Westergaard Stress Functions For Displacement-Prescribed Crack - Tada

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The paper presents a method to simplify the analysis of displacement-prescribed crack problems using Westergaard stress functions. It extends the single stress function approach to include cracks with prescribed displacements by representing them as edge dislocations and integrating a Green's function.

The paper extends the Westergaard approach by representing displacement-prescribed cracks as edge dislocations, which leads to a Green's function. It then shows crack problems can be solved by integrating this Green's function using the principle of superposition.

Representing displacement discontinuities as Volterra dislocations connects fracture mechanics concepts like mode I, II and III failures to the theory of dislocations in crystals. This observation allows the paper to derive the Green's function for displacement-prescribed cracks.

International Journal of Fracture 61: 39-53, 1993.

1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Westergaard stress functions for displacement-prescribed crack

problems - I
H. T A D A , 1 H.A. E R N S T 2 and P.C. P A R I S 1
1Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130, USA; 2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0405, USA

Received 15 November 1991; accepted in revised form 15 November 1992

Abstract. The single stress function approach of Westergaard has been effective for a certain class of stress-prescribed
crack problems. In the present study, the Westergaard approach was successfully extended to displacement-prescribed
crack problems. The method presented, which requires no more than the evaluation of integrals, significantly simplifies
the analysis. The method is easily extended to crack problems involving displacement-prescribed and stress-prescribed
conditions. This initial study laid the ground work for the subsequent extension to the mixed problem.

I. Introduction

Previously considerable efforts have been expended on finding Westergaard stress functions for
various load-geometry configurations and solutions have been obtained for many crack
problems [1-2]. Few Westergaard functions, however, are available for displacement-prescribed
problems because of the inherent mathematical difficulties. As noted in a few examples which
were solved by other methods, the so-called 'rigid wedge' problems where displacements of the
crack surfaces are partially or wholly prescribed entail a great deal of mathematical complication involving, in general, single or multiple integral equations [3-5].
The objective of this discussion is to present a different approach to these problems using the
Westergaard stress function method. The single stress function aproach of Westergaard is often
useful to solve a special class of problems in which the crack of interest occupies line segments
along the x-axis.
The nature of displacement discontinuity and the resulting internal stress field due to a
Volterra dislocation in an elastic medium have been well-known [6-7]. The three fundamental
displacement discontinuities of this kind are of the form







where u, v and w are displacement components in x-, y- and z-directions, respectively, and An,
AI and Am are constants. These two-dimensional displacement fields correspond to the mode II,
mode I and mode III displacements, respectively, in fracture mechanics. The analysis based on
the theory of dislocation in crystals using distributed screw (mode III) or edge (modes I and II)
dislocations has also received previous attention [7-8]. In the present discussion our attention
is focused on mode I problems.
It is of interest to observe that the Westergaard stress function for a crack filled with a wedge
of uniform thickness, which is equivalent to an edge dislocation, has a 1/z singularity at the tip
of the wedge; see (1 la). This observation readily leads to the Green's function for displacementprescribed crack problems. Then, by taking advantage of the nature of the Westergaard stress


H. T a d a et al.

function and the principle of superposition, the displacement-prescribed crack problem can be
solved by simply integrating the Green's function. The method presented in this paper, therefore,
provides a simple and direct way of solving, for example, problems with cracks filled with rigid
wedges of arbitrary shape or obtaining the surface stress distribution necessary to maintain the
crack in the prescribed shape.
The single integration method proposed in this paper is easily extended to the combined
problem with displacement-prescribed cracks and stress-prescribed cracks. Thus, this initial
study lays the groundwork for further development of the method. The subsequent paper
discusses the combined problem.

2. Westergaard stress function

one function approach

The Goursat-Kolosov-Muskhelishvili representation of the Airy-stress function (1)(x,y) is given

by [9]
q~(x, y) = Re{-Y~b(z)+ Z(Z)},


where qS(z) and g(z) are arbitrary analytic functions of z = x + iy and ~ = x - iy. Re{f (z)} and,
for subsequent use, Im{f(z)} denote the real and imaginary part of f ( z ) , respectively. Equation
(1) is the general solution to the biharmonic equation, V4(I) = 0, which is the governing equation
for plane elasticity. The corresponding expressions of stresses and displacements are
ox + ay = 4 Re{4~'(z)}
ay - ax + i2Zxy -- 2{qS"(z) + Z"(z)} ~'
2G(u + iv) = ~O(z) - zO'(z) - Z'(z),



where the modulus of rigidity G and n are related to Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio v
as follows
G = E/(2(1 + v))
K= 3 -4v

for plane strain

= (3 -

for plane stress

v)/(~ + v)

and f ( z ) denotes the complex conjugate of f ( z ) . If the problem can be arranged so that the crack
or region of interest occupies a straight segment of the x-axis (y = 0), a simpler, one function
approach suggested by Westergaard [1] is often useful. For the mode I displacement field, that
is, the elastic field is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, problems can be solved using
(1)(x, y) = Re{2(z)} + y Im{2(x)},
where 2 = ( d / d z ) ~ and, for subsequent use
Z = d z z ~'


= dz "


Westergaard stress functions


In terms of (1), Eqn. (4) corresponds to the choices

4)(z) = ~2(z),

z(z) = Z(z) - z2(z).


The stresses and displacements corresponding to (4) are readily derived, with the aid of the
Cauchy-Riemann relations, as follows
ax = R e Z - y I m Z ' -


ay = Re Z + y Im Z'





2 limZ_yRe

+ lAx)

Z - ~ -~- Ac y- 3~


where A is a constant to be determined from the boundary conditions.

The single stress function approach of Westergaard is conveniently extended to mode II
problems (skew symmetric displacement field with respect to the x-axis) using essentially the
same function Z. The use of the same function also can be extended to mode III problems
(anti-plane displacement field) [2]. In this study, the discussion is limited to mode I problems.
It should be noted that the Westergaard single function method has certain incompleteness.
References [ 10-15] clarify this and show that completeness requires the existence of the constant A
appearing in (6) and (7). On the other hand, for the problems treated in this paper the normal
stresses in the x- and y-directions at infinity are either equal to each other or equal to zero, i.e.
axoO = ~ 7 = a or trxoO = a~ = 0. For such cases A is equal to zero and the Westergaard single
function method is complete. In what follows, the terms involving A in the previous equations will
be dropped.
In the Westergaard approach, the Airy stress function is conveniently constructed in terms of
the Westergaard function by (4) for mode I problems. That is, the entire elastic field can be
calculated using only the half plane above the x-axis. For mode I problems, the elastic field is
simply symmetric with respect to the x-axis. For example, in the subsequent discussion, to
compute the elastic field from (6) and (7), it is convenient to use z = re i, 0 <<.0 <~ r~ for the
problem shown in Fig. 1, and z = re ~, z - a = r l e i1, z + a = r2 eiz, 0 ~ 0,01, 0 2 ~ 7~ for the
situation of Fig. 2. By using the upper half plane and limiting the polar angle from 0 to n, we can
eliminate the multi-valuedness of the function.

3. Stress functions for a crack filled with a wedge of uniform thickness

We define the displacement along the x-axis by

D(x) = 2v(x, O) = v + (x, O) - v - ( x , 0),

where the + signs indicate the upper and lower surfaces along y = 0.



H. Tada et al.




Fig. 1. A semi-infinite crack filled with a wedge of

uniform thickness along the negative x-axis.


Fig. 2. A finite crack filled with a wedge of uniform

thickness on y = 0, Ix] ~ a.

First we consider a semi-infinite crack filled with a wedge of uniform thickness, as shown in
Fig. 1. The discontinuous displacement is given by
Do(x) = A[1 -- H(x)]

= AH(-- x),


where H(x) denotes the unit step function.

F o r the Westergaard stress function Z(z), z = x + iy, the displacement along y = 0 is given by
(7) in the following form
4 Im{2(z)},=o,
2v(x, O) = E~


where E' = E for plane stress conditions, and E' = El(! - v2) for plane strain conditions. Noting
that for polar coordinates (r, 0), 0 ~< 0 ~< ~,
l n z = l n r + iO
and that x > 0, y = 0 and x < 0, y = 0 give 0 = 0 and 0 = 7r, respectively, Z(z) which is in
agreement with the displacement condition of (9) is given by
2o (z) = ~ In z.

(l 1)

The corresponding Westergaard stress function Z(z) is

Zo(z) -

E'A 1
4~z z

2GA 1
~(~c + 1) z"


Equations (11) and (1 la) are well-known functions for the Volterra [-16] dislocation or for an
edge dislocation with the Burger's vector in the y-direction A.

Westergaard stress functions


Next consider a few simple examples which are directly derived from the previous solution.
The first example consists of a finite length crack filled with a wedge of uniform thickness, as
illustrated by Fig. 2. Since the displacement along the x-axis is given by

D(x) = AEH{--(x -- a)} -- H{--(x + a)}]


= Do(x -- a) - Do(x + a),

we can readily write the stress function Z(z) and Z(z) by superposition of two semi-infinite
wedged cracks with opposite signs at (+ a, 0)

Z(z) = Zo(z - a) - Zo(z + a)


_E'A(_ I
4~ \ z

1 )
z + a '


E ' A ( 2a
4r~ \ ~ /


~(z) = ~
n ~


Similarly for two semi-infinite cracks subjected to uniform prescribed displacement, as shown in
Fig. 3

O(x) = A [ H { - ( x + a)} - H(x - a)]



= Do(X + a) - Do(a -- x),







Fig. 3. O p p o s i n g semi-infinite cracks filled with a wedge

of uniform thickness on y = 0, IxJ 1> a.


I ....


Fig. 4. Collinear array of finite cracks with constant

displacements along the x-axis.


H. Tada et al.


2(z) --

[a - z\



;n )

It is noted that for the special displacement prescribed problems under consideration, unlike
the usual stress prescribed crack problems, stress functions are obtained by direct superposition
of the individual stress function for each wedge which exists independently. Thus for collinearly
located cracks subjected to uniform prescribed displacement as shown in Fig. 4, since
displacement is given by


~ Ak[H{-(x






we can write the stress function Z(z) and Z,(z) as follows

E' "

Z ( z ) : U~ k~t= Ak z

- [~k

z - ~




= ~ k_~tAk In

L z - ,~kJ

We note that the previous situations shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 are special cases of Fig. 4. In
Fig. 4 if we put, for example, A~ = A, ~1 = - oo, Ak = 0 with Ak = 0 (k = 2 . . . . . n), we have the
situation of Fig. 1.
As another example, we consider the periodic array of identical cracks of length 2a and period
2b, filled with wedges of thickness A, as shown in Fig. 5a. Substituting Ak = A, ~k = 2kb - a,
fig = 2kb + a into (17a) and (17b), we can write Z(z) and Z(z) as follows


4ff~ k=~-~, - z - a -



z 4-a-


2kb '


x a


Fig. 5. (a) Collinear periodic array of identical finite cracks with uniform displacement along the x-axis; and (b) finite
width problems approximated by (a).

Westergaard stress functions

Z(z)=E'A4n k=~ - ~ l n [ z-a-2kb]+a



When we apply the identities given by (19a) and (19b) to (18a) and (18b), respectively [17]

k=O k2 - ~2

~ + cot(he) ,



these functions are reduced to the following simple closed form functions

Z(z) -

E'A n [


.n(z -- a)


n(z + a)]


n(z - a)

sin - E'A
Z,(z) = ~-n In
~z(z + a)"
sin - 2b


Note that one of (20a) and (20b), of course, can be derived directly from the other by the
relationship 2 = SZ(z) dz or Z(z) = dZ(z)/dz.
As often used in fracture mechanics, the solution for the periodic array of identical wedged
cracks can be used as an approximate solution for finite width problems. That is, the solution to
the problem of Fig. 5a will serve as an approximate solution to the corresponding finite plate
problems shown in Fig. 5b, except regions near the free side boundaries.

4. Green's functions for wedges of variable thickness

The previous results suggest the possibility of constructing stress functions for cracks filled with
wedges of arbitrary shape. We have considered so far the elastic response to wedges whose
thicknesses are represented by the sum of the unit step functions. In order to obtain elastic
solutions for problems of wedges of arbitrary thicknesses, it is convenient to consider the elastic
response to the wedge in the form of the unit impulse or the delta function. The delta function
6(x) is related to the unit step function H(x) as follows



d H ( - x)


Let Zn(z), Zu(z) represent the elastic response in terms of the Westergaard stress function to the
wedge in the form of the unit step function H(x) and Z6(z), Z6(z) represent that to the wedge in


H. Tada et al.

the form of the unit impulse 6(x). Then the relation given by (21) holds between Z6(z) and Zn(z)
and between 2a(z) and 2it(z), i.e.


dz '


26(z) - d2u(z)
- ZH(Z).


Comparison of (21),(22a), (22b) with (9), (1 l), (1 la) leads to the stress functions for the dislocation
dipole with displacement nucleus of density db(x). Noting that ZH(Z)= --(1/A)Zo(z), these
functions are written as follows:


d ,
E'd 1
~ Zo(z) - ~ ~2,


E'd 1

2(z) = - S z t z ) -


47r z"

These functions serve as the Green's functions for wedges of arbitrary shape.
Let a wedge thickness on the x-axis D(x) defined by (8), be given by a piecewise continuous
functions f ( x ) which is nonnegative* in a region c~ ~< x ~< fl and zero in regions x < c~and x > fl
as shown in Fig. 6. That is,
D ( x ) = 2f(x),


D(x) = O,

x < ~ , x > ft.

Then, using the Green's function given by (23a) and (23b), the Westergaard stress functions Z(z)
and Z(z) are obtained by simple integrations:

E' ~'~ f_(x'),


Z(z) = 2n J , (z - x )2 dx',

- f,(x)


6. A c r a c k



arbitrary shape


< X < ft.

*This requirement is only for physical purposes.

y = 0,

- f,(x)



Fig. 7. Collinearly arranged cracks with arbitrary displacements along the x-axis.

Westergaard stress functions

E' '~ f(x')x'

2rt j= z - x'

Z(z) =


Again it is noted that one of (25) is also derived directly from the other.
When the wedge thickness D(x) consists of more than one piecewise continuous functions
2f/(x) which are nonnegative in ai ~< x ~< fll and zero in fli-1 < x < el and fll < x < ai+l as
shown in Fig. 7, simply applying the direct superposition of stress functions, we can write the
stress functions as follows

E' +

Z(z) = ~

~ !

f, lx')

i z - - ~-)2 dx',

i = l d ~ti ~,

Z(z) -



2rc l


, z - x' dx'.

Note that, integrating (25a) by parts, we have its alternative form



Z(z) = ~ k

z - x ,-

I ~dx,~

3~ z -



where f ' ( x ) = d f ( x ) / d x . The choice between (25a) and (25a)' can be made on the simplicity of
the integration.

5. Westergaard stress functions for several wedged crack problems

Westergaard functions were obtained for many problems. Some examples are given to illustrate
the possibilities for easily obtaining solutions.

Periodically located identical wedged cracks whose displacement densities are given by
d" 6(x ++_2kb), k = 0 .... , oo (Fig. 8).

Applying the relations given by the first halves of (23a) and (23b) to (20a) and (20b)
respectively, we readily have


E' d f ~z


lrz'~ 2

) ,

zd(_ ~-~cot ~ ) .

].(z) = 41r \



These functions can also be obtained from the Green's functions, (23a) and (23b), by the
direct superposition



~-~k ~

oo (Z - - 2 k b ) 2'


H. Tada et al.





d.~.(x.4b) d-Nx'2b) d.8[x) d-8(x-2b) d.$(x-4b)




of seporolion


L2b---J--zb 2b~zb----]

Fig. 8. Periodically located identical cracks with displacement density d.

Fi 9. 9. (a) A crack with a diamond-shaped displacement;

(b) normalized stress distribution along the x-axis,
G,(x, 0); and (c) loss of contact between the surfaces.

Z(z) = ~ k_~2_~ z -12kb'
with the aid of the following identity (or the relation Z(z) = ~Z(x)dz) in addition to (1%).
1[ 1
~(k5 _-~-)2 - ~ ~ + (~csecrca) z



Equations (27a) and (27b) can serve as the Green's functions for periodically repeated
cracks filled with wedges of arbitrary shape. It is again noted that these functions can be
used as an approximate Green's functions for the corresponding finite plate problems.
Diamond-shaped wedge (Fig. 9) fix) is given by


= ~(a - ]x]) x<~a,

f(x) = O ] x ] > a

(~ z


- -


Westergaard stress functions

Using (25a), we have the following Westergaard stress function



Z(z) = ~-n In (z + a)(z - a)


Z(z) = JZ(z) dz,

~ - I n iz + a) z + a ( z - - ay-""

The following observation of this example will assist visualization of our intuition that we
cannot always fill a crack with a rigid wedge of arbitrary shape without welding the
surfaces together.
The normal stress distribution, or(x, 0), is calculated from (28a) using (6).
cry(x, O) = Re{Z(z)}, = o
E' ~


4~ In (x + aXx

4n ln(a


Ixl > a,


Ixl < a.


+ x)(a - x)'

The stress distribution given by (29) is plotted in Fig. 9b. As readily seen, to maintain the
diamond shape we have to apply the tensile surface stress over the region a/v~2 < x < a.
This implies that, when a diamond-shaped wedge is inserted into a crack, the contact
between the surfaces is lost and free surfaces are formed near the tips of the wedge; see
Fig. 9c. The location of the point of separation is, however, not known before hand. The
method for determination of the position of this point is discussed in the subsequent

Xz y2

Fig. 10. Periodicarray of cracks with identicaldiamond-

shaped displacementalong the x-axis.

Fig. 11. A crack with ellipticdisplacement.


H. Tada et al.

(3) Periodically located diamond-shaped wedges (Fig. 10).

By superposition of (28a), Z(z)is given by

Z(z)- ~

)=-, F ( z - 2kb)


F(z) = In

(z + a)(z - a)"

Using the identity given by (19b), we have Z(z) in the following simple closed form.

Z(z) = ~ - I n

7[Z~ 2

~z(z + a) . ~z(z- a)"

sin ~
san -2b


This solution would again serve as an approximate solution for the corresponding finite
plate problem as discussed in the previous example; cf. Fig. 5.
(4) Elliptical-shaped wedge (Fig. 11)
f(x) for this case is given by

f(x) = b

Ix l ~ a,

1 -

f(x) = 0

Ixl ~>a.

We can immediately write the stress functions Z(z) and Z(z) for this problem by
comparison with the well-known solution of the Griffith crack under uniform internal
pressure as follows [1-2].

Z(z) = 2a

Lv' - a:








In fact, these functions, (31a) and (31b), are obtained by the direct application of (25a) and
(25b), respectively.
The solution shows that, when an internal crack in an infinite plate is filled with a smooth
rigid wedge with elliptical shape, the traction between the surfaces becomes uniform
compression. If uniform remote tensile stress E'b/2a is applied, these surfaces become
traction free.

Westergaard stress functions


(s) Parabolic-shaped wedge (Fig. 12)

f ( x ) for this example is
f ( x ) = ~x/-ff x

x ~ O,

f(x) = 0

x > O.

Again, we can immediately expect the functions Z(z) and Z(z) to be identical to those for a
semi-infinite crack with stress free surfaces along the negative x-axis [2]. In fact, by (25a)


E'~f ~ x~
Z(z) = 2~ J_ ~ (z ~ 5 2 dx' = 2=Oo ( z + ? ) 2


E'c~ 1


Z(z) = f Z(z) dz = ~-E'~ x~/ -z.

Equation (32) gives the elastic field near the tip of a crack with free surfaces on x < 0, y = 0
where the remote loads cause the stress intensity factor K = x/~E'~/(2x/~), which is readily
obtained by comparison of (32a) with Z(z) = K / x f f 2 ~ [2]. For example, the crack tip stress
field for the preceding example (4), since K = ( E ' b / 2 a ) x / ~ , corresponds to the case where


A wedge whose shape is given by (33) (Fig. 13).



Ixl ~ a,

f (x) = 0

IX] > a.

Fig. 12. A crack with parabolic displacement on the

negative x-axis.

Fig. 13. A crack with displacementshape given by (33).


H. Tada et al.
By (25a), Z(z) can be obtained from the following integral


E'6o i a 1 = 47r j , ( z - x ' ) 2


After some manipulations, we arrive at the following result

E'6o V(e + ~ zFl(1, - :~;;
Z(z) - 2x/~ F(~ + ~)


where 2F1 (~,/~; 7'; z) is the usual notation for the hyper geometric series.
Note that special cases c~ = 0 and e = 1/2 correspond to the cases of Fig. 2 and Fig. 10,
Sneddon [-4] solved this problem as an example of his general solution which was derived by
the method of Fourier transforms and dual integral equations. His interpretation of the problem
is to find the surface stress distribution which is necessary to maintain the Griffith crack in the
prescribed shape. The general solution was given in the form of two relatively simple
integrations. The present method requires only one simple integral and seems to provide a
simpler and more direct approach to the problem.
The stress distribution ay(x, 0) calculated from these stress functions on the displacement
prescribed segment is interpreted as the surface stress necessary to maintain the crack surfaces in
the prescribed shape. Therefore, when this stress is compressive, i.e. ay(x, 0) < 0 over the entire
portion of the crack, the problem is equivalent to the insertion of a smooth rigid wedge with
prescribed shape into the crack. Otherwise the stress distribution is regarded as the traction
between the surfaces which would result if the surface of a wedge and crack are welded together.
When the surfaces are not welded, as discussed in the previous example (2), free surfaces will be
formed over certain portions of the crack. The position of the point of separation is easily
determined by the method discussed in the subsequent paper.

6. Conclusions
In this study, the Westergaard approach was successfully extended to displacement prescribed
crack problems. The method requires no more than the evaluation of integrals, representing a
significant simplification with respect to previous methods involving, in general, simple or
multiple integral equations. A few examples of the so-called rigid wedge problem were solved.
The method is easily extended to crack problems of combined displacement and stress
prescribed conditions. This is the subject of a subsequent paper.

The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the National Science Foundation
under Grant ENG-77-209-37.

Westergaard stress functions


1. H.M. Westergaard, Transactions ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics A66 (1939) 44-53.
2. H. Tada, P.C. Paris and G.R. Irwin, The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook, Del Research Corporation, St. Louis,
Missouri (1985).
3. G.I. Barenblatt, in Advances in Applied Mechanics, Vol. VII, Academic Press, New York (1962) 55-129.
4. I.N. Sneddon, 'The Distribution of Surface Stress Necessary to Produce a Gritfith Crack of Prescribed Shape', in
two lectures concerning pressurized cracks, North Carolina State University, Department of Mathematics Report,
Raleigh (1969).
5. J. Tweed, 'The Stress Intensity Factor of a Griffith Crack Which is Opened by a Thin Symmetric Wedge, 'North
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6. A.E.H. Love, A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Dover, New York (1944).
7. A.H. Cottrell, Dislocations and Plastic Flow in Crystals, Oxford (Clarendon) Press, Oxford (1953).
8. B.A. Bilby and J.D. Eshelby, in Fracture, Vol. I, H. Liebowitz (ed.), Academic Press, New York (1968) 99 182.
9. N.I. M uskhelishvili, Some Basic Problems of the Mathematical T~eory of Elasticity, 4th edn., Noordhoff, Groningen,
Netherlands (1963).
10. G. Sih, International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 2 (1966) 628~31.
11. J. Eftis and H. Liebowitz, International Journal of Fracture 8 No. 4 (1972) 383-392.
12. J. Eftis, X. Subramonian and H. Liebowitz, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 9 (1977) 189.
13. H. Okamura, Introduction to Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, a Fracture Mechanics and Materials' Strength
Series, H. Kihara (ed.), Baifu-Kan, Tokyo (1976) (in Japanese).
14. J. Eftis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 26, No. 4 (1987).
15. R.J. Sanford, Mechanics Research Communication 6(5) (1979) 289-294.
16. D. Hull and D.J. Bacon, Introduction to Dislocations, Pergamon Press (1984).
17. I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik, Table oflntegrals, Series and Products, Academic Press, Inc (1980).

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