An Introduction To Chemistry: by Mark Bishop

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Chapter 3

The Structure of Matter and

the Chemical Elements

An Introduction to
By Mark Bishop



The science that deals

with the structure and
behavior of matter


A model is a simplified
approximation of reality.
Scientific models are simplified
but useful representations of
something real.

All matter is composed of tiny particles.
The particles are in constant motion.
Increased temperature reflects
increased motion of particles.
Solids, liquids and gases differ in the
freedom of motion of their particles and
in how strongly the particles attract
each other.


Constant shape and volume

The particles are constantly moving,
colliding with other particles, and
changing their direction and velocity.
Each particle is trapped in a small
cage whose walls are formed by
other particles that are strongly
attracted to each other.

The Nature
of Solids


Constant volume but variable shape

The particles are moving fast enough
to break the attractions between
particles that form the walls of the
cage that surround particles in the
solid form.
Thus each particle in a liquid is
constantly moving from one part of
the liquid to another.




Variable shape and volume

Large average distances between
Little attraction between particles
Constant collisions between particles,
leading to constant changes in
direction and velocity

The Nature
of Gases

of Solid
Particles constantly moving.
About 70% of volume occupied by
particles30% empty.
Strong attractions keep particles trapped in
Constant collisions that lead to changes in
direction and velocity.
Constant volume and shape due to strong
attractions and little freedom of motion.

of Liquid
Particles constantly moving.
About 70% of volume occupied by particles
30% empty
Attractions are strong but not strong enough
to keep particles from moving throughout the
Constant collisions that lead to changes in
direction and velocity.
Constant volume, due to significant
attractions between the particles that keeps
the particles at a constant average distance,
but not constant shape, due to the freedom of

of Gas
Particles constantly moving in straight-line
About 0.1% of volume occupied by
particles99.9% empty.
Average distance between particles is
about 10 times their diameter.
No significant attractions or repulsions.
Constant collisions that lead to changes in
direction and velocity.
Variable volume and shape, due to lack of
attractions and a great freedom of motion.

Separation of
Salt Water


118 Known
83 are stable and found in
Many of these a very rare.

7 are found in nature but are

28 are not natural on the earth.
2 or 3 of these might be found in

Group Numbers on
the Periodic Table

Alkali Metals

Alkaline Earth Metals

Noble Gases

Metals, Nonmetals,
and Metalloids

Characteristics of
Metallic Elements
Metals have a shiny metallic luster.
Metals conduct heat well and conduct
electric currents in the solid form.
Metals are malleable.
For example, gold, Au, can be
hammered into very thin sheets without

of Elements

Solid, Liquid,
and Gaseous


Tinyabout 10-10 m
If the atoms in your body were 1 in. in
diameter, youd bump your head on the

Huge number of atoms in even a

small sample of an element
1/2 carat diamond has 5 1021 atoms
if lined up, would stretch to the sun.

Particles in
the Atom

Neutron (n)
0 charge

1.00867 u

in nucleus

Proton (p)
+1 charge

1.00728 u

in nucleus

Electron (e)
1 charge

0.000549 u


If I seem unusually clear to you, you must have
misunderstood what I said.
Alan Greenspan,
Head of the Federal Reserve Board
It is probably as meaningless to discuss how much room
an electron takes up as to discuss how much room a fear,
an anxiety, or an uncertainty takes up.
Sir James Hopwood Jeans,
English mathematician, physicist and
astronomer (1877-1946)

Electron Cloud for

Hydrogen Atom




Ions are charged particles due to a

loss or gain of electrons.
When particles lose one or more
electrons, leaving them with a positive
overall charge, they become cations.
When particles gain one or more
electrons, leaving them with a
negative overall charge, they become


Isotopes are atoms with the same
atomic number but different mass
Isotopes are atoms with the same
number of protons and electrons in
the uncharged atom but different
numbers of neutrons.
Isotopes are atoms of the same
element with different masses.

Isotopes of

Possible Discovery
of Elements 113
and 115
Dubna, Russia
Dubnas Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research and Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Bombarded a target enriched in
americium, 243Am, with calcium atoms,
From analysis of decay products, they
concluded that four atoms of element 115
were created.

113 and 115
Created 288115, which lasted
about 100 millisecondsa very
long time for this large an isotope.
288115 emitted an -particle, 4He,
to form 284113.
The results need to be confirmed.

Why try to make

elements that last
such a short time?
To support theories of the nature of
The standard model of the nature of
matter predicts that elements with
roughly 184 neutrons and 114 protons
would be fairly stable. (See next slide.)
288115, which lasted a relatively long
time, has 115 protons and 173 neutrons.

Band of

Why try to make

elements that last such
a short time? (cont.)
The technology developed to make
new elements is also being used
for medical purposes.
Heavy-ion therapy as a treatment for
inoperable cancers
Beams of carbon atoms shot at tumor.
Heavier particle beam is less likely to
Releases most of energy at end of path
so easier to focus.

Effect on Chemical
Can be gained, lost, or sharedactively
participate in chemical changes
Affect other atoms through their -1 charge

Affect other atoms through their +1 charge
Determine the number of electrons in
uncharged atoms

No chargeno effect outside the atom and no
direct effect on the number of electrons.

Tin has ten

natural isotopes.

To Describe
Structure of
What particles?
Noble gases atoms
Other nonmetals - molecules
Diatomic elements H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2,
S8, Se8, P4
C(diamond) huge molecules

Metallic elements cations in a sea of


To Describe
Structure of
Elements (2)
Solid, liquid, or gas?
Gases - H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, He, Ne,
Ar, Kr, and Xe
Liquids Br2 and Hg
Solids the rest

Standard description of (1) solid, (2)

liquid, (3) gas, or (4) metal.

Helium Gas, He

Hydrogen, H2,

Hydrogen Gas, H2

Bromine Liquid, Br2


Typical Metallic
Solid and Its
Sea of Electrons

Phosphoric Acid
Furnace Process for making H3PO4 to be used to
make fertilizers, detergents, and pharmaceuticals.
React phosphate rock with sand and coke at 2000 C.

2Ca3(PO4)2 + 6SiO2 + 10C

4P + 10CO + 6CaSiO3

React phosphorus with oxygen to get tetraphosphorus


4P + 5O2


React tetraphosphorus decoxide with water to make

phosphoric acid.

P4O10 + 6H2O


Calculations (1)
What is the maximum mass of P4O10 that
can be formed from 1.09 104 kg P?
The formula for P4O10 provides us with a
conversion factor that converts from units
of P to units of P4O10.

Calculations (2)
What is the minimum mass of water that
must be added to 2.50 104 kg P4O10 to
form phosphoric acid in the following
P4O10 + 6H2O 4H3PO4
The coefficients in the balanced equation
provide us with a conversion factor that
converts from units of P4O10 to units of H2O.

Goal: To develop conversion factors

that will convert between a
measurable property (mass) and
number of particles

Measurable Property 1

Number of Particles 1

Number of Particles 2

Measurable Property 2

Mass 1

Number of Particles 1

Number of Particles 2

Mass 2

Counting by
Weighing for Nails
Step 1: Choose an easily
measurable property.
Mass for nails

Step 2: Choose a convenient unit

for measurement.
Pounds for nails

Counting by Weighing
for Nails (cont)
Step 3: If the measurable property is
mass, determine the mass of the individual
objects being measured.
Weigh 100 nails: 82 are 3.80 g, 14 are 3.70 g,
and 4 are 3.60 g

Step 4: If the objects do not all have the

same mass, determine the weighted
average mass of the objects.
0.82(3.80 g) + 0.14(3.70 g) + 0.04(3.60 g) = 3.78 g

Counting by Weighing
for Nails (cont)
Step 5: Use the conversion factor
from the weighted average to make
conversions between mass and
number of objects.

Counting by Weighing
for Nails (cont)
Step 6: Describe the number of objects
in terms of a collective unit such as a
dozen, a gross, or a ream.

Counting by Weighing
for Carbon Atoms
Step 1: Choose an easily measurable
Mass for carbon atoms

Step 2: Choose a convenient unit for

Atomic mass units (u) for carbon atoms
Atomic mass unit (u) = 1/12 the mass of a
carbon-12 atom (with 6 p, 6 n, and 6 e)

Counting by Weighing
for Carbon Atoms (cont.)
Step 3: If the measurable property is
mass, determine the mass of the individual
objects being measured.
For carbon: 98.90% are 12 u and 1.10% are

Step 4: If the objects do not all have the

same mass, determine the weighted
average mass of the objects.
0.9890(12 u) + 0.0110(13.003355 u) = 12.011 u

Counting by Weighing
for Carbon Atoms (cont.)
Step 5: Describe the number of

objects in terms of a collective unit

such as a dozen, a gross, or a ream,
and use this and the weighted
average to create a conversion
factor to make conversions between
mass and number of objects.

A mole (mol) is an amount of substance
that contains the same number of particles
as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon12.
To four significant figures, there are
6.022 1023 atoms in 12 g of carbon12.
Thus a mole of natural carbon is the
amount of carbon that contains
6.022 1023 carbon atoms.
The number 6.022 1023 is often called
Avogadros number.


Molar Mass

Molar Mass
For Elements
Atomic Mass from the Periodic Table

(atomic mass) g element

1 mol element

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