Origin of Rheology

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The Origins of Rheology: A Short Historical Excursion

Deepak Doraiswamy
DuPont iTechnologies, Experimental Station
Wilmington, DE 19880-0334
I. Prelude to rheology
This article provides a brief historical perspective on the
evolution of rheology and the long gestation period before the
birth of the subject. It is not intended to be a comprehensive
state-of-the-art review but rather to capture key events in the
historical progression of the discipline, which was far from
monotonic, and the significant contributions from a variety of
specialists. Considerable liberty has been taken in identifying
key players and avoiding repetitive mention of different
efforts by the same workers in order to emphasize the
diversity of influences and individuals who have molded the
discipline, and to satisfy severe space constraints. Some
valuable resources for the historical aspects of rheology are
Bingham (1922), Scott Blair (1949), Markowitz (1968), Bird
et al. (1987a,b), White (1990), and Tanner and Walters (1998),
and the reader is referred to these works for further details.
As per the strict definition, rheology is concerned with the
description of the flow behavior of all types of matter. By
convention, however, rheologists main interests are restricted
to industrially relevant materials with properties intermediate
between those of ideal solids and liquids. A useful engineering
definition of rheology is the description of materials using
constitutive equations between the stress history and the
strain history. Table 1 provides a convenient reference for the
accompanying discussion regarding the period prior to the
formal creation of the discipline of rheology in 1929.

Table 1: Significant rheological works prior to the formal

inception of rheology in 1929

b) Elastic solids: At the other end of the spectrum, where pure

elastic solid-like behavior is concerned, Robert Hooke (Hooke
(1678)) proposed that the power of any spring is in the same
proportion with the tension thereof (i.e., the stress is
proportional to the strain). It is worth noting that Robert Boyle



d) Newtonian liquids


Linear viscoelasticity


Generalized Newtonian
(viscous) liquids


Schwedoff (1890), Trouton &

Andrews (1904), Hatchek (1913),
Bingham(1922), Ostwald (1925) de Waele (1923), Herschel &
Bulkley (1926)



Poynting (1913), Zaremba (1903),

Jaumann (1905), Hencky (1929)




a) Perfect,
rigid bodies
b) Ideal
elastic solids
c) Inviscid


a) Suspensions

1) Ideal materials
a) Rigid solids: The entire subject of general mechanics deals
with ideal "Euclidean" bodies where only the mass (or
density) of the bodies is relevant (Euclidean geometry is based
on rigid bodies which do not undergo deformation). In fact,
Newton's Principia was primarily concerned with rigid body
mechanics and his comment on viscosity was only a corollary
of his prescient mind. Solid mechanics is the oldest branch of
the physical sciences and it is appropriate to recall the
apocryphal, if time worn, story of Archimedes (~250 BCE)
who claimed that he could move the world if he were provided
the right leverage.



b) Polymers

c) Extensional
The genesis of

Archimedes (~250 BCE),

Newton (1687)
Boyle (1660), Hooke (1678),
Young (1807), Cauchy (1827)
Pascal (1663), Bernoulli (1738),
Euler (1755)
Newton (1687), Navier (1823),
Stokes (1845), Hagen (1839),
Weidemann (1856)
Weber (1835),
Kohlrausch (1863),
Wiechert (1893), Maxwell (1867),
Boltzmann (1878),
Poynting & Thomson (1902)

Einstein (1906), Jeffrey (1922)



Schonbein (1847),
Baekeland (1909),
Staudinger (1920),
Carothers (1929)
Barus (1893), Trouton (1906),
Fano (1908),
Tamman & Jenckel (1930)
Bingham, Reiner and others

had actually come up with a similar rule related to a spring of

air as far back as1660. The constant of proportionality was
later identified as an intrinsic property of the material the
elastic (or Youngs) modulus by the great English polymath
Thomas Young in 1807 (see Markowitz (1968)). Cauchy set
up the first fundamental equations of classical (small
deformation) elasticity in 1827 based largely on the work of
investigators like C. L. M. H. Navier, C. A. Coulomb and S.
D. Poisson.
c) Inviscid fluids: A class of ideal materials is the so-called
Pascalian (or inviscid) fluids which exhibit no resistance to
flow. Blaise Pascal in 1663 first made the equivalent statement
that the pressure in a liquid is the same in all directions

carried out by Weber (1835) using silk threads (because of

their application in electromagnetic instruments). The removal
of an extensional load led to an immediate contraction
followed by further gradual contraction until the initial (preloaded) length was attained he had identified the
phenomenon of stress relaxation (which he called the after
effect). Thus Weber had qualitatively captured the
phenomenon of viscoelasticity even before Poiseuelles results
on tube flow and Stokes work on viscous liquids. Kohlrausch
(who extended his fathers work ) then experimentally
established the linearity of the phenomenon in 1863 based on
his work with glass. During this same period a major
contribution to rheology came from Maxwell (1867) who
postulated his famous first-order empirical differential
equation relating the shear stress to the deformation and the
accompanying simple exponential stress relaxation.

(although the principle of the ideal fluid was conceived by

Archimedes in classical times). The related field of
hydrodynamics which formally deals with the motion of fluids
where viscosity effects are absent was well developed at the
turn of the 18th century thanks largely to the classic studies of
workers like Bernoulli (1738) and Euler (1755).
d) Newtonian fluids: Tracing the genealogy of any discipline
to the Principia of Sir Isaac Newton serves to enhance the
gravity of any subject, no pun intended. In his masterpiece,
Newton stated his famous definition of the resistance of an
ideal fluid (what we today call viscosity) which is the key
property of relevance to rheology (Newton, 1687): The
resistance which arises from the lack of slipperiness
originating in a fluid other things being equal is
proportional to the velocity by which the parts of the fluid are
being separated from each other.

The results of Weber and Kohlrausch enabled Ludwig

Boltzmann (1878) to arrive at his principle of superposition:
The value of a characteristic function of a system is equal to
the sum of all changes induced in the system by the driving
functions which have been applied to it throughout its
history. He arrived at an integral representation of linear
viscoelasticity in its full 3-D generality. The next major
modification was by Wiechert (1893) and Thomson (1888),
who independently introduced the concept of a distribution of
relaxation times. The well-known spring-and-dashpot
analogy for the Maxwell model was not introduced until 1902
by Poynting and Thomson.

The earliest quantitative application of real fluid or viscosity

effects (albeit empirical) was by the ancient Egyptian scientist
Amenemhet (~1600 BCE) (Scott Blair (1949)) who might
perhaps be called the first rheologist. Amenemhet made a 7
degree correction to the drainage angle of a water clock to
account for the viscosity change of water with temperature
(which can be significant between day and night in the
Hagen's work in 1839 was the first clear recorded study of the
viscosity of a liquid; he determined that the pressure drop for
capillary flow is the sum of two quantities: a viscosity term
and a kinetic energy correction. The next key research related
to capillary was the painstaking work of Poiseuille (1841).
These were both entirely empirical studies in narrow tubes and
showed that the flow rate was proportional to the pressure
gradient and the fourth power of the radius. Pioneering work
on the laws of motion for real fluids (with finite viscosities)
was carried out by Navier (1823) which was followed up on
by Stokes (1845). The celebrated Navier-Stokes equations
enabled, for example, prediction of velocity distributions and
flow between rotating cylinders and cylindrical tubes. Stokes
was apparently not able to show experimental validity of his
result for discharge through tubes (Markowitz (1968));
Wiedemann (1856) first showed agreement between the
Hagen-Poiseuille data and the Navier-Stokes prediction. It was
finally left to M. M. Couette to show that the viscosity value
obtained using a special concentric cylinder set-up (to avoid
end-effects) and in tube flow were identical first establishing
that the viscosity was an intrinsic property of the material (see,
for e. g., Piau et al. (1994)).

3) Generalized Newtonian materials

Schwedoffs (1890) experimental work on colloidal gelatin
solutions using a Couette device was one of the first results on
non-Newtonian systems. His data indicated a non-linearity of
torque-angular velocity data in a Couette instrument; he also
had to incorporate a yield value to describe his results. Hess
(1910) and Hatchek (1913) were some of the other early
pioneers who postulated that the viscosity was a function of
the rate of shear based on results analogous to those of
Schwedoff for gelatin sols. Trouton and Andrews (1904), in
their studies on pitch, had to subtract a small initial stress in
order to obtain a flow rate proportional to the stress. This type
of fluid behavior is now associated with Bingham (1922), who
proposed a yield stress to describe the flow of paints.
Equations for shear rate-dependent viscosities were proposed
by Ostwald (1925)-de Waele(1923), and Herschel and Bulkley
4) Non-linear viscoelasticity prior to 1929

2) Linear viscoelasticity
Poynting (1913) performed some very elegant experiments in
non-linear elasticity. He determined that loaded wires
increased by a length that was proportional to the square of the
twist against all expectations of linear elasticity theory.
Zaremba (1903) extended linear viscoelasticity theory to the

Initial work on viscoelasticity was primarily targeted towards

creep and relaxation behavior of metals until the explosive
growth of the polymers industry. The earliest systematic study
of materials that were neither Hookean nor Newtonian was

non-linear regime by introducing a corotational derivative to

incorporate a frame of reference that was translating and
rotating with the material. Similar work was done by Jaumann
(1905) and, despite Zarembas precedence, the derivatives are
referred to as Jaumann derivatives. Hencky (1929) whose
name is identified with the logarithmic (or instantaneous
strain) also proposed analogous ideas.

phenomenon is referred to as Fano flow because of his initial

investigation on the subject (Fano (1908)). This effect appears
to have been used as early as ca.55 C.E. to harvest bitumen
from the Dead Sea (as concluded by Bird et al. (1987a) based
on the Complete Works of Tacitus).

5) Some key material descriptions prior to 1929

Rheology is one of the very few disciplines whose coinage can

be traced to an exact date: April 29, 1929 (Bingham (1944),
Scott Blair (1949)); the first reference to a related term
microrheometer actually appeared as far back as 1879
(Hannay, 1879). A Plasticity Symposium (to study viscosity)
was held on October 17, 1924 as part of the 50th anniversary
celebration of the career of a Prof. Edward Hart at Lafayette
College, Penn. The high level of interest expressed in this
subject eventually led to a Third Plasticity Symposium in 1929
at which a decision was made to form a permanent
organization for the development of the new discipline of
rheology. The preliminary scope of The Society of Rheology
was set up by a committee which then met on April 29, 1929
at Columbus, Ohio1 and some of the luminaries who
participated in this pioneering event included Eugene C.
Bingham, Winslow H. Herschel, Marcel Brillouin, Herbert
Freundlich, Wolfgang Ostwald, Ludwig Prandtl and Markus
Reiner. The name rheology was proposed to describe the
study of the flow and deformation of all forms of matter by
E .C. Bingham and M. Reiner; Heraclitus quote i
or everything flows was taken to be the motto of the subject
(Reiner (1964)).

II. The genesis of rheology

a) Suspensions: Dispersions and suspensions have always

been of great interest as typified by the importance of ink,
blood, paints, and the silting of harbors. Thomas Graham
(1805-1869) is regarded as the founder of the term colloidal
dispersions (comprising particles with diameters less than
1 ). Einstein (1906) was the first worker to develop an
equation for the effective viscosity of dilute suspensions (<
~5%) and work has since expanded to cover a wide range of
particle concentrations, sizes and shapes. Jeffreys (1922)
seminal work on the orbits of elongated particles and fibers in
dilute suspensions has been the basis for many later studies in
suspension rheology.
b) Polymers: The ability to define the structure of
macromolecules was a relatively recent occurrence in human
history in spite of our reliance on such materials (like cotton,
silk, gums and resins) since ancient times. Some significant
events in the development of industrial materials of relevance
to rheology are (see, e. g., White (1990)): the development of
a rubber industry based on coagulated rubber latex, procedures
for vulcanizing (modifying) rubber with sulfur and heat, the
development of cellulose nitrate and xanthate (Schonbein
(1847)), and the development of gutta percha. One of the early
founders of polymer chemistry was Staudinger (1920) who
first proposed the now familiar chain formula for these large
molecules. Carothers (1929) at the DuPont Company began
synthesizing polyesters and polyamides in the 1930s which
provided an impetus for the polymer industry in the U.S.
Parallel efforts were initiated by Baekeland (1909) for phenolformaldehyde resins and by Fritz Hofmann at Farbenfabriken
Bayer (see, for example, Weil (1926)). During the Second
World War the requirement to develop materials for flame
throwers, which were known to be viscoelastic, triggered
further interest in rheology.

III. Rheology since its inception

Table 2 provides a convenient reference for key developments
in rheology related to the post-inception period.
1) Constitutive equations
a) Differential models: Initial theoretical work on rheology
after its formal inception was largely concerned with
continuum mechanics formulations to enable characterization
and description of material flow behavior for commercial
applications. A major advancement was J. G. Oldroyds work
in 1950 on convected derivatives based on application of the
invariance of material properties with respect to the frame of
reference; this represented the culmination of a number of
earlier efforts relating to complex derivatives of the stress.
Some notable differential models are the retarded-motion
expansions (e. g., Rivlin and Ericksen (1955) and Giesekus
(1962)) in which the stress is expressed as a power series

c) Extensional viscosity effects: The origins of elongational

flow measurements are largely due to Trouton (1906) who
considered the uniaxial stretching of pitch and shoemakers
wax. The next major study was by Tamman and Jenckel
(1930) on elongational flow of molten glass filaments.
Extrudate or die swell was first correctly identified with
stretching by Merington (1943) although Barus (1893) had
reported an analogous phenomenon much earlier which he
attributed to shear recovery. Because of high extensional
viscosities, polymer solutions can be drawn up through a
nozzle even if it is raised above the free surface. This

The first official meeting of The Society of Rheology was held at the
National Bureau of Standards on December 19, 1929 at which a formal
committee was appointed on definitions and action was taken for securing an
improved absolute viscosity standard; the Journal of Rheology was also
started as a quarterly.

involving increasing powers of the rate-of-strain tensor and

increasing orders of partial time derivatives.

Table 2: Rheology since its inception in 1929


b) Integral-type models: Another slightly later development

was the complementary effort of Green and Rivlin (1957), and
Coleman and Noll (1961) who used integral formulations
whereby the stress at any location and time depended on the
entire past history of the local deformation. The entire subject
of constitutive equations and their development have been
discussed in great detail by Bird et al (1987a,b), Larson (1988)
and more recently by Tanner (2001).

a) Differential


b) Integral
c) Network
d) Reptation
e) Molecular
a) Shear flows
and the no-slip
b) Normal
stresses and

c) Network theories: The early work by Green and Tobolsky

(1946) was one of the first attempts to describe relaxation
processes in networked polymers. The network theory for
rubber-like fluids developed independently by Lodge (1956)
and Yamamoto (1956) was the next major advance in the
field. The permanent chemical junctions in rubber are assumed
to be replaced by temporary physical junctions whose kinetics
have to be described. An extension of the Lodge model is the
K-BKZ model (Kaye (1962), Bernstein, Kearsley and Zapas
(1963)) whereby a more general form was sought by
redefining the kernel function in the Lodge integral

c) Dynamic

d) Reptation theories: A tube model was first proposed by

Edwards (1967) for rubbers. The Doi-Edwards model (1978,
1986) based on the reptation theory of de Gennes (1971) was
another significant advancement in the field whereby the tube
model was extended to melts and concentrated solutions. The
polymer chain is constrained to move in a tube because of
the presence of neighbouring molecules and the tube itself
evolves in time as the chain crawls or reptates.


d) Thixotropy
e) Flow
f) Turbulent
drag reduction
g) Optical
h) Time-temp.

e) Molecular models: Kuhn (1934) first addressed the

characterization of the configuration of polymer molecules
using a random coil model. Starting with this work and
progressing with the landmark kinetic theory papers of
Kramers (1944), Rouse (1953), Zimm (1956) and Kirkwood
(1967), it was becoming increasingly apparent that material
equations should reflect the polymer structure to facilitate
processing and development of new materials. This approach
culminated in the major effort by Bird et al. (1987b) which
summarized the state-of the-art in the field (this work includes
the so-called generalized phase-space kinetic theory which
incorporates both the velocities and positions of the beads in
the bead-spring models).

i) Extensional

a) LCPs


b) Composites
and two-phase

c) ER/MR

2) Experimental advances and rheological

The early decades of rheology were marked by investigations
into a number of experimental phenomena.

a) Shear flows and the no-slip boundary condition: Stokes

(1845) was the first to establish the no-slip boundary condition


a) Continuum
b) Molecular

Oldroyd (1950), Truesdell (1952), Rivlin
and Ericksen (1955), Giesekus (1962),
White-Metzner (1963)
Green & Rivlin (1957), Coleman &
Noll (1961)
Green & Tobolsky (1946), Lodge(1956),
Yamamoto (1956),
Kaye (1962) - Bernstein et al. (1963)
Edwards (1967), De Gennes (1971), Doi &
Edwards (1978, 1986)
Kuhn (1934), Rouse (1953), Zimm (1956),
Kirkwood (1967), Bird et al. (1987)
Eisenschitz et al. (1929),
Mooney (1931,1936), Schofield &
Blair (1930), Pearson & Petrie (1968),
Graessley (1977), Ramamurthy (1986)
Lander (1945), Weissenberg (1947),
Markowitz (1957), Philippoff (1957),
Ginn & Metzner (1969),
Binnington & Boger (1985)
Eisenschitz & Philippoff (1933), Schofield
& Scott Blair (1932), Leaderman (1943),
Cox-Merz (1958),
Doraiswamy et al. (1991)
Freundlich & Bircumshaw (1926), Cheng
& Evans (1965), Mewis (1979),
Barnes (1997)
Nason (1945), Tordella (1958), Petrie &
Denn (1976), Bousfield et al. (1986)
Toms (1949), Agoston et al. (1954),
Hershey & Zakin (1967),
Seyer & Metzner (1967)
Adams et al. (1965), Carothers &
Hill (1932), Hermans & Platzek (1939),
Janeschitz-Kriegl (1983), Fuller (1985)
Williams et al. (1955), Ferry (1970)
Merrington (1943), Treolar (1944),
Ballman (1965), Cogswell (1969),
Metzner (1968), Meissner (1969),
Dealy et al. (1976), Spearot &
Metzner (1972), Laun & Munstedt (1978),
Sridhar & Gupta (1985)
Leslie (1968)-Ericksen (1961),Doi (1981),
Wissbrun (1985), Doraiswamy &
Metzner (1986), Marrucci & Greco (1992)
Taylor (1934), Krieger-Dougherty (1959),
Rumscheidt & Mason (1961), Leal (1975),
Batchelor (1977), Folgar & Tucker (1984),
Heller & Kuntamukkula (1987), Khan &
Armstrong (1986), Acrivos &
Shaqfeh (1988), Mewis et al. (1989),
Dennis et al. (2001)
Winslow (1949), Parthasarthy &
Klingenberg (1996)
Turner et al. (1956), Gottlieb &
Orzag (1977), Cruse & Risso (1968), Yoo
& Joseph (1985), Beris et al. (1987),
Walters & Tanner (1992), Crochet &
Walters (1993)
Adler & Wainright (1957), Ashurst &
Hoover, (1975), Evans & Morriss (1988),
Davis & Todd (1998)

d) Thixotropy: Thixotropy may be defined as the decrease in

apparent viscosity with time under stress and this behavior
appears to have first been formally named by Freundlich based
on their work on suspensions (see, e. g., Freundlich and
Bircumshaw (1926)). The earliest reference to thixotropy is by
von Kuhne in 1863 during his observation of the wandering of
a nematode through a muscle cell without any apparent effort:
The movement seemed to liquify the striations, but they set
anew after the nematode had passed. The opposite but
analogous time-dependent effect related to viscosity increase
with time was termed rheopexy by Freundlich and
Juliusberger in 1935 based on studies with colloidal systems.
Some illustrative works in this field are Cheng and Evans
(1965), Mewis (1979) and Barnes (1997).

at solid walls. The problem of slip was addressed by

Schofield and Scott Blair (1932) and Mooney (1931). Pearson
and Petrie (1968) showed that for slip to occur the molecular
size must be greater than the wall roughness scale.
Ramamurthy (1986) conclusively established that slip can
occur during extrusion of polymer melts. Mooneys 1936
study on natural rubber was perhaps the first careful
characterization of the viscosity-shear rate behavior of a bulk
polymer. The culmination of obtaining shear-stress- shear rate
data without assuming any functional form for the viscosity
was reached by Eisenschitz-Rabinowitch-Weissenberg (1929),
and Mooney (1931). Important work on the effect of polymer
entanglement and architecture on viscosity was done by
Graessley (1977). The flexible five-parameter Carreau model
was postulated in 1968 to describe a wide variety of flow
behavior (see, for e. g., Bird (1987a)).

e) Flow instabilities: Because of elasticity, normal-stress and

shear-thinning effects, non-Newtonian materials show a wide
variety of unstable behavior. In extensional flows, it is
possible to have effects like draw-resonance (where sinusoidal
fluctuations in fiber diameter are amplified along the length),
shark-skin behavior (where filament roughness occurs) and
melt fracture (where a helical, distorted, extrudate forms);
distorted extrudates were reported as far back as 1945 by
Nason. Some key studies in this field are those of Tordella
(1958) and Petrie and Denn (1976). Viscoelasticity was shown
to suppress jet break-up as indicated by the relatively recent
work of Bousfield et al. (1986).

b) Normal stresses and the rod climbing effect: Normal

stresses play a major role in a number of industrial processes
like extrusion, fiber spinning and impeller-mixing. The rodclimbing effect (which refers to the rising of the free surface
up a rotating rod) appears to have arisen from work on
saponified hydrocarbon gels for use as flame throwers in
World War II. (e. g., Garner et al. (1950) and Lander (1945)).
Weissenberg (1947) appears to have been the first to attribute
this phenomenon to the first normal stress and it is not
incongruous that this effect is now named after him. Some
pioneering work in this area was done by Philippoff (e.g.,
1957)) and Markowitz (1957). The second normal stress
difference is typically considered to be negative and a small
fraction of the first normal stress difference for typical
polymeric systems (the Ginn and Metzner (1969) paper is a
representative result). Anomalous hole-pressure effects in
devices related to normal stress measurements have been
reviewed by Tanner and Walters (1998). An important test
fluid was developed by Binnington and Boger (1985) which
had the advantage of being highly elastic but yet having a
constant viscosity, thus lending itself to a number of useful
academic and industrial studies.

f) Turbulent drag reduction: Turbulent drag reduction is a

phenomenon whereby use of a (polymeric) additive results in
a lower pressure drop for flow through a pipe. Much of this
work was done by various independent groups during the war
and did not appear in open literature until much later. Key
initial workers in the field were Toms (1949) and Agoston et
al. (1954). This matter was followed up in earnest only in the
60s by researchers like Hershey and Zakin (1967). One of the
likely mechanisms for this phenomenon was proposed by
Seyer and Metzner (1967) and was attributed to the large
extensional viscosity of the additives which could damp out
secondary flows (or vortices) associated with turbulence.

c) Dynamic studies: Small-strain dynamic studies of polymers

and polymer solutions date to the 1930s (e. g., Eisenschitz and
Philippoff (1933), Philippof (1934)). Andrews et al. (1948)
and Leaderman (1943) were some of the pioneers in this field.
Stress relaxation studies were also carried out in the same
period by Schofield and Scott Blair (1932) on flour dough.
The Cox-Merz rule (1958) (an empiricism predicting an
equivalence of the complex viscosity and the viscosity at the
corresponding values of frequency and shear rate) has been a
very useful method for correlating linear viscoelastic
properties with the viscosity behavior. This work was
extended in the form of the Delaware-Rutgers rule
(Doraiswamy et al. (1991)) for suspensions using a HerschelBulkley-type formulation with a recoverable strain.

g) Birefringence: Brewster (1813) was one of the first

scientists to show that birefringence (variation of refractive
index with direction) could be induced by application of stress
in materials like glass and gels. Maxwell (1853) postulated
that the birefringence varied linearly and isotropically with the
applied stress. Birefringence was related to molecular
orientation as far back as 1932 (e.g., Carothers and Hill) and
this effect was first quantified by Hermans and Platzek (1939).
These historical aspects of birefringence as well as later
investigations on suspensions, solutions and melts have been
reviewed by White (1990). The birefringence method has been
used to determine stress fields in complex flows (e.g., Adams
et al. (1965)). The stress-optical law which states that there is
a linear relationship between the stress tensor and the

macromolecules (1978) was the next major advancement in

the description of these systems. Domain structures are often
formed in these systems and one of the early attempts to
describe these systems is typified by the work of Wissbrun
(1985). Kiss and Porter (1978) first reported the unusual
phenomenon of negative normal stresses for these materials.

deviatoric components of the refractive index tensor was

formally verified by Janeschitz-Kriegl (1983).
A number of rheo-optical techniques have been developed and
summarized by Fuller (1985).
h) Time-temperature superposition: Time-Temperature
Superposition and the Method of Reduced Variables are two
empirical techniques that make use of normalized variables to
plot data in the form of universal curves; these were developed
primarily by Williams et al. (1955) and Ferry (1970) in the
form of the W-L-F procedure, and facilitate data collection
and extending their range of application.

b) Composites and other two-phase systems: The importance

of fiber reinforced plastics and ceramics has triggered
enormous interest in the processing of composite materials
and suspensions in recent years. Batchelor (1977) extended the
Einstein (1905) equation to higher concentrations by
incorporating interaction between hard spheres. A number
of equations have been postulated to describe the rheology of
a variety of colloidal and non-colloidal additives like the
Krieger-Dougherty (1959) expression of anisotropic particles
and the equation of Russel et al. (1989) for hairy particles.
Batchelor (1971) calculated the stresses during the flow of
suspensions of parallel fibers. Leal (1975), and Acrivos and
Shaqfeh (1988) developed theories to describe fiber
suspension behavior employing a second-order fluid model
and an effective medium approach, respectively. Folgar and
Tucker (1984) developed a constitutive equation for the flow
of fiber/polymer systems. The recent interest in optimizing the
dispersion of nano-size particles (like clay or carbon
nanotubes) in polymers (like nylon-6) because of their unusual
properties like decreased diffusivity, and increased tensile
modulus and flame resistance has triggered new rheological
investigations on these new systems (see, e. g., Dennis et al.

i) Extensional behavior: Merrington (1943) attributed his

observations on extrudate swell in rubber solutions to elastic
recovery. Modern investigation of the extensional viscosity of
polymer systems dates to Ballman in 1965. An early
experiment by Metzner (1968) demonstrated that if the
extensional stresses are sufficiently high they can cause the
splash induced by striking a pool of liquid to retract so that
the initial fluid position is almost attained. This was followed
by a number of elongational flow studies on molten polymer
systems like, for example, Meissner (1969), Vonogradov et al.
(1970), and Laun and Munstedt (1978). The extensional
behavior is frequently termed extensional viscosity in the
literature, an appellation which, unfortunately, obscures the
importance of strain, as well as strain rate (see Spearot and
Metzner (1972)). Cogswell (1969) was one of the first to
propose the use of pressure losses through orifice dies to
determine the elongational behavior. This semi-quantitative
approach was used to measure one of the highest reported
ratios of extensional viscosity to shear viscosity (~30,000)
(Metzner and Metzner (1970)). The earliest experiment for
biaxial and planar extension is due to Treloar (1944) and
involved rubber. Instruments for such studies were also
developed by Denson and Gallo (1971) and Dealy et al.(1976).
Winter et al. (1979) first developed an orthogonal stagnation
flow. An extensional rheometer was developed by Sridhar and
Gupta (1985) for measurements on very low viscosity polymer
solutions (~5 cP).

Taylor (1934), and Mason (e.g., Rumscheidt and Mason

(1961)) were responsible for some of the key results on
deformation and break-up of liquid drops in various flow
fields. Heller and Kuntumukkula (1987) concluded that much
of the earlier data on foam rheology had been influenced by
wall slip or stability effects; expressions have been developed
to predict the rheological properties of foams but
experimental determination of the material functions remains a
daunting task (e.g., Khan and Armstrong (1986)).
c) Electrorheological/Magnetorheological (ER/MR) fluids:
Electro/magneto rheological fluids offer the potential of large
viscosity changes on application of an electric or magnetic
field. This behavior has potential in new applications like
power transmission fluids and robotics. These effects appear
to have first been noted by Winslow (1949). Recent work in
this area has been reviewed by Parthasarthy and Klingenberg

3) Advanced materials
The technological need to describe the behavior of advanced
materials like liquid crystals, electro- rheological fluids and
composites spawned a range of related research problems and
some of the efforts are summarized below:
a) Liquid crystalline polymers: Some of the earliest work on
anisotropic fluids was by Oseen (1925) which was eventually
followed by the Leslie(1968) -Ericksen (1961) formulation
based on continuum theory where a unit vector termed the
director was used to incorporate the anisotropy of the system;
these formulations are better suited to describe the flow
behavior of low molecular weight liquid crystals. The
molecular theory of Doi and Edwards for rigid back-bone

4) Computational rheology
a) Continuum modeling: The finite-difference method (FDM)
was widely prevalent by the 1960s when transistor technology
first came into bloom. More powerful techniques like the
finite-element method (FEM) which was initiated in 1956

engineering, computational science, thermodynamics and

advanced materials design to name a few. This is attested by
the fact that work pertaining to rheology is reported in a wide
range of journals like Macromolecules and the Journal of
Chemical Physics, and is no longer limited to highly
specialized journals like Rheologica Acta and the Journal of
Rheology. The pioneers of our discipline which came into
being four score years ago could hardly have envisioned the
range of potential applications we see around us today
ranging from magneto-rheological fluids for power
transmission in automobiles to the processing of nanocomposites. It would perhaps be unwise to make any
speculations on the depth and breadth of new material
advances another four score years down the road except that
rheology will almost certainly be a cornerstone in their design
and processing.

(Turner et al. (1956)), the boundary element method (BEM)

(Cruse and Rizzo (1968)) and the spectral methods (SM) (e.g.,
Gottlieb and Orzag (1977)) were developed as computer
technology improved. All these methods essentially reduce the
PDEs of the rheological field problems to a set of
simultaneous, non-linear, equations for the nodal variables. A
major problem in numerical simulations was the so-called
High Weissenberg Number Problem (the existence of a critical
Weissenberg number above which the algorithms failed).
Some significant early works in this area are Beris et al.
(1987), Yoo and Joseph (1985), Walters and Tanner (1992),
and Crochet and Walters (1993). An analogous finite volume
method was applied to three dimensions flows by Xue et al.
b) Molecular dynamics (MD) modeling: MD simulations on
super-computers were developed as a promising path to
relating polymer microstructure to macroscopic rheological
properties (see, for e.g., Ashurst and Hoover (1975), Evans
and Morriss (1988), Daivis and Todd (1988)). This method,
since its inception in the late 1950's (e.g., Adler and
Wainwright (1957)) for studying the interactions of hard
spheres, enables calculation of the time dependent behavior of
a molecular system. Molecular dynamics simulations involve
solution of Newton's equations of motion for a large number
of particles interacting with each other via nonlinear (usually
empirical) force laws. The connection between microscopic
simulations and macroscopic properties is made via statistical
mechanics which provides the rigorous mathematical
expressions that relate macroscopic properties to the
distribution and motion of the atoms and molecules. The scope
of systems studied by MD is enormous and envelopes solids,
liquids and gases; solvent molecules and solvated proteinDNA complexes; and simple and complex hydrodynamic

V. References

IV. Concluding remarks


It should be apparent from this overview that the progression

of the discipline has not been monotonic and it took over a
century before contributions by scientists from widely varied
fields necessarily condensed into the formal field of rheology.
It also indicates that many of the major contributors to
rheology acquired their lasting fame in other fields while some
other rheologists may have been short-changed by history.




Starting with Amenemhets need for a viscosity correction to

improve the accuracy of his water clock in ~1600 BCE,
rheology has primarily been concerned with solving practical
problems. At the same time, the complexity of the issues
involved (both of a physical and mathematical nature) has
attracted some of the finest scientific minds. The cumulative
result has been the thriving discipline we know today with
contributions ranging from the empirical and
phenomenological to the abstract and esoteric. Rheology as we
know it now overlaps with a number of fields like reaction


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