Water Dielectric Constant

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Water complex dielectric and polarization

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W ater C o m p lex D ielectric an d P o larizatio n

M icro w ave introd u ctio n
T h e co m plex d ielectric p erm ittivity
P o larizatio n
relative p erm ittivity (d ielectric co n stan t) an d p o larizatio n
D ielectric sp ectro sco p y

T h e co m plex d ielectric p erm ittivity

It has been suggested that a bimodal relaxation time expression is the most appropriate description of the dielectric
properties of water [135].b, c

where r* is the complex permittivity, S is the relative permittivity at low frequencies (static region), 2 is the
intermediate relative permittivity, is the relative permittivity at high frequencies (optical permittivity), is the angular
frequency in radians.second-1, D and 2 are relaxation times and i =
. D is relatively long (18 ps at 0 C [135]),
due primarily to the rotational relaxation within a hydrogen bonded cluster, but reduces considerably with temperature
as hydrogen bonds are weakened and broken. 2 is small (~1 ps [135] or 0.2 ps [343])a and less temperature
dependent being determined primarily by the translational vibrations (near 200 cm-1) within the hydrogen bonded cluster
Plotted opposite are
equations derived for
pure water over the
range for -20 C ~
+40 C [683],
extrapolated (dashed
lines) to indicate
trends; relaxation
times are in ps.
Further data has been
published [1185].

Equation (1) may be


and the complex permittivity rearranged to give real permittivity and imaginary
(the loss factor) parts:



Water complex dielectric and polarization


The real part corresponds to the relative permittivity (dielectric constant):

and the imaginary part corresponds to the loss factor (Lf):

As (S - 2) >> (S - ) the permittivity may be approximated to within the accuracy of current instrumentation by:

As D >> 2 and (S - 2) >> (S - ) the permittivity may be approximated by:

which shows small deviations between about 100 - 1000 GHz which reduce with temperature increase. [B ack to T op

P o larizatio n
The polarization (P) of a substance is its electric dipole moment density (see also). It varies with the applied field (E =
Emaxe-it) and the permittivity. It is given by the real part of the expression:
P = E r*0

E = Emax{cos(t) - i.sin(t)}


r* = r - i.Lf

P = Emax.0(r - i.Lf){cos(t) - i.sin( t)}

Therefore, taking only the real part:
P = Emax.0{(rcos(t) - Lf sin(t)}
where r varies with frequency as equation (2) above. This equation is equivalent to:
P = Pmax.cos(t - )
where = atan(Lf/r) and Pmax increases by a factor secant(). [B ack to T o p

F o o tn o tes
a It has been shown that the different values for correspond to different frequency ranges and the most appropriate

relaxation time expression is trimodal [1247]. This analysis gives relaxation times D, 2 and 3 at 25 C of 8.26 ps (19.3
GHz, corresponding to cooperative relaxation of long range H-bond-mediated dipoledipole interactions), 1.05 ps (150
GHz, possibly associated with dipoledipole interactions due to the free rotation of water molecules having no more than
one hydrogen bond) and 0.135 ps (1.18 THz, possibly associated with dipoledipole interactions due to the free rotation
of water molecules having no hydrogen bonds) respectively; S = 78.4, 2 = 5.85, 3 = 3.65, = 2.4 (compared with
the bimodal relaxation times D and 2 at 25 C of 8.21 ps (19.3 GHz, corresponding to cooperative relaxation of long
range H-bond-mediated dipoledipole interactions) and 0.392 ps (406 GHz, possibly associated with dipoledipole
interactions due to the free rotation of water molecules having broken hydrogen bonds) respectively; S = 78.4, 2 =



Water complex dielectric and polarization


5.54, = 3.04) [1247]. [Back]


For use at higher frequencies up to 100 THz (that is,

into the far infra-red) two extra terms, representing
the intermolecular stretch (VS) and intermolecular
librations (VL), may be added [1497]. When the
intermolecular stretching vibration is included, the
following equation has been used [1563]

with the following values determined [1563]

AS, THz2

S, THz

S, THz

H2 O
















c A recent model shows improved behavior in the supercooled region for use in atmospheric cloud measurements [2262].

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This page was last updated by Martin Chaplin on 18 January, 2015
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
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