Antenna Fractal

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Abstract - Fractal is a recursively generated

structure having self-similar shape, which means that
some of the parts have the same shape as the whole object
but at different scale. The self-similarity property of
fractals if a small part of a fractal is magnified, more
features that are reminiscent of the whole can be seen.
Achievement of fractal owns property of increasing
electrical length of antenna largely and 65% size
reduction achieved compared to an ordinary Microstrip
antenna at same resonance frequency.
Index Terms Fractal,
Minkowski, Antenna Patch



I. Introduction
Miniature antennas are of prime importance due to the
available space limitation on the devices and the
oncoming deployment of diversity and multiple-input
miniaturization techniques can be summarized into
lumped-element loading, material loading, the use of
ground planes, short circuits, the antenna environment,
and, finally, geometry optimization [1]. Among these
techniques, geometry optimization and the use of ground
planes can achieve miniaturization while maintaining
good antenna performance, especially in terms of
bandwidth and efficiency [2].

curve that are electrically very long, but fit into a

compact physical space. This property leads to
miniaturization of antenna elements.
Fractals could be used to define the spacing in arrays for
thinning or to define radiation pattern. With successive
iteration the length of Minkowski curve increases by 1/3
of the original length. Length of Minkowski after n

LN = (4/3)n x Lo

LN and Lo are the length after n iteration and original

length (without any iteration) respectively. The number of
iterations in the monopole increase, the of the antenna
approaches the fundamental limit for small antennas
A. Proposed Antenna Design
The proposed antenna is designed by using concept of
Minkowski fractal structure as explained above technique
miniaturization, which originates from the plane square
patch and subsequent fractal antenna Figure.2.

The main objective of this paper is to design a square

shaped fractal antenna which will be small in size and for
multiband operation with high gain and enhanced

Figure.2 Antenna Patch (Iteration 0)

Figure.1 A square microstrip patch

For gain and bandwidth enhancement the patch
(Figure.1). For reducing the size of antenna, fractal
geometries have been introduced
Euclidean geometries are limited to points, lines, sheets &
volumes, Fractal include geometries that fall in between
these distinctions .Therefore, a fractal can be line that
approaches a sheet. These space filling properties lead to

For designing this fractal antenna the material is used as

substrate is mentioned in Figure 1. The thickness of the
substrate is 1.6mm (d1), the dielectric constant (r ) of
the antenna is 4.8.the patch antenna is designed for a
frequency of 8Ghz.

Figure.5 Antenna Fractal (Iteration 1)

Figure.3 Resonance Frequency Parameter S
Can see that the antenna works well at a frequency of
8Ghz as -17dbs gain observed and this chart can easily
calculate the bandwidth is:
Bandwidth = (7.95-8.05)Ghz
Bandwidth = 0.1Ghz

The square patch fractal antenna is based on square

shaped. The square patch fractal antenna is based on
Minkowski square shaped. Minkowski iterations produce
a cross-like fractal patch with even more fine details at
the edges.
After 1st iteration the fractal antenna has four squares of
same size. Each square has side length 11.75mm.

Figure.6 Resonance Frequency Parameter S (Iteration 1)

Figure.4 Irradiation diagram in theta and phi
How irradiation of the patch antenna having not suffer
any cut to begin with miniaturization.

It is observed that as the resonant frequencies, and gain is

decreased as the generating iterations is increased.
Bandwidth= (7.90-8.1)Ghz
Bandwidth= 0.2Ghz

For fractal antenna design is used in this paper with two

iterations which permit observation of as the antenna size
is reduced with using fractal forms
Iteration 1
The antenna is designed by using the square patch and
iterating first iteration at the center of each side. Iterated
polygons (indentation) in the shape of rectangle are
Figure 7 Irradiation diagram phi and theta (Iteration 1).
It is irradiated in the first iteration showed that hardly
undergoes a change in its radiation pattern has a
minimum variation seeing that there
Iteration 2

After 2nd iteration the fractal antenna has twelve squares

of same size each has side length 6.5 mm.

The shape of the antenna irradiation with all considerate

fractals and reduction of the antenna is shown, being able
to observe a radiation pattern very favourable.

A square patch antenna achieved the shifting resonant

frequency using minkowski island pattern of fractals.
From simulation results, it is found that the improved
resonant frequency has shifted from 8 GHz with
bandwidth 100 MHz with reduction of size and dimension
of patch antenna in two successive iterations. It shows to
gain of -15 dB at 8 GHz resonant frequency with
bandwidth 210 Mhz.
Figure.8 Antenna Fractal Patch (Iteration 2)
In decomposition algorithm for rectangular shape is cut
down from each side of the square patch antenna (Figure.
5) which shows the 2st iteration and generates to
resonance frequency of the 8 GHz.

Figura.9 Resonance Frequency Parameter S (Iteration 2)

The gain of antenna is different than in the imagen shown
in Figure.3 and Figure.5 need an optimization for obtain
more gain.
Bandwidth =(7.94-8.15)Ghz
Bandwidth =0.21Ghz

Figure 10 Irradiation diagram phi and theta (Iteration 2)

[1]F. Bayatpur and K. Sarabandi, Single-Layer HighOrder
Surfaces, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory
Tecs, Vol. 56 (4), pp. 774-781, 2008.
[2]J. Romeu and Y. Rahmat-Samii, Fractal FSS: A novel
frequency selective surface, IEEE Trans Antennas
1097-1105, 2000.
[3]Barlevy A. S. and Rahmat-Sami Y. (2001)
electromagnetic bandgaps composed of multiple
with interconnecting vias concept, analysis and
Trans. Antennas Propagat. vol. 49, no. 3.

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