Change Detection From Remotely Sensed Images - From Pixel-Based To Object-Based Approaches

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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106

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Review Article

Change detection from remotely sensed images: From pixel-based

to object-based approaches
Masroor Hussain a, Dongmei Chen a,⇑, Angela Cheng a, Hui Wei b, David Stanley b
Laboratory of Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 3N6
PCI Geomatics, 490 St. Joseph Blvd., Suite 400, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada J8Y 3Y7

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The appetite for up-to-date information about earth’s surface is ever increasing, as such information pro-
Received 12 June 2012 vides a base for a large number of applications, including local, regional and global resources monitoring,
Received in revised form 21 March 2013 land-cover and land-use change monitoring, and environmental studies. The data from remote sensing
Accepted 22 March 2013
satellites provide opportunities to acquire information about land at varying resolutions and has been
Available online 19 April 2013
widely used for change detection studies. A large number of change detection methodologies and tech-
niques, utilizing remotely sensed data, have been developed, and newer techniques are still emerging.
This paper begins with a discussion of the traditionally pixel-based and (mostly) statistics-oriented
Remote sensing
Change detection
change detection techniques which focus mainly on the spectral values and mostly ignore the spatial con-
Pixel-based text. This is succeeded by a review of object-based change detection techniques. Finally there is a brief
Object-based discussion of spatial data mining techniques in image processing and change detection from remote sens-
Spatial-data-mining ing data. The merits and issues of different techniques are compared. The importance of the exponential
increase in the image data volume and multiple sensors and associated challenges on the development of
change detection techniques are highlighted. With the wide use of very-high-resolution (VHR) remotely
sensed images, object-based methods and data mining techniques may have more potential in change
Ó 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier
B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Developing CD methods in RS is an ongoing research agenda.

The principle behind using RS data for CD is that changes in the ob-
In remote sensing (RS) applications, changes are considered as ject of interest will alter the spectral behavior (reflectance value or
surface component alterations with varying rates. Land-cover local texture) that is separable from changes caused by other fac-
(LC) and land-use (LU) change information is important because tors (e.g. atmospheric conditions, illumination and viewing angles,
of its practical uses in various applications, including deforestation, and soil moistures) (Deer, 1995; Green et al., 1994; Jensen, 1983;
damage assessment, disasters monitoring, urban expansion, plan- Singh, 1989). The CD from RS data is affected by various elements
ning, and land management. Singh (1989) defined change detec- including spatial, spectral, thematic and temporal constraints,
tion (CD) as ‘‘the process of identifying differences in the state of an radiometric resolution, atmospheric conditions, and soil moisture
object or phenomenon by observing it at different times’’. The CD conditions (Jensen, 2005). Different CD techniques have been
frameworks use multi-temporal datasets to qualitatively analyze developed in the past, depending on the requirements and condi-
the temporal effects of phenomena and quantify the changes. The tions. However, the selection of the most suitable method or algo-
RS data has become a major source for CD studies because of its rithm for change detection is not easy in practice (Lu et al., 2004).
high temporal frequency, digital format suitable for computation, Researchers have made enormous efforts in developing various
synoptic view, and wider selection of spatial and spectral resolu- change detection methodologies including both the traditional
tions (Chen et al., 2012a; Coops et al., 2006; Lunetta et al., 2004). pixel-based (Mas, 1999) and more recently, the object-based
The general objectives of CD in RS include identifying the geo- (Araya and Hergarten, 2008).
graphical location and type of changes, quantifying the changes, Various CD reviews based on pixel-based analysis of RS data
and assessing the accuracy of CD results (Coppin et al., 2004; Im have been published (see e.g. Coppin et al., 2004; Deer, 1995;
and Jensen, 2005; Macleod and Congalon, 1998). Jianyaa et al., 2008; Lu et al., 2004; Mouat et al., 1993; Singh,
1989) which have summarized and categorized CD techniques
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 613 533 6045; fax: +1 613 533 6122. based on different viewpoints. A common one is grouping them
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Chen). into pre-classification and post-classification CD techniques

0924-2716/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
92 M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106

(Chen et al., 2012c). Chan et al. (2001) categorized them as change 2005; Du et al., 2002). Different radiometric correction methods
enhancement techniques and nature-of-change techniques. Lu are developed. The absolute radiometric correction (ARC) extracts
et al. (2004) presented a comprehensive review and grouped CD the absolute reflectance of scene targets at the surface of the earth.
techniques into seven categories. They categorized an exhaustive The relative radiometric correction/normalization (RRC) reduces
list of CD studies with respect to the change domain or applications atmospheric and other unexpected variation among multiple
aspects. Most of these reviews cover CD techniques for coarse and images by adjusting the radiometric properties of target images
relatively fine spatial resolution data such as MODIS, Landsat (MSS, to match a base image (Janzen et al., 2006; Yuan and Elvidge,
TM), SPOT, and radar. However, these reviews do not extensively 1996). The RRC include methods such as dark object subtraction
examine techniques and methods suitable for data from very- (Chavez, 1988), Pseudo Invariant Features (PIF) (Chen et al.,
high-resolution (VHR) optical satellites such as IKONOS, QuickBird, 2005), automatic scattergram controlled regression (ASCR)
GeoEye, RapidEye, EROS A and B. The object-based imaged analysis (Elvidge et al., 1995), Ridge method (Song et al., 2001), and second
techniques are considered more suitable for VHR image data and simulation of the satellite signal in the solar spectrum (6S)
some discussion can be found in (Blaschke, 2010; Chen et al., (Vermote et al., 1997).
2012a; Jianyaa et al., 2008; Lang, 2008). It is also important to consider the change dependency on the
In this paper we place the CD methodologies into two discrete temporal factor before collecting RS data for CD. Data collected
groups based on the unit of image analysis. The first is the tradi- too early would not cover the slower change process; data col-
tional/classical pixel-based, employing an image pixel as funda- lected too late would be prone to excessive omission error and
mental unit of analysis. The second group is the object-based would have a significant impact on the completeness of CD (Lunet-
method, emphasizing, first, creating image objects and then using ta et al., 2004).
them for further analysis. This paper is broadly organized into Selecting appropriate CD technique is related to the objectivity
three parts. First pixel-based change detection (PBCD) methods of the study. Some techniques such as image differing or ratioing
are discussed followed by object-based change detection (OBCD) can only provide change/no-change (binary) information. If de-
techniques. Also, the spatial data mining techniques are discussed tailed change matrix (change direction) is required for a study, dif-
for their potential for analyzing changes from RS data. The focus of ferent techniques such as post-classification will be needed.
this paper is to provide a review of commonly used CD methods Another viewpoint is to select a CD technique based on the unit
and techniques in RS, their applications, and related issues. of image analysis. Many pixel-based CD methods, which have been
used traditionally, are not considered appropriate for VHR RS data,
in which object-based analysis may be used more frequently. A
2. General considerations in change detection from RS variety of algorithms have been developed based on both the pixel-
and object-based approach which provide a wider selection range
The most generic CD schema in RS comprises, broadly speaking, (Lu et al., 2011).
(a) feature extraction (e.g. difference or ratio), and (b) decision The size of the study area and the spatial resolution can also sig-
function (operation to produce decision i.e. change vs. no-change). nificantly impact the selection of CD technique. The spatial resolu-
However, not all the methods follow it (Dreschler-Fischer et al., tion in RS typically corresponds to the pixel size. The pixel size
1993). The CD process can broadly be split into: (a) pre-processing represents the scale through which landscape is viewed and mod-
(b) selecting CD technique, and (c) accuracy assessment. eled (Aplin, 2006; Marceau, 1999; Woodcock and Strahler, 1987).
The pre-processing stage handles the issues related to radiomet- Typically, low resolution images are used to monitor the changes
ric, atmospheric, and topographic corrections, geometrical rectifi- over larger areas. At the national and global change mapping, the
cation and image registration. It is important to consider using coarser spatial resolution data, including NOAA’s Advanced Very
data from the same sensor, radiometric and spatial resolutions High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), Moderate Resolution Imag-
and near-anniversary acquisition dates to eliminate the effects of ing Spectroradiometer (MODIS), is increasingly used (Coppin
sun angle, seasons, and phonological difference (Song and Wood- et al., 2004). At the regional level, per-pixel based methods, using
cock, 2003). Corrections are required to minimize the impact medium spatial resolution image such as Landsat Thematic Map-
caused by these factors. However, Song et al. (2001) argued that per (TM), are used. VHR RS data (e.g. QuickBird, IKONOS, OrbView)
atmospheric corrections may not be required when single-date is used for local scale studies as it provides greater spatial resolu-
image is used for classification, but is mandatory when multi- tion. The pixel-based techniques face a challenge posed by higher
temporal or multisensory data are used. Lu et al. (2008) argued that spectral variation and mixed pixels on these VHR data (Aplin,
acquiring data from same sensor could be difficult, especially in 2006; Chen et al., 2012a). More recently, object-based methods
moist tropical regions which necessitate using data from different are more commonly used for CD at the local scale (Lu et al.,
sensors. Post-classification comparison for CD, however, does not 2011). Table 1 summarizes the different CD techniques.
have some of this strict requirement (Chen et al., 2012c).
Image registration and multi-temporal radiometric corrections 3. Pixel-based change detection (PBCD) in remote sensing
are perhaps the most important and indispensable steps in CD
methods. Precise geometric registration between multi-temporal A pixel has been the basic unit of image analysis and CD tech-
images is essential to avoid largely spurious results, as image dis- niques since the early use of RS data. An image pixel is the atomic
placement will cause false change areas in the scene. A sub-pixel analytical unit in these techniques whose spectral characteristics
level geometrical registration accuracy is generally required by are exploited to detect and measure changes mostly without con-
most of the CD studies (Jianyaa et al., 2008). Higher registration sidering the spatial context. Most often statistical operators are
accuracy becomes more important when data is from different used for evaluating the individual pixel. Researchers have reviewed
sensors and at different resolutions. The higher registration accu- the pixel-based approaches, in greater depth, summarizing func-
racy requirement can be avoided in some CD methods such as ob- tionalities, advantages and disadvantages (see e.g. Coppin et al.,
ject-based ones, where ‘‘buffer detection’’ algorithms can be 2004; Deer, 1995; Ilsever and Ünsalan, 2012; Lu et al., 2004; Singh,
applied to compare the extracted features (Deren et al., 2003). 1989).
Radiometric corrections rectify errors caused by the variation in Different pre-classification CD techniques based on image alge-
sensor characteristics, atmospheric condition, solar angle, and sen- bra have been developed including: (a) image differencing, (b) im-
sor view angle to maintain the radiometric consistency (Chen et al., age ratioing, (c) regression analysis, (d) vegetation index
M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106 93

Table 1
Summary of different change detection techniques.

Technique Sub-class Approach Advantages Limitations Examples

Pixel- Direct Image differencing  Simple  No complete matrices of Urban land cover changes at the
based comparison  Easy to interpret results change information urban fringe from SPOT HRV
 Optimal threshold selection imagery (Quarmby and Cushnie,
 The difference value is abso- 1989) Change detection in forest
lute. Therefore same value ecosystems (Coppin and Bauer,
may have different meaning 1996)
depending on the starting class
 Binary (change vs. no change)
Image ratioing  It better handles calibration  No complete matrices of Environmental change using
(including sun angle, shadow change information Landsat (Howarth and Wickware,
and topography impact) errors  Non-normal distribution of 1981)
(Rignot and van Zyl, 1993) results
 Binary (change vs. no change)
Regression analysis  It accounts for differences in  Accurate regression functions Logistic regression to model
the mean and variance for the selected bands needed changes from forest to non-forest
between pixel values for differ-  It is better suited for measuring (Ludeke et al., 1990) Tropical
ent dates, therefore reduces the conversion from one type deforestation change measuring
the adverse effects by atmo- to other and poor for detecting (Singh, 1986)
spheric conditions and sun subtle changes (Coppin et al.,
angles (Singh, 1989) 2004)
Transformation Vegetation index  Reduces impacts of topo-  Random or coherence noise Detection of forest harvest type
/ from Image differencing graphic effects and  Binary (change vs. no change) (Wilson and Sader, 2002) Change
illumination detection in a Swedish mountain
range (Nordberg and Evertson,
2005) Land cover change in the
United Arab Emirates (Sohl, 1999)
Change vector  Process any number of spectral  Difficult to identify land cover Land cover monitoring (Johnson
analysis (CVA) bands desired change trajectories and Kasischke, 1998) Land-Use/
 Produce detailed change detec-  Strictly Require the remotely Land-Cover Change Detection
tion information sensed data acquired from the (Chen et al., 2003) Forest change
 Beneficial when; (a) either same phonological period detection (Nackaerts et al., 2005)
change of interest and their (Chen et al., 2003) Disaster assessment (Bayarjargal
spectral manifestation are not et al., 2006)
well-known, (b) change of
interest is known or has high
spectral variability, and (b)
even if the changes in both
land cover type and condition
may be of interest (Johnson
and Kasischke, 1998)
Principal component  Data redundancy reduction  Scene dependent making it dif- Brush-fire damage and vegetation
analysis (PCA)  Emphasizes different informa- ficult to interpret and label for regrowth (Richards, 1984) Land-
tion in the derived components different dates cover change (Byrne et al., 1980)
 Does not differentiate between land-use change detection and
change types; rather, it reports analysis (Deng et al., 2008)
on areas that have changed
(binary change)
Tasselled cap  Data redundancy reduction  Difficult to interpret and label Analysing forest disturbances (Jin
transformation (KT)  Scene Independent change information and Sader, 2005) Vegetation
 Produces stable spectral com-  No complete matrices of change (Rogan et al., 2002)
ponents which allows develop- change
ing baseline spectral
information for long-term
Texture analysis  Statistical explanation to the  Dependent on window size Urban Disaster Analysis
based spatial distribution of the (Tomowski et al., 2011) land use
image pixels change detection (Erener and
 Settlements have higher tex- Düzgün, 2009)
ture value compared to the
non-settlement areas
 Measure relative frequency of
the spatial adjacency
Classification Post-classification  Atmospheric, sensor and envi-  Require accurate and complete Land use land cover classification
based change comparison ronmental impact reduction training data set and change (Miller et al., 1998;
detection  Complete matrices of change  Final accuracy is dependent on Yuan et al., 2005) Urban Sprawl
 Also minimizes the impact of classification accuracy of indi- measuring (Ji et al., 2006) Change
using multi-sensor images vidual image detection by unsupervised
classification (2000; Ghosh et al.,
Multi-date direct  One classification for stacked  Difficulty in labeling the Land-cover change detection
comparison data change classes (Lunetta et al., 2006)
 Atmospheric correction is not  Do not provide complete
needed change matrix (Jensen, 2005)

(continued on next page)

94 M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106

Table 1 (continued)

Technique Sub-class Approach Advantages Limitations Examples

Machine Artificial Neural  ANN is non-parametric super-  The main issues with ANN Forest change detection
Learning Network vised algorithm include: (a) the hidden layer (Woodcock et al., 2001) Urban
 Estimate data properties based in ANN is not known properly; change model (Pijanowski et al.,
on training data (b) the amount of training data 2005) Land-cover change
is important in teaching the (Abuelgasim et al., 1999; Dai and
network; and (c) ANN function- Khorram, 1999) Urban change
alities are not common in (Liu and Lathrop, 2002)
image processing software
Support Vector  Non-Parametric and no  Difficulty in choosing the best Land cover change detection
Machine assumption on data kernel function (Nemmour and Chibani, 2006)
distribution  The computational time for Forest cover change analysis
 Able to handle small training classification and achieving (Huang et al., 2008)
data sets and often produces optimization during the learn-
higher classification accuracy ing phase increases polynomi-
than the traditional methods ally with the increase of data
(Mantero et al., 2005) dimensionality (Habib et al.,
 Theoretically can handle larger 2009)
data sets with higher dimen-
sionality and is particularly
used for hyper-spectral image
classification (Melgani and
Bruzzone, 2004)
Decision Tree  Non-Parametric and no  Sensitive to training data qual- Land cover change analysis (Im
assumption on data ity and the number of training and Jensen, 2005)
distribution samples per class, and they
 Can provide rule set for change can be ‘‘over-trained’’ such that
and no-change classes the model is not applicable to
datasets from other areas or
time periods (Lippitt et al.,
 Do not search for optimal fit
 Can grow much larger in sizes
and make it difficult to
GIS GIS Integration  Allows to access ancillary data  Data quality from different Land use change (Pijanowski
from GIS to help image inter- sources et al., 2002) Land cover change
pretation and analysis  Different geometric accuracies (Xiuwan, 2002)
 Updating GIS Database
Advanced Spectral mixture  Identifies suitable endmembers  Complex method Land-cover change analysis
Methods analysis  Defines suitable thresholds for  Time-consuming (Versluis and Rogan, 2009) Post-
each land-cover fire vegetation regrowth detection
 The results are stable, accurate (Solans Vila and Barbosa, 2010)
and repeatable
 Capable to recover natural eco-
system change signals at much
finer event scales, e.g. thinning
in forest ecosystems (Coppin
et al., 2004)
Fuzzy Change  Objectively defines threshold  Labeling change among a Topographic map revision
Detection  Allow a probabilistic class matrix of many overlapping (Metternicht, 1999) Unsupervised
membership may provide a classes may be difficult or change detection (Bruzzone and
more appropriate representa- non-informative (Kennedy Prieto, 2000) Landscape change
tion than a conventional ‘hard’ et al., 2009) analysis (Fisher et al., 2006)
Multi-sensor data  Allow to take advantage of dif-  Different spatial and spectral Land use change detection (Deng
fusion for change ferent sensor to detect differ- resolution need developing et al., 2008)
detection ent objects fusion strategies
 In time series analysis helpful
when one of the sensors may
not be available
Object Direct Object Objects extracted  Straightforward comparison of  Dependent on the accuracy of Change detection from pair of
based comparison from one image and objects the segmentation Gray-Level Images (Miller et al.,
based the assigned to or  Ease of implementation  Do not provide ‘from–to’ 2005) Change detection to grassy
searched from image  Image objects have same geo- change strip (Lefebvre et al., 2008)
data from second metric properties at two times  Difficulty in searching spatially Landscape change detection (Hall
acquisition  Change geometrical propertied corresponding objects in multi- and Hay, 2003)
(shape parameters i.e. border temporal images
length, size)  Appropriate threshold selec-
 Change by spectral or tion when comparing objects
extracted features (texture) based on both the geometry
 Easy integration to GIS and spectral or extracted
Object Two segmentation  All the available objects could  Difference in sizes and corre- Forest Change detection (Desclée
classification created separately be used for object-based spondence of image objects et al., 2006) Land cover and land
comparison and compared change detection from multi-temporal images use change analysis (Gamanya
based because of segmentation et al., 2009) Updating the Land
Cover Database (Xian and Homer,
M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106 95

Table 1 (continued)

Technique Sub-class Approach Advantages Limitations Examples

 Allows thematic, geometric  When searching for objects 2010)
and topological change extracted from one image in a
measure second image, locational error
 Change based on classification can cause incorrect change
comparison results
 Completer from-to change  Dependent on the accuracy of
matrix (Chen et al., 2012a) the segmentation
 Classification accuracy influ-
ences the change detection
Multitemporal- Stacked Bi-temporal  Single segmentation of all the  Results in some artifacts that Forest change detection (Desclée
object change images stacked images may result from misregistra- et al., 2006) Change detection
detection  Image objects have same geo- tion and differences in shadow- from time series(Bontemps et al.,
metric properties at two times ing between dates 2008)
 Exploit the geometrical, spec-  Do not provide new/different
tral, and derived features to objects that might be created
create change trajectories at different times because of
Spatial Data mining of  Allow to search through large  Difficult learning curve Land-use change (Dos Santos Silva
data remote sensing data sets  No Direct integration of main et al., 2008) Spatiotemporal
mining images  Search for spatio-temporal stream image processing and changes (Boulila et al., 2011)
patterns data mining tools Environmental change detection
 Extract knowledge and (Eklund et al., 2000) Combined
relationships OBIA and DM (Vieira et al., 2012)
 Provide advanced clustering
and classification algorithms

differencing, (e) change vector analysis (CVA), (f) principal compo- thresholding algorithms to achieve a robust unsupervised change
nent analysis (PCA), and (g) tasselled cap transformation (KT). The detection.
level of change information derived from RS images can be catego- Pu et al. (2008) found that the accuracy of CD was improved by
rized as: (i) detecting simple binary change (i.e. change vs. no setting different thresholds for positive and negative changes. The
change) [e.g. a, b, d, f ], and (ii) the detailed ‘‘from-to’’ change (e.g. optimum threshold(s) are either identified using a trial-and-error
post-classification comparison) (Im et al., 2007). Getting detailed manual method or through automatic generation and testing (Im
‘‘from-to’’ change information is mostly required in many change et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2004; Rosin, 2002). The limitations of the first
analysis studies; however, a simple binary change vs. no change approach include its tendency to be labor intensive and time con-
is often described as sufficient for many studies (Im et al., 2008a). suming, using only one image in the analysis, and it tests just a
The classification based comparison to measure detailed change few (e.g., 5–10) discrete thresholds (Im et al., 2008a). Also it does
(post-classification comparison and composite or direct multi-date not consider the spatial correlation between the neighboring pixels
classification) is perhaps the most common methodology adopted (Ghosh et al., 2011). Various automated threshold selection algo-
in the CD studies that can involve both the pixel and object. Also, rithms have been proposed, and Rosin and Ioannidis (2003) argued
machine-learning (such as artificial neural networks, support vec- that the performance of these algorithms is scene-dependent. A
tor machine, decision tree) and GIS-based methods have been used calibration model that removed the limitations of the traditional
for change studies. A brief description of different pixel-based CD approach can be found in Im et al. (2007), where, instead of fewer
methods is described in Table 2. discrete thresholds, a continuum of thresholds are autonomously
tested. Other approaches to improve the threshold selection in-
clude: fuzzy set and fuzzy membership functions (Metternicht,
4. Issues with traditional techniques 1999), Bayes rule analysis (Bruzzone and Prieto, 2000), and the
use of existing objects for automated threshold calculation
The decision function is the key element that identifies change (Bouziani et al., 2010).
from no-change in CD algorithms. One common approach, the The CD methods that employ classification can use both the
application of a threshold value to differentiate change from no- supervised and unsupervised algorithms. The accuracy of post-
change, is used in most of the CD algorithms. This technique, how- classification CD is a function of the accuracy of the classification
ever, often suffers from mis- or over- detection, and selecting a on individual images. The errors at each classification will propa-
suitable threshold value to identify change is difficult (Jensen, gate and reduce the overall accuracy of change analysis. The super-
2005; Lu et al., 2004; Xian et al., 2009; Zuur et al., 2007). Too vised approach uses training sets. The quality, accuracy and
low a threshold will exclude areas of change, and too high will in- completeness of training data are crucial to producing higher-qual-
clude too many areas of change. Selecting an appropriate threshold ity (accurate) classification and hence better CD (Erbek et al., 2004;
is generally not clear especially for unsupervised algorithms when Nackaerts et al., 2005). However, selecting high-quality training
ground truth is not available to present prior knowledge. Algo- sample sets for image classification is often difficult and time-
rithm fusion techniques can be used select appropriate threshold consuming, in particular for historical image data classification..
decision function as it involve in improving overall performance For unsupervised classification, prior knowledge of the area under
of the decision by combining the individual opinions to derive a investigation is not required, and therefore no prior statistics of the
consensus decision. This techniques is most often used in improv- aforesaid classes is needed to be provided to the algorithm (Bazi
ing classification results (Kittler et al., 1998) and can be applied to et al., 2010; Melgani et al., 2002). The unsupervised classification
change detection when change and no-change are treated as a bin- based CD methods face difficulty in identifying and labeling change
ary classification problem. Melgani and Bazi (2006) fused different trajectories (Lu et al., 2004). The other major issue with
96 M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106

Table 2
Brief descriptions of pixel-based change detection techniques.

Technique Functioning
Image differencing Two precisely co-registered multi-temporal images are used to produce a residual image to represent changes. The
difference can be measured directly from radiometric values of the pixel or on the extracted /derived/ transformed
images such as texture or vegetation indices. Mathematically, the difference image is:
Id(x, y) = I1(x, y)  I2(x, y),
Where I1 and I2 are images from time t1 and t2 and (x, y) are coordinates and Id is the difference image. Pixels with no
change in radiance are distributed around the mean (Lu et al., 2005), while pixels with change are distributed in the tails
of the distribution curve (Singh, 1989). Since change can occur in both directions, it is therefore up to the analyst to
decide which image to subtract from which (Gao, 2009).
Image rationing A ratio between two co-registered images is computed. Mathematically;
Ir ¼ II12 ðx;yÞ
Unlike in image differencing, the order of the images in the division is not important as the change results are expressed
in ratios, and areas that are not changed should theoretically have a value of 1.
Image regression The image I2 from time (t2) is assumed to be a linear function of image I1from time (t1). The image I2 is taken as the
‘‘reference’’ image and I1 as a ‘‘subject’’ image. The subject image is then adjusted to match the radiometric conditions of
the reference image. A regression analysis, such as least-squares regression, can help identify gains and offsets by
radiometrically normalizing the subject image to match the reference image (Lunetta, 1999). Change (Id) is detected by
subtracting regressed image from the first-date image.
bI d ðx; yÞ ¼ aId ðx; yÞ þ b
Id ðx; yÞ ¼ Id ðx; yÞ  bI d ðx; yÞ
Vegetation index differencing Vegetation indices are mathematical transformations designed to evaluate the impact of vegetation on observations in
multispectral mode. These indices enhance the spectral differences on the basis of strong vegetation absorbance in the
red and strong reflectance in the near-infrared band. For CD, generally, the vegetation indices are produced separately
for two images and then standard pixel based CD (e.g. differencing or ratioing) are applied.
Different vegetation indices have been developed such as: (a) ratio based, including Ratio Vegetation Index (RVI) and
the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), (b) orthogonal indices, including Perpendicular Vegetation Index
(PVI) and Difference Vegetation Index (DVI), and (c) Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and modified soil adjusted
vegetation index(MSAVI) (Chen et al., 1999).
RVI ¼ nr
NDVI ¼ nr
TVI ¼ nrnþr þ 0:5
SAVI ¼ nrþL ð1 þ LÞ
2nþ1 ð2nþ1Þ2 8ðnrÞ
MSVI ¼ 2
Where n is near infrared band and r is the red band. The L in SAVI confirms the same bound between NDVI and SAVI.
Unsalan (2007) modifying RVI and NDVI by calculating angle vegetation index (Unsalan and Boyer, 2004) and
developed a bi-temporal vegetation Time-Dependent Vegetation Indices (TDVI)
Change vector analysis (CVA) It allows simultaneous analysis of multiple image bands for CD. The idea behind CVA is that a particular pixel with
different values over time resides at substantially different location in the feature space (Jensen, 2005). The pixel values
are treated as vectors of spectral bands and change vector (CV) is calculated by subtracting vectors for all pixels at
different dates (Malila, 1980). The direction of the CV depicts the type of change whereas the magnitude of the change
corresponds to the length of the CV. CVA can also be performed on the transformed data (e.g. Kauth-
ThomasTransformation, KTT).
Principal component analysis (PCA) PCA, mathematically based on ‘‘Principal Axis Transformation’’, is a transformation of the multivariate data to a new set
of components, reducing data redundancy (Lillesand et al., 2008). PCA uses either the covariance matrix or the
correlation matrix to transfer data to an uncorrelated set. The eigenvectors of the resulting matrices are sorted in
decreasing order where first principal component (PC) expresses most of the data variation. The succeeding component
defines the next largest amount of variation and is independent (orthogonal) of the preceding principal component.
In PCA the assumption is that the areas of no change are highly correlated while areas of change are not. In
multitemporal image analysis, the PC1 and PC2 tend to represent the unchanged areas, whereas PC3 and later PCs
contain the change information (Byrne et al., 1980; Ingebritsen and Lyon, 1985; Richards, 1984). Two PCA based CD
approaches are used. The first, separate rotation, is to acquire PCs from images separately and then use other CD
technique (such as image differencing). The second is merged approach where bi-temporal images are merged into one
set and PC is applied. The PCs having negative correlation to bi-temporal data correspond to change.
Coppin and Bauer (1996) argued to examine the eigen-structure of the data and visual inspection of the combined
images to analyze change types. Sometimes, to determine change type, a grouping of values in a PCA ordination plot is
done; however, Zuur et al. (2007) argued that it can be inaccurate or misleading without knowledge of the actual
change that has occurred.
Kauth-Thomas Transformation (KT)/Tasseled The KT is orthogonalization (linear transformation) of a multiband, and multi-date dataset and differs from PCA in
Cap transformation terms that it is fixed. These output features represent the greenness brightness and wetness. Presented by Kauth and
Thomas (1976) it analyzes the structure of the spectral data, which is a function of a particular characteristic of scene
classes. Unlike the PCA, MKT is not scene-dependent and uses of stable and calibrated transformation coefficients which
ensures that its application is suitable between regions and across time.(Crist, 1985). The change is measured based on
the brightness, greenness and wetness values (Lu et al., 2004).
Gram-Schmidt (GS) is developed by modifying KT to handle multitemporal data which produce stable components
corresponding to multitemporal analogs of KT brightness, greenness and wetness, and a change component (Collins and
Woodcock, 1994).
Post-classification comparison It is arguably the most obvious quantitative CD method because it provides from-to change information (Bouziani et al.,
2010; Im and Jensen, 2005; Jensen, 2005). Originally used in the late 70s, it compares two classified images to generate
a change matrix, it is often used as a benchmark for the qualitative evaluation of emerging CD techniques (Lunetta,
1999). In this approach, bi-temporal images are first rectified and classified. The classified images are then compared to
M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106 97

Table 2 (continued)

Technique Functioning
measure changes. The classes for both the images have to be identical to enable one-to-one comparison. The errors from
individual image classification are propagated in the final change map, reducing the accuracy of the final CD (Chan et al.,
2001; Dai and Khorram, 1999; Lillesand et al., 2008). In order to improve CD results, the classification of individual
images has to be as accurate as possible.
The composite or direct multidate The composite or direct multidate classification technique is among the earliest semi-automated approaches to
classification generating land-use and land-cover change maps where a single analysis for multidate datasets is performed (Lunetta,
1999). Multi-temporal and rectified images are first stacked together. PCA technique is often applied to reduce the
number of spectral components to a fewer principal components (Mas, 1999; Singh, 1989). The minor components in
PCA tend to enhance the spectral contrast and represent changes (Collins and Woodcock, 1996). The temporal and
spectral features have equal status in the combined dataset, making it difficult to separate the spectral changes within
one multispectral image from temporal changes between images in the classification (Schowengerdt, 1983).
Machine learning Artificial neural networks (ANN) algorithms for image based CD belong to the classification-based CD category. ANN
algorithms are nonparametric and make no assumptions about data distribution and independency. They adaptively
estimate continuous functions from data without specifying mathematically how outputs depend on inputs (Im and
Jensen, 2005). ANN algorithm learns from the training dataset and build relationships (networks) between input
(image) and output nodes (changes). The trained network then is applied to the main dataset to create a change map
(Dai and Khorram, 1999; Gopal and Woodcock, 1996). The ANN approach can provide better CD results when land-
cover classes are not normally distributed (Lu et al., 2004).
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised non-parametric statistical learning technique and makes no
assumption about the underlying data distribution. The SVM is based on statistical learning theory which implements
structural risk minimization for classification (Vapnik, 2000). When applied to stacked multi-temporal images, the
change and no-change is treated as a binary clasiification problem (Huang et al., 2008). The algorithm learns from
training data and automatically finds a threshold values (Bovolo et al., 2008) from the spectral features for classifying
change from no-change.
The decision tree (DT) classification algorithms are also non-parametric with no assumption about data distribution and
independency. These DT algorithms build a flow-chart-like tree (hierarchical) structure in which each node represents a
test on a number of attribute values, each branch represents an outcome of the test, and tree leaves represent classes or
class distribution (Han et al., 2011; Larose, 2005). The classification rules at the node of the DT are based on the analysis
of attribute values. Once a DT is built it can be used for classifying the unknown cases. Change vs. no-change can be
treated as a binary-classification problem or a post-classification comparison can be performed to measure changes.
Some other machine learning algorithms used for classification and change monitoring include; genetic programming
(Makkeasorn et al., 2009), random forest(Pal, 2005; Sesnie et al., 2008; Smith, 2010), and Cellular automata (Yang et al.,
GIS based Most of the current image processing systems are either integrated or compatible with geographic information systems
(GIS). GIS provides a base for data integrating, visualizing, analyzing and map producing. The flow of the data can be
bidirectional, as GIS data can be used to overlay onto an image; alternatively, the results from image analysis and can be
used to update the GIS data. For example, the parcel layers stored in a GIS database are used to assist classification and
CD from an image (see e.g. Smith, 2008). Similarly, image data is used to update the GIS database.
GIS also allows integrating past and current maps for comparison and CD. In such cases, image overlaying and binary
masking may help reveal quantitatively the change dynamic in each class. Li (2010) favoured using GIS data and
methods such as spatial association, spatial clustering, spatial relation, spatial distribution, spatial evolvement and
spatial feature, for CD. Petit et al. (2001) presented a methodology for land cover change detection by integrating the
land cover maps derived from image data.
The applicability of GIS with RS integration is enhanced by the more frequent use of object-based image analysis
techniques. The spatial and aspatial information about objects stored in the GIS database can play an important role
when linked to the objects extracted from RS image for CD along with other image analysis (Bouziani et al., 2010). For
example, Walter (2004) presented an object-based technique for CD where the training data is extracted from the GIS
database to classify the image. The classified objects from the images were then compared against the objects stored in
GIS to measure changes.
Texture analysis based change detection Texture features from images are measured and compared for CD. Texture provides information about the structural
arrangement of objects and their relationship with respect to their local neighborhoods (Caridade et al., 2008). Change
is measured by comparing the textural values from images. Among several texture measuring algorithms, a common is
a greylevel co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) which is a second order statistics (Haralick et al., 1973; Sali and Wolfson,
1992). GLCM examine the spectral as well as spatial distribution of grey values. Rather than per-pixel comparison, the
image is normally divided into smaller windows; texture is calculated and comparison is done at window level. He and
Wang (1991) emphasized using texture information only in conjunction with spectral data.
Multi-temporal spectral mixture analysis Spectral mixture analysis (SMA) has been used to address the increased dimensionality (more than one target class in
one pixel) because of high spectral resolution. The assumption in SMA is that multispectral image pixels can be defined
in terms of their subpixel proportions of pure spectral components which may then be related to surface constituents in
a scene. In a simple case, linear mixture model, endmember (scene element with a spectral response that is indicative of
a pure cover type) spectra weighted by the percent ground cover of each endmember are linearly combined (Versluis
and Rogan, 2009). A linear spectral mixture model is given as:
ri ¼ nj¼1 aij fj þ ei
ri = measured reflectance of a given pixel in spectral band i,
n is the number of mixture components,
fj is the areal proportion, or fraction, of endmember j in ri ,
aij is the reflectance of endmember j in spectral band i,
and ei is the residual, the difference between the observed (ri) and modeled pixel values (Versluis and Rogan, 2009)
Solans Vila and Barbosa (2010) argued that it is important to select the number and spectrum of the endmembers for an
accurate application of SMA techniques which can be based on the image itself or use field-spectra measures in situ or
in labs.

(continued on next page)

98 M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106

Table 2 (continued)

Technique Functioning

Fuzzy change detection Fuzziness deals with the ambiguity of class labeling and implies that the boundaries between different classes and
phenomena are fuzzy and that there is heterogeneity within a class perhaps due to the physical differences (Lizarazo
and Joana, 2010). This becomes important when there is difficulty in selecting a threshold valued to distinguish change
from no-change. The results of fuzzy reasoning are not discrete and crisp, but are, rather, expressed in terms of
‘probabilities’ (Metternicht, 1999). It can contain elements with only a partial degree of membership. Fuzzy
membership differs from probabilistic interpretation as fuzzy set is defined by a membership function (degree of
membership) and the class with highest probability is interpreted as actual class. Post-classification comparison can
then be applied to measure the change (Eklund et al., 2000; Fisher et al., 2006; Fisher and Pathirana, 1993; Foody and
Boyd, 1999).
Multi-sensor data fusion for change Acquiring RS data at varied spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions formulate an image pyramid that allows getting
detection data at different resolutions. The data from different sensors reflect specific aspects of terrain and using data from
different sensors might help identify certain properties. Although working with different sensors is not ideal, it is
sometimes useful especially when time series analysis is performed and one of the sensors may not be available (Serra
et al., 2003). Multispectral RS data is also useful when dealing with heterogeneous land uses and three dimensional
structures especially in urban areas (Griffiths et al., 2010; Richards, 2005).
Pohl and Van Genderen (1998) had argued that characteristics of fused image data depend upon the applied pre-
processing and fusion techniques. The spectral content difference between low and high resolution images causes
disturbances. When fusing multi-sensor data for CD the physical characteristics of the input data need to be understood
in order to select appropriate processing methods and to judge the resulting data. Different pixel size affects the
classification results. The classification of coarser resolution image would miss some elements appearing in VHR
images. The pixel size and/or grid origin also causes geometric errors when images are overlay for CD.
Petit and Lambin (2001) used GIS to resolve the inconsistencies related to the differences of the sources when they used
SPOT XS and aerial photograph for land cover change analysis. They argued that the residual error in CD, attributed to
the different sources, is around 3–5% and is mostly due to positional and map-making errors. Deng et al. (2008) used
SPOT-5 (XS) and Landsat-7 (ETM+) data and applied PCA based CD. They reported an overall accuracy of 89.54% and 0.88
for kappa coefficient.

unsupervised classification methods, such as clustering, is the ysis. This results in exclusion of the spatial context that otherwise
selection of the number of clusters or groups. Selecting an inappro- would provide vital clues about the area under investigation. A hu-
priate number of clusters (a few or too many) influences the man operator perceptually takes these parameters into consider-
outcome and produces different results (Richards and Jia, 2006). ation while visually interoperating an image and extracts useful
When RS data comes from different sensors, some extra prob- information that is very hard to model in pixel-based strategies.
lems result. Different pixel sizes affect the classification as land This has led to the development of alternate techniques for CD
cover is viewed differently with varying details, depending on from RS images.
the pixel size. Classification of coarser resolution image will miss Pixel-based strategies also lead to noisy outputs like isolated
some elements, making it difficult to match to the elements in fine changed pixels, holes in the connected changed components or jag-
scale RS data. Also, errors in registration and scale difference be- ged boundaries (Bontemps et al., 2008). As a result, the traditional
cause of different geometric correction would not allow an accu- image analysis algorithms are either complemented or sometimes
rate overlay. The number of bands and the amount of spectral replaced by novel approaches.
information is different in different images (Fung, 1992). Working
with different sensors is not ideal, but is, however, sometimes 5. Object-Based Change Detection (OBCD)
unavoidable (Serra et al., 2003). This raises questions about select-
ing classification algorithms for different sensors and how to The emergence of VHR multispectral imagery and the rapid in-
consider factors such as spatial resolution. Fung (1992) discussed crease in computational capabilities over the last decade have chal-
that change in resolution needs the selection of proper techniques lenged the traditional pixel-based image analysis (Chen et al.,
to minimize any error caused by resolution difference. It suggests 2012a). It was recognized earlier (Fisher, 1997) that a pixel is not
that direct pixel-comparison such as image differencing and a true geographical object; rather, it is a cell representation of spec-
rationing would not be suitable. tral values in a grid whose boundaries lack real-world correspon-
The traditional CD algorithms have been commonly dence. Addink et al. (2012) supported this idea by arguing that a
implemented for low- to medium- resolution imagery but are not pixel is not the optimal spatial unit for mapping landscape. An early
successful for high-resolution images (Im and Jensen, 2005; Lefeb- discussion of going beyond pixel-based image analysis and incorpo-
vre et al., 2008). The results of pixel-based CD strategies are often rating spectral, spatial, temporal and geometrical aspects for com-
limited when applied to very-high-resolution (VHR) imagery. Using prehensive representation of urban structure, extraction of
VHR image data for change raises a number of challenges: (a) geo- accurate and tangible information and CD can be found in (Longley,
referencing accuracy, (b) larger reflectance variability in each class, 2002). The high reflectance variability within individual features
and (c) different acquisition characteristics (e.g. sensor viewing and the number of classes present in the high spatial-resolution
geometry, shadow effect, and illumination angle) (Wulder et al., image has restricted the traditional per-pixel analysis (Johansen
2008). The increased variability present in VHR images often results et al., 2010). The higher spatial resolution is also linked to the mixed
in too many changes being detected, known as the ‘‘salt and pepper’’ pixel problem, which is considered as one of the largest source of
effect, and decreases the potential accuracy of pixel based CD ap- error and uncertainty in land cover CD (Boyd and Foody, 2011).
proaches (Niemeyer et al., 2008). The object-based image analysis (OBIA) techniques have been
Another important limitation of the traditional pixel-based CD shown to reduce the effects of geo-referencing, higher spectral
approaches is the difficulty of modeling the contextual information variability, and acquisition characteristics.
(Blaschke and Strobl, 2001; Johansen et al., 2010). The spatial as- Object-based change detection (OBCD) techniques are part of the
pect of the real-world objects and their spatial relationships, along OBIA, (also referred to as geographic object-based image analysis
with their arrangements, are not modeled in the pixel-based anal- (GEOBIA) (Castilla and Hay, 2008), which is not entirely new.
M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106 99

Although it dates back to the 1970s, it was not widely used mainly Besides these two groups, Blaschke et al. (2006) and Kohler
due to its limitations in spatial data resolution and computation (1981) considered pixel segmentation, which includes threshold-
(Platt and Rapoza, 2008). The advances in the recent past in geo- based segmentation, as a third group. The functioning and issues
graphical information technologies (GIT) along with some dedicated related to different segmentation techniques can be found in Baatz
object-based image analysis system (such as eCognition, IMAGINE and Schape (2000), Freixenet et al. (2002), Geneletti and Gorte
Objective, and ENVI’s Feature Extraction module) have helped bring (2003), Haralick and Shapiro (1985), Jain et al. (1995), Jianqing
object-based image analysis to the mainstream (Addink et al., 2012; and Yee-Hong (1994), Le Moigne and Tilton (1995), Mason et al.
Aplin and Smith, 2008; Longley, 2002). OBIA allows the segmenta- (1988) and Schöpfer et al. (2010).
tion and extraction of features from VHR data and also facilitates Stow (2010) grouped OBCD strategies into post-classification
the integration of raster-based processing and vector-based GIS comparison and multi-temporal image object analysis. Chen et al.
(Blaschke, 2010). (2012a) grouped them into: (a) image-object change detection,
The unit for analysis in the OBIA is an image object which gets (b) class-object change detection, (c) multitemporal-object change
richer information including texture, shape, and spatial relation- detection, and (d) hybrid change detection. Niemeyer et al. (2008)
ships with neighboring objects and ancillary spatial data for differ- described how changes in OBIA are measured based on layer fea-
ent spatial resolution (Aguirre-Gutiérrez et al., 2012; Bock et al., tures (e.g. mean, standard deviation, ratio, texture), shape features
2005) allowing the exploitation of the spatial context. This is sim- (e.g. area, direction, position), neighboring relations (e.g. sub- and
ilar to a human analyst, who intuitively identifies the objects from super-objects), and object class membership. The CD strategies
an image rather than individual pixels by considering the different are described in Table 3.
properties (e.g. size, texture, shape) and spatial arrangements of
these objects to understand the semantics (Addink et al., 2012;
Marceau, 1999). Inclusion of the contextual information and shape
features becomes important as most of the VHR image data con-
sists of only four multi-spectral and one panchromatic band
(Johansen et al., 2008). Groups of pixels in an image make 5.1. Hybrid change detection (HCD)
image-objects which represent meaningful objects in the scene.
Ontologically, this allows the identification and extraction of Hybrid change detection refers to the use of two or more meth-
real-world features more accurately and reliably from RS data on ods for CD, employing pixel or object, as discussed above. HCD are
more appropriate scales. Moreover, it provide the opportunity to categorized as: (a) procedure-based (using different detection
divide map data into homogenous objects on different spatial methods in different detection phases), and (b) result-based (using
scales (Johansen et al., 2010). Based on the concept of image-objects different CD methods and analyzing their results) (Jianyaa et al.,
and the change definition by Singh (1989), Chen et al. (2012a) de- 2008). HCD methods can combine the advantages of the threshold
fined OBCD as ‘‘the process of identifying differences in geographic ob- based and classification based CD methods (Lu et al., 2004).
jects at different moments using object-based image analysis’’. However, as several steps are involved in HCD, it remains unclear
A significant objective of OBIA is to improve the image classifi- how the final change results are influenced by the different
cation (Johansen et al., 2010; Lizarazo, 2012; Lizarazo and Joana, combinations of pixel-based and object-based schemes (Chen
2010). The OBIA based classification results are crisp and discrete, et al., 2012a).
making them useful for thematic mapping and CD. OBIA based There are various examples of HCD methods. Walter (2004)
classification typically comprises: (a) image segmentation, (b) ob- integrated GIS and OBIA for OBCD and used maximum likelihood
ject hierarchy development (based on training data set), and (c) classification (MLC). Al-Khudhairy et al. (2005) applied pixel-based
classification (Benz et al., 2004; Blaschke, 2010). The fundamental PCA and image differencing to VHR Ikonos imagery. The change
first step in OBIA and OBCD is extracting image-objects, which is images were then analyzed by using OBIA, which improved the
achieved by segmentation or stratification of the images that pixel-based CD. They suggested that the results of the traditional
may be applied using external information to like parcel bound- change analysis can effectively be interpreted by supplementing
aries (Addink et al., 2012). These image-objects are further used them with object-based post-classification. Niemeyer and
as the basic unit for developing CD strategy. Nussbaum (2006) used a combination of pixel- and object-based
Image segmentation is at the core of OBIA, and various segmen- approaches by first pinpointing change pixels by statistical change
tation techniques have been developed with varying results detection and object extraction, and subsequently post-classifying
(Neubert et al., 2006). Segmentation is not entirely new, and early the changes based on a semantic model of object features.
discussion of it can be found in Haralick et al. (1973). The earlier McDermid et al. (2008) combined pixel- and object-based tech-
developments in segmentation techniques were in machine vision niques to reduce noise in change detection, as well as the small and
aiming at the analysis of patterns, the delineation of discontinuities spurious changes introduced by the inconsistent delineation of ob-
on materials or artificial surfaces, and the quality control of prod- jects. Niemeyer et al. (2008) applied an unsupervised procedure to
ucts. These algorithms were not used to classify earth observation the objects extracted from QuickBird for change detection. They ap-
data (Blaschke et al., 2006). Functionally, a segmentation process plied Multivariate Alteration Detection (MAD) transformation to
partitions an image into homogenous objects (segments) which detect change, and the change objects were sub-clustered by using
are spectrally similar and spatially adjacent (Bontemps et al., fuzzy maximum likelihood estimation. Hofmann et al. (2008)
2008). During segmentation, the within-object variation is mini- implemented a different change indicator based on a comparison
mized compared to the inter-object variations. Conceptually, one of the input bi-temporal RS data and used in combination with a
important aspect of image segmentation is its relevance to spatial transition-probability matrix to detect and reclassify potential
scale theory in RS which describe how local variance of image data changes in GIS-objects. Gamanya et al. (2009) applied region-merg-
in relation to the spatial resolution can be used to select the appro- ing segmentation on Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat
priate scale for mapping individual land use class (Woodcock and Enhanced Thematic Matter (ETM) and applied a fuzzy-logic model
Strahler, 1987). for classification before comparing them to calculate the changes.
Most of the segmentation approaches can be grouped into Yu et al. (2010) performed an object based classification using a
either boundary or edge-based (discontinuity of pixels) or area- support vector machine (SVM) and compared the objects with land
based (similarity of pixels) techniques (Freixenet et al., 2002). use vector data.
100 M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106

Table 3
Brief descriptions of object-based change detection techniques.

Technique Description
Direct Object change detection A direct comparison between the image-objects from different dates is performed for CD, which is similar to the pixel-based
(DOCD) approaches. Change is detected either by (a) comparing the geometrical properties (width, area and compactness) (Lefebvre
et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2008b), or (b) comparing spectral information (mean band values) (Hall and Hay, 2003), and/or
extracted features (e.g. texture) (Lefebvre et al., 2008; Tomowski et al., 2011) of the image objects.
Broadly speaking, two strategies are developed. In the first, objects from image at time t1 are extracted, and are assigned to or
searched from image at time t2 without segmentation (Miller et al., 2005). In the second approach, segments from multi-
temporal images are extracted and compared for CD (Niemeyer et al., 2008). The disadvantage of the first approach is that
change is linked to only the objects extracted from first image and will not provide new objects that might be created in the
second image because of change. The second approach, however, allows using all the objects from both images for change
Classified Objects change detection Perhaps the most commonly used OBCD methodology that allows the creation of a change matrix indicating the ‘‘from– to’’
(COCD) changes. OBIA is performed on multi-temporal images to extract objects and independently classify them. The classified objects
are compared for a detailed change analysis. Objects are compared based on both the geometry and the class membership
(Chant and Kelly, 2009; Hazel, 2001; Jiang and Narayanan, 2003). A theoretical framework of OBCD based on post-classification
comparison was provided by Blaschke (2005) for the comparison of multi-temporal map objects to detect and identify changes.
Stow (2010) argued that the same segmentation and classification algorithms with similar parameters, class schema and output
format should be use in this methodology. Different classification algorithms, such as decision-tree and a nearest neighbor
classifier (Im and Jensen, 2005), fuzzy classification (Durieux et al., 2008), and maximum likelihood classification (MLC), are
used in OBIA. The classification algorithms used in OBCD incorporate both the spectal information and derived factors such as
texture. One of the immediate applications of COCD is updating maps or GIS layers (Hansen and Loveland, 2012; Holland et al.,
2008; 2004; Xian and Homer, 2010; Xian et al., 2009).
The performance of COCD is strongly related to the performance and accuracy of the classification algorithm, similar to pixel-
based approached. The classification accuracy in OBIA is also related to the selection of image segmentation technique which
can results objects of different sizes based on different segmentation parameters.
Multitemporal/multidate-object Image segmentation and classification is applied directly to stacked/ composite multi-temporal images producing spatially
change detection corresponding change objects. The composite image may comprise one or more co- registered panchromatic, multi-spectral
waveband, texture, and/or spectral transform multi-temporal images. Desclée et al. (2006) stacked multi-date SPOT images and
produced segmentation. The extracted objects then were assigned the spectral values (mean and standard deviation) from each
image (different dates). A statistical procedure was used to identify changed objects. The abnormal values of reflectance
difference statistics corresponded to the changed objects. An error matrix was used for CD accuracy and accuracy. >90% and an
overall kappa higher than 0.80 were reported. A similar approach was adopted by Bontemps et al. (2008) which applied
segmentation to multitemporal data (12-dimensions comprising red, NIR, and SWIR). Spectral properties were obtained for all
the objects, and used a Mahalanobis distance algorithm for CD. Conchedda et al. (2008) and Stow et al. (2008) used multi-
temporal composite images in both segmentation and classification phases to map vegetation change objects. Other examples
include applying clustering on multi-date objects for analyzing deforestation (Duveiller et al., 2008).
The single segmentation of all the stacked imaged results in creating image-objects consistent in size, shape and location
coordinate over time. Multitemporal segmentation would also result in some artifacts if there are misregistration and
differences in shadowing between dates (Stow, 2010). Another issue pertaining to the use of a single segmentation for all the
images is that it will not provide new/different objects that might be created at different times because of change.

6. Challenges for objects-based approaches the objects extracted from two different times. Albrecht et al.
(2010) argued that for spatial accuracy, object boundaries are more
Contrary to pixel-based approaches, OBIA uses spectral, tex- critical in OBIA. It becomes important to understand how the con-
tural, spatial, topological, and hierarchical object characteristics figuration of segmentation algorithms will result in accurate and
to model reality. There are, however, concerns about validation, more realistic real-world objects. An important input to the seg-
as Radoux et al. (2010) argued that point-based sampling does mentation algorithms is scale parameter which controls the output
not rely on the same concept of objects. Error matrix is still used object size. This makes it difficult to define single or most appropri-
in most OBCD studies, and Hernando et al. (2012) argued that this ate segmentation parameters in order to enable the creation of
is established for pixel-based approach, and that a state-of-the-art optimized objects reliably and accurately (Hay et al., 2005; Kim
approach for object-based accuracy assessment is not available. et al., 2008). Arbiol et al. (2006) pointed out that semantically sig-
Few approaches have been developed recently, including potential nificant regions are found at different scales, which makes it
mapping accuracy measure for assessing (with a binary variable) important to adjust the scale parameter in segmentation to achieve
the number of correctly classified pixels segment (Coillie et al., the optimal results. Mostly, the segmentation parameters are se-
2008), and an object-based sampling strategy by Radoux et al. lected by subjective trial-and-error methods. Although different
(2010). Some researchers used point data to check the change methodologies have been developed to address this issue (see
accuracy. It is relatively easy to acquire points and overlay them e.g. Drǎgutß et al., 2010; Singh et al., 2005; Smith, 2010), it is still
to change image (Conchedda et al., 2008; Im et al., 2008b). It is pos- an important consideration in OBIA. It has favoured the multiscale
sible to evaluate different properties of objects including size, object-based approach as being more appropriate (Baatz and
shape, and boundary extent variability and then develop a frame- Schape, 2000; Hay et al., 1997).
work for change-result validation in OBCD studies. The image segmentation process also suffers from under-seg-
The fundamental assumption in OBIA is that objects derived mentation and over-segmentation errors, which would create ob-
through segmentation correspond to objects at the surface. How- jects that do not accurately represent real-world features (Möller
ever, perfect one-to-one correspondence may not be possible in et al., 2007). Under-segmentation creates bigger objects which
all instances, particularly if the object is small, or if the resolution cover more than one real-world feature and also cover the mixed
of the imagery is too coarse (Lein, 2012). The segmentation classes, whereas over-segmentation creates smaller parts of
algorithms affect the resulting object geometries, which require real-world objects which then need to be merged to create a more
specific solutions to keep the consistency and reliability in linking realistic representation of actual features (Liu and Xia, 2010). Both
M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106 101

under-segmentation and over-segmentation create objects that do algorithms for all the 35 images and sequential patterns were
not represent the properties of real-world features and may not be extracted. Dos Santos Silva et al. (2008) used a data mining frame-
useful; this may even reduce the classification accuracy. work to explore spatial patterns of land use in order to identify
Similar to pixel-based approaches, OBIA classification results different agents involved in land-use change.
need to be evaluated to assess their accuracy and reliability. The Other important areas of DM application in RS sensing are
object extraction in OBIA is scale-dependent, and extracted objects improving image classification and automatically or semi-auto-
vary in their conceptualization between bona fide (tangible and vis- matically selecting a decision threshold for change detection. The
ible in the landscape) and fiat (lacking a physical border). There is thresholds to create decision boundaries are traditionally obtained
also a broader ontological spectrum in classification process. The using knowledge provided by experts and by trial and error. Otukei
fuzzy transitions in the landscape make it difficult to relate image and Blaschke (2010) presented a method using DM to provide a
objects to landscape elements, possibly because of the mismatch decision threshold and argued that this is a reliable, transferable
between class definition and image object size (Addink et al., and reproducible mechanism which addresses the inconsistency
2012). This means that evaluating the OBIA results is hardly a inherent to a human. They applied a decision tree data mining
binary (‘‘false’’ or ‘‘true’’). algorithm C4.5 on the principle components, tasselled cap bands,
In OBIA for classification, the image-objects are first extracted and normalized vegetation index and texture features extracted
from an image and then classified using different, supervised and from Landsat TM to determine threshold value. They concluded
un-supervised, classification algorithms. This faces similar chal- that applying DM helped identify the threshold values and also
lenges as faced by traditional pixel based approach including such enabled selecting appropriate bands for classification. In a more
as the training set size and its completeness (Congalton and Green, recent study by Vieira et al. (2012), the objects were extracted from
2009; Lein, 2012; Russell, 2009). an image using OBIA and then J48 decision tree algorithms from
DM (using WEKA data mining package) were used to create two
classes. Landsat TM/ETM+ bands (3–5) were used in the classifica-
7. Data mining technique and change detection tion, and 27 objects attributes covering spectral, spatial, textural
and vegetation indices were provided to the DT algorithm. Kappa
The analytical framework in RS change detection is becoming statistics provided by cross-validation were used to select the most
more data driven because of a rapid increase in the availability of appropriate DT for classification. They reported higher Global
RS data especially at very high resolution, and increased computa- Accuracy (93.99%) and Kappa (0.87). The higher accuracy achieved
tional power with more sophisticated algorithms. Huge reposito- through DM for the objects extracted from images promised better
ries of image data, which cover larger areas and larger spans of change detection in post-classification comparison.
time, are becoming available. The situation has changed from a
data and computational-poor scenario to a data-rich and informa-
tion-poor scenario (Lijuan et al., 2010). The ability to produce and 8. Future remote sensing change detection
transmit geospatial data is greater than the ability for interpreta-
tion and analysis which require new techniques for the automatic Change detection, including both the bitemporal or multitem-
or semi-automatic discovery of knowledge. The capability of and poral, is one of main applications of remotely sensed data
the features in data mining (DM) techniques thus can be useful (Campbell and Wynne, 2011). With the development of RS tech-
in RS change detection (Barnes et al., 2007). nology and data, the RS-based change detection has witnessed a
Data mining (DM) technique is part of a broader framework of substantial evolution from traditional pixel-based spectral and sta-
knowledge discovery in database (KDD), which consists of tistical analysis to advanced and pioneering techniques, which are
techniques and algorithms for extracting non-trivial, and implicit still in progress. One may consider three aspects of RS-based
information leading to constructing a knowledge model (Han change detection – application domain, data, and the techniques
et al., 2011; Larose, 2005). DM techniques aim at finding facts by – to see the possible future trends in this area.
inference and finding information in unstructured data or data that The majority of traditional RS change detection applications
is not structured explicitly for the required purposes to meet the have been on bio-physical, environmental change detection, land
challenges of automating the use of data and information. Geo- use/cover change, and also security related application, although
graphical or spatial data mining (SDM) is regarded as a specialized its application domain has been much wider (Kennedy et al.,
area of KDD (Miller and Han, 2001) with the fundamental objective 2009). One can argue that the application domain has guided the
of exploring both spatial and non-spatial properties to discover maturity and development of RS technology by highlighting the
hidden knowledge (Chelghoum et al., 2002). needs and presenting the challenges. On the other hand it would
Image based DM techniques have been used for change detec- also be valid to argue that the advancements in the technologies
tion. For example, Boulila et al. (2011) developed a predictive mod- in general over the last decades have allowed the applications to
el for land cover change detection in image time series using DM. go beyond the traditional limits and try new ventures which in
The object extract from image at time t is described by a set of turn fed back to the RS technologies for further developments. This
features, radiometry, geometry, texture, and spatial relations, and trend seems continuing and more applications areas would benefit
acquired context. The attribute values of this set describe the ob- from the advancements of the technologies and data sources
ject status at a given time. Different states of objects are composed (Blaschke et al., 2011; Weng, 2011).
(from time t1 to tn). A DM algorithm was then applied to develop a The early RS data had limited spatial, spectral and temporal res-
model to predict spatio-temporal changes to land uses. Eklund olutions which were the major cause of the limitation in RS based
et al. (2000) applied a post-classification comparison for change change detection methodologies (Boyd and Foody, 2011). In the
detection. They extracted interest points and used them in a fea- past decades a constant increase in the use of RS data at much fine
ture hierarchy. Images were classified using fuzzy algorithm; eight resolutions can be observed. The increased use of RS data is mainly
types of ground-covers grouped into three classes, and a set of log- due to the lower cost and the launch of advanced sensors, in
ical queries were applied for CD. Petitjean et al. (2010) applied private sector, capable of acquiring data at much finer scales. The
mining techniques to 35 images covering 20 years to understand same evolution trend is expected in the future. Many long term
the frequent sequential patterns. The Near Infra-Red (NIR), Red RS data acquisition programs such as Landsat, SPOT, and ANHRR
(R), Green (G) and NDVI values were provided to the mining are providing data since last 20–30 years. Such programs seem to
102 M. Hussain et al. / ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 80 (2013) 91–106

continue in the future with improvements in the spatial resolu- niques have been, and remain, an important research topic and
tions. These programs have already results in the data sets span- and were successfully implemented in many areas to measure
ning longer periods which present a potential for the changes using RS data.
development of time series analysis for long term change studies. The need to bring the spatial context and relationships into
Meanwhile, with the launch of new satellites, change detection change detection mechanism was appreciated, even in the early at-
will be more often conducted for images from different sensors tempts; the lack of computational power and the availability of the
with different spatial, spectral, and radiometric properties in the data were among the major barriers in the early stages of object-
future. This represents challenges for developing effective and effi- based method development. Over the last decade the situation
cient change detection methodologies and frameworks capable of has changed, with enormous leaps in technologies and improve-
searching through huge achieve of RS data with different spatial/ ments in many areas related to the research in image processing
spectral/temporal resolutions and enable change analysis (Boulila and analysis. The increase in the capability to gather and manage
et al., 2011; Min et al., 2010; Qiao et al., 2012; Vieira et al., 2012). data at very high resolution challenges the traditional image anal-
The early and traditional change detection studies using RS data ysis techniques; the drawbacks in those techniques started to
sets are pixel-based spectral and/or statistical methods. It is be- emerge. As result, OBIA techniques were developed to handle the
lieved that these pixel-based approaches will still be widely used large variations in very-high-resolution data and to get better
in the future for time-series images from same or different sensors accuracy both in image classification and change detection. Com-
that can meet basic considerations and assumptions of these ap- paring to pixel-based approaches, OBCD facilitate with the multi-
proaches. With the increasing availability of multi-sensor images scale analysis to allow delineating landscape features at different
more systematic tests on the sensitivity of different pixel-based levels, and reduces the small spurious changes. Many previous
change detection approaches should be done using multiple sensor studies have shown that improved results and higher accuracy is
data. More advanced change detection technology focusing on achieved when OBIA is used compared to pixel-based approaches.
multi-scale statistical, textural, and pattern changes will be needed There are several studies which applied both the pixel-based and
to overcome the limitations of pixel-based statistical approaches object-based approaches to compare the CD performance (see
when multiple sensor data are used. Complex techniques will e.g. Desclée et al., 2006; Im et al., 2008b; Johansen et al., 2010;
evolve over time with the advanced technologies emerging and Lingcao et al., 2010; McDermid et al., 2008; Robertson and King,
the availability of finer resolution data sets and higher computa- 2011; Zhou et al., 2008a).
tional power in the future. Currently, OBIA based change detection With the increasing availability of large multi-scale multi-
techniques are more frequently used because of their advantages sensor multi-temporal remotely sensed datasets the DM tech-
over the traditional techniques in the analysis of high-resolution niques have shown their potential in remote sensing change
images. However, these techniques have several questions to an- detection. The DM techniques are developed to address the knowl-
swer. Automatically selecting the most appropriate parameters edge extraction from complex and larger data sets which is a help-
for object extraction (Drǎgutß et al., 2010; Martha et al., 2011; ful feature when considering analysing complex nature of remote
Smith, 2010), defining standard framework for object comparison sensing data and the required information contacts. With the
for change detection, and the accuracy assessment for change development OBIA the utility of DM techniques are becoming more
detection results are among most prominent (Albrecht et al., apparent. The DM techniques can help improve the classification
2010; Hernando et al., 2012; Lein, 2012). In near future we can ex- results when objects are used by exploring different characteristics
pect developments in these areas enabling automation in feature and understanding the complex relationships. Both object-based
extraction and change detection more reliably and accurately. image analysis and spatial data mining are now more frequently
Other techniques employing advanced computational and data used; they have great potential for answering the challenges of tra-
processing algorithms such as AI, knowledge-based expert system, ditional change detection techniques on very high resolution
agent-based models and machine learning algorithms represent images.
new directions in change detection studies. The increased use of
such algorithms (i.e. decision tree, support vector machine) in Acknowledgement
the RS based change detection studies can be seen in the literature.
One can expect the integration of more machine learning algo- This research is supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences
rithms in the image processing packages for classification and and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.
change detection (Chen et al., 2012a,b; Hamedianfar and Shafri,
2013; Vieira et al., 2012). References

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