Neutrality Is Simple

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The key takeaways are that energetic testing is a way to determine one's energetic state and what affects it by checking for strong or weak energies. It can help identify root causes.

Energetic testing is a method of determining one's energetic state as either strong/neutral or weak by checking different things and sensing how one's 'spot' or area of the body reacts.

To perform energetic testing, one finds their 'spot' where they sense energy changes, then tests different things like words or actions to see if their spot feels strong/neutral or weak. It's checking for dips in one's neutral energetic state.


Energetic Testing.
Posted on September 7, 2014 by Stephen Dupre
Energetic testing is an accurate way to isolate what is really
going on in the moment regarding the root causes of our symptoms or
It is especially useful in neutrality work or in combination with
other energy work.

Energy States and Effects.

When we discuss neutrality, we mean the energetic state of
neutrality which is a strong and even energy state.
When some issue, trigger or event/situation, or even
information, weakens or lowers our overall energy state, we lose
some of that neutral energy and therefore our overall wellbeing.
And, in this busy, modern world, sometimes were aware of this
shift from neutral, sometimes not.

Neutral Energy is either strong or weak.

There are really only 2 (binary) energy states in neutral work 1
or 0.

Were either neutral (strong/full), or not (weak) to any particular

situation, experience or event.

This simple strong/weak method of energetic testing was

first revealed by Dr. Kam Yuen, founder of Yuen Method, and is
the best, most precise and reliable way to check energy and
avoid making assumptions.
Dr. Yuens results-based method and the simplicity in
treating humans as intelligent "bio-computers" (either strong or
weak to any issue) is the basis of this work.

Conventional western methods and even most all alternative

methods still dont have a good understanding of this simple
energetic technique, (reading energy in ourselves or others "atany-distance", etc., without contact or conversation).
They may catch up some day.
In the meantime, see how easy it is for yourself.

Neutrality is simple
All of us are already neutral to dozens and dozens of things.
We may not know this intuitively, we just know "I dont usually
react in this situation", be it someone honking a car horn, waiting in
a long line, etc.
To get to the neutral state, we simply need to:


Sense when we are not in a neutral energy state.

Identify what the real cause is.
Strengthen our energy back into the neutral energy state.

There is no judgment, assumptions or analysis in getting

back to neutral.
We simply strengthen to neutral what we find that weakens us,
so the energy across all possibilities is even.
No need for research papers, double blind studies, discussion or
The energy shifts done.

Sensing energetic weakness or dip in neutral

Most of us can sense when our energy "dips" (baisse) if we
silence our thinking long enough to take awareness of what is
happening in our energy field or our body.

Checking strong/weak energy states

Energetic testing of strong/weak is the simplest and most
revolutionary way to determine what really affects us.
When you learn to process information in this way, it literally
changes the way you perceive the world around you.
And everyone can do it.

Here are the simple steps:

1) Find your "spot" (endroit, emplacement, point, bouton)

Think about a time when someone came into the room you didnt
like and you had a reaction to it.
Where did you sense an energy change in your body? In your
throat, chest, belly, forehead?
OK, wherever it is, thats your "spot" where you feel this
energy dip (or weakness). It doesnt have to be a large dip, it can be

2) Test something to feel that weak energy state again.

a) Say "my name is Brontosaurus"
Feel the energy of your "spot" when you focus on the word
Is it a full/strong/neutral feeling or weak (dip in energy)?

b) Think about walking backwards.

Feel the energy of your "spot".

Strong or weak?

Note that when you feel for a weakened energy, it is not a

TRUE/FALSE check, it is a NEUTRAL(strong)/WEAK energy

Thats really all there is to energetic testing.

Sorry, No 10 step program. No years of study with a guru. No
secret to the secret.
Thats it. Thank you Dr. Kam Yuen for revealing energetic
testing decades ago.

When the energy feels strong

The examples above might not work for you if youre already
neutral to

people you dont like coming into a room or,

being named "Brontosaurus" or,
walking backwards.

Nothings wrong.
You feel fullness and strength simply because youre already
neutral to those things.
Thats a good thing.
Just find something else to test with make it a game.
Eventually, your stronger intuition connects the answers to
you, so you dont have to mentally search for things to test.

Energetic Testing vs Muscle Testing

For best results and accuracy, use your own energy or "spot" for
testing strong/weak.
Many practitioners use muscle testing to check for strong / weak.
They could use their own fingers (called finger test) or an arm
test when with a client.

While muscle testing methods are useful for demonstration, we

suggest you not grow dependent on them.

Accurate muscle testing relies on the client being neutral to

being questioned (interrogation), needing permission or even
being touched all issues brought up with muscle testing.

If the clients energy is weak to any of these elements (and a

few more not mentioned), their body (muscle test) will respond with
the opposite (wrong) answer to strong/weak.
In this non-neutral state, most likely the final outcome will be "no
We recommend energetic testing without using physical
touch (muscle testing) as the most accurate way to get answers.

Its no surprise that the neutrality of the practitioner can also

affect answers, either directly in themselves or through projection
into the client.
For example, if a practitioner isnt neutral to testing or touching
others, they may get inaccurate results with muscle testing.
These states can be changed by getting neutral to these
situations by following The Power of Neutrality process.

Final Thoughts
The goal of energetic testing is to find the area on your body
where you can sense the strong/weak energy states, be aware of
your "spot", and feel the energy.
When you can sense the difference between the strong/weak
energy states, you now possess a useful tool that can be used for
anything to figure out whats really going on.
There is no assumption or judgment in energetic testing of
strong / weak.
If whatever youre thinking about doesnt "feel" energetically
weak (doesnt weaken your energy), then whatever you thought
isnt the problem.
Move on.
Only energetic weaknesses affect us.


Using energetic testing puts you on the path to knowing more

about your own energy and neutrality than anyone else could ever
teach you.
For more information on Yuen Method and Neutrality

visit our Facebook page The Power of Neutrality

visit our NowEnergetics Facebook Page

join our Facebook group The Power of Neutrality

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Energetic Testing.

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