Light Alkane Dehydrogenation To Light Olefin Technologies: A Comprehensive Review

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Rev Chem Eng 2015; aop

Zeeshan Nawaz*

Light alkane dehydrogenation to light olefin

technologies: a comprehensive review
DOI 10.1515/revce-2015-0012 use. The tremendous socioeconomic development in the
Received April 7, 2015; accepted June 11, 2015 second half of the 20th century has been sustained mainly
because of the availability of energy through oil and gas.
The natural fossil resources mostly consist of saturated or
Abstract: The dehydrogenation of light alkanes, especially aromatic hydrocarbons and do not contain any amount
propane and butane, is widely exploited for the large- of olefins. Therefore, conventional and on-purpose tech-
scale production of corresponding olefins. The industrial nologies are in demand for the production of light olefins.
application of the direct dehydrogenation of light alkanes Propylene is second to ethylene in the global business but
is limited due to reaction and thermodynamic constraints. is mostly produced as a byproduct in steam crackers and
The dehydrogenation of light hydrocarbons involves the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC). The demand for propylene
breaking of two carbon–hydrogen bonds with the simul- is continuously growing due to economic development
taneous formation of a hydrogen and carbon-carbon dou- across the globe. Alternative technologies for the pro-
ble bond selectively. It may appear to be simple, but their duction of propylene with novel, lower-cost on-purpose
endothermic nature and selectivity control at higher tem- propylene are becoming popular (e.g. propane dehydro-
perature is difficult. The same technologies with minor genation). Similarly, isobutane dehydrogenation to isob-
changes in process and catalyst were used for the produc- utene, an intermediate olefin for the production of high
tion of both propane and isobutane dehydrogenation. The octane oxygenates [i.e. methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)], is
economic analysis of the available technologies based on widely produced via direct dehydrogenation.
the specific consumption of feedstock, operational ease, The dependency on on-purpose olefins technologies
and capital investment indicates an internal rate of return such as direct dehydrogenation increased than on conven-
~25%. The attractiveness of light alkane dehydrogenation tional technologies such as FCC and steam cracking due
is largely dependent on the difference in feedstock and to the increasing demand for refinery fuel. Both propyl-
the price of olefins produced. The available technologies ene and isobutylene are produced via direct dehydrogena-
and how they manage reaction constraints at commer- tion in various petrochemical complexes (Hamid and Ali
cial scale have been compared. The possible solution for 2004). Olefins can also be produced by on-purpose reac-
improvement is by focusing on catalyst improvements tions, for example, in propane dehydrogenation, methane
and the unique design of reactors. to propylene, methane to olefins, metathesis, and syngas-
to-olefins. It is a major industrial chemical intermediate
Keywords: dehydrogenation catalyst; dehydrogenation that serves as one of the building blocks for a series of
technology; isobutane; light alkane; olefins; propane. chemical and plastic products. It was one of the initial pro-
cesses employed on an industrial scale for the production
of petrochemical. Commercial propylene is a colorless,

1 Introduction low-boiling, flammable, and highly volatile gas. Propyl-

ene is traded commercially in three grades: polymer grade
(PG) 99.5% or higher purity, chemical grade (CG) 90–96%
The demand for light olefins has increased since 1930 and
purity, and refinery grade (RG) 50–70% purity. PG is used
is still increasing. This is mainly because of its reactiv-
for polypropylene and propylene oxide m ­ anufacture. PG
ity and serving as a building block for the production of
propylene contains minimal levels of impurities, such as
polymers, commodities, and specialty chemicals for daily
carbonyl sulfide, which can poison catalysts. The prin-
cipal chemical uses of propylene are in the manufacture
*Corresponding author: Zeeshan Nawaz, Olefins and Aromatics,
of polypropylene, acrylonitrile, oxo-alcohols, propyl-
SABIC Technology and Innovation, Saudi Basic Industries
Corporation (SABIC), P.O. Box 42503, Riyadh 11551, Kingdom of
ene oxide, butanal, cumene, and propene oligomers.
Saudi Arabia, e-mail: [email protected], Other uses include acrylic acid derivatives and ethylene-­
[email protected] propene rubbers. CG propylene is used extensively for

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2      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

most chemical derivatives (e.g. oxo-alcohols and acryloni- demonstrates that high pressures adversely affect the
trile). Global propylene demand is dominated by polypro- ­reaction. In spite of this, light alkane dehydrogenation
pylene production, which accounts for approximately two reactions generally are slow (Miracca and Piovesan 1999).
thirds of total propylene demand. It can also be used in The problem is not limited to this, as cracking, aromati-
some chemical syntheses (e.g. cumene or isopropanol). zation, and other side reactions are thermodynamically
The most significant market for RG propylene is the con- and kinetically favored at designated reaction condi-
version to PG or CG propylene for use in the production tions. Therefore, the side cracking products, those were
of polypropylene, acrylonitrile, oxo-alcohols, and propyl- not removed by low-temperature recovery system (LTRS),
ene oxide. The major propylene consumers include the are recycled to the reactor with unconverted alkane. The
manufacturers of mechanical components, containers, selectivity of the desired product is critical and it will
fibers, film acrylonitrile acrylic fibers, ABS polymer pro- improve the specific consumption of feedstock. Equilib-
pylene oxide propylene glycol, antifreeze, polyurethane, rium conversion increases at lower pressures or by shifting
oxo-alcohol coatings, plasticizer cumene polycarbonates, the equilibrium by diluting (Miracca and Piovesan 1999,
phenolic resin acrylic acid coatings, adhesives, and super- Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h). To make the commercial process
absorbent polymers. economically attractive, it is advisable to increase the
During World War II, high-octane aviation fuel was conversion per pass at the point of maximum selectivity
widely produced by the Germans via the catalytic dehy- of the desired product, so that recycling and downstream
drogenation of butanes followed by dimerization and processing will be cheaper. Coke is formed and is an inevi-
hydrogenation (Bhasin et  al. 2001). The introduction of table aspect of dehydrogenation reaction that gradually
oxygenated compounds as gasoline additives caused the reduces catalyst activity; hence, periodic regeneration
MTBE production to boom. The direct dehydrogenation by burning the coke in oxygen, air, or steam is essen-
of paraffins (non-oxidative dehydrogenation route) is tial (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2­ 009a–g,
exploited for the large-scale production of light olefins, 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, Jie et al. 2010).
particularly isobutylene for MTBE production. The widely The strategic constraints of dehydrogenation technol-
available normal butane can be isomerized to isobutane ogies and their robustness are based on catalyst produc-
and then dehydrogenated to corresponding isobutylene. tivity and the heat management philosophy of the reactor.
Later, MTBE is produced by the liquid phase reaction In overall economics, feedstock represents a large portion
of isobutylene and methanol on a strong acidic resin of total production cost, whereas the economics for dehy-
(Brockwell et  al. 1991). Isobutane dehydrogenation is an drogenation process is largely dependent on the price dif-
equilibrium-limited and highly endothermic reaction and ferential between alkane and the corresponding alkene.
generally carried out at 555°C–649°C with platinum- or A comprehensive review of light alkane dehydrogenation
chromium-based catalysts (Craig and Spence 1986, Atkins technologies by defining the optimal synergy between
and Evans 1995, Olah and Molnar 2003, Wei et al. 2008, catalyst design and reactor engineering is discussed.
Nawaz et al. 2009a–g). Equilibrium conversion and reac-
tion rate increases with temperature and lower pressure.
At the same time, higher temperature propagates cracking
and coking reactions ultimately reduce the selectivity to
2 Chemistry of dehydrogenation
corresponding olefins. On the contrary, coking deactivates
Direct dehydrogenation (i.e. non-oxidative route to
the catalyst and periodically burnt in oxygen-diluents
light olefins) is discussed here. The dehydrogenation of
mixture to regenerate the catalyst and generate heat. To
propane and isobutane to corresponding olefin reactions
maintain world-class competitiveness, it is necessary to
has an activation energy of ~121–143 kJ/mol and can be
run the plant with less operating cost and high specific
presented as (Airaksinen et al. 2002):
butane consumption and at the same time increase pro-
ductivity. To realize this level of performance, it is crucial C 3 H 8 ↔ C 3 H6 + H 2
to simulate and optimize the entire process. i − C4 H 10 ↔ i − C4 H 8 + H 2
The dehydrogenation of light paraffins is one of the
most complex chemical processes to achieve in the indus- The reactions are reversible, prone to volume expan-
trial scale, as the thermodynamic equilibrium limits the sion and highly endothermic; therefore, higher tempera-
maximum conversion per pass and, at the same time, tures and lower pressure (under vacuum) favor forward
the reaction is highly endothermic and requires a large reactions. The most important aspect of light alkane
amount of heat. Dehydrogenation reaction stoichiometry dehydrogenation is the energy requirement for the

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Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies      3

endothermic reaction. Heat input to the reactor is one of reaction conditions, as generally it requires higher tem-
the main technological challenges, which differentiates perature and pressure. It is slightly different in the sense
commercial reactor designs and processes from each that dehydrogenation reaction requires a catalyst with
other in addition to the catalyst (Sanfilippo and Rylander Brønsted and Lewis acidity and proceeds via the formation
2009, ­Sanfilippo 2011). On the contrary, high temperature of a carbocation intermediate (Song et al. 2006, Yang et al.
promotes side reactions and coke formation and deacti- 2011). Isomerization is the arrangement of atoms within
vates catalyst (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. a molecule via carbocation intermediate formation over
­2009a–g, 2010a–h). Figure 1 shows the equilibrium con- Brønsted acid site (e.g. during isobutane dehydrogenation,
version of propane and isobutane at 1 bar and at a tem- isobutene may transform to 1- or 2-butene and may further
perature between 500°C and 600°C (Sattler et al. 2014a,b). dehydrogenate to 1-3-butadiene; Song et al. 2006).
Figure 1 also shows the equilibrium conversion of oxida-
tive dehydrogenation of propane, where the oxygen-to-
propane ratio is 0.1 (Uhde STAR Process 2012, Nawaz et al.
2013a,b, Chu et al. 2014). It is known that the conversion
3 Dehydrogenation catalysts
of the said reaction increases with the decrease in pres- for C3–C4
sure (Uhde STAR Process 2012). At similar temperature
and pressure, the dehydrogenation equilibrium level rises Catalysis is pervasive for direct dehydrogenation reac-
with an increase in the number of carbon atoms and the tion. Many materials have been explored as catalysts
degree of the paraffin branching (Uhde STAR Process for light alkane, but, in practice, only two main types
2012, Nawaz et al. 2013a,b, Chu et al. 2014): of formulations are used: noble metal-based and metal
oxide-based catalysts (e.g. platinum-based catalysts and
C 2 C 3  n − C4 < i − C4 < n − C 5 < i − C 5
promoted chromium-based catalysts; Airaksinen et  al.
In general, the C–H bonds of paraffins and olefins 2002, S ­ anfilippo and Rylander 2009, Sanfilippo 2011). As
are more reactive than C–C bonds; therefore, a suit- reaction conditions are severe, catalysts are designed to
able catalyst for paraffin dehydrogenation is the one that limit irreversible deactivation due to sintering, volatiliza-
favors C–H over C–C bond cleavage to avoid side reactions tion, hydrothermal regeneration with oxidants, and mor-
(Uhde STAR Process 2012). The complicating factor is the phological or phase transformations, therefore allowing
product, the olefins, which are more reactive than their several years of expected active life (Airaksinen et al. 2002,
corresponding paraffins and can easily lead to unwanted Sanfilippo and Rylander 2009, Sanfilippo 2011). Plati-
side and secondary reactions. The hydrogen adatoms and/ num is the only precious metal that has been extensively
or CxHy adspecies are required for alkane hydrogenolysis to studied. On the contrary, among metal oxides, CrOx is
occur as catalyzed by platinum sites (Nawaz et al. 2013a,b). most prominent, having commercial applications for light
Cracking also results in the cleavage of paraffins to form alkane dehydrogenation. Promising results have been
smaller hydrocarbons and occurs at dehydrogenation achieved through the use of gallium, indium, vanadium,
zinc, and molybdenum oxides (Miracca and ­ Piovesan
1999, Airaksinen et  al. 2002, Nawaz et  al. 2­009a–g,
70 ­2010a–h, Sanfilippo and Rylander 2009, Sanfilippo 2011,
Sattler et al. 2014a,b). The unavoidable formation of coke
on the catalyst surface results in the progressive reduction
of catalytic activity and requires periodic regeneration.
Conversion (%)

Therefore, each catalyst undergoes a cycle of exposure
40 to alternating atmospheres: reducing during reaction
and oxidizing during regeneration, because the redisper-
30 sion of active metal by certain catalysts is also employed.
A suitable catalyst is the one that allows high reaction
rates and higher olefin selectivity and has longer stability
(Airaksinen et  al. 2002, Sattler et  al. 2014a,b). The main
500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 types of dehydrogenation catalysts reported in the patent
Temperature (°C)
and scientific literature are as follows:
Figure 1: Propane, oxy-propane, and isobutane equilibrium conver- (a) Platinum-based supported catalyst with promoters
sion as a function of temperatures at 1 bar. (and Group VIII metals),

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4      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

(b) Chromium oxide-based supported catalyst with α-alumina, as it has relatively less Brønsted acid sites
promoters, than γ-alumina and lower surface areas. In the last two
(c) Vanadium oxide-based catalysts, decades, environment-friendly, non-corrosive, shape-
(d) Molybdenum oxide-based catalysts, selective, and hydrothermally stable, solid acid catalysts,
(e) Gallium supported oxide or included in zeolites, zeolites, and zeolite supports have become popular for
(f) Carbon-based catalysts, and dehydrogenation applications. The zeolites have Brønsted
(g) Other formulations. and/or Lewis acid sites and well-defined pore structures.
The well-known initiation step is the direct protonation of
alkane by Brønsted acid sites (Miracca and Piovesan 1999,
3.1 P
 t-Sn-based catalysts (and Group VIII Nawaz et  al. 2009a–g, 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, 2013a,b,
metals) Vaezifar et al. 2011). It has been observed and experimen-
tally proven that zeolite acid sites are not sufficient for
The inspiration came from bifunctional supported metal light alkane protonation to make alkoxy species mecha-
catalyst utilization for catalytic reforming, where noble nism (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2009a–g,
metal with acidic support provides the active sites needed 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, 2013a,b). Another possibility for
for isomerization, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, initiating cracking and dehydrogenation is the presence
cyclization, and hydrocracking reactions. In contrast, for of Lewis acid sites of zeolites. This is somehow attributed
dehydrogenation catalysts, acidic function must be mini- to hydride abstraction from alkanes and the generation
mized to avoid side reactions. Generally, all noble metals of carbenium ion-activated complexes. The initial mono-
of Group VIIIB are active in the hydrogenation and/or molecular processes, carbenium ion complexes, are then
dehydrogenation of alkanes. Platinum was established to involved in bimolecular hydride transfer, agglomeration
be superior in the activation of paraffinic C–H bonds and reactions.
low activity to C–C cleavage. Accordingly, it was commer- It is believed that the crystal structures and strength
cialized by Universal Oil Products (UOP) in Pacol process of the active sites of zeolites differ considerably; hence,
in 1968 and later in Oleflex in the early 1970s. Owing to the access to active sites varies. Pt-Sn-based catalysts sup-
platinum low activity for hydrogenolysis but at the same ported on amorphous materials and/or zeolites for light
time deactivation due to carbon deposits, extensive inves- alkane dehydrogenation have been discussed in many
tigation has been done to reverse the relationship between studies (Sattler et al. 2014a,b). The selection of tin as a pro-
particle size and the rate of hydrogenolysis (i.e. coking; moter has been explained in terms of beneficial geometric
Monzon et al. 2003, Spivey et al. 2004, Song et al. 2006, and/or electronic effects (Faro et al. 2003a,b). In geomet-
Yang et al. 2011). It is believed that the two processes that ric effects, the size of platinum ensembles decreases. In
cause the deactivation of platinum-based dehydrogena- Pt-Sn contact in a solid solution or an alloy, tin fills up
tion catalysts are (i) side reactions that lead to the coverage the 5d band of platinum that leads to decreased hydro-
of the active sites with coke and (ii) the high temperature carbon interaction with platinum, thus lowering the con-
in the regeneration process that triggers the agglomera- tribution of hydrogenolysis and coke formation. Tin also
tion or sintering (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Airaksinen modifies the electronic density of platinum by positive
et al. 2002, Nawaz et al. 2009a–g, Sanfilippo and Rylander charge transfer from Sn+ species (Nawaz et  al. 2013a,b).
2009, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, Sanfilippo The presence of tin also helps in the availability of desired
2011, Zhang et al. 2012, Sattler et al. 2014a,b). Therefore, platinum sites for dehydrogenation at reaction tempera-
the strength of the platinum-support interaction is impor- tures and retards the Pt-Sn alloy formation. These inter-
tant and depends on Pt–O–M bond strength (where M rep- actions are discussed in various studies (Weckhuysen
resents the cation in the support). However, platinum can and Wachs 1996, Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Airaksinen
be redispersed by the addition of low amounts of oxygen et al. 2002, Nawaz et al. 2009a–g, 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012,
and chlorine at ~500°C, when the interaction between 2013a,b). Tin also reduces the acidity of the supports and
the support and the PtOx and PtOxCly mobile surface com- stabilizes the surface area. Therefore, we can infer that
plexes is produced (Damyanova et al. 1997). the dehydrogenation performance of Pt-Sn-based cata-
High surface area alumina is the classical support lysts depends on platinum, tin, and support interactions
for most of the catalysts, including platinum-based dehy- (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Airaksinen et al. 2002, Nawaz
drogenation catalysts. However, it is acidic. Therefore, et al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, Zhang et al. 2012). The deactiva-
promoters are used to curb acidity. Another strategy is tion of platinum-based catalyst during propane dehydro-
to use more stable polymorphs of alumina, such as θ- or genation is mainly due to the aggregation of platinum

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Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies      5

particles and carbon deposition (Weckhuysen et al. 1998, of Cr2O3 crystallites. The recent spectroscopy evidence
Faro et  al. 2003a,b). The presence of tin as promoters discovered that surface Cr3+ species are produced at the
facilitates the transfer of coke from active platinum sites expense of Cr6+ species. Polychromate is more easily
to support and stabilizes the catalytic activity for longer reduced than monochromate, and a mixture of both Cr3+
durations. A numbers of other promoters, such as Na, Zn, and Cr2+ has been assumed as the active site for dehy-
Ca, Cu, Mo, Ru, La, and Mg, have been studied, but their drogenation reactions (Grunert et al. 1986, Cimino et al.
role is reported to be controversial (Nawaz et al. 2011a,b). 1991, Weckhuysen et al. 2000). Cr6+ or Cr5+ has not been
In parallel to catalyst characterization, a lot of work has observed to be active for the dehydrogenation reaction,
been conducted on operating condition optimization for although the reduction of these species by hydrogen
dehydrogenation over platinum-based catalyst (Miracca or alkane feed generates the precursor for active Cr3+
and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h, Zangeneh et al. site formation (Bruckner et al. 1999, Nijhuis et al. 2004,
2013). The characteristics of Pt-Sn-based catalysts have Mimura et  al. 2006). ­Furthermore, isolated and unsatu-
been reported to be significant as listed below (Miracca rated Cr3+ species, with two coordinative vacancies, are
and Piovesan 1999, Airaksinen et  al. 2002, Nawaz et  al. formed on CrOx/Al2O3 catalysts during alkane dehydro-
2009a–g, 2010a–h, 2011a,b): genation. These fully coordinated Cr3+ species are highly
–– Catalysts undergo a “double mechanism” aging stable, whereas unsaturated Cr3+ species attempts to sta-
through coke fouling and sintering. bilize bulk Cr3+ ions as octahedral environment and inac-
–– Catalyst can tolerate several percentages of coke tive by adsorbing gaseous alkane molecules. Therefore,
buildup, preserving enough catalytic activity and optimum chromium loading is a critical factor in catalyst
allowing reaction time-on-stream of several hours design, as it holds a linear relationship below monolayer
without regeneration. coverage. Three different types of Cr3+ ions have been
–– The activity of catalyst is increased in the presence of detected through spectroscopy: (i) Cr3+ species formed by
hydrogen, as it suppresses coking reactions. the reduction of surface Cr6+/Cr5+ ions, (ii) isolated centers
–– The regeneration with oxygen/steam/air is possi- of Cr3+ ions stabilized by the alumina surface, and (iii)
ble. Moreover, platinum redistribution by chlorine small amorphous Cr3+ clusters (invisible in X-ray diffrac-
(through surface mobility of platinum-chloride inter- tion; Weckhuysen and Schoonheydt 1999, Shi et al. 2008,
action) reduces sintering. Fang et  al. 2015). Selectivity has been found insensitive
to chromium loading; during the induction period, highly
oxidized chromium species are being reduced to active
3.2 Chromium-based catalysts chromium species with lower oxidation states and low
selectivity. Later, the high selectivity of approximately
Chromium oxide-based catalysts for dehydrogenation 90% can be reached at a conversion of 55% (Weckhuysen
have been introduced by Frey and Huppke in the 1930s. and Schoonheydt 1999, Shi et al. 2008, Fang et al. 2015).
The popular formulations comprise chromium oxide. The Many researchers proposed the addition of CO2 as a
structure under different reaction conditions, the nature mild oxidant to improve the activity of chromium dehy-
of the active sites, the role of the support, the effect of drogenation catalysts; it removes the evolved hydrogen
alkali metals, promoters, and the mechanism of the through reverse water gas shift reaction without affect-
dehydrogenation were studied (Airaksinen et  al. 2002). ing Cr3+ active sites, which effectively shifts the equilib-
Since the 1940s, chromium supported on alumina was rium toward product formation (Puurunen et  al. 2001,
used for dehydrogenating butane to butenes and buta- ­Michorczyk et al. 2010). In addition, high activity is also
diene for various applications of commercially known dependent on the operating conditions and directly
dehydrogenation. It is understood that the adsorption of proportional to reaction temperature and partial pres-
paraffin molecules takes place on Cr-O sites. A number of sure, whereas conversion is inversely proportional to
surface species, including Cr6+, Cr5+, Cr3+, and Cr2+, have space velocity. Similar to platinum-based catalysts, CrOx
been identified and their relative concentration seems catalysts lose their activity faster due to the deposition
to be dependent on various factors, such as chromium of coke and are deactivated in approximately 15–20 min
loading relative to the surface area, the calcinations treat- and required regeneration. Alumina supported CrOx
ment, and the type of support. Generally, with weakly catalyst dissolution of active sites was due to the sin-
bonded support, at lower chromium loading, isolated tering of alumina that may cause the entrapment of
CrO42- species predominate, whereas, at higher concentra- the chromium species and the loss of alumina surface
tions, Cr-O-Cr species were prevalent due to the formation area that reduces the ability to stabilize Cr6+ species

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6      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

formed during the regeneration step (Wachowski et  al. –– Cr2O3 is thermodynamically stable even in excess O2
1994). Particularly, on γ-alumina support, entrapment (regeneration environment).
process is dominant, whereas, at elevated tempera- –– Different chromium species form on fresh catalyst on
tures, γ-alumina undergoes a thermodynamically driven alumina-grafted Cr6+, soluble Cr6+, dispersed Cr3+, and
transformation to θ- or even α-alumina, and then it crystalline Cr2O3.
considerably loses surface area. The said process can –– Cr6+ species are reduced completely during reduction.
be restrained by doping the support with silica, zirco- –– Both Cr3+ and Cr2+, coordinative unsaturated Cr2+, play
nia, magnesia, or lanthana (Rossignol and Kappen- a role in the catalytic activity.
stein 2001, Michorczyk et al. 2011). Cations having ionic –– The permanent deactivation of chromia-alumina
radius larger than Al3+, capable of affording high dopant catalysts involves the formation of α-Cr2O3-4Al2O3 via
dispersion and tend not to dissolve in Al2O3, are effective solid-state reaction.
in preventing the formation of α-alumina. The oxidation
of Cr3+ to Cr6+ during regeneration helps in the redis- Kilicarslan et  al. (2013) tried to improve chromium-
persion of chromia crystallites. Alumina is by far the based catalyst performance using MCM-41 as support
most common support for a variety of chromium-based and reported that the deactivation rate for isobutane
catalysts: prepared by incipient wetness impregnation dehydrogenation is reduced. Characterization results
of alumina with CrO3 or Cr(NO3)3 solutions, coprecipi- further demonstrate that Cr6+ percentage concentration
tation of Al(OH)3 and Cr(OH)3 from Al3+ and Cr3+ solu- increased and chromium was well dispersed over the
tions, chromium compound deposited on alumina by MCM-41 ­(Kilicarslan et al. 2013). Pakhomova et al. (2012)
chemical vapor deposition also known as “atomic layer developed microspherical chromium oxide/alumina
deposition,” mesoporous CrOx/Al2O3 catalyst by using a catalyst (KDM) having superior performance and tested
chromium-containing metal-organic framework filled the catalyst at fixed-bed reactor in laboratory scale and
with an alumina precursor and subsequently combus- in fluidized bed commercial-scale reactor for isobutane
ting the organic material, and the decomposition of dehydrogenation.
complexes including both alumina and chromium. All
these methods are followed by a calcinations step at
approximately 600°C. Thus, the nature of the support is 3.3 Vanadium oxide-based catalysts
important not only for the mechanical properties of the
catalyst but also because of metal-support interaction. Vanadium oxides are generally known for hydrocarbon
The coinjection of hydrogen was also investigated for oxidation reactions and at the same time are exten-
chromium-based commercial catalysts for reducing the sively investigated for oxidative dehydrogenation using
deactivation rate (Nawaz et al. 2014). vanadium-magnesium mixed oxides (Russell and Stokes
The use of zirconia as an alternative support has been 1946, Wachs and Weckhuysen 1997, Carrero et al. 2014).
investigated due to its low surface acidity and resistant Monolayer coverage isolated vanadium species (crys-
toward sintering (Fujdala and Tilly 2003). Zirconia as tallites) are formed, such as the combination of V-O-
support prevents the formation of Cr-Al mixed oxides but support (mixed oxides with Al, Zr, Ti, or Mg), V-O-V, or
deactivate faster. Fujdala and Tilley have reported the use VO, whereas hydroxyl groups (anchoring sites) should
of a cothermolysis method involving several thermolytic present on the surface of the support to obtain a well-­
molecular precursors to produce a Cr/Si/Zr/O catalyst dispersed catalyst. Researches claim that vanadium
capable of dehydrogenation at lower temperature (Fujdala species bonded directly with γ/θ-alumina support are
and Tilly 2003, Ma et al. 2012). A weak metal interaction active sites for dehydrogenation, whereas isolated active
is observed with TiO2 support; a relatively high surface site feed adsorption leads toward deactivation due to
area to stabilize Cr6+ sites is required for silica as support coke formation. It is observed that vanadium oxide reduc-
­(Martyanov and Sayari 2008, Zhao et  al. 2013). Alkali tion with H2, CO, and CH4 never reaches completion, and
metals, such as K, Ca, Na, B, Rb, and Cs, are known to oxide species, including V3+, V4+, and V5+, remain present
promote chromium-based dehydrogenation catalysts. on the catalyst surface. In generalized form, the nature
These were attributed to stabilizing the structure of the of the VxOy species and contribution from the electronic
support, reducing surface acidity, and/or increasing active structure of the support is the redox potential of the
chromium sites and dispersion (Sanfilippo and Miracca active sites (Carrero et al. 2014). ­Al-Ghamdi (2013) inves-
2006). Some important features of chromium-based cata- tigated oxygen-free propane oxidative dehydrogena-
lyst are the following (Chaar et al. 1987): tion over vanadium oxide catalysts at 475°C–550°C and

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Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies      7

disclosed promising results and proposed the said cata- 3.5 Gallium supported oxide
lyst for fluidized bed reactor (FBR).
The dehydrogenation activity of supported gallium oxide
was reported in the late 1980s, and the exact nature of the
3.4 Molybdenum oxide-based catalysts active sites is under debate. One of the explanations of
active site is weak Lewis acid sites formed by polymorphs
Molybdenum oxide-based catalysts were also frequently β-Ga2O3 (monoclinic structure, in which gallium atoms are
tested for hydrocarbon conversion reactions and first equally distributed between tetrahedral and octahedral
reported for the dehydrocyclization of n-heptane in 1946 configurations; Liu et  al. 2008). Heterolytic dissociation
(Harlin et al. 1999). MoOx has been investigated for both occurs where H-adsorbs on a Ga+ Lewis acid site and C4H9+
oxidative and non-oxidative dehydrogenation of alkanes. on neighboring oxygen (Xu et al. 2006). Xu et al. reported
The chemistry of molybdenum oxide is similar to vanadium GaO3/H-ZSM-5 catalyst dehydrogenation activity on both
oxide, as it is also present in MoOx monomers, polymers, Lewis and Brønsted acid sites (Xu et  al. 2007, Rodríguez
or MoO3 crystallites. In the fresh catalyst, molybdenum is et  al. 2010). The density functional theory studies by
present as Mo6+, and MoO3 is reduced during reaction to Liu et al. regarding propane dehydrogenation over Ga2O3
active species Mo4+ and Mo5+ (Nesterenko et al. 2003). The demonstrates that 100 surface activate the C–H bond by
active material, molybdenum oxycarbide (MoOxCy), forms abstracting a hydrogen and second hydroxyl group formed
on unsupported molybdenum oxide during butane dehy- via β-hydrogen elimination. The reduction of Ga2O3 is con-
drogenation and demonstrates superior performance over troversial, as it has been reported that the reduction can be
silica supports. Mixed metal oxide formation Al2(MoO4)3 promoted by the presence of easily reduced metals, such
crystallites leads to permanent deactivation and is pre- as platinum and palladium, which can assist the reduc-
vented by adding magnesium oxide. Overall, molyb- tion of Ga3+ to Ga+ and Ga0 at lower temperatures (Butt
denum-based catalysts deactivate and sintered rapidly et al. 1999). It is important to note that Ga2O is gaseous and
compared to other dehydrogenation catalysts. metallic gallium is liquid at approximately 500°C (Li et al.
Jibril et al. (2003) studied the oxidative dehydrogena- 2007). A number of studies have shown that the addition
tion of propane on alumina supported chromium-molyb- of CO2 and water cofeeding enhances the olefin yield due
denum oxide catalysts and investigated the reducibility to reverse water-gas shift reaction (Shimada et  al. 1998,
and changes of the nature of the lattice oxygen with chang- Shen et  al. 2009). Different carriers have been also tried
ing molybdenum content in the catalysts and their effect for use in gallium oxide-based dehydrogenation catalysts
on olefin selectivities. The study also discussed the prom- such as ZrO2, Al2O3, TiO2, SiO2, and MgO.
ising results on alkali metals (Li, K, and Cs) doping with The dehydrogenation of propane in the presence of CO2
10 wt% Cr0.8Mo0.2 (alkali/CrMo weight ratio of 0–0.175; was investigated over ITQ-2 and MCM-22 supported gallium
Jibril et  al. 2003). Suppia (2012) investigated the change oxide, and its performance is compared with zeolite sup-
of molybdenum oxide (supramolecular phase Mo36O112 ported catalysts and claimed higher selectivity to propyl-
and hexagonal phase h-MoO3) properties during oxidative ene and better stability (propylene yield of ~15%) due to
dehydrogenation. For MoOx, protonation phase encour- more open pore structures and weak strength of Brønsted
ages the growth of the catalytic structure (Mo7O24) acting acid sites (Zheng et al. 2005, Wang et al. 2012). Alcantara-
as a nucleus creating the polyoxomolybdates having bulk Rodriguez et  al. studied mixed gallium/chromium oxide
structural corner sharing pentagonal channels, whereas, pillared α-zirconium phosphate materials using a colloi-
for MoVOx-based catalyst, amorphous phase was observed dal suspension of the phosphate previously swelled with
having highly crystalline hexagonal phase (MoV2O8) and vapors of n-propylamine for propane dehydrogenation
tetragonal phase [(MoV)5O14] (Suppia 2012). Many dis- under oxidative and non-oxidative conditions and found
tinct compositions, such as MgO-V2O5, MgO-MoO3, MgO- that the catalyst is more suitable in oxidative environment
V2O5-MoO3, and V2O5-MoO3, were prepared using sol-gel (Alcantara-Rodriguez et al. 1999). The dehydrogenation of
chemistry, and an increase in both ODH conversion and ethane and propane using a platinum catalyst on a novel
selectivity with molybdenum substitution on vanadium Mg(Ga)(Al)O mixed oxide support was investigated, and
sites was also observed (Pless et  al. 2004). They further it was found that performance is strongly dependent on
noticed that the vanadates were more active than the gallium content in the support, optimum hydrogen addi-
molybdates at lower temperatures; however, the molyb- tion, and coke suppression (Siddiqi et  al. 2010, Sattler
dates exhibited higher selectivities at similar conversions et al. 2014a,b). Platinum-promoted Ga/Al2O3 catalyst con-
(Pless et al. 2004). sists of 1000 ppm Pt, 3 wt% Ga, and 0.25 wt% K supported

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8      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

on alumina; a bifunctional active phase, in which coordi- other metal oxides for propane dehydrogenation (20%
nately unsaturated Ga3+ species are active species and plat- In2O3 and 80% Al2O3) and obtained the highest propyl-
inum is a promoter, was presented (Sattler et al. 2014a,b). ene yield. Slower reduction was noticed, and Al2O3 and
The samples with varying platinum and gallium contents ZrO2 were found suitable supports than SiO2 (Wenner and
were prepared and tested, and a stable promising perfor- Dybal 1948).
mance is noted with propane conversion ~32 wt% and pro- Supported iron oxides have been known for ethyl
pylene selectivity ~93 wt% in a long-term stability test of benzene dehydrogenation since 1946. In late the 1990s,
approximately few weeks (Sattler et al. 2014a,b). its use was demonstrated for 1-butene dehydrogenation to
1–3 butadiene and Fe3+ (Stobbe et al. 1991, 1992, Boot et al.
1996, Yun and Lobo 2014). It is further observed that potas-
3.6 Carbon-based catalysts sium enhances catalytic activity and stabilizes the active
phase by forming KFeO2, which donates electrons to the
Recently, carbon has been tested as support in various active iron species and prevents their reduction. Recently,
catalytic applications because of its high surface area, an active dehydrogenation catalyst was reported by incor-
low cost, lightweight, and environment-friendly nature porating Fe ions in the framework of ZSM-5 zeolites. The
(Zhang et  al. 2008). Carbon-based catalysts remain acti- activity was presumed because of the redox properties of
vate despite complete coke encapsulation and high tem- these sites (Fe2+ and Fe3+ redox cycle; Guisnet et al. 1992).
perature. Accordingly, carbon nanotubes proved to be The conversion of light alkanes to aromatics over
catalytically active as radicals formed on the surface of zinc supported on H-ZSM-5 zeolites, where isolated Zn2+
coke facilitate reaction. Researchers reported high selec- species with tetrahedral orientation were active sites,
tivity toward olefins ~85% in the oxidative dehydroge- has received considerable attention (Eastman 1983, Mole
nation of light alkanes using nitrogen-doped carbon et  al. 1985, Wang et  al. 1993, Biscardi and Iglesia 1996,
nanotubes (Neylon et al. 1999). Neylon et al. studied the Al-mutairi et  al. 2012). These stable species resided in
activity of supported early transition metal (of groups 5 the cation exchange sites of the zeolite, where Al-bound
and 6, except niobium) nitrides and carbides for butane oxygen performs C–H cleavage and forms an Al–OH group
dehydrogenation and obtained promising results com- similar to other metals. Chen et al. investigated zinc titan-
parative to platinum-based catalysts (Halasz et al. 1996). ate and concluded that cubic Zn2TiO3 is an active species,
Metal-free ordered mesoporous carbon catalyst was pre- whereas others reported for silica support; Zn2+ Lewis acid
pared for direct dehydrogenation of propane to propylene, sites located on a trimembered siloxane ring are active
demonstrating high activity, stability, and selectivity, in for alkane dehydrogenation (Chen et al. 1996, Airaksinen
comparison with nanostructured carbons (Liu et al. 2011). 2005, Chweitzer et al. 2014).
The large surface area and the uniform pore size of mes-
oporous carbon were found useful for trapping and con-
verting propane (Liu et al. 2011). Pedersen (2013) studied
carbon supported metal (platinum/carbon) catalysts for 4 Dehydrogenation technologies
propane dehydrogenation; using a polyol process, the
catalyst was successfully prepared using carbon black, The focus of the research has been to find a method to
graphite, and a conical platelet carbon nanofibers as supply sufficient amounts of heat knowing the thermo-
supports. dynamic limitations of dehydrogenation reaction yet to
manage the catalyst regeneration cycles. Different licen-
sors commercialized their work to deal with light alkane
3.7 Other formulations dehydrogenation reactions and operated the reactor at
approximately ±50°C to the desired reaction temperature.
Despite the excellent performance of platinum and CrOx The integration of such concepts with the choice of catalyst
catalysts in light alkane dehydrogenation to olefins, a is the basis for the industrial dehydrogenation technolo-
number of issues, including catalyst poisoning, high cost gies developed. About eight known catalytic dehydrogena-
of platinum, and environmental concerns associated with tion technologies and different heat import approaches
chromium, have encouraged to search for alternatives. were compared and shown in Table  1 (Frey and Huppke
Indium has similar catalytic properties to that of gallium 1937, Burwell et  al. 1960, H ­ ornaday and Ferrell 1961,
and is found similarly active for light alkane dehydrogena- ­Al-Mutaz 1987, lmai et al. 1989, Vora et al. 1989, Pujado and
tion (Chen et al. 2011). Chen et al. tried to mix In2O3 with Vora 1990, Dunn et  al. 1992, Sanfilippo  1993, Trifiro and

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Table 1: Industrially known dehydrogenation technologies.

Technology   CATOFIN   Oleflex   Uhde STAR   FBD   PDH   FLOTU/   SABIC

name process Tsinghua

Licensor/   CB&I-ABB   UOP LLC   Krupp-Uhde   Yarsintez-   Linde-BASF-Statoil   Tsinghua   SABIC

developer Lummus (Honeywell) Snamprogetti (Sintef) University
Reactor   Adiabatic fixed   Adiabatic   DH+ODH-   Fluidized bed   Isothermal fixed   Bimodal   Adiabatic fixed
bed moving bed adiabatic bed fluidized bed bed and FBR
Operation   Cyclic   Continuous   Cyclic   Continuous   Cyclic   Continuous   Cyclic
Feed   C3–C4   C3–C4   C3–C4   C3–C4   C3–C4   C3–C4   C3
Catalyst   CrOx/Al2O3 with   Pt-Sn/Al2O3   Pt-Sn/   CrOx/Al2O3   Initially Cr-based   Pt-Sn/SAPO-34   Pt-Sn/K/
alkaline promoter with alkaline ZnAl2O3/ with alkaline and now Pt SAPO-34
(Süd-Chemie) promoter CaAl2O3 promoter nanoparticle/
hydrotalcite Mg(Al)
O; Pt-Sn/ZrO2
Catalyst life   2–3 years   1–3 years   –   –   –   –   –
Heat import   From catalyst   Interstage   Catalyst tubes   From catalyst   Reactor heating   From secondary   (a) Tubes are
regeneration heating are placed in regeneration catalyst placed in
furnace section furnace and (b)
integrated FBR
with internal
T (°C)   565–649   550–620   DH: 550–590,   535–590   ~590   570–610   560–600
ODH: ~600
P (bar)   0.3–0.5   2–3   5–6   0.5–1.5   ~1   0.5–1.5   0.1–6
Cycle time   15–30 min   –   8h   –   9h   –   15–30 min
Conversion (%)  C3: 48–65,   C3: ~25,   C3: ~40   C3: ~40,   C3: ~30   C3: 45–63,   C3: 48–65,
C4: 55–68 C4: ~35 C4: ~50 C4: 54–66 C4: 55–68
Selectivity (%)   C3: 80–88,   C3: 89–91,   C3: ~89   C3: ~89,   C3: ~90   C3: 89–91,   C3: 88–93,
C4: 89–93 C4: 91–93 C4: ~91 C4: 81–86 C4: 80–85
Development   Commercial   Commercial   Commercial   Commercial   Pilot plant   Pilot plant   –
  Figure 2   Figure 3   Figure 4   Figure 5   Figure 6   Figure 7   Figure 8

DH, direct dehydrogenation; ODH, oxidative dehydrogenation.

Cavani 1993, ­Al-Ghamdi et al. 1994, Atkins and Evans 1995, technology is usually based on heat supply options and
­Zimmermann and Verluis 1995, Ercan and Gartside 1996, catalytic cycles, it is worth to discuss the following:
Iezzi and ­Bartolini 1997, ­Luckenbach et al. 1997, Sanfilippo (a) Direct heating of the reacting mixture
et al. 1998, 2006, Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Scott 1999, –– Tubes in fired heater/furnaces
Weckhuysen and Schoonheydt 1999, Jensen et  al. 2000, –– Adiabatic reactors in series with interstage heating
Rokicki et  al. 2001, UOP 2001, 2004, 2013, Chaiyavech (b) Indirect heating by reactants/feed/catalyst
2002, Tullo 2003, Gregor and Wei 2004, Nijhuis et  al. –– Batch-wise heating by reaction and heating steps
2004, Schindler et  al. 2004, Airaksinen 2005, CATOFIN –– Circulating the catalyst itself and heating it in
2005, 2007, 2013, Fridman and Urbancic 2005, Ghandhi another piece of equipment (e.g. regenerator)
et al. 2005, Kallo et al. 2005, ­Sanfilippo and Miracca 2005, (c) Removal of coke from catalyst by air or oxygen or steam
Urbancic et  al. 2005, Chaku and Spence 2007, CRI/SRL –– Alternating hydrocarbon feed to regeneration
2007, Setoyama 2007, Caspary et  al. 2008, Fridman and atmospheres in the same reactor (several reactors
Romaine-Schmid 2009, Nawaz and Wei 2009, 2010, 2011, in parallel are required)
2013, 2014, Nawaz 2010a,b, Wei et al. 2009, 2010, Beesley –– Circulating the catalyst between different vessels
and Wipp 2010, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, (reactor or reactors and a regenerator).
2013a,b, 2014, Fridman and Urbancic 2011, Oviol et  al.
2012, Uhde STAR Process 2012, 2013, Chu et al. 2013, Hon- The first butane dehydrogenation plant was designed by
eywell 2013, New Clariant and Propanes 2013, Nawaz 2014, UOP (USA) and ICI (England) in 1940. Soon after, other
Nawaz and Baksh 2014, Sattler 2014, Sattler et al. 2014a,b, companies, such as Phillips Petroleum, Houdry, Shell,
CCR Platforming and Oleflex 2015). Because the choice of Gulf, and Dow, built similar products for dehydroge-

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10      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

nation (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2010 The technical aspects of known dehydrogenation technol-
a–h, 2013a,b). Phillips Petroleum built a multitubular ogies are discussed in the following sections.
dehydrogenation reactor in 1943, with an oxide hydro-
genation approach. Houdry designed dehydrogenation
process for butane with pressure less than atmospheric 4.1 CATOFIN dehydrogenation technology
conditions and higher conversions rates (Waddams
1980, Craig and Spence 1986, Dunn et al. 1992). Later, the After changing few hands, now the CATOFIN technology
Petro-Tex Chemical Corporation, with the name Oxo-D, is licensed by CB&I-ABB Lummus and catalyst is sup-
commercialized this process. A variety of light olefins plied by Clariant. Gas-phase reaction is carried out at
were produced by thermal and catalytic cracking in ~560°C–610°C, in alternating cycles to achieve a continu-
bulk quantity as byproduct, forcing to shutdown direct ous operation, in three to eight parallel adiabatic reac-
olefin production in the 1970s. In the late 1980s, Eugene tors (Dunn et al. 1992, Trifiro and Cavani 1993, Ercan and
Houdry extended the application of chromia-alumina Gartside 1996, Scott 1999, Bhasin et al. 2001, Tullo 2003,
catalysts for the dehydrogenation of propane and isobu- Nijhuis et al. 2004, CRI/SRL 2007, CATOFIN 2013). In the
tene; they renamed the process CATOFIN, and approxi- CATOFIN reactor, so-called “pseudo-steady-state” tem-
mately 10 units were commercialized (Dunn et al. 1992). perature profiles were established under vacuum (0.3–
Out of these, two processes were particularly designed 0.5 bar; ­Hornaday and Ferrell 1961, Al-Mutaz 1987, Rokicki
for propane dehydrogenation to propylene, of approxi- et  al. 2001, Urbancic et  al. 2005, Fridman et  al. 2009,
mately 250,000 MTA propylene capacities. The CATOFIN 2011, Beesley and Wipp 2010). The process is relatively
technology used an adiabatic fixed-bed reactor at 570°C– complex, operating under quite harsh conditions, espe-
630°C and 0.5 bar, reported at 40–65% conversion. The cially due to cyclic nature. The isobutane coming from
CATOFIN technology is currently owned by Clariant (for- butamer unit (isomerization unit) is feed to the dehydro-
merly Süd-Chemie, as Süd-Chemie is merged in Clariant) genation unit. The catalyst bed is covered with inert balls,
and license by ABB Lummus. Phillips Petroleum’s STAR so that it can sustain in feed inlet thrust and distributed.
Krupp-Uhde (Steam Active Reforming) Process is based The diluted catalyst bed with inert solid particles provides
on a fixed-bed fired-tube reactor, operating at a positive an energy reservoir without affecting reaction engineer-
super atmospheric pressure and isothermal temperature ing constraints and pressure drop. Each reactor alter-
conditions (Sanfilippo et al. 1998). nates between dehydrogenation, purging, regeneration,
During the 1990s, a fluidized bed isobutane dehydro- reduction, and evacuation steps, and the total cycle time
genation unit of approximately 450,000 MTA isobutylene is between 15 and 30 min, so that the overall processes
was commercialized by Snamprogetti in SDAF, Jubail, work continuously. Therefore, at a certain time, a certain
Saudi Arabia, based on Yarsintez (Russian) technology number of reactors shall be performing dehydrogenation
(Iezzi and Bartolini 1997, Luckenbach et  al. 1997, Setoy- reactions, whereas the other reactors are being regener-
ama 2007). UOP commercialized a typical radial-flow adi- ated or purged (Ercan and Gartside 1996). The catalyst bed
abatic fixed-bed (or slowly moving bed) reactor design is heated by the regeneration mixture (air and methane),
using modified platinum-alumina catalysts for alkane and by the burning of coke, a part of heat is provided
dehydrogenation, but the performance is unsatisfactory by the preheated feed. The dehydrogenation reaction
due to number of reasons. BASF and Statoil also built time depends on the heat content of the system, which
pilot plants for propane dehydrogenation named Linde decreases rapidly due to the endothermic dehydrogena-
and Sintef, respectively. Recently, Mitsubishi Chemical tion reaction.
of Japan claimed a novel process for the oxidative dehy- To achieve a certain level of catalyst bed temperature
drogenation of alkane by using a fixed-bed reactor, but no at the middle and end of runs, fuel gas is added to the
information was available through open resources (Scott reactor during the regeneration step. The temperature pro-
1999, CATOFIN 2013). files of the reactors are complex due to the alternating reac-
The product workup in the downstream sections for tion-regeneration and other steps, decreasing temperature
all direct dehydrogenation technologies is quite similar. during the reaction with time-on-stream and increasing
Therefore, an effective design of the reaction system based during regeneration. The CATOFIN process flow diagram
on optimum temperature profile for the reactor is most is shown in Figure 2. It comprises catalytic reactor section,
important. It may be observed that the process is quite compressor section, and product recovery section (where
energy intensive due to the endothermic nature of reac- the product recovery at LTRS is achieved) and depro-
tion (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h). panizer (Dunn et  al. 1992, Trifiro and Cavani 1993, Ercan

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Figure 2: CATOFIN isobutane dehydrogenation process flow diagram.

and Gartside 1996, Scott 1999, Bhasin et  al. 2001, Tullo ratio is adjusted to the temperature below specified limit
2003, Nijhuis et al. 2004, CRI/SRL 2007, CATOFIN 2013). to prevent polymerization. LTRS has multiple chillers
Feed is preheated in charge heater and then the reac- and cold box, where gas is cooled further to recover the
tion takes place in five fixed-bed reactors that operate on a remaining C4’s, and the liquid from product gas separator/
cyclic basis. For the process with five reactors as shown in flash drum is sent to the depropanizer. The stream passed
Figure 2 at one time, two reactors are on dehydrogenation through the depropanizer, and pressure swing adsorption
reaction. At a certain time, bed temperature and catalytic (PSA) for lights and hydrogen recovery and the mixture
activity are not sufficient to sustain commercially required of isobutylene and unconverted isobutane are sent to the
conversion, which defines the end of reaction cycle MTBE synthesis unit. The typical reactor operating condi-
­(Al-Mutaz 1987, Fridman et  al. 2009). Over an extended tions are shown in Table 2 (Al-Mutaz 1987, Dunn et al. 1992,
time, the catalyst ages and the activity decreases. This Trifiro and Cavani 1993, Ercan and Gartside 1996, Scott
affects the yield from the reactors; therefore, operating 1999, Bhasin et  al. 2001, Tullo 2003, Nijhuis et  al. 2004,
process conditions are gradually adjusted to maintain pro- CRI/SRL 2007, Fridman et al. 2009, 2011, CATOFIN 2013).
duction with time. After the dehydrogenation step, said Clariant is typically using terminologies of STD (Stand-
reactors are purged with steam to remove all hydrocarbons ard) and HY (High severity) for chromium-based cylindri-
and then regenerated with air at 600°C–700°C. This step cal dehydrogenation catalysts depending on chromium
is followed by evacuation and reduction with hydrogen, content. HY further demonstrated higher isobutylene
and then again, dehydrogenation reaction begins. A cyclic selectivity at higher isobutane conversion, and Clariant
timing device actuated hydraulically to control the process
is used. The system is suitably interlocked to ensure safe
operation and gas-gas exchanger cools product isobutyl- Table 2: Typical base case isobutane dehydrogenation process
ene. Pressure drop across the bed defines the end-of-run
at ~0.3 kg/cm2 abs. The products are compressed in mul-
Operating pressure (bar)   0.25–1.2
tistage compressor for the separation of byproducts, and Air/HC ratio   3.0–5.0
this separation is further enhanced by LTRS. In the com- Hydrocarbon feed temperature (°C)  ~630–660
pressor section, the reactor effluent gas pressure is raised Conversion (%)   ~50–65
from ~0.3 to ~12 kg/cm2 abs at ~40°C. Recirculation lines Selectivity (%)   ~83–93
are provided from each discharge to the suction of each Air compressor power (MW)   ~15
Regeneration air temperature (°C)   ~640–680
stage to prevent surging. At each stage, the compression

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12      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

Table 3: Catalyst specifications. to the feed and products. During regeneration, metals are
oxidized by providing heat, as shown below (Weckhuysen
Shape   Pellet 1999, Fridman and Urbancic 2005):
Diameter (mm)   ~3–6
Me + O2 → MeOx ∆H < 0
High (mm)   ~5
Specific surface (m2/g)   200–260 MeOx + H 2 → Me + H 2O ∆H < 0
Specific pore volume (cm3/g)  ~0.05
Major components (%)   The HGM is physically mixed or placed in the catalyst
 Cr2O3   13–29 bed at a particular level where the whole bed gets benefit
 Al2O3   ~65
of its heat generation as follows (Beesley and Wipp 2010,
 MgO/K2O/ZrO2   2–3
­Hornaday and Ferrell 1961, Rokicki et al. 2001, Gregor and
Wei 2004, Urbancic et al. 2005):
–– Increase in olefin selectivity and reduction of mono-
claimed ~4% gain (Weckhuysen and Schoonheydt 1999,
mer factor by optimizing the catalyst bed temperature
Fridman and Urbancic 2005). CATOFIN conversion and
selectivity will change as the catalyst ages as well as the
–– Lower energy consumption by reducing the amount
operational severity mode. The general specifications of
of air used during the regeneration.
a commercial Cr2O3/Al2O3 catalysts are shown in Table 3.
–– Reduction in the feed preheating temperature
The activity of chromium-based catalysts is dependent on
increases olefin selectivity.
the chromium loading, and both redox and non-redox Cr3+
–– Catalyst life increases by minimizing the air inlet
are active in dehydrogenation; the performance is further
affected by the process conditions and time-on-stream. In
–– Increase in the number of reactors for dehydrogena-
2001, Süd-Chemie commercialized a special formulation
tion mode.
named CATOFIN-ES (Extended Stability) that was chemi-
cally stabilized to reduce the rate at which the catalyst
aged (Fridman and Urbancic 2005). 4.2 Oleflex technology
The active site can be described as a Cr-O pair, as both
the chromium and oxygen ions take part in the reaction, The Oleflex process of UOP used a series of moving bed
whereas, in many kinetic modeling studies, the active reactors with interstage heating. It was first commercial-
sites of the catalyst have been generally described as a ized in 1990 in NCP, Thailand (Chaiyavech 2002, UOP
single ion. The well-known mechanism of isobutane dehy- 2004). Initially, UOP faced problems in void blowing,
drogenation to isobutene over chromia catalyst is shown coking, metallurgical issues, polythionic acid, and heat
below (Hornaday and Ferrell 1961, Sanfilippo 1993, 2011). exchangers. Four different versions of catalysts were used
(Chaiyavech 2002). The UOP Oleflex dehydrogenation
i − C4 H 10 ( g ) + Cr − O ↔ i − C4 H 9 …Cr − O … H
process has three sections: reactor section, product recov-
i − C4 H 9 …Cr − O … H ↔ i − C4 H 8 + H …Cr − O … H
ery section, and catalyst regeneration section as shown
H …Cr − O… H ↔ H 2 ( g ) + Cr − O
in Figure 3 (Sanfilippo 1993, Heinritz-Adrian et al. 2008).
The reactor section consists of three or more radial-flow
The experience gained through years of operation has (moving bed) reactors, charge heater for hydrocarbon feed
generated various ideas to boost the catalyst performance preheating, interstage heaters, and a feed-effluent gas-gas
and to improve reliability. Heat input to the catalyst bed has exchanger (Chaiyavech 2002, UOP 2013). In the product
been a critical limiting factor for direct dehydrogenation recovery section, the reactor effluents are cooled, com-
processes and restricting the olefin production rate. This pressed, and sent to the cryogenic system for hydrogen (of
issue is addressed by a novel approach of heat transfer to ~90 mole% purity) and hydrocarbon separation/recovery.
the catalyst bed, taking advantage of cyclic operation and Liquid hydrocarbons were sent to selective hydrogenation
reduction-oxidation mode. Recently, Clariant introduced to eliminate diolefins and acetylenes and then to de-etha-
a concept of unique material heat-generating material nizer and propane-propylene splitter.
(HGM), as this inert material is added to the catalyst bed The process is mostly commercialized for the produc-
to increase its heat storage capacity (Al-Mutaz 1987, Ercan tion of PG propylene (Chaiyavech 2002, UOP 2013). The
and Gartside 1996, Fridman et al. 2009, 2011, Oviol et al. continuous catalyst regeneration (CCR) section burns
2012). HGM consists of Cu-Fe metal oxide material and has coke over the catalyst and returns the regenerated cata-
the ability to produce heat in situ while remaining inactive lyst to the reactor. The process uses a Pt-Sn-based catalyst

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Figure 3: UOP Oleflex propane dehydrogenation process.

(e.g. DeH-14, introduced in 2001) having high activity Petroleum (now Conoco Phillips). Uhde acquired the tech-
and selectivity with lower attrition rates (Sanfilippo 1993, nology, including the process know-how, patents, and cat-
­Chaiyavech 2002). The reaction runs at pressures ~1–3 bar alyst from Phillips in December 1999 (Jensen et al. 2000,
and temperatures ranging from 525°C to 705°C (Sanfilippo Uhde STAR Process 2013). The STAR Process was commis-
1993, Chaiyavech 2002, UOP 2013). In CCR, the catalyst sioned for isobutylene at Coastal Chemical, Inc., Chey-
after the burning of coke (Pt) is redispersed on the support enne, WY, USA, in 1992 and at Polybutenos, Argentina, in
material by treating it with a chlorine-air mixture and oper- 1994. The process was also commercialized for propylene
ates continuously to obtain an uninterrupted production. production at Propylene & Poly-propylene Company, Port
The cycle completes in 5–10 days. The product is recov- Said, Egypt, in 2006 by Uhde.
ered by cooling/quenching, compressing, and drying the Propane feed, together with recycle propane and
reactor effluent; hydrogen is being separated cryogenically steam diluents, is heated with the reactor effluent and
from the hydrocarbons. In justifying the construction of a fired preheater before injection to reformer-type dehy-
the propane dehydrogenation unit (as shown in Figure 3), drogenation reactor. The intermediate product from the
feasibility is to pay for propylene on a cost plus basis and reformer is cooled by condensate injection. Steam is also
returning ~15–20% return on investment after production injected to adjust the inlet temperature and the steam-to-
cost, which is a major contribution in the polypropylene hydrocarbon ratio for the second reactor (oxy-reactor). The
manufacturing business. The average propylene selectiv- injected oxygen shortly above the catalyst bed selectively
ity and conversion at approximately 1000 days on stream converts the hydrogen (selective hydrogen combustion),
were ~83% and ~29%, respectively. which not only shifts the thermodynamic equilibrium of
the dehydrogenation reaction to higher equilibrium con-
version but at the same time provides the necessary heat
4.3 Uhde STAR Process (Thyssen-Krupp) for further dehydrogenation (see Figure 1). Hot process gas
is cooled by exchanging heat for feed preheating, produc-
STAR is the acronym for Steam Active Reforming, the dehy- ing steam in the effluent boiler, and supplying heat for the
drogenation technology initially developed by Phillips downstream separation section. The same catalyst is used

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14      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

for the reformer and the oxy-dehydrogenation section. raw gas compression. The specific consumption of dehy-
The applied shift of the endothermic equilibrium by selec- drogenation plant typically makes up approximately 80%,
tive hydrogen combustion at the top segment of the oxy-­ and STAR has the advantage of high conversion vs. high
reactor allows for more efficient utilization of catalyst selectivity and high recovery/high sophistication. The
activity and helps in achieving higher conversion. Higher reactor exit pressure is ~5 bar, which will allow sufficient
space-time olefin yield allows smaller reactors and ulti- pressure drop to utilize the available heat. The steam pres-
mately reduces investment cost. ence in the system converts most of the coke to CO2, thus
STAR claims higher productivity advantage due to allowing longer operation (i.e. ~7 h) and shorter regen-
equilibrium shift by oxy-dehydrogenation (overall steam- eration cycle (i.e. 1 h). Therefore, 14.7% reactor capacity
to-hydrocarbon ratio ~4.2), and at the same time, the is required to compensate regeneration, which is lowest
catalyst is stable and maintains its activity in a hydro- among other commercial technologies (Sanfilippo et  al.
thermal environment. The reformer inlet temperature 1998, 2006, Jensen et al. 2000, Miracca and Piovesan 1999,
is ~510°C and the outlet temperature is ~550°C–580°C, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h, Uhde STAR Process 2013).
whereas the oxy-reactor outlet temperature is ~580°C. The catalyst is platinum based on zinc and calcium
The reformer operates at liquid hourly space velocity 4 aluminate support with various promoters. The cata-
and oxy-dehydrogenation at 6, adjusted by shorter tubes lyst for the process has demonstrated a lifetime of up to
with reduced amount of catalyst by ~30% (at 4–6 bar). An 7  years in commercial applications (Jensen et  al. 2000,
effective design of the reactor section of STAR dehydroge- Sanfilippo et al. 2006, Uhde STAR Process 2013). Regener-
nation process achieving optimized temperature profile ation takes place only in the presence of steam and air and
to achieve high space-time yields is shown in Figure 4 without additional requirement for catalyst reactivation
(Uhde STAR Process 2013). The process operates in the (e.g. chlorination; Sanfilippo et al. 1998, Heinritz-Adrian
presence of steam; therefore, the absolute pressure of the et al. 2008).
reactor section is higher than the other technologies while
keeping the partial pressure of hydrocarbons low (and
thus high conversion). 4.4 Fluidized bed dehydrogenation (FBD)
The product mixture consisting of paraffins, olefins, technology
hydrogen, water, and CO2 in small quantity was com-
pressed for processing to pressures of 15–35 bar and sent An FBR-based dehydrogenation technology for C3–C5 olefin
to the separation section. This section has compressors, production was developed in the former Soviet Union
PSA, cryogenic unit, and fractionators. The process has during the 1960s by Yarsintez. Approximately two decades
relatively higher suction pressure compared to the other before Yarsintez and Snamprogetti agreed to develop
technologies, resulting in lower cost (Capex and Opex) for it further, Snamprogetti licensed the first large-scale

Pre-heater Steam generation

STAR reformer
Product mixture

Heat recovery section

Hydrocarbon feed


Gas-gas exchanger

Figure 4: Uhde STAR Process dehydrogenation reactor section.

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Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies      15

commercial unit in SADAF [a Saudi Basic Industries Cor- Product Fuel gas
poration (SABIC) affiliate], Jubail, Saudi Arabia (Zenz and
Othmer 1960, Sanfilippo 1993, Zimmermann and Verluis
1995, Sanfilippo and Miracca 2005, Sanfilippo et al. 2006,
Caspary et  al. 2008, Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz Sets of
et  al. 2010a–h). The technology is abbreviated as FBD-3 cyclones

and FBD-4, where 3 for propane and 4 for isobutane. P=30 kPa
In FBD, the catalyst solid particles are kept suspended Regenerator
by feed gas/air using a distributor. Increasing the gas veloc-
ity, fluidization begins (minimum fluidization velocity
Umf ), the bed behaves like a liquid and bubbles are formed Gδ=5.7 kg/m2-s °
(Umb); at gas velocity higher than the terminal velocity Ut
(i.e. the gas velocity exceeds that of free fall), the solid par- Isobutane
ticles are blown away. The reactor behaves between fixed- feed @ 470°C

bed reactor and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). In Fuel

the bubbling fluidized bed system, uniform temperature Stripping

dp=80 microns
and heat exchange such as CSTR, pressure drop through nitrogen

the bed is equal to the weight per unit area of the bed and
independent of gas velocity. The high level of mixing of Air Natural gas

the solid particles enhances both heat (high heat trans- Transfer lines
fer coefficient) and mass transfer phenomena. While
Figure 5: FBD reactor-regeneration system.
robust and mechanically strong, the catalyst is desirable
to avoid attrition. A significant dispersion of gas contact
times is expected and consecutive reactions decrease the
developed. Figure 5 shows the catalyst transfer between
selectivity at increasing conversion. The back-mixing phe-
the reactor and regenerator and feed, air, natural gas, and
nomena is controlled by staging the fluidized bed [closer
nitrogen injects.
to plug flow reactor (PFR)] by properly designed internal
The significant difference of the Yarsintez-Snamprogetti
baffles, approaching a series of CSTR, and a global PFR-
FBD technology with FCC reactor is that a small quan-
like behavior. As the direct dehydrogenation of alkane is
tity of coke is formed in FCC and is not enough to supply
limited by equilibrium, a higher per pass conversion is
the energy needed to heat the catalyst and to satisfy the
achieved by plug flow movement of the gas phase equal to
overall thermal balance. In FBD technology, some fuel
the reactor volume. The catalyst circulation is determined
(natural gas) is added in the regenerator, and simplified
by the amount of heat required by the reaction rather than
heat balance and catalyst circulation rate are given by
catalyst deactivation; therefore, the insertion of baffles
allows a substantial reduction in flow in comparison with ∆H glob [ kca l / h] = [ mcat × c p × ∆Tcat ]
isothermal conditions. = ∆H enth + ∆H reac + ∆H loss = ∆H fuel + ∆H coke
The catalyst is chromium based supported on alumina
oxide similar to CATOFIN catalysts with relatively lower where ΔHglob is the global heat flux balance and the others
active metal loading of ~15–19 wt% (Miracca and Piovesan are the enthalpy change of the products minus reactants,
1999). The reaction heat is supplied by the heat capacity the reaction heat, and the heats of fuel and coke combus-
of the circulating regenerated catalyst ( > 650°C), having a tion. mcat is the catalyst circulation rate in kg/h, cp is the
residence time of ~10–30 min in the reactor and regenera- catalyst heat capacity (~0.22–0.29 kcal/kg/K), and ΔTcat
tor (Sanfilippo et al. 2006). Consequently, the mechanical is the temperature difference of the catalyst entering and
life of the catalyst (loss by attrition) largely depends on leaving the reactor.
its circulation rate, although this loss can be compensated Before transferring regenerated catalyst from regen-
by the continuous addition of catalyst in the regenerator erator, absorbed oxygenated products are stripped from
during operation without disturbing the hydrodynamics the catalyst and reduced in stripping section at bottom of
and yield. The low pressure drop requires a much larger regenerator. Gas distributors are installed in both reactor
cross-section or the addition of a diluent to maintain and regenerator that ensure even gas distribution in cross-
such a low partial pressure of the reactants. A counter- sectional areas with a specific bubble size of ~20 cm that
current flow of gas-solid in the reactor and regenerator is displaces over 4 kg of catalyst and rising speed of 1 m/s

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16      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

that exerts intense force on the structure and shape of it promoters consisting of compounds of alkali metals and/
(Sanfilippo et al. 2006). The mechanical design of reactor or alkaline earth metals and compounds of metals from
internals, regenerator internals, transfer lines, and the third and/or fourth subgroups, at least one cesium
cyclones are the key to ensure mechanical reliability and metal compound promoter of ~0.1–10% by weight and
performance. The optimal design of the cyclones mini- at least one zirconium metal compound of ~0.1–15% by
mizes the catalyst losses. Below are some important con- weight. Later, they changed to platinum supported on
siderations in reactor sizing for FBD technology (Miracca Mg(Al)O (Zimmermann and Verluis 1995, Schindler et al.
and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h): 2004, Caspary et al. 2008).
–– The volume of the catalytic bed is determined by fix- The reactor section includes three identical gas-fired
ing the space-time for the said amount of feed gas at a steam-reformer-type dehydrogenation reactors, as shown
given reaction temperature depending on the catalyst in Figure 6. Two of these reactors operate for dehydroge-
activity. nation, whereas the third reactor is on regeneration at that
–– This vessel diameter is dictated by superficial gas time. The T-profile of the reactor is conceptually similar
velocity that has to stay between Umf and Ut (generally to the previous designs (Zimmermann and Verluis 1995,
for Geldart A powders,  < 1 m/s). Schindler et al. 2004, Caspary et al. 2008).
–– For required hydrodynamics, the bubbling regime
aspect ratio (height/diameter) is critical to avoid poor
distribution and poor heat/material exchange, with- 4.6 FLOTU/Tsinghua dehydrogenation
out high entrainment. technology
–– Catalyst circulation rate is dictated by the heat bal-
ance requirement. A highly selective and hydrothermally stable platinum-
based SAPO-34 supported catalyst was developed for
the first time by Nawaz et  al. at Tsinghua University,
4.5 P
 ropane dehydrogenation technology Beijing, in 2009, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fei
(PDH) technology of Linde-BASF-Statoil Wei (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2009a–g,
2010a–h, 2011a,b). The activity of platinum-based cata-
Linde-BASF-Statoil have also developed a PDH similar to lyst is well known for the dehydrogenation, whereas its
STAR technology, although limited information is avail- dehydrogenation performance depends on platinum, tin,
able in open literature (Zimmermann and Verluis 1995, and support interaction and lower Sn(0) and Pt-Sn alloy
Schindler et al. 2004, Caspary et al. 2008). Originally, the concentrations, and these features were incorporated
catalyst was chromium supported on alumina oxide with using SAPO-34 as a support (weak surface acid sites;
Regeneration mixture


Product downstream



Figure 6: Linde-BASF-Statoil PDH reactors.

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Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies      17

Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h). The Regenerator PDH reactor Olefins conversion
platinum-support interaction were enhanced with better P
platinum dispersion and inherent stability toward regen- r
eration due to its silicon-based acid sites (Miracca and p
Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h). The role of tin as y
a promoter is well defined for platinum dispersion over e
various supports. Herein, a novel combination of Al2O3 with n
SAPO-34 for Pt-Sn-based catalyst, which further improves
platinum dispersion, desired active platinum site concen-
tration (platinum anchored through SnOx) and ultimately
has an improved dehydrogenation capability (Nawaz et al.
2009a–g, 2010a–h, 2011a,b 2012). The catalyst was pre-
pared by a sequential impregnation method after adding
~20% Al2O3 with SAPO-34, improving the overall perfor- Steam
Propane Higher
mance. Above 91% of total olefin selectivity and approxi- olefins
mately 34–45 wt% light alkane conversion were achieved
Figure 7: Integrated setup of GSS-FBR with olefin interconversion
over Pt-Sn/SAPO-34 and Pt-Sn/Al2O3-SAPO-34 at weight reactor for heat integration.
hourly space velocity 2–8 h-1, 1  atm, and ­ temperature
~585°C (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h).
The results were found promising by comparing Pt-Sn/Al2O3-SAPO-34 catalysts at ~590°C in proposed GSS-
performance with other known zeolite-based catalysts FBR, as shown in Figure 7 (Miracca and Piovesan 1999,
under identical operating conditions, and extensive Nawaz et al. 2­ 010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, 2013a,b). The inter-
investigation using physicochemical techniques was esting results were obtained; both fixed-bed microreac-
carried out to investigate superior performance (Nawaz tor and integrated bimodal particle FBR (GSS-FBR) were
et  al. 2013a,b). The hydrothermal investigation demon- compared and parametrically characterized (Miracca and
strates superiority of support choice SAPO-34 (Miracca Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2013a,b).
and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h). The catalyst The GSS-FBR system consists of two catalysts, where one
shows excellent stability after mild steaming (nitrogen catalyst serves for dehydrogenation (principal catalyst)
mixed steam) for many continuous reaction-regeneration and the other catalyst (secondary catalyst) is almost inert
(at ~600°C) runs. The physiochemical analysis of severe to dehydrogenation reaction and serves as a heat trans-
hydrothermally treated samples helped to find reason fer material. The reaction time of the principal catalyst
for activity loss during regeneration. Above 98% recov- is ~6–8 h; therefore, it remains in the reactor, whereas
ery of catalyst activity after several regeneration was the secondary catalyst is moved to the regenerator and
obtained by the redispersion of platinum, and this credit after coke burning supplies heat for endothermic reac-
goes to the SAPO-34 due to its silicon-based stable acid tion. In the integrated scheme presented in Figure 7, the
cites/­structure (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. secondary catalyst (SAPO-34) further serves for olefin
2010a–h, 2013a,b). Superior metal support interaction interconversion (i.e. hexane to propylene) and then
helps to transfer coke to support and keep active sites regenerated. The GSS-FBR design and results were dis-
available for reaction (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz cussed in the author’s other publications (Miracca and
et al. 2010a–h, 2013a,b). The catalyst was pelletized and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2013a,b).
used for pilot test. A significant enhancement in productivity is observed
The direct dehydrogenation of light alkanes is one owing to uniform heat transfer throughout the reactor
of the most economical routes to high-quality light and the transfer of coke from the principal catalyst to the
olefins but is complex due to the endothermic reaction secondary catalyst, which increases the principal cata-
nature, equilibrium limitations, stereochemistry, and lyst’s stability; the design has both economic and opera-
reaction engineering constraints. The state-of-the-art tional benefits (Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al.
idea of bimodal particle (gas-solid-solid) FBR (GSS-FBR) ­2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, 2013a,b). The GSS-FBR system
was introduced to overcome reaction barriers (Miracca was successfully piloted at Tsinghua U ­ niversity, Beijing,
and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, China, in late 2009.
2013a,b). Nawaz et  al. investigated propane and butane Extensive investigation has been done before the
dehydrogenation reaction using Pt-Sn/SAPO-34 and piloting of GSS-FBR for system hydrodynamics (using

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18      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

cold model 2D fluidization apparatus) and catalyst attri- dehydrogenation, and many efforts have been applied to
tion (using ASTM standard air jet fluidized bed test D-5757; improve catalyst stability and olefin yield (Nawaz et  al.
Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2013a,b, Nawaz 2015).
2012, 2013a,b). During the study, an attrition calculation Embedded dehydrogenation fixed-bed reactor
formula was developed, which explains the varying parti- systems (EDFBRS) for the dehydrogenation of light
cle density and size distribution effect on attrition behav- alkanes was proposed by Nawaz et  al. (2014), as shown
ior based on distinct fracturing mechanism (Miracca in Figure 8A. The system includes a furnace and further
and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et al. 2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, includes embedded alkane feed preheating chambers,
2013a,b). This varying particle density effect on attrition regeneration mixture preheating chambers, at the top
behavior as disclosed by Nawaz et  al. is valid for all the portion of furnace, and two groups of reaction chambers,
fluidized bed systems, as with the time catalyst size will all located within the furnace (Nawaz et al. 2014). The two
not remain the same, or its density may vary due to the groups of reaction chambers can be switchable coupled
deposition of the product or byproducts, change of physi- to an alkane feed and a regeneration mixture feed such
cal properties, and/or other contaminations. An inte- that an alkane can flow through one group of reaction
grated process was proposed with GSS-FBR, where the chambers, while a regeneration mixture flows through
dehydrogenation reactor was attached to olefin intercon- the other group of reaction chambers. Therefore, the
version reactor (higher olefins to lower olefins; Miracca reactor operates and produces in a continuous fashion.
and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. 2010a–h). The second- The choice of catalyst can influence the operating phi-
ary catalyst took heat from the regenerator (~650–700°C), losophy; for example, chromium-based catalysts are
provided heat to the principal dehydrogenation catalyst highly active and achieve a high conversion of alkanes
in the dehydrogenation reactor (~550–610°C), and finally
served as the catalyst for olefin interconversion reaction
(~480–520°C; Miracca and Piovesan 1999, Nawaz et  al. B
Air/Fuel gas
2010a–h, 2011a,b, 2012, 2013a,b). The bimodal system
significantly improves principal catalyst holdup and well-
mixed hydrodynamics and its bubble braking mixing phe-
nomena improved the catalyst-feed interaction. The pilot Product
unit results significantly endorse the superiority of design. Fuel

4.7 SABIC dehydrogenation technology

SABIC as a leading petrochemical company is explored in
this chapter. Intensive work has been focused on reactor A Regeneration air
design concepts and for the improvement of existing oper- from pre-heater

ating units using chromium-based catalysts. For propane


dehydrogenation, platinum-based catalysts were explored Feed


due to their high selectivity for propylene. Selective zeolite

supported platinum-based catalyst compositions were Reaction/Regeneration
developed for light alkane, particularly for propane and chambers

butane dehydrogenation; the catalyst composition con- Nitrogen

tains platinum, a tin component, a potassium component, Product
one or more additional promoter elements, and a silico-
alumino-phosphate (SAPO-34) molecular sieve zeolite
support or modified SAPO-34 (Nawaz et al. 2013a,b, Nawaz
2015). The catalysts were prepared by sequential impreg-
nation methods and observed the conversion of alkanes Air/Fuel

~35% and selectivity ~94% for propylenes and ~84% for

Figure 8: SABIC Dehydrogenation Reactor Concepts (A) Embed-
butenes. The presence of a small concentration of potas- ded Dehydrogenation Fixed Bed Reactor Systems (EDFBRS) for
sium with tin that modifies the surface electron density of dehydrogenating of light alkane; (B) Integrated FBR with internal
the final catalyst makes it more suitable for light alkane regenerator.

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Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies      19

to alkenes but can be deactivated quickly, which can 5 Summary

require frequent regeneration (e.g. after approximately
8–20 min). On the contrary, platinum-based catalysts are The price difference between paraffins and olefins,
comparatively less active and require slower deactiva- with an increasing demand for olefins, keeps dehydro-
tion, and it can require regeneration after approximately genation technologies drivers of profit that makes them
6–12  h of operation. Moreover, regeneration require- attractive for future research and commercialization. The
ments are slightly different. EDFBRS has the flexibility available technologies for the direct dehydrogenation of
to manage all these aspects of frequency and intensity light alkanes to olefins were discussed with respect to
of regeneration (Nawaz et  al. 2014). The design is not catalyst and reactor design. Only known catalysts and
only unique but has also the advantages of continuous reactor concepts – those that were at least piloted or have
production from a single unit, lower heat losses as eve- been potential candidate for commercialization – were
rything is in the furnace box, embedded preheaters for discussed. Most commercial processes only use chro-
reaction and regeneration, operational ease, and less mium- or platinum-based catalysts, while each technol-
mechanical integrity issues. At one time, feed gas enters ogy has uniqueness in the reactor features and operating
the preheating chambers located at the top of furnace and philosophy. The recent inventions address the catalyst
then enters the reaction chambers located in the high- robustness issues related to higher selectivity with higher
temperature zone of furnace. Similarly, the regeneration conversion, high temperature stabilities, lower hydrog-
gas mixture also enters the fixed regeneration preheating enolysis activity, and carbon deposition on support.
chambers at the top of furnace and enters the catalyst bed The process, in general, does not enjoy the plethora of
for regeneration. At a certain time, some of the chambers mechanistic subtleties that have engaged researchers to
filled with the catalyst were on regeneration and some develop sophisticated technologies. Achieving opera-
were on reaction. tional excellence is getting more and more vital due to
Another unique design of an integrated FBR with heat supply schemes for endothermic reaction and fre-
internal regenerator and a process for dehydrogena- quent regeneration. Innovative ideas and pragmatic
tion of paraffins to olefins is disclosed by Nawaz et  al. approaches are required to improve the processes, oper-
(2014) (as shown in Figure 8B). The integrated FBR ational efficiency, and cost-effective debottlenecking.
reactor design provides an advantage of sharing regen- Moreover, the downstream of most light alkane dehy-
erator heat to the reactor for endothermic reaction and drogenation units is similar. Recent technologies were
run the reactor substantially isothermal, lower catalyst presented with improved reactor design concepts having
circulation, and lower attrition (Nawaz et al. 2014). Gen- integrated approaches for heat transfer to achieve better
erally, the FBR dehydrogenation reactor has multiple performance. Recently, an extensive work in developing
interdependent variables to control the process, as dis- dehydrogenation catalysts is about selective catalyst (e.g.
cussed in Section 4.4, for FBD technology, such as cir- platinum-based zeolite supports catalyst). The design
culation rate and/or regenerator temperature to control philosophies for integrated fluidized bed having internal
reactor temperature, which further defines the catalyst regenerator and embedded fixed-bed furnace-type dehy-
bulk density, holdup, or residence time. In the proposed drogenation reactors were discussed for their operational
design, the interdependency of control variables was superiority.
no more present, and inherent design addresses these
issues, as only one lifts gas for catalyst circulation (i.e. Acknowledgments: The author acknowledges the technical
regeneration air and catalyst entered the reactor directly, support of colleagues who built the cultural background of
without having transfer line). Transfer lines for catalyst industrial dehydrogenation research in SABIC Technology
movement from one equipment to another cause tem- & Innovation at Riyadh.
perature loss and considered as one of the major sources
of attrition. Integrated FBR has only one transfer line, Disclaimer: Moreover, the article may contain forward-
and it is enough to control circulation and holdup in looking statements based on assumptions, knowledge-
both risers. Overall, the process enhances feed conver- based forecasts, known and unknown risks, uncertainties,
sion and desired product selectivity, using chromium- or financial situation, development or performance, and
platinum-based catalyst, as closer to plug flow behavior. the estimates/designs presented here. Therefore, the
The design has better flexibility and control in operation author or the company assumes no liability, whatsoever
with less variables compared to other FBR dehydrogena- to update these forward-looking statements or to confirm
tion technologies (Nawaz et al. 2014). them to future events or developments.

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20      Z. Nawaz: Alkane dehydrogenation technologies

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Wei F, Tang XP, Zhou H, Nawaz Z. Development of propylene [email protected]
production enhancement technology. Petrochem Technol
2008; 37: 979–983.
Wei F, Nawaz Z, Tang XP. Light alkane dehydrogenation to olefins Zeeshan Nawaz received his BE and MSc degrees with distinction
catalyst, their preparation method and applications. Chin in Chemical Engineering from MUET Jamshoro in 2003 and UET
Patent Appl 200910091226.6, 2009. Lahore in 2006, respectively. He earned his doctoral degree (PhD)
Wei F, Nawaz Z, Tang XP, Chu Y, Wang Y. Integrated fluidized bed in Chemical Engineering and Technology from Tsinghua University,
reactor design for alkane dehydrogenation. Chin Patent Appl Beijing, China in 2010. He has been engaged in a number of cata-
201010103170.4, 2010. lyst development, process and reactor design, and plant support
Wenner RR, Dybal EC. Catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene. activities for alkane dehydrogenation since 2005 and patented
Catal Eng Prog 1948: 44: 275–286. about 20 catalyst and process/reactor concepts. Working as a lead
Xu B, Zheng B, Hua W, Yue Y, Gao Z. Support effect in scientist in SABIC Technology & Innovation, Saudi Basic Industries
dehydrogenation of propane in the presence of CO2 over Corporation (SABIC), he is involved in high-fidelity reactor mod-
supported gallium oxide catalysts. J Catal 2006; 239: eling, plant support, and various technology development activi-
470–477. ties, particularly alkane dehydrogenation, acetylene hydrogena-
Xu B, Li T, Zheng B, Hua W, Yue Y, Gao Z. Enhanced stability of tion, MTBE, ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, and syngas conversion
HZSM-5 supported Ga2O3 catalyst in propane dehydrogenation to olefins. He won many awards and scholarships in his career,
by dealumination. Catal Lett 2007; 119: 283–288. including the NAYS Best Young Scientist (Chemistry) Award in 2011
Yang ML, Zhu YA, Fan C, Sui ZJ, Chen D, Zhou XG. DFT study of and SABIC Syngas Technology Development Award 2015. Dr Nawaz
propane dehydrogenation on Pt catalyst: effects of step sites. has more than 50 journal publications and editorial board member
Phys Chem Chem Phys 2011; 13: 3257. in various reputed research journals of chemical engineering.

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