Basics of Information Technology: A. Multiple Choice Questions

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Chapter 9

Basics of Information Technology

A. Multiple choice questions:

1. Which of the following transmission medium is the costliest?
a. UTP

b. STP

c. Coaxial Cable

d. Optical Fibre

Ans. d. Optical Fibre

2. Which among the following is used for transmission in short range (mobile phone) devices?
a. Infrared

b. Bluetooth

c. Coaxial Cable

d. Optical Fibre

Ans. b. Bluetooth
3. Which transmission would you use which can be setup at no time if the cost of digging the land for
placing the cables is high?
a. Microwaves

b. Satellite Link

c. Infrared Waves

d. Bluetooth

Ans. a. Microwaves
4. Which among the following network devices is used for connecting multiple computers over a network?
a. Hub

b. Modem

c. repeater

d. None of these

Ans. a. Hub
5. Which of the following is not used for wired transmission?
a. Coaxial Cables

b. Optical Fibre

c. Twisted Pair Cable

d. Microwaves

Ans. d. Microwaves
6. Name the topology that contains a single length of transmission medium to which various nodes
are attached.
a. Bus Topology

b. Ring Topology

c. Star Cable

d. Tree Topology

Ans. a. Bus Topology

7. Name the topology that connects nodes to a central concentrator.
a. Bus Topology

b. Ring Topology

c. Star Cable

d. Tree Topology

Ans. c. Star Cable

8. Which among the following network device is used to boost the signals in a network?
a. Hub

b. Repeater

c. Switch

d. NIC

Ans. b. Repeater
9. Name the topology that consists of multiple star topologies together onto a bus.
a. Bus Topology

b. Ring Topology

c. Star Cable

Ans. d. Tree Topology


d. Tree Topology

10. Name the topology that allows all nodes in a network to be connected to every other node within
the network.
a. Bus Topology

b. Ring Topology

c. Mesh Topology d. Tree Topology

Ans. c. Mesh Topology

B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Clients are nodes within a network that access resources of the Server.
2. A Hub connects several computers within a network.
3. A Modem is used to convert digital signal to analog signal and vice versa.
4. Repeater are devices which is used to amplify the signal which is being transmitted over a long
5. Servers are the nodes which facilities the sharing of its software and hardware resources on the
6. The transmission from the earth to the satellite is known as Uplink.
7. Light waves has its frequency just less than red light.
8. In microwave transmission high Antennas are used.
9. Optical fibres uses Light as its source of data transmission.
10. Internet is a network of networks.
C. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Networking allows sharing of printers.


2. WAN spans over an area near an individual.


3. LAN spans over small area, usually within a room or a building.


4. PAN spreads overs a very small area usually at the vicinity of a device.


5. Clients are the nodes which facilitates the sharing of its software and hardware resources on the
6. Bluetooth technology is used for communication is most hand-held devices.


7. Optical fibres though expensive, is the fastest and most reliable transmission medium.


8. Satellite link is used for radio waves communication.


9. Data transmission rate in coaxial cable is slower than the twisted pair cable.


10. RJ-45 is an example of Twisted Pair Cable.

D. Answer the following questions:


1. How does TCP/IP protocol help in transmitting of data in internet?

Ans. Sending and receiving of data over the internet is based on certain rules. These rules are
generally implemented in two parts in the network software and are called Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). They are collectively called TCP/IP. For sending
large block of data to another computer, IP protocol divides the data into small data packets. The
packet also contains special information like packet position and Error Correction Code (ECC)
the address of the source and destination computer, to make sure that packets at the destination
can be reassembled correctly. The reassembling of the data packets in the destination computer
is done by the TCP protocol.

2. What is an Intranet?
Ans. An Intranet is a local or restricted communications network, especially a private network
created over the Internet.
3. What are the different types of transmission media used in a network?
Ans. The different types of transmission media are:
1. Guided (Wired) Media

2. Unguided (Wireless) Media

4. What is an optical fibre? What are its different components?

Ans. Optical Media is a guided media of transmission made of glass material through which data in
the form of light is used for transmission using the principal of Total Internal Reflection.
5. Write a short note on Radio Waves.
Ans. Radio waves is a form of wireless transmission of data that have a frequency ranging from 3 KHz
to 3GHz. It is used for communication over short distances like from a few meters (as in walkietalkies) up to covering an entire city. It is easier to generate these waves and can travel long
distances and is able to penetrate buildings easily. This makes it widely used in both indoor and
outdoor communication.
6. Why are satellite links used even though it is expensive?
Ans. Satellite links though expensive covers a huge distance thereby compensating for the
expenses, which would perhaps been much more if the transmission used was wired. Thus
communication satellites are generally owned by governments or by government approved
organizations of various countries.
7. State the difference between a Hub and Switch.
Ans. A switch is like a hub, but works in a slightly different way than the hub. A hub simply replicates
the data it receives from one port to all other ports (called broadcasting). The intended/
destination computer receives the data, but the other computers rejects it. The switch on the
other hand receives a data from a port and forwards it only to that computer for which it is
intended by looking at the MAC address of that machine.
8. What is repeater used for?
Ans. For long distance transmission of data in a network the transmitted signal may get weakened
after a certain distance. In such situations repeaters are used. Repeaters are devices which is used
to amplify the signal which is being transmitted. This ensures the signal do not get lost over long
distance transmission.
9. Explain the working of a modem.
Ans. A modem is used to convert digital signal to analog (called modulation) for transmission
through the telephone network. At the receiving end the analog signal needs to be converted
to digital (called demodulation) from the computer to recognize it, which is also done by the
10. What is Interspace?
Ans. Interspace is a software program that allows multiple users to communicate online with realtime audio, video and text chat in dynamic 3D environments.


E. Application based questions:

1. Tarini Fancy Inc. is planning to connect all computers in their Office Building spread over 50
metres of area.
a. Suggest the most economical cable type having high data transfer speed which can be used to
connect these computers.
b. Which type of network (out of WAN, LAN and MAN)?
c. Which device will be used to connect all the computers?
Ans. a. The RJ 45 (Registered Jack 45) twisted pair cable may be the most economical cable type
having high data transfer speed which can be used to connect these computers.

b. LAN should be used.

c. A HUB or a SWITCH may be used to connect all computers through cables.

2. Shobhit wants to create a network for his computers in his office for sharing of hardware and
software resources.
a. What type of network will be formed (LAN, MAN and WAN)?
b. To keep things economical suggest a type of transmission media over a network.
c. What device should be present in each computers for the cable to connect?
d. He also wants an internet connection for the network, name the device which is primarily
used for the internet connectivity.
Ans. a. LAN (Local Area Network)

b. Twisted Pair Cable

c. Network Interface Card (NIC)

d. Modem


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