The Rules That Promise You A Happy Day. My Practice of The Rules For Decision

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January 2007/ ISSUE 61


The Rules That Promise You a Happy Day

The Rules That Promise You a

Happy Day

by Greg Mackie

My Practice of the Rules for Decision

Response to the Call for Stories 7

What We Are Reading


Circle News


by Greg Mackie
Rules for Decision (T-30.I) is a simply amazing section of the Text.
It lays out in a systematic way rules designed to place all of our decisions into the hands of the Holy Spirit. For the past month or so, Ive
been trying to follow these rules as the section lays them out. While I
certainly cannot claim to hear the Holy Spirit clearly all the time, the

attempt to let Him govern my life through these rules has brought real benefits that have changed my life
for the better. In this article, Id like to briefly describe the rules for decision and share my experience of
practicing them.

Why follow the rules for decision?

Jesus assumes that we have been reading the Text up to the point where the rules for decision are introduced. After reading twenty-nine chapters, the goal of the Course should be clear to us. That goal goes by
many names, but for this article, Ill simply call it salvation. Now, in the first paragraph of chapter 30, we
are told: The goal is clear, but now you need specific methods for attaining it (T-30.In.1:2). Weve seen
some of those methods earlier in the Text, but they are more ideas than rules of thought to you as yet
This is why we need the rules for decision. To speed us to the goal of salvation, these rules must become
the rules by which you live (1:7), habits of thought (1:8) that will enable us to journey speedily to our
destination. Indeed, The speed by which it can be reached depends on this one thing alone; your willingness to practice every step (1:3).
Though the overall goal of the Course is salvation, the immediate goal of the rules for decision is more
short-term: a happy day, a day joyously devoted to that goal of salvation. We tend to think that yoking our
minds to the Holy Spirit is a sacrifice, but the section reminds us again and again that these are actually
the rules that promise you a happy day (T-30.I.7:5; all subsequent references in this article will be to T-30.I
unless otherwise noted). Following Him brings us happiness because what He wants for us is what we truly
want. This has been my big incentive for practicing the rules. I know that achieving the long-term goal of
the Course is something I really want deep down, but it feels kind of distant and abstract much of the time.
However, Im quite sure that I want a happy day right now, and Jesus tells me that willingness to practice
every step is what offers that to me.

Continued on page 3

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Text : Through studying the teaching,
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Workbook for Students: Through doing
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penetrates more and more deeply into our
Manual for Teachers: Through
extending our healed perception to others,
the Courses thought system receives its
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The Courses message is that the source
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egocentric attack on the world. This
attack convinces us that we have defiled
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irredeemably guilty. Yet the Course says
true reality cannot be defiled; it is a realm
of pure, changeless, unified spirit. This
realization allows us to forgive the worlds
apparent mistreatment of us by recognizing
that it did not actually occur. And as we see
this forgiveness come forth from ussee
that we are capable of something genuinely
loving and egolesswe gradually realize
that we never defiled ourselves. Thus we
awaken to the untouched innocence of our
true nature.

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Rule 1: Establish the proper mindset in the morningthe happy day you want comes
from making no decisions by yourself
The breakfast of champions that will get our happy day off to a good start is morning quiet time devoted
to establishing the proper mindset. The sections counsel for doing this can be boiled down to three steps
(note: when the section famously says, Do not fight yourself [1:7], these three steps are what youre supposed to do instead of fighting yourself):
1. Think about the kind of day you want, a happy day devoted to the goal of salvation (1:8).
2. Tell yourself that you can have that happy dayit can be accomplished (1:8).
3. Place in your mind the means to that happy day: Today, I will make no decisions by myself (2:2). This
means, of course, that instead of making decisions by myself today, I will make all of my decisions
with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus goes on to say that this applies both to decisions about what to do and about how to perceive the
situations in which you are called to do something. The perception aspect is crucial. Without it, you can easily get thrown off track as your mind goes through the following process (described in paragraph 3; thanks
to Robert for this summary):
You decide for yourself how to perceive a situationyou decide what it means.
This defines what is wrong with the situationthe perceived problem.
This defines what question should be asked to get an answer that will solve the problem.
This defines the range of answers you will accept as valid solutions to the problem.
The end result: The Holy Spirits answer will not look like a valid answer to your question, which
will lead to you resisting His answer and therefore deciding for yourself what to do.
For instance, if youve decided that your roommate is viciously attacking you by not taking out the garbage as he agreed tothis is how you perceive the situationyou may decide that the problem is his not
taking out the garbage, which leads you to ask the Holy Spirit, How can I get that lazy bum to take out
the garbage? If the Holy Spirit then answers, Forgive him and give him a big hug, what will your reaction
be? Youll probably say, You talkin to me? I dont think You quite understand the situation here. Youll go
forward with your own plan to get him to take out the garbage, and your happy day of making no decisions
by yourself will be sunk.
My own process of working with those three steps of establishing the proper mindset in the morning goes
something like this (though the details vary from day to day): Ill think about my upcoming day, and imagine
what it would be like if this were a happy day dedicated to the Courses goal of salvation. I see myself doing
the things I expect to be doing that day (like teaching a class or going to the post office) and also prepare
my mind for anything unexpected that might come along. I imagine myself both perceiving the situations I
encounter in a loving way and doing the kinds of things a truly loving and helpful person would do.
The idea here isnt to program my day in detail, but simply to imagine what a happy day devoted to salvation might look like. This is what I think Jesus is asking us to do when he speaks of bringing to mind the
kind of day you want; the feelings you would have, the things you want to happen to you, and the things
you would experience (4:1). Im not trying to engineer a day that would satisfy my ego; rather, Im vividly
imagining the sorts of things that would be part of a happy day of walking the Courses path. This vivid imagining is really critical for me, because then Im not just dutifully handing my day over to the Holy Spirit like
a good Course soldier, but doing something that will make me happy.
This gives me the incentive I need to really want the concluding step. I conclude by committing myself
to the first rule of decision. The words I use vary; I like to use words that convey the essence of the sections
instruction but are also personally meaningful to me. For instance: This happy day can really happen if I
make no decisions by myself. Holy Spirit, I place this day in your hands.
One thing Ive noticed about all the practices Ill describe in this article: They may sound long and com-

plicated, but it doesnt take as long to actually do them as it does to describe themespecially once youve
worked with them a while. This one Im describing now only takes me a few minutes.

Rule 2: Remind yourself throughout the day that the happy day you want comes from
making no decisions by yourself
The section says that at any time you think of it and have a quiet moment for reflection (4:1), you should
bring to mind the happy day you committed to in the morningagain vividly imagining itand say, If I
make no decisions by myself, this is the day that will be given me (4:2). The idea is to remind yourself constantly that the happiness you want comes from to making decisions with the Holy Spirit, not from following
your own self-made plans. This is very much like the frequent reminder practices in the Workbook.
In addition to doing this practice anytime I think of it, Ive also found it helpful to do it on the hour (like
the hourly practices in the Workbook) and whenever Im transitioning from one activity to another. I really
need to remind myself of my goal frequently, or it will just get lost in the hustle and bustle of the day. Of
course, these frequent reminders are ideal times to actually ask the Holy Spirit for help in the situations Im
currently facing.

The quick restorative: When a situation gets you off track, quickly remind yourself once
again that the happy day you want comes from making no decisions by yourself
Ideally, we would just cruise through our day with the first two rules. But inevitably, problem situations
will arise in which our minds go through that process I described above, and were making decisions by
ourselvesperhaps even actively refusing to ask the Holy Spirit for help. When this happens, Jesus tells us
to apply this quick restorative (5:5):
1. Remember the happy day you wantthe one youve been imagining all day (6:1).
2. Acknowledge that because of this situation, your day is no longer that happy day (6:1).
3. Acknowledge that the reason is that youve thrown away the means to that happy day: Youve
decided by yourself what the real question is, and thus have set by yourself a range of acceptable
answers (6:2).
4. Say, I have no question. I forgot what to decide (6:4-5). This means: I dont know what needs solving
about this situation. I forgot that I was deciding only with the Holy Spirit today.
Ive found that certain kinds of situations are likely to get me off track. One category is situations in which
I have a lot of emotional investment. Another is situations that require something of me that I really dont
feel like doing. (Ironically, as I was writing this article, I learned about a major Circle shipment I needed to
put together the next daysomething I normally dont feel like doing. I had to apply the rules right then and
there.) Another is challenging situations, like having that delicate conversation with someone whos upset
with me. One more category, oddly enough, is situations in which Im doing things Im very good at. The
reason these situations get me in trouble, I believe, is that when Im good at something I tend to decide that
I know what Im doing. Im more likely to ask for help when I know I dont have a clue.
The section speaks of actively refusing to sit by and ask to have the answer given you (5:3). I do dig in
my heels like this sometimes, but my usual method of slipping into making decisions by myself is forgetting to ask. This happens both with specific problem situations and with the day in general if I dont do my
frequent reminders. The momentum of my day gets going like a snowball rolling down a hill, and before I
know it, several hours have gone by and I havent asked the Holy Spirit for anything. This is a sneaky way
refusing to ask; precisely because I know I almost certainly will ask if I stop that momentum for a moment,
I resist stopping. The section says, Your fear of being answered in a different way from what your version
of the question asks will gain momentum, until you believe the day you want is one in which you get your
answer to your question (7:3). Thats me.

When Ive caught myself in this pattern, its crucial that I observe this rule without delay (7:1). The first
thing I need to do is stop that snowballtake a time out and get quiet. Then, I try to remember that happy
day I want and be really honest with myself that something has occurred that is not part of it (6:1). Contrary
to accepted Course lore, its not all perfect; something has actually gone wrong here.
Once I really get that, Im ready to apply the words of the quick restorative. Again, Ill often use words
that convey the essence of the words given in the section, but which are personally meaningful to me: Boy,
its been a while since Ive asked for any guidance, and my day is going to pot. I forgot the goal I set this
morning, but Im going to get back on track now. Holy Spirit, I once again place the day in Your hands.

The longer restorative: When the quick restorative doesnt work, gently reason yourself
back to the recognition that the happy day you want comes from making no decisions by
If, after trying the quick restorative, were still stuck in my answer to my question mode and unwilling
to let the Holy Spirit decide for us, Jesus has a Plan B to get us back on track. This Plan B consists of
gently talking ourselves out of the pit with this sequence (8:2, 9:2, 11:4, and 12:3-4):
At least I can decide I do not like what I feel now.
And so I hope I have been wrong.
I want another way to look at this.
Perhaps there is another way to look at this.
What can I lose by asking?
These lines basically mean the following:
My refusal to ask the Holy Spirit for help in this situation has made me feel awfulthe happy
day I committed myself to this morning has gone to hell. If Im right about this situation and my
refusal to ask Him about it, then Im stuck with these feelings. But if Im wrong about all this, then
the happy day I want may still be possible. Therefore, I hope I have been wrong, both about this
situation and my decision to resist asking the Holy Spirit for guidance about it. I want another way
to look at all of this. Perhaps there is another way. The other way is this: Since making decisions
by myself has made me feel rotten, what can I lose by asking the Holy Spirit for help in this situation? Perhaps making no decisions by myself here really will give me the happy day I want.
Think once again about that garbage example. You thought the question was how to get this lazy bum of
a roommate to take out the garbage. The whole idea of forgiving him and giving him a big hug was simply
ludicrous. But now you see that your resistance to the Holy Spirits answer has brought you nothing but
painobstinately insisting on your answer to your question has robbed you of the happiness that comes
from making no decisions by yourself. Thus you really do hope your stance here is wrong, because if it is
wrong, an alternative that could relieve your pain becomes possible. You say to yourself, Perhaps making
no decisions by myself will actually make me happy. What can I lose by asking the Holy Spirit for help? As
you offer your now open mind to the Holy Spirit, He gently reminds you of the only thing that will really
make you happy here: forgiveness, the means of salvation. Now the Holy Spirits answer makes perfect
sense. Imagine how happy youll feel when you and your roommate are at peace with one another. (And
who knows? He may be so grateful that hell take out the garbage!)
I find that I dont have to do the longer restorative very oftennot because Im any sort of spiritual giant,
but because, as I said above, once I stop the snowball (the hard part), I can usually get back on track. But I
do refuse to ask sometimes, and when I do, this longer restorative is a tremendous help.
The section describes the second stepAnd so I hope I have been wrongas the turning point (10:1),
and Ive found this is really true. Again, the key is to avoid the its all perfect thing and admit the possibility of actually being wrong. Like everyone else, I have a hard time admitting this. Were all a bit like Fonzie

in the old Happy Days TV series, who used to struggle to say, I was wr-r-r-r-r. The beauty of this longer
restorative, though, is that it presents the possibility of being wrong not as bad news but as tremendously
good news, something to be hoped for. My Dont confuse me with the facts approach to this situation has
just made me feel terrible. Admitting that I could be wrong and opening myself to the Holy Spirits counsel
is actually the way to have the happy day I really want.
This admission leads to that last line: What can I lose by asking? I love this line. Its important to realize
that this line is the other way called for in the previous line, Perhaps there is another way to look at this.
This other way says: What can I lose by asking the Holy Spirit to decide for me in this situation, instead of
deciding for myself? Im not sure yet that His answer will really bring me happiness, but I am sure that my
own answer has not. So, what the heck? Why not try on a new pair of glasseswhat can it hurt? Perhaps the
Holy Spirit really does have a better view of this situation than I do. Since my own pigheadedness has failed
so miserably, might it perhaps be a good idea to ask a Being with all knowledge for guidance here? Duh.
As I said earlier, these processes dont take nearly as long to do as they take to describe. This longer
restorative can really be gone through very quickly. And once again, I find it helpful to choose words that
are personally meaningful to me. Holy Spirit, I feel rotten. My resistance to You has caused me nothing but
trouble, so I really hope deciding with You will make me happier. What can I lose by putting the day back
into Your hands?

The fruit of the rules: more happy days

Following these rules has seemed to enable me to hear the Holy Spirits Voice more clearly. Now, Im
certainly not claiming that I have a crystal clear channel to Himfar from it. However, I think the fact that
Im repeatedly attempting to hear Him has at least increased the odds of Him getting through. As the Course
says, If you have made it a habit to ask for help when and where you can, you can be confident that wisdom will be given you when you need it (M-29.5:8). That does seem to be more and more the case for me
since I started practicing the rules.
To conclude, Id like to list some of the benefits Ive experienced from this practice, benefits that suggest
the Holy Spirit may actually be getting through to me more than He used to.
I have greater peace of mind
This is primarily the result of asking the Holy Spirit to guide my perception of the situations I encounter.
This, as weve seen, is the basis for His guidance about what to do in those situations. We all know as Course
students that were supposed to ask the Holy Spirit to shift our perception of everything. The rules for decision provide a structured framework that enables me to ask for that shift on a regular basis. Its truly amazing
what regular asking does to my state of mind. It really does lift me up. I really have experienced more peace,
love, and joy in situations that in the past I would have found quite distressing. What a great feeling!
I find that things go more smoothly
Since I started this practice, it seems that my life has been flowing much more smoothly and easily than it
was before. More and more, things just seem to unfold without a lot of stress and strain. Its not that difficult
and disruptive events dont happen any more; for instance, Ive recently had some unexpected car troubles
that have cost me a lot of time and money. But even in that situation, help has been there when I needed it.
I had Triple-A when my car needed towing, a car available to use while mine was in the shop, and savings
to cover most of the repairs. The situation has certainly been a challenge, but things seem to be resolving
themselves without much difficulty.
I more often get guidance thats unexpected, that deviates from my schedule
I tend to be a schedule-oriented person. I like my day to be planned out, and tend to be resistant to
deviating from the plan. Since I started the rules for decision, however, it seems that Ive gotten guidance
to change my plan more often than before. (Was I always getting that guidance but just not hearing it?) A

recent example was when a couple of friends unexpectedly asked me to help them move furniture and other
items as they were relocating to a new state. I had a lot of Circle work to do that day, and in the past I might
have politely declined. But this time I really felt guided to help them, and we ended up spending a great day
together. I even ended up getting all that Circle work done.
Im doing more giving than before; my life is less about me and more about being helpful to others
As Ive followed the rules, Ive felt my priorities shift. As Ive been trying to follow the Holy Spirit throughout the day, Ive felt less concerned about me and my needs, and more inclined to be of service to others.
Helping my friends with their move is one example of this. Another example is helping another friend of
mine deliver Christmas gifts to needy people on Christmas Eve morning. Now, dont get me wrong; no one
would confuse me with Mother Teresa. But it does seem that Im moving more in the direction of being truly
helpful to others, and it feels good.
I have a deeper sense that my life is part of a larger plan
To the degree Ive managed to set aside my own plans for my life through making no decisions by myself,
it feels as if Ive been swept up into a much larger plan. My life is not my own. Im really getting more of a
sense of the Holy Spirit orchestrating events and moving chess pieces for the sake of His holy purpose. This
makes my life feel much more meaningful. Its not just about me me me; its about doing my part in the most
exalted and lofty plan imaginable: the Holy Spirits plan for the salvation of the world.
I have more happy days
This is the culmination of all the previous points. I really have found that these rules for decision are the
rules that promise you a happy day. Sure, I still have my ups and downs. Im not walking around in the
kind of rapt ecstasy the Course expects us to experience when were gazing constantly on the real world.
But Im certainly having more happy days than before. My days are coming closer to the day I imagine each
morning, in which Im perceiving the situations I encounter with love and devoting myself to loving service
to others. I still have a ways to go on this journey, but it has become a far happier journey with these rules
to guide me. If you too want more happy days, I encourage you to try the rules for decision yourself. What
have you got to lose?

E-mail your comments to the author at: [email protected]

Greg Mackie is the author of How Can We Forgive Murderers? And Other Answers to Questions about A Course in Miracles. He has
been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1991, and a teacher for the Circle of Atonement since 1999. He writes Course Q & As
and a popular blog on the Circle of Atonement's website, and teaches the Circle's weekday Workbook class in Sedona, Arizona (along
with Robert Perry). He sees his primary function as helping to develop a tradition of Course scholarship.

Response to Our Call for Stories

At the end of Robert Perrys article in our last issue (How Is Our Brother Our Savior? A Better Way #60,
December 2006), Robert invited people to share personal stories exemplifying the idea that our brother is
our savior. We received the following beautiful story from Sally McKirgan.

The Greatest Gift

by Sally McKirgan

I have a true story, a beautiful experience really, about the greatest gifts I ever received.
It was Christmas 1987. Earlier that year, in April, I had started studying A Course In Miracles, and I had
made the commitment to do one lesson each day no matter if I got it or not. I must have been on or about
Lesson 245. At the time I was working in downtown San Francisco for my husbands company and ran banking errands every afternoon. San Francisco was decked out as usual with wonderful Holiday decorations,
and with the throngs of shoppers it was chaotic and exciting. The weather was cold and a damp; fog hung
in the air. The afternoon sky was white with the chill. As I was returning to the office I stood on the corner
across from Macys waiting for the light to change. I noticed a group of homeless people sitting in front of
Macys, and in particular a young woman, sitting on a blanket with a child on her lap. The thought went
through my mind: That could be Mary and Jesus sitting on that hard street, needing a place to stay, cold
and hungry. As I stood there I reached into my purse, pulled out a dollar, and put it in my pocket, deciding I would give it to her when I walked by. The light turned green and I proceeded across the street with
the crowd. As I approached I saw that she had golden reddish curly long hair and a freckled face with very
fair skin. The baby was in her lap, wrapped in a blue blanket, and she was writing a sign with her free hand
asking for money for help. Just as I leaned down to give her my dollar saying God Bless, she looked up
and said Thank You in the warmest voice I have ever heard. Then our eyes locked. The gift I gave was puny
and insignificant in comparison to what she gave me. Her gift was the sight of Great Heavenly Rays! As I
looked down into her eyes, I saw Great Rays of light shooting heavenward, up to the right. It was only an
instant. I was so shocked I stepped back immediately; eyes brimming with tears, I stumbled up the street. As
I walked back to work I was in shock. What on earth was that? When I got to the office I started to tell my
husband but my eyes filled with tears; I couldnt speak and he was so busy he didnt notice my bewilderment. I thought maybe I should go back and see her but actually felt afraid to do so! Words cannot do justice
to the experience, of course.
I wrote a poem about it called The Greatest Gift (see below). I even tried to get it published, sent it to
the Examiner and Macys, but no one believed it. They must have laughed! Later when I could talk about it,
I told a few Course friends but my words fell on kindly but bewildered ears. Dont blame them, as it sounds
pretty weird!
In writing to you I just now tried to estimate out what lesson I could have been on. I started counting from
mid-April to mid-December and figured around number 245. When I just now looked it up, it sounds like it
set me up for the amazing day I had:
Your peace is with me, Father. I am safe. Your peace surrounds me, Father. Where I go, Your
peace goes there with me. It sheds its light on everyone I meet. I bring it to the desolate and lonely
and afraid. I give Your peace to those who suffer pain, or grieve for loss, or think they are bereft of
hope and happiness. Send them to me, my Father. Let me bring your peace with me. For I would
save Your Son, as is Your Will, that I may come to recognize my Self. (W-pII.245.Heading-1:8)
The Course speaks of the Great Rays, but when this happened I was only reading the Workbook and not
reading the Text so I did not know of their existence until later. Chapter 15 (The Holy Instant), Section IX
(The Holy Instant and the Attraction of God) refers to the Great Rays: As the ego would limit your perception of your brothers to the body, so would the Holy Spirit release your vision and let you see the Great Rays
shining from them, so unlimited that they reach to God. (T-15.IX.1:1). I think it was a holy instant that I
experienced. With your immense expertise with the Course, you may see it differently. Below is the poemI
love rhyme as you can see.

The Greatest Gift

It happened one Christmas Season
in front of Macys store
There she sat on OFarrell Street
holding her baby near the door
On a thin blanket with the brightly
decorated windows behind
Her sweet blue bundle in her arms
the cold fog soon to entwine
And writing a sign with one hand
asking for money for help
Shoppers busily passed them by
with eyes and hearts unfelt
Because at Merry Christmas time
we are in such a crazy rush
We do not want to see the pain
and so our minds say hush
But when I saw her freckled face
and blond-red hair aflame
I thought: Mary and Jesus
that could be their names!
Taking money from my pocket
as I hastened across the street
And kneeling as I said God Bless
thats when our eyes did meet
What happened next mystifies me
as warmly she said Thank You
I fought back tears, I did not know
exactly where to turn to
The gifts she gave were Brilliant Rays
ascending to Heavenly Love
Rising up to the right entering
the Magnificence Above
It was as if a choir of Angels
had gathered nearby on wing
To glorify all life on earth and
Bachs Mass in B Minor to sing
Many times I have tried to explain
the vision from her blue eyes
But words seem so inadequate
and how can love be described?
How could that puny dollar have
deserved such a priceless gift
I was speechless and could hardly think
it left my heart bereft
The gift of grace she gave to me
was far grander than mine to her
Oh God above forever help me
be grateful for love so pure
You may not believe this miracle
seen in front of Macys store
And its been said to give not receive
is what this life may be for
But if you will believe and recall
come this Christmas Season
That when you give you too will receive
and Gods Love is the Reason!

What We've Been Reading & Watching


Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama tells his own amazing life story. The title really says it all: Its astounding to me that someone
who has been through the tragedy of exile from his homeland, the killing of so many of his people, and the
destruction of his culture can be so free of hatred and anger. His intelligence, compassion, humility, and
humor shine on every page. A really inspiring book.
Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet, by Karen Armstrong
Karen Armstrongs biography of the founder of Islam sheds new light on a truly remarkable man. What has
always impressed me about Muhammad is how many different gifts he had: He was a great mystic, prophet,
teacher, general, political leader, and social reformer all rolled into one. As you can see, lately Ive been
reading biographies of great spiritual leaders. Their devotion to their respective paths motivates me to walk
the path of the Course with greater devotion.
A Peoples History of the United States, by Howard Zinn
Zinn gives us an account of US history from the point of view of people who dont usually make it into the
standard history books: poor people, laborers, African Americans, Native Americans, women, etc. Ive found
the different perspective very illuminating. Ive also been impressed with the tone of the book. Zinn is often
critical of the US government and he clearly has a passion for justice for the outcasts of society, yet his
attitude toward those he criticizes seems remarkably free of venom. It reminds me of the way Jesus critiques
things like Christianity in the Course: Hes not afraid to call it as he sees it, yet does so with a charitable
attitude toward those with whom he disagrees.


The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena and Entangled Minds: Extrasensory
Experiences in a Quantum Reality, both by Dean Radin
Dean Radin, senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, is one of the leading figures in contemporary
parapsychology. In these books, he reviews the evidence for paranormal phenomena, focusing especially on
those phenomena that have produced positive results in repeated experiments over decades. Even though
the effects are usually relatively small, when multiple experiments are compiled and subjected to metaanalysis, the odds often go into the trillions to one. The massive amount of evidence he presents, along with
his even-handed style, make the skeptics sound like the ones engaging in faith-based thinking. It certainly
appears that a century of experimental evidence has supported the idea that mind is a much more fundamental aspect of reality than scientists usually assume.
Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Childrens Memories of Previous Lives, by Jim B. Tucker,
For the past forty years, doctors at the University of Virginia have investigated the claims of small children to
remember a previous life. Up until now, this work, begun by the renowned Dr. Ian Stevenson, has communicated its findings to scientists. Now, in this book, it is being presented to a popular audience. These cases
are quite impressive. The children seem to carry over not just memories from a previous life (in the form of
correct statements about that life), but also birthmarks and birth defects (that match fatal wounds from the
previous personality), behaviors (such as fears, loves, attachments, and addictions), and recognitions of
people and places from the previous life. This is not a glib sell-job on reincarnation, but a presentation of
painstakingly gathered evidence, that is very difficult to explain other than by appeal to reincarnation.


Dee (Circle webmaster):

A Voice in the Wind, by Francine Rivers

As the story opens, Jerusalem has just fallen to Roman conquerors. Hadassah, is captured and sent to Rome
where she is sold as a slave to a wealthy family. Hadassah is an early Christian, her father was healed by
Jesus, and her faith remains strong during her passage to Rome and the transformation of her life. Hadassah
exemplifies gentleness, living in the presence of God, and making her decisions with the Holy Spirit. In
this uplifting story, the lives around her are transformed as the Holy Spirit works through this gentle slave
girl. Francine Rivers yearns for "..the Lord to use my stories in making people thirst for His Word, the Bible".
Though she writes from a traditional Christian view point, many of her stories strongly incorporate Course
concepts. If you like this story you are in for a treat; it is one of three.
Excavating Jesus, Beneath the Stones, Behind the Texts, by John Dominic Crossan & Jonathan Reed
This book is about digging back through the past in an effort to understand the human Jesus in his own time
and culture. Each author (one a biblical scholar, the other an archaeologist) selects what they feel are the ten
most significant discoveries in their field that help us peel back the layers to get a clearer understanding of
Jesus. Our local Lutheran Pastor is conducting a 4 week study in which we are discussing the themes from
this fascinating book.
Pieces of April
April invites her estranged suburban parents to Thanksgiving dinner at her nearly invisible apartment on New
York's Lower East Side. When her temperamental oven calls it quits, April must scramble to pull off the big
event. This is a funny, heart warming film.


Materials recently posted on our website

Many of you know this, but for those who dont, we post new material on the web site every week. Here
is a list of recently posted articles and blog entries:
"Make this Year Different": How the Course Would Have Us Approach the New Year by Robert Perry. Is
there a place for New Year's resolutions? Robert looks at instances in which Jesus counseled Helen and Bill
on how to approach the new year. Read more.
Watching Your Mind for Thoughts that Block Healing by Robert Perry. Robert provides a series of 26
questions to help one identify common thoughts during a therapy session that get in the way of real healing.
Read more.
How to Be Truly Helpful: Doing Course-Based Psychotherapy by Robert Perry. Robert summarizes the
role of the therapist as helping the patient from the little self, through the inflated self, through the guilty self,
to the true Self. Based on a close study of Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice. Read more.
Leaving Las Vegas is Greg Mackie's most recent blog entry. Read more.
Study Groups: Weve received a lot of questions about how to conduct Course study groups. Each group
is unique, and any advice we offer would need to be adapted to the needs and desires of a particular group.
And of course, asking the Holy Spirit for guidance is a vital part of discerning what a particular group should
do. That being said, here are some guidelines we have found useful in conducting our groups.
Do you have a study group that primarily follows the Circles approach to the Course or that uses the
Circles materials, that you would like us to list on our web site? If so, please send us an e-mail explaining,
in a line or so, how your group is in keeping with our approach, or how it makes use of our materials. Please
also provide us with the contact information to include with the listing. We will list study groups here.


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