Landsat8 Referat Engl

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Landsat 8 is an American Earth observation satellite launched on February 11, 2013.

It is the eighth satellite

in the Landsat program; the seventh to reach orbit successfully. Originally called the Landsat Data Continuity
Mission (LDCM), it is a collaboration between NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, provided development, mission systems engineering, and acquisition of the
launch vehicle while the USGS provided for development of the ground systems and will conduct on-going mission
The satellite was built by Orbital Sciences Corporation, who served as prime contractor for the mission.
The spacecraft's instruments were constructed by Ball Aerospace and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and its launch
was contracted to United Launch Alliance. During the first 108 days in orbit, LDCM underwent checkout and verification by
NASA and on 30 May 2013 operations were transferred from NASA to the USGS when LDCM was officially renamed to
Landsat 8.

The satellite was launched aboard an Atlas V 401 carrier rocket with an Extended Payload Fairing. The
launch took place at 18:02 UTC (10:02 PST) on 11 February 2013, from Space Launch Complex 3E at Vandenberg Air
Force Base. Seventy eight minutes and thirty seconds later, the spacecraft separated from the upper stage of its carrier rocket,
successfully completing the launch.
Landsat 8 joins Landsat 7 on-orbit, providing increased coverage of the Earth's surface.
The original Landsat 8 plans called for NASA to purchase data meeting Landsat 8 specifications from a
commercially owned and operated satellite system; however, after an evaluation of proposals received from industry, NASA
cancelled the Request for Proposals in September 2003. In August 2004, a memorandum from the White House Office of
Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) directed Federal agencies to place Landsat-type sensors on the National Polarorbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)platform. Following an evaluation of the technical
complexity of this task, the strategy was adjusted and on December 23, 2005, the OSTP issued a memorandum directing
NASA to implement the Landsat 8 in the form of a free-flyer spacecraft carrying an instrument referred to as the Operational
Land Imager (OLI). In December 2009, a decision was made to add a thermal infrared sensor (TIRS) to the mission payload.
First images from the spacecraft were collected on March 18, 2013.
With Landsat 5 retiring in early 2013, leaving Landsat 7 as the only on-orbit Landsat program satellite,
Landsat 8 will ensure the continued acquisition and availability of Landsat data utilizing a two-sensor payload,
the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal InfraRed Sensor (TIRS). Respectively, these two instruments will
collect image data for nine shortwave bands and two longwave thermal bands. The satellite has been developed with a 5.25
years mission design life but has enough fuel on board to provide for upwards of ten years of operations.
Landsat 8 consists of three key mission and science objectives:

Collect and archive medium resolution (30-meter spatial resolution) multispectral image data affording seasonal
coverage of the global landmasses for a period of no less than 5 years;

Ensure that Landsat 8 data are sufficiently consistent with data from the earlier Landsat missions in terms of
acquisition geometry, calibration, coverage characteristics, spectral characteristics, output product quality, and data
availability to permit studies of landcover and land-use change over time;

Distribute Landsat 8 data products to the general public on a nondiscriminatory basis at no cost to the user.

Providing moderate-resolution imagery, from 15 meters to 100 meters, of Earths land surface and polar
regions, Landsat 8 operates in the visible, near-infrared, short wave infrared, and thermal infrared spectrums. Landsat 8
captures more than 700 scenes a day, an increase from the 250 scenes a day on Landsat 7. The OLI and TIRS sensors will
see improved signal to noise (SNR) radiometric performance, enabling 12-bit quantization of data allowing for more bits for
better land-cover characterization.
The Landsat 8 spacecraft was built by Orbital Sciences Corporation, under contract to NASA, and uses
Orbital's standard LEOStar-3 satellite bus. Orbital was responsible for the design and manufacture of the Landsat 8
spacecraft bus, the integration of the customer-furnished payload instruments, and full observatory testing, including
environmental and EMI/EMC. The spacecraft supplies power, orbit and attitude control, communications, and data storage
for OLI and TIRS.
All components, except for the propulsion module, are mounted on the exterior of the primary structure. A
single deployable solar array generates power for the spacecraft components and charges the spacecrafts 125 amp-hour
nickel-hydrogen (Ni-H2) battery. A 3.14-terabit solid state data recorder provides data storage aboard the spacecraft and an
X-band antenna transmits OLI and TIRS data either in real time or played back from the data recorder. The OLI and TIRS
are mounted on an optical bench at the forward end of the spacecraft.
Landsat 8 Instruments
Landsat 8 carries two instruments: The Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensor includes refined heritage
bands, along with three new bands: a deep blue band for coastal/aerosol studies, a shortwave infrared band for cirrus
detection*, and a Quality Assessment band. The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) provides two thermal bands. These sensors
both provide improved signal-to-noise (SNR) radiometric performance quantized over a 12-bit dynamic range. (This
translates into 4096 potential grey levels in an image compared with only 256 grey levels in previous 8-bit instruments.)
Improved signal to noise performance enable better characterization of land cover state and condition. Products are delivered
as 16-bit images (scaled to 55,000 grey levels).
Landsat 8's Operational Land Imager (OLI) improves on past Landsat sensors and was built, under contract
to NASA, by Ball Aerospace. OLI uses a technological approach demonstrated by the Advanced Land Imager sensor flown
on NASAs experimental EO-1 satellite. The OLI instrument uses a pushbroom sensor instead of whiskbroom sensors that
were utilized on earlier Landsat satellites. The pushbroom sensor aligns the imaging detector arrays along Landsat 8's focal
plane allowing it to view across the entire swath, 115 miles (185 kilometers) cross-track field of view, as opposed to
sweeping across the field of view. With over 7,000 detectors per spectral band, the pushbroom design results in increased
sensitivity, fewer moving parts, and improved land surface information.
OLI collects data from nine spectral bands. Seven of the nine bands are consistent with the Thematic
Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensors found on earlier Landsat satellites, providing for
compatibility with the historical Landsat data, while also improving measurement capabilities. Two new spectral bands, a
deep blue coastal / aerosol band and a shortwave-infrared cirrus band, will be collected, allowing scientists to measure water
quality and improve detection of high, thin clouds.

Spectral Band



Solar Irrandiace

Band 1 - Coastal / Aerosol

0.433 0.453 m

30 m

2031 W/(mm)

Band 2 - Blue

0.450 0.515 m

30 m

1925 W/(mm)

Band 3 - Green

0.525 0.600 m

30 m

1826 W/(mm)

Band 4 - Red

0.630 0.680 m

30 m

1574 W/(mm)

Band 5 - Near Infrared

0.845 0.885 m

30 m

955 W/(mm)

Band 6 - Short Wavelength Infrared

1.560 1.660 m

30 m

242 W/(mm)

Band 7 - Short Wavelength Infrared

2.100 2.300 m

30 m

82.5 W/(mm)

Band 8 - Panchromatic

0.500 0.680 m

15 m

1739 W/(mm)

Band 9 - Cirrus

1.360 1.390 m

30 m

361 W/(mm)

OLI Spectral Bands

The Thermal InfraRed Sensor (TIRS), built by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, conducts thermal
imaging and supports emerging applications such as evapotranspiration rate measurements for water management. The TIRS
focal plane uses GaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector arrays (known as QWIPs) for detecting the infrared radiation
a first for the Landsat program. The TIRS data will be registered to OLI data to create radiometrically, geometrically, and
terrain-corrected 12-bit Landsat 8 data products. Like OLI, TIRS employs a pushbroom sensor design in addition to a 185
kilometer cross-track field of view. Data for two long wavelength infrared bands will be collected with TIRS; however, TIRS
only provides Landsat data continuity with one bandBand 10. With TIRS being a late addition to the Landsat 8 satellite,
the design life requirement was relaxed in order to expedite development of the sensor. As such, TIRS only has a three-year
design life.

Spectral Band



Band 10 - Long Wavelength Infrared

10.30 11.30 m

100 m

Band 11 - Long Wavelength Infrared

11.50 12.50 m

100 m

TIRS Spectral Bands

The Landsat 8 satellite images the entire Earth every 16 days in an 8-day offset from Landsat 7. Data
collected by the instruments onboard the satellite are available to download at no charge from GloVis, EarthExplorer, or via
the LandsatLook Viewer within 24 hours of reception.
Landsat 8 images have a large file size, at approximately 1 GB compressed, and 2 GB uncompressed.

Landsat 8 Pre-WRS-2 Data Products

The Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Pre-WRS-2 data set contains nearly 10,000 scenes acquired by the Operational
Land Imager (OLI) and/or Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) sensors after launch (February 11, 2013) through April 10, 2013,
when the satellite achieved operational orbit (WRS-2). The earliest images are TIRS data only. These data are also visible
and can be downloaded using GloVis or EarthExplorer.
While these data meet the quality standards and have the same geometric precision as data acquired on April
11, 2013 and beyond, the geographic extents of each scene will differ.
Most data will be processed to an L1T (as other standard products), and the pixel size will be 30 meters.
There may be some differences in the spatial resolution of the early TIRS images due to telescope temperature changes, but
they should be within +/- 1 percent. The TIRS data will be resampled to 30 meters for co-registration with the OLI data.
Calibration and validation are important aspects of any remote sensing system. The calibration of the Landsat
sensors is supported by preflight, post launch-onboard, and ground reference data.
Calibration Parameter files (CPF) provide radiometric and geometric coefficients needed for processing of
raw, uncorrected Landsat image data. Each timeframe specific CPF contains calibration coefficients that have been adjusted
to correct for the time varying performance of the sensor.
Landsat 8 (L8) Data Users Handbook
This Landsat 8 (L8) Data Users Handbook is a living document prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) Landsat Project Science Office at the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, SD,
and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Landsat Project Science Office at NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a basic understanding and associated reference material for the
L8 Observatory and its science data products. In doing so, this document does not include a detailed description of all
technical details of the L8 mission, but instead focuses on the information that the users need to gain an understanding of the
science data products.
This handbook includes various sections that provide an overview of reference material and a more detailed
description of applicable data user and product information. This document includes the following sections:
Section 1- Introduction describes the background for the L8 mission as well as previous Landsat missions.
The Landsat Program has provided over 40 years of calibrated high spatial resolution data of the Earth's
surface to a broad and varied user community. This user community includes agribusiness, global change researchers,
academia, state and local governments, commercial users, national security agencies, the international community, decisionmakers, and the public. Landsat images provide information that meets the broad and diverse needs of business, science,
education, government, and national security.
The mission of the Landsat Program is to provide repetitive acquisition of moderate-resolution multispectral
data of the Earth's surface on a global basis. Landsat represents the only source of global, calibrated, moderate spatial
resolution measurements of the Earth's surface that are preserved in a national archive and freely available to the public. The
data from the Landsat spacecraft constitute the longest record of the Earth's continental surfaces as seen from space. It is a
record unmatched in quality, detail, coverage, and value.
The Landsat 8 (L8) Observatory offers the following features:

Data Continuity: L8 is the latest in a continuous series of land remote sensing satellites that began in 1972.
Global Survey Mission: L8 data systematically build and periodically refresh a global archive of Sun-lit,
substantially cloud-free images of the Earth's landmass.

Free Standard Data Products: L8 data products are available through the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth
Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center at no charge.

Radiometric and Geometric Calibration: Data from the two sensors, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the
Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), are calibrated to better than 5 percent uncertainty in terms of Top Of Atmosphere
(TOA) reflectance or absolute spectral radiance, and have an absolute geodetic accuracy better than 65 meters
circular error at 90 percent confidence (CE 90).

Responsive Delivery: Automated request processing systems provide products electronically within 48
hours of order (normally much faster). The continuation of the Landsat Program is an integral component of the U.S. Global
Change Research Program (USGCRP) and will address a number of science priorities, such as land cover change and land
use dynamics. L8 is part of a global research program known as National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASAs)
Science Mission Directorate (SMD), a long-term program that studies changes in Earth's global environment. In the Landsat
Program tradition, L8 continues to provide critical information to those who characterize, monitor, manage, explore, and
observe the land surfaces of the Earth over time.
The USGS has a long history as a national leader in land cover and land use mapping and monitoring.
Landsat data, including L8 and archive holdings, are essential for USGS efforts to document the rates and causes of land
cover and land use change, and to address the linkages between land cover and use dynamics on water quality and quantity,
biodiversity, energy development, and many other environmental topics. In addition, the USGS is working toward the
provision of long-term environmental records that describe ecosystem disturbances and conditions.
The L8 management structure is composed of an ongoing partnership between NASA and USGS for
sustainable land imaging. NASA contracted with Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (BATC) to develop the OLI and with
Orbital Sciences Corporation to build the spacecraft. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) built the TIRS. NASA
was also responsible for the satellite launch and completion of a 90-day on-orbit checkout before handing operations to the
USGS. The USGS was responsible for the development of the Ground System and is responsible for operation and
maintenance of the Observatory and the Ground System for the life of the mission. In this role, the USGS captures,
processes, and distributes L8 data and maintains the L8 data archive.
The Landsat Project at the USGS EROS Center manages the overall L8 mission operations. In this capacity,
USGS EROS directs on-orbit flight operations, implements mission policies, directs acquisition strategy, and interacts with
International Ground Stations (IGSs). USGS EROS captures L8 data and performs pre-processing, archiving, product
generation, and distribution functions. USGS EROS also provides a public interface into the archive for data search and

Continuity of Multispectral Data Coverage Provided by Landsat Missions

L8 has a design life of 5 years and carries 10 years of fuel consumables. The overall objectives of the L8
mission are as follows:

Provide data continuity with Landsat 4, 5, and 7.

Offer 16-day repetitive Earth coverage, an 8-day repeat with an L7 offset.

Build and periodically refresh a global archive of Sun-lit, substantially cloud-free land images.
The L8 mission objective is to provide timely, high-quality visible and infrared images of all landmass and
near-coastal areas on the Earth, continually refreshing an existing Landsat database. Data input into the system are
sufficiently consistent with currently archived data in terms of acquisition geometry, calibration, coverage, and spectral
characteristics to allow for comparison of global and regional change detection and characterization

Section 2- Observatory Overview provides a comprehensive look at the current L8 Observatory, including
the spacecraft, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) instruments, and the L8 concept of
The L8 Observatory is designed for a 705 km, Sun-synchronous orbit, with a 16-day repeat cycle, completely
orbiting the Earth every 98.9 minutes. S-Band is used for commanding and housekeeping telemetry operations, while XBand is used for instrument data downlink. A 3.14 terabit SSR brings back an unprecedented number of images to the USGS
EROS Center archive.
L8 carries a two-sensor payload: the OLI, built by the BATC, and the TIRS, built by the NASA GSFC. Both
the OLI and TIRS sensors simultaneously image every scene, but are capable of independent use if a problem in either
sensor arises. In normal operation, the sensors view the Earth at-nadir on the Sun-synchronous Worldwide Reference
System-2 (WRS-2) orbital path, but special collections may be scheduled off-nadir. Both sensors offer technical
advancements over earlier Landsat instruments. The spacecraft with its two integrated sensors is referred to as the L8
The fundamental L8 operations concept is to collect, archive, process, and distribute science data in a manner
consistent with the operation of the L7 satellite system. To that end, the L8 Observatory operates in a near-circular, nearpolar, Sun-synchronous orbit with a 705 km altitude at the Equator. The Observatory has a 16-day ground track repeat cycle
with an equatorial crossing at 10:11 a.m. (+/15 min) mean local time during the descending node. In this orbit, the L8
Observatory follows a sequence of fixed ground tracks (also known as paths) defined by the WRS-2 (a path / row coordinate
system used to catalog all of the science image data acquired from the Landsat 4-8 satellites). The L8 launch and initial orbit
adjustments placed the Observatory in an orbit to ensure an 8-day offset between L7 and L8 coverage of each WRS-2 path.
The Mission Operation Center (MOC) sends commands to the satellite once every 24 hours via S-Band
communications from the Ground System to schedule daily data collections. Long Term Acquisition Plan-8 (LTAP-8) sets
priorities for collecting data along the WRS-2 ground paths covered in a particular 24-hour period. LTAP-8 is modeled on
the systematic data acquisition plan developed for L7 (Arvidson et al., 2006). OLI and TIRS collect data jointly to provide
coincident images of the same surface areas. The MOC nominally schedules the collection of 400 OLI and TIRS scenes per
day, where each scene covers a 190-by-180 km surface area. The objective of scheduling and data collection is to provide
near cloud-free coverage of the global landmass for each season of the year. Since the 2014 growing season, however, the L8
mission has been routinely acquiring approximately 725 scenes per day.
The L8 Observatory initially stores OLI and TIRS data on board in an SSR. The MOC commands the
Observatory to transmit the stored data to the ground via an X-Band data stream from an all-Earth omni antenna. The L8
Ground Network (GN) receives the data at several stations, and these stations forward the data to the EROS Center. The GN
includes international stations (referred to as International Cooperators (ICs)) operated under the sponsorship of foreign
governments. Data management and distribution by the ICs is in accordance with bilateral agreements between each IC and
the U.S. Government.
The data received from the GN are stored and archived at the EROS Center, where L8 data products are also
generated. The OLI and TIRS data for each WRS-2 scene are merged to create a single product containing the data from both
sensors. The data from both sensors are radiometrically corrected and co-registered to a cartographic projection, with
corrections for terrain displacement resulting in a standard orthorectified digital image called the Level 1T product. The
interface to the L8 data archive is called the UP, and it allows anyone to search the archive, view browse images, and request
data products that are distributed electronically through the Internet at no charge
Section 3- Instrument Calibration includes an overview of radiometric and geometric instrument calibration
as well as a description of the Observatory component reference systems and the Calibration Parameter File (CPF).
The L8 calibration activities began early in the instrument development phases and continued through Onorbit Initialization and Verification (OIV) and on through mission operations. This section describes the instrument
calibration activities for the OLI and TIRS from development and preflight testing, through OIV, and into nominal mission
operations, as this is how the verification of instrument performance requirements proceeded. Table 3 1 provides a summary
of the various calibration measurements:

Section 4- Level 1 Data Products includes a comprehensive description of Level 1 data products and product
The geometric algorithms used by LPGS at EROS were originally developed for the L8 IAS. The overall
purpose of the IAS geometric algorithms is to use Earth ellipsoid and terrain surface information in conjunction with
spacecraft ephemeris and attitude data, and knowledge of the OLI and TIRS instruments and L8 satellite geometry, to relate
locations in image space (band, detector, sample) to geodetic object space (latitude, longitude, and elevation).
These algorithms are used to create accurate L1 output products, characterize the OLI and TIRS absolute and
relative geometric accuracy, and derive improved estimates of geometric calibration parameters such as the sensor to
spacecraft alignment.
One of the goals of L8 is the provision of high-quality, standard data products. About 400 scenes per day are
imaged globally and returned to the United States archive. All of these scenes are processed to a Level 1 standard product
and made available for downloading over the Internet at no cost to users.
The L1T available to users is a radiometrically and geometrically corrected image. Inputs from both the
sensors and the spacecraft are used, as well as GCPs and DEMs. The result is a geometrically rectified product free from
distortions related to the sensor (e.g., view angle effects), satellite (e.g., attitude deviations from nominal), and Earth (e.g.
rotation, curvature, relief). The image is also radiometrically corrected to remove relative detector differences, dark current
bias, and some artifacts. The Level 1 image is presented in units of DNs, which can be easily rescaled to spectral radiance or
TOA reflectance.
Section 5- Conversion of DNs to Physical Units addresses the conversion of Digital Numbers (DNs) to
physical units.
Images are processed in units of absolute radiance using 32-bit floating-point calculations. These values are
then converted to 16-bit integer values in the finished Level 1 product. These values can then be converted to spectral
radiance using the radiance scaling factors provided in the metadata file:
L = ML*Qcal + AL
L = Spectral radiance (W/(m2 * sr * m))
ML = Radiance multiplicative scaling factor for the band (RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_n from the metadata).
AL = Radiance additive scaling factor for the band (RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_n from the metadata).
Qcal = L1 pixel value in DN
Similar to the conversion to radiance, the 16-bit integer values in the L1 product can also be converted to
TOA reflectance. The following equation is used to convert Level 1 DN values to TOA reflectance:
' = M*Qcal + A
' = TOA Planetary Spectral Reflectance, without correction for solar angle. (Unitless)
M = Reflectance multiplicative scaling factor for the band (REFLECTANCEW_MULT_BAND_n from the metadata).
A = Reflectance additive scaling factor for the band (REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_N from the metadata).
Qcal = L1 pixel value in DN
Note that ' is not true TOA Reflectance, because it does not contain a correction for the solar elevation
angle. This correction factor is left out of the L1 scaling at the users' request; some users are content with the scene-center
solar elevation angle in the metadata, while others prefer to calculate their own per-pixel solar elevation angle across the
entire scene. Once a solar elevation angle is chosen, the conversion to true TOA Reflectance is as follows:

= TOA Planetary Reflectance. (Unitless)

= Solar Elevation Angle (from the metadata, or calculated)
TIRS data can also be converted from spectral radiance (as described above) to brightness temperature,
which is the effective temperature viewed by the satellite under an assumption of unity emissivity. The conversion formula is
as follows:



TOA Brightness Temperature, in Kelvin.
Spectral radiance (Watts/(m2 * sr * m))
Thermal conversion constant for the band (K1_CONSTANT_BAND_n from the metadata)
Thermal conversion constant for the band (K2_CONSTANT_BAND_n from the metadata)

Section 6- Data Search and Access includes an overview of data search and access using the various online
The USGS archive holds data collected by the Landsat suite of satellites, beginning with Landsat 1 in 1972.
Over 500 L8 scenes are added to the USGS archives each day, and become available to all users for download at no charge
using the sites described in this section. All Landsat data products are distributed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
(HTTPS) access. Current L8 products available include the following:

LandsatLook Natural Color Image - a full-resolution, 3-band .jpg image (approximate size: 4.5 MB)

LandsatLook Thermal Image - a full-a resolution, thermal band 10 .jpg image (approximate size: 2.5 MB)

LandsatLook Quality Image - a full-resolution Quality Assessment band .png image (Approximate size: 2.5 MB)

LandsatLook Images with Geographic Reference - a bundle including the Natural, Thermal, and Quality
full-resolution images, along with .wld and .xml files with geographic reference information (Approximate size: 9.0

Level 1 Data Product - a compressed file including all individual multispectral and/or thermal band and metadata
files (Approximate size: 950 MB)

The interfaces outlined in the following subsections allow users to search and download L8 data held in the
USGS Archives. The functionality of each differs; however, the data products are all delivered from the same location. Each
interface includes a Help section to provide more details about step-by-step processes.
Appendix A- Known Issues contains the applicable reference materials, along with the list of known issues
associated with L8 data.
Certain artifacts are expected in all satellite-borne sensors, and Landsat is no exception. However, the result
of moving to a pushbroom sensor configuration with few moving parts, and thorough testing, has dramatically reduced the
issues and artifacts that have been observed on Landsat 8. Of note, several artifacts that existed on previous Landsat
instruments, including cross-track banding, scan correlated shift, and dropped scan lines, are not possible on the OLI and
TIRS instruments. Other artifacts such as coherent noise and memory effect exist only at very low levels and are virtually
USGS maintains a list of Landsat 8 OLI and TIRS calibration notices that describe new or temporary
artifacts and how they are addressed and corrected. Please refer to for up to
date information and details regarding known issues and current artifacts. In general, the known OLI and TIRS instrument
image artifacts consist of stray light (TIRS only), striping, oversaturation (OLI only), and single event upsets (SEUs)
A.1 TIRS Stray Light

The TIRS instrument is well within requirements for noise and stability as determined using its on-board
calibration systems. Comparisons of Landsat 8 calibrated data to surface buoy-based predictions, however, indicated a
significant overestimation of radiance (TIRS results are too hot) and high variability in these comparison results.
Differences between the ground-based results and TIRS results ranged up 5K in the TIRS band 10 and up to 10K in TIRS
band 11. Some of this variation is related to time of year, i.e., the temperature differences were larger during the summer,
when the land surrounding the calibration sites was warmer. Additionally, some TIRS data is affected by significant banding,
a low frequency variation in signal across the field of view (FOV), particularly over the three focal plane sensor chip
assembly boundaries, even when viewing uniform regions. In addition, the banding may vary within a given scene in the
along-track direction.
The banding that occurs in some measurements, but not in others, was hypothesized to be caused by stray
light entering the optical path from outside the direct field of view. In these cases, the out-of-field light introduces additional
incident energy on the detectors that is not uniform across the detector arrays. For example, during on-orbit check out, the
image in Figure A-1 was acquired over Lake Superior showing that the uniformity appears to change as the TIRS instrument
scans along track from northeast to southwest across the lake. This banding change is indicated in Figure A-1 by red arrows.
Appendix B- Metadata File(MTL.txt) contains an example of the Level 1 data product metadata file.

Appendix A - Known Issues

Figure A-1. TIRS Image of Lake Superior Showing Apparent Time-Varying Errors
Several scans of from the Earth to the moon were acquired in order to investigate the potential stray light in
the optical system. The analysis of these lunar scans along with subsequent optical modeling efforts confirmed that radiance
from outside the instruments field of view is adding a non-uniform signal across the detectors and causing the observed
banding. Additional scans of the moon were acquired in order to better quantify the amount and location of stray light
affecting TIRS imagery. Results of this lunar scanning are shown in Figure A-2. The gray lines indicate the angle between
the TIRS boresight and the moon where there was no ghost visible in any of the TIRS detectors. The blue lines indicate
where a lunar ghost was observed by at least one detector within the TIRS focal plane.

Figure A-2. TIRS Special Lunar Scan to Characterize the Stray Light Issue
The larger amount of stray light observed in band 11 is consistent with previous observations of variation in
the accuracy of the imagery based on ground measurements and the larger amount of banding. Therefore, there is little
doubt that the errors observed in the current thermal band data are caused by stray light.
At this time, efforts to fully understand the stray light paths are continuing and correction methods are being
developed. In the meantime, the Landsat Cal/Val team adjusted the TIRS bands radiometric bias in order to improve (but not
fully eliminate) the absolute radiometric error for typical Earth scenes during the growing season. The bias corrections were
implemented when the Landsat 8 data were reprocessed in February 2014. These corrections minimized the bias in
temperatures derived from TIRS instrument data for typical Earth scenes. An uncertainty of 1 K (1 sigma) remains in
temperatures derived from band 10 data and an uncertainty of 2 K (1 sigma) remains in temperatures derived from band 11
data for the test data set.
Specifically, this stray light error was estimated to be 0.29 W/m2/sr/mm for band 10 and 0.51 W/m2/sr/mm
for band 11. Investigations showed the TIRS instrument reported a higher radiance than the water buoy measurements as
shown in the left graph of Figure A-3. The graph on the right of Figure A-3 shows the results after accounting for this
average radiance error, which is the calibration adjustment that was implemented for reprocessing in February 2014. As
described above, this adjustment minimizes the apparent bias, but does not change the variance in the data resulting from
stray light. Additionally, colder scenes tend to be overcorrected due to this bias adjustment. The variability in the offset as
shown in Table A-1, is about twice as large in band 11 as band 10 and band 10 is about twice as large as Landsat-7 ETM+
thermal band uncertainty. Due to the larger calibration uncertainty associated with band 11, it is recommended that users
refrain from relying on band 11 data in quantitative analysis of the TIRS data, such as the use of split window techniques for
atmospheric correction and retrieval of surface temperature values. Users should note the errors from this stray light effect
are dependent on the surrounding area temperatures (including clouds), so 1 sigma variances may be misleading.

Figure A-3. Thermal Band Errors (left group) Prior to Calibration Adjustment and (right group) After Calibration

Table A-1. TIRS Band Variability

In order to correct for the TIRS stray light, knowledge of the temperature of the areas surrounding TIRS
scenes is required. Several methods are being pursued to obtain this information: (1) using GOES or another coincident
dataset to estimate the out of Field of View sigma; and l (2) estimating the out view signal based on in-scene statistics. Each
of these approaches has pros and cons and none have been proven to be effective in every case. However, all of these
approaches are in early exploratory stages and improvements are expected.
Once the stray light issue is fully understood and a correction method chosen, , all TIRS products will be
reprocessed to include a stray light correction.
A.2 Striping and Banding
Striping is a phenomenon that appears as columns of consistently lighter or darker pixels in a single band of
radiometrically corrected data. Banding is a similar phenomenon, but occurs across multiple contiguous columns. Both are
often caused by incorrect calibration of detectors with respect to one another. These effects in OLI imagery are less than 4
DN in its 12-bit dynamic range, or less than 0.5% of the radiance of a typical Earth image, and are generally seen in OLI
bands 1 (CA), 2 (Blue), and 9 (Cirrus). This low level of non-uniformity is typically not visible to most users of Landsat 8
data. Examples are noted in Figure A-4 and Figure A-5.

Figure A-4. Striping and Banding Observed in Band 1 (CA Band)

Figure A-4 displays the striping and banding observed in Band 1 (Coastal Aerosol band) in image
LC80160042013118LGN00, which is over a very homogenous region of the Greenland ice sheet. single-pixel wide columns
are considered striping; the thicker columns are banding.

Figure A-5. Striping and Banding observed in Band 2 (Blue)

Figure A-5 displays the striping and banding observed in Band 2 (Blue band) in image
LC80750882013131LGN01, which is over clear, calm ocean water.
Striping and Banding also affect TIRS imagery, as seen in Figure A-6.

Figure A-6. Striping and Banding observed in TIRS Band 10

Figure A-6 displays the striping and banding observed in TIRS Band 10 in image
LC80750882013131LGN01, which is over clear, calm ocean water. This low level of non-uniformity is typically not visible
to most users of Landsat 8 data.
Normal radiometric processing removes the majority of banding and striping in OLI and TIRS imagery. The
parameters for is this corrections are provided in the Calibration Parameter File (CPF) used during Level-1 processing.
However, there are minor responsivity changes in individual detectors that cannot be accounted for, so some non-uniformity
will remain in the data. Although some of this striping may be corrected with future calibrations.
A.3 SCA Overlaps
Both OLI and TIRS are designed with discrete sensor chip assemblies, which have some detectors
overlapping the adjacent SCAs. This causes a small region between each SCA to be viewed by multiple detectors. The
imagery for this region is created by averaging over the detectors viewing each pixel. In some situations this can cause an
artifact that resembles banding, but it is in fixed locations and often transient, depending on the underlying terrain.
SCA overlap artifacts are most visible over high clouds, as the detectors on each SCA view a slightly
different area of each cloud. An example of this is shown in Figure A-7.

Figure A-7. SCA Overlap Visible in Band 9 (Cirrus Band)

Figure A-7 displays the SCA overlap artifact observed in Band 9 (cirrus band) in image
LC80140362014091LGN00, where high clouds were visible at the boundary between two SCAs.
SCA overlaps are commonly seen in TIRS imagery because of contributions from the stray light artifact.

Figure A-8. SCA Overlap Visible in TIRS Band 10

Figure A-8 displays the SCA overlap artifact observed in TIRS Band 10 in image
LC80372482013137LGN01 at the boundary between two SCAs. In this image, stray light has shifted the calibration of two
adjacent SCAs, making the overlap region visible.
A.4 Oversaturation
Oversaturation occurs when a detector views an object that is much brighter than the maximum radiance the
instrument was designed to handle. This causes the detector to deliver a voltage that is larger than expected by the 12-bit
electronics, so the detector's value rolls over the 12-bit limit and is recorded as a very small integer. Thus, this artifact
appears as dark spots in the middle of very bright objects. Figure A-9 represents an oversaturation example in OLI SWIR
bands 6 & 7.

Figure A-9. Oversaturation Example in OLI SWIR Bands 6 & 7

Oversaturation artifacts are typically rare, but repeatable artifacts that normally occur in OLI bands 7 and 6
over large fires or volcanic events. Additionally, it may occur in other OLI bands over land surface objects that are very
bright or exhibit strong specular reflectance. Oversaturation causes no permanent harm to the instrument, and the detectors
recover immediately with no visible memory effect.
A.5 Single Event Upsets
A Single Event Upset (SEU) is a catch-all term used for any electronic fault that causes brief,
instantaneous artifacts in the imagery. Usually SEUs are caused by charged particles from the Earth's radiation belts striking
the detectors or instrument electronics. These particle hits are relatively rare, but are seen more commonly over the poles and
over the South Atlantic Anomaly a region where the Earth's magnetic field is weakest and the radiation belt at its lowest
altitude. Another cause of SEUs are transmission errors, but due to the design of Landsat 8, these errors are not possible
with OLI or TIRS imagery.
SEUs appear in OLI as single-frame bright spots that may affect several detectors in a line. The electronics
design is such that SEUs often affect only odd or even detectors, but as seen in the lower portion of Figure A-10 can affect
both odd and even detectors with a two pixel gap between the odd and even detectors. Users may never notice an SEU
because they are rare, typically only a single pixel, and geometric resampling distorts or erases these small artifacts in Level1 products. They are most visible in Level-1R (radiometrically corrected) or Level-0 imagery. Figure A-10 contains an
example of a couple SEU events measured by OLI. As noted above, the SEU clearly manifests as a line of single-frame
bright spots.

Figure A-10. Example of SEU Event Measured by OLI SEU Manifests as a Line of Single-Frame Bright Spots
SEUs occur at random and cannot be corrected, but their effect on the imagery is minor. They cause no
permanent harm to the instrument detectors
A.5.1 Observatory Component Reference Systems
There are ten coordinate systems used by the Landsat 8 image assessment system (IAS) geometry
algorithms. These coordinate systems are referred to frequently in the remainder of this document and are briefly defined
here to provide context for the subsequent discussion. They are presented in the order in which they would be used to
transform a detector and sample time into a ground position.
A.6 OLI Instrument Line-of-Sight (LOS) Coordinate System
The OLI line-of-sight (LOS) coordinate system is used to define the band and detector pointing directions
relative to the instrument axes. These pointing directions are used to construct LOS vectors for individual detector samples.
This coordinate system is defined so that the Z-axis is parallel to the telescope boresight axis and is positive toward the OLI
aperture. The origin is where this axis intersects the OLI focal plane. The X-axis is parallel to the along-track direction, with
the positive direction toward the leading, odd numbered, SCAs (see Figure A-11). The Y-axis is in the across-track direction
with the positive direction toward SCA01. This definition makes the OLI coordinate system nominally parallel to the
spacecraft coordinate system, with the difference being due to residual misalignment between the OLI and the spacecraft

Figure A-11. OLI Line-of-Sight Coordinate System

A.7 TIRS Instrument Coordinate System
The orientations of the TIRS detector LOS directions and of the TIRS scene select mirror (SSM) are both
defined within the TIRS instrument coordinate system. TIRS LOS coordinates define the band and detector pointing
directions relative to the instrument axes. These pointing directions are used to construct LOS vectors for individual detector
samples. These vectors are reflected off of the SSM to direct them out of the TIRS aperture for Earth viewing. The TIRS
LOS model is formulated so that the effect of a nominally pointed SSM is included in the definition of the detector lines-ofsight, with departures from nominal SSM pointing causing perturbations to these lines-of-sight. This formulation allows
TIRS LOS construction to be very similar to OLI, and is described in detail below, in the TIRS Line-of-Sight Model
Creation algorithm.
The TIRS coordinate system is defined so that the Z-axis is parallel to the TIRS boresight axis and is positive
toward the TIRS aperture. The origin is where this axis intersects the TIRS focal plane. The X-axis is parallel to the alongtrack direction, with the positive direction toward the leading SCA (SCA02 in Figure A-12). The Y-axis is in the across-track
direction with the positive direction toward SCA03. This definition makes the TIRS coordinate system nominally parallel to
the spacecraft coordinate system, with the difference being due to residual misalignment between the TIRS and the
spacecraft body.

Figure A-12. TIRS Line-of-Sight Coordinates

A.8 Spacecraft Coordinate System
The spacecraft coordinate system is the spacecraft-body-fixed coordinate system used to relate the locations
and orientations of the various spacecraft components to one another and to the OLI and TIRS instruments. It is defined with
the +Z axis in the Earth facing direction, the +X axis in the nominal direction of flight, and the +Y axis toward the cold side
of the spacecraft (opposite the solar array). This coordinate system is used during observatory integration and prelaunch test
to determine the prelaunch positions and alignments of the attitude control sensors (star trackers and SIRU) and instrument
payloads (OLI and TIRS). The spacecraft coordinate system is nominally the same as the navigation reference system (see
below) used for spacecraft attitude determination and control. However, for reasons explained below, these two coordinate
systems are treated separately.
A.9 Navigation Reference Coordinate System
The navigation reference frame (a.k.a., the attitude control system reference) is the spacecraft-body-fixed
coordinate system used for spacecraft attitude determination and control. The coordinate axes are defined by the spacecraft
attitude control system (ACS), which attempts to keep the navigation reference frame aligned with the (yaw-steered) orbital
coordinate system (for nominal nadir pointing) so that the OLI and TIRS boresight axes are always pointing toward the
center of the Earth. It is the orientation of this coordinate system relative to the inertial coordinate system that is captured in
spacecraft attitude data.
Ideally, the navigation reference frame is the same as the spacecraft coordinate system. In practice, the
navigation frame is based on the orientation of the absolute attitude sensor (i.e., star tracker) being used for attitude
determination. Any errors in the orientation knowledge for this tracker with respect to the spacecraft body frame will lead to
differences between the spacecraft and navigation coordinate systems. This becomes important if the absolute attitude sensor
is changed, for example by switching from the primary to the redundant star tracker during on-orbit operations. Such an
event would effectively redefine the navigation frame to be based on the redundant tracker with the difference between the
spacecraft and navigation frames now resulting from redundant tracker alignment knowledge errors, rather than from
primary tracker alignment knowledge errors. This redefinition would require updates to the on-orbit instrument-to-ACS
alignment calibrations. Therefore, the spacecraft and navigation reference coordinate systems are different because the
spacecraft coordinate system is fixed but the navigation reference can change.
A.10 SIRU Coordinate System
The spacecraft orientation rate data provided by the spacecraft attitude control systems inertial measurement
unit are referenced to the Space Inertial Reference Unit (SIRU) coordinate system. The SIRU consists of four rotationsensitive axes. This configuration provides redundancy to protect against the failure of any one axis. The four SIRU axis
directions are determined relative to the SIRU coordinate system, the orientation of which is itself measured relative to the
spacecraft coordinate system both prelaunch and on-orbit, as part of the ACS calibration procedure. This alignment
transformation is used by the IAS to convert the SIRU data contained in the Landsat 8 spacecraft ancillary data to the
navigation reference coordinate system for blending with the ACS quaternions.
A.11 Orbital Coordinate System

The orbital coordinate system is centered at the spacecraft, and its orientation is based on the spacecraft
position in inertial space (see Figure A-13). The origin is the spacecrafts center of mass, with the Z-axis pointing from the
spacecrafts center of mass to the Earths center of mass. The Y-axis is the normalized cross product of the Z-axis and the
instantaneous (inertial) velocity vector and corresponds to the negative of the instantaneous angular momentum vector
direction. The X-axis is the cross product of the Y and Z-axes. The orbital coordinate system is used to convert spacecraft
attitude, expressed as Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) quaternions, to roll-pitch-yaw Euler angles.

Figure A-13. Orbital Coordinate System

A.12 ECI J2000 Coordinate System
The Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) coordinate system of epoch J2000 is space-fixed with its origin at the
Earth's center of mass (see Figure A-14). The Z-axis corresponds to the mean north celestial pole of epoch J2000.0. The Xaxis is based on the mean vernal equinox of epoch J2000.0. The Y-axis is the cross product of the Z and X axes. This
coordinate system is described in detail in the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac published by the U.S.
Naval Observatory. Data in the ECI coordinate system are present in the Landsat 8 spacecraft ancillary data form of attitude
quaternions that relate the navigation frame to the ECI J2000 coordinate system.

Figure A-14. Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) Coordinate System

A.13 ECEF Coordinate System
The Earth-Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinate system is Earth-fixed with its origin at the Earths center
of mass (see Figure A-15). It corresponds to the Conventional Terrestrial System defined by the Bureau International de
lHeure (BIH), which is the same as the U.S. Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) geocentric
reference system. This coordinate system is described in the Supplement to Department of Defense World Geodetic System
1984 Technical Report, Part 1: Methods, Techniques, and Data Used in WGS84 Development, TR 8350.2-A, published by
the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).

Figure A-15. Earth-Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) Coordinate Systems

A.14 Geodetic Coordinate System

The geodetic coordinate system is based on the WGS84 reference frame with coordinates expressed in
latitude, longitude, and height above the reference Earth ellipsoid (see Figure A-16). No ellipsoid is required by the
definition of the ECEF coordinate system, but the geodetic coordinate system depends on the selection of an Earth ellipsoid.
Latitude and longitude are defined as the angle between the ellipsoid normal and its projection onto the equator and the angle
between the local meridian and the Greenwich meridian, respectively. The scene center and scene corner coordinates in the
Level 0R product metadata are expressed in the geodetic coordinate system.

Figure A-16. Geodetic Coordinate System

A.15 Map Projection Coordinate System
Level 1 products are generated with respect to a map projection coordinate system, such as the Universal
Transverse Mercator, which provides mapping from latitude and longitude to a plane coordinate system that is an
approximation of a Cartesian coordinate system for a portion of the Earths surface. It is used for convenience as a method of
providing digital image data in an Earth-referenced grid that is compatible with other ground-referenced data sets. Although
the map projection coordinate system is only an approximation of a true local Cartesian coordinate system at the Earths
surface, the mathematical relationship between the map projection and geodetic coordinate systems is defined precisely and

Appendix B Metadata File (MTL.txt)

The MTL.txt file is included with all L8 Level 1 Data Products. Landsat MTL files contain beneficial
information for the systematic searching and archiving practices of data. Information about data processing and values
important for enhancing Landsat data (such as conversion to reflectance and radiance) are also included in this file.
Data Format Control Books (DFCBs) define and describe Landsat metadata. DFCBs for all sensors are
located at
Sample L8 MTL.txt file:
ORIGIN = "Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey"
REQUEST_ID = "0501408100509_00025"
LANDSAT_SCENE_ID = "LC81880352014222LGN00"
FILE_DATE = 2014-08-10T14:53:31Z

WRS_PATH = 188
WRS_ROW = 35
DATE_ACQUIRED = 2014-08-10
SCENE_CENTER_TIME = 09:36:28.4482251Z
FILE_NAME_BAND_1 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B1.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_2 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B2.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_3 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B3.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_4 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B4.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_5 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B5.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_6 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B6.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_7 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B7.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_8 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B8.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_9 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B9.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_10 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B10.TIF"
FILE_NAME_BAND_11 = "LC81880352014222LGN00_B11.TIF"
METADATA_FILE_NAME = "LC81880352014222LGN00_MTL.txt"
BPF_NAME_OLI = "LO8BPF20140810091759_20140810094745.01"
BPF_NAME_TIRS = "LT8BPF20140810091405_20140810094838.01"
CPF_NAME = "L8CPF20140701_20140930.01"
RLUT_FILE_NAME = "L8RLUT20130211_20431231v09.h5"
ROLL_ANGLE = -0.001
SUN_AZIMUTH = 129.94408789
SUN_ELEVATION = 61.58869412


RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_10 = 3.3420E-04
RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_11 = 3.3420E-04
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_1 = -61.10214
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_2 = -62.56934
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_3 = -57.65711
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_4 = -48.61972
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_5 = -29.75285
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_6 = -7.39926
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_7 = -2.49395
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_8 = -55.02415
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_9 = -11.62809
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_10 = 0.10000
RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_11 = 0.10000
K1_CONSTANT_BAND_10 = 774.89
K1_CONSTANT_BAND_11 = 480.89
K2_CONSTANT_BAND_10 = 1321.08
K2_CONSTANT_BAND_11 = 1201.14
Please see for a list of acronyms.

Storey, James, Michael Choate, and Kenton Lee. "Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager On-Orbit Geometric
Calibration and Performance." Remote Sensing 6, no. 11 (2014): 11127-11152.
Storey, James, Michael Choate, and Donald Moe. "Landsat 8 thermal infrared sensor geometric
characterization and calibration." Remote Sensing 6, no. 11 (2014): 11153-11181.
Markham, Brian, Julia Barsi, Geir Kvaran, Lawrence Ong, Edward Kaita, Stuart Biggar, Jeffrey CzaplaMyers, Nischal Mishra, and Dennis Helder. "Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager radiometric calibration and
stability." Remote Sensing 6, no. 12 (2014): 12275-12308.
Montanaro, Matthew, Raviv Levy, and Brian Markham. "On-orbit radiometric performance of the Landsat 8
Thermal Infrared Sensor." Remote Sensing 6, no. 12 (2014): 11753-11769.
Barsi, Julia A., John R. Schott, Simon J. Hook, Nina G. Raqueno, Brian L. Markham, and Robert G.
Radocinski. "Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Vicarious Radiometric Calibration." Remote Sensing 6, no. 11
(2014): 11607-11626.
Cook, Monica, John R. Schott, John Mandel, and Nina Raqueno. "Development of an Operational
Calibration Methodology for the Landsat Thermal Data Archive and Initial Testing of the Atmospheric Compensation
Component of a Land Surface Temperature (LST) Product from the Archive." Remote Sensing 6, no. 11 (2014): 1124411266.
Gerace, Aaron, John Schott, Michael Gartley, and Matthew Montanaro. "An Analysis of the Side Slither OnOrbit Calibration Technique Using the DIRSIG Model." Remote Sensing 6, no. 11 (2014): 10523-10545.
Montanaro, Matthew, Aaron Gerace, Allen Lunsford, and Dennis Reuter. "Stray light artifacts in imagery
from the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor." Remote Sensing 6, no. 11 (2014): 10435-10456.
Knight, Edward J., and Geir Kvaran. "Landsat-8 operational land imager design, characterization and
performance." Remote Sensing 6, no. 11 (2014): 10286-10305.
Barsi, Julia A., Kenton Lee, Geir Kvaran, Brian L. Markham, and Jeffrey A. Pedelty. "The spectral response
of the Landsat-8 operational land imager." Remote Sensing 6, no. 10 (2014): 10232-10251.
Montanaro, Matthew, Allen Lunsford, Zelalem Tesfaye, Brian Wenny, and Dennis Reuter. "Radiometric
calibration methodology of the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor." Remote Sensing 6, no. 9 (2014): 8803-8821.
Morfitt, Ron, Julia Barsi, Raviv Levy, Brian Markham, Esad Micijevic, Lawrence Ong, Pat Scaramuzza, and
Kelly Vanderwerff. "Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) radiometric performance on-orbit." Remote Sensing 7, no. 2
(2015): 2208-2237.
Mishra, Nischal, Md Obaidul Haque, Larry Leigh, David Aaron, Dennis Helder, and Brian Markham.
"Radiometric Cross Calibration of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper
Plus (ETM+)." Remote Sensing 6, no. 12 (2014): 12619-12638.
Wenny, Brian N., Dennis Helder, Jungseok Hong, Larry Leigh, Kurtis J. Thome, and Dennis Reuter. "Pre-and
post-launch spatial quality of the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor." Remote Sensing 7, no. 2 (2015): 1962-1980.
Irons, James R., John L. Dwyer, and Julia A. Barsi. "The next Landsat satellite: The Landsat data continuity
mission." Remote Sensing of Environment 122 (2012): 11-21.
Irons, James R., and John L. Dwyer. "An overview of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission." In SPIE
Defense, Security, and Sensing, pp. 769508-769508. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2010.
Arvidson, Terry, Samuel Goward, John Gasch, and Darrel Williams. "Landsat-7 Long-Term Acquisition
Plan." Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72, no. 10 (2006): 1137-1146.
Rice, Robert F., Pen-Shu Yeh, and Warner H. Miller. "Algorithms for high speed universal noiseless coding."
In Proceedings of the AIAA Computing in Aerospace 9 Conference, pp. 19-21. 1993.

EarthExplorer Tutorial. <>

EarthExplorer Registration. <>
GloVis Quick Start Guide. <>
LandsatLook Viewer User Documentation. <>
Landsat Data Products. <>
Landsat 8 Mission Data Format Control Book.
Landsat 8 Level 0 Reformatted Data Format Control Book.
Landsat 8 Level 1 Data Format Control Book.
Landsat 8 Cal/Val Algorithm Description Document.
Note: The above listed files are located at
Landsat 8 Fact Sheet.
(linked from
Landsat 8 (L8) Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Calibration Notices.
Landsat 8 Overview. <>
LandsatLook Images. <>

USGS Landsat User Services

Contact USGS Landsat User Services with any questions regarding these interfaces or Landsat data products, M-F 8:00 am
to 4:00 p.m. CT:
[email protected]
Landsat Collections
During the summer of 2016, the USGS will make changes to manage the Landsat archive as a tiered
Collection of Landsat data. A Collection will provide a stable environmental record. If significant radiometric or geometric
changes are required, all data will be reprocessed and a new Collection will be released. The tiered structure clearly identifies
the subset of the Landsat archive that meets radiometric and geometric criteria suitable for time series analysis and the
creation of data stacks/cubes, while continuing to provide access to the entire Landsat archive.
Starting with Collection 1, every Landsat 4-5 (L4-5) Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat 7 (L7) Enhanced
Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Landsat 8 (L8) Operational Land Imager (OLI)/Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) scene
is assigned to a specific tier. There are many changes being implemented to Landsat Level-1 data products to support this
effort, including new Landsat Product Identifiers, Collection and Tier designations, metadata changes, and additional
supporting files included with Level-1 data products. Higher level products will inherit characteristics of the Level-1 data
Collection Category (Tiers)

New Landsat Product Identifiers

Additional Data Changes Applied During Reprocessing
Collection 1 Reprocessing Timeline
Sample Data Products
Changes to EarthExplorer
Collection Category (Tiers)
Landsat Tiers are the inventory structure for Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 data products and are based on
data quality and level of processing. All scenes in the Landsat archive are assigned to a Collection category. The purpose of
Collection categories is to support rapid and easy identification of suitable scenes for time-series pixel level analysis. During
Collection 1 reprocessing, all Landsat scenes in the USGS archive are assigned to a specific Tier. These data have wellcharacterized radiometric quality and are cross-calibrated among the different Landsat sensors.
Tier 1
Landsat scenes with the highest available data quality are placed into Tier 1 and are considered suitable for
time-series processing analysis. Tier 1 includes Level-1 Precision Terrain (L1TP) processed data that have well-characterized
radiometry and are inter-calibrated across the different Landsat sensors. The georegistration of Tier 1 scenes will be
consistent and within prescribed tolerances [12m root mean square error (RMSE)].
Tier 2
Landsat scenes not meeting Tier 1 criteria during processing are assigned to Tier 2. This includes Systematic
Terrain (L1GT) and Systematic (L1GS) processed scenes, as well any L1TP scenes that do not meet the Tier 1 specifications
due to significant cloud cover, insufficient ground control, and other factors. Users interested in Tier 2 scenes can analyze the
RMSE and other properties to determine the suitability for use in individual applications and studies.
Real-Time (Temporary designation)
Newly acquired L7 and L8 data require a period of evaluation and calibration adjustment after acquisition,
but are processed immediately based on preliminary calibration coefficients, assigned to the temporary Real-Time (RT)
Tier, and made available for download. When definitive calibration information becomes available, RT scenes are
reprocessed and assigned to the appropriate Tier 1 or Tier 2 category. The Landsat Product Identifier correctly reflects the
new category. The details about the follow-on processing for both L7 and L8 are described below. After the follow-on
processing is complete and the data is available as Tier 1 or Tier 2, the Real-Time data is removed.
L8 TIRS data may not meet specifications for co-registration with OLI. TIRS line-of-sight model
parameters are refined based on data acquired during biweekly calibration maneuvers and scenes are updated within a few
weeks of acquisition.
L7 ETM+ data use predicted ephemeris and initial bumper mode parameters during initial processing.
During a short period of instrument trending/characterization (about 1 week), calibration parameter adjustments finalize the
geometric correction model, the data are reprocessed.
The Tier designation is visible at the end of the Landsat Product Identifier, as shown in the examples below.
It is also provided as an additional metadata field in EarthExplorer.
Tier 1:
Tier 2:

During Collection 1 processing, every L4-5 TM, L7 ETM+, and L8 OLI/TIRS scene is assigned to a specific
Tier. All Landsat data are cross-calibrated (regardless of sensor) across the full collection. New L4-5 TM data acquired
from international archives will be immediately placed in either T1 or T2. New L7 ETM+ and L8 OLI/TIRS will initially be
placed in the Real-Time Tier. The wait time prior to assignment to T1 or T2 is on average 2 weeks with a maximum
approaching 25 days.
New Landsat Product Identifiers
Along with information inherited from the Scene ID, the new Landsat Product Identifier also includes the
updated processing levels, processing date, collection number, and collection category (noted in red in the graphic below).

The Scene ID will remain in the metadata file (MTL.txt) delivered with the Level-1 data product. The
heritage Scene ID will also be visible and searchable (along with the new Collection 1 Landsat Product ID) in the online
metadata on EarthExplorer.
Additional Data Changes Applied During Reprocessing
Along with the new Landsat Product Identifier, new files and additions to metadata are also being
implemented and delivered with the Level-1 data products. Details about these changes were first introduced in Landsat
Update Volume 10 Issue 1.
New Files included in Level-1 data products
Quality Assessment (QA) bands (NEW to Landsat 4-5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+; UPDATED for
Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS)

Angle Coefficient Files (Landsat 4-5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS)

Additional Metadata (MTL.txt) fields

Saturation bits fields identify which bands contain saturated pixels (Landsat 4-5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+,
Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS)

Land cloud cover assessment estimates the percent of the land in a scene that is covered by clouds

(Landsat 4-7)
New Cloud Cover Algorithm
The C Function of Mask (CFMask) algorithm identify fill, cloud, cloud confidence, cloud shadow, and
snow/ice in Landsat 4-5, Landsat 7, and Landsat 8 scenes for representation in the Quality Assessment (QA) band.
Specific for Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS

Removal of Sensor Chip Assemblies (SCA) overlaps from Band 9 and Band 10

Processing Level Designation Changes

The processing level designations will be changing in Collection 1 Level-1 data products. The table below
displays the levels currently used compared to those being implemented for Collection 1 data products.

Calibration Parameter File (CPF) Name Changes

Calibration Parameter Files (CPF) provide radiometric and geometric coefficients needed for processing of
raw, uncorrected Landsat image data. Each timeframe specific CPF contains calibration coefficients that have been adjusted
to correct for the time varying performance of the sensor.
The Collection 1 CPF file name includes the Collection number to uniquely link CPFs to specific
Collections. During the transition to a new Collections, two CPFs will be maintained.
Collection 1:

L = Landsat (constant)
X = Sensor (C = OLI/TIRS Combined, E = ETM+, T = TM, M= MSS)

SS = Satellite (e.g. 07 = Landsat 7, 08 = Landsat 8)

CPF = Three-letter CPF designator
YYYYMMDD = Effective Starting Date (YYYY) / Month (MM) / Day (DD)
yyyymmdd = Effective Ending Date (yyyy) / Month (mm) / Day (dd)
CC = Collection number (01,02)
NN = Version Number for this file (starts with 00)
Response Linearization Look Up Tables (RLUT) Name Changes (Landsat 8 only)
RLUTs are additional files that accompany Calibration Parameter Files (CPF) and contain a mapping look up
table to linearize the output of the OLI and TIRS detectors. Like the CPF file names, the Collection RLUT files will have a
different naming convention to support Collections.
Collection 1:

L = Landsat (constant)
X = Sensor (C = OLI/TIRS Combined, E = ETM+, T = TM, M= MSS)
SS = Satellite (e.g. 07 = Landsat 7, 08 = Landsat 8)
RLUT = Four-letter RLUT designator
YYYYMMDD = Effective Starting Date (YYYY) / Month (MM) / Day (DD)
yyyymmdd = Effective Ending Date (yyyy) / Month (mm) / Day (dd)
CC = Collection number (01,02)
NN = Version Number for this file (starts with 00)
Collection 1 Reprocessing Timeline
In August 2016, reprocessing began for L4-5 TM and L7 ETM+ scenes, and data starting becoming available
at the end of September. Collection 1 processing begins with the most recently acquired Landsat scenes and steps backwards
through the archive. Scenes collected over the conterminous United States will be processed for Collection 1 first, followed
by the rest of the globe. Landsat 4-5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ Collection 1 reprocessing is expected to last until April
In November 2016, reprocessing will begin for L8 OLI/TIRS scenes. Data will start becoming available
January 2017.Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Collection 1 processing will follow the same procedure as Landsat 4-5 TM and Landsat 7
ETM+ and reprocessing is expected to last until May 2017.
Landsat 1-5 Multispectral Scanner (MSS) data will be considered after the TM, ETM+ and OLI/TIRS
reprocessing efforts have completed.
When reprocessing begins, newly acquired Landsat 8 and Landsat 7 scenes will be processed into the PreCollection data sets, as well as the new Collection 1 data sets using the parameters established for each.
Pre-Collection datasets will be retained for some time after each dataset is completely reprocessed into
Collection 1 (specific timeframe is yet to be determined). Announcements will be made to alert users when each dataset has
completed Collection 1 processing and when the Pre-Collection datasets will be removed.
Sample Data Products
Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Combined - .tar.gz (919 MB)
Landsat 8 OLI-Only - .tar.gz (820 MB)
Landsat 8 TIRS-Only - .tar.gz (92 MB)
Higher Level Science data products (such as Surface Reflectance and Spectral Indices) will be added when
they become available.
Changes to EarthExplorer
Initially, Collection 1 Level-1 data products will be available only on EarthExplorer (EE). (Changes to USGS
Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) and LandsatLook Viewer are planned.)

The EE Data Set tab will clearly display Collection 1 and Pre-Collection data sets, as shown in the graphic
below. Changes include consolidating the Pre-Collection data sets below for Collection 1:
L7 ETM+ SLC-off and L7 ETM+ SLC-on = L7 ETM+

Also, the Additional Criteria tab for each Collection 1 data set allows users to select parameters for each
Landsat sensor (i.e., Landsat 7 SLC-on/SLC-off, T1/T2/RT, or RMSE range).
Collection Definition Document (coming soon)
Landsat Level-1 Standard Data Products
NOTE: In 2016, the USGS will begin to implement a collection management scheme for Landsat Level-1
products that will provide a quality controlled selection of radiometrically calibrated and consistently geolocated data
with sufficiently geographically aligned pixels to support time series analysis through the full Landsat record. More
details about Landsat collections can be found on the Landsat Collections webpage.
Since 1972, the Landsat satellites have observed Earth from space, providing data that help the public and
scientific community understand the state and condition of its surface through time. Users can download any of the millions
of scenes in the USGS archive collected by the Landsat suite of satellites at no charge.

These composites were created using Landsat Level-1 data product band files. From left: True Color, False Color Infrared,
Pseudo Natural Color.
Available Data Products
Currently, both Landsat 8 and Landsat 7 collect data, each following a near-polar, sun-synchronous orbit on
the Worldwide Reference System (WRS-2). Each satellite has a 16-day revisit cycle, and their orbits are offset to provide 8day repeat coverage.
Most acquired scenes are downlinked to the Landsat Ground Network and made available for download
within 24 hours of acquisition. Unique scenes downlinked to International Cooperators are also ingested into the USGS
global archive, and are made available upon receipt.
Landsat Level-1 standard data products are processed to standard parameters, and distributed as scaled and
calibrated digital numbers (DN). The DNs can be scaled to absolutely calibrated radiance or reflectance values using
metadata distributed with the product (see conversion algorithms for Landsat 1-7 and Landsat 8)
The Landsat Science Data Users Handbooks serve as a comprehensive resource for each of the spacecraft,
payloads, ground processing systems, and methodologies for using Landsat data in science studies:
Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook
Landsat 8 Science Data Users Handbook
Landsat product generation is in transition to a collection management scheme. The goal is to create a stable
archive in which(1) sensors are cross- and absolutely-calibrated, (2) the georegistration of the scenes is known and
consistent, and (3) the product format is stable. Any product improvement that would create a discontinuity within the
archive will cause a new collection to be established and the archive to be reprocessed to re-establish the stability of the
archive. A Landsat Product Generation system (LPGS) release, scheduled for 2016, will result in new products that will be
designated as Collection 1. Information about previous releases and plans will be provided on an upcoming Collection
Management webpage.
The sections below provide additional information Landsat Level-1 standard data products.
Data Access
Landsat Level-1 data can be searched and downloaded at no charge. The Landsat Data Access page describes
the available searching interfaces.
Metadata and Data Descriptions
Landsat metadata files contain information that can be useful in locating specific data files in the archive
inventory, and is also valuable to users about certain product characteristics.
Changes are occasionally made to the metadata files, in order to improve data quality and usability.
The Metadata page provides details of recent metadata and processing changes that affect the discovery and use of Landsat
data, and also displays an example of a Landsat metadata (MTL.txt) file.
Landsat metadata is delivered with the Level-1 standard data products, and can be accessed in csv and xml
files from the Bulk Metadata Download tool (

Data Format Control Books (DFCBs) are available for all Landsat data products. These documents describe
the format and content of the Landsat data products and metadata. DFCBs are listed in the last section on the Project
Documentation webpage.
Data quality measures are in place to inform users whether the integrity of Landsat data has been affected by
anything from instrument artifacts to production software updates. Calibration validation is an ongoing quality check for the
Landsat sensors, along with software research and development to enhance or improve the algorithms used to produce
Level-1 products.
The Calibration page describes parameter updates, known anomalies, and other factors affecting data
The Geometry web page provides information on the geometric accuracy, the levels of processing, and
ground control point (GCP) information about the Landsat Level-1 data products.
Pixel-level Metadata
The Landsat Quality Assessment Band web page describes how the use of Quality Assessment (QA) bits
improve the integrity of science investigations, by indicating which pixels might be affected by instrument artifacts or
subject to cloud contamination. The generation of a QA band is currently only available for Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS data.
The Solar Illumination and Sensor Viewing Angle Coefficient File page describes the file format and
application of the angle data. The file stores the coefficients needed to convert radiances to reflectance data with solar
illumination corrected. The Sensor Viewing angles are needed for the creation of some science products.
The Angle Coefficient file is currently not included in the Landsat data products. Example data and code
needed to read the angle coefficient files will become available before the file is added to the Level-1 products.
Known Issues
The Known Issues web page describes known artifacts that exist in the Landsat product. These artifacts vary
widely between the MSS, TM, ETM+ and OLI/TIRS sensors caused by specific sensor characteristics and anomalies
identified after launch.
Landsat data are systematic, geometric, radiometric, and terrain corrected to provide the highest quality data
to the user communities. Occasionally, anomalies occur and artifacts are discovered that require research and monitoring.
The Landsat Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) team investigates and tracks anomalous data. Details about
a number of anomalies that have been discovered and investigated can be found on the Landsat Known Issues page.
Landsat Higher Level Science Data Products
Higher Level Science Data Products (such as Climate Data Records (CDR) and Essential Climate Variables
(ECV)) can be used to document changes to Earth's terrestrial environment, and provide an authoritative basis for regional to
continental scale identification of historical change, monitoring current conditions, and helping to predict future scenarios.
Higher level science data products are processed consistently to create a continuous record of the effects of
climate change on Earths surface. They include products such as Surface Reflectance and Surface Temperature.
Additional higher level science data products represent specific geophysical and biophysical properties of the
land surface, such as Burned Area, Surface Water Extent, and Snow Covered Area.

The images above are mosaics created using Landsat 8 Level 1 data (left) and Provisional Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance
data (right). Images created December 2014.
Important Information about Higher Level Science Data Products
Details about current and future higher level science data products, and updates to existing algorithms or
processing changes, can be found Notices are also added to the Mission Headlines
box on the Landsat Homepage (
Available Data Products
Currently, Surface Reflectance data are available for most Landsat scenes acquired from August 1982 to
present (see the Caveats and Constraints section on Landsat Surface Reflectance Web page for the exceptions). Surface
Reflectance-derived Vegetation, Moisture, and Burn Ratio Spectral Indices have also been created and are available.
Other higher level data products will become available as they complete development.
The Available Data Products page provides information about higher level science data products, as well as
links to data access portals and product documentation.
Landsat Surface Reflectance metadata (xml) files contain significant information that can be used to help
find specific data files in the archive inventory, and to inform users of certain product characteristics. The metadata files may
vary, based on which interface is used to order the product.
The Metadata page provides examples of the metadata files delivered with Surface Reflectance data
Data quality measures are in place to provide users indications of whether the integrity of higher level
science data products has been affected by instrument artifacts, production software updates, or atmospheric conditions.
The Quality page presents how conditions that affect the collection or calculation of data values are
described in the Landsat Surface Reflectance data.
Data Access
Processing requests for Surface Reflectance and other higher level science data products can be submitted at
no charge, with data products ready within 1 to 3 days.
The Higher Level Science Data Access page directs users to the available ordering interfaces.
Landsat Data Access
There are a number of ways to access data held in the USGS archives. There are no restrictions on Landsat
data downloaded from USGS EROS, and it can be used or redistributed as desired. However, a statement of the data source

when citing, copying, or reprinting USGS Landsat data or images is requested. Details can be found on the EROS Data
Citation page.
Landsat Level 1 Data Products
Landsat Level 1 Data Products held in the USGS archives can be searched on the following pages:
EarthExplorer: allows geographical searches of data held in the USGS
Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis): a browse-based viewer for USGS Landsat
Archive data sets
LandsatLook Viewer: - a prototype tool that allows rapid online viewing and
access to the USGS Landsat archive
The Level 1 Data Products for many scenes are available for immediate download from the websites listed
above; processing requests (order) can be placed for scenes not downloadable, using the same websites. After an order is
placed and the data are processed, an email notification is returned with the direct download location. Processing generally
takes 1-3 days.
Before downloading Landsat data, it is important to understand that a number of files will be included, and
how the individual band files work together in image processing software to create a final RGB color image. Please see these
pages for more details:

Files provided with a Landsat scene

Landsat Spectral Band Designations

Which Spectral Band to Use

Landsat Data Bulk Download - This link will open the USGS Registration Sign In page. After successful
sign in, the Bulk Download page will be displayed, with instructions on using this utility.
Higher Level Science Data Products
Surface Reflectance and other high level science data products can be ordered through the following pages:
USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Science Processing Architecture
(ESPA) On Demand Interface (
To begin the order, upload a text file (*.txt) listing one Landsat Level 1 or MODIS scene identifier (filename)
on each line. Scene identifiers can be found in the search results on EarthExplorer ( or GloVis
After uploading the scene list text file, a number of options can be selected, including:

Source products (Original input Level 1 product or metadata)

Top of Atmosphere Reflectance, Surface Reflectance (SR), or Band 6 Brightness Temperature products

Surface Reflectance-based Spectral Indices (NDVI, NDMI, NBR, SAVI, EVI

Customizable output options: data format, reprojection, modifying the image extents, and pixel resizing

Intercomparison and Output Product Statistics Plotting

All orders submitted through ESPA are processed within 2-5 days. Email notifications are sent after the order
is placed, and also after the data is processed and ready to download. *Note: Data requested through ESPA are not accessible
using the EarthExplorer interface or Bulk Download Application (BDA).

EarthExplorer (
EarthExplorer allows ordering of only the Surface Reflectance (SR) data product. Requests from
EarthExplorer are sent to the ESPA On-Demand interface for processing and data delivery.
Bulk Download Options for High Level Science Data Products
RSS Feed and DownThemAll Utilizes Mozilla Firefox web browsers DownThemAll Utility
ESPA Bulk Download Client - Utilizes Python scripts for data downloads
LandsatLook Images
LandsatLook images are full resolution files derived from Landsat Level 1 data products. The images are
compressed and stretched to create an image optimized for image selection and visual interpretation. It is recommended that
these images not be used in image analysis.
The files are included as options when downloading Landsat scenes from EarthExplorer
(, GloVis ( or the LandsatLook Viewer ( (See
Figure 1).

Figure 1. LandsatLook download options

LandsatLook "Natural Color" Image:
The LandsatLook Natural Color image is a .jpg composite of three bands to show a natural looking
(false color) image. Reflectance values were calculated from the calibrated scaled digital number (DN) image data. The
reflectance values were scaled to a 1-255 range using a gamma stretch with a gamma=2.0. This stretch was designed to
emphasize vegetation without clipping the extreme values.

Landsat 8 OLI = Bands 6,5,4

Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 4-5 TM = Bands 5,4,3

Landsat 4-5 MSS = Bands 2,4,1

Landsat 1-3 MSS = Bands 7,5,4

LandsatLook Thermal" Image:

The LandsatLook Thermal image is a one-band gray scale .jpg image to display thermal properties of the
scene. Image brightness temperature values were calculated from the calibrated scaled digital number (DN) image data. An
image specific 2 percent clip and a linear stretch to 1-255 were applied to the brightness temperature values.

Landsat 8 TIRS = Band 10

Landsat 7 ETM+ = Band 61-high gain

Landsat 4-5 TM = Band 6

Landsat 1-5 MSS = not available

LandsatLook Quality Image:

LandsatLook Quality images are 8-bit files generated from the Landsat Level-1 Quality band to provide a
quick view of the quality of the pixels within the scene to determine if a particular scene would work best for the user's
application. This file includes values representing bit-packed combinations of surface, atmosphere, and sensor conditions
that can affect the overall usefulness of a given pixel. Color mapping assignments can be seen in the tables below.
For each Landsat scene, the LandsatLook Quality Image can be downloaded in the Portable Network
Graphics format (_QB.png) individually from EarthExplorer (EE). When the LandsatLook images with Geographic
Reference file is selected to download on EE, the Quality Image is provided in GeoTIFF format (_QB.TIF).

Table 1. Landsat 8 Quality Image mapping assignments.

Table 2. Landsat 4-5 and Landsat 7 Quality Image mapping assignments. (Will become available after the
release of Landsat Collection 1.)
Samples of Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 LandsatLook "Quality" Images:
Landsat 7 ETM+ Path 42 Row 27, acquired September 27, 2005 - .png (617 KB)
Landsat 5 TM Path 47 Row 27, acquired October 6, 2010 - .png (219 KB)
LandsatLook Images with Geographic Reference:
The LandsatLook Image with Geographic Reference is a .zip file bundle that contains the Natural Color,
the gray-scale Thermal image browse, and the 8-bit Quality image in georeferenced GeoTiff (.TIF) format.

Figure 2. LandsatLook Natural Color Image: Landsat 8 Path 45 Row 30 Acquired April 23, 2013

Figure 3. LandsatLook Thermal Image: Landsat 8 Path 45 Row 30 Acquired April 23, 2013

Figure 4. LandsatLook Quality Image: Landsat 8 Path 45 Row 30 Acquired April 23, 2013 with background color set to
dark grey.
Additional Information about LandsatLook .jpg images:
Many geographic information systems and image processing software packages easily support .jpg images.
To create these files, Landsat data is mapped to a 1-255 range, with the fill area set to zero (if a no-data value is set to zero,
the compression algorithm may introduce zero-value artifacts into the data area causing very dark data values to be displayed
as no-data.)
Global Land Surveys (GLS)
The Global Land Survey (GLS) data sets were created as collaboration between NASA and the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS), and were designed to allow scientists and data users to have access to a consistent, terrain
corrected, coordinated collection of data.
Five epochs have been created, each using the primary Landsat sensor in use at the time:

GLS1975: uses Multispectral Scanner (MSS) data

GLS1990: uses Landsat 4-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data

GLS2000: uses Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data

GLS2005: uses a combination of Landsat TM and ETM+ data

GLS2010: uses a combination of Landsat TM and ETM+ data

These images of New York City, New York and surrounding areas are examples of the Global Land Surveys
(GLS) data sets. From left: GLS1975, GLS1990, GLS2000, GLS2005, and GLS2010.
The Landsat data incorporated into each GLS data set meets quality and cloud cover standards, and is
processed to the following parameters:

Data Resolution (Reflective bands): 30 meters (Landsat MSS: 60 meters)

Data Format: GeoTIFF (Level 1 product), Full-resolution .jpg (LandsatLook images)

Resampling: Cubic Convolution

Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Datum: WGS84

The Global Land Survey data sets are scene-based, and can be searched and downloaded at no charge from
EarthExplorer ( or GloVis (

Web-enabled Landsat data (WELD) Projects

Two Web-enabled Landsat Data (WELD) projects have produced large area 30-meter composited mosaics
from Landsat terrain corrected (Level 1T) data. Both projects are funded by NASA's Making Earth System Data Records for
Use in Research Environments program with significant USGS cost sharing.
The WELD data products are processed so users do not need to apply the equations, spectral calibration
coefficients, and solar information, needed to convert Landsat digital numbers to reflectance and brightness temperature.
They are defined in the same coordinate system and align precisely, making them simple to use for multi-temporal
applications. The products provide consistent data that can be used to derive higher-level land cover as well as geo-physical
and biophysical products for assessment of surface dynamics and to study Earth system functioning. WELD data products
are available to download for all users at no charge.

Images showing available CONUS WELD data (

Important Information about WELD Products

The webpages provided in the sections below provide accessibility and usability information WELD data
products. As updates to data processing and data use are made, notices will be posted to the Mission Headlines box on the
Landsat Homepage, and will be added to the appropriate pages in the sections below.
Available Data Products
Global WELD: Monthly and annual 30-meter global composites generated from contemporaneous Landsat
7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data for all non-Antarctic land surfaces
are available for 3-year epochs. Products are available in Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) through an
interactive Web interface, or as Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) tiles from a direct download site.
The Available Data Products page provides information about the Global WELD products, known issues, and
future plans.
CONUS and Alaska WELD: Weekly, monthly, seasonal and annual 30-meter continental U.S. (CONUS)
and Alaska composites generated from Landsat 7 ETM+ data are available for 10 years (2003-2012). Products are available
in Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) through an interactive Web interface, or as Hierarchical Data Format
(HDF) tiles from a direct download site.
The Available Data Products page provides information about the CONUS and Alaska WELD products,
known issues, and future plans.
WELD products do not include metadata files, other than basic specifications written into headers or tags.
Quality information can be requested with an order, however, such as pixel source parameters, saturation flags, and cloud
The Metadata page includes a section Version 1.5 Product Documentation that contains product content,
format, and projection information.
As a static collection, WELD products are not actively checked for quality characteristics that might
otherwise affect the integrity of data values.
The Quality page for Global WELD includes a section on Version 2.2 Product Quality with useful
information about known issues, product improvements, accuracy, consistency, and future plans.
The Quality page for CONUS and Alaska WELD includes a section on Version 1.5 Product Quality with
useful information about known issues, product improvements, accuracy, consistency, and future plans.
Data Access
WELD products are available for direct download as tiles, and are also orderable at no charge from a visual
The CONUS/Alaska WELD Interface directs users through an interactive Web ordering system.
The CONUS/Alaska WELD Download Site allows direct access to product tiles.
The Global WELD Interface directs users through an interactive Web ordering system. The Global WELD
Download Site allows direct access to product tiles.


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