1 - SCH3U 1.1 Nature of Atoms-2

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1 The Nature of
Scientist Name of model and sketch Description of model

Thomas Dalton




Analogies for Atomic Models
“Billiard Ball” Model “Plum Pudding” Model
(Dalton) or “raisin bun” model

The Nuclear Model “The Planetary Model”

or “Beehive” model
Imagining the Atom
• Approximately 2500 years ago,
philosophers imagined the idea of a
fundamental building block of matter.
They reasoned that if you cut an object in
half, and kept doing so, you would reach
a point where this object could no longer
be cut. This speck was called “atomos”,
meaning uncuttable.
• Science the 1800’s, the model of the atom has evolved.
• Each model is built on the foundation of the models that came before it but is modified to include
new observations and discoveries.
Thomas Dalton
Correctly Proposed:
• all matter consisted of tiny particles called atoms
• Atoms of each element were unique and unlike
atoms of

Also proposed (later disproven)

• Atoms were indivisible or unbreakable

Developed the “billiard ball” model- the atom as a sphere.

Different kinds of atoms had different sizes and colours.
• Used cathode tube rays to
J. J. Thompson demonstrate that atoms could be
broken down into smaller particles-
the subatomic particles.

• Showed that negatively charged

particles (electrons) could be ejected
from atoms, leaving the atom positive.

• Developed the “plum pudding” model

– a positively charged sphere, with
negatively charged particles
(electrons) embedded in it.
Ernest Rutherford
• Directed highly energetic, positively
charged alpha particles at a very thin
piece of gold foil and traced the paths of
particles after they collided with the foil
• The only atomic model that could explain
the paths of the alpha particles was one
with all of the positive change and mass
(protons) at a very small location in the
center of the atom (nucleus).
• He inferred that the negatively charged
electrons orbited the small nucleus.
Sometimes called the “planetary model”
Niels Bohr
• Refined Rutherford’s model after
observing the pattern of colours
of light emitted from heated
hydrogen atoms and some
complicated mathematics!
• Concluded that light was emited
when electrons dropped from a
“higher orbit” to a “lower orbit”
• Showed that electrons can only
have specific amounts of energy
and can only exist at specific
energy levels, called “electron

• Published Schrodinger’s wave

equation that describes an atom
in term of energy

• Showed that electrons do not

travel in precise orbits but
instead exist in defined regions
of space called electron “clouds”
Periodic Law
The chemical and physical properties of the elements repeat in a
regular, periodic pattern when they are arranged in order of increasing
atomic number.

Recall: Valence electrons (electrons in the outermost shell) are the

only electrons that are involved in the formation of chemical bonds
between atoms.
Subatomic Particles:
• Are small particles,
located in the nucleus of
an atom
• Are positively charged
• Have a mass of 1 amu
• The number of protons
determine the atomic
number and chemical
nature of an element
• Protons are not gained or
lost during reactions.
Subatomic Particles:
• Are extremely small particles,
located in the cloud of space
surrounding the nucleus
• Are negatively charged
• Have a negligible mass
• In a neutral atom, the number of
electrons are equal to the
number of protons
• Are typically gained or lost by an
atom during a reaction to achieve
a full octet
• When electrons are gained or
lost, ions are formed
Subatomic Particles:
• Are small particles located in the
nucleus of an atom
• Have no charge- they are “neutral”
• Have a mass of 1 amu
• Atoms of the same element have
the same number of protons, but
the number of neutrons can vary.
Atoms with the same number of
protons, but a different number of
neutrons are called isotopes.
• For example, isotopes of hydrogen
will always have 1 proton- but can
have zero, one or two neutrons.
• atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.

The various isotopes of an element have almost identical chemical

properties since they all have the same number of electrons and
Isotopic Abundance
• The amount of a given isotope of an element
that exists in nature, expressed as a
percentage of the total amount of this

Average Atomic Mass

• the weighted average of all the natural
isotopes of that element.
• A correct balance of protons and neutrons are
needed to stabilize the nucleus.

Radioisotopes • When neutrons and protons are not balanced,

the nucleus is unstable and decays into a more
stable nucleus. Atoms with unstable nuclei are
said to be radioactive.

• The process of decay results in the gain or loss

of protons and charged particles (indirectly),
which convert the once unstable isotope into a
stable isotope of a different element.
Calculating average atomic mass
• Naturally occurring silver
exists as two isotopes.
From the mass of each
isotope and the isotopic
abundance listed below,
calculate the average
atomic mass of silver

Av. Mass= (mass * rel abundance) + (mass* rel abundance)…

Av. Mass= (mass * rel abundance) + (mass* rel abundance)………

What is Given? u and %

divide % by 100%
What Is Required? Avg. Atomic Mass

Plan Your Strategy

AAM = (atomic mass x relative abundance) + (atomic mass x relative abundance)…
Act on Your Strategy
AAM = (106.9 x 0.518) + (108.9 x 0.482)
= 55.3742 + 52.4898
= 107.864
= 108 least SD in original question is 3
Bohr Rutherford Lewis Dot Diagram
Bohr-Rutherford diagram Lewis dot diagram
Ions and the Octet Rules
The Octet Rule
• Elements with a full valence shell have a special stability (ex.
“The Noble Gases”
The Octet Rule

• For the first 20 elements, valence shells are full for: 2 electrons, 8 electrons,
8 electrons, …etc
• This is known as THE OCTET RULE
• (Exception: H & He)
• All other atoms do not have full valence shells, but they try to obtain this
electron arrangement by combining with other elements.
3 Ways an Atom Can
Achieve a Stable Atom
1. Gain electrons
2. Lose electron
3. Share elections

When atoms lose or gain electrons they form ions.

Ion: an atom with a net electric charge due to the loss
or gain of one or more electrons.
Positive Ions:
• Metals which are
located on the LEFT of
the staircase line will
LOSE valence
electrons in order to
achieve a full octet. In
doing so, metals will
charged ions (called
Positive Ions: Cations
Negative Ions: Anions
• The elements on the RIGHT side of the staircase are mostly
nonmetals, which tend to GAIN electrons in order to fill
their almost-complete valence shells. In doing so, they
become NEGATIVELY charged ions (called ANIONS)
Negative Ions: Anions
Metals: Lose electrons to Nonmetals: Gain
become cations with the electrons to become
same electron anions with the same
configuration as the electron configuration as
nearest noble gas with a the nearest noble gas with
smaller atomic number. a larger atomic number.
Memory Aid:
Cations are Positive

Aid: Anions
are Negative
Elements With Multiple Ionic Charges

01 02 03
Multivalent Element: an Most of the transition Ex. Copper can form
element that has more metals in the Period both Cu+ and Cu2+
than one possible Table (middle) are
valence, and can multivalent
therefore form more
than one stable ion
Multivalent Elements
Multivalent: The property of having more than one possible ionic
• Most of the transition metals (middle of the periodic table) are multivalent, and
can form more than one stable ion.
• When naming these elements you must use a roman numeral in brackets
following the metal to indicate its charge. (ex. Copper (I) or Copper (II) )
• Summarize Atomic Model Chart in Note at bottom
• Check your understanding
• Complete Next Two Slides (done at home)

Read p. 10 – 21
Answer p. 19 # 2, 4, 8
p. 21 # 1, 6, 8 – 11, 14
PENNY LAB can be done at home!
Penny Isotope Lab
•All Canadian pennies have a monetary value of one
cent (at least they used to). However, not all pennies
are alike. Many have different masses, because the
Canadian mint has changed the composition of
pennies several times. So, you can think of different
pennies as ‘isotopes’ of the penny. In this activity, you
will determine the isotopic abundances of the isotopes
in a sample, and the average mass of the penny.
Penny Isotopes Procedure
Using the balance, determine the mass of one
1. Sort all your pennies into
the following groups of penny in each group. Measure the total mass of all
“isotopes” the pennies in a group and divide by the total
• Penny-1: 2000 – present
number of pennies to find final mass.
• Penny-2: 1997 – 1999
• Penny-3: 1980 – 1996 4. Calculate the “isotopic abundance” of each
• Penny-4: 1979 – earlier
isotope by using this formula.

2. Count and record the number

of pennies in each group. 5. Calculate the average mass of the penny.

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