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Unit 1: Networking and telecommunication

Communication and its modes and components

Communication: The process of exchanging message between sender and receiver
through any medium using definite rule is called communication. If communication is
done on a longer distance then it is called tele communication.

Data communication: The process of exchanging data and information between several
electronic means and media through any medium using definite rule(protocol) is
called data communication.

Components/Elements of communication

Protocol: The set of rules through communication takes place.
Modes of communication:

Simplex: Only sender sends information, receiver only receive the message. It is
one way communication. Eg, Television, radio
Half duplex: Sender sends the data while receiver receive the data and vice-versa.
It is the two way communication but one at a time Eg, Walkie-Talkie
Full duplex: It is two way communication in which sender and receiver both can send
and receive information at same time. Eg, mobile communication.
Computer Network and its pros and cons
Computer network: A group of computer interconnected with each other through any
medium using definite protocol (rule) for the purpose of sharing data, information,
hardware, software and other resources. Services provided by the computer network.

Data sharing
Print service
File service
Database service
Application service
Advantages/merits/pros/benefits/importance of computer network.

It allows several user computer to share data and information.

Expensive hardware like printer, scanner, fax can be shared in a network.
Application programs and software can be shared in a network.
We can easily communicate in real time i.e. faster communication.
Easy to collect data through centrally located server.
Disadvantages/de-merits/cons/limitations of computer network.

Skilled manpower required to install and operate a network.

Expensive to install and operate.
There may be security and privacy issue due to sharing.
Virus and malware may be share in a network.
Transmission media and its types
Communication media/Transmission media/Communication channel

The medium through which data, information are transmitted from on point to another
point in the form of signals are called transmission media. There are two types of
transmission media.

A) Wired/bounded/guided media: The transmission media in which data are transmitted

physically through cables or wire following a specified path.
a. Twisted pair: Wire are twisted with each other to reduce EMI(Electro Magnetic

UTP(Unshielded Twisted Pair): Inner pair of twisted cable are not

covered/unshielded with outer jacket. Hence, it has more EMI.
STP (Shielded Twisted Pair): Inner pair of twisted cable are covered/shielded with
outer jacket. Hence, it has less EMI.
b. Co-axial cable: These cable has higher bandwidth so, they are used in television

c. Fibre optics: These type of cable are made up with thin glass like material
where data are transmitted in the form of photons(light). They have high data
transmission rate.

Media connector:

Twisted pair use RJ-45

Co-axial cable use BNC
Fibre optics cable use ST-connector
B) Wireless/unbounded/unguided media: The transmission media in which data are not
restricted to travel in a closed path rather it can travel in open air. There is no
any physical connection between communicating device hence, called wireless.

a. Microwave: Sender and receiver station must be in same line of sight (LOS). They
cannot penetrate obstacle. Used for longer distance transmission. Satellite use
microwave signal to uplink and downlink data from and to earth.

b. Radiowave: Sender and receiver station may not be in same line of sight (LOS).
They can penetrate obstacle. Used by FM station and other local communicating

c. Infrared: It use invisible red ray of light of electro magnetic spectrum for
communication purpose. Eg, television remotes, AC remote and many more.

Types of Computer network

Types of network

LAN: It stands for Local Area Network which connect device in smaller locations
such as room, building, organization etc. It is suitable of single organization. It
generally use guided media to connect devices.
MAN: It stands for Metropolitan Area Network which can connect devices in larger
geographical area such as town, city, village etc. It consist or two or more than
two LANs. It use wired as well as wireless media for connecting devices.
WAN: It stands for Wide Area Network which is set in a larger geographical are
across city, nation and even ocean. It is can be used by multiple organization.
Internet is the example of WAN, which is a public network across all around the
world. They use wireless media for communication.
Network architecture:

Client-server: In this type of architecture the devices in a network are connected

to the centrally located main computer of a network called server. User computers
are called client. It provides more security and control in a network. Server
allows to mobilize all the resources available in the network. Easier to collect
data in centrally located servers.

Client Server architecture

Peer-to-peer: In this type there is no presence of main computer in a network,
rather every computers in a network has right to control and use resources. Every
computer in this case are client as well as server. Hence their will be less

Peer to Peer Architecture

Network Models:

Centralized model: This is a client-server model in which every devices of a

network are connected to the centrally located main computer.
Distributed model: This is the collection of several client-server model located at
different location, all connected to a centrally located server.
Network topology and its types
Network topology: The physical layout, geographical orientation, connection pattern
or arrangement of computer or devices (node) in the network is called network

1) Bus topology: In this topology, every devices in the network are connected to a
main single cable called trunk or backbone. It is easy and cheaper to setup. It
require less amount of cables and adding new devices in a network is also easy.
Where as, if there is fault in main cable then whole network will collapse. Fault
finding is fairly difficult.

Bus Topology
2) Star topology: In this topology, every devices in the network are connected to
the centrally located device called hub which allows us to easily expand the
network. Fault finding is very easy in this type. Whole network depends upon the
hub so, if it fails network will collapse. It is expensive to setup but is most
practical among all topologies.

Star Topology
3) Ring topology: In this topology, devices are connected with each other in
circular manner each device having equal rights and responsibilities. Failure in
one device will collapse whole network. Expanding network is difficult is not

Ring Topology
4) Tree topology: It is the combination of bus and star topology. Whole network
depends on main cable and some part depend on hub so It is less reliable.

Tree Topology
5) Mesh topology: In this topology, networking device are point to point connected
with each other creating a mesh. If one device fails to work then it will not
affect whole network. It is expensive and difficult to setup.

Mesh Topology
Some important term to remember
a. Bandwidth: The amount of data that can travel in a given transmission medium in
unit time is called its bandwidth. It is generally known as data transmission speed
and measured in terms of bps (Bit per second)

b. Protocol: The set of rules that guides the communication in the network. It is
the language used by computers and electronic devices to communication with each
other. For eg,

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
POP: Post Office Protocol
ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
c. Network operating system (NOS): It is the collection of program that helps to
mobilize and manages resources of the network. For eg, Windows NT, Linux etc

Inter networking devices/hardware: Devices that are used to establish and expand
network are called inter networking devices.

NIC(Network Interface card): It physically connects computer system with

transmission cable.
Router: Intelligent device that connects two or more network. It facilitates
finding best route for data transmission to destination.
Repeater: Networking device that regenerates or amplifies the incoming signal.
Hub: It is a multi port repeater.
Bridge: Networking device that connects similar networks.
Gateway: Network device that connects dissimilar networks.
MODEM: Modulator Demodulator transfer analog signal into digital (Modulation) and
vice versa (Demodulation)
Multiplexer: It combines multiples incoming signal into one signal and opposite is
called de-multiplexer.
Internet and its services
Define Internet? Explain services provided by the internet.

Internet is a network of network that connects millions of user and device all
around the world together using TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet
Protocol) and allows to share data and information in-between.

Services provided by the internet.

Email: The way of exchanging mails i.e message between sender and receiver over
internet using unique address (email address) is called email. Advantage of email:
Faster, Cheaper, Reliable, Always available, Secured
E-commerce: The process of buying and selling goods and services is called e-
commerce. Eg, daraz, amazon, alibaba
Telnet: It allows user to login remotely to another user computer.
IRC: Internet relay chat allows user to communicate in real time.
Video conferencing: It allows user to communicate in real time using video and
audio signal.
Define web browser? Give some example

The application program which allow user to browse web site from internet are
called web browser. It establish the communication between user and web-server so
that user can access content of the web. It use HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
to communicate. Eg, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft edge
(Internet Explorer), Netscape navigator.

Differentiate between E-mail and postal service.

Email Postal service

It is the modern digital way of exchanging information. It is traditional way of
exchanging information.
Use of computers and internet. Use of papers, post box and post office
It is faster and reliable It is slower and non reliable
Recipient not required Recipient required.
It is always available 365 days a year. It may not be always available
Highly secured. Less secured.
Differentiate between intranet and extranet.

Intranet Extranet
Private network accessible with in the organization. Private network accessible
outside of the organization.
They are limited with in organization. They are extended among its branch.
Some important terminologies:

ISP: Internet Service Provider

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
POP: Post Office Protocol
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
DARPA: Defense Advance Research Project Agency
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
Web server: The storage location where every content of website are store.
Home page: The introductory page or landing page of a website.
Search engine: The web application which allows user to search content in WWW by
using keyword. Eg, google, bing.
Downloading: Transferring data and file from web server to user.
Uploading: Transferring data and file from user to web server.

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