1998 Investigationo F Stressesa T The Fixed End of Deep Cantilever Beam

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& Structures

Computersand Structures69 (1998)329-338

Investigationof stressesat the fixed end of deep cantilever

S.R. Ahmed, M.R. Khan, K.M.S. Islam, Md.W. Uddin *
Department of'Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Received 22 Janrary 1997; accepted 28 April 1998

A numerical investigation for the stresses and displacements of a two-dimensional elastic problem with
mixed boundary conditions is reported in this paper. Specifically, it is on the analysis of stresses at the fixed
end of deep cantilever beams, subjected to uniformly distributed shear at the free end. An ideal rnathematical
model, based on a displacement potential function, has been used to formulate the problem. The solutions are
presented in the form of graphs. Results are compared with the elementary solutions and the discrepancy
appears to be quite noticeable, specifically at the fixed end. The present solution shows that the fixed end of
a short cantilever beam is an extremely critical zone and the elementary theory of beams completely fails to
predict stressesin this zore. e 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Notation






rectangular coordinates
elastic modulus of the rnaterial
displacement component in the x-direction
displacement component in the y-direction
normal stress component in the x-direction
bending stress
shearing stress
beam length
beam depth
mesh length in the x-direction
mesh length in the y.direction
ratio of the mesh lengths klh
number of mesh points in x-direction
number of mesh points in y-direction
Airy's stress function
displacement potential function.

* Corresponding author.

2. Introduction
The elementary theories of strength df materials are
unable to predict the stressesin the critical zones of engineering structures. They are very inadequate to give
information regarding local stressesnear the loads and
near the supports of the beam. They are only approximately correct in some casesbut most of the time, violate conditions which are brought to light by the more
refined investigation of the theory of elasticity.
Among the existing mathematical models for two
dimensional boundary-value stress problems, the two
displacement function approach [1] and the stress function approach [9] are noticeable. The solution of practical problems started mainly after the introduction of
Airy's stress function [9]. But the difficulties involved
in trying to solve practical problems using the stress
function are pointed out by Uddin [1] and also by
Durelli [2]. The shortcoming of @-formulation [9] is
that it accepts boundary conditions in terms of loading
oniy. Boundary restraints specified in terms of u and v
can not be satisfactorily imposed on the stress function
d. As most of the problems of elasticity are of mixed
boundary conditions, this approach fails to provide
any explicit understanding of the stress distribution in

- seefront matter @ 1998Publishedby ElsevierScienceLtd. All rights reserved.

P I I : S 0 0 4 5- 7 9 4 9 ( 9 8 ) 0 012 7 - 8


S.R. Ahmed et al.l Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 329-338

the region of restrained boundaries which are, in general, the most critical zones in terms of stress. Again,
the two displacement function approach that rs the u,
v-formulation involves flnding two functions simultaneously from two second order elliptic partial differential equations [1]. But the simultaneousevaluation of
two functions, satisfying two simultaneous differential
and this problem

equations, is extremely difficult

becomes more serious when the boundary conditions

are specified as a mixture of restraints and stresses.As
a result, serious attempts had hardly been made in the
stress analysis of elastic bodies using this formulation
as far as present literature is concerned.
Although elasticity problems were formulated long
before, exact solutions of practical problems are hardly
available because of the inability

of managing the

boundary conditions imposed on them. The age-old SVenant's principle is still applied and its merit is evaluated in solving problems of solid mechanics [3,4] in
which full boundary effects could not be taken into
account satisfactorily. Actually, management of boundary conditions and boundary shapes are the main obstacles to the solution of practical problems. The
reason for the birth and dominance of the finite element method is merely its superiority in managing the
boundary conditions. In circumventing this problem,

3. Formulation of the protrlem

Fortunately, almost all the practical problems of
stress analysis can easily be resolved into two-dimensional problems. A large number of these practical
problems of elasticity are covered by one of the two
simplifying assumptions, namely, either of plane stress
or of plane strain. With reference to a rcctangular
coordinate system, the three governing equations in
terms of the stress variables o", 6y, and o*, for plane
stress and plane strain problems are given by





- + - ; -dy

;0y- "+ - ; =




If we replace the stress functions in Eqs. (1)-(3) by displacement functions u (x, y) and v (r, y), which are related to stress functions through the expressions





r_ v2L**'d,

Dow, Jones and Harwood [5] have introduced a new

boundary modeling approach for finite-difference appli-

6 t : 1 - r , z lfSu
r r *,' * ) ,

cations of displacement formulation of solid mechanics

and solved the problem of a uniformly loaded cantilever beam. In this connection, they reported that the ac-



E f\u Evl


curacy of the finite difference method in reproducing

the state of stresses along the boundary was much
higher than that of finite element analysis. However,
they have noted that the computational effort of the
finite difference analysis, under the new boundary modeling, is even somewhat greater than that of finite element analysis. Even now? photoelastic studies are
being carried out for classical problems like uniformly
loaded beams on two supports [2,6], only because

then Eq. (3) is redundant and Eqs. (1) and (2) transform to
02u, (l - v\02u , /l + v\


a*+(, /aF+(, /*ur:o'

+ t _ llt _ + tv\ 02v

/l + v\ E2u

0 y 2 '\ 2 ) a x z ' y 2 ) s x s y


boundary effects could not be fully taken into account

in their analytical method of solutions.

where u and v are the displacement components of a

point in the x and y-directions, respectively. The equili-

As stated above, neither of the formulations is

able for solving problems of mixed boundary
ditions and hence an ideal mathematical model is
here. In this numerical approach, the problem


brium Eqs. (7) and (8) have to be solved now for the
case of a two-dimensional problem when the body


forces are assumed to be absent.


In the present approach, the problem is reduced to

been formulated in terms of a single potential function,

rll U,rc} defined in terms of displacementcomponents,
and is considered as parallel to the stress function @

the determination of a single variable instead of evalu-

since both of them have to satisfy the same bi-harmonic equation.

ating two functions, u and v, simultaneously, from

equilibrium Eqs. (7) and (8). In this case,as in the case
of Airy's stress function S, a potential function r! (x,
y) is defined in terms of displacement components as

S.R. Ahmed et al.I Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 329-338

u(x, y) - 0,

n ) t


u :;--;,


v(x,y)--0, for 0<xlb<1,

1 l A',]t,
a y ' - '"A',1t1
af l'



When the displacement components in the Eqs. (l)

and (8) are replaced by their expressions in terms of ry'
(r, y), as defined above, Eq. (7) is automatically satisfied and the only condition that ,lt has to satisfy
A4rlt,^ Ao,l, ,A4l/ n
f ;j? : 0.
* f z-'----:----=


Therefore, the whole problem has been formulated in

such a way that a single function r/ has to be evaluated
from the bi-harmonic Eq. (9) associated with the
boundary conditions that are specified at the bounding
edges of the beam.


and the corresponding boundary conditions for the

edge, BD, the normal and tangential stres::t$rf"tal
or(x, Y) :0,
o , y ( x ,y ) / E : 3 . 0 x l 0 - a


0 < x/b < I, yf a:

In order to solve the problem using Eq. (9), the boundary conditions are also needed to be expressedin terms
of {/ and thus the corresponding relations between
known functions on the boundary and the function ry'
u(x,y): -,


v,( x ,\ y ) : - ; :

f ,,

,A2rl,, ^A2rlr1

l * u f 'l t t - v ) ; + + 2 ;d+x1' l,

o , ( x r''

4. Boundary conditions
The practical problems in elasticity are normally of
the boundary-value type where the conditions that are
imposed on the boundary of the elastic body are visualized either in terms of edge-flxity or edge-loading,
that is, known values of displacements and stressesat
the boundary. Referring to Fig. 1, which illustrates the
present problem of cantilever beam, both the top and
bottom edges are free from loading, the left lateral
edge is fixed and the right lateral edge is subjected to
uniformly distributed shear.
For both the top and bottom edges, AB and CD,
the normal and tangential stress components, stated
mathematically, are given by
o,(x, y) :0,
6 * y ( x ,! ) : 0 ,

f A3rl/
' - v' A3{/1
lax2ay oy3l'

la3l./ .^
, a3l/l
o/, 'I x'J. 'v \ - ^l^ -+Q*v\=-^:-|.
(l + v)' YaY'
" u ( x ,'/y' ) :
"6 ^Y\""



( I + v)2 L' a*6r,



( .^.



As far as numerical computation is conce.rned,it is evident from the expressions of above conditions that all
the boundary conditions of interest can easily be discretized in terms of the displacement function r/ by the
method of finite-difference.

5. Solution procedure



0 < y/a < l, xfb :0



For the left lateral edge, AC, the normal and tangential displacement components are, respectively,



t ,li


The essential feature of the numerical approach here

is that the original governing differential equations of
the boundary-value problems are replaced by a flnite
set of simultaneous algebraic equations and the solutions of this set of simultaneous algebraic equations
provide us with an approximation for the displacement
and stress within the solid body. About the solution
through the proposed formulation, attention may be
drawn to the points described below.
5.1. Method of solution

Fig. l. Deep cantilever beam subjected to uniformly distributed shear at the free end.

The limitation and complexity associated with analytical solutions [7] leads to the conclusion that a numerical modeling for this class of problem is the only

t a a

S.R. Ahmed et al.lComputers and Structures69 (1998) 329*338

plausible approach. The finite-difference technique, one

of the oldest numerical methods extensively used for
solving differential equations, is used here to transform
the fourth order bi-harmonic partial differential Eq. (9)
and also the partial differential Eqs. (i0)-(14), associated with the boundary conditions, into their corresponding algebraic equations. The discrete values of
the potential function, rL (x, y), at the mesh points of
the domain concerned (Fig. 2) are obtained from a system of linear algebraic equations resulting from the
discretization of the governing equation and the prescribed boundary conditions.
The region in which the dependent function is to be
evaluated is divided into a desirable number of mesh
points and the values of the function r! are sought
only at these points. To keep the order of the error of
the difference equations of the boundary conditions to
a minimum, a new false boundary, exterior to the
physical domain, is introduced. The discretization
scheme for the domain concerned is illustrated in
Fig. 2. The division into mesh points can be done in
any regular or irregular manner, but considering the
rectangular shape of the boundary and also the nature
of the differential equations involved, rectangular grid
points are used all over the region concerned. The governing bi-harmonic equation which is used to evaluate
the function only at the internal mesh points is
expressed in its corresponding difference equation
using central difference operators. When all the derivatives present in the bi-harmonic equation are replaced
by their respective central difference formulae, the
complete finite-difference equation for bi-harmonic
Eq. (9) becomes

R4u/(i - 2,i) + {/(i + 2,i)} - 4R\(r + R\llr (i - 1,i)

- 4(I + R\U/(i,j+ 1)+ l/(i,j - l)}
+ {/(i* 1,,r)}
- t,j - l)
+ (6R4+ 8R2+ qVQ,) + 2R2{ILQ
+ { / ( i l , j + 1 )+ l / ( i+ l , j 1 )
+ l / ( i + l , j + i ) ) + { r ( i , j- 2 ) + { / ( i , j * 2 ) : g ( 1 5 )
w h e r eR :

Considering an interior mesh point O (i, j), it is seen
that the algebraic Eq. (15) contains the discretized
variable of the 13 neighboring mesh points, and when
O becomes an immediate neighbor of the physical
boundary mesh points, this equation will contain mesh
points exterior to the boundary as well as on the
boundary itself (Fig. 2). Thus, the application of the
central difference expression of the bi-harmonic
equation to the points in the immediate neighborhood
of the physical boundary will cause no difficulties,
provided an imaginary false boundary exterior to the
physical boundary is introduced.


Fig. 2. Rectangularmesh-networkof the domain in relation

to the coordinatessystemand the finite-difference
discretization of the bi-harmonicequationat an arbitrary internalmesh

5.2. Management oJ boundary conditions

Normally, the boundary conditions are specified
either in terms of loadings or of restraints or of some
combination of the two. Each mesh point on the physical boundary of the domain always entertains two
boundary conditions at a time out of four possible,
namely, (1) normal stress and shear stress;(2) normal
stressand tangential displacement;(3) shear stressand
normal displacement; and (4) normal displacement and
tangential displacement. The computer program is
organized here in such a fashion that, out of these two
conditions, one is used for evaluation of r! ay the concerned boundary point and the other one for the corresponding point on the exterior false boundary. Thus,
when the boundary conditions are expressed by their
appropriate difference equations, every mesh point of
the domain will have a single linear algebraic equation.
Table I lists the boundary conditions for each boundary of the beam along with the corresponding choice
of mesh points on the boundary.
As the differential equations associated with the
boundary conditions contain second and third order
derivatives of the function r!, the application of the
central difference expression is not practical as, most
of the time, it leads to the inclusion of the points exterior to the false boundary. The derivatives of the
boundary expressions are thus replaced by their three
point backward or forward difference formulae, keeping the order of the local truncation error the same.
Two different sets of boundary expressions are used
for each boundary, one set for the first half of the edge
and the other set for the second half. For example, the
finite-difference expressions for the normal and tangential components of stress on the top boundary, AB, at
points closer to A, are given by:

S.R. Ahmed et al.l Computers and Structures 69 (1998) 329-338

Table 1
Specification of the boundary conditions in relation to corresponding mesh-points on the boundary


Given boundary conditions

Top, AB
Bottom, CD
Left, AC
Right, BD





o,,- 6-,,

Correspondence between
mesh-points and given boundary conditions

o,l(m- lj)
o,rl(i,n - I)

boundary equation from edge BD. Table 2 shows the

choices and the conditions to be satisfied by the corner
mesh points in relation to the present cantilever beam
problem. An example of the finite-difference drscretization used to evaluate the corner mesh point 2 is shown
in Fig. 4 and the corresponding difference equation is
as follows:

- s)r,rz,i>
1)+ (, - +) trQ,i
+ t)
+ t.sv(z,i. (+ - z)'t'tz'i
+ 2)+ o's,'l(2'i
+ 3)
-t+t{,(r,i)+ v(3,i)l
+ r)}
.+{{/(r,i+l)+ {/(3,i



lmaginary Boundary



a - A
t - a

i) :

ve,i) + (\ , - 1 (v \ t/ e' ' . i \" '

O# ozwl*
. (+ -+)lrz,it*
(t- 1(\r,0.
v ) ' '
il - r.s{{/(2,
i - |) + r l t ( 2 , j + l ) I

+ 2{{/(3,j- 1)+ {/(3,j+ I)I - 0 . s { { / ( 4 , j - I )

+ l,(4,j* 1)]].

i-2 i-t i

j+3 j+4




The discretization scheme using the neighboring gridpoints as required for expressing the above conditions
on the top boundary of the beam, AB, is illustrated in
Fig. 3. Special treatments are also adopted for the cor'tranner mesh points which are generally points of
sition' in the boundary conditions. Referring to Fig. 4,
assuming ,B as the corner mesh point, it is seen that B
is a common point of both the edges AB and BD and
thus it has four boundary conditions-two from each
edge. In solving the present beam problem, three conditions out of the four are used, the remaining one is
treated as redundant. The three conditions mentioned
above are organized in such a way that the values of ry'
at three points, namely, I, B, and 2 are evaluated from
these equations-points 1 and B from the boundary
conditions coming from edge AB and point 2 from the


i-z i-t


Fig. 3. Grid-points for expressing the boundary conditions on
the top edge at points closer to A, (a) for normal stress component, o, (b) for tangential stress component, oxl.

S.R. Ahmed et al.I Computersand Structures69 (1998) 329*338

for certain boundary conditions, it fails to produce any

solution for other complex boundary conditions. In
certain cases, the rate of convergence of iteration is
extremely slow, which makes it impractical. As this
iterative method has the limitation of not always converging to a solution and sometimes converging but
very slowly, the authors have thus used a triangular
decomposition method ensuring better reliability and
better accuracy of solution in a shorter period of time.
The matrix decomposition method, used here, solves
the present system of equations directly. Finally, the
same difference equations as those of the boundary
conditions are organized for the evaluation of displacement and stress components at different sections of the
beam from the known values of rlr.

Physical Boundary








n-4 n-3 n-2 n-l


Fig. 4. Grid-points used in expressing the boundary condition

o, for mesh point 2.

o r ( 2n, - l )' : . .
2 y)}
, ! : ; . ; l t . 5 V ( 2 , n )- { 5 + 3 R 2 ( +
( l * v ) ' Rt ht
x V(2,n - I)+ {6 + 4R2Q* v)}rl(2,n - 2)
-{3+ R2(2+v)}l/Q,n-3)

6. Results and discussion

Numerical solution with mixed and variable boundary conditions has rarely been attempted as the boundary conditions of these practical elastic problems pose
serious difficulty in their solutions. This problem has
been satisfactorily tackled by present formulation. All
the solutions of interest obtained through the ry'-formulation conform to the symmetric and anti-symmetric
characteristics of the problem and also to the famous
S-Venant's principle that the effects of sharp variation
of a parameter on the boundary die down and become
uniform with the increase of distance of points in the
body from the boundary.
In obtaining numerical values for the present problem, the beam as the elastic body is assurrlbd to be
made of ordinary steel (v : 0.3, E : 200 GPa).
Graphs are plotted at different constant values of x for
varying y as well as at constant y for varying x for the
parameters of interest. Moreover, the effect of alb
ratio on the relevant displacement and stress components is explicitly illustrated here. In order to make
the results non-dimensional, the displacements are

n - 4) + 1 .5 R 2 (2 +v X/(l , n - l )
+ 0. 5{ / ( 2,
+ l/ ( 3,n - l) j - 2 R 2 Q + v ){ (/1 ,n - 2 )
+ l/ ( 3,n - 2) l + 0 .5 R 2 (2
+ v X /(l , n - 3 )



The details of the computational molecules developed

for the finite difference operators are available in
Ref. [8].

5.3. Solution of the system of algebraic equations

There are numerous existing methods of solving a
system of algebraic equations. In the present problem,
the number of unknowns in the system of equations is
extremely large but only a few in each individual
equation. Under this condition, the iterative method
may be preferable. But the problem of solving the
difference equations by the iterative method has certain
shortcomings. Although this method works very well
Table 2
Managementof boundaryconditionsat the cornermesh-points
Top left, A
Top right, B
Bottom left, C

Bottom right, D

lor, o*y) on AB
[u, v] on AC
lo* o,yf on AB
loy, 6,y] on BD
lo", o*yl on CD
lu, vf on AC
for,orr) on CD
lo, oryT on BD

Conditions used

mesh-points for
evaluation of ry'


( 2 , 2 ) , ( 1 , 2 ) ,( 2 , 1 )


( 2 , n- l ) , ( l , n - l ) , ( 2 , n )

fo *,o*r,v)

( m - 1 , 2 ) ,( m , 2 ) , ( m - l , l )


(m - l,n - l), (m,n- I),

(m - I,n)


ryo r)

S.R. Ahmed et al.l Computersand Structures69 (1998) 329-338





s o.o3

t l a


t l a

Fig. 5. Distribution of the displacement component u along

the neutral axis of deeo cantilever beams.

Fig. 7. Distribution of the displacementcomponentv along

the top boundary(rlb : 0) of deepcantileverbeams.

expressed as the ratio of actual displacement to the

depth of the beam and the stressesas the ratio of the
actual stress to the elastic modulus of the beam material.
Fig. 5 shows the distribution of displacement component u along the neutral axis of the beam. It is
observed to be nonlinear in nature and identical with
the elementary solution having third order polynomiallike behavior. The general trend of the curve reveals
that the displacement is zero at the fixed end and
maximum at the free end of the cantilever beam which
is in complete conformity with the loading as well as
with the end conditions. The effect of the af b ratio on
the distribution of u along the neutral axis is also illustrated in the same figure. It conforms to the fact that,
at a lower af b ratio, the end-effects become very pro-

minent and provide restriction to the deflection of the

From the distribution of the displacement component v with respect to y in Fig. 6, it is seen that this
displacement at the lree end for a particular alb rutio
is maximum at the top and bottom fibers, but zero
over the whole depth at the fixed end and all along the
neutral axis, which is fully in conformity with the
physical model of the problem. The distribution is
completely asymmetric about the neutral axis of the
beam, which conforms to the assumption of the elementary theory of beam that plane sqctions remain
plane during the bending of beams.
The distribution of the displacement component y
over the span is presented in Fig. 7 describing the
effect of the af b ratio on the distribution at the top





y l a

Fig. 6. Distribution of the displacement component y at various longitudinal sections of the cantilever beams (alb : 2).


x l b

Fig. 8. Distribution of normal stress component or at various

transverse sections of a deep cantilever beam (alb : 2.5).


S.R. Ahnted et al.l Computersand Structures69 (1998) 329-338


\ "





xl b

x l b

Fig. 9. Distribution of the normal stresscomponentdr at the

fixed end of deepcantileverbeams.

Fig. I l. Distribution of bending stress o' over various transverse sections of a deep cantilever beam (alb : 2.s).

edge of the beam. Displacement in the direction of /

also increases substantially towards the free end as the
beam becomes longer.
Fig. 8 shows the distribution of normal stress component o, with respect to x at various transverse sections of the beam. From the distribution, it is observed
that the variation is sinusoidal in nature and the fixed
edge is the most critical section of the beam as far as
the normal stress is concerned. The effect of the alb
ratio on the distribution of o, at the fixed end of the
beam is illustrated in Fig. 9. As appears from the
graph, stressesincrease with an increasing af b ratio for
the same loading. It may be concluded from the distribution that the most critical point at the fixed end
with respectto o, is around xlb:0.1
and 0.9 in each
of the beams.

Fig. 10 shows the variation of bending stress o, at

the restrained boundary, showing the effect of the alb
ratio on the distribution. Stresses are maximum at
both the top and bottom fibers with zero value at the
mid-section which makes the distribution asymmetric
about the longitudinal mid-section of the beam. It
should be noted here that, for a higher af b ratio, the
magnitude of o, at the top fiber is higher than that at
the bottom fiber. But, in cases of elementary solution,
this magnitude is exactly the same for both the top
and bottom fibers of the beam. Again, this variation of
bending stress along the depth is analyzed for a particular beam (olb :2.5) mainly to compare..how the
elementary solutions match with that of exacd solutions
obtained through this numerical approach. In the elementary solution, the distribution of normal stress
component varies linearly with depth everywhere and





tq o.oo3

61 0.002



x l b
Fig. 10. Distribution of bending stress on at the flxed end over
the depth of deep cantilever beams.


x l b

Fig. 12. Distribution of shearingstresso", al the fixed end

over the depth of deepcantileverbeams.

S.R. Ahmed et al. I Computers and Structures 69 ( 1998) 329-338




s 0.001

x l b


utions. From the elementary solution it is observed

that the magnitude of the shearing stressesare maximum at the mid-section of the beam. This is not
agreed upon by our numerical solutions and it differs
mainly around the fixed ends as predicted by the elementary theory; it is maximum at about xlb : 0.05
and 0.95. Since, in the elementary formulas of strength
of materials, the boundary conditions are satisfied in
an approximate way, it fails to provide the actual distribution of stresses at the boundaries, especially, at
the restrained boundaries. The present ry'-formulation
is free from this type of shortcoming and is thus
capable of providing the actual stress distribution at
any critical section, either at or far from the restrained

Fig. 13. Distribution of shearing stress o,, over various transverse sections of a deep cantilever beam (alb : 2.5).

7. Conclusions

the magnitude is maximum at the top and bottom

fibers. As appears from Fig. 11, the solutions differ
from that of the elementary solution in a sense that
the distribution is far from linear, especially, at around
the fixed end, and it remains linear for other sections
of the beam which, of course, conforms to the famous
S-Venant's principle.
Distribution of shearing stress, oxy at the fixed end
of the cantilever beams (Fig. 12) reveals that shearing
stress is zero at both the top and bottom edges which
conforms to the obvious fact that both the top and
bottom edges of the physical model are free from
shearing stresses.The distribution describing the effect
of the alb ratio on shearing stress along the restrained
boundaries, shows that the stress varies nonlinearly,
having the maximum values near the top and bottom
corners of the fixed edge and minimum at the mid sections which disagrees completely with the elementary
solutions. Also, the beam becomes more critical in
terms of shearing stresseswhen the length of the beam
increased, keeping
Interestingly, for this particular type of loading, at a
higher af b ratio, the upper corner zone at the fixed end
becomes more critical in terms of the stressesthan the
lower zone.
'Finally, the variation of shearing stresses over the
depth is investigated at various transverse sections of
the beam mainly for comparing its characteristic behavior with the elementary solutions. From the distribution in Fig. 13, it is observed that the variation of
this stress component over the depth is simildr to that
of elementary solutions at the mid-sections of the
beam. Sufficiently away from the boundary, the distributions are parabolic in nature and they are identical
in nature and magnitude with that of elementary sol-

Earlier mathematical models of elasticity were very

deficient in handling the practical problems. No appropriate approach was available in the literature which
could provide the explicit information about the actual
distribution of stresses at the critical regions of
restrained boundaries satisfactorily. The distinguishing
feature of the present ry'-formulation over the existing
approaches is that, here, all modes of boundary conditions can be satisfied exactly, whether they are specified in terms of loading or physical restraints or any
combination of them and thus the solutions obtained
are promising and satisfactory for the entire region of
Both the qualitative and quantitative *esults of deep
cantilever beams, obtained through the ry'-formulation,
establish the soundness and appropriateness of the present approach. The comparative study with elementary
solutions verifies that the elementary solutions are
highly approximate as they fail to provide the solutions in the neighborhood of restrained boundaries.

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