
state totals over $1 billion dollars. The Rule 20A cumulative balances aggregated by region can
be found here. 2

Program Review, California Overhead Conversion Program, Rule 20A for Years 2011-2015, “The Billion Dollar Risk,” California Public Utilities

Note: The existing credit allocation formulas do not consider a municipality’s need or plans for
overhead conversion projects, resulting in large credit balances in some jurisdictions.

Cities and counties are, however, able to trade or sell unallocated Rule 20A credits if they will
not be used to fund local undergrounding projects. There have been several cases where one
agency has sold their unused credits, often for less than the full dollar value of the credits
themselves to another agency.

Rule 20B
Rule 20B projects are those that do not fit the Rule 20A criteria, but do, however, involve both
sides of the street for at least 600 feet. These projects are typically done in conjunction with
larger developments and are mostly paid for by the developer or applicant. Additionally, the
applicant is responsible for the installation.

Rule 20C
Rule 20C projects are usually small projects that involve property owners. The majority of the
cost is usually borne by the applicants. Rule 20C applies when the project does not qualify for
either Rule 20A or Rule 20B.

Rule 20D--Wildfire Mitigation Undergrounding Program

Rule 20D was approved by the CPUC in January of 2014 and only applies to SDG&E. The Rule
20D program was established largely in response to the destructive wildfires that occurred in San
Diego in 2007 as a wildfire mitigation undergrounding program. According to SDG&E, the
objective of the Rule 20D undergrounding is exclusively for fire hardening as opposed to
aesthetics. The program is limited in scope and is restricted to communities in SDG&E’s Fire
Threat Zone (now referred to as the High Fire Threat District or HFTD). As of this time, the
program has yet to yield any projects and no projects are currently planned.

For an undergrounding project to qualify for the Rule 20D program, a minimum of three of the
following criteria must be met. The project must be near, within, or impactful to:

• Critical electric infrastructure

• Remaining useful life of electric infrastructure
• Exposure to vegetation or tree contact
• Density and proximity of fuel
• Critical surrounding non-electric assets (including structures and sensitive environmental
• Service to public agencies
• Accessibility for firefighters

Similar to Rule 20A, SDG&E must allocate funding each year through their general rate case
proceedings to Rule 20D to be approved by the CPUC. This funding is separate from the
allocations SDG&E makes for Rule 20A. However, the process of distributing this funding to
localities is different. The amount of funding allocated to each city and county for Rule 20D is
based on the ratio of the number of miles of overhead lines in SDG&E Fire Threat Zones in a
city or county to the total miles of SDG&E overhead lines in the entire SDG&E fire zone. The

Rule 20D program is administered by the utility consistent with the existing reporting,
engineering, accounting, and management practices for Rule 20A.

The Committee may want to consider whether Rule 20D should instead be expanded, adapted, or
further utilized to support funding for overhead conversions within VHFHSZ throughout the

Fiscal Impact:
The costs to the State associated with this Resolution will be related to the staff and
programmatic costs to the CPUC to take the necessary measures to consider and adopt changes
to Rule 20A to include projects in VHFHSZ to the list of criteria for eligibility.

This Resolution calls for an unspecified increase in funding for Rule 20A projects, inferring that
portions of increased funds will go towards newly eligible high fire hazard zones. While the
Resolution does not request a specific amount be allocated, it can be assumed that these
increased costs will be supported by utility ratepayers. According to the CPUC, the annual
allocations towards Rule 20A are $95.7 million.

The CPUC currently reports a cumulative credit surplus valued at roughly $1 billion that in
various regions, given the approval of expanded eligibility called for by this Resolution, could be
used to supplement and reduce the level of new dollars needed to make a significant impact in
VHFHSZ. The CPUC follows that overhead conversion projects range from $93,000 per mile for
rural construction to $5 million per mile for urban construction.

The Resolution states that “California is experiencing fire seasons of worsening severity” which
is supported by not only the tremendous loss of property and life from recent wildfires, but also
in the rising costs associated with clean up, recovery, and other economic losses with high
estimates in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

The Committee may wish to consider the costs associated with undergrounding utility lines in
relation to the costs associated with past wildfires and wildfires to come.

CPUC Currently Exploring Revisions to Rule 20
In May 2017, the CPUC issued an Order Instituting Rulemaking to Consider Revisions to
Electric Rule 20 and Related Matters. The CPUC will primarily focus on revisions to Rule 20A
but may make conforming changes to other parts of Rule 20. The League is a party in these
proceedings will provide comments.

Beyond Rule 20A: Additional Options for Funding Undergrounding Projects

There are various ways in which cities can generate funding for undergrounding projects that fall
outside of the scope of Rule 20A. At the local level, cities can choose to forgo the Rule 20A
process and opt to use their own General Fund money for undergrounding. Other options are also
discussed below:

Rule 20D Expansion
The City of Berkley in a 2018 study titled “Conceptual Study for Undergrounding Utility Wires
in Berkley,” found that the city could possibly qualify for Rule 20D funding if they actively
pursued this opportunity in partnership with PG&E and the CPUC.

One of the study’s recommendations is to advocate for release of 20D funds (now earmarked
exclusively for SDG&E) to be used for more aggressive fire hardening techniques for above-
ground utility poles and equipment, for undergrounding power lines, and for more aggressive
utility pole and vegetation management practices in the Very High Hazard Fire Zone within
Berkeley’s city limits.

As an alternative to changing the criteria for Rule 20A, the Committee may wish to consider
whether there is the opportunity to advocate for the expansion of Rule 20D funding more
broadly, expanding its reach to all IOU territories.

Franchise Surcharge Fees

Aside from Rule 20 allocations, cities can generate funding for undergrounding through
franchise fee surcharges. For example, SDG&E currently operates under a 50-year City franchise
that was granted in 1970. Under the franchises approved by the San Diego City Council in
December 1970, SDG&E agreed to pay a franchise fee to the City equivalent to 3% of its gross
receipts from the sales of both natural gas and electricity for 30 years.

These fees were renegotiated in 2000 and in 2001 an agreement was between the City of San
Diego, SDG&E, and the CPUC to extend the existing franchise fee to include revenues collected
from surcharges. SDG&E requested an increase of 3.88% to its existing electric franchise fee
surcharge. The bulk, 3.53% of this increase is to be used for underground conversion of overhead
electric wires.

Based on SDG&E's revenue projections, the increase would result in an additional surcharge
revenue amount of approximately $36.5 million per year. SDG&E estimates that this would
create a monthly increase of approximately $3.00 to a typical residential customer's electric bill.
These surcharge revenues would pay for additional undergrounding projects including those that
do not meet the Rule 20A criteria. The City of Santa Barbara has also adopted a similar franchise
surcharge fee.

Having this funding source allows the City of San Diego to underground significantly more
miles of above ground utility lines than other municipalities. However, the surcharge is currently
being challenged in court, as it is argued that the City had SDG&E impose a tax without a ballot

Utility Bankruptcy and Undergrounding Funding
In considering this Resolution, it is important to understand that Rule 20A allocations have been
more substantial in the past. As mentioned earlier, prior to 2011, PG&E was allocating
approximately 5% to 6% of its revenue to the Rule 20A program. Therefore, it is not
unreasonable to encourage an increase in Rule 20A allocations as history shows that utilities had
the capacity to do so in the past.

However, in a time where IOUs such as PG&E are facing bankruptcy as the result of utility
caused wildfires, there is the possibility that expanding rule 20A funding will generate more
costs for the ratepayers.

Questions to Consider:
1) Is Rule 20A or Rule 20D the more appropriate program to advocate for such an
2) Are there any wildfire risks outside of VHFHSZ that could be mitigated by
undergrounding projects?

Existing League Policy:

Public Safety:
The League supports additional funding for local agencies to recoup the costs associated with
fire safety in the community and timely mutual aid reimbursement for disaster response services
in other jurisdictions. (pg. 43)

The League supports the fire service mission of saving lives and protecting property through fire
prevention, disaster preparedness, hazardous-materials mitigation, specialized rescue, etc., as
well as cities’ authority and discretion to provide all emergency services to their communities.
(pg. 43)

Transportation, Communication, and Public Works:

Existing telecommunications providers and new entrants shall adhere to local city policies on
public utility undergrounding. (pg. 54)

The League supports protecting the additional funding for local transportation and other critical
unmet infrastructure needs. (pg. 51)

The League supports innovative strategies including public private partnerships at the state and
local levels to enhance public works funding. (pg. 52)

Environmental Quality
The League opposes any legislation that interferes with local utility rate setting authority and
opposes any legislation that restricts the ability of a city to transfer revenue from a utility (or
other enterprise activity) to the city’s general fund. (pg. 9)

Cities should continue to have the authority to issue franchises and any program should be at
least revenue neutral relative to revenue currently received from franchises. (pg. 9)

The League is concerned about the impacts of escalating energy prices on low income residents
and small businesses. The League supports energy pricing structures and other mechanisms to
soften the impacts on this segment of our community. (pg. 10)

2019 Strategic Goals

Improve Disaster Preparedness, Recovery and Climate Resiliency.
• Provide resources to cities and expand partnerships to better prepare for and recover from
wildfires, seismic events, erosion, mudslides and other disasters.
• Improve community preparedness and resiliency to respond to climate-related, natural and
man-made disasters.

The following letters of concurrence were received:
The City of Hidden Hills
The City of La Cañada Flintridge
The City of Laguna Beach
The City of Lakeport
The City of Malibu
The City of Moorpark
The City of Nevada City
The City of Palos Verdes Estates
The City of Rolling Hills Estates
The City of Rolling Hills
The City of Ventura


Source: San Diego County Division

Concurrence of five or more cities/city officials
Cities: Calexico; Coronado; Imperial Beach; San Diego
Individual City Officials: City of Brawley: Mayor Pro Tem Norma Kastner-Jauregui; Council
Members Sam Couchman, Luke Hamby, and George Nava. City of Escondido: Deputy Mayor
Consuelo Martinez. City of La Mesa: Council Member Bill Baber. City of Santee: Mayor John
Minto, City of Vista: Mayor Judy Ritter and Council Member Amanda Young Rigby
Referred to: Environmental Quality Policy Committee

WHEREAS, international transboundary rivers that carry water across the border from
Mexico into Southern California are a major source of sewage, trash, chemicals, heavy metals
and toxins; and

WHEREAS, transboundary flows threaten the health of residents in the United States
and Mexico, harm important estuarine land and water of international significance, force closure
of beaches, damage farmland, adversely impact the South San Diego County and Imperial
County economy; compromise border security, and directly affect U.S. military readiness; and

WHEREAS, a significant amount of untreated sewage, sediment, hazardous chemicals

and trash have been entering southern California through both the Tijuana River Watershed (75
percent of which is within Mexico) and New River flowing into southern California’s coastal
waterways and residential and agricultural communities in Imperial County eventually draining
into the Salton Sea since the 1930s; and

WHEREAS, in February 2017, an estimated 143 million gallons of raw sewage flowed
into the Tijuana River and ran downstream into the Pacific Ocean and similar cross border flows
have caused beach closures at Border Field State Park that include 211 days in 2015; 162 days in
2016; 168 days in 2017; 101 days in 2018; and 187 days to date for 2019 as well as closure of a
number of other beaches along the Pacific coastline each of those years; and

WHEREAS, approximately 132 million gallons of raw sewage has discharged into the
New River flowing into California through communities in Imperial County, with 122 million
gallons of it discharged in a 6-day period in early 2017; and

WHEREAS, the presence of pollution on state and federal public lands is creating unsafe
conditions for visitors; these lands are taxpayer supported and intended to be managed for
recreation, resource conservation and the enjoyment by the public, and

WHEREAS, the current insufficient and degrading infrastructure in the border zone
poses a significant risk to the public health and safety of residents and the environment on both

sides of the border, and places the economic stress on cities that are struggling to mitigate the
negative impacts of pollution; and

WHEREAS, the 1944 treaty between the United States and Mexico regarding Utilization
of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande allocates flows on trans-
border rivers between Mexico and the United States, and provides that the nations, through their
respective sections of the International Boundary Water Commission shall give control of
sanitation in cross border flows the highest priority; and

WHEREAS, in 1993, the United States and Mexico entered into the Agreement Between
the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican
States Concerning the Establishment of a North American Development Bank which created the
North American Development Bank (NADB) to certify and fund environmental infrastructure
projects in border-area communities; and

WHEREAS, public concerns in response to widespread threats to public health and

safety, damage to fish and wildlife resources and degradation to California’s environment
resulting from transboundary river flow pollution in the southernmost regions of the state
requires urgent action by the Federal and State governments, and

WHEREAS, Congress authorized funding under the U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency’s (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Act and established the State and Tribal Assistance Grants
(STAG) program for the U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program (BWIP) in 1996 to
provide grants for high-priority water, wastewater, and storm-water infrastructure projects within
100 kilometers of the southern border; and

WHEREAS, the EPA administers the STAG and BWIP programs, and coordinates with
the North American Development Bank (NADB) to allocate BWIP grant funds to projects in the
border zone; and

WHEREAS, since its inception, the BWIP program has provided funding for projects in
California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas that would not have been constructed without the
grant program; and

WHEREAS, the BWIP program was initially funded at $100 million per year, but, over
the last 20 years, has been continuously reduced to its current level of $10 million; and

WHEREAS, in its FY 2020 Budget Request, the Administration proposed to eliminate

the BWIP program; and

WHEREAS, officials from EPA Region 9, covering California, have identified a

multitude of BWIP-eligible projects along the southern border totaling over $300 million; and

WHEREAS, without federal partnership through the BWIP program and state support to
address pollution, cities that are impacted by transboundary sewage and toxic waste flows are

left with limited resources to address a critical pollution and public health issue and limited legal
remedies to address the problem; and

WHEREAS, the National Association of Counties, (NACo) at their Annual Conference

on July 15, 2019 and the U.S. Conference of Mayors at their Annual Conference on in July 1,
2019 both enacted resolutions calling on the federal and state governments to work together to
fund and address this environmental crisis; and

WHEREAS, local governments and the public support the State’s primary objectives in
complying with environmental laws including the Clean Water Act, Porter-Cologne Water
Quality Control Act, and Endangered Species Act and are supported by substantial public
investments at all levels of government to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment for
future residents of California, and

WHEREAS, League of California Cities policy has long supported efforts to ensure
water quality and oppose contamination of water resources; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED at the League General Assembly,

assembled at the League Annual Conference on October 18, 2019 in Long Beach, that the
League calls upon the Federal and State governments to restore and ensure proper funding to the
U.S- Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program (BWIP) and recommit to working bi-
nationally to develop and implement long-term solutions to address serious water quality and
contamination issues, such as discharges of untreated sewage and polluted sediment and trash-
laden transboundary flows originating from Mexico, that result in significant health,
environmental, and safety concerns in communities along California’s southern border impacting
the state.

Background Information on Resolution No. 2

Source: San Diego County Division

Along California’s southern border with Mexico, the New River in Imperial County and the
Tijuana River in San Diego County are a major sources of raw sewage, trash, chemicals, heavy
metals, and toxins that pollute local communities. Sewage contaminated flows in the Tijuana
River have resulted in significant impacts to beach recreation that includes the closure of Border
Field State Beach for more than 800 days over the last 5-years. Similarly, contaminated flows in
the New River presents comparable hazards, impacts farm land, and contributes to the ongoing
crisis in the Salton Sea. These transboundary flows threaten the health of residents in California
and Mexico, harms the ecosystem, force closures at beaches, damage farm land, makes people
sick, and adversely affects the economy of border communities. The root cause of this cross
border pollution is from insufficient or failing water and wastewater infrastructure in the border
zone and inadequate federal action to address the problem through existing border programs.

The severity of cross border pollution has continued to increase, due in part to the rapid growth
of urban centers since the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
While economic growth has contributed to greater employment, the environmental infrastructure
of the region has not kept pace, which is why Congress authorized the Border Water
Infrastructure Program (BWIP) in 1996. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
administers the BWIP and coordinates with the North American Development Bank (NADB) to
provide financing and technical support for projects on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border.
Unfortunately, the current BWIP funding at $10 million per year is only a fraction of the initial
program budget that shares funding with the entire 2,000 mile Mexican border with California,
Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. EPA officials from Region 9 have identified an immediate
need for BWIP projects totaling over $300 million just for California. Without federal
partnerships through the BWIP and state support to address cross border pollution, cities that are
impacted by transboundary sewage and toxic waste flows are left with limited resources to
address a critical pollution and public health issue.

The International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) is another important federal
stakeholder that, under the Treaty of 1944 with Mexico, must address border sanitation
problems. While IBWC currently captures and treats some of the pollution generated in Mexico,
it also redirects cross border flows without treatment directly into California.

Improving environmental and public health conditions for communities along the border is
essential for maintaining strong border economy with Mexico. The IBWC, EPA, and NADB are
the important federal partners with existing bi-national programs that are able to immediately
implement solutions on cross border pollution. California is in a unique position to take the lead
and work with local and federal partners to implement real solutions that will addresses the long
standing and escalating water quality crisis along the border.

For those reasons, the cities of Imperial Beach and Coronado requested the San Diego County
Division to propose a resolution at the 2019 League Annual Conference calling upon the federal

and state governments to address the devastating impacts of international transboundary
pollution flows into the waterways of the southernmost regions of California, San Diego and
Imperial Counties and the Pacific Ocean.

On August 12, 2019 at the regularly scheduled meeting of the San Diego County Division, the
membership unanimously endorsed submittal of the resolution, with close to 75% membership
present and voting.

The Imperial County Division does not have a schedule meeting until after the deadline to
submit proposed resolutions. However, the City of Calexico, which is most directly impacted by
initial pollution flow of the New River from Mexicali, sent a letter in concurrence of this
resolution as well as numerous city official from cities within Imperial County and the Imperial
County Board of Supervisors. The League Imperial County Division will place a vote to support
this resolution on the agenda of their September 26, 2019 meeting.

League of California Cities Staff Analysis on Resolution No. 2

Staff: Derek Dolfie, Legislative Representative

Carly Shelby, Legislative and Policy Development Assistant
Committees: Environmental Quality

This Resolution states that the League of California Cities should call upon the State and Federal
governments to restore and ensure proper funding for the U.S. – Mexico Border Water
Infrastructure Program (BWIP) and work bi-nationally to address water quality issues resulting
from transboundary flows from Mexico’s Tijuana River into the United States containing
untreated sewage, polluted sediment, and trash.

The League of California Cities’ San Diego County Division is sponsoring this resolution to
address their concerns over the contaminated flows from the Tijuana River into California that
have resulted in the degradation of water quality and water recreational areas in Southern

The Tijuana River flows north through highly urbanized areas in Mexico before it enters the
Tijuana River Estuary and eventually the Pacific Ocean via waterways in San Diego County in
California. Urban growth in Tijuana has contributed to a rise in rates of upstream flows from
water treatment facilities in Mexico. These treatment facilities have raised the amount of
untreated sewage and waste in the Tijuana River due to faulty infrastructure and improper
maintenance. The federal government refers to the river as an “impaired water body” because of
the presence of pollutants in excess, which pose significant health risks to residents and visitors
in communities on both sides of the border.

Federal Efforts to Address Pollution Crisis

To remedy the Tijuana River’s low water quality, the United States and Mexico entered into a
Treaty in 1944 entitled: Utilization of Waters of the Colorado River and Tijuana Rivers and of
the Rio Grande – the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). The IBWC was
designed to consist of a United States section and a Mexico section. Both sections were tasked
with negotiating and implementing resolutions to address water pollution in the area, which
includes overseeing the development of water treatment and diversion infrastructure.

After the formation of the IBWC, the U.S. and Mexico entered into a treaty in 1993 entitled:
Agreement Concerning the Establishment of a Border Environment Cooperation Commission
and a North American Development Bank. This agreement established the North American
Development Bank (NADB), which certifies and funds infrastructure projects located within 100
kilometers (62 miles) of the border line. The NADB supports federal programs like the Border
Water Infrastructure Program (BWIP), which was initially funded at $100 million, annually.

The degradation of existing water treatment infrastructure along the border coincides with the
federal government’s defunding of the BWIP, which has steadily decreased from $100 million in
1996 to $10 million today. The Federal FY 2020 Budget proposes eliminating BWIP funding

altogether. EPA’s regions 6 and 9 (includes U.S. states that border Mexico) have identified a
number of eligible projects that address public health and environmental conditions along the
border totaling $340 million.

The NADB has funded the development of water infrastructure in both the U.S. and Mexico.
Water diversion and treatment infrastructure along the U.S – Mexico border includes, but is not
limited to, the following facilities:
• The South Bay International Wastewater Treatment Plant (SBIWTP). This facility was
constructed by the U.S. in 1990 and is located on the California side of the border and is
operated under the jurisdiction of the IBWC. The SBIWTP serves as a diversion and
treatment sewage plant to address the flow of untreated sewage from Mexico into the
United States.
• Pump Station CILA. CILA was constructed by Mexico in 1991 and is located along the
border in Mexico. This facility serves as the SBIWTP’s Mexican counterpart.

Both the SBIWTP and CILA facilities have had a multitude of overflows containing untreated
sewage and toxic waste that spills into the Tijuana River. The cause of overflows can be
attributed to flows exceeding the maximum capacity that the infrastructure can accommodate
(this is exacerbated during wet and rainy seasons) and failure to properly operate and maintain
the facilities. Much of the existing infrastructure has not had updates or repairs for decades,
causing overflows to become more frequent and severe. The most notable overflow occurred in
February 2017, wherein 143 million gallons of polluting waste discharged into the Tijuana River;
affecting the Tijuana Estuary, the Pacific Ocean, and Southern California’s waterways.

State Actions
In response to the February 2017 overflow, the San Diego Water Board’s Executive Officer sent
a letter to the U.S. and Mexican IBWC Commissioners which included recommendations on
how to improve existing infrastructure and communications methods between both nations.

In September of 2018, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra submitted a lawsuit against
IBWC for Violating the Clean Water Act by allowing flows containing sewage and toxic waste
to flow into California’s waterways, posing a public health and ecological crisis. The cities of
Imperial Beach, San Diego, Chula Vista, the Port of San Diego, and the San Diego Regional
Water Quality Board have also filed suit against the IBWC. The suit is awaiting its first
settlement conference on October 19, 2019. If parties are unable to reach a settlement, the case
will go to trial.

Fiscal Impact:
California’s economy is currently the sixth largest in the world, with tourism spending topping
$140.6 billion in 2018. In the past five years, San Diego’s Border Field State Park has been
closed for over 800 days because of pollution from the Tijuana River. A decline in the State’s
beach quality and reputation could carry macroeconomic effects that could ripple outside of the
San Diego County region and affect coastal communities throughout California.

Existing League Policy
The League of California Cities has extensive language on water in its Summary of Existing
Policy and Guiding Principles. Fundamentally, the League recognizes that beneficial water
quality is essential to the health and welfare of California and all of its citizens. Additionally, the
League advocates for local, state and federal governments to work cooperatively to ensure that
water quality is maintained.
The following policy relates to the issue of water quality:
• Surface and groundwater should be protected from contamination.
• Requirements for wastewater discharge into surface water and groundwater to safeguard
public health and protect beneficial uses should be supported.
• When addressing contamination in a water body, water boards should place priority
emphasis on clean-up strategies targeting sources of pollution, rather than in stream or
end-of-pipe treatment.
• Water development projects must be economically, environmentally and scientifically
• The viability of rivers and streams for instream uses such as fishery habitat, recreation
and aesthetics must be protected.
• Protection, maintenance, and restoration of fish and wildlife habitat and resources.

Click here to view the Summary of Existing Policy and Guiding Principles 2018.

1. Water quality issues are prevalent across California and have been a constant priority of
the State’s legislature and residents. In 2014, California’s voters approved Proposition 1,
which authorized $7.5 billion in general obligation bonds to fund water quality
improvement projects. In 2019, the Legislature reached an agreement to allocate $130
million from the State’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) to address failing
water infrastructure and bad water qualities for over one million of California’s residents
in rural communities. Water quality is not an issue unique to the County of San Diego
and communities along the border.

2. Tijuana River cross-border pollution has caught national attention. Members of Congress
have proposed recent funding solutions to address the pollution crisis, including:
• In February of 2019, California Congressional Representatives Vargas, Peters, and
Davis helped secure $15 million for the EPA to use as part of its BWIP.
• H.R. 3895 (Vargas, Peters, 2019), The North American Development Bank Pollution
Solution Act. This bill seeks to support pollution mitigation efforts along the border
by increasing the NADB’s capital by $1.5 billion.
• H.R. 4039 (Levin, 2019), The Border Water Infrastructure Improvement Act.
This bill proposes increasing funding to the BWIP from the existing $10 million to
$150 million as a continuous appropriation until 2025.
Additionally, the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the U.S. Conference of
Mayors enacted resolutions in support of increased funding for U.S. – Mexico border
water infrastructure to address the environmental crisis in 2019.

3. The border pollution problem has sparked action from local, state, and federal actors.
Should this resolution be adopted, League membership should be aware that future action
will be adapted by what is explicitly stated in the resolution’s language. In current form,
the resolution’s resolve clause cites the BWIP as the only program that should receive
reinstated and proper funding. League staff recommends the language be modified to
“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED at the League General Assembly,
assembled at the League Annual Conference on October 18, 2019 in Long Beach,
that the League calls upon the Federal and State governments to restore and
ensure proper funding for environmental infrastructure on the U.S. – Mexico
Border, including to the U.S- Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program
(BWIP), and recommit to working bi-nationally to develop and implement long-
term solutions to address serious water quality and contamination issues, such as
discharges of untreated sewage and polluted sediment and trash-laden
transboundary flows originating from Mexico, that result in significant health,
environmental, and safety concerns in communities along California’s southern
border impacting the state.”
Modifying the language would ensure enough flexibility for the League to support
funding mechanisms outside of the prescribed federally-operated BWIP.

4. It remains unclear if there is an appetite in Washington to fund border-related

infrastructure projects that address environmental quality. Given the high probability of
another overflow containing waste and sewage from the existing infrastructure operated
by the IBWC, League membership should consider the outcome if no resolution is
reached to address the issue.

The following letters of concurrence were received:
The City of Calexico
The City of Coronado
The City of Imperial Beach
The City of San Diego
In their individual capacity:
Amanda Young Rigby, City of Vista Council Member
Bill Baber, City of La Mesa Council Member
Consuelo Martinez, City of Escondido Deputy Mayor
George A. Nava, City of Brawley Council Member
John Minto, City of Santee Mayor
Judy Ritter, City of Vista Mayor
Luke Hamby, City of Brawley Council Member
Norma Kastner-Jauregui, City of Brawley Mayor Pro-Tempore
Sam Couchman, City of Brawley Council Member

MEETING OF: September 12, 2019

Agenda Item No. 11

Subject: Consideration of adding an Office Assistant II and Date: September 6, 2019

a Limited-Term Code Enforcement Officer I/II to
the Position Allocations for FY 2019-20,
Resolution No. 2019-38 Reviewed & Approved:

From: Andrew White, Chief of Police

Recommended Action: Approve resolution.


Office Assistant II
The Police Department has experienced an increase in the volume of lobby traffic and the current
staffing model is insufficient to adequately serve the public and not sustainable. The increase
seems to be due primarily to the increase in enforcement activity and consists of primarily of
transactions related to Code Enforcement, Animal Control and citation issuance. The traffic is
anticipated to increase with the implementation of new ordinances such as the vacant
commercial property ordinance, abandoned vehicle ordinance and planned updates to the rental
property ordinance.

The lobby is currently staffed on an ad-hoc basis by the Code Enforcement Technician. It is not
uncommon for this position to spend hours at the window handling requests, processing
payments, etc. This takes away from critical work that needs to be occurring in the Code
Enforcement Bureau in support of the Code Enforcement officers.

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the hiring of an Office Assistant II. Their
primary duty would be handling all the lobby traffic. When not assisting customers, they would
perform clerical work, such as data entry and handling phone calls. This position would
also support keeping the lobby open five days-per-week instead of the current four.

Code Enforcement Officer I/II (Limited Term)

The Code Enforcement Bureau has dramatically increased enforcement efforts, particularly in
the area of blight and overgrown/hazardous vegetation. They have also taken on additional
due to the enactment of new ordinances and renewed enforcement for existing ordinances.
While Code Enforcement is handling a record number of cases, there are many more cases that
could be opened and if resolved, would improve the city.

With the return of Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Authority funding, there is an opportunity to
make a significant push towards removing abandoned, wrecked and dismantled cars littered
across the city. There is also additional CDBG money that must be expended in order to be eligible
for additional funding.

A part-time, extra-help Code Enforcement Officer I position was recently filled on a trial basis to
leverage some of the available CDBG funding. This is limited to 960 hours and is non-benefited.
The employee is currently receiving training and clearing a backlog of clerical work in the bureau.
In the next few weeks, they will begin doing field work, including a concentrated effort on
removing abandoned vehicles.

Staff is requesting the City Council authorize upgrading this position to a limited-term, full-time
position. This authorization would be limited to the current fiscal year and require the approval
of the City Manager based on the effectiveness of the current part-time, extra-help position. Staff
is recommending this as a limited-term position due to the uncertainty of funding.


Office Assistant II – The cost to fill this position for the remainder fiscal year is approximately
$42,000 for regular salary and benefits. The funding will be spread between the General Fund
and CDBG Code Enforcement.

Code Enforcement Officer I/II – The cost to fill this position for the remainder of the fiscal year is
approximately $45,000 for regular salary and benefits. The funding will be from Code
Enforcement CDBG.

These positions will support achieving the following Council adopted goals: Make Clearlake a
Visibly Cleaner City, Make Clearlake a Statistically Safer City and Update Policies & Procedures to
Current Government Standards.



WHEREAS, the City has a need for an Office Assistant II position within the Police Department to
handle visit traffic to the lobby and perform other clerical work in support of the bureaus within
the department; and

WHEREAS, the City has a need for a limited-term Code Enforcement Officer I/II to support the
efforts of the Code Enforcement Bureau and there is funding available through the CDBG Code
Enforcement program to fund this position; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clearlake:

Section 1. Office Assistant II. An Office Assistant II is hereby added to the FY 2019-20 budget to
be assigned to the Police Department, with funding to be allocated between the General Fund
and CDBG Code Enforcement.

Section 2. Code Enforcement Officer I/II. A limited-term Code Enforcement Officer I/II is hereby
added to the FY 2019-20 budget to be assigned to the Code Enforcement Bureau within the
Police Department, with funding from Code Enforcement CDBG. This position may be filled
upon approval of the City Manager.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Clearlake, County of Lake, State of
California, on this 12th day of September 2019, by the following vote:


ATTEST:______________________________ ________________________________
City Clerk Mayor

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