Petroleum Refinery Engineering (Nelson)

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PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING MeGraw-Hill Chemical Engineering Series Editorial Advisory Board James J. Carberry, University of Notre Dame Max S. Peters, University of Colorado William R. Schowalter, Princeton University James Wei, Socony Mobil Oil Company THE SERIES ANDERSEN AND Wznzxt—Introduction to Chemical Engineering Antes axp Nawron—Chemical Engineering Cost Estimation Bavogn anv Bancuzxo—Introduction to Chemical Engineering Bannert np Mrens—Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer Comines—High Pressure Technology Couauanown ann Korret—Process Systems Analysis arid Control Dopat—Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics : Gaisworr—Fuels, Combustion, and Furnaces Gnocaiws—Unit Processes in Organic Synthesis Harrtorr—Process, Control Henry axp Brenen—Chemical Engineering Caleulations Hunnoron—Natural Gas and Natural Gasoline Jounstonz ano Tuxine—Pilot Plants, Models, and Scale-up Methods in Chemical Engineering . Karz, Connzzt, Konarasus, Porimmann, Vary, Exznsaas, anv Weinave—Hand- book of Natural Gas Engineering Krexunrs—Chemical Engineering Fundamentals Kxuvsem ann Karz—Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Kou ann Rursenreip>—Gas Purification Lartnius—Digital Computation for Chemical Engineers Leva—Fluidication Lewis, Rupascy, ann Lewis—Industrial Stoichiometry Manrext—Adsorption Manretu—Electrochemical Engineering McAvams—Heat Transmission McCasz axp Surn, J. C.—Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering - Micrtzy, Sezrwoo, axp Rezp—Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering NELSON—Petroleum Refinery Engineering Perry (Eprror)—Chemical Business Handbook Parnx (Eprtor)—Chemical Engineers’ Handbook Parens—Elementary Chemical Engineering Farexs—Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers Reto ann Suznwoor—The Properties of Gases and Linuide Roninson anp Grtivanp—Elements of Fractional Distillation Scuntor ano Manures—Principles of High-polymer Theory and Practice Scuwnren—Process Engineering Economics Saxnwoon anv Proroxp—Absorption and Extraction Suneva—The Chemical Process Industries Suir, B. D.—Design of Equilibrium Stage Processes Suaru, J. M.—Chemical Engineering Kinetics Sure, J. M,, axp Van Ness—Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamirs TrersaL—Liquid Extraction . ‘Trersat—Moss-transfer Operations Viupnanpt ano Daypen—Chemical Engineering Plant Design Voux—Applied Statistics for Engineers Watas—Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engincers Water, Lewis, McAvaus, anp Ciutanp—Prineiples of Chemical Engineering Witttas anv Jonwson—Stoichiometry for Chemical Engineers Wutsox ano Russ—Principles of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics ! PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING W. L. Nelson Consulting Petroleum and Chemical Engineer Professor of Petroleum Refining University of Tulsa Fourth Edition McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO LONDON SYDNEY TORONTO MEXICO PANAMA Lovingly dedicated to Marian, my wife PREFACE When first published (1936) a main purpose of this book was the introduction of the principles of chemical engineering to the petroleum refining industry. The situation is now Teversed. The chemical indus- try now looks to petroleum refiners for leadership in the development of many phases of chemical engineering especially those related to the large- scale processing of fluids and to the application of catalysts, Refinery engineering organizations made vital contributions in original commercial preparation of uranium or atomic fuels, Although conceived originally as a textbook, it rapidly became appar- ent that industry also wanted or needed the book. Accordingly suc- ceeding editions have been aimed more and more toward providing a survey of the industry’s engineering. practices, International interest is being recognized in the Fourth Edition by the introduction of more information on foreign crude oils and more complete information on the evaluation of oils. Crude oil is being shipped in increasing quantities from Venezuela, the. Middle East, and Canada, and the refiner must be’ familiar with foreign oils as well as his local varieties not only because the properties and specifications of the products are affected but because the economy of the entire industry is influenced. New Appendix B of the Fourth Edition introduces the analyses of over 70 foreign crude oils as well as about 90 representative United States oils for comparison. When the First Edition was written, much of the information on design computations had not theretofore been published, and such meth- ods were new to much of the industry. ‘This situation has also been reversed, Computation methods now flow from the industry at a rate that cannot be accommodated in new editions, At least twelve major books or series of books relating to petroleum refining were published prior to 1939, but only a few of these have been revised and scarcely any new publications have appeared. Undoubtedly the rapidly growing complexity of the industry and the enormity of the current literature have been a discouragement to authors. To properly explore the current literature would require the continuous services of ix x PREFACE an entire staff of engineers and the publishing of editions at two- or three-year intervals. Important engineering material could not be included in the First Edition, and the situation has become more unsatis- factory with each succeeding edition. Growth during the last decade has been especially rapid, and in addition an entirely new chemical industry based upon petroleum as the raw stock is emerging. Chemical developments have been recognized throughout the entire Fourth Edition but especially in the chapters pertaining to processing, chemical and solvent treatment, thermal decomposition, and, of course, the con- version of gaseous hydrocarbons. Catalytic cracking and catalytic reforming are now practiced in nearly all refineries. Hydrocracking and hydrodesulfurization processes have been thoroughly explored, and they, too, may find extensive application. The status of atomic treatments does not, at the moment, warrant incorporation into the Fourth Edition. The long lists of references at the ends of chapters of earlier editions have been deleted in the Fourth Edition. ‘The following statements from the First Edition are still pertinent: Engineering involves the practical application of scientific knowledge, and hence I have made a conscious effort to emphasize the practical phases of engineering work. In so doing it has often been necessary to resort to empirical relationships, No apology is necessary for such a treatment because engineers must. build and operate plants regardless of inadequate information. In fact the history of industrial development shows that commercial plants are usually built before the theory of the process is fully understood. Scientific study follows the empirical development, and science finally administers those fine improvements which stamp the new process as truly great. The process of empirical growth will always. be the lot of the practical scientist or engineer. For the same reasons some handbook information has been intro- duced. Although such information is not profound, it is the tool by which theory can be put into action. Such information is also neces- sary in the solution of illustrative problems, and I believe that no method of engineering study is more effective than detailed examples. Furthermore an engineer must spend more time applying information than deriving or finding it, and hence handbook information and com- prehensive references are provided. ‘The current literature contains much that is useful, but the literature is so voluminous that it may be useless to a busy engineer unless it is presented in an organized form. I have attempted to organize this contemporaneous literature, but I have refrained as far as possible from tiring the average reader with too many references and with conflicting opinions. PREFACE xi The author is greatly indebted to all of those who have contributed to the several editions. In connection with the Fourth Edition, A. Paul Buthod, Chairman of the Department of Refinery and Chemical Engi- neering of the University of Tulsa, has been especially helpful throughout the entire book, and Chapter 17 on the subject of Heat Transfer is his Particular contribution, Wilbur L. Nelson CONMO HR we Hee NGGESSES 18 19 20 21 22 23 CONTENTS Preface to the Fourth Edition History and Development of Refining Composition of Petroleum Refinery Products and Test Methods Evaluation of Oil Stocks Physical Properties of Petroleum Oil Introduction to Processing Refinery and Distillation Processes Auziliary Processes and Operations Refinery Corrosion and Metals Chemical Treatments Solvent Treating or Extraction Processes Dewazing Fluid Mechanics Combustion Vaporization and Condensation Fractionation and Towers Heat Transfer and Exchangers Tubestill Heaters Thermal Cracking and Decomposition Processes Rebuilding Hydrocarbons Catalytic Cracking and Reforming Natural and Refinery Gases Economics of Design Typical Design Calculation Appendiz A Densities and Specific Volumes of Oils Appendix B Crude-oil Analyses Index 19 168 215 226 263 276 293 347 374 395 414 434 465 528 585 626 694 759 819 889 905 910 939 CHAPTER 1 ~~ HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF REFINING Coal oil and sperm oil were the common burner fuels when the Drake discovery well was drilled in 1859. It has been estimated that 60 coal distillation plants operated between 1852 and 1859, Perhaps the first real Petroleum refinery was that of William Barnsdall and William A. Abbott, built at Titusville, Pa., in 1860 at a cost of about $15,000; although records indicate that petroleum was distilled in Russia in 1735.1 Continuous Distillation. Early refiners employed batch systems of (1912). These plants involved the use of both Pipestills and continuous fractionators. Modern distillation plants are completely continuous, with the exception of coke stills which are operated either as batch or as semicontinuous operations, In modern plants several distillation units are often connected so that the hot product from one unit (usually the residue) is pumped directly to another. Also, several units may have a common heat-exchange system by which the charge stock for one unit is heated in other units. In other phases of tefining, such as treating, dewaxing, compounding, and packaging, the Processing is still Partly batch or semicontinuous, but continuous operation is not of great value in these operations. Cracking or Thermal Decomposition. Even the phenomenon of crack- ing is not a modern development. ‘True, the large plants and the whole- sale manufacture of decomposition Products are new, but thermal decom- before the days of the oil industry. During the first years of the petro- Jeum industry a “cracking distillation,” in addition to the customary dis- tillation with steam, was Practiced. The cracking distillation is reported to have been discovered accidentally in 1861. A distillation in a 16-bbl still had been half completed, and the stillman had built a strong fire, ‘The stillman intended to be away an hour but was unable to return until ‘Herodotus (450 B.C.) and other historians report petroleum and tar (by other names) at dates betore 1735, but they fail to tell how the oil was refined. 1 2 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING 4 hr later. He found that a light-colored distillate of a low specific gravity was'being collected. ‘The specific gravity was even lower than that of the product before-he left. Upon investigation, it was found that a heavy oil was condensing on cooler parts of the equipment and dropping back into parts of the still that were at a temperature sufficiently high to cause decomposition of the heavy oil into lower-boiling-point products, In the early days of the industry, gasoline was of little value, and cracking was practiced for the purpose of producing more kero- sene than could be obtained by steam or simple distillation. The first attempts to produce gasoline by cracking were by the decomposition of petroleum vapor. None of the early commercial attempts were success- ful until the Gyro process was developed in about 1925. Success was Tapue 1-1 Jan. | Jan, | Jan. | Jan., Refinery statistics 1931 | 1941 | 1951 | 1956 Operating capacity, U.S., 1,000 bbl/days..... 3,707 | 4,181 | 6,702 | 8,381 Cracked-gasoline ic US., 1,000 bbl/ 1,103 1,853 | 2,777 51.3] 60 70.3 110,000 | 20,600 [28,200 420 325 | 294 Average eapacity of U. Number of operating refineries (U. Foreign capacity, excluding USS. bbl/day?. . 2,588 | 4,300 | 7,244 * U.S, Bur. Mines Inform. Circs. + Approximate. attained by the elimination of traces of liquid from the vapor. The liquid particles had been wetting the walls of the heating tubes where they decomposed into coke which plugged the tubes. Modern thermal reform- ing and gas-cracking processes are possible because of the discovery of this principle. ‘The liquid-phase eracking processes were the first to be commercially applied, and the Burton process was the first to be practiced on a large scale. Development began in 1910; a patent was issued in 1912; recog- nition of Dr. Burton by the Willard Gibbs Medal was given in 1918; and by 1921 over 800 Burton stills were said to be in operation. Other early liquid-phase processes were the Fleming, Isom, and Emerson processes. ‘The importance of-cracking in the modern refinery is emphasized by the statistics shown in Tables 1-1, 6-1, 6-2, and page 759. The general scheme of processing is much the same in all modern thermal cracking plants. The advantage of cracking only those stocks HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF REFINING 3 which contain no cracked tar is recognized by everyone. A residual charge stock is often distilled in the cracking unit itself, and only the distilled part of the feedstock is exposed to severe cracking conditions, In most modern plants, residual stocks are introduced into the cracking plant through a high-temperature cracking coil which greatly increases the amount of distillable material in the residual feedstock. Later developments in thermal cracking were “ viscosity breaking”-and “reforming.” The mild decomposition known as viscosity breaking is conducted on residual or asphaltic feedstocks. Originally it was aimed at a reduction of viscosity and pour point, but it was soon learned that a large amount of partially cracked gas oil, which could then be processed in a conventional cracking plant, was also produced. Reforming units are cracking plants that operate on naphtha or low-octane-number gasoline for the production of a large yield of highly antiknock gasoline. ‘These units were developed in response to the growing demand for anti- knock gasoline and for larger and larger amounts of motor fuel. High-boiling reactive polymers are formed during thermial cracking, and they are currently removed as residual fuel oil by distillation. Reac. tion or coking of the polymers is also prevented by diluting the material undergoing cracking with so-called “recycle stock.” Difficulties with reactive polymers do not occur in the modern catalytic cracking processes because these processes employ adsorptive catalysts. that remove the polymers in the form of coke on the surface of the catalyst, In such processes the cracking reactions can be much more complete, and the antiknock quality of the product is correspondingly high. Fractionation. The term “fractionation” refers to the separation of a liquid mixture into several products of shorter boiling range by means of vaporization, In early refineries this separation was obtained. by a series of distillations in which, first, an inaccurate separation was made and then the partly separated products were redistilled several times, if necessary, until finally the product met market requirements, The next develop. ment was to fractionate by partial condensation (i.e., a mixture of vapor was condensed in portions by successively cooling the vapor to lower and lower temperatures). An invention of this nature was that of Hugh L. Allen,? in which the vapor was successively cooled by means of a series of air-cooled condensers into several liquid products. ‘The modern era of refining dates from the adoption of pipestills and bubble towers. The name “bubble tower” has become common because the vapor in the tower bubbles through the liquid on the plates in the tower. In bubble-tower fractionation a mixture of ascending vapor is scrubbed by a descending flow of oil. Bubble towers have been so uni- versally adopted, all within a few years, that no one can be: accredited Eng. Pat. 117,277 (1918). 4 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING with invention. In fact the fundamentals of fractionation were bor- rowed directly from the chemical distillation industries. Today bubble towers are used in topping plants, rerun plants, vacuum plants, cracking plants, natural-gasoline stabilizers, absorption plants, and steam stripping operations. Natural-gasoline Plants. ‘Natural gasoline ‘attracted little attention until about 1912, at which time the demand for motor fuels became acute. Today more than 10 per cent of all gasoline is manufactured from natural gas. The first widely used method of recovery was the compression proc- ess. As gas is compressed, the dew point is raised so that, upon cooling to the original temperature, a mixture of hydrocarbons condenses. The condensate contains a large percentage of volatile hydrocarbons, such as propane, which must be removed before the gasoline is a suitable motor fuel. The first method that was used to remove these hydrocarbons from the raw gasoline was called “weathering.” Weathering was accom- plished by allowing the “wild” gasoline to stand in an open vessel for a time. A large part of the gasoline was lost during weathering. For a few years following World War I, the adsorption process received much attention, but since that time it has been almost abandoned. In . this process the gasoline was adsorbed by charcoal and recovered from the charcoal by steaming. In later processes, natural gas was passed through absorption chambers or packed columns, in which the gasoline was absorbed by naphtha. ‘These naphtha columns finally developed into the absorption process of today. . In this process the natural gasoline is absorbed by a low-boiling- range gas oil, and the gasoline is recovered from the rich gas oil by heat- ing it and stripping the gasoline from it with steam. A high pressure assists absorption, but pressures above about 130 psi have been found ‘uneconomical unless the gas happens to be available at a high pressure in the field. Weathering has been replaced by the use of high-pressure (150 psig) fractionators (stabilizers) which precisely separate the gaseous hydrocarbons from the stable natural gasoline. Dewaxing. ‘The filter-press method of dewaxing followed by sweating, as originally used in Scotland for shate oil before the development of the oil industry, is still a widely used method of dewaxing the lighter wax- bearing oils. Heavy residual wax-bearing stocks were first dewaxed by cold-settling. In this process the oil was chilled and allowed to stand in insulated tanks. The centrifuge process of dewaxing residual stocks was studied for many years before it was entirely successful. ‘The difficulties had been the attainment of sufficiently high centrifuge speeds and the tendency of the petrolatum wax to stick to the bowl of the machine, In about 1921 warm water was suggested as a carrying liquid to be injected at the edge of the bowl. The use of warm water was successful, and HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF REFINING 5 the centrifuge method of today is essentially the same process as was then used. Recently, solvent dewaxing methods have become important, An important advantage of these processes is the ability to handle both light and heavy wax stocks by a single process. Many different solvent. processes are being practiced commercially, but the use of methyl ethyl ketone has been accepted almost to the exclusion ofiother solventa. Itis also used for the deviling of waxes. Chemical Processing. Although Professor B. Silliman® recognized in his report of Apr: 16, 1855, the chemical possibilities of petroleum, no’ bulk chemical conversion of petroleum was practiced until cracking was introduced in 1912, The removal of small amounts of impurities by treatment with sulfuric acid, caustic soda, ete., has been and’ continues to be practiced. In 1927 the process of hydrogenation as developed by the Standard Development Company attracted attention. ‘This process is essentially a thermal decomposition (cracking) process conducted at high pressures and in the presence of hydrogen. Although several large plants have been operated, the economic position of bulk-scale hydrogen- ation has not yet (1957) been established, Although the usefulness of adsorptive earths and other materials had been known for many years, successful comercial operation of catalytic cracking processes did not appear until about 1937 with the advent of the Houdry catalytic cracking process. “The catalyst acts primarily in adsorbing the reactive tarlike materials produced by therinal cracking, but it may also exert some influence on the cracking reaction.’ Since World War If some type of catalytic eracking plant has been employed by all major refiners. i A multitude of processes for utilizing the olefinic hydrocarbons of - cracking-still gas have followed the development of polymerization proc- esses in about 1935. Among these are processes of alkylation, hydrogena- tion of hydrocarbons, dehydrogenation, catalytic desulfurization, and the manufacture of many organic. chemicals, Although. the chemicals so manufactured are small in bulk compared with the regular distillation Products of the industry, they are important because they foretell the cheap large-scale production of many heretofore somewhat scarce materials, Chronology of Development. In the following outline no attempt has been made to set the date at which new processes were conceived. Devel- opments are not mentioned until the time when they were generally accepted by the industry. 1860 to about 1885. ‘The major refinery product was kerosene or burn- ing oil. “During this period disfavor was brought upon the industry by Am. Chem, 2, 18 (1871-1872). 6 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING the sale of burning oils that contained too much gasoline. Laws were enacted limiting their flash point. 1885-1900. Mineral lubricating oils gained favor with the public. Until this time vegetable oils were considered the best. Paraffin-base lubricating oils gained a favorable reputation which has been retained to this day. . 1900-1914. ‘Shortly after 1900 gasoline began to be valuable, and within a few years it had grown to be the most useful refinery product. ‘The demand became so great that many new oil fields were discovered, and fundamental improvements in refining methods ensued. The com- pression process for the recovery of natural gasoline was developed, and experiments were conducted concerning cracking. 1914-1925. ‘The ever-increasing demand for gasoline caused the refiner to turn to methods of recovering more of it from crude oil. The thermal cracking processes were brought to a high degree of perfection, and the fundamentals of heating, fractionation, heat transfer, and absorption were developed and applied commercially. Continuous processing systems sing fractionating towers, pipe- or tubestill heaters, and heat exchangers were developed. Structural equipment was developed for high pressures and high temperatures. In 1920 a marked increase in the use of fuel oil for the generation of powet was noted, and the tendency has continued until today. 1925-1929. During 1925-1935, the industry profited greatly by the _ application of chemical engineering practices, and the scarcely recognized young science of chemical engineering was able to establish itself firmly by practice in the petroleum industry. To this day, the petroleum indus- try is the major outlet for chemical engineers. During this period the Jarge profits from lubricating-oil processing attracted attention, and vacuum distillation was developed. Until this time vacuum distillation had not been truly successful, because batch or shellstill heating had to be used. The newly acquired knowledge of pipestill and fractionating-tower design made the development of continuous vacuum-distilling systems a logical step. Low-cold-test oils were produced by direct expansion of ammonia rather than by the customary method of circulating brine. Continuous pipestill equipment was adapted to all distillation operations including the rerunning of pressure-distillate and lubricating-oil stocks. ‘The Edeleanu method of solvent treating with sulfur dioxide proved to be commercially successful. 1929-1935: The demand for highly antiknock gasoline resulted in the development of vapor-phase cracking plants, gasoline-reforming units, and an ever-increasing use of cracking plants. The hydrogenation process was developed, but it has not been widely used because of unfavorable economic conditions. Several successful solvent-dewaxing and solvent- HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF REFINING 7 treating methods were developed. High Viscosity Index lubricating oils were produced by solvent-treating methods. Vacuum distillation was widely applied to the manufacture of road oil and asphalt. ‘Tetraethyl- lead was adopted as a means of improving the antiknock properties of motor fuels. 1935-1941. Propane, butane, and the unsaturated hydrocarbons found in cracking-still gas were utilized for polymerization, dehydrogenation, and alkylation processes. Polymerization of olefins into “poly” gasoline was practiced at nearly all large cracking plants. ‘The Houdry catalytic cracking process was introduced. Refiners delayed the formation of gum in cracked gasoline by the use of oxidation-inhibiting chemicals; colored gasolines were generally accepted by the public; and the properties of lubricating oils were enhanced by the use of additive agents for lowering the pour point, improving the Viscosity Index, and imparting extreme Pressure properties. Ethylene and the gaseous olefins were obtained in high concentration by the vapor-phase cracking of ethane, propane, and the butanes. Large amounts of formaldehyde and alcohol were manu- factured from natural gas. Lower-viseosity automotive engine oils were employed: 1941-1947, Heavy-duty lubricating oils were produced by the intio- duction of numerous chemical additive agents for improving pour point, Viscosity Index, detergent and suspensoid properties, oxidation stability, tendency to foam, and tendency toward corrosion. Large chemical manu. facturers introduced the first nonpetroleum synthetic lubricating oils. The demand for diesel fuel oil and domestic distillate fuel oil increased rapidly. The urgency during World War II hastened the manufacture of high-melting-point microcrystalline waxes from petrolatum or crude- oil tank bottoms; and numerous chemicals were manufactured from Petroleum on a large scale, including toluene, glycerol, butadiene, styrene, isopentane, and isooctane in the form of alkylate for aviation gasoline; and many petroleum hydrocarbons were separated on a commercial scale by superfractionation processes. Most synthetic tire rubber was derived from petroleum, and it was found that the coarser carbon black produced from oil rather than natural gas was superior for compounding with the new rubber. The Fischer-Tropsch process of producing gasoline, ete., from natural gas attracted wide attention. The Houdry, Thermofor, Fluid, or Hydroforming catalytic cracking processes were employed in all large refineries, and entalytic desulfurization of gasolines was widely used. The production of 100 octane aviation gasoline attained 500,000 bbl per day in 1945 but decreased rapidly after the war. Cooperative associations operated more than 11 refineries, and 2,327 local cooperatives handled oil products in 1944. Physical methods of analyzing the chemi. cal structures of oil molecules were developed whereby chemists for the 8 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING first time were enabled to apply extensively the science of chemistry to high-boiling oils. 1947-1957. Petrochemical manufacture jncreased tremendously, and synthetic rubber was more widely used than natural rubber. Sulfur from refinery and natural gases became a significant amount of total sulfur production. Natural gasoline, liquefied petroleum gases, and natural gas Pere stored in natural underground reservoirs’ ‘The shortage of cooling water in some areas hastened the development of air-cooled product coolers. The development of jet and turbine aircraft engines caused a rapid increase in jet fuel manufacture so that the middle distillate por- tion of petroleum was jn great demand for distillates, diesel fuel, jet fuel, ‘d rocket fuel. Air or flue-gas lift of catalyst as developed for the ‘hermofor and Houdriflow processes was the major contribution in cata- lytic cracking. ‘The first truly catalytic. processes to be applied to the bulk-scale treatment of petroleuia were jntroduced as Platforming or similar platinym catalyst veforming processes. Starting from 1950, egter Iytie reforming increased by 1955 to nearly 1 million barrels per day, and nearly every refiner had installed a plant. Adequate supplies of benzene and toluene are now assured because the platinum gasolines are rich in aromatics. Sweetening by means of inhibitors rather than chemical treatment was introduced. Improvements in Iubricating-oil manufacture led to the sale of such high Viscosity Index oils that.a single grade of oil could be used during all seasons of the year. The continual surplus of residual fuel oil at inlind points led to.a wider use of c jng and the’ development of continuous coking processes. Refrigeration was employed rather than pressure in the stor- age and transportation of volatile products such as propane and even Jiquefied natural gas. ‘The increasing percentage of sulfur in newly discovered oils led to the development of several hnydrogenation methods of desulfurizing gas oil and distillate materials. Premiym gasoline of 100 Research octane umber was first marketed in 1956, and many alkylation plants were installed in maintaining the so-called “octane race.” Room temperature dewaxing was accomplished on & commercial scale: by the use of urea, which forms & complex with paraffin hydrocarbons. CHAPTER 2 COMPOSITION OF PETROLEUM Most of the compounds found. in petroleum are composed of hydrogen and carbon. In addition to these materials, called hydrocarbons, other compounds containing small amounts of sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen are also present. ‘The physical operations of refining, such as vaporization, fractionation, and cooling, are governed to a large extent by the properties of the hydrocarbons because they constitute the bulk of the petroleum, but the chemical operations, such as treating and filtering, ‘are governed by the presence of sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen compounds and, to some extent, by the small amounts of reactive hydrocarbons that may be pres- -ent. Russian crude oils' and certain naphthene-base oils contain rela- tively large amounts of oxygen. The oxygen is often combined in the form of naphthenic acids. Nitrogen is most often found in naphthene-bage oils and is generally supposed to be in the form of basic compounds similar to the alkyl quinolines.? Sulfur may be present as dissolved free sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, or as organic compounds,’ such as the thiophenes, sul- fonic acids, mercaptans, alkyl sulfates, and alkyl sulfides, Some of these sulfur compounds are not found in crude petroleum, but they are produced from other compounds ‘during distillation and refining, Sulfur compounds are particularly troublesome because they are usually foul smelling and some of them are corrosive. A few parts per million of metallo- organic compounds containing iron, nickel, vanadium, arsenic, etc., are found in some petroleum, and such amounts are Poisonous to some catalysts, Many series of hydrocarbons are found in crude petroleum, and still other series are produced by cracking and hydrogenation, Among the series that are said to have been identified in petroleum are those having the type formulas C,Hen42, CaHan, C,Hax1, CxHant, CxHans, CoHaa_s, CrHen—10, CrHon—14, and C,Hin20. Inasmuch as most of the higher mem- bers of these series have never been produced synthetically or Prepared in’ sufficient quantity for study, we have few compounds with which to com- }Vuistavkina, T., Neflyanos Khoz., 18, 1000 (1930). jSchulze, King, and Thompson, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 62, 1239 (1930). *Bgloff and Morrell, Chem. Met. Eng., 28, 633 (1923). . 9 10 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING pare those which are isolated from petroleum. Furthermore, the iso- lation of pure compounds is extremely difficult because the properties of adjacent members of a series differ from one another only slightly and because constant-boiling mixtures, which cannot be separated by-frac- tionation, are prevalent. These difficulties and the multitude of hydro- carbons that are present in petroleum! have discouraged the study of petroleum chemistry. Hydrocarbon Series. Of the many hydrocarbon series present in petroleum, only a few have been studied thoroughly enough to guide com- mercial development. ‘The best known series are the paraffin, olefin, naphthene, aromatic, diolefin, and acetylene (Figs. 2-1a to f are examples of the structural formulas of these types of compounds). ‘The paraffin series (type formula C,Hoa+2) is characterized by great stability. The name of each member ends in -ane—methane, ethane, hexane, and hexadecane. At room temperatures the members, with the exception of those containing a tertiary carbon atom, are not acted upon by fuming sulfuric acid, concentrated alkalies, nitric acid, or even the powerful oxidizer chromic acid. ‘They react slowly with chlorine in sun- light and with both chlorine and bromine if a catalyst is present.s Reac- tion usually occurs by the substitution of an element or a chemical group for a hydrogen atom. The lower members have been identified in most crude petroleums, but Mabery® reports that Mahoning County; Ohio, crude oil contains no paraffin hydrocarbons. The higher members of the paraffin series are probably present in most petroleums, although crude oils that are entirely free from wax may contain no high-boiling paraffin hydrocarbons. Paraffin wax probably consists of straight- or branched- chain paraffin hydrocarbons.’ Egloff, Schaad, and Lowry* have made a thorough study of the decomposition of paraffin hydrocarbons (Fig. 2-1a and f). The olefin or ethylene series (type formula C,H:.) is composed of unsatu- rated hydrocarbons; i.e., the members of this series are capable of uniting directly with other materials such as chlorine, bromine, hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric acid, without displacing a hydrogen atom. ‘The names of these hydrocarbons end in'-ene, as ethene (ethylene), propene (propylene), and butene (butylene). Unsaturated compounds react with and dissolve in sulfuric acid and may thus be removed from petroleum oils. The low- boiling olefins are probably not present in crude petroleum, but they are 4 Some authorities estimate that3,000 compounds may be present in crude petroleum. 5 Fgloff, Schaad, and Lowry, The Halogenation of the Paraffin Hydrocarbons, Chem. Rev., 8, (1) (1931). "Ind. Eng. Chem., 6, 101-107 (1914). 7 Buchler and Graves, The Petroleum Waxes, Ind. Eng. Chem., 19, 718 (1927). * The Decomposition of the Paraffin Hydrocarbons, J. Phys. Chem., 34, 1617 (1930). COMPOSITION OF PETROLEUM i sound in cracked products. Egloff, Schaad, and Lowry? have made an excellent study of the literature of the olefin hydrocarbons (Fig, 2-18), ‘The naphthene series (type formula C,H:,) has the same type formula as the olefin series but has greatly different properties. ‘The naphthenes are Ting or cyclic compounds, whereas the olefins are straight-chain compounds in which a double bond connects two carbon atoms. ‘The naphthenes are saturated compounds and the olefins are unsaturated, Unsaturated com- HHH HH HeE-G-G-G-G-G"H HHAAHAA (a) Normal Hexane, Cg Hig (b) Normal Hexene, Ce Hiz HH H He C HC CCH WAN GH | Il H-c GH ci c. NES Sy HS WONG A HoH H (c) Cyclohexane, Cg Hiz (4) Benzene, CgHe i H H-C-H H-C-H Hoe ee aad y wali GREG EEG HG-C-E-C-G-H HC -C-C-C-H | H HH 4H HHHHH HHH i (2) Hexadiene -1,5, CgHjp 2 Methylpentane, H-G-H " Ce Hig H 22 Dimethyl butane Co Hig (#)Isomeric Isoparaffin Compounds Fre. 2-1. Structural formulas of hydrocarbons. pounds can react by direct combination with other materials, but satu- rated compounds can react only by the displacement of hydrogen by another material. In the older chemistry texts the naphthenes are called methylenes, ¢.g., tetramethylene, pentamethylene, and hexamethylene, whereas the preferred names are now cyclobutane, eyclopentane, and cyclohexane. As an example of the relation of this series to other cyclic series, consider benzene and cyclohexane. Both compounds contain six carbon atoms per molecule, but six hydrogen atoms must be added to benzene to produce cyclohexane. _ ‘The cyclohexane molecule is saturated, but the benzene molecule is highly unsaturated because it has three doubly *The Decomposition and Polymerization of the Olefinie Hydrocarbons, J. Phys. Chem., 35, 1825 (1931). 12 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING combined carbon atoms (Fig. 2-1d). The three double bonds are active so that benzene is an active material, but the cyclohexane contains no double bonds and does not react readily. However, most of the reactions of benzene are by substitution rather than combination. The naphthenes, unlike their isomers the olefins, are not easily soluble in sulfuric acid, They have been found in almost all crude oils, but again Mahoning County crude oil is an exception.’ This crude oil contained the hydrocarbons of the C,H:,-2 and C,Hz,-« series but no paraffins or simple naphthenes. Egloff, Bollman, and Leyinson"® have studied the reactions of the cyclo hydrocarbons (Fig. 2-1c)." : ‘The aromatic series (type formula C,H2,-s), often called the benzene series, is chemically active. ‘These hydrocarbons are particularly suscep- tible to oxidation with the formation of organic acids. The aromatics may form either addition or substitution products, depending upon the condi- tions of the reaction. Only a few petroleums contain more than a trace of the low-boiling aromatics such as benzene and toluene. Mabery™ found relatively large quantities of aromatics in Ventura, Coalinga, and Puente Hills, Calif., petroleums, Some of the Sumatra and Borneo crude oils are rich in aromatics. This series is found in catalytically reformed gasoline and is highly prized for its antiknook qualities (Fig. 2-14). ‘The diolefin series (type formula C,Hz,-2) is similar to the olefin series except that two hydrogen atoms are missing or two double bonds are present in each molecule. ‘These double. bonds cause the series to be extremely active. The diolefins tend to polymerize or combine with other unsaturated molecules forming high-molecular-weight gumlike solids. The diolefins and the gums from them are found in untreated cracked gasoline," but they are probably not present in crude petroleum. They are polymerized and removed by sulfuric acid (Fig. 2-1e). The cyclic series such as those having type formulas CyH2,—2, CxHan—s, CnHon-s, ete., are not well known. Nevertheless, the literature indicates that these series predominate in the higher boiling point oils, such as gas oil and lubricating oils. Most of the hydrocarbons in lubricating oil are saturated, but Seyer reports that about 20 per cent of a lubricating oil is soluble in sulfur dioxide. Doubtless the 20 per cent consists largely of unsaturated hydrocarbons. Isomeric Compounds. Confusion often arises because different com- . pounds may have the same molecular formula. Isomeric compounds are those which have the same molecular formula but different internal struc- tures. Compounds of the type formula C,H:, may be either saturated or 10Thermal Reactions of Cycloparaffins and Cyclodlefins, J. Phys. Chem., 35, 3480 (1931). Proc, Am, Acad. Arts Sei., 36, 255 (1901). 12 Bridgeman and Aldrich, Oil Gas J., Jan. 29, 1931, p. 42. 38 Petroleum Equipment Exporter, January, 1930, p. 65. COMPOSITION OF PETROLEUM 1s unsaturated. The formulas of the saturated compound cyclohexane and che unsaturated compound hexene-1 may be compared in Fig. 2-15 and ¢, Likewise the formulas of n-hexane, 2-methylpentane, and 2,2-dimethyl- butane, all having the type formula C,Ha.42 or CoHis, may be compared in Fig. 2-1a and f. Groups of atoms such as the methyl groups in the compounds just referred to are called “alkyl groups” or “radicals.” These terms refer to a group of carbon and hydrogen atoms that may be conveniently considered as a unit because they usually act as a unit in a chemical reaction. They may be defined as a monovalent hydrocarbon group having the general formula C,Hzai1. Common radicals are the methyl (CH;), ethyl (C:Hs), and propyl (CsHy) groups, Radicals are not individual compounds because they must always be attached to other radicals, elements, or groups of atoms, ‘There are’ two possible isomeric butanes, viz., n-butane and 2-methyl Propane; three pentanes; five hexanes; and nine heptanes. The number of possible isomeric hydrocarbons increases rapidly as the number of car- bon atoms increases. Compounds of the type formula C, Hons present even more possibilities of isomerism than the foregoing. As an example, the saturated series might consist of three doubly combined rings or com- bined rings with alkyl side chains; the unsaturated series might consist of numerous compounds having unsaturated carbon atoms in the rings, in the side chains, or in both; and other series might exist having combi- nations of saturated or unsaturated rings with saturated, ‘unsaturated, or acetylene side chains. Consideration of the series that are even more deficient in hydrogen than the CnHon—« series indicates that an enormous number of isomers is possible. Fortunately the number of unsaturated, high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons in Petroleum are probably few, or the isolation of these. complex compounds would prove an endless task. The number of possible aliphatic (C,H2n42) isomeric hydrocarbons is Carbon atoms | Isomers | Carbon atoms Tsomers 6 5 15 4,347 7 9 18 60,523 8 18, 25 36,797, 588 9 35 40 62,491, 178,805,831 12 355 Determination of Series. Although chemists have not yet determined Procedures and reagents for the isolation of each chemical series, a start toward this goal has been made." ‘The proposed methods do not indicate the exact series of hydrocarbons that are Present, but they do indicate groups of compounds that behave chemically in the same way as the lower “Hill, J. B., Ind, Eng. Chem., 45, 1398 (1955). 4 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING members of the paraffin, olefin, aromatic, or naphthene series. With the exception of normal paraffins, no individual hydrocarbon beyond C12 has as yet been isolated from petroleum and identified.™* All double-bonded hydrocarbons such as the olefins, diolefins, and double-bonded cyclics are classed together as one group, called “unsaturates.” ‘The unsaturated group may be absorbed or polymerized by sulfuric acid; the aromatics may be nitrated or absorbed by fuming sulfuric acid or dissolved by 100, 0 =PARALEIN. 90} : a to 4 y See bees a B20] E = f= 1200 8 F ja 3 \30 3 70 = 2 2 69 - ‘9 2 | | =| & 59 + 1502 = eet Aa = 6 40} ae i Ps § 20} 3 AROMATICS ae 5 | g a fe 3 10 T ASPHALTIC RESID.—[dlagd 90 73 Jt | id So a5 30400720901 PERCENTAGE OF CRUDE OIL. Fre. 2-2. Chemieal composition of an aromatic-base crude oil. (Oil Gas J) dimethyl sulfate; the naphthenes may be determined by means of the aniline index; and the paraffins are found by difference. Such an analysis is perhaps just as valuable to the engineer as an exact one, because he is concerned with the retention or elimination of certain properties in the finished products rather than with a detailed knowledge of exactly what compounds are present. By means of the foregoing analysis of chemical properties and the physical constants of each series, a reliable estimate or check of the physical constants for any petroleum oil is possible. Such an analysis, to be of most value, should be made on each of, say, 10 frac- tions of a crude oil, so that the change in the percentage of each series can be followed throughout the entire boiling range of the oil. Kurtz et al.’ present a triangular composition chart for percentage of paraffin, naphthene, and aromatic carbon atoms in lubricating oils. On the same chart they have plotted the relationship between viscosity-gravity-con- 16 Kurtz, King, Stout, and Gilbert, Div. Pet. Chem., Am. Chem. Soc. Meeting, Minneapolis, Sept. 12, 1955. COMPOSITION OF PETROLEUM. 15 stant and refractivity intercept so that these easily obtainable properties can be used to estimate chemical composition. Figure 2-2 shows such an analysis of a Grozny wax-free (Russian) crude oil Vlugter, Waterman, and van Westen’? were among the first to actively develop the so-called “ring analysis” whereby the percentage of aromatic and naphthenic rings per molecule ean be determined as well as the percentage of paraffinie side chains. Chemists are becoming increas- Taste 2-1. Cuemical ANALYsEs or PetroveuM, Per Cunt 1. Gromy ("high |2. Grozny (‘*parafiin-3, Oklahoma (Daven-| 4. California (Hunt- paraffin"), 45.3 per | free upper level"), | port), 64 per cent at | ington Beach), 34.2 Tne: cent at 572°F — | 40.9 percent at 572° o72F per cent at 572°F oF Aro- | Naph-| Par- | Aro- | Naph-| Par- | Aro- | Naph- | Par- | Aro- | Naph--| Par- matic | thene | affin | matic | thene | afin | matic| thene | affin | matic | thene | affin 140-203] 3 | 25 | 72 4} 31 | 65 | 5 | a | zs 4} 31 | 65 203-252] 5 | 30 | 65 8 | 40 | 52 | 7 | 28 | o | 6 | 48 | 46 252-302] 9 | 35 | 68 | 13 | 52 | 35 | 12 | 33 | 55 | 1 | 64 | 25 ao2-zoz] 14 | 29 | 57 | ar | ss | 24 | 16 | 20 | a6 | 17 | or | 22 sozae2] 18 | 23 | so | 26 | of | 11 | a7 | ar | 52 | 25 | 45 | 30 4g2-s72] 17 | 22 | ot | a5 | sz | 8 | a7 | sz | si | 29 | 40 | at ingly aware that the structures of large petroleum hydrocarbon molecules are seldom totally aromatic, naphthenic, or paraffinic. Physical methods of analyzing for the kinds of molecules in an oil are diseusséd by Schlesman and Hochgesang.'* Among such methods are X-ray and electron-diffraction; electron micrography; mass, emission, ultraviolet absorption, Raman, and infrared spectroscopy. Composition of Petroleum. In .he past, petroleum has often been considered as a solution of the paraffin hydrocarbons, but a survey of the literature indicates that such an assumption is not justified. The par- affins predominate in most gasolines'®"! and probably in kerosenes from paraffin- and mixed-base petroleum; the naphthenes predominate in most gas oils and lubricating oils from all bases of crude oils; and the naph- thenes, aromatics, and unsaturated hydrocarbons constitute the bulk of the highest-boiling or residual products. The only paraffins present in the higher-boiling products appear to be those occurring in the wax, and the amount of wax in even paraffin-base petroleum is relatively small. Sachanen and Wirabian’ present analyses of several Russian and Ameri- can oils (Table 2-1); and refer again to the more complete analysis given in Fig. 2-2. * Nelson, W. L., Aromatic-base Crude Oils, Oil Gas J., Oct. 28, 1944, p. 101. 47 J. Inst. Petroleum, 18, 735 (1932); 21, 661 (1935); 21, 701 (1935). 1 Oil Gas J., Jan. 13, 1944, p. 41. * Petroleum Z., 26, 867 (1929). 16 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING Taste 2-2. Hyprocarson Serres Founp ww Prrnoinum No. of a carbon} Pennsylvania Mid Continent Con cae atoms 5 | CaHlanss CyHans CuHas and CcHenys 10. | CoH CoHos and CH, | CHa. and CHa 15 | CaHaass 20 | CH. 25 | CxHsn and C,H ons 30 | C,He, and C,Hin-« 35) | C,Ha—. and C,Hos—s CyHe.—1 and CaHa12 40 |C.Hss-sand G.Ha-s | CsHa-s and Cris. 50. | Cutts. GxHns ond O,Ha._is 80 | C.Hen-s Fie. 2-3. Indication of the Gas J.) chemical composition of gasolines, weight per cent. (Oil COMPOSITION OF PETROLEUM 17 Figure 2-3 shows the composition of several gasolines. Table 2-2 indi- cates in a general way the series of hydrocarbons that have been found in Pennsylvania, Mid Continent, and California oils, The CaHo,—8, CrHs,—127 CnHas—16, and CnH2,—20 series were taken from Mabery’s study of lubricant and asphaltic hydrocarbons. The ultimate. composition” of a few petroleums is listed in Table 2-3. Taste 2-3. Unrate Cremican ANALYSES oF PETROLEUM Base . | Paraffin + Paraffin Mixed Mixed Naphthene Naphthene Naphthene Sulfur Compounds. The common types of sulfur compounds are indi- cated in Fig. 2-4. Difficulties with oils that contain sulfur compounds arise in only three main ‘ways—corrosion, odor, and poor explosion charac- teristics of gasoline fuels. Corrosion by finished products presents little difficulty because most products are used at low temperatures, tempera- tures at which only such compounds as hydrogen sulfide, free sulfur, and some of the lowest boiling sulfides, disulfides, and perhaps mercaptans are corrosive toward the main commercial metals. These lew-boiling materials tend to be concentrated into the gasoline by distillation, and hence inherent corrosiveness is seldom encountered in higher-boiling prod- uets except occasionally in kerosene. ‘Thus the main bulk of the corrosive sulfur compcunds can be removed by treatment with alkalies or the “sweetening” treatments. In the presence of air and moisture, the sul- fur gases produced during the burning of oils may cause corrosion, as in steel stacks, ducts, and engine exhaust pipes or mufflers. Corrosive or unstable sulfur derivatives of the sulfuric acid used in treating oils, such as alkyl sulfates and sulfonic acids, may also be present, but these can usually be eliminated by better plant control of treating. Real difficulties arise when high-sulfur oils are heated to temperatures of 300°F or higher % Ind. Eng. Chem., 16, 1233 (1923). Int, Crit, Tables, 11, 136-162 (1927). 18 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING for copper, or 400°F for steels. This may be illustrated by dibenzyl disulfide, a common gear-lube additive, which is noncorrosive to copper at 212°F but is corrosive at 300°F—must be corrosive if this type of jubricant is to function properly. The sulfides (mono- and di-) are generally. considered to be thermally unstable, whereas cyelic compounds such as thiophene are stable. Straight-run gasolines contain primarily mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide, and the sulfides, whereas cracked gasoline usually contains only small amounts of the mono- and disulfides. R “2 Alkyl sulfates x ic R—0O 0 Hydrogen sulfide R 0 jd Se Mercaptons: suniente eokds Methyl e% Benzyl Sulfoxides R—§—R sulfides: R—S—R i Methyl CHy—S—CHs nebo Cay —S— CoH 9 ’ Sulfones R—-S—R Disulfides R—S—S—R ; Methyl CHy—S—S—CH3 CH2 - ic Thiophs Cyclic sulfides 9 S 21.0 | 31.0, cet E zB 80.0 | 56.0 + Approximate relationship to Saybolt color. > National Petroleum Association. «Used alone without other color disks, 4 For filtered cylinder stocks. # a distance of 1 em from another plane of 1 sq cm area, through a distance of 1 em in 1 sec. The relative viscosity is the ratio of the viscosity of the liquid to that of water at 68°F. The viscosity’ of water at 68°F is 1.002 centipoises, and hence the relative viscosity and the viscosity in centipoises are numeri- REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 25 cally equal. Two other common terms are kinematic viscosity, which is the viscosity in centipoises divided by the specific gravity at the same temperature, and fluidity, which is the teciprocal of viscosity, The units of kinematic viscosity are stokes and centistokes. . The English. unit “Teyn” (1 Ib-see per sq in.) is equal to 69 x 105 centipoises, The common viscosimeters do not read directly in centipoises. All employ arbitrary scales. of viscosity. The Saybolt Universal viscosity! brated orifice in the bottom of the tube. ‘the procedure involves strain- ing the oil to remove particles that might lodge in the orifice, bringing the oil to a constant temperature by means of a constant-temperature bath, and accurately measuring the time for efflux. ‘The Saybolt Furol viscosity (D88) is determined exactly as is the Universal viscosity except that a ‘The pipette method must be used for gasoline, naphthas, or kerosene, because turbulent rather than stréamline flow occurs in the large orifices of the Saybolt equipment. The viscosity of kerosene is sometimes deter- mined in the Saybolt thermoviscosimeter,? and thermoviscosity (at 60°F) is related to the kinematic and Saybolt Universal viscosity (at 60°F) approximately as follows:!9 ‘ Thermo. = 15 + 148.5 kinematic (3-2) Thermo. = 46 SSU — 1,183 . (3-3) If t is the Saybolt Universal viscosity and z and s are the viscosity in centipoises and the specific gravity, Tespectively, all three factors taken at the same temperature, the relation among these variables, according to the Bureau of Standards, is Kinematic viscosity = ? ~ o.21gy — 149.7 (3-4) ‘The ASTM recommends a series of conversion factors! (D446) by which centistokes can be converted into Saybolt Universal viscosity. ° New and Revised Tag Manual... , The Refinery Supply Co., Tulsa, Okla. © Nelson, W. L., Oil Gas J, Nov. 24, 1952, p. 138, | 26 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING Figure 3-17" may be used to convert the viscosity by any one of the viscosimeters to the viscosity by any of the other common instruments. Somewhat more exact comparisons are available in tabulated form.!* Although Fig, 3-1 and the tabulations are useful for approximating the viscosity for design work or estimates, they should not be used for exact specifications. If the viscosity of a shipment of oil is specified in particu- lar units, the viscosity should be determined in these units by using the proper instrument. In using Fig. 3-1, the viscosities by various instruments must be deter- mined at the same temperature, If the viscosities are available at different temperatuies, then one or the other of the viscosities must be corrected for temperature as explained in Example 5-13. Example 3-1. Use of Viscosity Conversion Chart (Fig. 3-1). The Saybolt vis- cosity is 1,000 see at 210°F. What is the Furol viscosity at 210°F? ‘Trace the 1,000 time line to the intersection with the Saybolt Universal line. Fol- low the horizontal line (kinematic viscosity of approximately 215.0) to the Saybolt Furol line. Read down from the intersection. The Saybolt Furol time at 210°F is approximately 103 sec. ‘The Engler time corresponding to the foregoing is 1,500 sec. The Engler degrees (or number) corresponding to the foregoing is 30. ‘The lower and left scales are used for Saybolt Universal viscosities up to 8,000. For higher ‘viscosities the upper and right scales are used. Cloud and Pour Points. The cloud and pour points are useful in esti- mating the relative amount of wax inanoil. However, all oils will solidify if cooled to a low enough temperature, and hence these tests do not indi- cate the actual amount of wax or solid material in the oil. They do indi- cate that most of the wax, melting above the pour point, has been removed. In the cloud test! (D97) the oil is cooled, from at least 25°F above the: cloud point, in a specified test jar. ‘The cooling bath is held between 15 and 30°F below the cloud point of the oil. At intervals the test jar is removed from the brine bath without disturbance to the oil, ‘and the temperature at. which a distinet cloudiness or haziness appears in the bottom of the jar is recorded as the cloud point. The cloud point of dark-colored oils may be estimated by the temperature at which the vis- cosity increases rapidly.* The pour test! (D97) is conducted in much the same manner. However, the oil is first heated to 115°F, to be sure that all wax has dissolved, and cooled to 90°F before the test. As in the cloud test, the bath is held 15 to 30°F below the estimated pour point. oe Texas Company, “Lubrication,” May,.1921. Dunstan, Nash, Brooks, and ‘Tizard, “The Science of Petroleum,” 4 vols., Oxford University Press, New York, 1938; also Nelson, W. L., Refiner’s Notebooks 108 and 132, Oil Gas J., Aug: 31, 1946, and Feb. 15, 1947. % Young, ¥. C., Oil Gas J., May'31 and June 7, 1951. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 27 At intervals of 5°F, the test jar is removed from the bath and tilted to ascertain if the oil will flow or move. If it shows no movement when the jar is heldhorizontal for 5 seo, it is said to be solid. The pour point is taken as the temperature 5°F above the solid point. Engler, Redwood, Redwood Admiralty, Saybolt Universal, Furol, Barbey ‘6008001000 p00 390040006000 19000 “2090030000 50000 89000 20 _30 40.5060 89100 200 So) too p00 p00 3000 69008000 IG 2,000 15000 yo00 10000 ‘800 1000 a) 16000 a SI, 400 14000 ) 3.300 13000 ‘a(S 3} 8 200 2900 Z]c ole ; 3/55 100 1000 Ble 00 =]? le00 Ke Data from Archbutt and Deeley. ADistilled water at 20. ce C * Glycerol mixtures qt 20deq\ Refiried Castor oil} Mineral oils Alcohol, 40% SSSss 8 Rw AUK OS i Kinematic Viscosity = ' Specific Gravity— taken atthesame bei) as the viscosity readin A 1 CeO 20 30405060 80100 700. 300800 600 70 onan on fo ~~Time: Engler, Redwood, Redwoad Admirali bolt UniviySal: Bar regen aS OIBNO 20" 40300080 WD aNd MOMD oat Degrees Engler Fria, 3-1. Comparison of viscosity by different instruments. (The viscosites must be determined at the same temperature.) (The Tezas Co.) ‘Years ago the industry had a specified cold test which indicated the capacity of the oil to flow after vigorous stirring at a low temperature. This test proved to be inadequate and should. not'be confused with the cloud or pour tests of today. 28 PETROLEUM REFINERY .ENGINEERING Knock Characteristics. The confusion that has long characterized methods of knock testing has not abated."* Normal heptane and 2,2, trimethylpentane (so-called “isooctane”) were adopted as standards in 1930 along with a standard CFR (Cooperative Fuel Research) engine. The unit of knock ‘intensity, known as octane defined as the percentage by volume of isooctane that must be mixed ‘with normal heptane in order to match the knock intensity of the fuel undergoing testing, ‘The Ethyl Series 30 and 30B engines were used during 1929-1930, but in 1930 the CFR engine was developed and. the research method of test (1931) was recommended. Various test methods were employed in a continual attempt to duplicate road performance in the laboratory— 1938, ASTM or motor method; 1936-1937, Ethyl Corp. L-3 method; 1939, modernized research method; 1940-1946, aviation methods 1-C (lean) and 3-C (rich); and in 1948 the present methods of test known as F-1 or Research (D908), F-2 or Motor (D357), F-3 or Aviation (D614),! and F-4.or Supercharge (D909)! were adopted.* ‘The Research method is conducted at an engine speed of 600 rpm and the Motor method at 900 rpm. Different octane numbers are obtained by each of the tests and the difference in octane number between the Research and Motor methods is called the “spread” or “sensitivity.” Spread is related to road performance because the Research method more properly represents the performance during city driving when the speed is generally low and acceleration is frequent, whereas the Motor method indicates good high- speed performance on the highway.’* Likewise, the F-3 or 1-C Aviation methods check best with the performance during cruising, whereas the F- or 3-C mixture methods are related to the great power required dur- ing fighting maneuvers. In the range of 80 to 100 octane number, the F-3 Aviation method rates a about 1 octane number higher than the F-2 or Motor metliod.” The approximate relationship between octane numbers by the Motor and Research methods is indicated in Table 3-3. At least eight distinct methods have been used since 1928 and none of them prop- erly: represent road: performance. Agencies promoting cracked gasoline, leaded gasoline, and catalytic gasoline have vied in sponsoring methods of testing. The latest (1956) modification, the empirical Wiese scale for octane numbers above 100, is a compromise between the desire of engine manufacturers to use the Performance Numbers of aircraft engines for automobiles and the refiners’ desire to have a scale that properly reflects the cost of producing high-oetaine fuels. Nelson, W. L., History of Octane Number Tests, Oil Gas J., Dec. 22, 1949, p. 286, 16 Nelson, W. L., Oil Gas J., May 12, 1949, p. 116. ¥ Nelson, W.L., Oil Gas J., July 13, 1950, p. 98. Range is 0.5 to 1.6 units, decreas- ing again for octane numbers above 100. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 29 Taste 3-3. Averacn Retationsu Between Motor anp Reszarcy Octanz Nompers (Sensimvirr or Spreap) 7 Research method Motor | Straight | Reformed | Reformed | ‘Thermal Cat. Polymer coanke run (cat) (thermal) | cracked | cracked feat.) Bee 300 Bee Bee Boe See Cor) craee | Me | cre, | Clone | rap, | Clear | ay, | Clear | se [Clear | $e, 30 35 40 2 “4 46 47.3 48 50.0 50 62.5 32 | 55.0 5 | 87.5 56 60.5 58 63.0 | 0 65.5 62 68.0 64 70.5 68 73.5 68 76.0 70 | 75.0 | 71.0 | 75.5| 71.5 | 78.5 78.55 72. | 77.0 | 73.0 | 78.0] 74.0 | 81.0 81.0 74 | 79.0 | 75.0 | 80.0] 76.5 | 82.5 33.5 | 81.04 76 | a1.5/ 77.0 | 82.5] 79.5 | 86.5 86.5 | 84.0] 91.08 78 | 83.5! 79.0 | 85.0] 82.0 | 39.0 89.0 | 86.5] 92.0 80 87.5] 85.0 89.0 82 90.0] 87.5 91.5 at 92.5] 90.0 95.0 86 95.0] 93.0 97.0]. 88 97.5] 95.5 100.0 90 100.0] 98.0 "clear" Motor method with the “clear Research octane numbers, and as “leaded” with the “leaded” columns. “Extrapolated. Such extreme octane numbers are seldom encountered. Detonation performance of fuels at levels above 100 Research octane number will probably be designated by the so-called Wiese scale, Per- formance Number, originally developed to show the percentage increase in aircraft engine power for additions of TEL to isooctane, is generally telated to engine output. The relationship between Research octane 30 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING - number, Performance Number, tetraethyllead additions, and the Wiese seale is shown in Table 3-4. Sulfur Tests. ‘The.sulfur' (D90) content of gasoline and burning oils isan important specification. About 10 g of oil is burned in a small lamp, and the products of combustion are drawn through a sodium carbonate absorption solution. The sulfur is determined by titrating the unused sodium carbonate solution. Sulfur in residual fuel oil and crude cil is determined by the ordinary oxygen-bomb method* (129). Tanim 3-4 Octane number co TEL plus isooctanet aeyrsce Ssaxes . * Ron, = 128 — 2800 + P.N. On. = 100 + (PN. — 100) +3. Purely » compromise scale. * Approximate. 4 No longer used. See Wiese scale. The presence of corrosive materials such as free sulfur and corrosive sulfur compounds is always objectionable. The test* (D130) consists in noting the effect of the heated oil on a strip of polished copper. More than a slight discoloration of the copper after heating for 3 hr indicates that the oil is corrosive. Tests for Bituminous and Semisolid Materials. The most common tests for asphaltic substances are the ductility, penetration, ring-and- ball softening point!* (B28), and specific-gravity tests. The ductility’* (D113) of an asphalt is a measure of its capacity to elongate or stretch, and is an indication of the ability of the material to flow and thereby mend a rupture in the surface of the material. A briquette of the asphalt 18 ASTM Standards on Bituminous Materials for, Highway Construction, Water- proofing, and Roofing, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pa., yearly. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 31 is pulled apart at a uniform rate, and the elongation, measured in centi- meters, that occurs before rupture takes place is called the “ductility.” The test is usually conducted at 77°F, and the briquette is pulled apart at a uniform rate of 5 cm per min. Penetration’® (D5) allows a needle or cone to penetrate the material without mechanical friction and is arranged to read the depth of the penetration in hundredths of a centi- meter. A standard needle is used for asphalt materials' (D5), and the common test conditions are temperature, 77°F (25°C); time, 5 sec; and load, 100 g; but temperaturés of 32 and 115° are also used. For greases and petrolatum! (D217) the needle is replaced with a standard cone. The procedure is the same as for asphalt materials oxcept that the temperatures of 32 and 115°F are seldom used. Road oils are examined for flash point, viscosity (Furol) at 77, 122, 140, or 180°F, and by a distillation test’* (D402). The residue is tested for Penetration, ductility, and solubility in carbon tetrachloride"* (D4). The distillation test sometimes ruins the ductility of the asphalt, and hence the value of the test is being questioned. Gum and Gasoline. ‘The determination of gum in gasoline has been a troublesome test. The copper dish method of determining gum has been replaced by a method! (D381) that utilizes a measured and heated stream of air-to assist in the vaporization. ‘This test indicates the amount of gum at the time of test and the amount of deposition that may take place in service if the-gasoline is used immediately. In addition, a test for gum stability! (D525) which involves heating the gasoline at 212°F in a bomb at a pressure of 100 psi, all in an atmosphere of oxygen, is useful in estimating the amount of gum that will be formed during storage. In this test the gum stability is indicated by the rate at which the pressure decreases or the rate at which oxygen is consumed. REFINERY PRODUCTS Specifications are the result of a compromise between desirable per- formance characteristics in the product and the ability of the refiner to make such products from the crude oil at hand. Thus the whole opera- tion of refining must be governed by the performance of the product when in use. Neverthéless, wide ranges in physical properties can be tolerated or may be advisable for some products. As one example, gasoline may have an end point between 300 and 437°F and may vary in gravity from 50 to 70 API, depending upon the sales region, the source, or its use. In general, finished refinery products may be grouped as 1. Volatile products—liquefied gases and natural gasoline. 2. Light oils—gasolines, rocket and jet fuels, solvents, tractor fuel, and kerosene. 3. Distitlates—range oil, farnace distillates, diesel fuel, and gas oil. Paraffin wax, mig, Breases, + Revidues—tuel oi, coke, asphalt, carbon Specialties medicine Produets, der, spindle, Sear, ete., oils, roerystalline wax, Potrolatum, salve bases, and black, ete, hydrocarbons’ } The evaluation of crude oils for the Yields of Products jg discy; 2ap. 4 (also See Appendix B). Volatile Pro, issed in ! cts. Liquefied Petroleum Tespect to vapor Pressure® ted, chemicals, insecticides, eto, Bases are graded Primarily ' and the temperature at which 99 ‘per ‘ . In Unauthorized usage B-95.19 Tefets to a gas of Grade B Table 3-5) that has a vapor Pressure of: 95 Psig and a, 90 Taste 35, Staxparp Grapes on temperaty; B-95-M19 it ve meant that the 90 per cent temperature ig ini E, and Fare Used wi Me 1OF. Had the number been Widely, National B *sents standards for the safe ‘Pamphlet 58,19 f Cifications (ane, 1951) of the NGAa (Naturay Gasoline etica) for commercia] Propane and commercija} butane i & minimum of 95 Per cent of Propane an or propylene (or i or butylenes), (2)no ry sulfide, Ba negative Copper- on test (3 hr (4) no Water It bromide 4 Maximum of &tains per 100 cu FE of total sull Propane must be below 2; fur. The 15 psi at 100°F and of butane { } 18 minus 10°F. | of Fire Under. | handling of liquefied Petroleum dards for Liquefied Petroleum Gases, NBrU. Pamphiee 58, National derwriters, New York, August, 1940, REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 33 + 10-34 Ib 25-85 Not less than 90 Not higher than 375°F Noncorrosive Negative, “sweet” ‘Not less than plus 25 Reid vapor pressure....... Percentage evaporated at 140°F. Percentage evaporated at 275°F. End poin' In addition, natural gasoline is divided into 24 possible grades om a basis of vapor pressure and percentage evaporated at 140°F. These grades are shown in Fig. 8-2. Grade 26-70 is the standard grade for account- aney and pricing purposes even though. the average gasoline now has a vapor pressure of about 18, Percentage Evaporated at Morr, 348 Ao = 2 Grade 34 540 3230p 3 3 Grade 30-40" | Grade 30-55 | Grade 30-70 2 ¢ Gradé’26-40 | Grade 26-55 [Grade 26-70 22 Grade 22-40 | Grade 22-55 | Grade 22-70 1 S18 Grade 18-55 |Grade 18-70 34 @ Grade 14-40 | Grade 14-55 10 Fra. 3-2. Grades of natural gasoline with the common grades shown within the block. Gasoline. In an industry of many by-products, gasoline is the major product. The general properties of gasolines are indicated in Table 3-6, United States government agencies specified at least 12 gasolines during World War Il." While Unleaded Undyed gasoline is used for stationary engines, cleaning, and as stove gasoline. Motor Fuel 72 was used within the continental limits of the United States for nearly all vehicles—type A at climates of 50°F and up, type B at 25 to 70°F, and type C up to 45°, Red All Purpose gasoline was used for all military vehicles—Grade A at O°F and up in temperature and Grade C for aretie climes up to 10°F. Aviation Grades 80, 87, 91/96, and 98/130 were used for training purposes and Grades 130 and 140 for combat eruising and fighting. The ASTM specifications are perhaps the most comprehensive. In addition to the three types of gasolines specified in ‘Table 3-6, types A and wt White No, 2-116; Fuel 72, No. 2-114A; All Purpose, No. 2-103B; Grade 80, AN- F24; Grade 87, AN-F25; Grado 91/96, AN-F26; Grade 98/130, AN-F27; Grade 130, AN-F28; and Grade 140, AN-F29, Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. “ ormonoy po o'61-bf sovoye acon sane LSE 18 ermeard daetons pat sontn obeama Jo SCY recat 8 OME p MOD NO ‘AACN AWWOR “IL “A “UPMIMEROZ :woAG WORM" WOANT “widens OTL sort pouzopord ora roma “sey ropes oF Sate epee 2OeAaEEoe seats a a eRe cieiSescserd ES 33 33333 ooo He ‘Moyeq TMOTT Bonywroduioy 18 poyezoduae soseyuDored INERT SUINTLOUT AAV SNOLVOUIOMAG TNTIOSYH AIVIATEGEY “9-E TTYL REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 35 Bare further divided according to volatility to care for seasonal changes, as indicated in the following tabulation: 10 per cent point 140 149 158 All parts of the United States have been classified as W, I, or S areas, as used aboye, with regard to climatic conditions during each month of the year, The most significant performance characteristics of motor fuels may be summarized as follows’ (somewhat in order of importarice): 1. Freedom from water, gum, and corrosive sulfur. 2. Vapor look. 3. Warm-up and acceleration. . 4, Antilock quality. 5. Crankease dilution, Color, gravity, initial boiling point, end point, and noncorrosive ‘sulfur \ are of little importance. Water, sediment, or corrosive sulfur quickly lead to difficulties in the feed system. Gum that has already been formed in the gasoline, known as “preformed gum” (ASTM, D381),! can be tolerated in only small amounts: *. Guim, mg per 100 ml Performance? 6-10 Satisfactory 15-25 ‘Only a few hours and up to 1,000 miles Potential or ultimate gum that may in time be formed in a gasoline is of little significance except to indicate the difficulties that may be encoun- tered if by accident or error the gasoline is not marketed for many months. A high manifold temperature increases intake-valve and.cham- ber deposits,” and a rich mixture generally causes larger engine deposits.’ Engine deposits increase greatly as the gum content is increased from zero up to 7 or 10 mg, but higher gum content causes scarcely more. trouble than gum contents of 10 mg. The induction period in hours (D525)? is approximately equal to the months that the gasoline can be stored under conditions of commerce. ‘The rate of gum formation in storage has been related to the time required to produce 10 mg of gum Nelson, W. L., Allowable Guim in Gasoline, Oil Gas J., Jan. 11, 1946, p. 85. ™ Marley, Martin, and Gruse, Moderate Gum Content Gasoline Not Harmful, Oil: Gas J., Nov. 10, 1932, p. 12. 36 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINBERING in a laboratory accelerated oxidation test,** and hence it is possible to foretell the length of time that a gasoline can be stored. The amount of sulfur (noncorrosive) that can be allowed is probably in excess of the 0.25 per cent permitted during World War II. This quan- tity led to no serious trouble, and gasolines containing in excess of 0.4 have been marketed in some parts of the United States. High sulfur causes corrosion in the muffler and tail pipe of the exhaust system during cold weather because of the condensation of moisture and formation of sulfurous and sulfurie acid. Mono- and disulfides and mereaptan sulfur compounds are extremely harmful to the susceptibility of gasolines to tetracthyllead (see Table 3-7). Tavun 3-7. ArrRoximars Error or Suurur on Leap Suscermmmrrrs (Each compound used alone) Percentage of TEL used in overcoming the effect of sulfur (L) Percentage ot sulfur Poly: Mer- ain Free Thio. by weight | iédes | captana | DisulGdes| "yo, | sulfur | phenes dilsulfde 0.01 33 31 2 20 | Under 6 0.015 40 37 23 24 10 0.02 45 42 33 28 13 0.03 52 48 40 33 18 0.04 57 53 45, 37 23 0.05 60 57 48 40 27 0.06 63 60 52 43 31 0.08 68 65 57 aT 38 0.10 71 68 61 SL 43 0.15 76 3 87 87 53 0.20 tae 7 72 61 60 0.30 i 7 66 69 * Mapstone, G. E., Pet. Refiner, February, 1952, p. 132. The percentage of TEL used in overcoming the effect of sulfur com- pounds (Table 3-7) may be defined as L. L=2=* x 100 a in which a,; is the actual concentration (ml/gal) of TEL in the fuel, and a is the concentration needed if the fuel were free of sulfur. Thus, if the * Walters et al., Practical Test for Estimating Storage Stability of Gasolines, Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed.; 19, 987 (1947); also, Gum Formation in Cracked Gasolines, Ind. Eng. Chem., 32, 83 (1940). REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 37 value of L is 60, it means that 60 per cent of, say, 2 ml of TEL is used to overcome sulfur, and only 0.8 ml would be required if the sulfur ‘were absent. If several types of sulfur compounds are present, the equivalent of these is stated in terms of disulfides (Example 3-2). Example 3-2, Effect of Sulfur on TEL Required. In the first column of the tabu- lation is shown the amounts of sulfur in Foster West Texas gasoline. The second Gyumn shows the equivalent of each of the compounds if it were disulfides, ie., 0.045 per cent. mercaptans indicates in Table 3-7 a value of L of about 58.5, and if 58.5 is located in the disulfide column, the equivalent amount of disulfide is about 0.055. The other equivalents were obtained in a similar manner from Table 3-7, Disulfide equivalent % Mercaptans | 0. 0.055 Disulfides 7 0.021 Elemental sulfur. | 0. 0.002* Sulfides. . 0.007* Thiophene. 0.000* Total. 0.085 * By extrapolation of Table 3-7. A disulfide content of 0.085 indicates (Table 3-7) a loss in lead efficiency of 66 per cent. A similar value of L is obtained if mercaptan or sulfide equivalents are used. Tf the actual gasoline required 3 ce of TEL, it would require only 0.34 times 3 or 1.02 ec if it were completely desulfurized. ‘The color of gasoline indicates little about its quality, although it is an indication of the thoroughness of the refinirig “operation and. of the tendency to produce gum. The highly desirable antiknock compounds are partly removed by treating, and hence the specification of color has become less and less important. Most refiners resort to the use of oil- soluble dyes to mask the color of the natural product. Dyes ranging in color from yellow to dark purple are available, ‘These dyes also serve (1) to identify a gasoline and thus Promote confidence in its advertised quality, (2) to preserve the antiknock properties that would be partly lost during treatments used to improve color, and (3) to reduce the cost of refining, Tetraethyllead is the most important additive used in gasoline. It greatly increases the octane number. Antioxidants are used to inhibit gum formation by oxidation and polymerization in storage, and they Prevent potential gum-forming substances from depositing in engine fuel lines, carburetor jets, and on intake valves. Military specifications for aged et al, Dye Saves Dollars in Treating Gasolino, Oit Gas J., Mar. 5, 1981, P- 183. Also, Thompson and Johnson, Ind. ng. Chem., 48, 1860 (1956). 38 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING all-purpose gasoline require a minimum of 5 lb per 1,000 bbl of the following oxidation inhibitors, separately or in combination: N, N’ disecondary butylparaphenylenediamine N, n or isobutyl-p-aminophenol Di-N, N sec-butyl-p-phenylenediamine Minute amounts of metal impurities, especially copper, catalyze the oxi- dation of gasoline components, and 1-3 Ib per 1,000 bbl of metal deacti- vators such as N, N’ disalicyledene, 2 diaminopropane, are used. Rust or corrosion inhibitors are usually surface-active agents that coat ferrous metals and prevent water-metal contact in pipelines, storage tanks, or in vehicle fuel systems. Ammonium sulfonates and organic phosphorus compounds are examples of rust inhibitors. Various alcohols are used as anti-icing additives to prevent freezing of water in gasoline tanks, strainer bowls, or ‘carburetors. Most recently preignition preventers have been developed which tend to prevent spark-plug fouling and pre- ignition. Upper-cylinder lubricants (light lubricating oils) added to gasoline help in the lubrication of valve stems and the upper walls of the cylinder. C. M. Larson” has estimated the annual consumption of these additives during 1955 (Table 3-8). ‘Taste 3-8. Esmmarep 1955 Consumption or Gasouine AppitivEs* = Approximate | Millions of | Millions of, Aaa mioae | en | Mn ‘Tetraethyllead. 0-3 ml/gal 400-450 | 250 Antioxidants 2-161b/1,000 bbl 6.0 7 Metal deac 1.3 Ib/1,000 bbl 1.5 2 Corrosion inhibitors 10-50 ppm 5 1 0.01-0.02% 8 3 HAS 190 10 few Ko % 140 5 trace. 1 1 776 279 «Larson, C. M., Additives for Fuels and Lubricants, Pet. Engr. March, 1955, p. C44. Among the latest additives (1957) are methyl cyclopentadienyl man- ganese tricarbonyl of the Ethyl Corporation, and an organic boron com- pound of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio. The boron compound in small amounts (0.008—0.03 per cent) not only reduces combustion-zone deposits and surface ignition but also increases the effectiveness of tetra- ethyllsad. Antiknock effects are greatest with leaded straight-run or ** Adgitives for Fuels and Lubricants, Pet. Engr. March, 1955, p. C-44. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 39 alkylate fuels, causing an increase of 2 to 4 units in octane number, whereas with highly aromatic fuels (catalytic reformates) the octane num- ber may decrease slightly. The new Ethyl Corporation additive is more effective than tetraethyllead but its cost will probably be so great that it may be used only for aviation fuels. The boiling range ** governs the ease of staiting, rate of acceleration, loss by crankcase dilution, and tendency toward vapor lock somewhat as indicated in Fig. 3-3. Holaday and Happel*’ utilize the Percentage dis- 450, yy 8 MAXIMUM A.S.T.M. DISTILLATION TEMPERATURES 40 O66 7 PERCENTAGE: DISTILLED Fig, 3-3. Performance of gasoline in average automotive equipment. About nine out of ten vehicles behave as indicated. (Oil Gas J.) tilled at 158°F and the 90 per cent distillation temperature in an ASTM distillation to judge the time reqiiired to warm the engine. Most gen erally, warm-up is used as the miles of operation required to allow full power development without excessive use of the choke, and a 2- to 4-mile warm-up is generally thought to be satisfactory. This is similar to the ** Nelson, W. L., Gasoline Performance, Oil Gas J., Sept. 29, 1945, p. 139, *7 A Refiner’s Viewpoint on Motor Fuel Quality, Pet Engr., Ref. Annual, 1943, p. 251. 40 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING older usage of the 35 and 65 per cent ASTM temperatures” to judge rate of acceleration and smoothness of performance after the engine is started. If the fuel provides adequate warm-up and acceleration charac- teristics, it is always sufficiently low-boiling at the 10 per cent point to allow easy starting (Fig. 3-3). Crankcase dilution loss is related?” pri- marily to the temperature at 90 per cent distilled, but it is also affected by lower-boiling-range material. The crankcase dilution loss for the gasolines suggested in Fig. 3-3 is below 5 per cent. Agreement on tendency to vapor lock is not good,*”:** but the general situation is Climate, Allowable maximum Climate, Allowable maximum e Reid vapor pressure oa Reid vapor pressure 60 12.7 100 7.0 70 11.0 110 6.0 80 9.4 120 5.3 90 8.0 Vapor pressure also governs storage and handling losses,*? particularly at high altitudes. ‘The relative tank-filling losses for an 8.5 R.v.p. (Reid vapor pressure) gasoline at 80°F at different altitudes is somewhat as follows: With the advent of high-compression motors, the tendency of a fuel to spark-knock or detonate violently has attracted much attention. Knock- ing is thought to be due to autoignition of part of the charge in front of the flame. Mild knocking has little effect.on the performance of the engine, but. severe knock may result in loss of power and ‘damage to pistons or bearings. Certain substances such as lead tetraethyl," iron pentacarbonyl,** etc.,? tend to prevent knocking, All hydrocarbons have different antiknock properties, and certain of these, such as benzol? and # Brown, G. G., The Volatility of Motor Fuels, Eng. Research Bull. 14, University of Michigan, 1930, p. 7. * Good Gasoline, Natl. Bur. Standards Letter Circ. 551, Apr. 19, 1939. * Nelson, W. L., Evaporation Losses at High Altitudes, Oil Gas J., Dee. 9, 1944, p. 83. ™ Midgley, Thomas, Jr., Tetraethyl Lead Poison Hazard, Ind. Eng. Chem., 11, 827 (1926). 4 Gaylor, P. J., Patent Trends in Petroleum Refining-gesolines, Nail, Pet. News, Aug. 7, 1946, p. R-584, * Campbell, Lovell, and Boyd, Standard Fuel for Anti-knock Quality, Oil Gas J., Jan, 23, 1930, p. 42, REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 41 those in-cracked gasoline, are useful in suppressing knocking. Octane number is greatly affected by altitude.™?5 ‘The octane number may be about three units lower for each 1,000 ft of elevation at elevations near sea level (growing to 7.5 per 1,000 ft at 12,000-ft elevation). Thus, if an octane number of 67.5 is necessary at sea level, 50 is satisfactory at 8,000-ft elevation, and at 12,000-ft elevation even 20 is satisfactory, Knocking occurs*™## in average cars somewhat as indicated in Table 9-9 for a polyform gasoline that was rich in olefin and aromatic hydrocarbons. Tastz 3-9. Octane Nomeer Requixep To Prevent Knoceine nena Approximate percentage of cars Motor that knock method an Approx. | Approx. | Approx. 15mph | 40mph | 60 mph octane number Tanue 9-10. AvraoxnaTe Ocravs Nuuores Reguingp 10 Samisrt 10, 50, anv 90 Per Cent or Nine 1953 Maxes or Cars Orzratina on Funi-noiuinc-ranou Gasounzs : Co Research octane number to satisfy Car | No. cars i lea, make | tested 1 199% of cam | 50% of care | 90% af eard 1 28 88 96 2 24 86 95 3 27 87.5 95 4 24 87.5 94.5 5 28 a4 94.5 6 22 85 93. 7 30 83 93, 3° 27 84 91.5 9 25 78 90 * MacCoull, Hollister, and Crone, Effect of Altitude on Anti-knock . . . » Ref. Nat. Gaso. Mfr., November, 1987, p. 534, jnuleet of Altitude on Knock Rating in CFR Engines, J. Research Nail. Bur. Stand- ards, 28, 713 (1942), i Cutt, Ostergard, Fogle, and Beuther, Naphtha Reforming with Outside Gas, 26th Ann, Meoting of API, Chicago, Nov. 12, 1946, 42 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING ‘Tasiz 3-11. Arrroxmate Leap Suscerrmuty or Gasouines AND Hyprocarpons* Increase in Motor o-n. with " ‘Octane |Number ,e of gasoline Septem number) 1 ce | ace | ee | 400| Ge | Ys n-Heptane?..........-..... 0.0 | 10.1 | 29.1 | 43.0 1 Catalytieally desulfurized straight run’............ 54.5 | 14.9 | 21.3 | 25.2 | 27.9 | 31.8 20 Catalytically desulfurized natural? 61.6 | 13.6] 19.6| 23.1 | 25.5| 28.9] 6 43.4 | 10.7 | 16.9 | 21.1 | 24.0 28.2} 12 Straight run, low sulfur, hig octane... 64.0 | 9.4] 13.9] 16.6 | 18.5] 21.1] 28 Straight run, low sulfur. 71.6 | 8.0] 11.8] 13.8] 15.3] 17.4] 12 Natural gasoline. 65.7 | 8.4| 12.4] 14.8] 16.8] 18.8| 38 Straight run, high sulfu 55.9 | 7.5 | 11.3] 13.7] 15.3] 17.7) 23 Catalytically desulfurized cracked*.... 09.9 | 8.3] 10.4] 11.7 | 12.6 | 13.7 6 Tsooctane mixes*. 83.0 | 8.1| 11.6 | 14.1 | 16.2 | 18.4 8 Cracked, low octane. 87.5 | 8.1] 12.2] 14.7 | 16.5 | 18.9 4 Cracked, regular octane. 64.5 | 6.5] 9.5] 11.3] 12.6] 14.4] 38 Cracked, high octane. 1.6 | 4.0] 5.8] 6.9| 7.6] 8.6] 16 Aromatic gasolin 72.6 | 6.2| 9.0] 10.6 | 11.6] 13.2 13 Methyleyclohexan 73.0 | 2.5| 9.6] 12.2]....] .... 1 Houdry catalytic 75.8 | 5.9] 8.5] 9.9] 10.9] 12.4 30 Catalytically cracked. 78.4 | 5.0) 6.6] 7.5 9.5] 38 Polymer, catalytic. 82.5 |. 2.0] 2.9) 3.4 43 9 Diisobutylene?. 84.3 | 2.2] 2.7] 3.2 1 100.0 |-3.8] 6.9| 8.9 1 105.3 | 1.8] 3.2] 3.2 1 «Nelson, W. L., Lead Response, Oil Gas J., Oct. 6, p. 106; Oct. 13, p. 137, 1945. + Buerstetta and Warren, Oil Gas J., Nov. 21, 1955, p. 142. Numbers over 100 based on: R.o.n. = 128 — 2,800 + P. N. © Taken from Oil Gas J., Nov. 27, 1941, p. 70. 4 Desulfurized at high temperature with bauxite or clay. ‘The octane number required by cars of even the same make ranges by at least 7 to 12 Research octane units (see Table 3-10).?7 Although addi- tional power can be developed by the use of high-octane fuels in suitable engines, the extra power or mileage obtained by the use of high-octane- ** ORC Octane Number Requirement Survey, 1953. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 43 number fuels in current vehicles is not impressive** or conclusive. Under some conditions of operation a 10 per cent increase in mileage" appears to be possible by increasing the octane number from 68 to 83, but tests on some vehicles indicated no improvement or even a decrease in mileage. High-octane fuels do provide smoother, more satisfactory performance. Taste 3-12. Approxmate Leap Suscermmurres or Various Trss oF Gasoues as 4 Funcrion or Crear. Ocrans Numper Increase in octane number with 3 ce TEL octane number, | Straight | Reformed | Reformed | Thermal .| Catalytic runt (catalytic) | (thermal) | cracked cerncked, Polymer ‘Motor | Rea. | Motor | Res.| Motor | Res. | Motor | Res.| Motor | Rea. | Motor | Rew 26.0 25.0 23.0] . Ei 23.5 21.5] 25.0 |26.5) 21.0 20.0] 23.0 | 24.5 20.0 18.5] 20.0 | 22.0 38.0] 16.0 | 17.0 17.0] 18.0 | 20.0 16.5] 14.0 | 15.5 15.5] 16.5 |18.0 15.5] 11.5 [13.5 14.5] 14.5 | 16.5 14.0] 8.5 |10.5] 10.0- 32.5] 11.5 [14.5 is} 5.5 | 7.5] 8.5 |...) 6.5 11.0] 9.5 | 12.0 10.0) ss:{ 6.0 [10-0] 4:0 seee{ 7.0 [10.0 8.5 4.0 | 8.0] 2.5 | 8.5 5.0 | 8.0 7.0] ‘i 6.5] .:.. [6.5 ee) 4.0 45 Use Motor method with Motor octane columns and Research with Research colina, + Gavclines that contain 0.1-0.3 % sulfur are less susceptible (about 4 units); Nelson, W. Le, Oil Gas J. Oct. 13, 1945, p. 145. Catalytically desulfurized gasolines are more susceptible (about 3 units); Nel son, W. L., Oil Gas J., Oot. 27, 1945, p. 127. *Extrapolated. ‘These are extremes, scldom encountered, _ The susceptibility of fuels to tetracthyllead isnot uniform. The octane number is increased greatly if (1) the clear or unleaded octane number is low, (2) the sulfur content (particularly mereaptans, monosulfides, and disulfides) is low, and (3) the percentage of olefin hydrocarbons (cracked gasolines) is low. “Although variations are great, the general situation is indicated in Table 3-11, which is an average of about 327 tests, Table 3-12 can be used to estimate the effect of tetraethyllead on the octane * Nelson, W. L., Powor versus Octane Number, Oil Gas J., Nov. 16, 1946, p. 317. * Van Hartlesveldt and Field, Knocking Octanes, Pet. Refiner, June, 1940, p. 93. “Nelson, W. L., Lead Response, Oil Gas J., Oct. 6, p. 108; Oct. 13, p. 137, 1945. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 45 number of various types of gasoline. A substantially straight line results when the octane numbers of leaded gasolines are plotted on charts such as Fig. 34.4 The Performance Number shown on the right-hand scale of Fig. 3-4 represents the approximate relative amount of power that ean be developed. Tn summary, our motor fuels consist of butanes and natural gasoline for front-end volatility, cracked or polymer gasolines and antiknock agents for allaying knocking, inhibitors for the delaying of gum for- mation, and straight-run gasoline. Thermally cracked gasolines are desirable in motor fuels because of their good low engine-speed perform. ance. The low-boiling olefin hydrocarbons cause such performance. At high speeds the aromatic hydrocarbons found in catalytically cracked gasolines provide superior performance. ‘Thus a mixture of the two kinds of fuels is advisable, particularly so that the L-head engines which knock at high speeds and the valve-in-head engines which knock at low speeds are both satisfied. : Naphthas or Solvents. The enormous number of uses for specialty materials intermediate or embracing parts of the boiling range of gasoline and Kerosene makes for confusion and overlapping of specifications, Tables 3-13 and 3-14 show the average properties and uses for 20 repre. sentative naphthas grouped generally with respect to boiling range. Straight-run petroleum naphthas contain only small amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons and hence are not good solvents for some materials, notably nitrocellulose lacquers, dry paint, or certain resins. High-solveney naph- thas dissolve such materials, and special solvency tests" such as aniline Point, kauri butanol number, and dilution ratios of nitrocellulose in ethyl or butyl acetate are employed. The low-gravity naphthas of Tables 3-13 and 3-14, shown in boldface type, are high-solvency naphthas produced by. special processing methods that increase the percentage of aromatic hydrocarbons. A 48.4 API naphtha similar to No. 16 of Table 3-13, but containing 15 per cent of aromatic hydrocarbons, is used to deweed crops of carrots, parsnips, dill, or caraway. Among the special requirements of solvents may be white color; low unsaturated and aromatic content for stability; high aromatic content for solution of lacquers or synthetic resins; or low boiling for rapid vola- tilization. In general, however, naphthas should be free from acidity, noneorrosive by the copper-strip test, free from gums or suspended matter, sweet smelling so that a petroleum odor is not imparted to the “Ethyl Corp. Research Laboratory Chart, Apr. 15, 1949. Fam W- Le Classifieation of Solyents and Naphthas, Oi! Gas J., Apr. 15, 1943, elson, W. L., Dilution Ratio Tests, Oil Gas J., June 30, 1945, p. 117. “Blade, O. C., Annual Surveys, U.S. Bur. Mines Rept. Invest. 5132, April, 1955, Taste 3-13, ArrnoximaTe ProPertizs oF 20 Key number of solvent 1 | .| 75.1 | 75.5 | 74.6 |63-70.5| 71.5 | 40 64 ! 95.| 145 | 126. 179| 195 115] .... | 136 |. 2 wens 135 | 150 | ',162 191 | 200 156 | .... | 188 245] 210 a 186 | 160 | 206 275 | 215 Flash (Tag C.C.), °F....] -73| .... | —40 |... wi eis Kauri butanol No.. 30.5 | 34.5 77 | 35.5 | 37.5 Solvents high in aromatic hydrocarbons (high solvency) are shown boldface. ‘Tastz 3-14. Uses or 20 REPRESENTATIVE Key number of solvent with Boiling Use of solvent range, | 1] 2] 3] 4/5] 6 *F | 95-|145-/125-|160-[105-}179- 186| 160] 206 | 210] 260] 275 1. Perfume extraction. . --}160-260]...]...]...] x] x 2. Castor oil or fat extraction. 4125-300] ...]...] x] x}, x]. 3. Toluene substitute, lacquer formulas, . fast-setting varnishes. 179-275] .. waa] 4. Seed extraction. 160-300 x| ox 5. Rubber cements, tire manufactur 95-370 x| x 6. Lacquers, art leather, rotogravure ink, adhesive tape. 7. Rosin extraction, shade cloth, rubber dip goods. 8. Brake linings, leather degreasing, bone degreasing. . 125-400] . .. 9. Printer’s ink, cellulose lacquer diluent. .| 160-370) 10. Paints and varnishes, thinners. 105-455] ...} . U1. Textile printing and proofing... 160-410] ... 12, Paints and coatings (aircraft), paint 1 movers and solvents... -|179-410] ... 13, Paint shop rinsing and cleaning (aireraft}| 240-340]... 14. Floor coverings, wax, polish, wash for printing plates or rolls. . 15. Dry cleaning, metal and machinery cleaning. 16, Zylol substitute (in many instencea) 17. Flat finishes, rustproof compounds. 18. Synthetic resin thinner. 19... Wood preservatives 95-370] -x| x] x} x| x]... 205-300] .. - 200-410} ... 200-400] .. . 275-370 300-455 357-410] ... 312-650] ... « Solvents high in aromatic hydrocarbons (high solvency) are showa boldface. 46 Rernosewrative Souvents on Naruruas* (see Table 3-14) Key number of solvent 9 | 20 | at} 2) as] at | a6 | a6 | a7 18 | 19 | 20 59.5 187-58) 46 | 58 40) 35 | 35-50] 50 | 48 30-50} 45 | 40 200 | ‘200 | 225 275 | 303 | 312 | 325 | 357 | 350 | 320 210 | 215 |... 280 | 317 | 322 333 | 367 | 375 | 375 217 | 232 | 242 300 | 328 | 337 | 350 | 3s0 400 | 485 232) 253 |... “330 | 362 | 368 | 370 | 397 | 430 247 | 286 360 | 376 | 380 | 400 | 410 455 | 650 2! 2B]... 80) 99) ... | 115 | 136 | 142 | p45 38.5 |39-69/ 54 73 |35-63} 33 | 35 |31-65] 32 Naratgas anp Souvenrs* (see Table 3-13) boiling ranges, °F 7 18} 9 | 10] 11) 12] 13 | a4 | 45 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 195-1205. 200-| 200- | 22-| 220-| 240-| 275-| g00- 312-| 325-| 357—| 360-| a20- 215 | 246] 247 | 285 | 280 | 300 | 340 360 | 370 | 380 | 400 | 410 | 455 | 650 x xfoxf..] x x x} ox] x] x x x x] ox x x x} xfoxt oc] ox xfox} x sfx x an) x vefox x x x] x x} ox]. x x x =| a x] ox x x] ox x x . x x x x} x 47 48 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING manufactured products, and well fractionated to eliminate as much of the fire hazard as possible. ‘There is an increasing tendency to offer extremely narrow-boiling-range naphthas (under 30°F) which are superior for some services but which can often be replaced by cheaper naphthas of wider or conventional boiling range, Nearly pure hydrocarbons ranging from propane through hexane are also being offered. The mineral-oil solvents should not be considered as substitutes for other solvents that are now used, because mineral solvents possess proper- ties that are unique and useful, and for many purposes they can be selected because of their own merits, Jet Fuels. The production of military jet fuels reached 95,000 bpd in 1953 and the expected demand in 1957 is about 250,000 bpd (2.9 per cent of crude oil). Although a kerosene-like material (JP-1 Grade) was first used and a similar high-boiling fuel (JP-5) is still supplied in limited quantities, the main current fuels (JP-3 and JP-4) are wide-boiling-range materials which extend through gasoline and kerosene. Table 3-15 indi- cates the kinds of fuels supplied and Table 3-16 shows“ in detail the 1954 properties and the specifications of jet fuels. “Production has bee almost totally straight-run material, but there are indications that small amounts of cracked materials and heavy alkylates or reformates can be incorpo- tated. In the event of war, such materials will have to be tolerated. The Smoke Volatility Index of Table 3-16 is the IP smoke point plus 0.42 times the per cent distilled at 400°F. Its superiority as a means of judging deposition tendencies over plain smoke point has not been com- pletely established. The low freezing point of minus 76°F is a difficulty in meeting specifications, and if certain naphthenic or aromatic crude oils are processed, the gravity requirement becomes limiting. Throughout the world, specification DERD-2482, which is an Eastern Hemisphere kerosene; is used almost exclusively (1956), but some airlines require a freeze point of —50°F rather than —40°F. . Burning Oils. ‘These oils, represented by kerosene, long-time burning oil, lighthouse kerosene, and 300°F mineral-seal oil, are used, as their names imply, in household, marine, passenger-coach, and railroad illumi- nating lamps. Kerosene is the main product in thé United States but ASTM No. 1 Distillate has such similar properties that it is increasingly being sold as kerosene.’ Likewise, Eastern Hemisphere kerosene is sold as jet fuel. The 300°F mineral-seal oil is a high-grade oil having a Cleveland open-cup flash point of not Jess than 250°F. Signal oil for railroad lamps is compounded from 300°F mineral-seal oil and lard or sperm oil, Long-time burning oil is the finest grade, and in the burning test 650 ce of oil must not be consumed in less than 120 hr. | REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 49 The valu of kerosene is directly dependent upon its behavior in the burning or lamp test: An unsatisfactory burning test is terminated by smoking, by a white cloud on the chimney, or by a “toadstool” formation on the wick. Smoking is due primarily to aromatic hydrocarbons; a white cloud is Probably produced by disulfides (over 0.01 Per cent); and toadstools are thought to be related to both aromatics and disulfides, ‘Tapuy 3-15. Cuanacrentsties OF Jur Fusts, 1952-1956 Dist. temp,, °F mi Reid | sul- ps Boy | 10% | 50% 90% | evap. evap. | evap, Fuel Avg. Grade JP-3: 1952. 166 | 316 | 433 | 6.0 Jo.081| 14.7 160 | 265 | 421 | 5.7 |oos9 10.3 187 | 272 | 430 | 5.6 |o-063} 9/3 222 | 332 | 430 | 2.6 lo.075! 11.9 216 | 319 | 425 | 2-6 |o-o80| 11.3 217 | 317 | 409 | 2°6 |o.05a) 10:5 397 | 432 | 401 | 0.5 lo.46| 8.3 802 428 | 485 |.” lo‘i67! a2.0 389 | 418 | -468 | °°) [026] 0-0 386 | 422 | 472 | “9 lo is] 12's * Blade, O. C., National Annual Survey of Aviation Fuels, 1956, U.S, Bur. Mines Inform. Cire. 7782, March, 1957. * Both of two samples are shown, Although the Institute of Petroleuin (British) smoke testé5 is not usually specified in the United States, it is used widely throughout the world, The smoke Point is the height in millimeters of the flame that smoke point of 17 is satisfactory for most world trade. i.’ 57/55, Standard Methods for Testing Petroleum and Its Products, 26 Port- land Place, London, W.C.1, England, “Nelson, W. L., Smoke Point and Ring Number of Kerosenes, Oi Gas J., June 14, 1954, p. 151, xeur 9 seorgt frveeseeesees fmpory 0 feeeeeee Popup [eceereclereeeeeeeeeeeeecueeeenewectsenney RSA ump RE BLO, oxoUIg 1% ‘yaod exoug 28°0-6°0 + queqt09 1y=IO xeurog | xemeg | et*gt-e'0e "% “Joa ‘soyeurory xeurs00"0| —T00°0 “aeydeoreyy xeurg'g | xeurg'g | 920°0-€8°0 *% 4a ‘TOL, amyng oes B'O-L'E IE % 4M CON ourorg, 986'S-028'F suo AqrAws3 euTUy 9PI-62T “ay ‘quyod outpery sxeur 9 xeurog | 98°8I-1'ar “HOF 98 oppouroupy ‘Ayps008t A, xeur gy— | xeurop— |es— 01 0F—> ‘quod Surmsarg & ard soden pray, seenigyg |+eeeesenes [eaneeaceers ‘upod pur 91-3' 2a, tod 1.00% xeur 09g 08+-0LF de “EeA2 %06 FOr-BTF devas % 0g xour OTF ges-vee | xeur ogg 91Z oot “Wy “dena % OT dea} von eT os-28 TS Le 9-9 HTS] GOGH | grag [rrr reser eete eee eeteeee cesses reese Anpneagy 0H aor, ied aon ae won Be ~sogroads | ~eogroodg ~eogwedg | -reay | -vogwadg | -reay ear *Caaa svar spexp rae opary Saf eperp SIEAY LHP 40 SULINTZOUY FOBT INY SNOILYOIATONag “gT-E TIEVI, ‘G0 4V> “(9961) suoryezedo 49f ato uy open POM WHE p ‘ & Aya + ‘dt ‘ogor ‘se0o-a-TaW ‘ar pur gap, Poen ouesorey “Aiding Jo Ane M0 OT Pus ao] W.umoYs sr ony eUO “Beng “BOOT ‘TT ABW (UAV) FT6La~TI “9961 ‘tHY ‘BTS “yeemuy “ydogy eounyy «ing “ga Aoaing JENULY “D *O ‘Opel » TOT'O-ZET'O | ott te sree Seor"o “** soto ones voqruo-ue8orpéy ‘mr 00e'RT | wer Ong‘ st | 69¢‘gT-T6E ‘ST UR OOF'ST| S29'ST | ura oOF‘sT | oTz ‘gt I/Mg 4ou ‘wonsnquioo 0 waxy OL, teehee WE ersanses ‘Jer | “TH OOT/ Bur “7.09% “y0[-ureang, ST M006 “olny ROUGE [oreeseeeeeeee leur pp [eeeeeees xwurgg) feeteees “*peyesoppooy ton, atte qu0y, oe won| ode ~eogradg a ~opedg | -reay | ~vogroady “ray Svat eps Fal oper Sd operp (Ponuyquog) es1ang amp 20 satuaong }gg1 aNY SNoLLVoImIORag “9T-g aTEv, i | | | 52 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING The Saybolt thermoviscosity is also used to indicate the behavior of the oil in a lamp by means of the so-called Ring Number which is: sit _ 19 (46 minus API) ‘The viscosity usually ranges between 325 and 450, Elowever, an oil may have a proper viscosity and yet fail to burn satisfactorily. Kerosenes may have a gravity of 39 to 48 API and a flash point (Tag) of 120 to 180°F. The initial boiling point is usually under 370°F, and the end point about 500°F, although the government at one time allowed an énd point of 620°F. Although gravity is not important, many refiners strive to produce a 41.5 to 43 API kerosene, and hence most of the kerosene sold in the United States has this gravity. A small amount of light material (naphtha) is necessary in order to produce a high-quality burn- ing oil. For this reason a little heavy gasoline must always be present in the kerosene, and hence the boiling ranges of kerosene and gasoline (or naphtha) overlap to some extent. If the gasoline (or naphtha) and kerosene are too well fractionated, the flash point and initial boiling point of the kerosene will be so high that it will not burn properly. The color instability of some kerosenes has at times been a mysterious difficulty. Several inhibitors and tests for color instability have been developed.” The properties of a few keroseries and related products.are given in Table 3-17, Range oil has no close specifications and is usually considered as an off-brand kerosene that is too high in sulfur, has a bad odor, ete. * Tractor fuel oil is discussed by A, T. Colwell,# but the motor fuel tax limitations, the need for cheapness, and the wide variety of engines make clear-cut specifications impossible. In general, the properties of fuels that have been marketed are somewhat as follows: Flash point, min. ++ Low to 115°F 10 per cent temperature, mii 176-422°F 95 per cent temperature, min. 437-555°F End point temperature, max. Sulfur, per cent, max... 480-600°F 0.1-0.5 Distillate Fuels. Among these are stove gasoline (torches or lamps), tractor fuels, domestic fuel oils (stove or furnace), industrial distilled fuels, spray oils, insecticides, smudge oil, straw oil, absorption oil, and gas oil. Table 3-18 presents the properties of these not closely specified oils. In northern New Jersey the average quality of No. 2 heating oil has been *' Hillman, McHatton, and Moerbeek, Proc: World Petroleum Cong., 2,704, 708, 713; and 721 (1983); and Rather and Beard, Ref. Nat. Gaso. Mfr., 15, 217 (1936). “* Fuel Requirements for Farm Tractors, Pet, Refiner, January, 1945, p. 124, xeur % ¢ oat 9°09 aumnbod soorAz0" rood ¢ ‘someuory “Parenonar % 06 18 somyerodutoy ¢ OF seed re 80°0 829 aor nde ‘Tny 4x90 9-2, ore, | *96°0-10°0 | 029-425 825-098! SE-CIEISST-OCT16" FFB: F|°-¢ “ow open ger 09— 01 or |- *8°0-8T0"0} ogo-z95 eF-O96 968-218 |981-HITl0- gpg sro uzur g O'T [o8t9-go¥|t0F~z5¢|- ++ "wo uru gg |+ OT |eBt2-co6) zee | -- THY Hom Og 7840 EK OT | ura OZ log. 1 rb 0} ae e+ ii a8 on—F5 ‘onsomog, "48 '8F—T> ‘omsouoge our 81eWI9 “eon Buy sung, ———___L re not | eur "I Sow | W0d | Tojo sor proms) '% HIME Fe ‘du19} “391 senpord jo ourayy SMONGONE aRLIEY ANY ‘raag HOLY, ‘aNasOURY 40 saumuzsoug -11-p aravy, i | 54 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING as follows: Year 1938-1941 1942 1944 1945 ‘Thermally and catalytically cracked distillates have not been entirely satisfactory for the types of domestic burners now available, because of carbonization. The kinds of domestic burners and the fuels required are: s ASTM Per cent Type of burner’ grade of fuel | of sales required | (1947) Vaporizing. type. ar 10.8 Natural draft. i Pot type, forced lor2 Vertical rotary, forced draft lor2 11.0 Vertical rotary, atomizing. lor2 Atomizing-gun type: 3or2 6.2 Qor3 71.7 The flash point of domestic fuels is limited because of safety, and an upper limit is imposed to ensure easy ignition in vaporizing-type burners. Car- pon residue on a 10 per cent ASTM residue indicates something of the tendency to produce coke in vaporizing-type burners, but the 90 per cent distillation temperature is probably equally significant, and a good correla- tion is obtained only upon consideration of the carbon-hydrogen ratio,® Diese] Index, or aniline point. Viscosity naturally falls within proper limits, but in. general each atomizing-type burner exhibits a maximum capacity at some intermediate viscosity.°° Sulfur is normally of little significance; but, for chicken brooder heaters, heat-treating, and glass or ceramics ware furnaces, it may be spécified. Color and odor are not vital, but purchasers note them. The increasing use of cracked distillates or cycle stocks in distillate fuels has helped the pour point but has intro- duced difficulties with stability. Various additives are employed to “* Cauley and Delgaas, C i i stil made Oren eu eras Ratio of Catalytically Cracked Distillate wee and Sullivan, Characteristics of Fuel Oil, ‘Nail. Pet. News, Aug. 21, “LOOT 9 oryeuroury » “TOMMIMEP WLLSY te Jo onprsor % oT oxy UO’, “Hold 48 SOHOISHUGD g “xeur 1 omssard sodva prey pu xeur g and ysIp zoddog » Are sm Tow] gg feseeeeee peseeemeseteeceed pe [hemes To woydsosqy -% 90 xorq “W'S mon ~Bogroads ‘F “ON WISV ‘g . ‘oF uvz 9g6r, 100 “o1Pq "M's" ‘oBuer o¢gy eA | Oe re ga gp frees er gh OO OBR IL Ph-g' ge] ° °° --aBoes oa 1013 ~wogtoods ‘Z “ON WISV "F [s81-Ozt|6'+5-8"pe| “eBuez 9¢67 ST'0 ‘802 uoqreg, HoT | tg. feeceseeeene sree i ~vogroads ‘T “ON WY °g 02-49 “ourjosed ang -z 02-79 “ePINY s0y8rT “T S100 av eureu 10 epezp STING GaLvIaY ANY SELVITIUSIC( “gI-g wIEvy, “TeyoyuUT O1ryUS TO ¢ soBez0ne you ‘UmMUTUTT + Supp OF 0} UONONper pooso; SoeIIOYS TEM p “peOr Sun OF BeHOHs TEA “xopU [O801C ¢ “enplsex WONPISIP W.LSY % OT ® U0 © oz] og ovrst) 68°0| o-zF s9t | 2z9°0] 0°98 spt] 62°0| s"68 o-T| oF-e Ot] oF overt |szo°0| 2°9F 0-651 |982'0| ¢°6F ovost |€2z°0| 8°09 au ‘OS6T 2ST | 48b°0| £709 248 ‘0961. est |ze"0) Tos waisy 8 ‘eget s:0| oF ‘usoysug’ a9 “QogT ror fers| eg Buca bs oa ; 8 Tat |2pI-0| 9°19 Sarr ass Geet est} co] ae “1 9PeID WLSV . sofduaes “ost 2 F6T. 2:0-0| 19-75 ‘bpead onore POL ort | ar Auny ‘esodsnd-trs “FOr ot | 708 nb wnEpoU ‘OFT 8 “dupenb yary ‘OFET ug xeu afea | waaclr Sepeel 00 Tey Jo wordirosoqy aa aa eumjeg | woqisg | Ays0081 4 Go ‘oBur UOMeTTSI REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 57 alleviate the clogging of screens, the formation of sediment or gum-like materials, deterioration in color, and corrosiveness,2® Most middle-boiling-range material (400-900°R) is cracked into gaso- line, but in meeting the. specifications of such materials as kerosene, No. 1 Distillate, diesel fuel, and jet fuel, it is necessary to use mainly straight-run material. Diesel Fuels. The major performance characteristics of diesel fuels, somewhat in the order of importance, are 1. Cleanliness—earbon residue, B.S.W., sulfur, ete. 2. Ignition quality—cetane number or Diesel Index. 3. Fluidity and atomization—viscosity, pour point, ete. 4. Volatility—flash point, distillation, and carbon residue. Even the small amount of dirt carried in dusty air can pollute diesel fuel, because the plunger of the injection pump is lapped to a tolerance of 0.00001 in. Excessively large amounts of sulfur are thought to contribute to engine wear, and sulfur obviously can cause mufiler and exhaust-pipe corrosion. Good ignition quality, as measured by cetane number or Diesel Index, assists in easy starting, starting at low temperatures, low engine pressures, and smooth operation; whereas a fuel with poor ignition quality promotes misfiring, varnish on pistons, engine dirt or deposits, and rough operation. Fuel economy is slightly better for medium. or low- cotane-number fuels, but engine load is much ‘more important, High- viscosity, high-boiling-range fuels cause engine deposits, smoke, and odor; but too low a viscosity may lead to a slightly lower efficiency because of Poor lubrication of the injectors, leakage, or the low heating value of such a fuel. Fahrenheit) divided by 100. Ignition accelerators, such as alkyl nitrates (especially amyl nitrate) or nitrites, aldchydes, ketones, esters, ethers, and peroxides, have been investigated. A major difficulty has been the incompatibility often encountered when two fuels are miced. ‘They tend to produce sediment during storage, Anti-sereen-clogging additives and inhibitors of gum formation now permit refiners to blend straight-run and catalytic cycle stocks’ into diesel fuels, Ease of starting, according to Shoemaker and Gadebusch,** depends mainly upon ignition quality but also upon viscosity and pour point. 1. Bogan and Wilson, Ignition Accelerators for Compression ignition Engine Fuels, Pet. Refiner, July, 1944, * Effect of Fuel Properties on Diesel Engine Performance, Oil Gas J., Jan. 12, 1946, P. 74. 58 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING Fuels more viscous than 550 sec Saybolt Universal at the starting temper- ature cannot be handled by some fuel-ignition pumps. Plugging of screens or cloth filters tends to occur at the cloud or haze point, which is usually about 10°F above the pour point. Finally, the cetane number ‘Taste 3-20. Comparison or Ionrrion Quauiry AND Oruzr Proverties (ArPRoxIMaTs) Blending Diesel | octane num- number | Index | ber (Motor method) Character- ization Factor 30 11.05 201 35 11.25 196 40 11.45, 191 45 11.6 187 50 18. 183 55 12.0 180 60 12:2 *@ = B + (68 — 0.7038) log 7, in which G = API gravity, T = °C, and B = the constant. Tapie 3-21. Prorzrries or Diese. Fusts ror Easy Startina Maximum Air tem- | viscosity perature, | Saybolt °F ~ | Universal at 100°F —20 42 -10 46 o 50, 10 87 20 65 30 70 40 98 50 aes 60 160 must be high enough to permit ignition when the air that is compressed is cold. The properties required are somewhat as shown in Table 3-21. Obviously viscosity gives little trouble. Lubricating Oils—General. There are so many uses for mineral oils that a formidable array of names, based on uses, has arisen, Several grades of viscosity are useful for each general type of oil, but a relatively few types of oils will satisfy most of the needs of industry. Table 3-22 srornaojouess reonDo(g, -270 ‘pode yaty ‘eon | + sore set f.001 | onpra (ano | xepey ‘Aundoxd prpodg JFovod| cones | smd an med | mado) | Aypos | ay 205 pean, 1 30 omey “m9 ru “| 38 Ayan, SHO PNIWOINENT £0 SuEEEONT IVOIRE 40 BONVY “Ze-E wravy, 60 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING shows the properties of some of the major types of oils, and the approxi- mate amounts sold during 1950 are shown in Table 3-23. In general, oils may be grouped as follows: 1. Engine and Machine Oils. High viscosity Index oils are required for aircraft engines and automotive engines operating in temperature and arctic climates and for machinery or instruments that are subject to wide variations in temperature. Viscosity and Viscosity Index (see Fig. 4-2) are important considerations. Taste 3-23 Type of oil ‘Thousand bbl | Percentage Motor oil: 7,000 18.0 4,800 12.3 7,650 19.6 2,550 6.5 22,000 56.4 ‘Total export. Medium Viscosity Index oils are suitable for almost all industrial machinery including stationary spark-ignition engines and automobiles in temperate or warm climates. Low Viscosity Index oils are suitable for most industrial lubrication and for diesel engines, Except for poor starting characteristics, these oils are thought to be best for general automotive service (except arctic) because of their natural detergent properties. Others feel that a chemical deter- gent should be-added to the higher-viscosity-index oils to gain detergency properties. Obviously the entire range of viscosity of 60 sec at 100°F to 250 vis- cosity at 210°F must be available to provide service for the lightest spindles (of zero clearance) and the heaviest machinery operating at high temperatures. In general, the useful life of an oil is halved by each 15°F increase in operating temperature (above 140°F). In connection with | i i | REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 61 sravity-feed systems, ete., it is useful to recognize that the viscosity is about halved by each 20°F increase in temperature. 2. Compounded Oils. The addition of fatty oils such as lard, tallow, emulsions with water that will stick to the metal surface. Thus com- pounding is practiced for steam engine, air compressor, quenching, cut- ting, marine engine, and tempering oils, Fatty oils also mildly increase the film strength. Tests for emulsibilit; ) Neutralization number, and percentage of fatty oil are useful. 3, Turbine Oils. High-speed machinery, such as steam turbines and dynamos, may cause emulsions with water; and hence the ASTM steam emulsion number (D157) and demulsibility test of the Federal government (Method 320.13) are useful. Extreme stability, attained mainly by long filtration through fuller’s earth, is necessary because these oils may be used for several years, 4. Cold Test Oils. Pour Point, viscosity, and sometimes Viscosity Index are important for oils used for refrigeration equipment, hydraulic mechanisms, machine guns, instruments, or any machinery in arctic climates. 5. Transformer Oils. ‘These and insulating oils must withstand large electrical voltages, and hence the dielectric strength (usually 1-in, disks, 0.1-in. gap, 25,000 volts minimum) is important, ‘The steam emulsion number is usually specified in order to assure stability during several years of service. 6. Color Oils. Such services as food, paper or textile manufacture, and medicinal uses Tequire a white or very light-colored oil, Lubricant quality is destroyed toa large extent by decolorization. ‘The cheap black oils might also be included here, because color is of no significance, 7. Corrosive Oils. Several Services depend in part on the corrosiveness of an oil at least in certain temperature Tanges. Such oils as extreme- Pressure lubricants for hypoid: or heavy-duty Bears, and cutting oils Tequire the addition of sulfur, chlorine, or compounds of these. Suitable corrosion tests and special performance tests are required for each Since nearly all industrial services can be met by the above seven gen- eral types of oils, it is doubtful if an attempt should be made to classify the many specialties used as Putty, leather, quenching, penetrating, pre- Servative, wire rope, chain, harness, floor, furniture polish, shoe polish, Wax mixtures, denaturing, wool, shock absorber, hydraulic, brake band, ete., oils. The SAE viscosity classification of oils shown in Table 3-24 is most widely used. The 10W and 20W grades are for winter service. Perhaps 62 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINBERING Tasiw 3-24. SAE Cuassirication Sysrem ror Cranxcase Ons gag | Saybolt Universal sve Redwood Enger Centictokes icon ity | number! OF = | 20] OF aor | oF | 207 oF 20°F Below 115 | . 172-34 344-1,376 |. a better (but more complicated) classification system is that of the Bureau of Ships." It consists of-a series of numbers of four digits each, and a detailed tabulation of the properties of the oils that have thus far been assigned numbers. The tabulation® of properties is too extensive for publication here. The first digit designates the general ‘kittd of oil, and the last three digits are used to show the numerical value of the viscosity. The-kinds or types of oils adopted by the Navy are Viscosity Class measured at lxxx Forced feed, high Viscosity Index (05-100). . 210°F 2xxx Forced feed, low Viscosity Index......... 3xxx Forced feed, medium Viscosity Index AeA) 4xxx Compounded marine en; Sxxx Mineral cylinder. Gxxx Cornpounded steam cylinder ( ‘7xxx -Compounded steam cylinder ards or tallow) 8xxx Compounded air cylinder. Qxxx Diesel engine (heavy duty). As examples, 1042 is SAE 10W oil, and 3050 (or 9170) is SAE 20 oil. Motor Oils. Spark-ignition and diesel-engine oils differ primarily because the diesel oils must exhibit ‘‘detergency” properties to keep car- bon from accumulating in the engine after a few hours of operation. Naphthene-base oils (low Viscosity Index) are somewhat satisfactory as diesel oils, but most heavy-duty oils are made by introducing a detergency additive to an oil manufactured from paraffin or mixed-base crude oils. Much importance has been attached to Viscosity Index** because it measures the suitability of an oil to-lubricate properly at the elevated * N.B.8. 431, Lubricating Oil, Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, Washington, D.C., 1942. “See Figs. 4-1 and 4-2 for viscosity-temperature relationships, . 130°F - 210°F ~~ 210°F . 210°F + 210°F - 210°F . 130°F . 130°F REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 63 temperatures of the engine and at the same time not to:be too viscous for operation during starting. Easy starting is said to occur if the viscosity does not exceed 40,000 sec Saybolt Universal at the starting temperature,** and, of course, the pour Point must be adequately low. ‘Thus viscosity, Viscosity Index, and pour Point together govern ease of starting. The lowest temperatures at which easy starting (quick-cranking) can occur are somewhat as follows: Lowest easy starting temperature, °F Kind of oil 40 60 100 Viscosity Index Viscosity Index | Viscosity Index 40 viscosity at 210°P. —23 25 4 SAE 10W. —18 to -27 | —19to -29 | —20 to —30 SAE 20W. Oto -18 Oto -19 0 to —20 SAE 20 (thinnest), —2 6 -12 SAE 30 (thinnest). . 13 9 0 Obviously 10W and 20W oils of any base are. satisfactory for normal winter service. Zero Viscosity Index oils are not shown in the tabulation, because such oils are not marketed, So called “multigrade” oils are being marketed which meet the requirements of several or all SAE grades, Viscosity in itself appears to be of little direct significance, and such might be expected because the piston rings scarcely push against the cylin- der wall. The oil must be fluid enough during starting to flow through the lubrication system, but it may be quite. thin (even diluted with kerosene) at the engine temperature without causing excessive wear, Thinner and thinner oils are being employed. “Although thin oils may contribute to oil consumption, less gasoline is used and the over-all cost of operation may be less" or scarcely different. ‘The factors that, affect oil consumption are (1) low-boiling or low-flash oils, (2) low-viscosity oils that allow blow-by, (3) excessively high engine temperatures, (4) high engine speed or load, (5) leaks at gaskets or rotating seals, (6) carbu- retor out of adjustment so that crankease dilution occurs, and (7) a worn engine.*7 Of these, a worn engine, a poor carburetor adjustment, or a high speed accounts for most cases of excessive oil consumption, Flash or fire point indicates little of engine performance, but it indi- cates the source of the oil and whether it isa blend of low: and high-boiling ** Otto, Miller, Blackwood, and Davis, Improved Motor Oils, Ref. Nat, Gaso. Myr, November, 1934, p. 411, ty Nelson, W. L., Significance of Viscosity... , Oit Gas J., Nov. 23, 1939, p. 46, " Nelson, W. L., Consumption of Engine Oil, Oi! Gas J, Feb. 17, 1944. p, 73., 64 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING oils. Sulfur has little direct effect, but Merrill, Moore, and Bray** find inconclusive evidence that high-sulfur oils cause engine. corrosion—that the wear may have been caused by the different types of hydrocarbons in the oils rather than by sulfur. Carbon residue is not directly related to carbon formation in the engine, The extremely high-carbon-residue Pennsylvania oils produce only alittle more carbon in the engine than do the low-carbon-residue naphthene-base oils, but the paraffin-base carbon is much harder and is attached more firmly to the cylinder parts. Short-time engine tests such as the Lauson, Underwood, and Chevrolet 36-hr tests® and the Work Factor test of the Bureau of Ships** are neces- sary in making real evaluations of oils. However, even such elaborate test methods sometimes produce confusing results and they indicate clearly that the results are a function of the way the engine is operated as well as of the properties of the fuels or lubricants being tested. ‘Additives are now widely used to alter the properties of lubricating oils. Pour-point depressants act differently on each oil, but on the average cause reductions in pour point" about as follows: Average | Range of Per cont | lowering, | lowering, °F F On i 121 0.3 22 5-39 0.5 30 17-44 1.0 38 2-53 Wax-naphthalene or waz-phenol condensation products and their poly- mers are said to be effective as pour-point reducers.’* Viscosity Index may be improved by the addition of butene polymers or polymers of methacrylic acid esters. Detergency additives are usually complex calcium or barium sulfonates or phenates. Such additives tend to keep carbonaceous sludgelike materials from settling out of the oil and will even clean such materials from a dirty engine. When a detergency _additive is used, the crankease oil almost immediately appears dark and dirty because the sludge is carried in suspension. When such an oil is “Service Characteristies of Motor Oil, as Related to Chemical Composition, Oil Gas J., June 13, 1935, p. 59. Livingston and Gruse, Carbon Deposits from Lubricating Oils, Ind. Eng. Chem., 21, 904 (1929). © Georgi, C. W., Subcommittee Report, SAF Journal, February, 1943, p. 52. ee W. L., Reducing pour-point with Depressants, Oil Gas J., Dec. 30, 1944, P, 269. s REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 65 first used in a dirty engine, it loosens so much material that the oil should be changed at least two extra times at 300- and 500-mile intervals to remove the debris. > Detergency oils are necessary for diesel engines, although straight naphthene-base oils are reasonably good, and such oils are advisable for heavy-duty spark-ignition engines. The engine temperatures in spark- ignition and diesel engines are somewhat ag follows: Location a Piston head, °F. ‘These high temperatures tend to cause rapid oxidation of the oil on the piston head and top ring,-with the formation of solid asphaltic material from paraffin-base oils but only sludge** in the naphtheno- or detergency- type oils. ‘Thus, when paraffinic oils are employed, varnishlike deposits tend to “cook down” on the lower walls of spark-ignition pistons, and coke deposits are formed around the top ring of diesel-engine pistons. Deter. gency oils do not assist greatly in removing the varnishlike deposits of spark-ignition engines, but they do suppress to a large extent the coking of diesel engines by keeping the carbonaceous material in suspension. Taste 3-25. Estate ANNUAL Consumprion or Apprtives FoR (Maintx) Avromomiye Lupricants, 1955¢ Kind Dosage, Millions of | Millions of per cent pounds dollars vee 210 280-300 87 Antioxidants—corrosion inhibitors. . 0.42 70-75 15 Viscosity Index improvers. . 0.5-10 60-65 15 Pour point depressants. r 0.1-1 5 2 Extreme pressure agents . . 5-10 60" 4 Defoamants. 0.0002-0.07 Antirust agent: 0.1-1 Odor control. . 0.001-0.005, 6 Oiliness imparter: 0.1 “iarson, C. M., Additives for Fuels and Lubricants, Pet, Engr, March, 1955, Pp. C-44, * Used also as‘pour depressant. * 60% automotive and 40% industrial usage, “Faust, J., Asphaltization Tests for Lubrieating Oil, Oil Gas J., Jan. 20, 1944, p, 29, 66 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING Antioxidant additives to alleviate oxidation, sludging, or corrosion are extensively used. An enormous number of agents have been recom- mended or used; and’ a few are calcium petroleum sulfonates, sulfurized terpenes or olefins, metal salts of phenol sulfides, phosphorus pentoxide- treated terpenes, and zinc methylcyclohexylthiophosphate. Antifoam- ing agents such as silicone compounds when used in minute amounts effectively reduce the tendency to foam. Lubricants. This term is applied primarily to greases, semisolid com- positions, and gear oils, even though some of the materials are as much like liquid oils as like solids. Most generally, greases may be grouped into - three classes.** 1, Admiztures of mineral oil and solid lubricant." Some of the common solid lubricants are graphite, mica, tale, sulfur, and asbestos fiber. These greases are invaluable in the lubrication of ill-fitting machine parts func- tioning under heavy or intermittent loads, Examples of this type are tractor-roller hibricants, lubricants for concrete mixers, ditch-digging equipment, and railroad-car unloading devices. 2, Blends of residuum, waxes, uncombined fats, rosin oils, and pitches, This group is particularly suited to the lubrication of rock bits, steel cables, water pumps, dredges and chains, and gears operating under water or under exposed weather conditions. 3. Soap-thickened mineral oils. Common thickeners are sodium, cal- cium, aluminum, lithium, and lead soaps. The soaps of these metals are prepared by saponification of a fatty glyceride of either anitnal or vege- table origin. This group is widely useful because a large variety of different-consistency greases can be produced by selecting various metallic soaps, fatty glycerides, and mineral oils. ‘There are also three general basés* used for manufacturing the extreme- pressure lubricants now used almost exclusively for differential, trans- mission, and general gear lubrication. 1. Blends of saponifiable oil containing chemically combined sulfur with a suitable lubricating oil—or mineral oils to which flowers of sulfur has been added. 2. Blends of a sulfur chloride-treated saponifiable oil base and a lubri- cating oil of suitable viscosity—or chlorine combined directly with chosen mineral-oil fractions. 3. Lubricants containing lead soaps of fatty or naphthenic acids and sulfur. These may contain sulfur that has been added or only the sulfur that is naturally presént in the mineral oil. However, the most common ee and Welch, Manufacture of Grease, Ref. Nat. Gaso. Mfr., March, 1931, P. “Ebaugh, I. A., Service Tests Must Determine Value of Extreme Pressure Lubri- cants, Part 2, Nail. Pet. News, Jan. 15, 1936, p..26. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 67 practice in manufacturing gear “lubes” is to add a specific sulfur com- Pound such as dibenzyl disulfide, which is noncorrosive at room tempera- ture but corrosive (to copper) at about 300°F. ‘The general theory regarding sulfur and chloride lubricants is that iron sulfide or iron chloride should be formed on the surfaces of the bearing or shaft and that the films of these materials are responsible in part for good lubrication. Thus the extreme-pressure lubricants are somewhat corro- sive and probably should not be used on bearings that contain copper. Others believe" that the high temperature generated at the gear-tooth surface causes the rough or high points on the surface to be destroyed by corrosion so that the surface is smoothed. In addition to customary tests, gear oils for automotive transmissions are subjected to full-scale “shock” tests, In these an automobile is operated at a high speed; the clutch and transmission are disengaged; and then, while the vehicle is still traveling rapidly, the clutch is engaged. Gear lubricants, trans- mission oils, and many rear-axle or steering-knuckle applications are furnished in the following grades (with or without extreme-pressure additives), which are generally similar to the SAE grades: Use Saybolt Univ. viscosity 75 | Extreme low temperature | 15,000 max at 0°F 80. | Winter service 15,000-100,000 at O°F 90 |. -| 75-120 at 210 °F 140 120-200 at 210 °F 250 ervice | 200 min at 210°F Most greases are soap-thickened mineral oils. The National Lubricat- ing Grease Institute Classification (1955) based on worked consistency is: NLGI } Consistency number | (D217)* Description and use at room temperature Semiffuid Very soft, grease gun Soft, grease gun Grease cup Grease cup Grease cup and block Block type Banewns * ASTM, Report of Committee D-2. & Neleon, W. 1. Corrosion Tests of Gear Lubes, Oil Gas J., Apr. 7, 1945, p. 97. “Thompson, J. W., Varied I. P, Lube Specifications . . . , Natl. Pet. News, Sept. 30, 1936, p. 36. “HOT ony “op sera ong, «soNNRAHT,, ‘TL HNg PeMOAD ONE ATTTETL WON, » swvodind jexous3 | poop “Aqpeezyenio URED “ome oy [23 senqmerod sxazq |20 orp you ssoq|-deome mq Aymara | 20m sop Aremoy | zofecr se oot] 00g stead 20 091 ‘prod Seyecr nog ote oped jou peop 4nq FupoOo ox | porzoa yr otuege oye | wodn oamyrey meee) orneongny eeeyp 205 evel seqy-tooy “x80, sora: sugmodee feanerg [req vopopmnee oj | umpoasye xceore 1 ssopzedoad aog ore | porn veowz8 moomg | souane emyezdimy ajem on Auman | $eeUEL “poanTgS oe o9r-0e osF-o08 mony “J tenon ang ABuyE Ameen horang | 30 “Keqgns ‘ternag emma preg |) qyoowe zo moans ‘df og ‘mtpog | (sz0t08) umepog sory Aang (o2e-pros) eran ere Pow opm pons |-neumepo peg 9 | fama yea poe e030) 18 ome ‘epro] Aawey [Mee note pos |un® ommaig “Poy morse | os sytq PuE rpoode [maine goer ‘epee |-ayeqe om poe xB LOOT OF nap | a1 30 wrocsaseoqpe {sem pre aqeumof | umpecr oy dn efx, |omy ‘apeeds mope 20 | -m0q tmnt 04 q0¥0 ‘Fayspp eapomoroy |-req sopor pow Tog | emzwq Aavoy yBnoy | -aqM] stodind-pexUID) sme erandaaeng ptiony fering seme, sood on areg | ot 0} sej—sopenj’] 04 auofoxe soe, 200d 0 ag 098-008 001-008 0 oN 300d 0} are] 240m mod 2020709 gp (ou BS smonupnce) ‘om Set | Avon ey eBESVEUD 40 SOLLSIURLOVUVAD ‘9Z-g HTEV, REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 69 An enormous number of combinations of oils and soaps is possible. Oil Content ranges from 42 (waterproof grease) to 93 per cent, oil viscosity ranges from 90 at 100°F (waterproof greases) to 220 at 210°F, and numerous metals and fats are employed. ‘Thin oils are used in greases for high-speed bearings, Although soaps of barium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, mag- nesium, mercury, nickel, manganese, silver, strontium, tin, and zines have been proposed for grease manufacture, the main greases and their characteristics are as shown in Table 3-26. Such metallic Soaps as calcium, aluminum, barium, and strontium Produce greases resistant to water; such soaps as those of barium, strontium, and lead are useful for extremely heavy duty services; and the sodium and calcium (particularly resinate) greases are relatively cheap. ‘The National Lubricating Grease Institute has been active in developing test methods, particularly the Norman-Hoffman oxidation test, and performance characteristics in antifriction bearings at elevated temperatures. * Waxes. Paraffin and microcrystalline (petrolatum) waxes are used for 80 many widely different services that not tnany specifications other than melting point have been adopted, Microcrystalline waxes may contain natural or additive substances that Partly inhibit crystalline growth. ‘This generally tends to increase the flexibility or plasticity” of the wax, and in fact paraffin wax can be added to some microcrystalline waxes without destroying the flexibility. A common additive material to produce plasticity is Vistanex or polybutenes. Paraffin waxes range in melting point from about 105 to 155°F, and the most common grades range in melting point from 118 to 132°F. Petrolatum waxes from long- residuum stocks may have a melting point as low as 106°. Regular petrolatum produces microcrystalline waxes melting up to about 180°F, whereas the highest melting point microcrystalline waxes (195°F) are produced from “tank bottoms.” Some of the petrolatum or inicro- crystalline waxes on the market are shown in Table 3-27. Color ranges from black to white in almost all grades; and, of course, odor and some- times taste are important properties, Waxes are applied in two general ways, as a molten liquid or in the form of a dispersion or emulsion in water stabilized with dispersing agents. John OC, Dean! discusses the many uses of waxes, Among these uses are “Boner, O. J., Metallic Soaps for Thickening Mineral Oils, Ind. Eng. Chem., 29, 58 (1937). | Talea mainly from Greases Part IT, “Lubrication,” The Texas Co., August, 1945, " Tech, Bull. 5 and 6, NLGI 164 Chandler St., Buffalo, N.Y. % Nelson and Stewart, Effect of-Oil on Plastic Properties... , Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, 2231 (1949). ” Petroleum Waxes, Pet. Refiner, May, 1946, p. 87; and Processing Materials from Petroleum, Chem, Eng. News, 28, 1164 (1945). 70 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING ‘Tasty 3-27. MicrocrysTatting AND Perronatum WAXES Melting | Con | Needle | Flash | Gi Wax point, °F | sistency |penetration| point, ea (D127) (D217) (D5) °F t Petrolatum .| 106-118 200-240 360-370 Petrolatum 112-124 160-200 410-430 Petrolatum 127-137 | 170-200 360-370 Microerystalline...| 155+ | ....... 460+ 36 Microcrystalline...| _166-+ 15-25 | 460+ 36 Microcrystalline...| 170-175 10-20 | 460-500 37 Microerystalline...} 185-190 5-15 470-500 Microcrystalline. ..| 190-197 2-10 480-500 21-22 * Varies widely. Gravity is a function of the properties of the parent erude oil. adhesives; ammunition; bandages; burns; belting; candles; carbon paper; cheese wrappers; coatings for drums or cans; cobbler’s wax; concrete mix- tures; dental cavities; electrical condensers, cables, coils, transformers, batteries, eto.; electrotyping; emulsions; food sealing; floor polishes; fuel briquettes; foil coatings; illuminants; ink; insulations; glossing agent in laundries; lipstick; lubricants; embalming preparations; matches; impreg- nating cloth and paper; milk and liquid containers; modeling waxes; mois- twteproofing paper coatings, candy wraps, laminated paper, bags, ete.; paperboard for boxes, cartons, can substitutes, drinking cups, frozen-food packages, mill cartons, ete.; pastes; pencils; pipelines for acid; plasticiz- ers; polishes for shoes, leather, or furniture; pyrotechnics; plastic molding; ropes; roofing; rubber blooming; rust preventatives; salves or ointments; ski wax; stencils; stonework; surgery cavities or deformities; textiles for bath curtains, canvas, tarps, felt hats, lubricated threads, shoelaces, yarn finishes, waterproofing, etc.; toilet creams, pastes, etc.; washers; wire coatings; and wood fillers. Residues. The residual petroleum products usually do not command a high market price. Often they’are merely by-products of the regular refining operation. Some of the residual products are residual fuel oil, fuel oil for diesel power engines, road oil, spray oil, coke, and paving, roofing, or paint asphalts. ‘Typical residual fuel oils and dusting oils exhibit the properties shown in Table 3-28, Oils 1 and 4 are the 1955 standard (ASTM D396),' the older oils (2 and 3 of 1933) are still representative,” and the average coal-spray oils were taken from Technical Report 6 of Bituminous Coal Research, Ine.7? #2 Nelson, W. L., Bunker Fuel Oil Specifications (1918-1946), Oil Gas J., July 27, 1946, p. 196. 1 Neloon, W. L., Coal-spray Oils, Oil Gas J., Aug. 21, 1941, p. 56. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST MiSTHODS 1 Taste 3-28, Furn anp Dusrne Ons Flash oa Poin sedi Pour point, | Maximum viscosity, see 40 Furol at 122°F 11-40 Furol at 122°F 11-40 Furol at 122°F 2. Low viscosity, 1933...| 150 1 100 Universal at 100°F 3, Bunker B, 1933 150 1 100 Furol at 122°F 4, ASTM No. 6. 150 2 - | 300 Furol at 122°F 1955 ranges 150-430 | 0-1.8) 50.80 | 51-295 Furol at 122°F 1956 range -| 140-420 | 0-1.6] 0 to +60 | 28-292 Furol at 12297 5. Light dusting oi 305-350] ..... Oto —50] 111-223 Universal at 100°F 6. Heavy dusting oil.....} 300-365 | ..... —5 to —20 | 246-599 Universal at 100°F *° U.S. Bur, Mines Inform. Cire. 7730, October, 1955. All the oils should be free from rust, grit, acid, or brous material that might clog or injure burner tips, and free from chemical agents (neutralizers for corrosion) that will lux with the fireclay walle of furnars settings. The very small amounts of vanadium and sodium found in-some oils may lead to extreme corrosion when such fuels are burned in beilers or are used as gas turbine fuels. This difficulty can be almost totally climinated by the use of magnesium, calcium, zine, ete., additives, The following requirements (1953) of the General Hlectric Co." for residual gas turbine fuels illustrate how the additives are applied. + ihe azuount of sodium should be under 10 ppm (preferably under 6 ppm). Tt can be reduced by customary desalting operations, washings, centrifuging, etc, » The weight ratio of sodium to vanadium should be under 0.3, ‘Thie may necessi- {aig more reduction of sodium, but if the vanadium is under 5 ppmn, the Na/Va tatio requirement may be ignored. i + he weight ratio of magnesium (additive) to vanadium should be adjusted to Nigher than 3.0. If the vangdium content is lower than 2 ppm, magnesivis ie mse needed. 4. Calcium should be under 10 ppm, 5. After the above adjustments, the total ash should not exceed 2,000 ppm. py 2 Similar additive formulas are being developed for distillate or jet fuels. Gravity is of little significance except that low-API-gravity fuels hava slightly higher heating values. At Sravities below 10 API, water and URnehland Ro Tad Ban Mane 72 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING sediment do not settle out of the oil and such oils cannot be displaced from tanks by water. The heating value of residual fuel ranges from about 6,260,000 to 6,450,000 Btu per bbl. Its main competitor is bituminous coal (18,100 Btu perlb). The parity price O (dollars per bbl) of Bunker C fuel oil may be computed from the. cost of delivered coal C ($ per ton) by the following formula’* in which H, and E, are the thermal efficiencies at which oil and coal can be fired, H, and H, are the heating values of oil (Btu per bbl) and coal (Btu per ton), and 2 is the ratio of operating costs for the year under consideration to the cost during 1951. (E./B)C , 0.1652 O-"H/H, * HUH (5a) or for average values of the constants: c O=F+ 0.012 (3-56) Oil can be fired more cheaply than coal (about 16.5 cents per ton during 1951). Sulfur in fuels (cil, coal, or gas) requires higher cold-end tempera- tures in the air preheaters or economizers of boilers’ in order to prevent corrosion and fouling of the tubes. A 6 per cent sulfur fuel requires a temperature about 60°F higher than a 2 per cent fuel. A high pour or solid point is important in gravity-feed systems because Tasux 329, Fostrom, Tswrsnaturn ror Burners Firing temperature, “F Furol viscosity at 122°F Mechanical Steam atomization | atomization 130-182 97-130 136-191 103-136 143-199 108-143 148-205 113-148 161-216 123-161 171-226 132-171 179-233 139-179 184-239 145-184 193-248 154-193 200-254 160-200 204-259 164-204 210-265 170-210 ™ Nelson, W. L., Oil Gas J., Dec. 22, 1952, p. 353. Nelson, W. L., Oil Gas J., Sept. 13, 1954, p. 138. REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 73 it may cause plugging of screens and filters. Viscosity is the single most important property7” because of difficulties in the handling and atomizing of viscous oils (Table 3-29). Cracked fuel oils are desirable’ as fuels because they usually have a lower pour point, lower viscosity, and a slightly higher heating value than the residues from which’ they are Pro- duced. However, certain cracked oils deposit carbonaceous material on steam heating coils;? and hence cutter stocks having a high solvent power such as low-aniline-point extracts or cracked gas oils, rather than straight- run gas oils, should be employed for reducing the viscosity of heavy cracked fuel oils, The Naval Boiler and Turbine Laboratory heater test® may be used to determine the stability of fuel blends. Petroleum coke is used commercially as a refinery and commercial fuel (often powdered); in the manufacture of carbon electrodes, brushes, Plates, ete.; in the manufacture of abrasives and artificial graphite; in the manufacture of calcium carbide; as a metallurgical fuel; in paints and pigments; in gas manufacture; and in the ceramics industries The high heating value and freedom from clinker-forming substances and the small quantity of ash make it a desirable industrial fuel. The hardness and strength of coke increase as the volatile matter is reduced, but it is Such-coke consists of small pellets which can be handled by fluidizing techniques or air-activated pneumatic transport systems, and accordingly it is called “fluid” coke. Table 3-30 indicates the properties of some cokes, 8? ‘The major uses** of petroleum asphaltic materials are indicated in Table 3-31. ‘The properties of typical asphalts are shown in Table 3-32, and a few properties of other asphalts are shown in Table 3-33, Consistency*® (viscosity, Penetration, and softening point) determines the temperature required for use or application and the final hardness and 7 Nelson, W. L., Oil Gas J., Aug. 24, 1946, p. 92; Sept. 14, 1946, p. 95; Jan, 18, 1947, P. 89; and Feb, 15, 1947, p. 109. Morrell and Egloff, The Congealing Temperature . . . of Cracked Residue, Ref. Nat. Gaso. Mfr., April, 1923, p. 17. ‘Batchelder, A. H., The Stability of Residual Fuels, Oil Gas J., Nov. 12, 1936, p. 159, jremith, F.L., Blending Residual Fuel Oil, Pet, Refner, Apri 1945, p. 95. veuatt and Jahnig, Fluid Coking and Fluid Coke, Chem. Eng. Prog., April, 1955, Pp. 167. Nelson, W. L., Oil Gas J., Nov. 28, 1955, p. 117, , Shearon and Hoiberg, Ind. ng. Chem., 46, 2122 (1953). ™ Petroleum Asphalt, “Lubrication,” The Texas Co., June, 1946. *Roediger, J. C., Asphalte and Their Evaluation for Commercial Uses, ASME Meeting, Tulea, 1946. 74 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING ‘Taste 3-30. ANaLyses AND Propzrrms or Petroveum Coxs Early pet. cokes, . 1930-1935 oven Cracking| Coking | kes still still Moisture, wt %.......000.-5 0.15-3.3] 0.3-1.8 Volatile combustible matter, wt %. 818 | 213 ‘Ash, wi 0-1.6] 0.5-1.2 Sulfur, wt %. 0.2 -4.2] 0.5-1.2 Bulk density, Ib per cu ft. 56-69 True or real density, gperml..|........| 2.2.22. Btu per Ib as ree’d.. 14,500- 15,500 | 14,700 Hydrogen, wt %. Carbon, wt %. Tante 3-31. Pernoneum Asrnatss (1951* and 1955*) ‘Tacs Short tons | Per cent | | Short tons 1951 1951 1955 —|- 4,574,112 35.6 4,124,564 | 32.0 216,247 Lz 69.3 | 12,300,000 Roofing, waterproofing, and masti Roofing and waterproofing. 2,208,409 | 17.2 Flux for roofing. .. 882,283 6.9 Mastic and mastic cake. 16,508 O41 Total. 24.2" | 3,400,000 Briquetting. 1.6 200,000 Specialties: Blending with rubber. 21,414 0.2 Pipe and metal coatings. 26,273 0:2 Molding compounds. 38,868 0.3 Paints, enamels, ete. 69,607 0.5 Mise. uses. 3.7 Total. 4. 400,000 Grand total. 100. 16,300,000 ‘=Shearon and Hoiberg, Ind. Eng. Chem., 45, 2122 (1953). * Estimated. ‘mn | REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 7 Taste 3-32. Tests on Trrtcan AsPHauts* Softening point, B&R, °F... } Duetility at 77°F em... i Penetration at 32°F... Ponetration at 77°F, ‘* Petroleum Asphalt, “Lubrication,” The Texas Co., June, 1946. Tasie 3-33, Oruer Aspnaut Martens Penetra- |, | Melting Materials tion at |Ductility | aint, mr. | TF) ger Paving binders: Mastic foot pavements and floors 10-15 180-220 Asphalt blocks. 10-25 Sheet asphalt pavement 25-40 40+ 105-140 Grout filler. . 40-70 | 50+ | 113-140 Grout filler (blown type) te 30-60 3+ | 150-230 Asphalt concrete (aggregate sand, eto.).....:.| 30-70 | 454+ | 113-150 Asphalt macadam 70-150 | 90+ | 104-113 Roofing asphalts: . 78-140 | 100+ | 110-120 28-32 40+ 140-150 10-50 1+ 160-260 Saturant for felt or paper. Heavy saturant for felt and rigs. Roof coatings (blown)... 1+ | 200-225 1+ | 200-215 15+ 140-170 76 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING pliability of the finished product. Temperature susceptibility measures the change in penetration (D5)! with temperature and also the ability of the asphalt to withstand 'ading and shocks, Duetility (D113)! measures the elongation or stretch, suitability for paving purposes, and ability to resist vibration. Shock tests are also used for vibrational sery- ices, and pliability tests are necessary for compositions used for wire coat- ing or for laminated paper. Stain tests are often important. Solubility (D165)! in carbon tetrachloride indicates inert material, asphaltenes, and difficulties caused by overheating during manufacture or application. Tasie 3-34. Tasts on Tyrican Liquip ‘Aspuaur MaTeRtats* Rapid | Medium Slow | Slow setting curing | curing : emulsion Ros | mcg | curing 88-1 (897) | (sos) | 8°3 | esi) Flash, °F (Tag open cup)............ 90 170 230 Viscosity Saybolt Furol: 70 At 40°F, 350 350 Distillation (ASTM D402) per cent distillate of (D244) At 437°R, -] 28 2 At 500°F, -| 60 300 | 42 At 600° 83 75 At 680°F. 100 100 Residue from distillation: Per cent asphalt. 74 76 90 58 Penetration at, 7 100 200 Soft 150 Ductility at 77°F... 100+ | 100-4 = 100-+ Solubility in CCl, per cent. 99.7 99.7 99.7 98.5 Asphalt, of 100 penetration, percent..| ..... |... 4 * Petroleum Asphalt, “Lubrication,” The Texas Co., June, 1946, The ASTM" has published at least 30 specifications for the numerous types of petroleum asphalts and road oils. The most fluid road oils of the RC, MG, or SC grades are designated as No. 0 and the heaviest as No. 5. The rapid curing (RC) grades contain a cutback of kerosene or distillate-like material, whereas the slowest curing (SC) grades may consist of asphalt and the heavy distillates that are naturally associated with asphalt in erude oil. CHEMICALS AND SPECIALTIES According to “Synthetic Organic Chemicals, U.S. Production and Sales,” which is published yearly by the U.S. Tariff Commission, the REFINERY PRODUCTS AND TEST METHODS 7 ‘Taste 3-35. Cruve Propucts rnom PErroreum anp Narorat Gas ‘Thousand pounds per year 1955 1953 1950 642,649 404, 545, 722,650 462, 105 72,927 24,470 16,080 16,080 16,687 23,123 24,684 1,038,290 836,473, 329,122 699,455 749,010 449,587 30,404 14,355 532,571 3,174,605 |” 2,505,691 | 1,424,961 181,527 445,214 144,623 3,048,225 scant 41,801,608 2,007,140 | 1,366,175 998,842 1,331,475 | 1,222,622 694,047 1,411,285 | 1,152,197 610,056 763,461 418, 144 641,072 1,171,596 908,732 444,532 155,589 124,562 663,748, 534,507 250,752 122,048 fi a3 23,157 | 20,044 371,948 176,926 146,204 60,986 8,128 2,681 Other aliphaties 694,560 219,242 336,625 Total aliphatics. Grand total 13,004,357 | 8,641,360 | 5,510,100 16,178,962 | 11,147,060 | 6,935,061 number of oil companies that participate in the manufacture of chemicals has risen from a few in 1935 to 48 by 1944, and to 63 in 1955. At least 187 chemical, petroleum, ete., companies used petroleum or natural gas as the raw stock for chemical manufacture during 1955, and the petro- chemical production amounted to about 25 per cent® of all chemical manufacture. J.C, Reidel** estimates that basic petrochemicals appear finally in the form of 7,000 end-use chemicals. The 1955 production, according to the U.S. Tariff Commission, is indicated in Table 3-35, and the production® of major chemicals produced largely from petroleum is shown in Table 3-36. Some important chemicals are produced mainly from petroleum: “* Petrochemicals . . . Today and Tomorrow, Oil Gas J., Sept. 6, 1954, P, 83. "Katzen, R., Pet, Refiner, December, 1954, p. 128. 78 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING Phenolic plastics. Polyethylene. Urea and melamine plastics, Viny! plast * Estimated. Tapum 3-36. Propuction anp Capacrry ror Mason Cumcars Optarnmp ynom Parrocumucat ano Nonraraoueum Sources Million pounds . 1955 3,000 3,200 1,500 1,600 2,200 2,000 1,200 1,200 750 ‘850 2,400 2,600 1,300 1,350 = 1,100 1,100 1,000 1,000 Polyethylene. 350 400 Synthetic rubber 1,800 4,200 575 585 6.000 6,800 550 800 1,500 1,800 1,200 400 800 750 180 550 300 -| 600 * Katzen, R., Pet. Refiner, December, 1954, p, 128 CHAPTER 4 EVALUATION OF OIL STOCKS Although it is theoretically possible to produce any type of refined product from any crude oil, it is not usually economically feasible to do so. Occasionally the demand for a particular product or the elimination of a low-value one becomes so insistent that major conversions of a chemi- cal nature have been adopted. Among these are thermal or catalytic cracking for increasing the yield of gasoline from crude oil, catalytic cracking for reducing the yield of residual fuel oil, polymerization for recovering olefinic waste gases, solvent extraction processes by which unsuitable hydrocarbons are eliminated from lubricating oils, diesel fuels, ete.,,and most recently catalytic reforming for producing motor fuels of superior detonation characteristics. It is the purpose of this chapter to aid in the selection of the best combination of products that is possible from each crude oil, never forgetting that each oil must be processed to supply its own particular marketing environment, The routine or control tests mentioned in Chap. 3 are not entirely satisfactory for plant design or plant operation, and hence special distil- lations, vaporizations, and equipment have been developed by which the yields of the various products contained in » charge stock can be eval-’ uated. Admittedly many evaluation methods are approximate, They must be so because so many combinations of yields are possible and the market demand varies so rapidly that more precise methods would lead to endless testing. Nevertheless, the somewhat gross methods outlined here must always be used with caution, and they should be augmented at the first opportunity with more complete tests. Large refiners usually obtain more complete data than suggested here, by means of pilot- or semiplant-scale-equipment in which the essential physical and chemical processes of the operation are duplicated in labora~ tory equipment. Smaller operators sometimes find that commercial-scale experiments are cheaper. Although pilot plants can usually provide more complete and accurate operating information than commercial operations, pilot plant operation is in some ways more difficult than commercial operation, and thus carelessness may result in misleading data. 2 80 PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING ‘The refiner desires information of the following types: Base and general properties of the crude oil. Presence of impurities such as sulfur, salt, and emulsions which cause general difficulties in processing. Operating or design data. Primarily this necessitates curves of temperature and gravity vs. per cent distilled. a. Fractionating or true-boiling-point distillation curve. b, Equilibrium or flash-vaporization curve. ¢. API or specific-gravity curve of each fraction distilled. . Curves of the properties of the fractions vs. per cent distilled (mid per cent curves) or the average properties of a series of fractions vs. percentage yield (yield curves), by which realizations of yields can be prepared. Among common property curves are a, Viscosity of lubricating-oil fractiotis. 4, Octane number of gasoline fractions. ¢. Aniline point of solvent, kerosene, or diesel fractions. d, Penetration of asphaltie residues. e. Viscosity of distillation residues. ‘Large samples (from 2 liters up to pilot sizes) of the feedstock are require to obtain large enough fractions for the above tests. 5. Finished products. Having established the general properties and yields by means of distillations and property curves and exploring the economy of the various break- ups of the crude oil, most refiners feel that large samples of the most promising prod ucts should be produced. Batch- or semiplant-scale stills are employed; and such details as chemical treatment, sulfur content, susceptibility to tetraethyllead, pour point, ete., may be investigated. we e » in order BASE OF CRUDE OIL ‘The classification of crude oils as Paraffin, Intermediate, or Naphthene “base” is admittedly inadequate, but long usage has led to concepts that are valuable to experienced technical men. When used or defined with respect to various properties, indexes, ete., as in Table 4-1, the term “base” is justified. The U.S. Bureau of Mines! designates eight bases of crude oil according to key fraction No. 1, which boils at 482 to 527°F at atmospheric pressure, and key fraction No. 2 which boils at 527 to 572°F at 40-mm pressure (approximately 733 to 779°F at 760 mm) in the standardized Hempel distillation? of the Bureau of Mines, The first word of the name of the base (such as “paraffin” in “paraffin inter- mediate base”) applies to the gasoline or low-boiling fractions, and the second word applies to the lubricant or high-boiling parts of the crude oil, Key fraction No. 1 should have a gravity higher than 40 APT for paraffin base crude oils and a gravity below 33 API for naphthene base oils, Likewise, key No. 2 classifies an oil as paraffin base if the gravity is ‘Lane and Garton, “Base” of a Crude Oil, U.S. Bur. Mines Rept. Invest., 3279, September, 1935. Smith et al., U.S. Bur. Mines Bull. 490, 1950. EVALUATION OF OIL STOCKS 81 above 30 API, or as naphthene base if its gravity is below 20 API. In addition, the presence of wax in key fraction No. 2 is noted by means of the cloud point. If the cloud point is below 5°F it indicates little wax, and the name of the base is augmented by the statement “wax-free.”” Characterization Factor is not specified by the Bureau of Mines, but approximate values are shown in Table 4-1. Finally, other significant names for paraffin-base crude oil are “Pennsylvania” and “green or light Mid Continent” crude oil; for intermediate-base, the terms “Mid Continent” and “mixed-base”; and for naphthene-base, the terms “Coastal,” “Gulf Coast,” “California,” or “asphalt-base.” These names are often misleading, because the base of an oil is not necessarily related to the region of origin, or the presence of asphalt or of paraffin wax. In addition to the three common designations of base, a few oils! contain signifieant amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons, and thesé are called aromatic or benzenoid ‘base. Such crude oils are rare in the United States but are found in gome regions, notably Burrha and Borneo? (see also Fig. 2-2). A major danger in a “base”. classification is our tendency to imbue @ crude oil with all the attributes of its base. Con- : sideration of Table 4-1 indicates clearly that wide ranges of properties are probable in any base of crude oil. Although most of the indexes, factors, ete., used in. classifying crude oils and their products were originally based on the properties of pure hydrocarbons, none of them are truly successful in indicating chemical composition. ‘They fail to distinguish between a mixture and a compound of the same physical properties. Even aniline point, which has a long- established reputation as a means of indicating the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons, is of little value in judging chemical. composition unless the proportions between the other series of hydrocarbons are also known. Characterization Factor. The most widely used index is the Character- ization Factor of Watson, Nelson, and Murphy.! It was originally defined as x = WT (41) 8 in which Tz is the average molal boiling point °F absolute) and § is the specific gravity at 60°F. It has since been related to viscosity, aniline point, molecular weight, critical temperature, percentage of hydrocarbon, ete., so that almost any laboratory data can be used to estimate the factor (see Table 4-1 and Fig. 5-9). Typical Characterization Factors are indicated in Table 4-2. + Nelson, W. I, Aromatic Base Crude Oils, Oil Gas J., Oct, 28, 1944, p. 101; also Dec. 2, 1944, p. 91. “Characterization of Petroleum Fractions, Ind, Eng. Chem., 27, 1460 (1935). 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